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Band Selection for Hyperspectral Images Based on

Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Schemes

Yang-Lang Chang and Jyh-Perng Fang Lena Chang
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Communications Navigation and Control Engineering
National Taipei University of Technology National Taiwan Ocean University
Taipei, Taiwan Keelung, Taiwan

Jon Atli Benediktsson Hsuan Ren and Kun-Shan Chen

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research
University of Iceland National Central University
Reykjavik, Iceland Chung-Li, Taiwan

Abstract— Greedy modular eigenspaces (GME) has been devel- (feature) set from hyperspectral images (HSI). Unfortunately,
oped for the band selection of hyperspectral images (HSI). GME it is hard to find the most optimal set by greedy reordering
attempts to greedily select uncorrelated feature sets from HSI. operations of GME except by exhaustive iterations. The long
Unfortunately, GME is hard to find the optimal set by greedy
operations except by exhaustive iterations. The long execution execution time of these exhaustive iterations has been the
time has been the major drawback in practice. Accordingly, major drawback in practice. Accordingly, finding a near-
finding an optimal (or near-optimal) solution is very expensive. optimal solution is very expensive.
In this study we present a novel parallel mechanism, referred Recently, a new simulated annealing band selection (SABS)
to as parallel particle swarm optimization (PPSO) band selection, [2] based on GME is reported to improve to the performances
to overcome this disadvantage. It makes use of a new particle
swarm optimization scheme, a well-known method to solve the of GME. It selects sets of non-correlated hyperspectral bands
optimization problems, to develop an effective parallel feature according to simulated annealing (SA) algorithm and utilizes
extraction for HSI. The proposed PPSO improves the computa- the inherent separability of different classes in HSI to reduce
tional speed by using parallel computing techniques which in- dimensionality. As a common technique in metallurgy, SA
clude the compute unified device architecture (CUDA) of graphics denotes the slow-cooling melt behavior in the formation of
processor unit (GPU), the message passing interface (MPI) and
the open multi-processing (OpenMP) applications. These parallel hardened metals. It is a general purpose optimization technique
implementations can fully utilize the significant parallelism of which can find optimal or near-optimal solutions. SABS is an
proposed PPSO to create a set of near-optimal GME modules optimization technique based on SA to select an optimal set
on each parallel node. The experimental results demonstrated of feature bands from HSI.
that PPSO can significantly improve the computational loads However, the long execution time of SABS has been the
and provide a more reliable quality of solution compared to
GME. The effectiveness of the proposed PPSO is evaluated by major drawback in practice. Numerous studies have been
MODIS/ASTER airborne simulator (MASTER) HSI for band devoted to parallel SA algorithms. Due to the constrain of a
selection during the Pacrim II campaign. single Markov chain (MC) needed to be adjusted in the parallel
mechanism, only a limited SA parallelism was exploited [3].
I. I NTRODUCTION Currently, a new parallel SA method, referred to as a parallel
The benefits of high dimensional spectral images makes simulated annealing (PSA) band selection approach [4], was
use of the advances of sensor technologies and a growing introduced to overcome this disadvantage. It can improve the
number of spectral bands. High-dimensional remote sensing computational speed by using parallel computing techniques.
obtained from multispectral, hyperspectral and even ultraspec- It allows multiple MC to be traced simultaneously and fully
tral sensors generally provide huge spectral information for utilizes the significant parallelism embedded in SABS to create
data analysis. It covers a tremendous of applications from a set of PSA modules on each parallel node.
satellite remote sensing imaging and surveillance monitoring In this paper we further present a novel parallel band
systems to industrial product inspections and medical imaging selection approach, referred to as parallel particle swarm
examinations. World-wide researchers all report the difficulties optimization (PPSO), for HSI. The approach is based on
regarding its intrinsic characteristics of the data complexities. the particle swarm optimization (PSO) [5] scheme. PSO is
Consequently, determining the most useful and valuable infor- a relatively new swarm intelligence algorithm originally de-
mation has become more essential. In response, a technique signed to solve the nonlinear function optimization and neural
known as greedy modular eigenspaces (GME) [1] has been network training problems [5]. It’s inspired by social behavior
developed for the band selection of hyperspectral datasets. of organisms such as bird flocking. PSO scheme is currently
GME attempts to greedily select a near-optimal unique band a most well-known method to solve the heuristic optimization

978-1-4244-3395-7/09/$25.00 ©2009 IEEE V - 84 IGARSS 2009

PPSO Problem Space Space GME Solution Space
problems. Transformation

PPSO can enhance the memory lacks of PSA heuristic

parameters and improve the limited searches and convergences 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.9 Particle id i ={1,...I} 3 2 ..... d 1

xi1 xi2 xi3 xid xiD Band D

of PSA. Each move of PSO particles is deeply affected by its Band1 Band2 Band3 ......

