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Seismic Integration to Reduce Risk

Despite the enormous advances in surface seismic acquisition,

processing and interpretation over the past decade, drilling still

involves uncertainty. These financial and economic risks, however,

are being ameliorated by new techniques that are emerging from

the combination of borehole- and surface-acquired seismic data.

Rune Hope From their first use in 1928, surface seismic One sure way to increase the value of sur-
TOTAL Thailand surveys have been lauded for their effect on face seismic data is to incorporate borehole
Bangkok, Thailand exploration success, reducing risk apprecia- seismic measurements. Integration of bore-
bly.1 During the years since, surveys have hole seismic and surface seismic data can
Dick Ireson extended from two-dimensional (2D) to occur at two levels. The most basic is when
Scott Leaney three-dimensional (3D), and have expanded borehole seismic velocities are used to con-
Gatwick, England, UK to encompass the development and produc- vert seismic sections from time to depth and
tion as well as exploratory phases of reservoir when images are used to fill gaps where sur-
Joerg Meyer life. Likewise, advances in seismic data pro- face seismic acquisition fails. The second,
Dallas, Texas, USA cessing utilizing massively parallel computers and more far-reaching, is to use borehole
and integrated reservoir imaging software seismic measurements to get better surface
Wayne Tittle have improved the reliability of data interpre- seismic results—to optimize survey plan-
Sonat Exploration tation and thereby of drilling accuracy itself. ning, guide data processing, and produce
Tyler, Texas Risk, nevertheless, remains a major factor higher quality, quantitative, calibrated
in all phases of oil and gas reservoir exploita- images from the surface seismic data.
Mark Willis tion, and this is particularly true when mar- Surface seismic data created in this way pro-
Mobil Exploration and Production ket conditions drive operators to obtain vide a more consistent interpretation and a
Dallas, Texas maximum value from their investment in more complete picture, or solution.
seismic data.

2 Oilfield Review
Surface and Borehole Seismic Basics subsurface properties are such that reflections borehole while the surface source is fired
Surface seismic data are acquired with both don’t travel back up to the receivers, then nearly vertically above. The receiver records
source and receiver essentially on the surface there is no surface seismic image at all. the traveltime from source to depth, at sev-
of the earth. Sound energy generated by the Borehole seismic techniques and data are eral depths, and a table is constructed of the
source propagates in all directions, but the usually applied to overcome these limitations. seismic velocities between the depth sta-
useful energy is that which travels down, Borehole seismic surveys, also known as tions. This velocity table can be used to con-
reflects at layer interfaces, and comes back vertical seismic profiles (VSPs) are acquired vert, albeit crudely, a surface seismic section
up to the receiver. The receiver records data with the source on the surface and receivers from time to depth, or logs from depth to
as wiggles with amplitude that varies with at known depths in the borehole. Energy time.
time, and through sophisticated processing from the source arrives at the receivers both A VSP provides more data than a check shot
these are turned into an image of the reflec- directly, as the first arrival, and also after because the distance between geophone
tors. However, unless the velocities of the reflection from interfaces below the receiver. recording depths is far less—every 15 to 30 m
layers are known, the image cannot be con- The simplest borehole survey is the check [49 to 98 ft]. In addition, VSPs collect not
verted accurately from time to depth. And if shot, or velocity survey, in which a receiver only first arrivals of the seismic energy but the
there are obstructions on the surface that pre- is stationed at specific intervals—often sepa- entire wavetrain, which is processed for
clude source or receiver placement, or if the rated by hundreds of feet or meters—in the upgoing and downgoing events.2

For help in preparation of this article, thanks to ASI (Array Seismic Imager), CSI (Combinable Seismic 1. Hyne N: Nontechnical Guide to Petroleum Geology,
Dean Clark, Ian Scott and Mark Wheeler, Geco-Prakla, Imager), DSI (Dipole Shear Sonic Imager), FMI (Fullbore Exploration, Drilling and Production. Tulsa,
Gatwick, England, UK; Greg Lerigier, Geco-Prakla, Formation MicroImager), GeoViz, IESX and SAT (Seismic Oklahoma, USA: PennWell Books (1995): 236.
Houston, Texas, USA; Rutger Gras, GeoQuest, Gatwick; Acquisition Tool) are marks of Schlumberger. 2. Gadallah M: Reservoir Seismology: Geophysics in
Keith Tushingham, GeoQuest, Houston, Texas; Nontechnical Language. Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA:
Steve Horne, Everhard Muyzert and Carl Spencer, PennWell Books (1994): 139-178.
Schlumberger Cambridge Research, Cambridge, England.

Autumn 1998 3
B. Offset VSP C. Walkaway VSP D. Walk-above VSP


A. Zero-offset VSP

oing mu Time
Direct w
E. Salt-proximity VSP F. SWD (drill-bit) VSP G. Multi-offset VSP

ne positio Receivers

d prima
oin g
d upg
Reflecte ltiple
mu Drill
Subsurfa bit
reflector Salt

■Some types of vertical seismic profiles (VSPs). The most common VSP surveys include: A. Zero-offset VSP, B. Offset VSP, C. Walkaway
VSP, D. Walk-above VSP, E. Salt-proximity VSP, F. Drill-bit VSP and G. Multi-offset VSP. Ray paths are shown as black lines.

