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3 MT181 problems

Please write your solutions on A4 paper, scan them and submit them as a single pdf document
on moodle (deadlines and instructions can be found on moodle).

If you want to give feedback about this worksheet to the lecturer (e.g., what problems you
found difficult/useful/interesting/fun), please write it on the first page of your solutions.

This worksheet counts towards the final mark for this course.


You will get full marks for your proofs only if you use correct mathematical
notation and language. If in doubt, please use the examples given in the lectures
as template.

1. Let m be a positive integer, and let the sets X and Y be defined by X = {n ∈ N :

m2 |n} and Y = {n ∈ N : m|n}. Prove that X ⊆ Y .

2. Let n be a positive integer, and let the sets X and Y be defined by X = {m ∈ N :

mn is even} and Y = {m ∈ N : gcd(m, n) = 2}. Show that Y ⊆ X.

3. Prove by induction that 4n + 5 is a multiple of 3 for all n ∈ N .

4. (a) Evaluate j(j − 1) .
X n 2
(b) Prove by induction that j(j − 1) = (n − 1) for all n ∈ N.

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