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A map of learning Outcomes primary 1(Connect) 1st term

Life skills, values &
t Objectives Teaching Strategies Activities Assessment Evidence
Say Hello and Life skills:
Preparation notes
goodbye Brain storming – – Communication and
Listen and find Oral Exercises (absence)
Unit 1 – Discussion – C. cooperation.
Cooperate and Listen and point written exercises Mark register
Hello thinking – co – operative values: cooperation
participate Read and answer observation Student’s book
learning – role playing Issues:
Make friends Note books

Ask questions Life skills: Creativity and Preparation notes

Unit 2 Brain storming – –
participation Listen and find Oral Exercises (absence)
My Talk about school – Discussion – C.
Values: cooperation Listen and point written exercises Mark register
school things thinking – co – operative
Issues: Read and answer observation Student’s book
bag learning – role playing
Note books
Life skills:
Point to your to your Preparation notes
Brain storming – – Communication
Unit 3 Listen and find Oral Exercises (absence)
five senses – Discussion – C. Values: Appreciation and
This is Listen and point written exercises Mark register
Learn about your thinking – co – operative curiosity
me Read and answer observation Student’s book
body learning – role playing Issues: preventative health
Note books
Preparation notes
Brain storming – –
Listen and find Oral Exercises (absence)
Revision from units – Discussion – C. Communication and
Review Listen and point written exercises Mark register
1-3 thinking – co – operative participation
Read and answer observation Student’s book
learning – role playing
Note books
Life skills: problem solving
Get more words Preparation notes
Unit 4 Brain storming – – Values: Appreciation and
Listen and find Oral Exercises (absence)
Let’s begin with sound – Discussion – C. curiosity
Listen and point written exercises Mark register
play “d” – “g” thinking – co – operative Issues: Environmental
Read and answer observation Student’s book
music Learn about (music) learning – role playing awareness
Note books
Life skills:
Communication and Preparation notes
Unit 5 Talk about age in Brain storming – –
cooperation Listen and find Oral Exercises (absence)
It’s my pairs – Discussion – C. Values: cooperation and Listen and point written exercises Mark register
birthday Learn colors thinking – co – operative compassion Read and answer observation Student’s book
Ask about age learning – role playing Issues: Note books
Life skills, values &
t Objectives Teaching Strategies Activities Assessment Evidence
Learn about family
Life skills: Communication Preparation notes
members Brain storming – – Oral Exercises
Unit 6 and self-management Listen and find (absence)
Draw your family – Discussion – C. Values: Respect and written
With my Listen and point Mark register
tree thinking – co – operative compassion exercises
family Read and answer Student’s book
Ask about family learning – role playing Issues: observation
Note books
Preparation notes
Brain storming – – Oral Exercises
Listen and find (absence)
Review Revision from units – Discussion – C. written
Listen and point Mark register
2 4-6 thinking – co – operative exercises
Read and answer Student’s book
learning – role playing observation
Note books
Point to different
Life skills: Communication Preparation notes
pictures and name Brain storming – – Oral Exercises
and creative thinking Listen and find (absence)
Unit 7 it – Discussion – C. Values: Respect and written
Listen and point Mark register
At home Use verb to Be thinking – co – operative compassion exercises
Read and answer Student’s book
Talk about yourself learning – role playing Issues: observation
Note books
Describe things Life skills: Problem solving Preparation notes
Unit 8 Brain storming – – Oral Exercises
using “adjectives” Values: Curiosity and Listen and find (absence)
At the – Discussion – C. tolerance written
“big” – “small” Listen and point Mark register
pyramid thinking – co – operative Issues: National unity and exercises
Learn about Egypt Read and answer Student’s book
s learning – role playing loyalty observation
Note books
Life skills: Environmental Preparation notes
Express yourself Brain storming – – Oral Exercises
Unit 9 responsibility Listen and find (absence)
using “Can” – Discussion – C. Values: cooperation written
At the Listen and point Mark register
Describe the beach thinking – co – operative Issues: Environmental exercises
beach Read and answer Student’s book
learning – role playing awareness observation
Note books
Preparation notes
Brain storming – – Oral Exercises
Listen and find (absence)
Reviews Revision from units – Discussion – C. written
Listen and point Mark register
3 7-9 thinking – co – operative exercises
Read and answer Student’s book
learning – role playing observation
Note books
Teacher’s signature Senior teacher’s signature Headmaster’s signature Supervisor's signature

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