Unit 12 Past Simple

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Unit 12 Past Simple (Regular/Irregular


Exercice 1.

- Laughed.
- Stayed.
- Pulled.
- Kissed.
- Enjoyed.
- Cooked.
- Tidied.
- Cried.
- Studied.
- Tried.
- Hurried.
Double consonant + ed.
- Travelled.
- Planned.
- Robbed.
- Dropped.
- Preferred.
Exercise 2.

- Started.
- Waited.
- Visited.
- Ended.
- Added.
- Counted.
- Decided.
- Wished
- Opened.

Exercise 3.
1. Ran.
2. Made.
3. Broke.
4. Read.
5. Saw.
6. Drank.
7. Fed.
8. Ate.
9. Came.
10. Found.
11. Said.
12. Took.
13. Drove.
14. Stole.
15. Wrote.
16. Woke.
17. Brought
18. Left.
19. Slept.
20. Swam.
21. Knew.
22. Gave.
Exercise 4.
1. Mary went somewhere yesterday.
Did she go to the theatre?
2. John met someone yesterday?
Did he meet to his boss?.
3. Father repaired something yesterday.
Did father repair the car?
4. They visited somebody yesterday.
Did they visit the Browns?
5. Sheila bought something yesterday.
Did Sheila buy a dress?
6. Tom talked to somebody yesterday.
Did tom talk to ben?
7. They brought something yesterday.
Did they bring a cake?
Exercise 5.
1. Did you go to the school yesterday?
No, it was suday.
2. He rea dan interesting book last month.
3. I looked for my keys bit i did not find them.
4. I was not hungry so i did not eat anything.
5. Did you speak to Fred yesterday?
Yes, i pone him.
6. Did you ring the bell?
Yes, but nobody answered.
7. What was that noise?
I did not hear anything.
8. What did they have for breakfast?
Bacon and eggs.
9. How many books did you buy?
Only one.
10. He opened his present on christmas morning.
11. I washed my clothes on Sunday afternoon.
Exercise 6.
1. Jhon was tired, so he went to bed early. (1-F)
2. Peter needed some money, so he went to the bank. (2-E)
3. Anna did not like the film, so she left the cinema. (3-H)
4. Sophia and Mary missed, so the took a taxi. (4-G)
5. Somebody stole Mr jone´s car, so he called the pólice. (5-B)
6. The children broke their mother´s watch, so she shouted at them. (6-D)
7. I did not feel well, so I took an aspirin. (7-C)
8. Mike had toothache, so he went to the dentist. (8-A)

Exercise 7.
1. Went
2. Found.
3. Put up.
4. Ate.
5. Showed.
6. Picked.
7. Swam.
8. Had.

Exercise 8.
1. Did the find a nice place for their tent?
Yes, They did, near a river.
2. Did they eat hamburgers and biscuits?
No, they did not, they ate sándwiches.
3. Did Mr. Carter show the children how to fish?
Yes, he did.
4. Did Mrs. Carter swim in the river?
No, she did not, their dog swam in the river.
5. Did they have a good time?
Yes, they did.
Exercise 9.
1. Did you go to the supermarket?
2. Yes, I did.
3. I did not go to the baker´s.
4. Did you go to the letters?
5. No, I did not.
6. And did you make the beds?
7. Yes, I did
8. I also washed the dishes.
9. I fed Blacky
10. I took him for a walk.
11. Did you wáter the plants?
12. No, I did not.

Exercise 10.
1. Tina is washing her car at the momento.
2. Alex phoned me yesterday evening.
3. Did you watch the football match on TV last night?
No, I did not like football very much.
4. Father is reading his newspaper now.
He always read it in the evening.
5. They often went to the beach last year.
6. We did not go to the cinema last night. We stayed inat home listened
to music.
7. Steve woke up at 8:30 yesterday morning. He had a shower and them
he ate a big breakfast.
8. Richard usually leaved the office at 4 o´clock. It is 4:30 now and he is
stilling work because he came to work late his morning.
9. Mr and Mrs Adams usually visited their daughter on Sundays.
10. Greg and Catherine looked for a new flat at present.
11.Diana leaved school in 1989. She studied french at university and she
became a teacher four years ago.
12. The children are in the garden. They are playing with the dog.
13. Ben often met his Friends on Sunday morning, last Sunday they drove
to the beach and spent all day there.
14. Where did be Peter?
He leaved for work a minute ago.
15. When did you visit India?
Ten years ago. I liked it very much.
16. Tom usually got up late on Saturday mornings. He woke up early last
Saturday because he wanted to go to the shops with my sister.

Exercise 11.
1. What time did you get this morning? (1-D)
At 8 o´clock.
2. When did she move to London? (2-A)
Four years ago.
3. Why did she go to Paris? (3-F)
For holiday.
4. Where did he see the film? (4-B)
At the cinema.
5. Whose car did she drive this morning? (5-G)
6. Who did they invite to dinner? (6-E)
Jean and tom.
7. What did you have for lunch? (7-C)
Exercise 12.
1. I woke up half and hour ago.
2. I had a breakfast at the momento.
3. I went to Philip´s party last night.
4. We came home very late.
5. Did you enjoy the party?
6. I had a very good time.
7. Ann did not like it.
8. They only played rock music.
9. Ann hated rock.
10. She didn’t dance at all.
11. Did they serve any food?
12. Yes, there were a lot of things.
13. What did you do last night?

Exercise 13.
1. Karen washes her hair every day.
2. Mark worked very hard these days.
3. I talked to Carol on the phone a few days ago.
4. John is staying with his cousin at present.
5. We sometimes eat bacon and eggs for breakfast.
6. Jane broke her arm last Monday.
7. Did you call Mike yesterday?
8. I got up 9 o’clock on Sundays.
9. They went to the Bahamas last summer.
10. She bought a computer three days ago.
Exercise 14.
1. Mr Smith is a lawyer. He works a lot of hours. (A)
2. Sid helped me with my homework last night. (C)
3. The robber jumped over the wall and ran away. (C)
4. What is dad doing? He is painting the bathroom. (A)
5. When father came, we went to the theatre. (B)

Exercise 15.
1. Did you go shopping yesterday?
No, i didn’t have time.
2. How was your meal?
Lovely. We enjoyed it very much.
3. When did you break your leg?
Two days ago.

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