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Vol. 28, No. 12, December 2019, pp. 2946–2959 DOI 10.1111/poms.

ISSN 1059-1478|EISSN 1937-5956|19|2812|2946 © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society

Research Opportunities in Supply Chain Transparency

ManMohan S. Sodhi*
Cass Business School, City, University of London, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ, UK,

Christopher S. Tang
UCLA Anderson School, 110 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA,

ore firms than ever before are disclosing the provenance of their products, results of product testing, and suppliers’
M compliance with labor-practice norms in their annual reports, sustainability reports, and press releases, besides
making such information available on third-party websites. However, collecting and disclosing such information is not
only costly but also does not provide clear benefits. While the terminology is not yet standard in the literature, this study
distinguishes supply chain transparency from visibility. Here, visibility refers to managers’ efforts to learn more about
operations upstream in their supply chains. In contrast, by transparency, we mean a company disclosing information to
consumers, investors, and other stakeholders about compliance with consumer-expected norms in its supply chain opera-
tions and products. To motivate further research on supply chain transparency, we first report recent examples of compa-
nies providing supply chain transparency. Then we present potential benefits of supply chain visibility and supply chain
transparency, respectively, for the company. Finally, we propose topics for research on supply chain transparency
arranged by stakeholder.
Key words: supply chain transparency; supply chain visibility; stakeholder resource-based view; research topics;
History: Received: January 2018; Accepted: May 2018 by Hau Lee and Hongtao Zhang, after 1 revision.

transparency, we mean a company disclosing informa-

1. Introduction tion to the public, including consumers and investors,
More companies than ever before are disclosing infor- about upstream operations and about the products it
mation about their products and their supply chains sells to consumers. Traceability is a particular aspect of
to consumers (Marshall et al. 2016). However, apart visibility, being the capability of a company for ascer-
from compliance with regulatory requirements, the taining provenance. Whether or not the company dis-
benefits of such disclosure are unclear. Companies closes any of its traceability or other supply chain
are disclosing the provenance of their products, information to the public is a matter of transparency.
results of product testing, and suppliers’ compliance As a necessary step for supply chain transparency,
of labor practices with (western) consumer-expected companies need to first invest in supply chain visibil-
norms in annual reports, sustainability reports, and ity. They must first map out their supply chain opera-
press releases, and via third-party websites. These tions. Then they need to conduct audits and supplier
companies find that choosing, collecting, and disclos- interviews, along with commissioning reports. This
ing such information is costly, complicated, and time- investment in supply chain visibility has economic
consuming. Major audit companies offer “assurance” value by way of improved operational decisions
practices, and third parties provide transparency ser- (Handfield 2017). With this information about their
vices to companies to assist in such efforts. Moreover, supply chain known to them, managers can provide
companies do not understand very well the value of supply chain transparency to consumers and others
such disclosure. This study seeks to offer a research by selectively disclosing some of this information.
agenda for operations management (OM) scholars to They can also reveal information on their products to
motivate further research on supply chain transparency. the public (New 2010) to assure communities where
Although the terminology is not yet standardized, the company or its suppliers have operations.
we find it worthwhile to distinguish visibility from Visibility caters to the needs of stakeholders internal
supply chain transparency. By supply chain visibility, to the company (or its supply chain) like managers or
we refer to managers’ efforts to gather informa- immediate suppliers or customers. In contrast, trans-
tion about operations upstream and downstream in parency targets a broader set of external stakeholders,
their supply chains. In contrast, by supply chain including consumers and consumer rights’ advocacy
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society 2947

groups, NGOs as well as investors and monitoring Swiss company that produces and sells apparel for
agencies. Our focus is on consumers to whom compa- men and women, offering “openness” as its core
nies can misrepresent the value or safety of their value to differentiate itself from other apparel compa-
products and services, “phishing for phools” (Akerlof nies. Each Heidi garment has a tag that comes with a
and Schiller 2015, pp. 1–11). label that can enable consumers to review the entire
We use the word “transparency” as an abbreviation supply chain process from the source of the cotton to
for “supply chain transparency” in study for brevity. the distribution center.2
However, there are other aspects of transparency for DisclosingTier-1 supplier information. Many appa-
a publicly listed company such as disclosure of their rel companies disclose Tier-1 suppliers, including the
gender pay gap, the top n customers, or efforts to pre- supplier’s name, location, and activity as of this writ-
vent participating in corruption. These aspects of ing. After facing years of criticism over child labor by
transparency are not the subject of this study. its suppliers, Nike began to disclose its contract sup-
We consider mostly, but not solely, on the supply- plier base in 2005.3 It provides the names and loca-
side or upstream operations for transparency because tions of its Tier-1 active contract factories (Doorey
a firm disclosing its list of customers could merely be 2011)4 —all 567 of them in November 2017—on its
advertising. That is why many companies forbid their “manufacturing map” website.5 Apple too discloses
suppliers from “disclosing” their names as customers. its top 200 Tier-1 suppliers, which in 2014 represented
However, downstream transparency is becoming 97% of its costs of procurement of components, manu-
increasingly crucial regarding disclosing post-consu- facturing, and assembly. Marks and Spencer, a lead-
mer waste from a company’s products or their pack- ing UK-based retailer, discloses the name, the
aging. Supply chain visibility is needed for both location, and the percentage of female workers of
upstream and downstream operations because a com- each of its 1539 factories in 57 countries on an interac-
pany’s sales can be affected by disruptions in either tive map online.6 The California-based apparel com-
direction. pany, Patagonia, has also launched its “footprint
In the next section, we report on the transparency chronicles”7 by disclosing information about both its
phenomenon with examples of companies providing suppliers (raw materials such as wool, cotton, and
information to consumers, investors, and monitoring down) and contract manufacturers.
agencies. Next, we discuss the potential benefits of Disclosing environmental footprint in the supply
supply chain visibility in section 3 and those of sup- chain (all tiers). Environmental disclosure is about
ply chain transparency in section 4. In section 5, we the extent to which the factories of a company’s sup-
propose some research topics before concluding in pliers comply with the environmental regulations or
section 6. accepted norms. These regulations or norms include
energy usage, water consumption, water recycling,
2. Examples of Supply Chain waste treatment, and air pollution. Many companies,
including Walmart, Target, and Costco, now share
Transparency their environment reports with the public, but very
Many companies have sharpened their corporate few companies provide any information about suppli-
social responsibility focus on environmental and ers beyond the first tier. As a notable exception, the
social sustainability (Tang 2018). The resulting effort Kering Group, parent to luxury brands such as
includes making their supply chain operations more Alexander McQueen, Bottega Veneta, and Puma, dis-
transparent to the public to signal their commitment closes greenhouse gas emissions, air, and water pollu-
to sustainability to consumers and investors. Below tion, land use and water consumption incurred by its
are examples of companies disclosing different suppliers all the way from Tier-1 contract suppliers
levels of supply chain information to the public. performing assembly operations to Tier-4 suppliers
Nearly all these examples are from the apparel producing raw materials in its online “Environmental
industry, along with only a couple of exceptions Profit and Loss Statement.”8
from computers and electronics. The food sector Disclosing supply chain cost. Supply chain costs
should have been another sector, especially when it include materials cost, labor cost, transportation cost,
comes to provenance (Wognum et al. 2011), but we and customs duties. Typically, in the retail industry,
did not come across many examples.1 Indeed, there companies do not want consumers, competitors, or
are many more examples of deliberate opaqueness suppliers to gain such information (Sinha 2000). How-
from the food and the pharmaceutical sectors (see ever, San Francisco-based apparel retailer Everlane is
section 5.5). pushing for “radical transparency” by revealing its
Disclosing supply chain information at all tiers. supply chain (input) costs as well as the average price
Some companies collect and disclose process informa- markup by others in selling similar items.9 Everlane’s
tion for the entire supply chain. S.A. is a online customers can, therefore, determine the
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
2948 Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society