The order of bands

current positions and its memory of previous useful param- D-dimensional space d = {1,...D}
eters, and by the cooperation and group knowledge of the 1 0.8 ..... 0.4 0.9

swarm [6]. These properties make PPSO a powerful method vid( t  1) u vid (t )  c1 u rand ( )u ( pid  xid )  c2 u rand( )u ( p g d  xid ) 0.8 1 ..... 0.4 0.9

for solving optimization problems. Compared to PSA, PPSO xid (t  1) xid (t ) vid (t  1)
..... ..... ..... ..... .....

0.4 0.4 ..... 1 0.9

outperforms in terms of efficiency of dimension reductions. 0.9 0.9 ..... 0.9 1
The computational speed of PPSO is improved by parallel
techniques which include compute unified device architecture Fig. 1. The space transformation mechanism of the proposed PPSO approach.
(CUDA) of the graphics processor unit (GPU), message
passing interface (MPI) and open multi-processing (OpenMP)
applications. These parallel implementations can fully utilize
the significant parallelism of PPSO and create a set of near- where the function rand() is a random number between 0
optimal GME modules on each parallel node. and 1. ω is called the inertia weight [7]. c1 and c2 are the
The efficiency of PPSO is evaluated by MODIS/ASTER acceleration constants, also known as cognitive confidence
airborne simulator (MASTER) HSI for land cover coefficients. They determine how much the particle is
classification during the Pacrim II campaign. The experimental influenced by its best location and by the best position found
results demonstrated that PPSO can significantly improve by the swarm. The time-step t + 1 is usually set to one time
the computational loads and provide a more reliable quality unit.
of solution compared to GME in terms of the efficiency
of dimension reductions and feature extractions. The rest
of this paper is organized as follows. In Section II, the B. Space Transformation
proposed PPSO is described in details. In Section III, a set Before applying PSO to GME band selection problem, a
of experiments is conducted to demonstrate the feasibility space transformation is need to transfer the model of PPSO
and utility of the proposed approach. Finally, in Section IV, problem space to the model of GME solution space. In Fig. 1,
several conclusions are presented. on the left hand side, the PSO problem space described
in previous subsection is mapped to GME solution space.
II. M ETHODOLOGY Each position vector Xid , where d = 1, . . . D, representing a
potential solution in PPSO problem space is corresponding
A drawbacks of the PSA method is its lack of memory.
to a solution in GME solution space. The order of bands
It limits the searches and convergences in the solution space.
(Band1 , . . . BandD ) in GME solution space is consistent
The particles proposed in PPSO have individual memory to
with the position vector Xi of the ith particle. If the
cooperate each others forwarding to a global (near-optimal)
position vector Xid has the highest value than the others,
solution. It uses only one velocity operator to deal with the
its corresponding band should be the first band in the band
search process for finding the global optima. The details of
list, and so on and so forth. For any arbitrary vector Xid ,
PSO are available in Ref. [5]. A brief description is as follows:
there must be one and only one GME band permutation
A. PSO corresponding to it. The mapping must exactly apply the
Assume there is a swarm of I particles. Xi is the position relation within the vector Xid to the corresponding band
vector of the ith particle in the D-dimensional search space. permutation of GME. If Xix > Xiy then the permutation
Each particle Xi = (xi1 , . . . xid ) representing a potential order of Bandx should be on the front of Bandy . These two
solution is defined as the ith particle in the dth dimension mapping strategies of space transformation must be satisfied
of the D-dimensional solution space. Vi = (vi1 , . . . vid ) is the to ensure the proposed PPSO band selection can be properly
velocity vector of the ith particle as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. implemented.
T represents the total number of iterations. Pi = (Pi1 , . . . Pid )
is the local best position the ith particle had reached and C. PPSO
Pgd is the global best position for all the particles in the D-
dimensional solution space. The velocity and position of each The natural parallelism of proposed PSO is in the face
PSO particle is adjusted by the following equations: that each particle can be regarded as an independent agent.
Parallel computation benefits the algorithm by providing each
agent with one of the parallel processors [8]. The intrinsic
vid (t + 1) = ω × vid (t) + c1 × rand() × (pid − xid ) parallel characteristics embedded in PSO can be therefore
+c2 × rand() × (pgd − xgd ), (1) suitable for a parallel implementation. As shown in Fig. 2, the
flowchart of the proposed PPSO scheme is illustrated. Three
xid (t + 1) = xid (t) + vid (t + 1). (2) main loops are deployed in PPSO. They are the generation,

V - 85
Set c1 = c2 = 2
, u = 0.4 ,1.0002 25
cost = cost 0

DRR (%)
(t+1)= (t) u u t
>0,1@ 15
for t=1 to #_of_generations T
u [1.0001,1.0005] 10

If rand ( )< αPgd 5

for i = 1 to #_of_particles I then
Pgd (t+1) =Rand( ) 0
0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92
Thresholds of CC
xid (t + 1) (a.) DRR comparison between PPSO and PSA
If rand ( )< αP for d =1 to #_of_dimensions D
then xid (t ) + vid (t + 1) 14
xid (t+1) =rand( ) 12 PPSO
If rand ( )< αV No Yes E = cost ( t +1)
d=0? PSA
then - cost ( t ) 10

vid (t+1) =rand ( ) 8

E > 0? Pid ( t +1) =Pid ( t ) 6
Update Pgd
No i=0? 0
0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92
Yes Thresholds of CC
Pgd ( t +1) = Best of Pid ( t ) (b.) VCA comparison between PPSO and PSA
where i = {1 ... #_of_particles I}

