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You attended a time management workshop organized by your school counselling club recently.

the workshop, you heard many students participants comment about their time management
problems. The following statement caught your attention:

I always feel that I can’t manage my times well enough.

Write an essay providing suggestions to manage personal times management. Write at least 250

Time is one of the most precious thing of our life. The life that we are given is valued in the
amount of time. From our childhood to the last day of our life, we spend our time as we like. Young
people nowadays are don't attach much importance to time management. Many of them spend a lot
of time on gaming or find something to themself so can get fun and this will lead to a regression in
academic performance. A good person can create a good time management so that we must
manage our time wisely to become a self-discipline person.

Firstly, we can do our own time table to manage our time.The best way to manage time is to
prepare a time table in which you plan your day in the morning what you have to do today. List your
tasks based on your priority and complete them one by one. Do a time table also can schedule time
for each task in your list and make sure that you complete them within the same fixed time period.
For example, list down all task you need to do on Monday until Sunday and write down the time also
such like 3 hours for study, one hour for doing exercise and more. Therefore, making a schedule
allows us to better arrange our time.

Secondly, organize a short goals also can help us to manage our time. Besides goals in the longer
run, we must also have goals for each study session that they take up. For instance, if a student is to
study four chapters for an assessment, the student can divide it into shorter goals of two chapters
each to manage time and productivity nicely. Therefore, establishing a small goal can also help us
manage time better.

Last but not least, abstain from social media can help us manage our time. We generally waste
a lot of precious time while using social media and witness falling productivity. To have their
complete focus on all tasks and preparations, we must either delete all their social media accounts
or log out of all social media platforms while studying. For example, when we are studying don't put
the phone in our sight so that we won’t be distracted anymore and learn more attentively.
Therefore, abstain from social media can help us manage time wisely.

In conclusion, time management is the key to success, laziness brings nothing in life.
Therefore, time management should be made a habit from the beginning. We should be well aware
about the need and importance of time management in our life. It helps a student to complete all
the tasks on due with success and productivity in life. Time management is also an important skill for
everyone from students to working professionals are required to time management practices to
improve productivity and efficiency of tasks. Through this we can manage our time wisely.

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