retailer’s price relative to what it pays its suppliers to are not easily accessible. The Institute of Public and
inform their purchasing decision. Environmental (IPE) (, an NGO
Disclosing supplier workplace safety compliance. based in Beijing, compiles information about water
Workplace safety compliance information is about the and air-polluting factories in China and discloses the
extent to which a supplier’s factory meets Environ- identity of their overseas customers of polluting facto-
ment, Health, and Safety (EHS) standards. After the ries on its website. In 2011, IPE published a report
collapse of Bangladesh’s Rana Plaza in 2013 with a detailing the alleged malpractice in Apple’s supply
death toll of 1134, over 166 apparel corporations from chain in China. These malpractices allegedly resulted
20 countries along with NGOs and Bangladeshi in factory workers getting poisoned and even dis-
worker unions formed the Accord on Fire and Build- abled, with entire communities faced with pollution
ing Safety in Bangladesh with a 5-year agreement (Schroeder 2011). In response, Apple developed its
from 2013 to 2018 to ensure a safe working environ- “supplier responsibility” program to improve its sup-
ment. Some US retailers, including Walmart, formed plier’s environment, health & safety performance
a separate Alliance for Bangladesh Work Safety with- than before.14 However, unlike Everlane, Apple does
out involving worker unions.10 The goal of these con- not disclose how well it pays its suppliers to create
sortia, Accord, and Alliance, is to improve workplace “shared value.” The Economist provided cost trans-
safety for over 2 million workers at 1800 factories parency for Apple’s iPhone in 2011—$178 worth of
over a limited period (Kapner and Banjo 2013). The parts against the list price of $560 in the United States,
organizations created by these consortia, respectively, higher in other countries. The company’s hefty
conduct audits of suppliers, posting the audit reports markup for consumers raises questions by itself,
online (Caro et al. 2018).11 PVH Corporation, owning along with the meager share for suppliers.
such brands as Calvin Klein and Tommy Hilfiger, has As these examples show, companies disclose infor-
audited 84% of its Tier-1 suppliers at least once per mation to varying degrees (Table 1). A company
year since 2012. The purpose is to assure western con- could disclose information for all supplier levels, for
sumers about PVH suppliers’ compliance with EHS Tier-1 suppliers only, or only minimal assurance to
regulations. customers about their unnamed suppliers meeting
Assuring provenance. Provenance includes names western norms. Or, companies may provide no infor-
or suppliers, and the materials used and produced by mation at all. This variation is because companies per-
suppliers, including the source location and how ceive the value of transparency differently. We need
these were extracted or produced. Supply chain trace- further research for better understanding of trans-
ability is about companies being able to trace the path parency.
of materials upstream to the extent possible. Some But, before we list research topics, we need to
companies disclose only how they ensure provenance understand the benefits of supply chain transparency,
but without revealing the names of suppliers or any over and above those of supply chain visibility alone.
other details. The German animal-rights organization Below, we outline information in this way for two rea-
Four Paws accused Patagonia of using live-plucked sons. First, getting information by gaining visibility
down from force-fed geese that were also harvested into the supply chain is a necessary step towards
for foie gras and meat. In response, Patagonia devel- being able to disclose some of this information. Sec-
oped a “traceable down” initiative to trace sourced ond, visibility initiatives aim at stakeholders internal
down upstream, all the way to the farm. It can, there- to the company and its immediate supply chain part-
fore, assure consumers that the down it uses for its ners. By contrast, transparency efforts target external
products is not associated with cruel practices like stakeholders by way of consumers, investors, and reg-
live-plucking or force-feeding.12 Similarly, Intel seeks ulators, among others. In the next two sections, we
information about its systems and processes to be able discuss the potential benefits to a company from gain-
to assure its customers that the minerals used in, or ing supply chain visibility (section 3) and the poten-
for, its products are conflict-free.13 tial benefits to this company for providing
If a company does not provide transparency volun- transparency to its external stakeholders (section 4).
tarily, there is a risk that third parties may obtain and
publish such information. Consider the following
examples. 3. Potential Benefits of Gaining
Involuntary third party-disclosure of a company’s
information: When companies source from Chinese
Visibility for Internal Stakeholders
contract manufacturers who in turn source their mate- Gaining visibility creates value for a company, not
rials from other Chinese suppliers, the supply chain is only to enable it to provide transparency, but also to
often opaque. The opacity is because lower-tier sup- reduce its exposure to risk and, at the same time,
pliers’ environmental regulations compliance records improve efficiency.
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Table 1 Disclosing Product and Supply Chain Information to Consumers

