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HEAOQi ARTERg pHtupptt{E
Crrp re.n RdU T Crrn

xAnoilAL FotJCE
euczoo City



1 2021,

TCDS/Chairman, rcc 'An ( 2021

FROM TDPUUce Chairmen, IGC

SUBJECT Revbod PilP namorandum ClrEulrr n: Gc,nrret Guldcllna

on lfto lnbflltlon l O?e.nfatun tur Strrdrrdbr0on (lSOl
Clrdflc.toi ol ltrc Pl{P Otllcclttnlta
DATE June 1, 2021

Re6erence: PNP ilomorandum Clrculer No. 2010481 with SubFct
General GuHelines on ISO Cgtification of PNp Unils dated June 18, 2010 (Iab ?').

2. Thb pedeam to the Renisod PNP MC le Gencral Gukialines on ISO

Certlfication of PNP Oficee/Unib with the primary objective of irnproring and
instdling a quality managem€nt sytbm to their core procosses and to enhance the
orrerall perbrmance ol the i&rfficd ffioee/unitB.

3. Thc MC was rwhcd b incorporfrrudlE d the lcsonc l€enFd and adopl

Ota belt pradica eryefunced durhg fre lSO ertfcatinn procassas of o,ficedunib
on fialcE 1and?.

ln lhb r€gad, r*pectfrrfy r€qE6t for lhnet ]! on tre ffi rwbod
PNP MC Creb'B').

5. For krbnnatixr and appovel.

Major @neral

:xl? ilr I tiillt$tstffi illil ilt

oTcot T05353i

C{ ocPNP
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nepuOrJot fe Philippines
NAr,"ilAL - PoLrc E
=^THtEISIirlTHI?l[f ''o*AL
Camp BGen Rafuel T Crame, Quezon City

JUN 2 32021
(Revised 2021)

a. Republic Aci (RA) No. 9013 or the "Philippine Quality Armrd Acf
dated February 28,2@1;
b. Executive Order (EO) No. 605 dated February 23,2@7 entifled:
lnstitutionalilng the Structure, Mec-hanism and Standards to
lmplement the Govemrnent Qualig Managernent Program,
Amending for the Purpose Mministrative Order (AO) No. 161
Serbs of 2006;
c. Administrative Order (AO) No. 161 dated October 5, 2006 entitled:
lnstitutionalizing Quality Management System in the Govemment
d. Memorandum Circular No. 201 &1 issued by the lnter-Agency Task
Force (IATF) on the Harmonization of Natironal Gonemment
Performance Monitoring, lnbrmation and Reporting Systems
entitled: Guidelines on the Grant of the Performance-Based Bonus
for Fiscal Year 2018 under Executive Order No. 980. Serbs 2012
and Executive Order (EO) No. 201 Series 2016;
e. Philippine National Standard, PNS ISO 9001:2015; and
f. CPNP Approved Memo dated November 't8, 2016 with subject:
ISO Accreditation Policy.


The Philippine National Police (PNP) as the premiere larv enforcement

agency of the Philippines is gearing tourards excellence, prorfessionalism and
tmnsparency in the performance of its mandate. Accordingly, the PNP Program
Thrusts for 2O21 include the institution of a responsive and an lntemational
Organization for Standardization (lSO) compliant PNP offices/units, hence,
transforming the PNP into a world class police organization.

To furher enhance the PNP's core processes, especially the core prooesses
of the units wttich are dealing directly wilh the cornmunity, a continuing program
included in a bulk of the PNP appropriations urcre earmarked for the ISO certification
of identified PNP orffices/units. The primary obpctive is to install a quality managernent
slrstem to the oore prooesses of lhe PNP offices/uniE. This will, in etrec{, improve the
overall performance of the identified PNP offices/units.