Most VSP surveys are two-dimensional and and hydrophones (next page, top left). There Filling Gas Gaps
are achieved with a variety of configurations are, in addition, borehole seismic tools that Phillips Petroleum Norway has been inte-
(above). These include zero-offset VSPs, can combine with themselves or other wire- grating borehole seismic images with surface
where the source is near the wellhead line logging tools for openhole VSP data seismic data to revitalize production from its
directly above the receivers; offset VSPs, with acquisition, or be run inside or conveyed on giant Ekofisk field in the Norwegian sector of
the source on the surface some distance from drillpipe to acquire VSPs in highly deviated the North Sea. It had been highly productive,
the borehole; walkaway VSPs, in which mul- and horizontal wells (next page, bottom). generating oil and gas from the Danian- and
tiple sources are located along a line extend- Because the geophones are situated deep Maastrichtian-age chalk reservoir for more
ing away from the well while an array of within the strata when obtaining a VSP, some than 26 years, but production was dropping,
geophone receivers is fixed in the borehole; of the disadvantages of surface seismic and Phillips determined to redevelop the
walk-above VSPs, where sources are posi- acquisition are avoided. Accurate depths are field by drilling some 50 new wells, adding
tioned directly over receivers in a deviated or registered, and surface noise is reduced, a sophisticated waterflood system and
horizontal well; salt-proximity VSPs, with a yielding data with less distortion and installing new surface facilities.
source above the salt dome and receivers in enhanced frequency content. Furthermore, A major problem in mapping the field
the wellbore in a vertical plane containing the use of the full waveform allows better using surface seismic data is the presence of
the source; shear-wave VSPs, acquired with identification and treatment of noise that can a gas “cloud” above part of the reservoir. In
shear-wave sources; and seismic-while- contaminate surface seismic records. this area, a surface seismic-derived image of
drilling (SWD) drill-noise VSPs, where the The integration of borehole seismic and the reservoir is not achievable (next page,
drill bit is itself the seismic source and surface seismic data is not entirely new. top right). This means that wells drilled into
receivers are on the surface.3 Three-dimen- Check-shot services for time-to-depth con- the crest of the structure are riskier as the
sional VSPs are essentially walkaway profiles version have existed in the oil field since the detailed fault patterns are not mapped
in which multiple lines of sources or spiral- 1950s, but full-fledged waveform VSPs have directly from the surface seismic data.
ing lines of sources extend away from the been tapped only since the 1980s. Through a
well and an array of geophone sensors is series of case studies, this article tracks 3. Christie P, Dodds K, Ireson D, Johnston L, Rutherford J,
Schaffner J and Smith N: “Borehole Seismic Data
deployed in the borehole. recent developments in existing methods, Sharpen the Reservoir Image,” Oilfield Review 7, no. 4
Borehole seismic receiver tools are then introduces some new integration tech- (Winter 1995): 18-31.
designed for either cased or uncased holes, niques that are also proving to reduce
or both, and have from 1 to 12 receiver lev- drilling risk.
els, with varying combinations of geophones

4 Oilfield Review
16,887 m
8787 m

2960 ms 3244 ms

■Ekofisk contoured seismic time surface. This

■Magnetically clamped ASI Array Seismic surface shows the area where the top of the Ekofisk
Imager tool. This tool has five seismic reservoir can be interpreted from surface seismic
shuttles linked by a bridle to a signal- data, and indicates the seismic time associated
conditioning cartridge. Each shuttle sensor with the reservoir top. The area in black cannot
contains three fixed orthogonal geophones. be imaged with surface seismic alone and needs
integration of 3D VSP data.

Tension Resistivity Gamma Compression

sub spectroscopy sub

Sonic Gamma
Wet CSI Pressure
connect tool sampling Neutron

■Efficiency with the CSI Combinable Seismic Imager tool. This tool can combine with other logging tools and physi-
cally isolates its sensor module by anchoring it against the formation, achieving optimum acoustic coupling for its
three gimbaled geophones that is verified by a shaker source within the module.

Autumn 1998 5
1000 m

1000 m
4500 m
4500 m

■Filling the gap. This vertical cut in the 3D surface seismic data volume (left) is made along a line corresponding to a traverse in the
3D VSP data. The image of the structural crest is obscured by gas, which disrupts seismic wave propagation. With only interpolation
between existing well locations to rely on, confidence in positioning a crestal well to miss possible faults is low. The corresponding
traverse from the 3D VSP image (right) is superimposed on the first figure. It is clear that the hole in the data at and above the reservoir
level has been very effectively filled, providing increased confidence in planning crestal wells.

