Big Little Mistakes

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A long time ago, on this green earth, there lived two beautiful fairy. Angel is a fairy who
really love nature. She has a mission. She will keep the earth green forever. She will never let
this green earth was destroyed by human or anything. However, Grace is a fairy who doesn’t
like this green earth. She wants every human in the world live in the modern life. Build many
skyscraper. Doing everything instantly.

On sunny day, in the part of earth ..

Angel : “How beautiful this earth. There are many kind of trees and plants . will this

condition forever? “ (turn around the forest)

Grace : “Hi Angel, You won’t see this greenness soon. You just wait for it”

Angel : “What do you mean? And Why I won’t see that greenness?”

Grace : “Shut up Angel!!!” (She’s swing her stick to make Angel can’t move)

Angel : “No !! You can’t do this!!”

Grace : “HAHAHAHA. I’ll do what I wanna do Angel”

Angel : (Trying to release the string that binding her body)

Grace : “ My first target is teenagers. Especially in Niagara High School. I heard that the

students doesn’t really care about nature”

Then, grace was disappear. She will practice her mission immediately. She will persuade
teenagers as much as she can do. And also Angel, she feel curious with Grace’s mission. Finally,
She can release the string that binding her body and follow grace

In Niagara High School..

Jannet : “is there any place of trash?”

Mary : “Yes, over there. So far from here”

Jannet : “hfft.. I wiil keep this in my pocket”

Mary : “Yeah, it’s better”

Grace : “Hi Jannet, you better throw that rubbish now on the road, your pocket will be

full of rubbish , dirty, and really smell. So digusting” (whisper at Jannet)

Angel’s coming..

Angel : “No Jannet, there’ll be a flood”

Grace : “There will never be flood because only you did this”

Jannet : “Whatever..” (Throw that rubbish on the road)

In the class, Robert, Jannet, Mary, and Jack are crowding around.

Robert : “Hi Guys, do you want this crisp?”

Jack : “I want.. “

Mary : “Me too”

Robert : “You Jannet?”

Jannet : “No, thank’s”

Robert : “Hey Jack you eat it all?”

Jack : “Sorry, Robert “ (smiling)

Robert : “ No matter. I wanna throw the wrap in trash”

Grace : “Hi Robert. The trash is out there. Just spend your energy. Now, throw it in

the space underneath table. And say my word to your friends” (whispering

Robert : (Throw the wrap in the space underneath table)

Then, they trhow every rubbish in every where, not in the right place.

In the field. After Robert and jack playing football. The drink some water.

Mary : “Robert, Jack do you guys thirsty? I bring some water for you”

Jack : “Ouh, thank you Mary,” (drink the water)

Robert : (drink the water)

Mary : “Can you give me the bottle?

Robert : “for what, Mary?”

Mary : “ I wanna make a lamp from that bottle”

Robert : “haha, It’s useless Mary. You rich. You can buy lamp as much as you want”

Mary : “but…”

Robert : “Stop Mary, I won’t give you this bottle. This is rubbish, dirty and we have to

throw it.” (trhow the bottle)

Mary : “Hey, you even don’t trhow it in the right place”

Robert : “Well, I don’t care. The cleaning service will clean it, we’ve paid for all of this”

Jack : “ Yeah, moreover it just two bottles Mary, you’re so.. “

Jannet’s coming..

Jannet : “Hi, Robert,Mary,Jack what are you guys talking about?”

Jack : “Your friend try to playing with rubbish” (pull up the index finger to Mary)

Jannet : “Right Mary? You do?”

Mary : “No.. I just wanna recycling the rubbish. Is it wrong?”

The bell rings..

Robert : “It’s Lunch time. Why don’t we go to canteen?”

Jack : “Good idea.”

They go to canteen and buy some snack. And they throw the garbages anywhere they feel
like it. Except Mary, she feel sad everytime she looks what her friends do.

In the night, Mary looks at the sky within her window.

Mary : “When I was young, I see many stars in the sky. But now, I don’t see any star.

Where are they go? Is it because of us? Because of human manner? Are we

really cruel?”

Angel : “Hey, Mary..” (Suddenly shot)

Mary : (shocked) “who are you? And where are you come from? And why you can

enter into my room? “

Angel : “ okay, I’m a fairy. I love nature and you’re the only person who’s not fainted

after see me. I kinda like that” (smiling)

Mary : “What’s your aim come to me?”

Angel : “Oh simple, I just wanna give you a mission.”

Mary : “What is the mission?”

Angel : “Calm down pretty. Do you love nature?”

Mary : “ Yes, I do.”

Angel : “But in this era, everybody wants luxurious thing, everything instantly. They

build many skyscraper. They forgot that they need fresh air, oxygen, healthy
foods. They also forgot , they do little mistakes can causes big problem and

makes everyone in this world suffering.”

Mary : “ I agree with you”

Angel : “Of course, you have to baby..”

Mary : “My friends..”

Angel : “Yes, I knew. Your friends have a bad manner, isn’t it?

Mary : “Just like you said”

Angel : “So, I came in to help you, to give you a solution”

Mary : “ I don’t wanna hurt my friends and I don’t wanna heart everyone in this world”

Angel : “ The world give you problem because you the only who can solve it”

Mary : “ I understood”

Angel : “ Your friends will be realize if they got the consequences of their manner”

Mary : “Maybe you are right”

Angel : “you have to warning them about their bad manner.”

Angel suddenly disappear from Mary’s view. Mary begin to think about the all of
Angel’s said. She has to warn her friends immediately.

In the school, Jack’s face is very wan..