The Govemment of the Philippines has adopted the Philippine National

Standard (PNS) ISO 9001:2015 to build a quality crulture that characterizes customer-
driven organizations and to further strengthen the global competitiveness of the
govemment sector.

ln this connection, several PresirJential Directives and legislative measures

vrere made and enac{ed, such as RA No. 9013 and EO No. 605. At present, there are
16 ertified offices/units: OCPNP, DPL, DO, NCRPO, SAF, PSPG, HPG, PRBS, HS,
CL, ACG, PNPA NPTI, MG, FEO and SOSIA and are successtul in maintaining their
respective oore p.ocesses as lSO-certified.


This Memorandum Circular (MC) sets forft the general gufulelines and
procedures to be undertaken by the PNP offces/uniE to ensure the successfirl ISO
9001:2015 OMS Certifications of the identifted PNP core prooesses.


For the purpose of this MC, the folloyuing terms, words, and phrases shall
mean, or be understood as follows:

a. Audit - is a systematic evirlence gathering process. Audits must be

independent and evidence must be evaluated obpctively to determine
how vyell audit criteria are being met.

b. lnbmal Audibr - refers to first paty auditors who audit the organization
in oder to provide input for management review and for other intemal
purposes in detemining or declaring whether or not the organization
meets specified requirements.

c. lntemational Organization for Standardizalion (lSO) - an intemational

standard-setting body compced of representatives fiom various natbnal
standards organizations.

d. ISO 9fill:2015 -is a company bvel certificatbn based on ttre standard

published by the ISO tiUed "Quality Management Systems (OMS)-
Requirements". This standard revises ISO 9fl)1:2fi)B to include
requirements for a nerv, higher level struc'ture as a @mmon frarnework
to all ISO management systems, risk{ased thinking in quality system
processes, fanv,er presoibed requirements with less emphasis on
docurnentation, clear definitlcn of quality management s)rstem
boundaries and increased leadership requirements. ISO 9001:2015 is a
nonindustry specific certification and b intended for any organizat'ron
that wants to implernent and maintain a qualig management system such
as the PNP.

e. ISO Cortification - the formal recognition by an independent thid party,
known as the 'Cefification Bodyr certifyrng that a partfuxrlar officey'unit
operates in accordance with intemational standards.

f. ISO-CIMS Technical Worfiing Group (IWG) - is a group created by the

concemed PNP ofhces/units responsible to assist their QMT on matters
pertaining to ISO certification process.

g. tanagement Reviery (mR) - is a process of Uenfifying and assessing

opportunitbs to change an organization's Qualig Policy and Quality
Objectives, to addrcss resouroe needs and to look for opportunities to
improve its producG.

h. Operational Guidelines (OG) - define as procedures in determining the

requirements for the prcducts and sewices, establishing criteria for the
processes, the acceptance of products and services, determining the
resouroes needed to achieve conformity to the produci and service
requirements, implementing confol of the prtcesses in accordance with
the criteria and determining, maintaining and retaining documented
information to the gdent necessary, to have confidence that the
prooesses have been canied out as phnned that demonstrates the
confomity of products and services to their requirements.

i. Quality f,anagement Reppsentative (CUnl - ensures that the QMS

prcoesses are established, implenenbd, ard maintained and report to
top management on horv uell, or poorly, the Quality Management $rctem
(aMS) is perturming.

j. -
Cluality tanagernent System (GlUSl is a collection of processes
focused on consistently meeting customer requirements and enhancing
their satisfaction. lt is aligned with an organization's purpose and
strategic direction. The organizational structure, responsibilities,
procedures and resources for direc{ing, contolling and supervising
company operations and for ensuring that all services provided meet the
stated and implernented needs of tfie customer.

k. Quality tanagement Team (Qffi - is composed of QMR (Head),

Assistant Quality Management Representative, lntemal Auditor,
Assistant lntemal Auditor, Training Manager, and Training Facilitator in
charge with cascading the information to their respective units.

l. Requarcment - is a need, e)pectation, or obligation. lt can be stated or

implied by an organization, its customers, or other interested parties.

m. Third Party Audit - refers to an independent registrar/regulators that

conduct extemal audits.

n. Top tanagement - refers to the Cornmand Group of the pNp offices/

units wtro coodinabs, dirccts, and control respective ffices/unils. The
term managernent doe6 not reftr to people, it refurs to activities.


