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Unified in plot= a broad underlying purpose
Credible=believable by means of  External Observable Truths (the way things
really are); Internal Truths of Human Nature (the way things are supposed to be) &
 Artistic Semblance of Truth (the way things never were or will be)
Interesting, by means of suspense // internal, psychological or emotional
action simple & complex
Handles emotional material with restraint: manipulation of emotions

TITLE: always significant!

DRAMATIC STRUCTURE is the aesthetic and logical arrangement of parts to achieve the
maximum emotional, intellectual or dramatic impact. There can be:

 a linear, chronological structure: exposition  complication  climax 


 a nonlinear structure: variations such as in medias res beginnings or episodic

structures / necessary information can be provided by

CONFLICT: mainspring of a story / major conflicts are primarily physical or psychological. It
can be:

 external: individual struggle between the central character and another


 internal: interior conflict within the central character

Through appearance: facial features, dress, physical build,

Through dialogue: what actors say & how they say it
Through external action: actions revealing character
Through internal action: inner actions within characters` minds
Through reactions of other characters: other characters`
Through contrasts - Dramatic Foils: opposites who emphasize
Through caricature: exaggeration or distortion of dominant
features of a character
Through leitmotif: repetition of a single action, phrase or idea that
becomes a trademark for the character
Through the choice of names=name typing
Varieties of characters: stock characters / stereotypes/ dynamic
vs. developing / flat vs. round

ALLEGORY  figurative / abstract mode of representation in which fictional figures and

actions usually represent truths or generalizations about human existence.

 a symbol is sth. (a particular object, image, person, event or place) that stands for,
suggests or triggers a complex set of ideas, beliefs, attitudes or feelings and thus, aquires
significance beyond itself.
There can be: - UNIVERSAL or NATURAL SYMBOLS: Ready-made /common to a given
culture. Example: cross / American Flag
- CREATED or CHARGED SYMBOLS, loaded or charged with associations,
feelings, etc.

1) Repetition

2) Value placed on an object by a character

3) Context (associations created by its relationship to other visual objects in the

same frame; by editorial juxtaposition of one shot with another; or by the object´s

importance in the film´s structure)

4) Special Visual, aural or musical emphasis

Visual metaphors (intrinsic or extrinsic) vs. symbols

Dramatic Irony: contrast between ignorance and knowledge

Irony of Situation= Irony of Plot: sudden reversalor backfiring of events

Irony of Character: characters embody strong opposites or contradictions

IRONY Irony of Setting: the opposite of the expected setting

Irony of Tone: juxtaposition of opposites in attitudes or feelings

Cosmic Irony: supreme being or creator “manipulating” events to frustrate or

mock humankind

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