Ni Kadek Ayu Dewi Ari Susanti

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DNA Replication

Ni Kadek Ayu Dewi Ari Susanti-2170121001-SGD 1

Undergraduate Programe in Medicine
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Universitas Warmadewa

DNA replication is the ability of the cell to maintain a lifeline
dependent on the process of replicating genetic material
(DNA) that occurs during phase S in the cell cycle.The
replication of DNA is the transmission of genetic information
from stem cells to child cells.The function of DNA replication
as a process that prompts the growth or proliferation of
cells.The DNA replication component is made up of
enzymes,proteins, and nucleotides.

DNA Model (Watson&Crick-1950)

1. Conservative model
2. Semiconservative model
3. Disversive Model

DNA replication component :
1. DNA Template
2. DNA Gyrase
3. Helicase
4. Single Strand
Binding-Protein Template
5. RNA Primase
6. DNA Polimerase
7. DNA Ligase
8. Deokseribonukleotida

Replication Initiation
Start from
Reflication Conclusion
fork DNA replication is the ability of the cell to maintain a
lifeline dependent on the process of replicating genetic
material (DNA) that occurs during phase S in the cell
Sel cycle. The DNA replication component is made up of
Eukariotik enzymes,proteins, and nucleotides.

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Triwibowo Yuwono.2008.Biologi Molekuler Replikasi Bahan Genetik.Edisi pertama.
Yogyakarta:Erlangga;93-111.Di akses di Tabanan,11 Oktober 2021.
Paramita Cahyaningrum.2014.PPT Replikasi DNA.Di akses di Tabanan,11 Oktober 2021.
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