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CRESCENT HILLS SUBDIVISION HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION Minutes of Board Meeting Wednesday, October 309 2019 The Crescent Hills Subdivision Homeowners Association held a Board meeting on ‘Wednesday, October 30 2019 at 9:30 am at Sharon Barlow home in Cedar City, Utah, 1, CALL TO ORDER Jared called the meeting to order at 9:35 2, FINANCIAL REPORT ‘A. Operating Account Debbie reported that there is currently $8517.04 in the operating account, B. Delinquency Report ‘It was reported that there are currently 14 homeowners who are delinquent. Late fees as per the CC&R’s are $10/mo. Email copy of Chelsea’s bill to Teri and she will deliver. Debbie to mail out delinquency. MOTION: Sharon motioned to implement a collection policy. The policy would late notices would be mailed out on October 1, 2"! late notice would be hand delivered on November 1, Certified letter would be sent out on December 1, liens would be addressed at the January Board meeting. Jared seconded the motion and it passed unanimously, 3. NEW BUSINESS ‘A. Annual Meeting Follow Up 1, Speed Limits It was mentioned that Alex’s construction crews were speeding through neighborhood and use of cross streets he needed to be reminded of such. Jared agreed to contact Alex. 2. Homes Without Fences It was mentioned that there are 2 or 3 homes that still do not have required white vinyl fencing installed. In speaking with Adam & Kevin, they indicated that Greg will not return their calls to get installed. Lot 16, 44, 53, 38 (8 look at CO) were also potential infractions. MOTION: Jared motioned to send a letter to the homeowners who are infraction of the fencing requirement. Teri seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 3. Crooked Street Lights ‘It was mentioned that there are a few crooked street lights, It was proposed that Alex could repair due to construction. Jared agreed to contact Alex. 4, North Boundary Fence Line Tt was reported that the north boundary line of the subdivision is deteriorating or not being retained. Alex built with chain link fence and is in violation of the CC&R’s. Jared to contact Jackson to see if there was a reason for the chain link and then to contact Alex. B. Reserve Study Debbie mentioned that to be in compliance with the state a reserve study needed to be conducted. No improvements were required until 2022. ‘Also, a reserve account should be set up at the bank. C. Other 4, OLD BUSINESS A. Other 5. ADJOURNMENT Next meeting will be Feb 12 2" Wed of quarter) 9:30 Sharon’s house. ‘Meeting adjourned at 10:50

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