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: School :

Class/ Level : 1st Bac Materials : Textbook, Board

Textbook : Ticket to English
Unit 4 : Environment and Ecology Lesson : Punctuation
Focus : writing Time : 50 min
Integrated skills: speaking
Objectives : By the end of this lesson Ss will be able to :
- Use capitalization correctly.
- Identify and use punctuation marks appropriately.
Stage / Activity Procedure
Warm-up -T greets Ss:” Good morning”
5 min -Review: Remind me of what we studied last session?
Pre-writing Capitalization rules:
15 min Review We use capital letters with:
1- At the beginning of a sentence.
2- After a full stop (period).
3- Names of People and Places.
4-Countries, cities, languages, and nationalities.
5- The personal pronoun “I”
6- Days and Months (Monday, Friday, September…..)
-T. explains the Punctuation marks

Punctuation mark The use

At the end of a sentence.
Period (Full stop) “.“
To separate three or more items.
Comma “,“ Ex: I need eggs, milk, sugar, and bread.
To introduce a list
Colon “:“ Ex: There are 7 days in the week: Monday ,

“ ;“
To separate sentences that are
grammatically independent but that have
closely connected meaning.
Ex: He loves studying; he can’t get
enough of school.
Question mark “? “ After questions.
Exclamation mark “! “ To show emotion or surprise.

Exercises 1 : Use appropriate punctuation marks in the following

While- writing 1. we had a great time in france the kids really enjoyed it
20 min Writing 2. some people work best in the mornings however others do better in the
3. what are you doing next weekend
4. mother had to go into hospital she had heart problems
5. she said did you understand why i was upset
6. it is a fine idea let us hope that it is going to work
7. we will be arriving on monday morning  but I am not sure about it
8. cristiano ronaldo is portuguese leonel messi is argentinian
Post- writing -Ss compare their sentences.
10min Error
-The whole class correction
T. writes the final draft on the board.

Writing Lesson Plan

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