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Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Lecture Outline
Anti-viral and
• Selective toxicity
anti-fungal drugs • Viruses / antiviral drugs
• Fungi / antifungal drugs
Dr. Ross O’Shea
HS2 Room 308, 9479-1713

Suggested reading Infectious / invading organisms

• Viruses
– lack biochemical machinery for synthesis, utilise
• Bryant B and Knights K. Pharmacology for Health the machinery of the host cell
Professionals, chapters 43, 45 • Eukaryotes
– cells with nuclei (e.g. protozoa, fungi, helminths)
• Rang HP et al. Rang and Dale’s Pharmacology, • Prokaryotes
chapters 49, 51, 52
– cells without nuclei (bacteria)
• Gram-negative vs Gram-positive
• Waller DG et al. Medical Pharmacology &
Therapeutics, chapter 51
• Prions (e.g. in BSE – “mad cow disease”)
• Malignant / cancerous cells
• “Microbe” – viruses, fungi, bacteria

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

“Magic Bullets” Selective toxicity

If we picture an organism as infected by a • Ideally an antimicrobial drug should be much more
certain species of bacterium, it will . . . be toxic to the micro-organism causing infection than to
easy to effect a cure if substances have been the host, eg. via:
discovered which have a specific affinity for – accumulation of a drug to higher concentration in
these bacteria and act…on these alone. . . the microbe
while they possess no affinity for the normal – specific action on cellular processes or structure
constituents of the body. . . such substances unique to the microbe
would then be . . . magic bullets. – specific action on processes more critical to the
microbe than the host cell
Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915)

Terminology Microbes and disease

• Chemotherapy - administration of a chemical that
destroys disease-causing cells whilst leaving the host Microbes are not always pathogenic!
• Antibiotics - natural substances produced by micro- May be:
organisms which are antagonistic to the growth of
others (become synonymous with all antibacterial Commensal
• Antimicrobials - substances that kill or inhibits the Pathogenic only under certain conditions
growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, or (e.g. opportunistic infections)
protozoans. Antimicrobial drugs either kill microbes
(microbicidal) or prevent their growth (microbistatic).
Include synthetic compounds and chemical Always pathogenic
modifications of antibiotics

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

• From the Latin word for poison
• Probably existed since the evolution of cells
• Discovered in the late 1800s (too small to be
seen by light microscope)

Structure of a virus Classification of viruses

● Genetic material - DNA or RNA
• DNA viruses
● Protein coat
• double-stranded DNA (e.g. Herpesviruses)
+/- Lipoprotein envelope • single-stranded DNA (e.g. Parvoviruses)
• double-stranded DNA, replicate using reverse transcriptase
Lipoprotein envelope (e.g. hepatitis B)

• RNA viruses
(protein units • double-stranded RNA (e.g. Rotavirus)
of the coat) • (+) single-stranded RNA viruses (e.g. hepatitis A)
• (-) single-stranded RNA viruses (e.g. Rabies virus)
• (+) single-stranded RNA-RT viruses with DNA intermediate
Nucleic acid core in life-cycle (“Retroviruses”, e.g. HIV1)

Adapted with permission from

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Viral Replication
Viral life cycle
1. Attachment to host cell / endocytosis
3 1
2. Release of viral genes into host cell 3
3. Replication of viral components using host-
cell machinery 3

4. Assembly of viral components into complete 4

viral particles
5. Release of viral particles to infect new host

Modified with permission:

Difficulties with antiviral drugs Development of antiviral drugs

• Few targets for selective toxicity • Little progress before sequencing of viral genes
(use host machinery for replication, etc) • Modern antiviral drug design identifies protein
sequences or entire proteins to disable
• Symptoms often appear AFTER viral
replication has peaked • These "targets" are ideally unlike human
proteins and common to many strains of virus
• As with other antimicrobials, drug resistance
is a problem • Once targets are found, candidate drugs can be
selected (from drugs known to have appropriate
• Drugs generally need to be administered
actions) or computer designed
before disease appears

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Antiviral drugs Targets of antiviral

Viral life cycledrugs
• Do not destroy virus, just inhibit development 1. Attachment to host cell / endocytosis
• Specific for an individual virus 2. Release of viral genes into host cell
• Used to treat HIV, herpes viruses, hepatitis B 3. Replication of viral components using host-
and C viruses, influenza A and B viruses cell machinery
4. Assembly of viral components into complete
• NB: different to viricides, which destroy virus viral particles
particles outside the body (NOT medicines!) 5. Release of viral particles to infect new host
• Immunisation is a different approach (later!) cells

Targets of antiviral
Viral life cycledrugs
Attachment of gp41 from virus
1. Attachment to host cell / endocytosis to gp120 on CD4+ T-lymphocyte

