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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 477

Proceedings of the International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2020)

Makayaklo Cultural Knowledge of the Islands Farmers’

Survival in Kida Village, Tameti Island, North Maluku
(Hermeneutics-Phenomenology Perspective of Paul Ricoeur)
Harun Ahmad* Ali Badar
IKIP Budi Utomo Malang IKIP Budi Utomo Malang

Abstract. This paper explains the contradictory resistance to the state; the dynamics of
phenomena of the life of archipelago farmers in empowerment and social movements of farmers;
Kida Village, Tameti Island, North Maluku. At and local knowledge-based forest farmer resistance
the macro level, they are helpless island farmers, which also involves farmers. Not without reason, it
left behind, isolated, marginalized, and is the phenomenon of the farming community that
underdeveloped in social, economic, political, generally attracts the attention of researchers on
social and cultural issues. The various studies have
and cultural perspectives. But at the micro-level,
produced multiple interpretations and conclusions,
they are relatively empowered and are able to due to differences in [1] philosophical orientation
survive because of the citizenship space that is and theoretical perspectives as the basis of research;
built is so meaningful. Hermeneutics- [2] approaches, methods and strategies in the
Phenomenology Paul Ricoeur is considered analysis of research data; and [3] the main focus or
appropriate to be used as an analysis tool with a problem of interest to the study of a researcher.
qualitative research approach. Makayaklo This research is motivated by the desire to
becomes a value base developed regarding their understand the contradictory phenomena of the life
understanding of the meaning and the nature of of archipelago farmers in Kida Village, Tameti
human life based on religious teachings and Island, North Maluku. At the macro level, the
philosophies handed down from generation to farmers are helpless, left behind, isolated,
generation. Thus, it results in two typologies- marginalized, and underdeveloped in social,
economic, political, and cultural perspectives. But at
categorical understandings, namely the rational-
the micro-level, they are relatively empowered and
subjective/social humanities category and the
are able to survive because the citizenship space
social-religious category/transcendental totality, built is so meaningful. It is strongly suspected that
which in this study is then referred to as the basic the phenomenon of the survival of archipelagic
value of Makayaklo. It can be said that the farmers in the micro realm did not form by itself, but
survival of archipelagic farmers from the stigma was formed through the understanding of
of being isolated, left behind, isolated, and Makayaklo cultural values which then constructed
helpless archipelago survivors show a picture of the mind and transformed into farmers' attitudes and
survival of the fittest [1] developed based on their outlook on life.
understanding of the basic values of the Its existence is very contrasting and different
Makayaklo culture at the level of sociocultural in from the farming community in general, especially
general and the level of relations between citizens the dynamics of sociocultural life with regard to
specifically. their knowledge and understanding of the cultural
values of Makayaklo, which is interesting to study.
Attributes, symbols, and signs of the existence of
Keywords: Makayaklo culture, the survival of
knowledge of Makayaklo cultural values need to be
archipelagic farmers, hermeneutics- explained, as Paul Ricoeur [2] believes, visible
phenomenology symbols must be interpreted to find implied
meaning, like words in a language, he must be
INTRODUCTION translated so that humans find their true meaning.
This view is recognized and supported by
Research on archipelago farmers in Indonesia Sumaryono (1999) in "Hermeneutics a Method of
are not conducted by many researchers. However, Philosophy," [3] Bertens in "Existential
there is quite a lot of research on farmers in Phenomenology," [4] as well as Hardiman in
Indonesia, although these studies are more directed "Understanding as Pondering: Ricoeur and
as efforts to photograph and understand the work Hermeneutic Symbols." [5] That is, efforts to find
culture of farmers; farmers’ social life; the dynamics epistemological roots and philosophical-ideological
of the peasant resistance movement; peasant bases of the basic values of Makayaklo culture such