A combination of 2D and, recently, 3D Borehole-Guided Processing indicate how well the surface seismic data
VSP techniques does, however, provide The second level of borehole-surface seismic are converging to the desired result. The VSP
images of the reservoir in the gas-obscured integration is achieved when VSPs provide image is generally at a higher resolution than
area (above). This is achieved by placing information to produce higher quality sur- the surface seismic data and is produced
the VSP receivers below the gas cloud in face seismic results. In the simplest cases, without the necessity of a comprehensive
carefully selected wells. The use of the VSP data, together with synthetic seismo- editing process that accompanies the genera-
direct arrival traveltimes obtained from grams derived from velocity and density log tion of synthetic seismograms derived from
numerous source positions, particularly in data, have been used to determine the prop- acoustic and density logs. Furthermore,
the 3D VSP, allows the existing velocity erties of the wavelet, or basic pulse response because the VSP reacts to dip in the same
model to be upgraded. When the reflection from a reflector, contained within the way as the surface seismic data, images
data from the same VSP data set are migrated surface seismic data. This knowl- extracted from the VSP data can be compared
focused using this upgraded velocity edge allows the surface seismic wavelet to directly with unmigrated surface seismic
model, a clear image of the reservoir be “zero-phased,” providing optimal resolu- data. This permits monitoring of parameter
emerges. The 3D VSP image can then be tion for interpretation. and technique selection from the beginning
combined with the existing 3D surface seis- In order for this process to be successful, the of the surface seismic processing sequence
mic image to provide a continuous picture. same sequence of wavelets must exist in both without having to go through a costly and
Thus, in gas-obscured areas where 3D VSP data sets. Because they include both down- time-consuming migration process to com-
data have provided images, the reservoir going and upgoing waves, VSP data can be pare the data sets.
structure can be mapped with greatly processed in a straightforward manner to In addition, it is very desirable to monitor the
increased confidence. This will dramatically remove multiples, or unwanted reverbera- effect of any process on the wavelet phase. By
reduce the uncertainty associated with the tions, and provide a sequence of wavelets extracting the embedded wavelets at any
positioning of wells. that relates directly to the local geology. stage during the processing, not just after
Surface seismic data, on the other hand, rely migration—the residual wavelet stage, in seis-
upon more indirect techniques to remove mic terms—it is possible to see how the
multiples and produce the correct sequence attributes of the extracted wavelet are affected
of wavelets in both time and space. by any processing step and note any signifi-
A comparison between the desired seismic cant variations between wells. These interwell
response—provided by the VSP—and the changes may be spatially mapped by looking
surface seismic response in the vicinity of the at the variations in statistically derived
well, at various stages during processing, can attributes occurring in the surface seismic data
and calibrating them to the wells.

6 Oilfield Review
East Shetland

1 km


1 km
6.5 58
Predictability, %

2.5 s

spur South Viking
0 mi 5

0 km 8 3.0 s

■The Beryl Field. The green area within the box represents the
approximate extent of the primary field.
950 m
In a North Sea example, the integration of acquisition, then a set of the VSPs was ■Color-coded matching. The quality of the
borehole data and surface seismic data pro- selected from a vertical section of the well- position match for the VSP trace within the
duced a quantitative approach to the selec- bore with sufficient receiver levels in the tar- surface seismic volume is shown by color,
with the best match in white (top). The
tion of a demultiple technique—a method get zone to cover the field adequately. The
match is computed in a 1 by 1 km2
for removing seismic reverberations—and VSPs were dip-corrected for premigration volume in a time window across the
parameters, thereby increasing confidence matching to the surface data. reservoir. Inserting the dip-corrected VSP
in the conformation of the final surface data The goal is to match surface seismic traces into this best match position along a 2D
to the reflection sequence derived from the in a small volume around each well to the panel (bottom) from the stacked, newly
acquired surface seismic data confirms
borehole data.4 VSP traces acquired in that well. To deter- the quality of the trace match.
The Mobil North Sea Ltd. Beryl field, UK mine the match “location” for each VSP, a
sector blocks 12 and 13, lies in a structurally 1-km2 [0.39-sq mile] data cube was extracted
complex and highly faulted area (above). from an existing stacked but unmigrated 3D 4. Clark D, Scott I and Willis M: “Using Borehole Data
Interpretation of its target zone was compro- surface data set along the path of each well in to Optimize Demultiple Parameter Selection—A
North Sea Example,” paper SP 9.7, presented at the
mised by reflections that were masked by the target zone. Partial spectral coherence 68th Annual International Meeting of the Society of
free-surface multiples in a low-reflectivity matching was carried out to mate the trans- Exploration Geophysicists, New Orleans, Louisiana,
portion of the survey area. The operator posed and dip-corrected VSP trace with the USA, September 13-18, 1998.

required better quality final 3D volumes to seismic data in several time windows con-
achieve an improved structural interpreta- centrated around the target zone, and pre-
tion, thus new 3D surface seismic acquisition dictability was assessed for each match, with
and processing were conducted. During the a predictability surface generated for each
past 20 years, there had been many check match time window, from which the best
shots and VSPs shot over the main structure, match locations in space and time were
and these data were used to assure an objec- determined. After the new 3D survey was
tive rather than subjective approach to completed, traces covering the VSP locations
demultiple optimization. were examined, and the match was recon-
Prior to the acquisition and processing of firmed (above right). Once that was done, the
the new 3D data, existing surface and VSP data sets were used to optimize the selection
data were used to optimize the design of the of demultiple technique and parameters.

Autumn 1998 7
During the demultiple testing stage of the A choice of two demultiple techniques Reef Steering
project, the use of these small test data sets resulted from the optimization process, vari- Borehole data can also be used later in the
and repeated surface and borehole seismic able tau-p deconvolution and conventional processing sequence to enhance surface
comparison made it possible to test numer- deconvolution before stack (dbs).5 The tau-p seismic images and reduce drilling risk.
ous combinations of techniques and parame- deconvolution emerged as the technique of Sonat Exploration integrates its 3D surface
ters and to quantify even the most subtle choice following application by interpreters seismic data with VSP data to overcome
differences. In addition, target-oriented statis- to make composite sections for each well. A some of the limitations and pitfalls of 3D
tical attributes were derived from the surface 0.5-km [0.31-mile] stack mini-cube was seismic data while prospecting for very small
seismic data set. These measurements were extracted from around each well at key stages drilling targets—between 20 and 60 acres
used to classify the target data’s geophysical in the processing sequence for added quality [9 and 24 hectares]. Borehole and surface
characteristics spatially into a number of data assurance. This demonstrated that a straight- seismic data integration allows the company
types. This classification revealed how the forward approach to demultiple algorithm to carry out its final and most critical step,
results at a particular well were representative and parameter selection by integrating sur- seismic migration, properly. Migration per-
of the whole data set (below). face and borehole seismic data at a very early formed with the appropriate velocity func-
stage provided confidence in the final 3D tion positions and focuses a reflection
data volume for interpretation and inversion.