Entity disclosing Extent of

Types of information information disclosure Examples
Supply chain (suppliers at all tiers) Company Transparency • Heidi’s respect code initiative
Supplier base (Tier 1 suppliers only) Company Transparency • Nike’s manufacturing map initiative
• Marks & Spencer’s supplier map the initiative
• Patagonia’s Footprint Chronicle initiative
• Apple disclosing top 200 suppliers
Supply chain environmental footprint Company Transparency • Kering Group’s Environmental Profit and Loss Report
Supply chain cost information Company Transparency • Everlane’s disclosure of its supply chain cost as well as
markups on competing products in the market
Supplier workplace safety compliance Consortia Transparency • Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh
• Alliance for Bangladesh Work Safety

Supplier workplace safety compliance Company Assurance • Patagonia’s traceable goose-down initiative
• Intel’s Conflict-Free Supply Chain initiative
• PVH Corporate Responsibility Initiatives
Supplier Environmental
regulations compliance
Company/NGOs Involuntary • Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE) disclosing
information on treatment of workers at Apple’s supplier

Supply cost Company Involuntary • The Economist disclosing supply chain cost for iPhone
compared to Apple’s list price

Table 2 Supply Chain Risks

Risks for the buying firm Suppliers’ risky behavior

Materials risks Use of materials (e.g., conflict minerals) that violate agreements/regulations or use ingredients not allowed in the
buying firms’ markets
Product risks Use of unsafe materials in products (e.g., lead and cadmium in toys, melamine in food products, etc.) or of shoddy
manufacturing practices
Reputation risk Have a hazardous workplace due to dangerous buildings; use of child labor
Environmental risks Violation of environmental regulations not only in the buying firms’ markets but also in the suppliers’ own country
Product development risks Accepting to deliver a product or component without the necessary capability or manufacturing process to
develop it in time for market launch (as in Sony’s release of PlayStation 4)
Product delivery risks Failing to deliver on time

3.1. Managing Supply Chain Risk euros in one quarter alone after their supplier’s semi-
Companies need to coordinate their global supply conductor plant in New Mexico caught fire in 2000.
chains across many tiers of suppliers in different geo- Another example is Land Rover having to lay off 1400
graphical locations. These supply chains are vulnera- workers after one of their key suppliers became insol-
ble to different types of disruptions. These vent in 2001. Baxter recalled Heparin in 2008 after its
disruptions could be external to the supply chain by Chinese supplier provided a counterfeit ingredient
way of earthquakes, floods, terrorist attacks, etc. They and Mattel recalled toys in 2007 after its supplier pro-
could also be internal to the supply chain with product duced lead-tainted toys. Boeing had to live with mul-
recalls, supply shortages, supplier bankruptcies, etc. tiple delays in its 787 development in 2009 after its
(Sodhi and Tang 2012). Moreover, western companies suppliers failed to deliver different modules. Other
sourcing from “low-cost countries” put their suppli- supply chain disruptions cause negative publicity.
ers under tremendous pressure to do things faster, For instance, major international brands faced media
better, and cheaper. Under such pressure, suppliers attention after the collapse of several Bangladeshi
may engage in risky behavior (Lee et al. 2012) with contract factories in the Rana Plaza tragedy. With
excessive overtime or child labor (Table 2), poten- supply chain visibility into upstream operations,
tially damaging the company’s brand (Tang 2006). companies can develop proactive strategies to reduce
The research literature on supply chain disruptions the chance of these disruptions and to mitigate
is vast (cf. Sodhi and Tang 2012, pp. 311–331). Such their negative consequences if they do occur
disruptions resulted in Ericsson losing 400 million (Tang 2006).
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Downstream visibility is useful to a company as Besides these potential benefits, supply chain visi-
well. When the Thai floods of 2012 disrupted hard bility enables firms to disclose some of this informa-
disk manufacturer Western Digital, computer manu- tion to the public and thus be more transparent to
facturers were affected because they could not ship external stakeholders. Transparency brings additional
computers without hard disks. These manufacturers, benefits, which we discuss next.
in turn, reduced their purchase of chipsets and other
components (Bunya and Tang 2014). Thus, Intel suf-
fered a loss in sales despite having no disrupted sup- 4. Potential Benefits and Risks of
pliers itself in the affected region in Thailand. Offering Transparency to External
Likewise, customers’ inability to pay, most notably
during the 2008 financial crisis in western countries,
can lead to the company’s bankruptcy. Traditionally, companies safeguarded supply chain
information to protect their competitive advantage in
3.2. Reducing Reputational Damages product development, production cost, product qual-
With improved supply chain visibility, firms can ity, and delivery speed. Therefore, companies fear to
develop different auditing/inspection mechanisms to lose their competitive edge, including through intellec-
prevent or reduce reputation damages caused by the tual property leaks. However, with the free flow of
public exposure of unacceptable supplier practices or information on the Internet, it is getting harder to pro-
undesirable supply provenance. Over 200 apparel tect this information. It may be advantageous for com-
brands, retailers and importers worked with trade panies to disclose supply chain information voluntarily
unions and NGOs in Bangladesh to ensure the factory for two key reasons. One reason is that a company can
buildings of suppliers in low-cost countries comply limit its reputational damages by publishing negative
with safety standards. The result was the establish- news proactively. That way, it avoids the risk of being
ment of ACCORD on fire-and-building safety in 2013. exposed by the media, NGOs, or government agencies.
The ACCORD calls for independent audits of differ- The other is that the company can increase sales if its
ent factory buildings and the requirements for facto- disclosure helps build public trust and generates word-
ries to take corrective measures to ensure building of-mouth marketing. Let us consider the potential ben-
safety (Caro et al. 2018). Intel has taken several steps efits to a company of disclosing information about its
since 2013 to ensure that the company uses only “con- supply chain and products (sections 4.1–4.3), followed
flict-free” minerals in its microprocessor manufactur- by potential drawbacks (section 4.4).
ing. These measures include conducting supplier
surveys, visiting different smelters, conducting on- 4.1. Gaining Consumers’ and Investors’ Trust
the-ground interviews, and supporting independent Many websites or social media platforms provide
audits. Apple has also increased the number of inde- consumers with comparative information on prod-
pendent reviews of its Chinese suppliers for labor- ucts. This information may typically be on price and
rights and environmental violations since IPE’s quality. It may also inform consumers about any envi-
expose in 2011.15 ronmental or social violations of norms anywhere in
the products’ supply chains. Few online consumers
3.3. Improving Supply Chain Efficiency rely on advertisements alone to make purchasing
As firms gain more visibility into their supply chain decisions and instead turn either to comparison plat-
operations across different tiers, they can consider forms or online reviews. One such platform is KBB.-
other supply chain configurations. For example, com for comparing the price and quality of cars in the
after realizing the benefits of developing and manu- same way enables price comparisons
facturing specific products closer to its customers, GE of consumer goods. Websites providing reviews
re-shored its water heater production back to the Uni- include Yelp for local businesses, for
ted States. Similarly, Ford and Boeing reshored some consumer goods, and Tripadvisor for hotel and airline
of their operations to the United States.16 After Ama- reviews. According to eMarketer (2016), 80.7% of 1132
zon experienced UPS late deliveries of its products to surveyed Internet users say that online reviews influ-
customers in 2013, Amazon developed its in-house ence their online purchasing decisions. Phelon (2017)
logistics services to improve its delivery performance reports that 74% of young consumers turn to social
in 2017.17 networks such as Facebook for guidance on purchase
Companies seek real-time information across the decisions.
supply chain to make real-time decisions to prevent Consumers may also look for specifically or other-
or respond to supply–demand mismatches. However, wise find information on social media on a company’s
there is a need for new tools to take advantage of real- products. They may thus learn whether or not these
time information (Handfield 2017). products or their supply chains meet environmental
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society 2951