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 299
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 477

as what its existence is defined through knowledge RESULT

and understanding which then becomes the spirit of
survival of farmers in the village of Kida Island Makayaklo is a system that is institutionalized
Tameti North Maluku in living their lives. as a social institution, which is the basis of values
Thus, the purpose of this study was to that are developed based on their understanding of
determine the knowledge of farmers about the the meaning and nature of human life, both
culture of Makayaklo and its praxis in the life and originating from religious teachings and
daily lives of archipelago farmers in Kida Village,
philosophies that are spoken and passed down from
Tameti Island, and North Maluku in the perspective
their ancestors for generations. Makayaklo is
of Paul Ricoeur Hermeneutics-Phenomenology.
understood according to their stages of
METHOD understanding based on the meaning and nature of
human life so that producing two typologies-
This study used a social definition paradigm categorical understanding namely the rational-
with a qualitative research approach and a subjective/social humanities category, and the
hermeneutic-phenomenological study developed by transcendental social-religious/totality category, in
Paul Ricoeur. Because of the hermeneutic- which in this study was called as the basic value of
phenomenological analysis, during the research Makayaklo culture.
process, it took place in the field of sociocultural Based on this understanding, Makayaklo
theory and is not strictly used and let the data culture is based on age and understanding levels.
obtained from its patterns, and then arranged Meanwhile, farmers who are relatively old in
thematically according to the research objectives. running Makayaklo culture are not limited to the
The use of hermeneutics-phenomenological
value of cooperation or mutual cooperation but
studies in this study was more considered to
rather on the value of sincerity - the sincerity of
interpret the purpose of the subject's actions
transcendental values (worship).
regarding a particular symptom based on indicators
As a culture or tradition, Makayaklo, which is
that accompany the actions of the subject. Second,
run, can be general and can also be done for the
hermeneutics as a method of interpreting texts in
benefit of individuals. The concept or spirit of
general as text symbols. Third, hermeneutics was a
cooperation in the Makayaklo culture was started to
method that combines and combines philosophy and
be questioned because, at the level of the concept, it
literary or historical criticism. Fourth, the purpose of
is often interpreted as an embodiment of social
hermeneutics was used to search for and find out the
solidarity, while social solidarity is a general
most profound meaning in a text, so that what was
concept. It means that this reality can be found in
sought was not a superficial meaning, but a meaning
any society, a general tendency that can be observed.
that is valuable because it was closely related to
It showed that the intensity is decreasing in line with
efforts to respect the human essence. Fifth,
the process of community development, which
hermeneutics was a method of individualist
means that social solidarity is increasingly
interpretation as well as objective-idealism, which
experiencing degradation of meaning as the
recognizes the diversity of metaphysical levels.
development of an increasingly globalized society.
Sixth, the function of the hermeneutic method has
In the life of an increasingly urbanized community,
liberation. Seventh, the hermeneutic method, as one
primary relationships are replaced by secondary
of the critical methods, was closer to the spirit of the
ones, so that the bonds of kinship are weakened,
method of the physical sciences [6].
neighborly relations diminished and even social
It can be said that the use of the hermeneutic-
solidarity becomes shaky.
phenomenological study developed by Paul Ricoeur
Makayaklo's basic value still exists even
because of its methodological and conceptual
though the supporting community has changed. The
framework. Ricoeur did not only understand (in the
changes are only in the aspects of instrumental and
usual sense in modern hermeneutics from
praxis values because their implementation adapts to
Schleiermacher to Gadamer), but also he could
changes and developments in the times. Makayaklo
explain it. For Dilthey, understanding (verstehen)
is the media of the archipelago peasant community
was an inclusive method for Geisteswissenschaften,
in this research site in establishing cooperative
while explaining (erklaren) was an exclusive
relations and actualizing social capital. Makayaklo
method for Naturwissenschaften. This distinction
is a manifestation of social solidarity based on
was a matter of distance or distortion; understanding
morality, togetherness, or a sense of unity and
was taking part while explaining is taking distance;
general consensus.
understanding is interpreting while explaining is
Hence, Makayaklo cultural values are
reflecting or analyzing [5].
positively utilized in life to drive social solidarity so

