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Elementary Level Test

1. a book. read
2. a letter. write
3. to a song. listen
4. at a picture. look
5. a question. ask
6. English. speak
7. in town. live
8. in a bank work
Words: ask listen live work read speak look write

2. Fill in the correct prepositions

We live in… New York…near. The Browery.We live …in.. big apartment…
on third floor.Our building is under. The library…in… Our apartment is a
bakery.We are happy…. Our neighborhood
Prepositions: In near On Under

3.Read and answer the questions

When you go to a restaurant you often think that the food you are
ordering is good for you. But many restaurants serve healthy food, like
fish or salad, with a sauce or dressing that uses a lot of oil, fat, or sugar.
The British Food Standards Agency wants all restaurants to say in their
menus exactly what is in each dish,how many calories, how much fat,
and what additives. They think that restaurants don't give their
customers enough information, and that this new plan could help
people to have a healthier diet.But chefs are not happy with the
Agency's plan. One top chef said, 'people are not stupid. They know
that many sauces have butter and cream in them. But if we put on a
menu that a dish has 1,000 calories, nobody is going to order
it!'.However, many doctors agree with the plan. Bruce Ward, Professor
of Medicine,said, 'people know that cigarettes are bad for
them,because it tells you on the packet. But when they go to a
restaurant they often have no idea if the food is healthy or not. Food
products that have a lot of calories, fat, and sugar need a health
warning, exactly like cigarettes.'

1.Many restaurants …A.

A serve healthy food. B only serve fish and salad.
C serve healthy food but with unhealthy sauces.

2. The British Food Standards Agency wants restaurants....B

A to serve healthy food. B to give more information about their dishes.
C not to use fat and additives.

3. Chefs think that..A..

A people are not going to order their dishes. B people are stupid.
C cream and butter are good for you.

4. Doctors think that people.B..

A need more information about cigarettes. B need more information about food.
C need to stop eating in restaurants.

Adjectives Comparative Superlative

NOISY noisier noisiest
BEAUTIFUL more beautiful the most beautiful
CRAZY crazier craziest
SMALL smaller smallest
COMFORTABLE more comfortable the most comfertable

5. I ….hardly ever............... drink Champagne – only at Christmas!

She ….never........... eats meat. She's a vegetarian.
He doesn't have a watch so he's …..always.................... late.
We …usually...................... get up at 7.00, except at weekends.
I don't do a lot of exercise but I ….....sometimes................. go swimming.


6.Fill in the blanks with prepositions of time

… 2009.
… the evening.
….....on................. Tuesday morning.
…...................... the 1st of May.
…...................... the winter.

7. Look at the picture and complete the sentences. Write ONE word in each gap.
There’s a cat ..under.......0......... the bed, and there are some shoes
the bed. There’s a big picture on the .wall......2......... . In the picture, there are
some ...graip......3......... , some trees and a . There’s a
on the little table .....near....6......... the bed. There’s a box on the
..ground.......7......... ,
and there are some books the box. There’s a radio on the
....shelf.....9......... . There’s a computer and a ...mouse......10......... on the
......bed...11......... .

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8. Read this email from a friend. Write a short reply. Answer his questions.
Hi! I’m in your flat. It’s very nice! I have two questions:
- Is there a radio? Where?
- Where are the coffee and the sugar?
Thanks, George
Dear George,
.hi GEORGE. Yes there is.There is a radio on the table…Coffe and the sugar in the

9. Complete this text about someone’s daily routine. Write ONE word for each space.
From Monday to Saturday, I usually get UP.........0......... at 7.30.
I .have........1......... a shower, get dressed and eat my breakfast.
Then I ...get......2......... the house at about 8.15, and go to work.
I get to the office at 8.45 and I ..get out.......3......... work at nine
o’clock. I have a very short lunchbreak, so I usually just have
.........4......... sandwich and a cup of coffee. I ..go to.......5.........
work at 6.00, and I get home at about a quarter .........6.........
six. After dinner, I usually the TV, and I go to
......bed...8......... at 11.00.
But today’s .........9........., so I’m not at work. It’s 10.45
in the morning. I’m listening .........10......... the radio – and
I’m .....have....11......... breakfast in bed.
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10. Think about three people you know. Where are they now?
What do you think they’re doing? Write a sentence about each one. father is at work now.and my mother doing sister have gone a
course ........................................................................................................................