No Fig. 3. The comparisons between PPSO and PSA for (a.) DRR and (b.)
t =0? VCA with different thresholds of CC.
END 1.3

Fig. 2. The flowchart of the proposed PPSO scheme.


particle and dimension loops. The initial statuses are also 1.1

shown in Fig. 2. After initialization, the cost can be produced 1.05

by the permutation. The cost function, also known as the 0.75 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79 0.8 0.81 0.82 0.83 0.84 0.85 0.86 0.87 0.88 0.89 0.9 0.91 0.92
Thresholds of CC
fitness function, of the GME [1] is defined as: Classification Efficiency of PPSO

Fig. 4. The efficiency comparisons between PPSO and PSA with different
cost = ml 2 × c2 , (3) thresholds of CC.

where c, ml and nk represent the values of the corresponding

correlation coefficient (CC), the number of bands (feature
spaces) in modular eigenspaces Φkl , and the total number of
modular eigenspaces of a GME set Φk , i.e. l ∈ {1, . . . , nk } III. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS
The constants αPgd , αP and αV are set as constants to A plantation area in Au-Ku on the east coast of Taiwan
exclude PPSO from falling into local optima prematurely. was chosen for investigation. The image data was obtained by
Three major loops are activated to calculate the moving the PacRim II project. The proposed PPSO was applied to 44
distances for different dimensions d and particles i. A new bands. The criterion for calculating the classification accuracy
set of the local best Pid is then compared to produce an of experiments was based on exhaustive test cases. Eighteen
updated global best Pgd for preparing a new permutation and correlation coefficient thresholds, CC = 0.7 ∼ 0.92 with a
a new calculation of cost function for next generation t. In offset of 0.01, were selected to carry out the experiments.
order to shorten the communication time and obtain the same CUDA, MPI and OpenMP were used to implement PPSO. The
computational loads on each parallel node, the loads of PPSO parameters obtained by PSA are as the same as reported in Ref.
are balanced by using a load estimator to evenly distribute [4]. The parameters used for PPSO are initialized as follows.
the HSI dataset for a better computational performance. The The inertia weight ω is set as 0.4. The acceleration constants
master-slave approach is hence practical to construct the (cognitive confidence coefficients) c1 and c2 are both equal
PPSO architecture. Three parallel PPSO implementations to 2. All of the multiple combinations of parameters stated
inspired by parallel SA [3], namely non-interacting PSO above are averaged to obtain the experimental results. The
(NIPSO), periodic exchange PSO (PEPSO) and asynchronous variance of classification accuracy (VCA) and a dimension
PSO (APSO), are conducted to evaluate the proposed PPSO reduction rate (DRR), defined in Eq. 4, are used to compare
scheme. the performances between PPSO and PSA.

V - 86
230 230

220 220

210 210

200 200

190 190

180 180

170 APSO 170

160 160 PSA
150 150
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Number of times Number of times

Fig. 5. The cost comparisons among NIPSO, PEPSO and APSO with 50 Fig. 6. The cost comparisons between PPSO and PSA with 50 operations.

three parallel PSO implementations, namely NIPSO, PEPSO

nk and APSO, are carried out by the CUDA GPU computing,
mt − nk l=1 (ml − 1) MPI library and OpenMP API techniques. The proposed
DRR = = , (4)
mt mt PPSO uses only one velocity operator to deal with the
where ml and nk represent the number of bands in modular search process compared to traditional heuristic optimization
eigenspaces Φkl , and the total number of modular eigenspaces techniques.
nk set. mt is the total number of original bands (i.e.
in a GME
mt = l=1 ml ) [1]. Encouraging experimental results showed that the proposed
PPSO can significantly improve the computational loads
Fig. 3 summarizes the evaluation results of qualities of and provide a more reliable quality of solution compared to
solutions (costs) to illustrate the validity of proposed PPSO. the PSA method. The proposed CE provides an objective
The criteria for the evaluation in Fig. 3 (a.) and (b.) are evaluation to determine a suitable value of CC, and to
based on the same quality of solutions and the same period obtain a high quality DRR accompanied with a lower
of time experimented with different benchmarks. Furthermore, VCA impact. Besides the subjects discussed in this paper,
an evaluation of classification efficiency (CE = ξ), how to find the best tradeoff among global search, accuracy,
and computational cost will be the issues of our future studies.
ξ= , (5)
as shown in Fig. 4, is also designed to validate the significant
This work was supported by the National Science Council,
contributions of proposed PPSO. The results appeared in
Taiwan, under Grant No. NSC 97-2116-M-027-002.
Fig. 4 show that an efficient critical point around CC = 0.87
can be reached to obtain a high quality DRR along with a
lower VCA impact. R EFERENCES
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