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Villanueva, Katricia Elaine A.

BSHM 1-4
Reaction Paper
Swing Vote 2008

Molly Johnson, a grade school student who is smart, civically, and socially minded
about politics. Their entire class is covering politics in this country in preparation for the
election. She is opposite in her father, Bud Johnson, who is usually drunk and can't stay in
one job. On Election Day, her father doesn't come, therefore, she steals a ballot and the
electricity goes out just before she is about to vote. It happened that her father became a
swing voter. A swing voter is a person that is unaffiliated with any political party and whose
unexpected actions can swing an election one way or the other.
This movie shows the father-and-daughter relationship. I'm happy because their
relationship is one of the most valuable and priceless things in the world. No one could ever
replace that. Moreover, seeing Molly cry and suffer because her mother rejected her caused
me to cry and feel pain. On the other hand, the concept of being a swing voter is challenging.
The idea of an entire election being decided by one man, one vote, is challenging. However,
the film makes a brave and noble explanation on how to handle this. The film shows the best
solutions for this. They make this film unbiased because it doesn't take sides. Our political
system encourages politicians to speak what they believe voters want to hear rather than
the truth. And the press helps them along the way. The portrayal of reporters on the
campaign trail in this film is startlingly genuine. I am happy because it shows that even a
poor person can be the voice of everyone when the world realizes that this person's vote will
choose the next president. That was one detail I couldn't believe. The most amusing aspect
of the film is seeing the politicians drown in their political spin. Having forgotten the true
goal of the Federal Government, the final concerns offered as deserving of the candidate's
attention are poverty and the working poor.
I've learned that voting is a civic duty that everyone must fulfill. I've discovered that
all of the world's major civilizations follow the same route. From bondage to liberty, from
liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, and from complacency back to
bondage again. One man, one vote, matters. I have so many learnings in this movie. It is
significant for me because it helps me to decide who I will vote for.
This movie tackles the citizen’s voting. Just like our lesson in NSTP, it covers politics
and some preparations for the election. It shows Citizen’s Voter Education. Both movie and
our lesson help me because the situations and lessons have helped me to think about and
make decisions regarding the qualified presidential candidates in the upcoming election.
Swing Vote is very entertaining and humorous, and it effectively conveys the message. I
had so many learnings in this movie. I will recommend this film to others because I believe it
will help them understand and decide on the future election.
In conclusion, I can apply my learnings in this movie by doing the right thing in the upcoming
election. It helps me to decide who I will vote for. This makes me realize that in making decisions, we
should consider all the people. In this aspect, you didn’t vote only for yourself but rather for the whole
people in our country.

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