and social norms. Such sources put companies under Companies also need to “manage” different NGOs
pressure to make more information about their prod- advocating human rights (Fair Labor Association),
ucts and supply chain operations available online animal rights (Four Paws and PETA), or environmen-
than they would have otherwise. Investors also seek tal sustainability (IPE and Green Peace). Managing
such intelligence to understand consumers’ accep- NGOs is not as much as regulatory compliance per se,
tance of the company’s products and the potential but failing to do so could result in adverse publicity.
for sales growth, besides the company’s economic Apple had initially ignored IPE’s information on the
sustainability. company’s suppliers in China, violating air and water
Thus, companies have to provide more trans- pollution. IPE then issued a report, “The other side of
parency to consumers (Nunes 2014). Doing so helps Apple” in 2011, to publicly sharing its findings on
them gain consumer trust, create consumer aware- Apple’s suppliers in China. Negative publicity forced
ness, solicit feedback from consumers, and communi- Apple to become more transparent, and in 2012,
cate their efforts for environmental and social Apple released its first “supplier responsibility pro-
sustainability. Younger “Millennial” consumers have gress report,” including a list of its top 200 suppliers
less trust in big corporations than preceding genera- (Gies 2012).
tions (Hertz 2016). Companies also have come under
greater pressure to disclose provenance in the wake
4.3. Monitoring Suppliers through
of product recalls such as Europe’s horsemeat scandal
in 2013. Institutional and other investors also follow
It is costly for companies to monitor and audit their
development-or-production-related delays in product
suppliers in their entire global supply chain at all
delivery or launch, e.g., Tesla’s production problems
tiers and at all times. By disclosing information
leading to delays in shipments for its Model 3 in
about their suppliers (name, location, operations,
2017–2018. Such events can cause consumers and
and employee demographics) to the public, these
investors to lose trust in the company.
companies can enlist consumers, NGOs, and even
Some companies have responded quickly to the
the suppliers’ employees to monitor these suppliers’
challenge. As mentioned earlier, after information
activities through “crowdsourcing.” Any of these
about its suppliers using live-plucked goose down
entities could expose suppliers’ violations of stan-
became public, Patagonia apologized publicly. The
dards such as those on child labor, EHS, or water-
company then developed its Traceable Down initia-
and-air pollution. Supply chain transparency can
tive and communicated its process to assure con-
help the focal company reduce the cost of audits and
sumers that the geese are not subject to force-feeding
enforcement. For example, following scandals
or live-plucking.
around unsafe food and consumer products in
Companies also use supply chain transparency as a
China, GlobeScan ( reported over 200
marketing tool (Werbach 2009) to gain consumers’
million Chinese consumers were using Weibo,
trust and increased revenues. Kline (2017) reports that
WeChat, and other social media networks to check
73% of the respondents in the 2016 Label Insight
or complain about irresponsible behavior of compa-
Transparency Study said they were willing to pay
nies on social and environmental issues. Thus, with
more for a product with supply chain transparency.
increased scrutiny and rapid dissemination on social
Everlane was the first online apparel retailer to dis-
media networks, suppliers may be deterred from
close its supplier-related costs, possibly with this
undesirable practices (Tang and Babich 2014). The
motivation. Indeed, revenues from Unilever’s Lipton
suppliers’ response reduces the monitoring efforts of
Tea brand increased dramatically in Western Europe
the buying firms.
after Rainforest-Alliance certified Unilever’s sustain-
ability efforts in tea-growing regions (Seifert and
Ionescu-Somers 2011). 4.4. Perceived Drawbacks of Providing Supply
Chain Transparency
4.2. Meeting Regulatory Compliance or Preventing With these potential benefits, many companies are
Bad Publicity warming up to disclosing product and supply chain
Another source of pressure on companies to disclose information, at least in the apparel industry. How-
information is regulation. Many governments have ever, there are perceived drawbacks:
passed new laws requiring companies to provide Difficulty and cost of gathering information: To
more transparency into their supply chain operations. disclose information about its supply chain opera-
Examples include the California Transparency in Supply tions, a company must first collect relevant informa-
Chains Act, the United Kingdom’s Consumer Protection tion. Many companies report that they have limited
Act, and the European Union’s General Product Safety visibility beyond Tier-1 suppliers and may not even
Directive (Marshall et al. 2016). know who Tier-2 suppliers are (Nimbalker et al.
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
2952 Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society

