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Name: ANSWER KEY US History I

CHAPTER 9 The War with Mexico

Part I Directions: As you read about the war with Mexico, fill in the blanks in the following summary.
You may need to abbreviate.

Mexico was angered when Texas was annexed—and became a state—in 1845. In addition, Mexico

and the United States disagreed about the location of Texas’s (1) BORDERS.

U.S. President (2) POLK sent Slidell to Mexico with an unsuccessful offer to

purchase disputed land in Texas and the Mexican-owned territories of

(3) NEW MEXICO and California. When (4) GENERAL ZACHARY TAYLOR’S troops

blockaded the (5) RIO GRANDE RIVER, Mexico viewed the action as an invasion and

attacked the U.S. soldiers near Matamoros. In response, President Polk successfully urged Congress

to declare war. Polk then ordered General Kearny to capture (6) NEW MEXICO, which

was accomplished without bloodshed. In the meantime, American settlers in

(7) CALIFORNIA led by John C. Fremont overthrew the Mexican government in the

town of Sonoma and established an independent nation that they called the

(8) BEAR FLAG REPUBLIC. General (9) KEARNY arrived and joined forces

with the U.S. Navy to complete the conquest of (10) CALIFORNIA.

The war with Mexico was also going on in the territory of (11) TEXAS and in

Mexico. In September 1846, General (12) TAYLOR’s troops captured the city of

Monterrey. (13) SANTA ANNA did not honor an agreement made with Polk to end the

war and led troops in a battle at Buena Vista, which they lost. In the meantime, General Scott moved

toward (14) MEXICO CITY, and captured the capital.

The signing of the Treaty of (15) GUADALUPE HILDALGO ended the war. As a result, the United

States gained vast amounts of land. More was added when President (16) PIERCE

authorized the (17) GADSDEN PURCHASE in 1853. These two events, together, set the

present-day borders of the lower 48 states.

Part II Directions: Put the events below in the correct chronological order.

1846 1. The U.S declares war on Mexico. 2

1853 2. The Gadsden Purchase establishes current boundaries of lower 48 states. 6

MAY 1848 3. Gold is discovered at Sutter’s Mill. 3

NOV 1845 4. A U.S. blockade of the Rio Grande angers Mexico. 1

1850 5. California becomes a state. 5

FEB 1848 6. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo ends the War with Mexico. 4

Part III Directions: Match the description in the second column with term or name in the first column.
Write the appropriate letter next to the word.
B 1. Charles Sumner a. fell to the United States without a fight

D 2. Free-Soil Party b. legislator who opposed the war with Mexico

G 3. Chinese c. authorized Gadsden Purchase

H 4. Zachary Taylor d. opposed expansion of slavery

F 5. Wilmot Proviso e. site of U.S-Mexican clash that sparked war

C 6. Franklin Pierce f. forbid slavery in lands gained from Mexico

A 7. New Mexico g. largest group of immigrants lured by gold rush

E 8. Rio Grande h. war hero who became U.S. president

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