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Gen. Vicente Alvarez St.

Zamboanga City
Media and Information Literacy
1st Quarter 2021-2022

Name: Bello, Nico D. Date: 11/12/2021

Grade and Section: 12 STEM - Mendel

TOPIC: Media and Information Languages


Instructions: Answers for this part should be in a sentence or paragraph form. Understand the questions and write your
answers on the space below each question.

1. What are the major media languages that you need to consider in conveying and understanding
-Symbolic codes, Written codes, and technical codes.

2. How do media languages affect the audience and the Producers?

-With the use of media languages, the audiences are able to recognize, understand, and relate to the scene
presented. As they decode these symbols, they’d feel exhilarated, mind-blown, and maybe even scared; the
more they comprehend and feel all the emotions and actions, the more the viewers will enjoy the
presentation. Whereas the producers make use of these media languages. They brainstorm and express their
ideas creatively by incorporating these codes to communicate the message they want to share with the

STEP 1: Choose a partner that you don’t know much or has never been your partner before.
STEP 2: Divide the task below and answer individually
STEP 3: Discuss and collate your answer together to complete the table.

Fill in the table below by following the guide questions. (1)What are the codes applied in each photo? (2) What is/are
the intended message/s of each (3) Who are the possible audience (4) Who are the stakeholders (creator)? (5) What
is/are the purpose/s of each photo?
CODES Message
Target Purpose
COMPONENT (Symbolic,
Audience Stakeholders
technical and
Zamboanga City SYMBOLIC It shows a major Local and City Tourism Office To promote the
Postcard CODES: festival in the city, International of city’s tourism
 Color Zamboanga tourists. Zamboanga and the
Hermosa Festival. Local citizens, City Philippines in
TECHNICAL Flexing the as audience or general.
CODE: beautiful Vintas, a participants in
 camera traditional outrigger the activity.
shot boat in Mindanao.
 angle
 lighting

 Font style

Chocolate Hills SYMBOLIC The image Local and  Provincial To promote the
CODES: showcases the International Government municipality’s
 Color beautiful tourists. of Bohol tourism and the
geological  DENR Philippines in
TECHNICAL formations in the general.
CODE: Bohol province of
 camera the Philippines
shot which is popular
 angle tourist attraction in
 lighting the said province.

 Font style

Cebu Kawasan SYMBOLIC The image Local and  Local residents To promote the
Falls CODES: showcases the International  Kawasan Nature city’s tourism
 Color beauty of Cebu’s tourists. Park Multi- and the
Kawasan Falls. Purpose Philippines in
TECHNICAL Cooperative general.
CODE:  Resort owner
 camera Wilhelmino
shot “Willy” Saldua
 angle
 lighting

 Font style

WonderWoman SYMBOLIC The poster Everyone  DC Films To promote the

Poster CODES: emphasizes the Especially  RatPac movie.
 color heroine, named action movie  Entertainment
 acting Wonder Woman. It fans, science-  Tencent Pictures
 mise en shows the heroine fiction fans,  Warner Bros.
scene in action. and the fans of
the lead
TECHNICAL actress, Gal
CODE: Gadot.
 camera
 angle
 lighting

 Font style

Beauty and the SYMBOLIC The poster Everyone  The Walt To promote the
Beast Poster CODES: showcases the especially the Disney movie.
 color different casts of avid fans of Company and its
 acting the movie. It Disney stakeholders.
 mise en highlights the main Princesses,
scene casts at the top and the fans of
center of poster. the lead casts
TECHNICAL themselves.
 camera
 angle
 lighting

 Font style

Instructions: Understand the questions below and answer concisely.

1. Do the codes affect the intended meaning of each photo? How?

2. What information codes, conventions, and messages about each picture are communicated?

Instructions: Answer the following questions below.

1. If you are to recreate a poster for a certain film, what technical and symbolic codes would you use to
convey important information and create the desired impression? Why?