a. An ISO 9001:2015 Certification Committee (lCC) shall be composed of

the follonting:
1) Chairman-TCDS;
2) Mce -€haiman - TDPL;
3) Members - Executive Officers of the Directorial Stafi; and
4) Secretariat - PPD, DPL or such other division of DPL as appropriate.

b. The ICC shall perform the following functions:

1) Serve as the Steering Committee and policy-making body for the ISO
9001:2015 QMS cefficaton of the selected PNP ofiiceVunits;
2) lmplernent the strandards, gukielines, institutional mechanisms and
other matters of the approved ISO 9001:2015 QMS Certification
3) ldentify the offices/units which shall undergo the ISO 900'l :2015 QMS
Ceffication; and
4) Coordinate with the sebcted PNP ofices/r.rnils in the formulatircn of
the standards and mecfianisms to be adopted by the latter to ensure
their certification. This shall include ISO Training.

c. Each selected officeVunits shall have a QMT which shall be under the
direct supervision of the concemed ofhce's/unit's Executive Oficer or
Chief of Staff, as the case may be. The QMT shall be the team-indrarge
of the ISO 9001:2015 QMS Certification of their respective officeVunits.

d. The QMT shall perform the following functions:

1) Prepare and submit to the concemed Top ManagemenUCommand
Group for their approval the necessary mechanisms, flow charts,
operationaUadministrative guidelines and craft such as other ISO
9001:2015 QMS related documents and for subsequent information
of the ICC;
2) lmplement and sustain the application of the ISO eMS in their
respective offies/units, in collaboration with their respective ISO
Certification TWG;
3) Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the ISO 9001 :2015 eMS,
and recommend necessary conective actions to the ICC on matters
pertaining to changing conditions and issues in their respeclive core
4) Prepare an Annual Audit Program in coordination with the lCC,
prepare After Aclivity Reports/Minutes of the Meeting, conduct
training for their respec.tive personnel on ISO eMS processes,
designate focal person from the support process owner and facilitate
the conduct of Management Review;

5) Submit quarterly reports to the ICC thru the ICC Secretariat
conceming the implementation of the ISO 900'l:2015 QMS in their
respective offi ces/units;
6) Attend the required ISO training duly certified by competent authority;
7) Ensure the awareness of personnel on ISO 9001:2015 QMS
certification process.

e. The QMT shall be composed of the folloving:

1) Quality Management Reprcsentative (QMR)

a) The following personnel shall be designated as the QMR:
(1) PNP Command Group - Administrative Officers
(2) Personal Stafi - Administrative Ofhcers
(3) Dircctorial Staff - Administrative Ofhcers
(4) National Support Units - Administrative Records Management
Division (ARMD)
(5) Police Regional Offices - Chief, Regional Plans and Strategic
Management DMsion (RPSMD/R9);
(6) NCRPO District Offices- Chief, Dishict Human Resource
Development Branch (DHRDB); and
(7) Provincial Police Offices - Chbt Provincial Human Resource
Development Branch (PHRDB)

b) The OMR shall bethe Head of the QMT.

c) The folloring shall be the duties and responsibilities of the QMR:

(1) Ensure that the quality management system is established,
implemented, regularly revierrved, and maintained in
accordance with the PNS ISO 9001: 2015 Standard;
(2) Report and update their office's/units Top Management on the
implementation of the QMS for review, including
recommendations for improvements;
(3) Ensure the promotion of the ISO 9001:2015 QMS Awareness
throughoul the offi ces/units ;
(4) Act as the liaison ofiicer with the other ofiices/units on matters
conceming ISO 9001:2015 QMS; and
(5) Must submit After Activity Report on lsGrelated activities thru
ICC secretariat prior submission to the Chairman, lCC.

d) No QMR shall be relieved, transfened, reassigned, and detailed to

other unit except upon written permission and approval of the
Director for Plans (|-DPL).

f. Further,fund requirement forthe purpose shall bechargedagainst the

cunent appropriation of DPL

2) Assistant Quality Management Reprcsentative (AQMR)

a) The AQMR must be a competent and dedicabd lSO-trained Non-
Uniformed Perconnel (NUP) designated by the Top Management

of the office/unil concemed. For other ofiices,/units without NUP,
the AQMR may be a Police Non-Commissioned Offtcer (PNCO)
having the rank of Police Master Seqeant or higher (PMSg).
b) The AQMR shall assist the QMR and shall assume the tull duties
and responsibilities in the offcial absence of QMR.