2013).18 But, a company can find it challenging to

gather the necessary supply chain information for
5. Research Opportunities in Supply
several reasons. One reason is the sheer numbers of Chain Transparency
suppliers at different tiers. Another reason is that We identify OM research topics in this section,
suppliers may be spread all over the world. A third arranged by stakeholder—the investors (and the man-
reason is that suppliers beyond tier-1 may be reluc- agers working for them), the consumer, competitors,
tant to share information. There is also the question and suppliers. Arranging by stakeholder is consistent
of the quality of the information gathered. Use of with the stakeholder resource-based view (SRBV) of the
technology will lower these costs and improve the firm, a framework to guide the decision-making of
quality of data. Examples are direct mobile phone managers. Managers develop their own organiza-
SMS-based surveys of employees at supplier plants tion’s capabilities and resources for competitive
or tracking products using the Internet of Things. advantage as per resource-based view of the firm. But
However, setup costs for such technology may be they also do so for stakeholders, whose utility
high. depends on the managers’ decisions (Sodhi 2015). The
Potential risks for disclosing supply chain infor- framework helps identify descriptive (what is?),
mation: A company usually does not like to disclose instrumental (how does?) and normative (how
its Tier-1 suppliers for fear of revealing any source of should?) research questions (Table 3). Researchers
its competitive edge or its supply chain vulnerabili- can examine these topics with field experiments,
ties. There is also the risk of guilt by association. The behavioral experiments, empirical analysis, and
company can be tarred with questionable labor prac- mathematical analysis, or using multiple methods to
tices at a supplier’s plant even if the supplier is two create research streams (Sodhi and Tang 2014).
tiers upstream and volume of business is minuscule.
There is also the risk of guilt by omission if the disclo- 5.1. Investors
sure is not “full.” Consumers or advocacy groups A potential benefit of visibility is that it helps a com-
may then assume the company has something to hide pany avoid, mitigate, and respond to supply chain
and start actively to seek the “missing” information disruptions (cf. Tang 2006, Werbach 2009) that threa-
on social media. Finally, there is a loss of deniability if ten shareholder value (Hendricks and Singhal 2005).
the company has disclosed the identity of a supplier, Moreover, transparency is not possible without visi-
even two tiers upstream. If there is any negative news bility as we use the terms. However, many firms still
about this supplier, the company will not be able to do not have sufficient visibility to manage supply
deny knowing anything about the supplier or its chain risk. According to a survey of 335 global manu-
operations. facturing executive respondents, 49% of the respon-
Negative consumer response: Disclosing prove- dents admitted that their companies currently do not
nance to consumers can provoke an adverse reaction, have visibility of their supply chain beyond Tier-1
especially in the food sector. The horsemeat crisis in suppliers. These results are from KPMG’s 2013 Global
Europe showed that there are incentives to deceive Manufacturing Outlook, a report from the Economist
and misrepresent origins. Also, established western Intelligence Unit. The findings are consistent with a
companies may prefer to be seen as buying ingredi- 2013 survey of Australian fashion companies in which
ents locally even though they are sourcing these 93% of the respondents admitted they did not know
ingredients from Asia or Africa. Disclosing prove- the identity of their raw material suppliers (Nim-
nance could puncture the “wholesome” all-European balker et al. 2013).
or all-American image that these companies project Many firms may view the cost of supply chain visibil-
with advertising or labels. ity to be too high. However, consulting firms (e.g.,
Negative governance and investor response: Man- Kinaxis) and software development firms (e.g., GT
agers may also worry about adverse reaction from Nexus) lower the cost for companies to gain visibility.
their large investors when they share the suppliers’ They provide visibility into the supply to end-customer
performance on environmental and social sustainabil- delivery, including information about the production,
ity. Providing only positive information while with- in-transit operations, on-hand inventory, and cost
holding negative news could make the company along the supply chain. IT service providers such as
legally liable to investors. There may also be fears that and have developed mobile
that transparency would get in the way of the com- solutions for pharmaceutical and for food products to
pany working for and reporting good financial results enable manufacturers to obtain visibility into their sup-
to investors. ply chains. As such, a pertinent research topic is
In light of these costs and risks, the net benefit per-
ceived by companies remains unclear, which moti- 1. What prevents companies from seeking more sup-
vates many research opportunities. ply chain visibility?
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society 2953

Table 3 Research Topics in Supply Chain Transparency, Arranged by Stakeholders

Stakeholder Research questions

5.1. Investors 1. What prevents companies from seeking more supply chain visibility?
2. What information should a company disclose about compliance in its supply chain and products to the public?
3. What are the potential risks associated with revealing supply chain information to the public? Also, how should a
company mitigate risks from such disclosure?
4. How do investors react to good news and bad news as companies disclose compliance-related
information about their suppliers?
5. How are companies evaluating costs and benefits from transparency and implementing disclosure? How should they
do so to maximize shareholder value?
5.2. Consumers and 1. How does transparency offered by a company impact consumers’ (a) willingness to pay, and (b) actual purchasing of
consumer the company’s products and services?
advocacy groups 2. Do consumers react differently to supply chain information when it is (a) disclosed by the company vs. a third party
such as an NGO or a consortium, or (b) provided by the company voluntarily rather than under regulatory requirements?
5.3. Competitors 1. When a company implements supply chain transparency, should its competitors follow?
2. What are the barriers for a firm to offer supply chain transparency when its competitor already provides it?
5.4. Suppliers 1. How do and how should companies collaborate with their suppliers to improve transparency?
2. How should a company (or a consortium) use Blockchain in collaboration with suppliers to enable greater supply chain
visibility as well as transparency?
5.5. NGOs and monitoring 1. How should NGOs and companies publish information about the companies’ compliance with environmental
agencies and social norms?
2. How should a firm collaborate with NGOs to improve transparency and be rewarded for it?
3. How should monitoring agencies require transparency for the benefit of consumers (or workers and their communities)
in the face of political lobbying by companies?
5.6. Communities and 1. How can companies measure (a) the quantity of post-consumer waste from their products and packaging and (b) its
the environment, impact on communities and the environment? How should they report it?

Then there is the matter of deciding what to dis- companies such as Coca-Cola and KFC would not like
close. Many more firms are accumulating different to reveal all the ingredients of their products to retain
types of supply chain information than ever before their unique offerings. However, there are various
but may not understand the impact of revealing sup- types of adverse outcomes that can arise from supply
ply chain information—the location of supplier facto- chain transparency for the focal company:
ries, demographic information of supplier workers,
supplier factory’s labor practices, etc.—on consumers’ • Information overload. Too much information can
valuation of the company’s products or of the com- be counter-productive if it creates information
pany itself. Specifically, companies need to consider overload, discouraging consumers from buying
what to share with consumers, investors, and other from the company.
external stakeholders (Table 1). They must examine • Product and service differentiation. When a com-
the impact of revealing different types of supply chain pany discloses its suppliers and cost informa-
information on consumers’ purchasing decisions tion to the public, its competitors can use the
(New and Brown 2011). Choosing what information information strategically. They could use the
to disclose should aim to avoid information overload same suppliers to produce similar products at
for consumers and, at the same time, create economic a similar cost, and the company’s products
value for the firm. Therefore, there is an excellent would no longer be distinctive.
research opportunity to explore what to disclose, • Guilt by association. When a company discloses
given the needs of investors and other external stake- its suppliers to the public, suppliers with poor
holders. performance on the environment, workers’
health and safety, etc. will be linked to the
2. What information should a company disclose firm, jeopardizing the firm’s reputation.
about compliance in its supply chain and products to
investors and other external stakeholders? When a company decides to disclose its suppliers’
environmental, health, and safety performance to the
The company needs to identify and assess different public, should it also invest in the suppliers’ capabili-
types of risks associated with information disclosure ties to improve compliance with norms? Or, should it
when deciding what to disclose. For instance, let “crowdsourcing” ensure such compliance? Accord
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
2954 Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society

