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LUBRIKA 404 is a very effective graphite in water hot forging die
lubricant and release agent, especially formulated to be used on hot
forging press dies. It was developed taking into consideration the main
operational parameters encountered in the forging operations, especially
those where the piece being forged is heavy and complex.
LUBRIKA 404 was conceived to provide good to excellent performance
within a wide range of die temperatures and other variables typical of the
forging operations.

Properly applied to the die cavities by spray atomization LUBRIKA 404

will permit a smooth flow and release of the metal. Its coefficient of
friction is extremely low.
LUBRIKA 404 is smokeless, nonflammable and does not
generate harmful vapors.
Its unique formulation makes LUBRIKA 404 to remain stable , even at
temperatures that normally decompose the binder. The graphite, its main
active ingredient, has a very high carbon content, low ash, microscopic
particle size and hexagonal and plain geometry thus permitting a very
continuous and homogeneous film formation over the dies. LUBRIKA 404
has excellent stability in automatic spray systems and central lube
Specific advantages offered by LUBRIKA 404 include:

• Excellent lubricity
• Superb release
• Efficient die filling
• Lower associated Disposal costs
• Environmentally friendly
• Uniform wetting of hot dies
• Extended die life
• Noncorrosive
• Nonflammable

Hot forging of crankshafts, connecting rods, steering shafts, piston heads
and most of automotive parts.
(As supplied)
Solid lubricant: Processed micro graphite
Solid content: 23 to 24%
Carrier/diluent: Demineralized water
Consistency: Thixotropic fluid
Density: 1.11 gr/cm3
Freezing point: 0°C
Color: Black
LUBRIKA 404 is a concentrate and must be diluted with water prior to its
application to the dies. The dilution ratio has to be determined according
the weight, complexity, and operating variables such as die temperature,
speed of the operation, etc. Also factors such as type of atomization
nozzles and characteristics, distance of application and time of application
will influence the determination of the most suitable dilution ratio
required. The correct dilution is made by adding water to the concentrate
with moderate stirring. A starting evaluation at 1:4 (product: water) is
recommended. Dilution ratios, however, can exceed 1:10 (product: water)
depending on the forging operation.
Diluted LUBRIKA 404 must be only spray applied to the die cavities.
Handguns or automatic equipments such as reciprocators can be used for
this purpose.
Reseal LUBRIKA 404 containers tightly to prevent contamination. Avoid
See Material Safety Data Sheet for additional information on handling,
precautions and first aid instructions.
Plastic pails 20kg

Metallic drums: 225 kg

Plastic totes: 1000 kg

Export containers: 72 drums or 20 totes

Information presented in this Product Data Sheet is considered reliable, and will deliver the performance as stated, but
conditions and methods of use, which are beyond our control, may modify results. Before adopting our products for
commercial use, the user should confirm their suitability. In no case should recommendations or suggestions for the
use of our products be understood to sanction violation of any patent.

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