(Template) Minggu Ke 4 Januari

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Minggu ke 4 Januari 2021

27Januari 2021

1. Materi ditulis kembali dibuku catatan dengan rapih
2. Kerjakan tugasnya
- Dibuat menjadi recount text (cerita pengalaman tentang liburan) sesuai
dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan
3. .Karangan pengalaman boleh di ketik di word/ditulis di buku latihan
4. Tugas/karangan di upload/dikirim ke gcr
5. Batas pengiriman tugas pukul 18.00
6. Dilembar tugas tulis nama dan kelas

 Social function

To retell of the past event for the purpose of informing or entertaining

(Menceritakan kembali kejadian yang sudah terjadi dengan tujuan untuk
menginformasikan atau menghibur)

 Generic structure

 Orientation : provides the setting and introduces participants. (menceritakan

mengenai latar belakang informasi tentang siapa, dimana, kapan kejadian
atau peristiwa terjadi)
 Events : tell what happened in what sequence (menceritakan serangkaian
peristiwa yang terjadi sesuai urutan kronologis)
 Re – Orientation : optional-closure of events (merupakan penutup atau
kesimpulan cerita)

 Language features

 Introducing personal participants ; I, my …, etc

 Using conjunction : and, before, then, after that, etc
 Using linking verb ; was, were, saw, heard, etc
 Using action verb ; look, go, change, etc
 Using past tense (lampau), seperti went, woke up, invited, was, were dsb)


Name : Athariq Maulana Rafail

Class : 8H

Pelajari materi diatas sebelum membuat teks recount (pengalaman) tentang liburan

Write a recount text about your last holiday (tulis recount teks/cerita pengalaman
tentang liburanmu) sesuai dengan pertanyaan yang diberikan. Tell what you did
during your holiday.

Think about the following questions before you start writing.

1. Where did you go? When did you go? Who did you you go with?
2. How did you get there? How long did you stay there?
3. What was the weather like? Where did you stay?
4. What did you do during the day? In the evening?
5. Had you been there before?
6. Did you enjoy the holiday? Why (not)?
7. Would you go back or recommend it to others?

1. On my holidays I go to grandma’s, I go to grandma’s on Saturday, I go to grandma’s

house with my parents
2. Because there isa friend of mine, I was there for 3 months
3. Sometimes it was sunny and sometimes it rained, and I lived in cihanjuang
4. During the day I played football and at night I played games with my brother
5. Yes
6. I enjoy the holiday
7. I’d go back but do not recommend
- Cerita tentang pengalaman menggunakan tenses past tense (lampau) S + V 2
- Jika liburan dirumah silahkan ceritakan sesuai dengan pengalamanmu
selama liburan.

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