Predictability, %

Predictability, %
40 59

420 Well A Well B 45 420



300 36


20 240 4 240



Pre 28 180 180
40 28


dic Pred 40

60 120 60 120

72 ictio

gap n ga 72


s p, m


Surface A Surface B

60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0
dbs tau-p dbs tau-p

Match power at Well A Seismic section Match power at Well B

■Comparing wells. The difference between data type areas is evident in this comparison of wells A (left) and B (right). The blue lines
in the lower middle image are the well locations on a panel between the two wells extracted from the 3D seismic volume. The left and
right upper images demonstrate the match surface obtained at each well by varying two parameters—the prediction gap and the
operator length—in a particular demultiple technique. The bottom left and right charts illustrate the optimum parameter selection
match for two different demultiple techniques. The upper middle image is a composite of four target-oriented statistical attributes
generated from the surface seismic data. The two wells are in different data-type areas, which may explain why there is variation in
the success of different demultiple techniques at the two locations.

8 Oilfield Review
element correctly in the subsurface to pro-
vide a sharper image for steering the drilling
into the target. Sonat has accomplished this

more than 20 times with extraordinary accu- • Longview
• Dallas
racy on the East Texas Cotton Valley Pinnacle • Tyler
Reef trend, one of North America’s most Kilgore
Northern play •
dynamic onshore plays (right).
The Cotton Valley Pinnacle Reef play is
a collection of Jurassic carbonate build-ups
with known reserves of up to 80 Bcf [2.265
Bm3] natural gas. Most reefs that are drilling
Eastern play
targets in the trend have an elliptical shape
and steep seaside flanks that can fall off
sharply. The relatively small lateral footprint—
a diameter of 600 to 800 ft [183 to 244 m]—
and depths to 18,000 ft [5486 m] compound
the complexity of accurately fixing the reef
Southern play
anomaly in space. Vertical sections range
from 400 to 1300 ft [122 to 396 m]. Outboard play
0 mi 30
Located at the transition from Bossier shale
to Cotton Valley limestone in Bossier sands, 0 km 48
the trend is characterized by a hostile envi-
ronment, with high temperatures at the tar- Texas
get depth ranging from 375 to 400°F [190.5
to 204.4°C]. There is a pressure gradient of ■The Cotton Valley Pinnacle Reef play. The orange areas indicate a widespread onshore
0.8 to 0.9 psi/ft, so bottomhole pressures are gas play stretching across eight counties of East Texas. Areas with known reefs are
about 18,000 to 20,000 psi [124,105 to shown in blue.
137,888 kPa]. In addition, there are sour gas
and carbon dioxide contents that affect exploration.6 There are still limitations, such This can be derived from surface seismic
drilling and logging tools. With such high as having to operate with wavelengths on the data to some degree, but only borehole sur-
risks, completion costs per well range order of 400 ft [122 m], but it is possible to veys can extract seismic velocities of geo-
between $5 million and $7.2 million, but obtain between 150- to 250-ft [46- to 76-m] logic formations. It is here that Sonat made a
the rewards are significant; some wells have vertical resolution with surface seismic data. breakthrough by integrating borehole seis-
tested 35 MMcf/D [991 MMm3/d] gas, and It is also a challenge to identify small reefs mic and surface seismic data.
some have sustained their initial production whose seismic expressions span only six The borehole seismic process measures the
of 5 to 10 MMcf/D [141,580 to 283,169 seismic traces. true velocities of the subsurface instead of
m3/d] gas for over a year. Another limitation is to rely solely on sur- attempting to derive them from measure-
Sonat attributes its success in the play to face-based measurements for the analysis of ments on the surface. In addition, a measure-
the advent of affordable 3D seismic acquisi- surface seismic data-processing parameters. ment of the seismic wavefield at depth is
tion and its technical growth since the area A critical step in obtaining a reliable image obtained, and thus a much broader calibra-
first was explored. Before 1995, more than of subsurface reflectors is creating the cor- tion toolkit is available for properly process-
800 wells were drilled in the Cotton Valley rect velocity model of the subsurface itself. ing surface seismic data. The VSP recordings
Pinnacle Reef trend based on 2D data, but
5. Tau-p is the name given to a coordinate space into
with poor results most of the time. The play which seismic data are transformed for processing.
took off significantly in 1995, when 3D seis- Tau has units of time and p has units of inverse veloc-
mology became a major tool in onshore ity. Deconvolution is an inverse filtering process to
restore a wavelet to its original form.
6. Shirley K: “3-D Still Sparks Cotton Valley Play,” AAPG
Explorer 19, no. 9 (September 1998): 32-35.

