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The Importance of Mastering Soft Skills for Gen Z in the Labor Sector to Compete in the

Industrial Revolution Era 5.0

Background : In this era of rapid change, young professionals must be adaptive. Not
only about ability/hard skills but also aspects of soft skills. Especially in the future, the
generation that will dominate the world of work is Generation Z. Why are soft skills important
for Generation Z? Because in one of the World Economic Forum reports it is stated that 80% of
the skills needed by the workforce to be able to compete in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0
are mastery of soft skills. While 12% of them are technical skills.
KeyWords : Soft Skill and Industrial Revolution Era 4.0
1. Soft skills are self-attributes and communication skills which are innate traits and
are not formally learned.
2. In general, Industry 4.0 describes the growing trend towards automation and data
exchange in technology and processes in the manufacturing industry. Industry 4.0 or the fourth
industrial revolution is a term commonly used for the level of development of the technology
industry in the world. In short, industry 4.0 is all about digital transformation.
Solution :
With the needs of the world of work that are increasingly demanding for creativity and
require collaboration from various parties, Generation Z is not only required to have
technological/artificial intelligence but also interpersonal intelligence. The following are the
skills needed by Generation Z:
1. Self Awareness
Generation Z must realize their potential and be able to use that understanding as
a careful plan to develop in the business/profession they will take later. If they do not
have an understanding of it, it is feared that they will only be swayed by the lifestyle that
surrounds them.
2. Innovation
This skill is closely related to creativity. Creativity is always closely related to the
ability to break old things and modify them into new things. Generation Z must have this
because it is the capital to compete in the midst of the proliferation of start-up businesses.
3. Communication Skill
Communication skills here consist of interpersonal communication and mass
communication as well as organizational communication. There are many cases of
conflict in business just because of poor communication. Communication skills are
closely related to empathy skills.
4. Leadership
Leadership is the key to moving a community, business and other organization.
Starting from leading yourself, leading others and leading an organization. Generation Z
without leadership skills is just like a human being rich in ideas but poor in action.

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