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 477

that people are able to face the challenges of or happiness is a necessity. A natural tendency
changing times, globalization, and various things towards happiness, according to Baudrillard [7], is
that threaten people's lives, such as natural disasters based on anthropological naivete. The offer of
or conflicts, both social and political. Makayaklo happiness through advertising is at least an absolute
becomes the institution to move community reference marker from consumer society. Through
solidarity and create social cohesion in people's advertising, the ideology of happiness in modern
lives. Knowledge about Makayaklo cultural values civilization is tried to be offered.
in the present life will remain relevant because, with According to Baudrillard [7] we must
the cultural spirit of Makayaklo, community immediately revise all the concepts of happiness
solidarity, as well as community unity, will be stuffed through these advertisements. The idea of
maintained. happiness does not originate from the natural
Based on an analysis of Makayaklo's cultural tendency of every individual to realize happiness for
knowledge using Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutic himself, but socio-historically comes from the fact
analysis stages, namely semantic, reflection, and that the myth of happiness is something that in
existential (ontology) stages, it is obtained that the modern society is seen as an expression of equality.
island farmers in the Kida Village of Tameti Island All forms of political and sociological crimes
have a different understanding of Makayaklo alleged as attempts to achieve equality since the
culture. The difference is more due to the age factor industrial revolution and the 19th-century revolution
and their experience in living life and life. The have been transferred to the myth of happiness. The
relatively young farmers understand that Makayaklo fact that the myth of happiness initially has such
is limited to a culture of cooperation in the context ideological meaning and function has the
of relationships among members of the community. consequence of being a vehicle for egalitarian
Thus, the findings of this study put those (farmers) myths, and therefore happiness must be well
who have knowledge and understanding of measured in terms of objects and signs. Happiness,
Makayaklo culture in the category of ordinary according to Tocqueville, is "comfort". Tocqueville
(pseudo) farmers (actors), i.e. those who are always notes that the tendency for democratic societies to
good at both public and makayaklo activities in the improve welfare is to reduce the impact of social
field of agriculture that is individual, limited to disasters and the equalization of all destiny.
makayaklo activities. This happens because farmers Happiness is total mental pleasure, which is free
in this category only carry out activities that are from signs and things, does not need proof, not
limited to a task without being based on a sense of consumptive. Happiness is equality based on
calling to act within the framework of developing individualistic principles, as stated in the
civilization in the future, without being based on Declaration of Human Rights and Citizens that
spirituality. explicitly recognize the right to the happiness of all
In a broader perspective, it can be said that people [7].
there are ordinary (pseudo) farmers (actors) in the As commonly understood, globalization has
archipelago peasant community in this study site linked, united, and even changed people throughout
because of the influence of increasingly the world. Likewise, information technology
individualistic-capitalistic social changes. provides all that is possible for humans. It cannot be
Therefore, everything in any form is always denied that information technology also changes the
measured in the subjectivity of self-satisfaction. In way people think, act, and function. With capitalism,
fact, they appear to be relatively active, but they are industrialism, consumerism, however, people have
not based on sincerity or an encouragement of changed. While being modern, in a changing world,
servitude to the Transcendent (God), but because people accept and enter into a "world of helter-
they are driven by a desire to obtain material skelter" [8]. [8] It was still in our memory when, in
benefits, get something that makes them profitable 2007, Indonesia was awarded as the country with the
or satisfied. This element of profit and self- most malls in the world. It indicates how
satisfaction can manifest not only materially but also consumerism as a cultural process and is an ideology
non-materially in the form of status, position, praise, of a "world that is helpless," which is touted as
shame, or exclusion (social sanctions) that make globalization exists in our daily lives (including in
them proud and satisfied. Within certain limits, the world of children).
farmers' groups in this category can be said to be The most important meaning in this discussion
consumption societies as Jean Baudrillard's thesis in is how the survival of the island farmer’s community
The Consumer Society: Myths and Structures [7] in the Village of Kida Tameti Island based on
The behavior of some island farmers in this category Makayaklo culture is perceived and implemented. In
that prioritizes material aspects for their satisfaction the view of the farming community at this research,

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 477

Makayaklo is not just a culture of cooperation Hermeneutics-Phenomenology Paul Ricoeur

(mutual cooperation), as is the culture of mutual which is used as a means of interpretation of the
cooperation known in Indonesian society in various meaning of farmers' knowledge of the culture of
regions with different names or designations. Makayaklo and its praxis in this study quite clearly
Makayaklo, for the farming community in this study, shows the level of the island farmer’s community in
is a culture that is not limited to carry the values of the level of Makayaklo activities through the stages
cooperation (mutual cooperation), but more than of hermeneutics both at the semantic, reflection, and
that, it is a culture that prioritizes universal human existential stages (ontological).
values. Makayaklo running by an archipelago
peasant community in Kida Village, Tameti Island, REFERENCES
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