and Alliance take different approaches to this, with How should they do so to maximize shareholder
Accord companies having more of a development value?
approach towards the suppliers. Therefore, we need
to investigate:
5.2. Consumers and Consumer Advocacy Groups
3. What are the potential risks associated with dis- Recently, some researchers have explored how con-
closing supply chain and product-related information sumers respond to transparency. Buell and Norton
to the public? How should a company mitigate risks (2011) showed using laboratory experiments that con-
from such disclosure? sumers value a service more when the firm discloses
information about labor effort on its website. Simi-
Companies may take the view that “no news is good larly, Buell et al. (2016) conducted laboratory experi-
news” or follow a policy to disclose only good news. ments in foodservice settings. They showed that
Indeed, many companies share only good news on customers valued the service more when they can
mainstream media. However, hiding negative news observe the employee’s effort in the production pro-
about the supply chain from the public, including cess. This finding is consistent with the international
investors, can cause a backlash. Consider two exam- success of Ding Tai Fung, an acclaimed Chinese
ples. First, Tesla did not disclose the internal produc- restaurant in which customers can observe the dum-
tion problem resulting in the actual production pling making process through a glass-enclosed
quantity of Model 3 autos being 80% below target. The kitchen (Hwarng and Yuan 2016). Kraft et al. (2017)
stock market responded quite negatively after the Wall used laboratory experiments to infer consumers’ will-
Street Journal published this on October 9, 2017. Sec- ingness to pay when workers are known to be disad-
ond, Lo et al. (2018) provide empirical evidence that vantaged. If so, consumers’ willingness to pay
an environmental violation can cause a drop in the increases with a higher level of transparency into the
stock price of the polluting Chinese manufacturer and firm’s payments to workers.
that of its western customers. They used the environ- Craig et al. (2017) conducted surveys in China, Eur-
mental incident data disclosed by IPE, the NGO men- ope, and the United States to examine customers’
tioned in section 3, from 2006 to 2013. These stock intention to purchase. They consider the case when
market reactions lead to another question. product quality is high, but social responsibility is
low, and the case with the scenario reversed. They
4. How do investors react to good news and bad find that, in general, female customers are willing to
news as companies disclose compliance-related infor- pay more for products produced by firms with higher
mation about their suppliers? perceived social responsibility.
These studies gauge consumers’ intent using labo-
Before committing to disclose all sorts of supply ratory experiments, not actual purchasing. Intent-to-
chain information, a firm needs to examine the costs (in- purchase may not be a good predictor of actual pur-
cluding expected costs from realized risks) and benefits chasing behavior (Chandon et al. 2005). Therefore,
of revealing supply chain information to the public. there is a need to conduct field studies to understand
Since 2011, Switcher SA, a Swiss clothing company, actual consumer purchasing behavior rather than
used the Respect-Code platform (like How- intent (Gupta and Zeithaml 2006). Mohan et al. (2015)
ever, this form of supply chain transparency did not conducted a field experiment where the firm discloses
increase consumers’ valuation of its product as reflected the costs of materials, labor, duties, and transporta-
in consumers being unwilling to pay high retail price. tion to potential customers. They found that cost
By 2016, Switcher was bankrupt, unable to pay its transparency can increase sales but only when the
employees and suppliers. Apparel company Icebreaker company discloses cost information voluntarily.
similarly offered a “BaaCode” for the wool in its prod- These issues motivate the following research topic:
ucts in 2008. Customers could type this code from the
product they bought to get a video tour of the specific 1. How does transparency offered by a company
sheep station in New Zealand from where the merino impact consumers’ (a) willingness to pay, and (b)
wool came. Although the business press admired this actual purchasing of the company’s products and ser-
“eco” feature, the company does not offer this feature vices?
anymore. Therefore, companies need to map out their
strategy to implement transparency (Werbach 2009). A When a company reveals supply chain information
useful question to research is as follows: selectively, consumers may respond even more nega-
tively to any exposes on their poor practices than if
5. How are companies evaluating costs and benefits they had not disclosed any information at all. There-
from transparency and implementing disclosure? fore, firms must understand how consumers respond
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society 2955

