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Professional Capacity Building: within the funding capacity of in- also strengthening local capacity and
the Missing Agenda in ternational donors; between 2000 institutional development. Unless the
and 2004, the Global Environmen- people of biodiversity-rich countries
Conservation Priority Setting
tal Facility alone approved or en- in the developing world are able to
Given current unprecedented extinc- dorsed biodiversity-related proposals take the lead in the conservation of
tion rates (Mace et al. 2005), find- in Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and their own regions, long-term, sustain-
ing ways to invest limited conserva- México—just four ANA countries— able solutions are unlikely to be found
tion resources is of the utmost impor- totaling approximately US$140 mil- and the limited funds for conserva-
tance. Wilson et al. (2006) recently lion (, accessed tion are likely to be misspent.
made significant advances in this October 2004).
area by explicitly integrating financial Although increased rigor in con- Jon Paul Rodrı́guez,∗†∗∗ Kathryn M. Rodrı́-
costs and temporal constraints into a servation priority setting is clearly guez-Clark,∗ Marı́a A. Oliveira-Miranda,‡
model for conservation priority set- desirable, it makes little sense to Tatjana Good,† and Alejandro Grajal§
ting, which to date has been driven create elaborate conservation invest- ∗ Centro de Ecologı́a, Instituto Venezolano
largely by static area-selection algo- ment plans for needy regions with- de Investigaciones Cientı́ficas (IVIC), Apdo.
rithms. This is particularly relevant at out considering who will implement 21827, Caracas 1020-A, Venezuela
a time when international conserva- them. For example, the region cho- † bioDISCOVERY, Diversitas, Centro de Ecolo-
tion organizations are finding it diffi- sen by Wilson et al. (2006), which pri- gı́a, IVIC, Apdo. 21827, Caracas 1020-A, Vene-
cult to spend their own funds effec- marily includes Malaysia and Indone- zuela
‡ CentroInternacional de Ecologı́a Tropical,
tively in the global priority areas they sia, is heavily dependent on foreign
IVIC, Apdo 21827, Caracas 1020-A, Venezuela
have identified (Halpern et al. 2006). human resources for biodiversity-
§ Chicago Zoological Society, 3300 Golf Road,
A crucial dimension remains miss- related research. Of 97 articles about
Brookfield, IL 60513, U.S.A.
ing from Wilson et al.’s (2006) model, these two countries published in Bi-
∗∗ email
however: the availability of human ological Conservation, Biodiversity
resources to implement the priori- and Conservation, Oryx, and Con-
ties identified. For example, in Aus- servation Biology between 1995 and Literature Cited
tral and Neotropical America (ANA; 2006, only 15 have corresponding au-
Halpern, B. S., C. R. Pyke, H. E. Fox, J. C. Haney,
from México to Argentina, includ- thors based in the region (ISI Web of
M. A. Schlaepfer, and P. Zaradic. 2006. Gaps
ing the Caribbean) there is a clear Knowledge, accessed April 2006). In- and mismatches between global conserva-
gap between the conservation work stead, the majority of research leaders tion priorities and spending. Conservation
to be done and the professionals were based at institutions in Europe Biology 20:56–64.
available to do it. To reach a level (55%), North America (22%), or Aus- Mace, G., et al. 2005. Biodiversity. Pages 77–
122 in R. Hassan, R. Scholes, and N. Ash,
of technical conservation capacity tralia and New Zealand (6%).
editors. Ecosystems and human well-being:
in ANA comparable to that exist- If efforts to improve biodiversity current state and trends. Volume 1. Find-
ing in the United States, the number conservation are similar to those de- ings of the Condition and Trends Working
of conservation biology departments voted to advancing public health and Group. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
in ANA universities must increase by science in general, they will only be Muller, M. 2006. Making sure public health
policies work. Science 311:1098.
four to eight times, at an estimated truly effective where local capacity
Rodrı́guez, J. P., J. A. Simonetti, A. Premoli, and
cost of US$8–20 million over a few and involvement is strong (Sreeni- M. A. Marini. 2005. Conservation in Austral
years (Rodrı́guez et al. 2005). Based vasan 2004; Muller 2006). Generating and Neotropical America: building scien-
on these figures, raising the level quantitative data on this point is vital, tific capacity equal to the challenges. Con-
of professional capacity for con- but it seems reasonable that interna- servation Biology 19:969–972.
Sreenivasan, K. R. 2004. Science in the south.
servation in the entire developing tional organizations who truly value
Science 306:1259.
world would require funds on the their long-term conservation invest- Wilson, K. A., M. F. McBride, M. Bode, and H. P.
order of US$100–200 million. Al- ments will need to take into account Possingham. 2006. Prioritizing global con-
though large, these figures are clearly not only investment schedules but servation efforts. Nature 440:337–340.

Conservation Biology Volume 20, No. 5, 1340–1341

C 2006 Society for Conservation Biology

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