• Inhibit viral entry (interfere with binding of

virus to its entry target on the host cell)
E.g. Enfuvirtide (FUZEON®) blocks fusion of
HIV-1 with host cells (helper T cells) via cell
surface receptors - prevents creation of an
entry pore for the virus
Conformational changes
Peptide (36 AAs) ~USD$25,000 per year allow fusion / entry Enfuvirtide blocks these
conformational changes

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Targets of antiviral
Viral life cycledrugs Targets of antiviral
Viral life cycledrugs
2. Release of viral genes into host cell 2. Release of viral genes into host cell
• Inhibit viral uncoating • Amantadine not effective against many (all?)
E.g. Amantadine (early influenza drug - 1966) current strains of influenza
interferes with a viral protein required for the • Recent Cochrane review found no benefit
viral particle to become "uncoated" once • Rimantadine (Flumadine®) more effective
inside a cell

Amantadine / Rimantadine (red) block H+ (yellow) transport

through pump, blocking virion uncoating and replication
Targets of antiviral
Viral life cycledrugs
3. Replication of viral components using host-
cell machinery
• Block synthesis of viral DNA, by targeting
enzymes involved in this synthesis
E.g. Aciclovir (analogue of guanosine,
component of DNA) inhibits viral DNA
polymerase; useful against HSV family; may
also delay HIV-1 progression

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Viral DNA replication

Guanosine Aciclovir

Targets of antiviral
Viral life cycledrugs Targets of antiviral
Viral life cycledrugs
4. Assembly of viral components into complete 5. Release of viral particles to infect new host
viral particles cells
• E.g. Rifampicin (also an antibacterial) • Eg. Zanamivir (Relenza® – VCP/Monash) and
effective against vaccinia virus – inhibits the Oseltamivir (Tamiflu®) block neuraminidase
formation of mature viruses by blocking the (molecule on the surface of influenza viruses)
proteins used as scaffolds in assembly that cleaves glycoproteins, allowing viral
• Animation of mode of action:

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Antiviral vaccines Treating the common cold

• Stimulate the immune system to attack viruses in the
"complete particle" stage • Most often caused by rhinovirus or coronavirus
• Mostly use an attenuated version of the virus • Antibiotics ineffective
• Occasionally cause full-blown infection (if there is no bacterial infection)
• Newer vaccines only use viral proteins - stimulate • Vitamin C ineffective
immune system without harm
• No anti-viral drugs are approved for cold
+ Very effective on stable viruses
- Little / no use in people who are already infected • Herbal remedies might alleviate symptoms, but
- Difficult to target viruses that mutate rapidly (e.g. not shorten the cold
influenza) - need new vaccine frequently; even then
it isn’t always effective

Zinc and the common cold Some issues with zinc

• Over the counter preparations vary in strength
• Cochrane Review, updated 2011 and bioavailability
• Reviewed 15 randomised controlled trials • Cochrane Review offered no guidelines on dose
involving 1360 participants of all ages, / formulation (Zn gluconate, Zn acetate, etc)
comparing zinc with placebo
• Potential side effects: effects on smell and taste
• Zinc (lozenges or syrup) found to be beneficial in (zinc nasal sprays taken off the market)
reducing the duration and severity of the
common cold in healthy people, when taken
within 24 hours of onset of symptoms
• Mechanisms: inhibition of rhinoviral replication,

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Antiviral treatment of HIV/AIDS Antiviral treatment of HIV/AIDS

• HIV = retrovirus: RNA virus, uses reverse
• Even if a mutation produces resistance to one
transcriptase to make DNA from its RNA, DNA
of the drugs, the others can continue to work
then incorporated into the host genome
• “Fixed dose combinations” - multiple
• HIV lacks proof-reading enzymes in conversion
antiretroviral drugs combined into a single pill
of RNA to DNA – high rate of mutations
• Combines different modes of action to
• Most mutations are inferior, but high frequency
increase potency of action
increases the risk of resistance
• Makes life simpler – patients don’t need to
• > 20 antiretroviral drugs available to treat HIV
remember multiple pills, doses, times etc
• Combination therapy aims to reduce resistance
• Avoids issues with overlapping toxicity
by blocking HIV replication as much as possible

Fungal infections Fungi

• A diverse group that includes mushrooms,
• Fungal infections can range from mild (e.g. yeasts and molds
ringworm) to life threatening (e.g.
cryptococcal meningitis) • Fungi are a separate kingdom to plants,
animals and bacteria
• Fungi are eukaryotes: more similar to
humans than are viruses and bacteria • Have cell walls that contain chitin
• More difficult to target differences! (plant cell walls contain cellulose)
• Study of fungi: mycology
• Antifungal drugs: antimycotics

