Galactic Campaign Rules TI4-1

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Twilight Imperium 4th Edition

Galactic Campaign Rules

This campaign module was built with the primary goal of giving each game of TI 4 a greater
sense of long term stakes, deeper strategic choices around how you end a game and hope to
adjust thinking around win-making, and especially with the desire to deepen the feeling of story
developed by a group of players going on a journey together over the course of numerous
games Twilight Imperium.

Campaign Rules:
● The Galactic Campaign will be played over the course of multiple games of Twilight
Imperium 4th edition. A total number of games to be played as well as a victory point
goal for each game must be decided on before drafting for the first game begins. As a
suggestion, these rules were designed with the intent to play roughly 5 games total, with
each game being to 10 victory points. Other victory point goals or total game counts
must be decided upon by the play group.
● The winner of the final match of the Galactic Campaign will be crowned Emperor, and
win the campaign as a whole. Each match before the final match will allow for use of
Victory Points earned in purchasing boons for future matches.

● Draft factions and create a map using the drafting method of your choice, but the
following factions are banned from being drafted: Mahact, L1Z1X, Nomad, Mentak, NRA,
Nekro Virus, Cabal, Argent, Titans, and Empyrean.
● For all the games of this campaign, the drafted factions and map configuration will
remain constant, except in the event of Galactic Threats (details below). Chosen faction,
neighbors, and which systems make up the map will all stay constant through the

Galactic Threats:
● At the end of each campaign game, the player with the least victory points at the end of
that game may often meet the conditions of one or more Galactic Threat events. If the
player with the least victory points meets the conditions of only one Galactic Threat
event, then that event occurs. If more than one Galactic Threat condition is met by the
player with the least victory points, then the player with the most total influence in the
form of planets at the end of that campaign game determines which Galactic Threat
occurs, unless the player being targeted has already been the target of a prior Galactic
Threat in this campaign. In the case of a player being the target of a Galactic Threat
more than once in the same campaign, that player may choose which Galactic Threat
targets them for the remainder of the campaign.. Each Galactic Threat can occur only
once per campaign, but different Galactic Threats can occur to the same player multiple
times per campaign. In the event of multiple players being tied for least victory points at
the end of a match, the player with the least total planet cards is the target of the
Galactic Threat.
● Galactic Threat event conditions:
○ Conquer the Weak: If the player with the least number of victory points at the end
of the game does not own their home system at the end of that campaign game,
that player must permanently exchange their faction for the Mahact Gene
Sorcerers Faction, and will begin all future games with the Alliance card of their
former faction.
○ Technological Target: If the player with the least number of victory points at the
end of the game has the most total technologies of any player at the end of that
campaign game, that player must permanently exchange their faction for Nekro
Virus faction, and will begin all future games with one of the starting techs of their
former faction. This additional starting tech is to be chosen once, and will persist
for all future campaign games, and will be in addition to the existing starting techs
of the Nekro Virus faction.
○ A Juicy Piracy Target: If the player with the least number of victory points at the
end of the game has the most trade goods of any player at the end of that
campaign game, that player must permanently exchange their faction for the
Mentak Coalition faction, and will begin all future games with the promissory note
of their former faction in their hand. In situations where the promissory not of their
former faction cannot be used due to the faction no longer being in play (ex.
Winnu promissory note, Sol promissory note, etc.), replace the named faction on
the note with the name of the winning faction of the prior campaign game.
○ Assimilation: If the player with the least number of victory points at the end of the
game has the least number of techs at the end of that campaign game, that
player must permanently exchange their faction for the L1Z1X Faction, and will
begin all future games with an additional action card.
○ Fall into Darkness: If the player with the least number of victory points at the end
of the game has at least one ship inside a nebula at the end of that campaign
game, that player must permanently exchange their faction for the Empyrean
faction, and will begin all future games with an additional destroyer on Mecatol
○ Archeological Ambition: If the player with the least number of victory points at the
end of the game has drawn the most relics of any player at the end of that
campaign game, that player must permanently exchange their faction for the
Naz-Rohka Alliance faction, and will begin all future games with an additional
○ Corporate Takeover: If the player with the least number of victory points at the
end of the game has their flagship on the board at the end of that campaign
game, that player must permanently exchange their faction for the Nomad
faction, and will begin all future games with a single use of the agent of their
former faction available.
○ Take up the Cause: If the player with the least number of victory points at the end
of the game has at least 3 destroyers on the game board at the end of that
campaign game, and the Mahact Gene Sorcerers faction is in play, that player
must permanently exchange their faction for the Argent Flight Faction, and will
begin all future games with all three of the normal techs the Argent Flight faction
must choose from.
○ A Pawn is Captured: If the player with the least number of victory points at the
end of the game does not own their home system at the end of that campaign
game, that player must permanently exchange their faction for the Mahact Gene
Sorcerers Faction, and will begin all future games with a captured ship that
appears in their former factions starting troops.
○ Titanic Downfall: If the player with the least number of victory points at the end of
the game controls a planet in another players home system at the end of that
campaign game, that player must permanently exchange their faction for the
Titans of Ul Faction, and will begin all future games with an additional cultural
fragment from the exploration deck.
Match End Bonuses:
● At the end of every campaign game, each player gains all victory points that they earned
that round into their Victory Point Bank, except for players who are the target of a
Galactic Threat. Victims of a Galactic Threat event do not gain any victory points to their
bank at the end of the game in which the threat strikes. The victory points gained to the
bank persist throughout the campaign if not spent.
● Each player can spend any number of victory points from their bank before the start of
the next campaign game, in order to permanently gain the purchased bonus. Any
purchased bonus may be purchased multiple times for it's cost.
● Match End Bonuses may be purchased in order of total victory points earned during the
last match, with speaker order from the final round of the last match breaking ties when
● Match End Bonuses for purchase:
○ Speaker Token (Can only be purchased by one player before each match. Does
not persist from game to game unless no player purchases it before the next
match): 4 VP's, if purchasing before the start of the final match: 10 VP's
○ 1 Additional infantry added to starting troops: 3 VP's
○ 1 Additional fighter added to starting troops (Must not exceed carry capacity): 3
○ 1 Additional carrier added to starting troops (Must not exceed fleet capacity): 9
○ 1 Additional PDS added to starting troops: 5 VP's
○ 1 Additional space dock added to starting troops: 6 VP's
○ 1 Additional trade good: 4 VP's
○ 1 Additional command counter: 10 VP's
○ 1 Additional level 0 (no prerequisites) starting technology: 12 VP's
○ Exchange one starting technology for a different starting technology with the
same number of prerequisites, of any prerequisite type (biotic, cybernetic,
propulsion, warfare): 6 VP's
○ Exchange one starting technology for a different starting technology with the
same prerequisite type that has one additional prerequisite to the original starting
technology: 8 VP's

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