DigitalCitizenshipEscapeRoomStopThatVirusDistanceLearning 1

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Before your class plays the game, they should have

had some basic instruction in Internet Safety and

Digital Citizenship. There are several digital
modules in my store as well as materials at
Common Sense Media and other online sites.

The game isonline and is similarto an Escape Room

type game where students must solve a series of
puzzles to stop the computer virusthat has infected
the school server.
Stop the Virus Escape Room
Students will not be able to ‘escape’ until
all five answers correctly and typed in all
capital letters. Above each question is a
reminder to type in all caps.

If you want to see and collect your student

responses, they will have to enter their
answers on a separate form. You can get a
copy of the form here:
5.Braille Book (Media Center)

Every effort has been made to proofread this

document and website for errors. If you find
one, or a broken link, please email me at:

and I’llmake corrections immediately or find a

replacement website.

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