2. How is the understanding of the technical and symbolic codes contribute to media and information


a. Create a poster/digital poster promoting Media and Information Literacy in the Philippines
b. Use codes and conventions for the development of the presentation.
c. Refer to the rubric posted in your google classroom or sent via messenger

TOPIC 2: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and Information Literacy


Instructions: Understand each question and answer concisely

1. When does a work consider plagiarized?

2. In what situation should an online act be considered cyberbullying

3. In what situation should copyright and fair use be applied? Give at least 3 situations (you may also
cite personal experiences)

B. PRODUCTIVE COLLABORATION (Climaco, Ibrahim, and Alaban)

STEP 1: Create a group with four (4) members
STEP 2: Assign each case to each member
STEP 3: Read them and answer the questions
STEP 4: After answering, discuss and share each other’s assigned cases.

a. First article: “UP student plagiarizes prize-winning photos”
• In what competition did Solis send in his plagiarized work?
- Smiles for the World photo contest

• Do you think technology and the internet have made plagiarism easier? Do you
think technology has made people more or less creative? Explain your answer by
citing examples.

- Yes. It has made plagiarism much easier since data from the internet is much
accessible compared to data offline. A simple ‘copy & paste’ can already plagiarize one’s idea. I
think technology has made people less creative due to the fact that plagiarism is extremely
rampant. However, to some people, technology has also made them much creative since the rise
of internet has piqued their interest in learning new things that aren't available offline. One
example would be developing a new research study with the help of the internet. The internet can
really be of help since there are a lot of relevant studies that can help the researchers in
developing a new study. Based on a personal experience, I have observed that people whom I
know that are non-technological are less creative compared to people who are technological,
given the fact that a technological person is exposed to more ideas and information.

b. Second article: “UP grad in photo plagiarism gets redemption”

• According to the article, how did Solis redeem himself? What job did he have?

- Mark Joseph Solis, the person behind photo plagiarism controversy has has proven
that the dark moments in one’s life often reveal the brightest trait of an individual. Solis has
managed football program for street children for two years. Solis has also participated in the
activities of Calidad Humana as part of his path to redemption.

• What project did he help?

-Solis has pledge to continue working with the program to promote Calidad Humana,
a Filipino value loosely translated as kabutihang loob sa kapwa (goodness to fellowmen).

• What is there to learn about the life of Solis?

-The are a lot of lessons which we can learn from the life of Solis. First, we should not
plagiarize one’s work because it is an immoral act and it will not do us any good. Second, despite of
the controversy Solis has faced, he has proven to us that there is still hope if we know how to take
accountabilty and redeem ourselves. Lastly, helping a person to become a better person despite a
controversy is something that people should look forward since the Chile’s former ambassador
Roberto Mayorga has proven to us that the world is much less evil if we know how to support
someone to become a better person.


Read the news article about Robert Blair Carabuena and the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Aide
Fabros: “Carabuena: From bully to cyberbullying victim” at https://news.abs-
You may also watch the news at https://

 What did Carabuena do that made netizens angry?

 Describe the acts of cyber bullying that the netizens did to Carabuena. Do you think their actions are
justifiable? Defend your answer.

 How did the incident affect Carabuena’s life?

 Do you think technology and the Internet has made bullying easier?

 Give one suggestion to avoid cyber bullying. Give one suggestion to avoid being a cyber bully.


Read the news article on computer addiction: “Four in ten teenage girls 'are addicted to internet: Youngsters
increasingly showing signs of compulsion with their tablets and smart phones” at http://

After reading the article, answer the following questions:

a. From the research, do boys and girls share the same Internet usage? Explain your answer. Cite
statistics or data.

b. Cite one real life example in your school or community of teenagers who have experienced
computer addiction. What happen to them? Have they recovered from their addiction?

c. Give two pieces of advice from Tablets for Schools to avoid computer addiction.


Read the article on digital divide in the Philippines: “Different aspects of the digital divide” at

After reading the article, answer the following questions:

 What are the different facets of digital divide?

 How does the Philippines’ slow Internet connection affect its education system? Do you think a faster
Internet connection can promote better education Explain your answer.

 What is the effect of digital divide, if the government fails to upgrade the internet connectivity in the


Instructions: Read and answer the questions below.

1. When was the last time you copied ideas from the internet or from any media and information sources?
Was it considered plagiarism? Why or why not?

2. Have you had experienced or applied fair use? When was it and how?


Your task is to write a spoken poetry promoting anti-plagiarism, bridging digital divide, and drafting
netiquette with the following mechanics:
NOTE: When promoting, make sure you focus on media and information literacy
- The message encourages the youth to fight plagiarism of works, such as photography, artistic visual
designs, academic works, and others. The message should also inspire youth to create their own original
work. In addition, the message should also present how to bridge digital divide and promote netiquette.
- You can use any dialect that you want.
- Take a video of yourself while presenting the spoken poetry.
- Base your output and your performance using the rubric attached in this module

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