November 12 2020

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CRESCENT HILLS SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ‘Minutes of Board Meeting Thursday, November 12 2020 ‘The Crescent Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association held a Board meeting on ‘Thursday, November 12 via zoom meeting. 1. CALL TO ORDER i ‘Meeting called to order at 9:30 am 2. FINANCIAL REPORT ‘A. Operating Account | Debbie reported that there is currently $18672.09 in the operating account and $3341.88 in the reserve as of November 12. There are currently 121 recorded homeowners. MOTION: Teri motioned to approve the financial report. Tim seconded the ‘motion and it passed unanimously. B. Delinquencies Debbie reported that there are currently 8 homeowners who have not yet paid, Delinquency letter was mailed out to all delinquencies October 1. Next step would be to post delinquencies on doors. Danielle agreed to post on doors. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Teri motioned to approve the August 12 minutes, Sharon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 4, OLD BUSINESS ‘A. Annual Meeting Follow Up Grounds maintenance terms were discussed. It was noted that there are weeds in the rocks. There was further discussion about homeowners picking up trash while walking as the wind blows it in from heavy traffic. “There was discussion about how and when contracts are bid. “There was discussion as to whether or not there should be board approval for exterior buildings. It was agreed that the guidelines for exterior buildings should be placed in the newsletter. It was reported that there are a few street lights that are out. Debbie agreed to follow up swith eity on lights and leaning poles. B. Infraction Letters Follow Up 2 letters were sent out; one for Business use of home ~ homeowner apologized; didn’t know that it was an infraction and 1 letter sent for encroaching of common aree. Homeowner responded stating that contractor had dug the drainage ditch and he would rectify. Problem has still not been rectified. It was reported that there are many drainage issues within the subdivision. Teri agreed to speak to homeowner and see if there is a solution the HOA can assist her with ‘There was discussion about sending certified letter to Alex regarding growing concems with drainage in the subdivision. The letter should also reference Amy Stephenson lot C. Other NEW BUSINESS ‘A. Board Position Appointment MOTION: Teri motioned to appoint Brian to our board to replace Renee resignation. Brian will serve the one year term to fulfill Jared’s remaining term. Teri will serve as President; Sharon will serve as Vice President; Tim will serve as Treasurer; Danielle to serve as Secretary. Danielle seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B. Rules & Fine Committee The HOA needs to adopt a rules and fining schedule to put “teeth” behing the CC&R’s. Debbie has documents from other associations that we can model after. Tim agreed to chair a rules/fine committee and report back to board for ratification. C. Other ‘There wes discussion of limiting rental units within the subdivision. It was determined that in order to do so, the CC&R’s would need to be amended and would require 2/3 of all homeowners to adopt. MOTION: Sharon motioned to implement a policy that anybody interested in running for a board member position must be present at annual meeting upon election. Teri seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. ‘The discussion of a quarterly Newsletter wes addressed. Danielle agreed to create quarterly newsletter and then would be sent via email to those homeowners whose email we do have. ‘There was discussion regarding 3,24 and trailers in public view. The discussion ‘tumed to what is “regularly” used. There was discussion as to being stored vs being used. The interpretation of CC&R’s 3.24 and 3.6 was tabled for next board meeting. There was discussion of garbage bins placement as per the CC&R’s. The board agreed that this topic should be added to the newsletter. 5. ADJOURNMENT Meeting adjourned at 11:08 am.

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