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In this chapter III, this chapter explains about the research process or the

research design conducted by the researcher, starting from the nature of research,

research site, data source, data collection method, research subject, data analysis

method. As this research is regarding the service standard operation that managed

by Topotels Hotels & Resorts, I’m sure that this research is more to the direct field


3.1 Research Design

In this research, the research is in qualitative research, this research is not in

the form of numbers but this research is more observed in the characteristic,

concepts and the case study of the data. According to Maleong, Qualitative research

was a scientific research that aims to understand the phenomenon of natural social

phenomena by prioritizing the process of deep communication interaction between

researchers and the phenomenon under study.

Qualitative research never used statistic in the data analysis. Qualitative

research is more refer to see data, utilize existing theory as the support material, and

produce a theory. Qualitative research method was a way or more effort to bend to

aspect of in-depth understanding of a problem. Based on Sugiyono (2009: 15),


Qualitative research methods were research used to investigate, discover,

represent, and clarify qualities and features that have social impacts that cannot be

explained, measured or illustrated through quantitative research.

As refer to Chadwik, et al (1991:234), that methodology qualitative refers

to research strategies such as participant observation, in-depth interviews, total

participants in the activities of those under investigation, friendliness, and also

Allow researchers to obtain firsthand information about empirical social problems

that are about to be broke down.

This research design uses case studies and field research that intend to learn

intensively about the problem situation and the position of an event that happen

right now, and natural social unit interactions. Research subjects can be carried out

by individuals, groups, institutions or society. Case study research is in-depth study

of certain social units and the results of these studies provide a broad and in-depth

overview of certain social units. Subject studied were relatively limited, but the

variables and focus on the research were very broad in dimensions (Danim, 2002).

According to Suryabrata (2006:80), the aim of the research was to study

about the background of the situation right now and have interaction environment

of a social unit: individuals, group, institution, or community.

The reason doing this study case is not to compare between Topotel Hotels

& Resorts Jakarta with other hotels. This research is more focusing on the strategic

of their standard operating procedure at Topotel Hotels & Resorts Jakarta and how

they dealing with their SOP.


3.2. Research Object

Office of Topotels is located at Plaza Oleos, Floor 17 Unit C. TB.

Simatupang Street Kav 51-53 South Jakarta 12520. Topotel Hotels & Resorts was

founded in 2012 by Mr. Yonto Wongso as Chief Executive Officer & CO Founder

of Topotels Hotels & Resorts, he is the Director of Hospitality Industry

Development with more than 18 years of experience. By this research, as hotelier

we can know how the hotel strategy in carrying out the SOP, planning procedure,

evaluation procedure, how the management function.

3.3 Data Collection Method

The source of data in this research is:

1) Primary data

Based on understanding of S. Nasution primary data was data obtained

directly from the field or research site (Moleong, 2010: 157). And

According to Lofland, the essence of qualitative research was in the form of

words and actions. The primary data source in this study is based on

interviews with internal parties. The research informants will be explained

in the data collection sub-section below.

In qualitative research, most of the data collected by interacting with

informant and researcher needs to find potential informants who have

experience with this case study and willing to share their thought

researcher. The criteria of the informant is:

 Access informants in the age of 30- 45 years old.


 For sex can be male and female.

 For the profession is more focused on the informants who works at Human

Resources Department.

2) Secondary data

Secondary data was data obtained from reading sources including personal

letters, diaries, minutes of meetings, to official documents from various

government institutions (Moleong, 2010: 159). The researcher uses this

secondary data to strength out their findings and finished through

information collected through by the direct interviews.

There are two data collection methods in this research:

1. Interview

An Interview was a conversation that had a specific purposes.

Conversation were usually carried out by two people, which was the

interviewer who asks question and the interviewer (the person being

interviewed) who gives the answer to that question (Moleong, 2010: 186).

Interviewing technique by collecting data directly from the hotel’s

staff who have worked for a long time and who are still new. By doing the

interview, the researcher get the maximum research about how the staff

carry out the SOP. So while doing the interview, the researcher choose

several staff or parties that related for the maximum results.

Researcher doing in depth interview by using the interview guide,

the main questions were developed along with or while asking after the

informant answered so that have an interactive interview took place in


between the researcher and the informant. The interviewing are conducted

while being recorded so that the data obtained can be reconfirmed.

2. Observation

According to Riyanto as quoted by Tanzeh (2009: 58), states that

observation was a data collection method that uses observations on research

objects that can be done directly and indirectly. According to Narbuko and

Achamdi (2012:70), Observation was data collection which was done by

observing and recording systematically the symptoms investigated in the

study. Observation can also be made through observing behavior or the

process of activities in the hotel such as how the staff grooming, service to

customer, responsive data and shape of the company and so on.

According to Patton and Nasution, the benefit of doing the observation:

 By observing on-site research it will be better to understand the context of

overall data of social situations so that comprehensive view can be obtained.

 By observing, researcher will gain direct experience.

 By doing observation by the researchers, it can also see things that are lack

or not observed by others.

