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(Las que tienes que tachar son las que escribi ahí)









2. Seafood


Today's weather is sunny and beautiful. You turn to your friend and say, "HEY, is the weather

2. You just finished dinner. It was a terrible meal. When you leave, you say to your friend: "HEY,
was that food horrible?"

3. You are on tourism in China. From the window of your tour bus you will see a long wall in the
distance. You say to the person sitting next to you: "THAT IS the Great Wall?"

4. You are surprised to see your friend having breakfast at 11:30. You say "HEY YOU already had

5. You see a woman on the street. You're pretty sure it's Nora Jones, the singer. You walk up to her
and ask, "SORRY, are you Norah Jones?"

 When I was a child, I didn't use to watch a lot of televisión
 I used to drive to school
 I used to buy my clothes in Ela store, now i buy in studio f.
 I used to watch superhero movies but now I don’t
 When I was a child, I used to watch a lot of television.

5. Apples are red, they´re sweet and hard

The ice cream is deliciuos, they are soft and very sweet
The bananas are soft and have a chewy texture
Onions smell terrible and its tastes spicy.
The carrots are crunchy and it´s hard
Squid is salty, soft and it had a chewy texture}
Grapefruit, i dont know how is it
The steak is salty, had a chewy texture.

I think people are eating a lot of unhealthy foods today we find in the market more
variety of food, and many of good quality. In addition, food safety has increased
thanks to legislation and quality controls.
However, in terms of food, the elderly emphasize that their organoleptic
characteristics have changed, that is, they ensure that there is a notable difference
in taste and smell. Now many foods are so processed that you lose vitamins.
People today pay more attention to their balanced diet because the desire for a
good body has increased, the desire to comply with a stereotype that has been
present for a long time but has been strengthened over the years. but it does not
mean that the food they eat is of better quality
Before the "grandparents" meals were the richest in the world and it didn't matter
what it contained, just what was in the house and the love with which it was made.
But the food was less processed than now

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