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CRESCENT HILLS SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Board Meeting Tuesday, May 11, 2021 ‘The Crescent Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association held a Board meeting on Tuesday May 11, via teleconference. 1. CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 9:30 2, FINANCIAL REPORT ‘A. Operating Account Debbie reported that there is currently $8742.81 in the operating account and $13346.28 in the reserve as of May 11. There are currently137 recorded homeowners. MOTION: Sharon motioned to approve the financial report. Tim seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Sharon motioned to approve the February I1minutes. Tim seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 4. OLD BUSINESS A. Rules Infractions It was reported that the dumpster at Lot 27, Phase 2 continues to be there. MOTION: Tim motioned to have a letter drafted to homeowner regarding the dumpster and also to post on the door. It was also agreed to have Debbie contact the garbage company to see about removing. Sharon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Garbage bins being stored in public view was also discussed. Homes with weeds were discussed as well as the lights not working. Teri agreed to walk the neighborhood for miscellaneous infractions and report to Debbie. Parking in the street was discussed and it was determined that the streets belong to the city so it would be a city issue to enforce. B. Other Rental restrictions were discussed, The CC&R’s were reviewed and it ‘was determined that a petition could be initiated denoting 10% of homeowners were interested in having addressed at annual meeting. Such changes in an amendment could include the length of time of the lease, lease agrooment provided to management, and limiting the number of units within the subdivision, An application system would have to be established. All agreed to have added to the annual agenda. 5, NEW BUSINESS i A. Landscaping i Homeowner had complaint regarding the landscaping in the common area and asked to be discussed at the next board meeting. His issues included the pruning of the ornamental trees/bushes. Landscaper believes they should be a bush and homeowner thinks they should be shaped. He had also mentioned that the bushes were not being maintained. After speaking to landscaper the only thing that had not been pruned was the grasses but ‘he was just starting up his spring cleanup and pruning. He also mentioned that there are dead trees and we did have 1 dead tree but can get that replaced. The board agreed to go with landscaper’s recommendations. B. Bucklin Shed Placement Bucklins would like to get authorization to install a detached shed on the side of their home by the garage. It would be a 4 x 12 lean-to with Goblin colored paint with white trim. MOTION: Sharon motioned to approve the detached shed as presented. Tim seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. C. Other There was discussion as to TDS not installing wiring properly. 5. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 10:50 am. Next meeting would be Aug 11 930.

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