3) Training Manager (IM)

a) The TM prebrably a Police Commissioned OfFrcer (PCO) with the
rank of at least Police Major or a competent and dedicated ISO-
trained NUP designated by the Top ManagemenUCommand
Group of the oftce/unit concemed.
b) The TM shall casGrde, tain, and comprehensively enlighten
offces/units in the ISO 9001:2015 QMS Certification Process,
Quality Workplace Standard (5S), and respective Operating
c) The TM shall be responsible for the training on ISO QMS of any
new member of the QMT.
d) The TM shall coordinate with the ICC Secretariat conceming
orientatbns, briefings, seminars and trainings necessary to
prepare their personnel for the ISO 9001 :2015 QMS Certification
e) Perform such other tiasks relative to ISO 9001 :2015 QMS Training
as directed by the ICC and respec{ive QMR.

4) Training Facilitator (IF)

a) The TF must be a Uniformed Personnel (PCO or PNCO)
competent and dedicated lSO-trained NUP designated by the Top
Management of the ofhce/unit concemed.
b) The TF shall assist the TM.

5) lntemal Auditor (lA)

a) Must be a PCO with the rank of at least PMAJ.
b) Prepare an Annual Audil Program in coordination with the lCC.
c) Ensure timely preparation of Audit Plan, Audit Notice and Audil
d) lmplement the Audit Plan based on the approved eMS of the
respective offi ces/units.
e) Must have undergone required ISO Audit Training duly certified
by competent authorig.
f) No lntemal Audilor shall be relieved, transftned, reassigned,
detailed to other offices/units except upon written pemission and
has approval from the Director for Plans.

6) Assistant lntemal Auditor (AlA)

a) Must be a competent and dedicated |SO-trained NUp designated
by the Top ManagemenUCommand Group of the unit concemed.
b) Must have undergone required ISO Audit Training duly certifred
by competent authority.
c) Assist the lA,

g. For the purpose of continuity and sustainability, members of the QMT
must not be reassigned, hansfen€d, detailed to other officeslunits until
after the third party audit and ceffication. Unless, tte
reass(;nmenUhansfured/detailed has prior clearance/approval of the
Top Managernent of concemed ofhces/units and will not impede the
certffication prooess and the ffices,/units shall be responsible for the
smooth handover of documents/rnaterials/information pertaining to lSO.

h. There shalt be a pool of ISO SX)1:2015 QMS trained kainers cfrosen by

the ICC ftom the difierent ISO{ertiH ofhces/units wtrich shall be
utilized as part of the trainirq team that will assist the ISO Consultants
in the preparation br ISO Certification of the diftrent PNP offices/units.
The sall lsO.fained trainers may be called by ICC when need adses.

i. There shall be an ISO Audit Team chosen ftom the lSGTrained Auditors
of the National Headquarters ISO Certified units which may be engaged
to conduct pre- Audits in tfte different PNP orffices/units undergoing
ceffication process. The Executive Offces of the Direcilorde for Plans
(DPL) shall be the head of the PNP ISO Audit Team.

j. The aMT, Core Process Ouvner, ISO TWG as the focal persons for the
ISO Certification of their respective officeVunils shall be entitled to
appropriate awards.

k. The lCC, the PNP |SO-trained trainers and the PNP ISO Audit team shall
be entitled to receive honoraria and appropriate awards in accordance
with DBM Budget Circular No. 2007-2.

l. Depending on the circumstances, the ICC thru the ISO Secretariat, with
the assistance of the lSGtrained trainers, may conduc{ ISO orientations,
faining and seminars, without the assistance of an lSO Consultant.