 By doing observation, researcher will find things that were not disclosed by

respondents in the interview because they are sensitive and are considered

to be detrimental to the name of the institution.

 With observation, researcher can find things that are outside the

respondent’s perception.

 Through the observation of researcher not only collecting data but also

getting personal impressions, and feeling the atmosphere of the social case


3. Documentation

Documentation method is a qualitative data collection method by

viewing or analyzing documents created by the subjects themselves or by

others by the subject. Documentation is information that stored or

documented as documentation material. In detail, the material is divided into

several types, namely autobiographies, personal letters, books or diaries,

clippings, government documents as well as private entities, films,

photography and so on. This qualitative research uses the documentation

method to complete the interview or observation data.

In the research, it is needed an instrument to get the data that it is

valid (Moleong, 2010: 168). In qualitative research, findings or data can

declared valid if there are none difference in the report by the researcher

with what actually happened to the case study. In this research, researcher

acted as a data collector and also as active instrument in collecting data in

the field. With its role as a data collector, so the researcher as the instrument

did “validation” in conducting research directly in the field. Its needed

devices and document to be more convincing of the study result. By

conducting direct research in the field, case studies are more successfully


3.4 Data analysis Method

Data analysis method is a stage of the research process where the data that

has been collected is managed to be processed in order to answer the problem

formulation. Management and data processing is what is called as data analysis.

According to Lexy J. Moleong (2002), Resolution of data analysis was a process

that determined by the order of the data that organizes the organization into certain

patterns, forms and basic units of description. This is done to get conclusions at the

end that are easy to digest.

Data analysis method have the principle that is to process data and analyze

the data collected into systematic, orderly, structured, and meaningful data.

According to Sugiyono (2012: 246-252), Activities in qualitative data analysis were

always carried out interactively and continue to completion, so that the data

becomes saturated. Activity in data analysis:

 Data Reduction

Quite a lot of data obtained from field, it is necessary to note

carefully in detail. As noted, the longer the spaciousness of the researcher,

the greater the amount of data, complex and complicated. In this case, the

need for data analysis through data reduction. Reducing data means

summarizing, choosing key points, focusing on what is important to find.

Data Reduction will be clear and easy picture for researchers in conducting

data collection. Data reduction can assist using electronic device such as

computers, providing code on certain aspects (Sugiyono, 2012: 247).

 Data display

Data has been reducing, the next step is to display the data. In

qualitative data, presentation data can be done in a short descriptions, charts,

relationship between categories, flow charts and its kind. Based on Miles

and Huberman (1984) stated “the most commonly used form of data display

for qualitative research data in the past is in the form of narrative text”. The

data most often used in qualitative research is narrative text (Sugiyono,

2012: 249).

By display data, it will be easier to understand what is happen right

now, planning further work based on what is understood. “Seeing the

displays helps us understand what is happening and does a number of

things- further analysis or careful understanding”. Miles and Huberman

(1984). Furthermore, it is recommended, in displaying data, in addition to

text narrative can also be in the form of graphs, matrices, networks and

charts (Sugiyono, 2012: 249).

 Conclusion Drawing/ Interpretation

Qualitative data analysis is based on the statement of Miles and Huberman

drawing conclusions and verify that the initial conclusions submitted are

only temporary and change if no strong evidence is found to support the data

collection stage. If conclusions are raised at an early stage, and supported

by valid and consistent evidence if the researcher returns to the field to

collect data, the conclusions submitted are reasonable conclusions

(Sugiyono, 2012: 252).


Conclusions in qualitative research allow answering the formulation

of problems that has been formulated from the beginning, but it could also

not be possible, because it is stated that the problem formulation and

problems in qualitative research is only for a while and will develop after

research is carried out in the field (Sugiyono, 2012: 252).

The conclusions in qualitative research is a new findings that has

never existed before. Findings can be a description or description of the

previous object, it was still blurred so that after research become clear, it

can be causal or interactive relationship, in the form of hypothesis or

theories (Sugiyono, 2012: 253).

3.4.1 Validity and Reliability

 Validity

Validity refers to how accurate the method is measured. If the

research has high validity, it means it produces results that match the nature,

features, and tangible variations in the physical or social world.

Validity shows the accuracy of the research measuring instruments

about something to be measured. To test the validity is to measure how

precisely in the statements in the questionnaire can be expressed by

measuring it using a questionnaire. (Murniati et al 2013).

By doing the face validity, face validity is validity that related to

what appears in measuring something and not to what should be measured.


Like conducting interviews, informants like the Human Resources by

looking the identity card.

 Reliability

Reliability refer to how consistent the measurement method is in

measuring something. If the result is achieved consistently used the same

method in the same state of measurement is considered reliable.

Reliability shows the reliability of the questionnaire which is an

indicator of the construct. To use the reliability test is measuring the

determination of research instruments. The questionnaire is said to be

reliable if it has a determination from time to time. So that when

measurements are made by different people and at different times, the

results remain the same. (Murniati et al, 2013)

By doing content analysis that adjusted to the theory in Chapter II.

To prove it all must be recorded, then the recording is converted to a


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