Autumn 1998 9
■ Less uncertainty usually contain higher frequencies and pro-
with a VSP. vide a higher resolution image of subsurface
Surface seismic Potential well location
Surface seismic line features (left). Furthermore, a borehole seis-
waves, with their
lower frequencies mic survey using the offset VSP configura-
and greater tions creates additional and calibrated
distance between Zone of uncertainty images of the subsurface around the well
reflector and and even ahead of the drill bit. Today, the
receiver, can “see”
most significant advances are made when all
objects only if they Reef
are big enough. the borehole seismic information—velocity,
Small features, amplitude, phase and polarization—is used
such as reefs, fall to quality control and improve the surface
in a zone of uncer- seismic processing.
tainty (top). VSPs
have shorter The borehole survey also provides a pre-
wavelengths and ferred recording environment, with less
shorter reflector- noise related to traffic or weather. In the
receiver distance, openhole conditions of the Cotton Valley, the
and smaller zones Drilling rig
dual CSI Combinable Seismic Imager tool
of uncertainty
(bottom). with 60-ft [18-m] spacers is used for most
surveys. Flasked SAT Seismic Acquisition
Tool instruments are used for the hotter
Zone of uncertainty reduced holes. Data are recorded from up to four
offset locations per trip in the hole, with off-
Reef sets ranging from 3000 to 8000 ft [914 to
2438 m] away from the wellbore. Surveys
range in size from 3 to 14 offsets with up to
10 vibrator trucks per VSP job.
Before the use of borehole seismic tech-
niques, the overall success rate for new wells
■Reefs or something was about 45% in the reef play. Today, Sonat
else? Reef-like Exploration is the only operator in the trend
270 260 250 240 230 220 210 200
structures on surface
seismic images can
that runs borehole seismic surveys before
turn out to be reaching the target depth on all of the wells it
processing artifacts. drills, and it has had an unparalleled success
What appears to be rate of 90% in the play, with failures occur-
a reef before ring when structures looked like reefs but, in
integrating VSP
information (top) is fact, were not. The breakthrough has come
575 ms

exposed as a fault from using the borehole survey not only as a

(red) after applying diagnostic calibration tool—imaging after the
the correct velocities hole is drilled—but from exploiting its pre-
measured by the
VSP (bottom). As a
dictive features to look ahead and around the
result of a look- drill bit in near real time as well.
ahead VSP survey, To increase its success rate as well as
the drill bit could be reduce exploration risk, Sonat employs two
steered away from approaches in the use of borehole seismic
the fault into the
nearby reef to make 8800 ft information.7 First, a zero-offset VSP is run
a successful well on with the source in the vicinity of the rig, and
the first attempt. velocities and seismic waves are recorded in
250 240 230 220 210 200 the wellbore. This calibrated velocity infor-
mation is used as the main input for migrat-
ing surface seismic data. A small subvolume
of the 3D data around the wellbore is remi-
grated to update the drilling target location.
This operation, usually applied to poststack
data, can be conducted within a short
575 ms

turnaround time to facilitate drilling deci-

sions. In one case, by applying this technique
Sonat was able to avoid drilling a nonreef
structure that turned out to be a fault (left).
In this example, artifacts caused by incor-
rect migration velocities created a seismic
anomaly that looked like a reef. After remi-
gration and offset VSP interpretation, the drill
6600 ft

10 Oilfield Review
Cook #2

Pinnacle reef

1.4 s
1.4 s
Haynesville reflector


Surface seismic VSP


8700 ft 8700 ft
■Surface seismic image before and after VSP integration to image a reef. The surface seismic image (left) shows a hint of a reef as
a disruption of the regional limestone reflector. With the VSP image inserted, the disruption of the regional reflector is clearer,
delineating the extent of the reef (right). The well trajectory is indicated by the vertical line.

bit could be steered a couple of hundred feet

away to intersect a reef and make a success- Cook 2
ful well. This example emphasizes that the VSP Original hole
critical seismic processing step of migration arm 2
has to perform the task of not only properly VSP
arm 1
positioning reflections of the subsurface, but Sidetrack
also focusing structure, particularly around
abrupt changes like faults.
Reef fringe •
The second reef-finding approach Sonat
employs, developed since June 1996, applies
the look-around and look-ahead capability of •
borehole surveys. In employing it, the drilling Cook 2
operation is temporarily suspended at a cer- Reef core
tain depth above the target to map the actual •
position of the reef in 3D with a sequence of
offset VSPs distributed radially around the
wellbore. These additional VSP data are then VSP
integrated with the surface seismic data using arm 3
IESX seismic interpretation software and
GeoViz 3D interpretation and geovisualiza-
tion software. The new interpretation is used location
VSP arm 4
for a final update of the drilling direction and interpretation
to steer the subsequent drilling down to the production
well 0 m 122
reef target (above).
Cook 3
The technique has been termed RSVP, for
0 ft 400
reef steering by vertical seismic profiling, a
real-time survey while drilling that requires
only one to two days downtime for the VSP ■Multiple interpretations of the Cook field reef in the Cotton Valley Pinnacle Reef play.
acquisition. Drillers are finding it worth their The original well, Cook 2, was drilled to a nonpay zone on the fringe of the reef, then side-
while to be idle for the additional two days it tracked east into a dry hole. Four VSPs (arms 1, 2, 3 and 4) were shot to illuminate the reef
by imaging the extent of the regional limestone reflector that is disrupted by the presence
takes to complete the processing and inter- of the reef. The segments of the limestone reflector imaged by the VSPs are shown as green
pretation while geoscience colleagues lines. The absence of a green line means the presence of a reef, indicated by the dashed
update the subsurface model and provide purple circle. Following this interpretation, Well Cook 3 was drilled into the center of the
new coordinates for optimum reef intersec- reef and is now producing, at a distance of only 400 feet from the abandoned Cook 2. The
blue elongated feature with a pink core is the new interpretation of the reef shape based
tion. This additional time, however, has been on surface seismic data remigrated with VSP velocities.
used to acquire other wireline logs at this
intermediate depth.
7. Meyer J and Tittle W: “Exploration Risk Reduction
Sonat’s experience has shown that the best Using Borehole Seismic: East Texas Pinnacle Reef
production resulted from wells that penetrate Applications,” paper BH 4.3, presented at the 68th
Annual International Meeting of the Society of
the reef near the core. The offset VSPs help Exploration Geophysicists, New Orleans, Louisiana,
locate the center of these features by imaging USA, September 13-18, 1998.
the limits of the regional limestone that sur-
rounds them (right).