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Fungi and humans Fungal infections

• Mushrooms a source of food throughout human
history • MANY fungal disease, including:
• Source of antibiotics including penicillin aspergilloses, candidoses, cryptococcosis,
• Other fungi used in cooking and production of alcohol: mycetomas, histoplasmosis,
 Baker's yeast = Saccharomyces cerevisiae • Immuno-compromised individuals very susceptible
 “blue cheese” • Other fungi can attack eyes, nails, hair and skin and
 Yeast in brewing and winemaking cause local infections (e.g. ringworm, athlete’s
 Shoyu koji mold essential in brewing soy sauce and foot, dandruff)
sake, and making miso • Fungal spores are a major cause of allergies
 “magic mushrooms”

Antifungal drugs (antimycotics)

“There are close parallels
between bacterial and fungal Fungi have rigid cell walls that contain chitin
resistance, though the problems
we face with the latter are (different to bacteria)
particularly worrying,” said Prof
Adilia Warris, a co-director of the
newly opened Centre for
Medical Mycology at Aberdeen more similar to human cells (ergosterol)

“There are more than 20

different classes of antibacterial fewer targets for selective toxicity,  side effects
agents. By contrast, there are
only four classes of anti-fungal
agents. Our armoury for dealing
with deadly fungi is much
smaller than the one we have for dealing with bacteria.”

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Classes of antifungal drugs Polyene antimycotics

• Bind to sterols in the fungal cell membrane (esp.
• Polyenes ergosterol, vs cholesterol in animal cells)
• Make the membrane less fluid → leakage of small
• Imidazoles
molecules (esp. ions: K+, Na+, H+, and Cl-)
• Triazoles Azoles • Examples:
• Thiazoles Amphotericin B (e.g. Fungizone® - intravenus, tablets)
• Allylamines Nystatin (e.g. Nilstat® - tablets, ointment, pessaries)
• Echinocandins Natamycin (e.g. Natamet® - cream, eyedrops,
• Others / Alternatives

Amphotericin B
(these are just examples!)

Fungal cell wall and cell membrane

Azole antimycotics
• Fungistatic - interfere with the synthesis of fungal
→ inhibition of fungal growth
→ cell leakage and death
• Mostly applied topically (locally)  minimal absorption,
systemic side effects uncommon
• Examples:
Clotrimazole (Canesten®)
Ketoconazole (Nizoral®): cream, anti-dandruff shampoo
(tablet discontinued 2013 due to liver toxicity)
• Commonly used in treatment of athlete's foot,
ringworm, jock itch, oral or vaginal thrush
Polyenes (these are just examples!)

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Fungal cell wall and cell membrane

Allylamine antimycotics
• Inhibit an enzyme (squalene epoxidase) that is part
of the fungal synthesis pathway for ergosterol
• Cell membrane permeability altered causing cell lysis
• Example:
Terbinafine hydrochloride (Lamisil®), cream, powder,
• Commonly used in treatment of athlete's foot,
ringworm, jock itch

Azoles (these are just examples!)

Fungal cell wall and cell membrane

Echinocandin antimycotics
• Named after the chemical structure
• Inhibit the synthesis of glucan in the cell wall,
probably via inhibition of an enzyme (1,3-β glucan
synthase) -> disturbs wall structure
• Fungicidal against some yeasts (Candida species),
fungistatic against some molds (Aspergillus)
• Current echinocandins are semi-synthetic,
approved since 2000
• Poor oral bioavailability -
administered IV
Echinocandin B
• E.g. Caspofungin (Cancidas®)
(these are just examples!)

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

Anti-viral and anti-fungal drugs

Fungal cell wall and cell membrane

Other antimycotics
• Tea tree oil - useful against bacteria, viruses,
fungi, mites (e.g. scabies) and lice
* 5% solution effective against Malassezia
furfur, the most common cause of dandruff
• Griseofulvin (from a Penicillium mold) - binds
to tubulin (interferes with microtubules)
→ inhibits mitosis of fungi
* useful against a variety of Tinea fungi (e.g.
ringworm, athlete’s foot)

Mechanism of action From this lecture you should be able to:

of antifungal drugs • Describe how selective toxicity is achieved and
why it is important in chemotherapy
• Polyenes Form pores in membrane • Understand the ways in which antiviral drugs exert
• Imidazoles their action (drug target and mechanism of action)
Inhibit • Describe the ways in which different classes of
• Triazoles Azoles antimycotic drugs exert their action (drug target
• Thiazoles syntheis and mechanism of action), giving examples of
drugs from the different groups
• Allylamines
• Understand the specific difficulties associated with
• Echinocandins Inhibit b-glucan synthesis treating fungal or viral infections, including drug

Ross O’Shea HBS3PCY

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