m.All ofnces/units undergoing the ISO ceffication process shall have a

TWG, which shall assist the QMT on all ISO-related matters to ensure
success in the implementation of the QMS.

n. Responsibilities:

1) Directorate for Plans

a) Serves as the OPR for the implementation of this MC;
b) Subject to the approval and prioritization of the lCC, prepare,
review, revise and recommend the PNP officeslunils for ISO
c) Conduct planning sessionAno*shops pertaining to the ISO
Certification of PNP orffices/unitrs;
d) Subject to the approval of the lCC, provide detailed guidelines and
procedures on the ISO Certification of identified PNP offices/units;
e) Provides supplemental guirJelines and procedures when
f) Perform ovesight fundions to the ISO Certification process;

g) Facilitate the conduct of the ISO orientations, training, seminars,
pre-audits, in collaboration with ISO Consultants, if needed;
h) BFO, PPD Liaison Ofhcer, DPL and/or any member/s of DPL
secretariat as maybe designated by TDPL as the exclusive
contact persons to coodinate with Third Party Auditor on matters
pertaining to ISO Ceffication Process for exclusivity of the activity
as required in ISO Standard;
i) Consolidate the periodic report, After Activity Report, respective
Offices/Units Training Update and all other required documentary
evidence subsequendy for submission to Chairman, ICC;
j) Adopt the DHRDD Strategies/Adjustments on training under the
New Normal; and
k) Perform other tasks as directed.

2) Direclorate for Comptrollership (DC)

a) Provide sufEcient fund support for the implementation of this MC;
b) ln consultation with DPL, program the budget projected for the ISO
Certification of PNP offices/untts; and
c) Perform other tasks as direcled.
3) National Headquarters Bids and Awards Committee (NHO BAC)
a) Facilitate the bidding process in the procurement of services of
ISO Ceffication Body and ISO Consultant; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.
4) Directorate br Pesonnel and Records Management (DPRM)
a) lssue appropriate orders to the pesonnel wtro will compose the
ICC to include its secretariat;
b) lssue appropriate orders to the personnel who will compose the
pool of |SO-trained personnel;
c) lssue appropriate orders to the personnel who will compose the
PNP |SO-lntemal Auditoe; and
d) Perform olher tasks as direc{ed.
5) Directorate for lnformation and Communications Technology
Management (DICTM) and Communbations and Elecfonics Service
a) Provile the necessary tecfrnical support and other requirements
necessary to implement this MC; and
b) Perform other tasks as direc.ted.

6) PNP Training Service (PNPTS)

a) Provide venue and tectnical support for the ISO training; and
b) Perform other tasks as directed.
7) PNP offices/units selected to undergo the ISO Ceftiftcation process
a) ldentifo their respective core processes to be ISO Certified;
b) Heads of ffices/units involved in this MC shall be equally
responsible for the successful implementation of this MC; and

c) Perform other ISO QMS related tasks as may be directed by the
8) All other D-Statr, P-Staff, NSUs, PROs
Perform other ISO-related tasks as may be directed by the lCC.


a. Heads of tte PNP offices/units invotued in this MC shall be equally

responsible forthe successful implementation of this MC; and

b. Any PNP peeonnel found violating any provisions of this MC shall be

administratively liable pursuant to existing laws, rules, and regulations.


Thb supersedes all existing oders, circulas or guidelines inconsistent with

the provisions of this MC.


This MC shalltake efiec't immediately after 15 days frorn filing a copy thereof
at the UP law Center in consonance with Section 3, Chapter 2, Book Vl! of Execr.rtive
Oder 292 otheruise known as the Revised Adminishative Code of 1987," as amended.

Chief, PNP*


ltr'ar socsgal
illtil ililltiltlti ilrfli

Command Group

rso GERTTFTGATToN coMiitTTEE (tcc)



ExOs, D-Stafi

H€.d Secrctariet

DPL S€cGtariat


Q*T of Goncerned
2) A.sirt ntffi
3){rE Lat.grr
a)Tninlng Failiftr
fl inbrml Audibr
6l A.sf*.r hb el Audiio?


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