Autumn 1998 11
For those unwilling to hold up drilling, a France’s TOTAL S.A., now plans its strati- production increases of an additional 250
third technique—the reef recovery method graphic targets in the Bongkot field in the MMcf/D [7 MM m3/d] gas and 8000 BOPD
—applies when the drilling target has been Gulf of Thailand by analyzing borehole- [954 m3/d] of petroleum liquids.
missed. In this remedy, wireline logs are run guided, long-offset AVO effects. Bongkot’s hydrocarbons are distributed
and a borehole seismic survey is performed The Bongkot field is situated in the North over a 2000-m [6562-ft] gross pay zone
to recover the reef location. Typically, an FMI Malay basin, Gulf of Thailand, 800 km (1000- to 3000-m [3281- to 9843-ft] depth)
Fullbore Formation MicroImager log is [497 miles] south of Bangkok. One of the of Miocene age. Around 70 separate fluvio-
acquired to get the drape pattern and the ori- largest and most prolific in the region, the deltaic sand reservoirs 1 to 25 m [3 to 82 ft]
entation of the carbonate buildup, then an field has been in production since 1993. thick can be encountered in a single fault
offset VSP survey is shot along this selected TOTAL Thailand was the operator of the block. As a result, the critical factors are
direction to locate the actual position of Bongkot Joint Venture until July 1, 1998, reservoir size, orientation and quality.
the reef and steer the drillstring into the car- when operatorship was handed over to the Until recently, Bongkot development
bonate buildup. Thai state oil company, Petroleum Authority drilling was focused on drilling wells in
of Thailand Exploration and Production PLC structurally closed, tilted fault blocks or four-
More Than Velocities (PTTEP), which holds 40% interest. TOTAL way dip closures, with multiple stacked tar-
As discussed in the Sonat example, velocities holds 30%, BG, 20% and Den Norske Stats gets. Field development is maturing,
measured directly in borehole seismic sur- Olijeselskap (Statoil), the remaining 10%. however, with higher risk stratigraphic traps
veys can be used to fine-tune surface seismic Prior to relinquishing operatorship, TOTAL located outside closure being drilled. These
processing. But borehole surveys can pro- undertook a new development phase on wells target only a few reservoirs and often
vide more than just interval velocity. With Bongkot that has increased the gas production require expensive extended-reach wells.
the proper geometry, VSPs can also measure to 550 MMcf/D [16 MM m3/d], liquid pro- TOTAL had been using a 3D lithology
amplitude variation with offset (AVO), atten- duction to 12,000 BOPD [1430 m3/d] and probability cube it had generated through a
uation, and velocity anisotropy, all of which maintained reinjection of all produced water poststack migrated 3D volume inverted for
can be used to correct surface seismic data to reduce the environmental impact of the acoustic impedance, combined with other
for better results. The next example demon- operations. Beyond this stage, another level of attributes calibrated to logs. Although these
strates how TOTAL Thailand, a subsidiary of development is expected to provide further cubes were very helpful, they nevertheless
predicted sand in some situations where
drilling encountered organic-rich shales and
coals. Typically, predictions for gas were
between 70 and 75% successful, acceptable
Fault at target depth for the traditional multitarget prospects, but
not for wells drilled to just a few strati-
graphic targets.
Almost all seismic attributes that could be
derived from poststack data were investi-
gated without solving the problem of organic
Shot points shales and coals, thus it was necessary to go
to the prestack domain to move forward.
Plans were made to achieve good prestack
data suitable for AVO analysis. AVO has
been widely used to identify reservoir sands
because it allows recovery of a seismic
attribute related to Poisson’s ratio contrasts,
which can be related to lithology contrasts.
Four deviated wells were drilled in
November and December 1996. In two of
Receivers these wells, DSI Dipole Shear Sonic Imager
logging for both compressional and shear
wave velocity was carried out to perform
synthetic modeling of the expected AVO
response. Furthermore, vertical-incidence or

8 km

■Bongkot VSP surveys. The borehole seismic shot points (red) and receiver locations
(blue) in the Bongkot field are diagrammed here. Two walk-above (vertical-incidence)
VSPs and 33 multi-offset, walkaway VSPs were acquired.