to supply chain information revealed by different par- preliminary results. A useful theoretical lens to study
ties. For instance, it would be useful to examine set- how competitors may or may not adopt similar levels
tings in which an independent party communicates of transparency is institutional isomorphism (cf. Lai
cost information to the public. For example, although et al. 2006). The question of interest is:
Apple keeps its cost information secret, the Economist
estimated that the total materials cost of an iPhone 4 1. When a company implements supply chain trans-
was $178 against the retail price of $560 (Economist, parency, should its competitors follow?
2011). This report raised questions about Apple’s
price markup, especially in light of the company’s As discussed in earlier sections, transparency offers
aggressive tax avoidance. In this case, would the con- a company differentiation and competitive advantage
sumer’s reaction have been different had Apple dis- over its competitors. Thus, researchers may view
closed its cost information on its own like Everlane? transparency as a resource in the resource-based view
However, there does not seem to be any negative of the firm. This competitive advantage can be sus-
impact on Apple’s revenues since 2011. tained only until its competitors offer a similar level
Conversely, would information be more credible if of transparency. That leads to the question:
a company got a third party to reveal or assure infor-
mation about its supply chain? Unilever’s Lipton 2. What are the barriers for a firm to provide supply
brand worked with Rainforest Alliance. Such a third chain transparency when its competitor already offers
party could be a consortium as with Accord in the it?
apparel industry.
Also, it would be of interest to examine the different On the one hand, transparency offered by a com-
responses from consumers when supply chain infor- pany should reduce the effort needed by its competi-
mation is disclosed voluntarily instead of under regu- tors to provide similar levels of transparency. The
latory pressure. Kalkanci et al. (2016) conducted competitors would learn the identity of the com-
experiments to show that a firm can gain consumer pany’s suppliers, how the company is gathering the
trust and market share by voluntarily disclosing nega- disclosed information, and which suppliers could
tive information. This information could be about the provide the information they need for transparency.
level of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions or the use of On the other hand, a company can raise the barriers
conflict minerals consumed in manufacturing the to entry for its competitors. A case in point is Unile-
firm’s products. More importantly, they show that ver’s transparency about palm oil sourcing. Unile-
voluntary (mandatory) disclosure will encourage (dis- ver’s supply-chain changes that made transparency
courage) firms from measuring the impact of GHG possible rendered similar transparency extremely dif-
emissions and conflict minerals in their supply ficult for Procter and Gamble to achieve.
Therefore, it would be useful to investigate: 5.4. Suppliers
Many firms keep their suppliers at arm’s length. Conse-
2. Do consumers react differently to supply chain quently, firms may have simple information about their
information (a) when disclosed by the company ver- suppliers, but the actual operations at the supplier fac-
sus by some other party, and (b) when provided by tories remain opaque. Collaborating with suppliers is a
the company voluntarily versus that provided under crucial first step for companies to gain visibility about
regulatory or other mandatory requirements? supply chain operations as regards environmental and
social sustainability. After the collapse of Rana Plaza in
2013, Li & Fung created the Vendor Support Services
5.3. Competitors (VSS) unit to help its suppliers improve their opera-
If transparency is a strategic choice for one company, tions and comply with social and environmental
it makes sense for its competitors to follow. For exam- norms. By working closely with suppliers to measure
ple, after Nike disclosed their supply base in 2005, its greenhouse gas emissions and water usage, VSS devel-
competitor Adidas began revealing all Tier-1 and ops ways to help these suppliers to use energy and nat-
Tier-2 suppliers and even its licensee factories.19 On ural resources more efficiently. Through this
the other hand, after Everlane shared its supply cost collaboration, these suppliers became more cost-effi-
structure with the public, no other apparel retailer cient and environmentally compliant, and Li & Fung
revealed its supply chain costs. Therefore, it is of can improve its track-and-trace capability along the
interest to examine the business setting (e.g., market supplier chain (Lee and Tang 2017). With supply chain
competition, market segmentation, product quality) visibility, Li & Fung can then decide on what supply
under which imitation is a good strategy or not. Lim chain information, if any, to disclose to the public. This
et al. (2018) explore this issue and provide some example motivates the following topic:
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1. How do and how should companies collaborate communicate positive findings to avoid being seen as
with their suppliers to improve transparency? self-serving. At the same time, an NGO would be
more willing to publish negative information quickly.
Through collaboration with suppliers, a company If it publishes only positive news about companies, it
can improve supply chain visibility for itself and may lose public trust.
transparency for consumers. Such partnership can As companies and NGOs gather similar supply
reduce, for instance, counterfeit products thus help- chain information, one question is
ing not only the company but also the suppliers them-
selves and customers. World Health Organization 1. How should NGOs and companies publish infor-
(WHO) estimates that 10% or more of drugs sold in mation about the companies’ compliance with envi-
developing countries are fake, and tens of thousands ronmental and social norms?
of children die due to counterfeit medicines each
year.20 As many as 50% of goods sold on Taobao in Alternatively, companies and NGOs could cooper-
China are fake or at least infringing on the intellectual ate. Indeed, some companies are asking some NGOs
property rights of others despite Alibaba suing sellers for help. Examples include the partnership between
of counterfeit goods in 2017.21 Blockchain technol- Apple and IPE for monitoring environmental compli-
ogy22 is a potential solution that can help consumers ance and between HP and Fair Labor Associate for
and others to authenticate a product, if adopted monitoring labor compliance, in both cases of contract
across the supply chain. The usage of blockchain and manufacturers in China. There are also examples
related technologies requires further research as more where companies have formed partnerships with
companies and entire industry sectors seek to imple- NGOs to promote specific products. For instance,
ment this technology in the supply chain: Greenpeace helped RWE, the German utility giant, to
develop renewable energy in the United Kingdom
2. How should a company (or a consortium) use (Webb 2005). Certification of products, as in the same
blockchain in collaboration with suppliers to enable of Unilever’s partnership with Rainforest Alliance for
greater supply chain visibility as well as trans- Lipton Tea is a case in point.23 However, NGOs may be
parency? sensitive to such partnerships with companies as the
public may no longer perceive them as being impartial.
For a company, the risk is that the NGO may discover
5.5. NGOs and Monitoring Agencies and publish more negative information than it had
NGOs as advocacy groups or other non-profit organi- envisioned. As such, there is a need to examine:
zations monitor and publicize environmental or social
sustainability in communities where companies have 2. How should a firm collaborate with NGOs to
supply chain operations. Examples of such NGOs improve transparency and be rewarded for it?
include IPE, Greenpeace, and Fair Labor Association.
Funded by donations and grants, many NGOs monitor Besides NGOs, there are monitoring agencies that
and report environmental or social sustainability. seek to publish and penalize violations by companies
These NGOs focus primarily on developing countries, with regard to their supply chains and their prod-
where many western companies have upstream opera- ucts. Typically, these agencies are limited to the
tions (raw material production, contract manufactur- country where they operate, where they are subject
ing, etc.). Traditionally, companies have viewed these to political pressure. For instance, since 1973, the
NGOs as adversaries who expose non-compliance Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has sought to
regarding child labor, environmental norms, health require US companies to disclose added water in
safety, and human rights (Lee et al. 2009). However, as their “juice” products.24 Such regulation would
more companies experienced or feared a loss in sales require Ocean Spray to publish the 75% water con-
from damage in reputation from negative findings tent on the label of its “cranberry juice” product. The
published by NGOs (Lo et al. 2018), they are under company fought back the proposed regulation by
pressure to improve supply chain transparency. offering paid speaking engagements to senators and
The public (and consumers) may find information contributions of as much as $375,000 to political
from independent NGOs more trustworthy, espe- action committees (Akerlof and Schiller 2015, p. 81).
cially if there is good news about the company. On More recently, the FDA drafted disclosure on added
the other hand, the public perceives companies to be sugar in “pure” honey, maple syrup, and cranberry
reluctant to share bad news. As such, if the company juice (FDA, 2018) given the possible link between
strategically discloses bad news before NGOs, it may obesity and added sugar. However, the FDA’s con-
win public trust. Likewise, it could let an NGO sultation from the same companies suggests a lack of
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society 2957