Robert : “Hi Mary, good morning..” (smiling)

Mary : “Morning Robert”

Jack : “Nice day, isn’t it?

Mary : “Jannet, are you sick? Your face is really wan“ (look at Jack)
Jannet : “Am I? I’m feeling unwell today”

Mary : “You better take a rest at your home”

Jannet : “No, I still can move and walk to school”

Jack : “Okay, that is what you want”

Robert : “Are you hungry guys?”

Mary : “Robert, it’s still early. You haven’t breakfast, aren’t you?”

Robert : “I had a breakfast Mary.. but I still hungry”

Jack : “Me too”

Robert : “Okay, let’s go to canteen”

Finally, Mary goes to canteen with forced. She think that after they eat, they will throw
the garbage everywhere they want. After that, the garbages stacked and there are many flies.
They eat not so far from where the rubbish thrown. The flies move close to them from the
garbages stacked.

(They’re eating)

Robert : “Done. I’m not hungry anymore. Let’s back to class guys”

Jannet : “Wait.. My stomach..” (holding his stomach and moaning)

Mary : “What’s wrong with your stomach, Jannet?” (panic)

Jannet : “I don’t know, Mary”

Jack : “Robert, you should go to clinic and take some medicine!”

Robert : “but..”

Jack : “Now ….!!!”

Jannet finally fainted.

Robert : “Okay,,” (running)

In the forest, Angel and Grace met again. The truth is Angel pretend that she haven’t bind
the string from her body.

Grace : “ Hi Angel How are you ? long time no see. Did you see, angel? That greeneess

is almost end. HAHAHA” (laughing)

Angel : “ Easy for you to say so”

Grace : “Of course, my dream is almost become real”

Angel : “Let just have fun with your dream!”

In the clinic..

Robert : “Excuse me.. Doctor.. My friend..”

Doctor : “Clam down boy, What happen with your friend?”

Robert : (Take a breath deeply) “She’s fainted sir ..!!”

Doctor : “Who’s fainted, Tell me completely!!”

Robert : “Jannet fainted..!! Help me ..”

Doctor and Robert run as soon as possible and bring Jannet to clinic.

Doctor : “ What kind of food did she eat?” ( checking her condition)

Mary : “She ate fried rice like usually”

Doctor : “I think the foods are not clean enough”

Mary : “Maybe because there are many rubbish sir?”

Doctor : “Really? It can be”

Mary : “So, what should we do?”

Doctor : “I think she got symptoms of diarrhea. You should bring her to the hospital. I’ll

give her a medicine”

Jannet’s waking up..

Jannet : (open her eyes) “Where am I? My stomach..” (still moaning)

Mary : “You’re in the clinic”

Doctor : “Drink it Jannet” (give the medicine)

Jannet : (Drink the medicine)

Doctor : “You got symptoms of diarrhea Jannet. You should check at the hospital”

Jannet : “Thank you sir. Mary, please, accompany me back to home”

Mary : “Now?”

Jannet : “Yes, right now”

Then, Mary accompany Jannet to back to Jannet’s home. After that, she back to school again

In the class..

Jack : “Mary, How about Jannet’s condition?”

Mary : “She’s fine. She just need to take rest”

Jack : “Good to know”

Mary : “Just it? Jannet is our friend. She fainted because of us. Did you realize?! We

often throw the garbages everywhere.”

Robert : “So? What’s the problem?”

Mary : “Robert! Jack! Jannet got the symptomps diarrhea. That’s because the garbages

we threw”
Jack : “Really?”

Mary : “Of course !”

Mary’s phone is ringing..

Mary : “Hallo.. Who is this? What? Jannet is in the hospital now?”

Mary goes to hospital immediately..

Jack : “Wait Mary.. We have to join!”

Mary, Jack, and Robert go to hospital together. In the hospital..

Mary : “Jannet…” (hugging Jannet)

Jannet : “Hi, Mary..”

Mary : “are you ok?”

Jannet : “Mary, I’m sorry. I always ignores and careless about your words. Now I feel

disappointed. If I can turn the time back, I will do it now. But it’s useless”

Robert : “I also regret Mary.I just do little things but causing a big thing”

Jack : “Yeah it’s true. I’m very sorry about it. The truth is I never care what did you

said. “

Mary : “Nothing is too late guys. We can make a changes right now”

Jannet : “ How? Even though we did this. Everyone out there stiil do the wrong thing”

Mary : “No, we can do this together. We can start from ourselves. Then, inviting the o

others. Whay do you think guys?”

Robert : “That’s a good idea!!”

Jack : “Yeah, it can be”

Mary : “Okay, now promise that we’ll change our bad habit and never do that again.

Then, If it works. We will invite everyone”

Jack, Jannet, Robert : “Agree”

Finally, They make a deal to doing the right things. Mary was feeling happy because she
could changing her friend’s manner. She hope it’s not just a bullshit. But she believe in her

At night, she’s standing back of her window . She looks at the sky. Suddenly, Angel’s

Angel : “Hi! Mary..”

Mary : “Hi Angel, why do you come here again?”

Angel : “I just want to say, Congratulation Mary, you succed to change your friend’s

manner. Perfect! I’m so proud of you”

Mary : “Thank you Angel. I do what I think it’s right to do.”

Angel : “Good Mary, keep moving on..”

Mary : “Thank you, fairy. I’ll do the best”

Angel : (disappear)

Angel’s mission was completed. How about Grace? Where is She? She’s disappear after
She looks at the green school. She’s gone and never come back.

“Just do little mistakes can make everyone suffering, even though your close friend”


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