12 Oilfield Review
walk-above VSPs were acquired in the
same two wells, and some 33 multi-offset Vp/Vs Ac. Imp.
VSP walkaway surveys were conducted in 15 50 75 100 0 1000 2000 3000
1.4 1.4
three of the four wells. Because VSP data
were being acquired while subsequent wells
1.45 1.45
were being drilled, a substantial borehole
seismic data set was acquired at no effective 1.5 1.5
rigtime cost to TOTAL. In all, two sets of
seven lines were obtained for AVO measure- 1.55 1.55
ment (previous page). Organic shale
The AVO walkaways were acquired, in 1.6 1.6

Time, s
part, to measure AVO effects directly on top
of a channel with two different lithology 1.65 1.65
fills—a sand and an organic-rich shale—to
verify the modeling and to get an idea of off- 1.7 1.7
Gas sands
sets needed to expose the AVO effects with
greater clarity. The modeling confirmed that 1.75 1.75
10° 25° 40°
lithology could be differentiated, demon-
1.8 1.8
strating that the gas sands showed a positive
AVO effect while the organic shale showed
1.85 1.85
dimming with offset (right). For the first time, 15 50 75 100 0 1000 2000 3000
a method had been found, modeled and offset, m
borehole-measured that could discriminate 0 3300
target Bongkot lithologies that all appear
■Ray-trace AVO synthetic, or modeled, traces. The first track shows Vp /Vs ratio
as high amplitudes in stacked surface
measured from sonic logs, the second track, acoustic impedance. The synthetic traces
seismic sections. (center)—a normal-moveout corrected common-midpoint (CMP) gather—show different
Modeling and multi-offset VSP measure- amplitude variations with offset for different lithologies. Significant AVO is seen only
ments indicated that AVO could be used to beyond 30 degrees. Superimposed are contours of equal incidence angle. At the right
distinguish the organic shale-filled channels are three AVO attribute traces of gradient, intercept and product which characterize the
AVO behavior. The right-most track is the trace obtained by stacking, or averaging, all
from channel gas sands, but only at relatively synthetic traces out to 33° (the trace is repeated five times for visibility). Stacking, a step
large offsets—larger than those used in con- in conventional processing, obliterates AVO signatures. The horizontal scale on the
ventional processing and corresponding to synthetic traces is offset in meters.
incidence angles well in excess of 30 degrees.
The seismic data had been acquired with suf-
ficiently long offsets, so TOTAL agreed to a
Density Vp/Vs Ac. Imp.
proposal to reprocess the surface seismic data
2 1 2 5 10 0 250 500 750 1000
in which maximum use would be made of the 1.4 1.4
borehole data. Over a period of months,
1.45 1.45
a borehole-guided, long-offset processing
sequence was developed that enabled reflec- 1.5 1.5
tion amplitude variations out to 60 degrees to
1.55 Dimming
Dimming 1.55
be recovered, dramatically improving the Organic
Organic shale
effectiveness of seismic lithology classification 1.6 1.6
Time, s

(right). As a consequence, where once about Brightening

30% of the predicted stratigraphic reservoir 1.65 Brightening 1.65
targets in Bongkot were being misidentified,
1.7 1.7
long offset AVO is now being used to plan
Gas sands
well trajectories, avoiding false targets and hit- 1.75 Gas sands 1.75
ting gas sands with an increased drilling suc-
cess ratio.8 1.8 1.8

8. Leaney S and Hope R: “Borehole-Guided Long Offset 1.85 1.85

AVO Processing for Improved Lithology Classifi- 2 1 2 5 10 0 250 500 750 1000
cation,” paper AVO 3.2, presented at the 68th Annual
International Meeting of the Society of Exploration Processed AVO Walkaway Data offset, m
Geophysicists, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA,
0 1000
September 13-18, 1998.
■VSP AVO measurement. Properly designed multi-offset VSPs can provide actual mea-
surement of the angle- or offset-dependent AVO response of an interface. The wavelet is
measured just above the reservoir so propagation losses that affect AVO can be
measured and removed through processing. In this measurement of the processed AVO
walkaway reflections at Bongkot, true relative amplitude data are shown. To correspond
with the offset of the surface seismic CMP, these offsets must be approximately doubled.
The organic shale event can be distinguished as dimming with offset, while some deeper
sand events show noted brightening.

Autumn 1998 13
■ Offset-dependent An important factor in the success of the
amplitude losses long-offset AVO approach was making use of
3.5 3.5
measured with a MVSP-calibrated borehole-derived parameters in the surface
multi-offset VSP
(MVSP). The combined Conventional processing
seismic data processing. Parameters describ-
3.0 3.0 ing frequency-dependent attenuation and
effects of geometrical
spreading and anisotropy were measured from the multi-
frequency-dependent 2.5 2.5 offset VSP data using novel algorithms, and
attenuation at long Spreading x Q

