February 5 2020

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CRESCENT HILLS SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Board Meeting Wednesday, February 5, 2020 ‘The Crescent Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association held a Board meeting on Wednesday, February 5 at 9:30 am at Sharon Barlow home in Cedar City, Utah, 1. CALL TO ORDER Jared called the meeting to order at 9:30 2, FINANCIAL REPORT ‘A. Operating Account Debbie reported that there is currently $7519.54 in the operating account and $3335 in the reserve as of January 31. MOTION: Jared motioned to approve the financial report. Sharon seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. B. Delinquency Report It was reported that there is currently 1 homeowner who is delinquent, As per the collection policy, we need to send certified letter for collection, MOTION: Sharron motioned to send a certified letter. If no response by March 1 or 30 days from date of letter then a lien will be placed on property. Jared seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Jared motioned to approve the October 30 minutes, Teri seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 4, NEW BUSINESS 5, OLD BUSINESS A. Follow Up with Developer Jared messaged Alex regarding speeding. It was discussed that trucks are still going down side streets. Jared indicated that the street lights are not Alex’s responsibility. They belong to the city. Debbie agreed to check with city road department to report ctooked street light. Jared discussed with Alex the fencing lot line on the north and reported that that was the agreement between developer and Genpak. It was discussed that that would be an issue between homeowner and developer and not HOA. Fencing was discussed. Lot 8 & 12 are looking for contractor. Lot 16 still needs back lot fenced. Need to know plan for installation. Letter to Lot 16 & 44. B. Other The fencing timelines were discussed. It was mentioned that Lot 8 and 12 are in the process of locating a contractor. Lot 16 still needs back lot fenced and 14 has not commenced installation. We need to know the plan for installation. MOTION: Sharron motioned to send letters to lot 14 & 16 requiring inform: regarding fencing installation. Jared seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 5, ADJOURNMENT ‘Next meeting will be May 13 (2 Wed of quarter) at 9:30 at Sharon's house. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 am,

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