Discrimination Essay

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This writing will deal with the story of Shayne Holland, a man who experienced an event of

discrimination in the swimming pool of his residential unit, simply because of the color of
his skin.
Shayne was one day enjoying the pool of his unit when an of duty cop approached him to
ask him to leave since according to her he did not live in the place, he refused to give her
his address since he did not know her, and at this point the property manager arrives to
verify his residence, even though he verifies it and he gives her his data and shows her the
key, this is not enough and they insist that he needs to leave. Even the police take away the
key of his hand hinting that it was stolen. The property manager also says that many people
were complaining (which was not real) and Shayne argued that they were simply asking
him this question because of the color of his skin. The result of this altercation was
evidenced in a video recorded by Shayne himself and became so viral that the property
manager and the police were removed from their positions.

This is a case taken from the United States where in total, in 2019 there were 1,099 deaths,
of which 24% were of black people. What is striking is that of the total population, African
Americans do not reach 14%. Despite this, this situation is not external to Colombia. The
outlook in the country is not encouraging. According to DANE figures, the black
population amounts to 4.6 million, according to the census carried out in 2018, in the 100
municipalities with the highest percentage of habitants of this population, 48% of the
households are poor, 59% do not have access a significant education and of these, 31.3%
reach the primary level, followed by 24.9% in secondary education and only 19.2%
secondary. It should be noted that, according to the Victims Unit, of these 4.6 million
people who belong to the Afro population, 22% are victims of the armed conflict.

In conclusion, the situation experienced by Shayne that day in his residential unit in which
he was denied simply because of the color of his skin, the figures for murders of people of
color in the United States, and especially the figures in Colombia on the low quality of life
that the majority of Afro-descendant's lead and their alarming exposure to the armed
conflict. All this should lead us to reflection since this is not a situation external to us and
we should care as if they were our family, that is why reporting these types of events every
time we witness or hear from them is essential, likewise generate awareness of racial
discrimination. That this situation improves and is eradicated is in our hands.

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