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Do Every Day of the Week to Lose Weight, According to a Trainer


My 7 days weight loss working plan

Making the decision to get fit is a massive first step, but it's the next part — the figuring out
exactly what to do to achieve your weight-loss goals — that can feel overwhelming. (After
all, you probably didn't learn how to build a workout program in PE class.) "Creating a
definitive exercise plan each week ensures that you are taking a balanced approach to fitness,
with adequate amounts of cardiovascular and strength training," NASM-certified personal
trainer Sarah Chadwell told POPSUGAR.

If you're thinking, "Great, but how do I start?," we've got you covered. Chadwell has
designed a balanced, seven-day plan that will put you on the path to creating a safe calorie
deficit, allowing you to lose one to two pounds per week. You might feel sore or exhausted at
first, but it'll get easier as you grow stronger. And once you're feeling good, you can
gradually up the intensity of your workouts or add more resistance to keep the momentum
going week after week.

Day 1 : Legs and cardio


You're well-rested, refreshed, and ready to take on a new week, so use that energy to squeeze
in some cardio and work some of your largest muscles: your legs."Combining strength
training with your cardiovascular training is time efficient; it incinerates fat and helps

increase your muscular and cardiovascular endurance," Chadwell said. Try this cardio and
lower-body circuit.

Day 2 : Chest
Women typically think of chest day as a man's favorite gym day, but it's equally important
for women," Chadwell said. "Training chest helps to improve posture; it could even give the
girls a lift, and you'll improve your upper-body strength."
Choose any six chest exercises from this list, and do three sets of 15-20 reps. Rest for one
minute between each set. Each week, choose a different combination of exercises, or at least
swap out two of them to keep variety in your workouts.

Day 3: High-Intensity Interval Training

HIIT workouts are typically only 10-30 minutes long, but you'll go all-out for the high-
intensity portions of the workout, followed by rest or active recovery periods. "The pattern of
bursts followed by rests is highly effective for fat loss and increasing your metabolism, so it's
ideal to incorporate HIIT in your workouts one to two times per week in place of steady state
cardio," Chadwell told POPSUGAR.
Try this beginner's routine or any of the HIIT workouts on this list, choosing a different
workout each week to keep things fresh.

Day 4 :Upper Body and Arms

Chadwell noted that many women shy away from training their upper body for any number
of reasons. You might find it intimidating or worry that you'll bulk up but it's just a matter of
choosing the right workout. Training the upper body makes women actually gain confidence
for themselves and promote self-awareness.
Try a simple bodyweight routine or some of these 10-minute arm workouts from YouTube.
You'll improve your overall muscular balance and strength.

Day 5:
Circuit Training
Circuit training is an effective way to work your entire body in one session, with strength
training to build muscle and cardio to melt away fat. Try this core-focused circuit or a
bodyweight routine to strengthen your legs, arms, and abs, then mix it up with a new
bodyweight workout each week, incorporating weights as your fitness level improves.

Day 6: Jumping Jack

Jumping jacks being a cardio exercise, uses oxygen to meet the energy demands thereby
stimulating your heart muscles. The pumping up of heart muscles in turn gives you a relief
from the terrible thoughts of a block or stroke. Its striking when you can put a smile on your
heart wherever you are.

Day 7: Rest
Rest and recovery is just as important as working out and eating well. By Day 4 of your
new training program, you may find you need some time to recover. In fact, at the beginning,
you may need up to three rest days until your body acclimates to the stresses of working out.
"Listen to your body! Even though I'm outlining a seven-day program, that doesn't mean you
can't put more rest days into your weekly schedule if you need them," said Chadwell.
If you still want to work out, try some yoga videos for stress or this 30-minute power yoga
flow. Stretching can help soothe sore muscles.

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