political support25 Indeed, there are many other sim-

ilar instances from the food and pharmaceutical sec- 6. Conclusion
tors where companies manage to thwart regulation In this study, we discussed how some companies dis-
regarding compulsory disclosure. As such, one close supply chain information to the public as a
research topic is: mechanism. Gaining supply chain visibility is a pre-
requisite for providing supply chain transparency.
3. How should monitoring agencies require trans- Therefore, we discussed the key drivers and the
parency for the benefit of consumers (or workers and potential benefits of supply chain visibility and sup-
their communities) in the face of political lobbying by ply chain transparency separately. Using our under-
companies? standing of supply chain transparency and the related
literature, we have proposed some research questions
Perhaps food companies will see transparency in for OM researchers to explore. As companies under-
their interest. Food giant Mars parted from with food stand and seek to implement different strategies for
industry’s practice about “transparency on research” disclosing supply-chain and product-related informa-
by updating its science policy to disclose any research tion to the public, there will be more research oppor-
the company funds. The aim is to assure consumers tunities for OM researchers. We hope that researchers
and others that the funding is “not linked to the will find the disentangling of visibility and trans-
achievement of a specific research outcome.” Mars’ parency, as well as the research questions proposed
changed policy indirectly points to the other compa- in this study to be a useful first step.
nies’ funding of research that may aim at achieving
specific outcomes.
5.6. Communities and the Environment, Post This study includes some materials from keynote presenta-
Consumption tions at the 2017 Symposium on Innovations and Sustain-
Thus far, we looked at supply-side transparency con- ability co-chaired by Professors Hau Lee (Stanford) and
cerning upstream operations only. There is a grow- Hongtao Zhang (Hong Kong University of Science and
ing awareness of the “sea” of post-consumer micro- Technology) and at the 4th ISB—POMS workshop at the
plastic waste in the Pacific called The Great Pacific Indian School of Business, Hyderabad in 2016. Some of
Garbage Patch and other oceans. More people know these ideas were also presented at Accenture in London in
about how the resulting micro-plastics and leaching January 2018. We thank the editors, Professor Hau Lee and
Professor Hongtao Zhang, and two anonymous reviewers
chemicals harm marine life and eventually
for their constructive comments.
humans.26 Indeed, one of the authors has seen miles
of the Arabian Sea covered with plastic, mostly from
Frito Lay Chips bags and Coke and Pepsi bottles, off
the coast of Mumbai, India. Animals and birds on We do not suggest that companies in sectors other than
land are also harmed by eating plastic packaging. apparel are not practicing environmental or social sustain-
Besides food and beverage packaging, waste from ability or ensuring compliance upstream in their supply
chains. However, relative to the apparel industry, other
electronics is a rapidly growing problem worldwide.
industries are less known for disclosing information about
The Indian city of Bangalore alone produced an esti-
their supply chains.
mated 17,000 metric tonnes of e-waste in 2012 alone, 2
For instance, typing the label “094CDFY,” a label for a
increasing at 20% per year.27 Post-consumer waste particular Heidi product, on shows
has also come into prominence as China adopted provenance and supply chain information for this product
“Operation Green Fence” prohibiting the import of on a map, with eight steps: (i) Cotton—India, (ii) spinning
unwashed post-consumer plastics and other “con- —SCM Textile Spinners, India, (iii) knitting-weaving—
taminated” waste shipments.28 Apparel is another Radaan Textiles, India, (iv) dyeing—Sathya Process, India,
sector of interest, being the second-largest polluter (v) confection—Sri Nanthika Knitting Mills, India, (vi)
after the oil industry, including pollution from post- printing—Sri Nanthika Knitting Mills, India, (viii) trans-
consumer waste. Before monitoring agencies or port—Kuehne-Nagel, Tirupur, India, and (viii) distribu-
tion—Heidi SA, Switzerland. The label in this example
NGOs start “naming names,” companies can be
refers to a specific batch of 300 items, and the webpage
proactive in transparency. As such, a question of
shows the quantity was produced in 2017 and gives the
interest is as follows: name and contact details of the person-in-charge at Sri
Nanthika Knitting Mills. Also provided are the CO2 emis-
1. How can companies measure (a) the quantity of sions (2.5 kilograms) and the water used (485 liters) asso-
post-consumer waste from their products and packag- ciated with this batch. The web site also provides A third-
ing and (b) its impact on communities and the envi- party certificate of Heidi’s environmental and social sus-
ronment? How should they disclose this information? tainability performance.
Sodhi and Tang: Supply Chain Transparency
2958 Production and Operations Management 28(12), pp. 2946–2959, © 2019 Production and Operations Management Society

3 21
Most companies keep their supplier identity secret for Forbes, March 10, 2017. Is Alibaba doing enough to fight
reasons of competition. In 2005, Nike became the first fakes? See
company in the United States to disclose the name and 03/10/is-alibaba-doing-enough-to-fight-fakes/#20a87c4e
locations of its suppliers, along with the worker profile 5587
including the number of employees, the percentage of Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger managed
female workers, and the percentage of migrant workers. by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a proto-
See: col for recording, verifying, and validating new entries
This minimal level of transparency is demanded by NGOs (Economist, 2015).
so that they can conduct independent audits about forced See
labor, and health and safety issues in contract factories and-sustainability.html.
5 24
Nike manufacturing map ( See NY Times, 1987. Truth in juice. https://www.nytimes.c om/1987/12/16/opinion/topics-of-the-times-truth-in-juice.html
6 25
Marks and Spencer’s interactive map with suppliers for such regulation. Likewise, the seeming inability of
( EU countries to tax the profits of technology-based com-
7 panies like Apple and Google also points to a lack of
See Kering’s sustainability website ( political support for such measures despite public out-
en/sustainability/epl). cry.
9 26
Everlane ( See the numerous reports available from the US National
See Accord website ( and Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration at https://ma
Alliance website ( The The
Accord is committed to providing funds to improve build- National Geographic is another source on the Great Pacific
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