11. Complete this conversation about a holiday. What does John say to Ann?
Choose the correct letter A–I from the box.
Ann: Hi, John. How are you?
John: 0 .....C.......
Ann: I’m fine. Did you have a good holiday?
John: 1 ..G............
Ann: Oh, where’s that?
John: 2 .......E.........
Ann: Great. How did you go? By plane?
John: 3 ....A............
Ann: And what was the weather like?
John: 4 ........B....
Ann: Did you go swimming?
John: 5 ......D..........
Ann: Lovely. But it sounds very expensive!
John: 6 .........F.......
Ann: Mm. Can I come next time?

A We drove, actually. It was quite a long journey!

B Fine. A bit cloudy, but warm – and it didn’t rain!
C Very well, thanks. And you?
D No, we stayed in a hotel.
E In the south of France. It’s near Cannes.
F Actually, it was free! We were in my parents’ villa.
G It’s usually very hot in summer.
H Not in the sea – it was quite cold. But we had a
pool in the garden, so we swam in that.
I Yes, it was great. We went to St Raphaël.

12. Complete this holiday postcard.Write ONE word in each gap

Hi, Pete.
We’re camping on a farm in the north OF.........0......... Italy, and we’re
.....HAVE....1......... a lovely time. I really ......LIKE...2......... sleeping in a tent –
it’s great fun. There’s lots to do here. Yesterday morning we all
...PLAY......3......... volleyball, and in the afternoon we .....RIDE....4.........
windsurfing on a lake. And this morning, I actually ...RIDE......5......... a horse!
I was quite frightened, actually, but the horse walked very ....WELL.....6......... ,
and I didn’t fall off! Today we’re going ......TO...7......... a long walk in the
hills, and this evening we’re .....GOING....8......... to light a fire and cook some
Bolzano sausages. We want to buy some presents, so tomorrow we’re
going ......TO...9......... in Verona! This is a wonderful place: the food’s great,
the weather’s lovely and hot – but the .....DOESNT LIKE....10......... thing of all is
that I
don’t ......WANT...11......... to go to work!
See you next week.

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13. Imagine there’s a new student in your class. Explain some of the rules. What
can you do? What can’t you do?What do you have to do? What don’t you have to
LESSON. .........................................................................................................

14. Read the sentences about places. What is the best word (A–H) for each
You watch a football match here. ......G....
1 You can only get here by boat or plane. ..D........
2 This is like a town, but smaller. ..H........
3 This is a place for tourists. ..C........
4 This is the main city (e.g. Rome in Italy). ...B.......
5 This is a town or city where ships come and go. .....E.....

Words: A building
B capital
C country
D island
E port
F resort
G stadium
H village

15. Complete this text about a teacher. Write ONE word in each gap.
I ....WENT TO.....0......... school when I was six years old. My teacher’s name
....WAS.... 1......... Mrs Simmonds. She had long grey hair, and she always
....WORE..... 2......... a black dress and black shoes. She talked and wrote
on the blackboard. We didn’t talk: we just ...WATCHED...... 3......... to her, and
wrote in ......... 4......... exercise books. I think she wasn’t a very
happy person, because she .....DIDNT.... 5......... smILE I. like
her very much. Now I’m 25 years old, and I’m a teacher, too. I teach
a class of six-year-old children. And ..ONE....... 7......... day I remember
Mrs Simmonds. So I never wear black ..DREES....... 8......... , and I smile a
lot. The children talk to me, and I listen to ...THEM..... 9......... . I think
they like me. But of course I have an easier job ....THAN..... 10......... Mrs
Simmonds. I only have 20 children in my class – but in her class
there ......WERE... 11......... 45!

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16.WRITE 3 Present continues and Present Perfect Sentences


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