the derived parameters were then used in the
offsets are almost Spreading (ray theory)
twice that assumed in T-squared surface seismic processing sequence.9 This
2.0 2.0
conventional seismic Q (135 @ 26 Hz) allowed long offset reflection amplitude data
processing (t-squared). to be retained, information discarded in con-
The horizontal axis is 1.5 1.5 ventional AVO processing. For example,
CMP offset-to-depth
ratio for a reflector at inverting the multi-offset VSP direct arrivals
1.5 s two-way time. for offset-dependent attenuation allowed the
1.0 1.0
1 2 long-offset surface data to be compensated
to true amplitude (above left). Estimating
Offset, X/Z
effective anisotropy allowed events on com-
mon-midpoint (CMP) gathers to be flattened
at long offsets (left). This step improved
10 ms migration focusing (below left). The impact
Data minus hyperbolic fit
Anisotropic fit minus hyperbolic fit of borehole-guided, long-offset processing
was that it revealed lithology differences in
the AVO response between 30 and 60
degrees incidence angle (next page, top).
Data TOTAL’s financial risk is reduced apprecia-
Anisotropic fit bly by this integrated approach to AVO.
Hyperbolic fit
Before selecting a stratigraphic target, seis-
mic data are processed to take advantage
of the longer offsets. The AVO responses of
-10 ms
all potential bright spot targets within the
1.3 X/Z 1.3
radius of a well are examined and the tra-
Walkaway times Times minus hyperbolic fit jectory is optimized. Money was saved by
deciding to terminate a well above a target
■Effective anisotropy measured from multi-offset VSP traveltimes. Conventional where AVO predicted an organic shale and
processing assumes a hyperbolic fit to moveout times, but the data do not fit this
assumption (left). The residuals show a higher order variation that can be fit with by hitting a large gas reservoir based on its
an anisotropic model (right). positive long-offset AVO response. Further
work is being done to see if lateral variations
within the same sand may suggest variation
in fluid content.
Offset, m Offset, m Overall, TOTAL says the impact of this new
3000 2900 2800 2700 3000 2900 2800 2700 technology has been impressive. It helps them
1.0 to decide between two anomalies or channel
shapes that look the same. One could result in
$1 or 2 million in drilling costs for absolutely
nothing; the other may hold the potential of mil-
lions of dollars in revenue (next page, bottom).

9. Anisotropy is the variation in a physical property

1.5 depending on the direction in which it is measured.
For a discussion of the role of anisotropy in identify-
ing stratigraphic traps: Caldwell J, Chowdhury A,
van Bemmel P, Engelmark F, Neidell N and
Sonneland L: “Exploring for Stratigraphic Traps,”
Oilfield Review 9, no. 4 (Winter 1997): 48-61.
10. Chapman C, Farmer P, Fryer A, Paul A and Sandvin
O: “3D Tomographic Inversion and Depth Migration
of VSP Data,” paper ST15.2, presented at the 67th
Annual International Meeting of the Society of
2.0 Exploration Geophysicists, Dallas, Texas, USA,
November 2-7, 1997.
Isotropic Time, s Borehole-calibrated anisotropic

■The impact of anisotropy on imaging. Prestack time migration stacked sections use an
isotropic model (left) and a borehole-calibrated anisotropic model (right). The organic
shale-filled channel event at 1.5 s is better focused using anisotropic migration.

14 Oilfield Review
The Future deterministic processing parameter selection, taking place and in discriminating between
The integration techniques discussed here are and in the analysis and interpretation of the simple compressional-to-shear (P-S) reflec-
a small sample of the potential ways that processed data. It is hoped that converted tions and more complicated P-S-S modes,
borehole seismic data can enhance the value wave interpretation can reveal the complete which can be very significant in amplitude.
of surface seismic data and reduce drilling fluid and lithology content of the subsur- Anisotropic depth imaging, likewise, is still
risk. Methods that are still being developed face—part of the impetus behind new multi- in development. Anisotropic seismic migra-
include converted wave applications and component seafloor sensors for marine tion can dramatically improve the quality and
anisotropic depth imaging. Converted waves seismic acquisition. Converted waves are positional accuracy of a seismic image.
in VSP data—waves that begin as compres- vital for studying the feasibility of these mul- Estimating the model anisotropy parameters
sional or shear waves and convert to the ticomponent seabed surveys. As this method- required for optimum imaging is difficult
other upon reflection—contain a wealth of ology improves, borehole seismic integration from surface data alone, however, and for
information. They are valuable for selection will evolve as well. VSPs will be instrumental anisotropic depth imaging, determining the
of surface survey acquisition parameters, for in establishing where the mode conversion is required anisotropy parameters is impossible
without borehole information. Calibrating an
anisotropic 3D velocity model with VSP
traveltimes is therefore essential if depth
migrations are to be on depth. Development
of anisotropic prestack depth migration, uti-
1.20 30° 60° lizing an anisotropic ray tracer, is now in
development at the Schlumberger Cambridge
1.30 Research Center, Schlumberger Kabushki
Gas sand Kaisha (SKK) and Geco-Prakla.10
The examples presented in this article are
but the beginning of a major technological
movement anticipated during the next decade
Time, s

1.50 in integration of borehole and surface seismic

Organic shale
data. Other advances that will contribute to
successful integration are now on the wish
Gas sand
lists and in many cases the drawing boards of
geoscientists: simultaneous surface and bore-
hole acquisition, continuous updating via
seabed sensors and drill-bit sources, targeting
1.80 of “sweet spots” by generating attributes in
real time, immediate drilling of further wells
after the first success, permanent sensors,
passive event monitoring, quantifying
Offset, m uncertainty, more flexible acquisition geome-
0 3300
tries via seafloor cables, and integration
■Borehole-guided, long-offset AVO processing for three potential drilling targets. of VSP and surface seismic data with other
Significant amplitude variation is seen only beyond 30 degrees. borehole information. —DG, LS

Organic shale
Gas sand


Time, s


Well deviated to hit false target,
additional cost greater than $300,000

Final target missed, but drilled from an adjacent
2.20 platform paying for the well five times over

1 km

■The benefits of seismic integration. A well was deviated to hit a false organic shale
target, adding an estimated $300,000 in cost. The deeper target was missed with this
well but was drilled based on long-offset AVO and will pay for itself about five times over.

Autumn 1998 15

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