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Climate Change and Global Warming

Planetary Network – interconnections and interrelations among the various elements in natural
environment, which envelope and affect Earth, as well as the elements beyond Earth’s surface.

It also cover natural resources such as forests, mineral deposit, lakes, ocean hills, and mountain, as well
as the flora and fauna and other organisms, which then heavily exploited and exhausted, shall cause
detrimental affects on Earth’s natural cycle and functions.

Global Warming - rising of global average temperature of Earth’s surface due to the thinning of ozone
layer in Earth’s atmosphere.

Climate Change – refers to the major changes in the climate that last for long periods.

Sociologist Charles Harper (2001) enumerates some of the threatening impacts of climate change.

1. Reduction of agricultural yield and grain productivity, which can lead to food storage.
2. Rise of sea level, which will endanger the population living in the coastal areas, will submerge
rice farms in the river deltas and will push high tides and storm surges further inland.
3. Decrease in freshwater supply caused by reduced steam flow and water salinity, which will make
up steam movement.
4. Increase in human health rise posed by heat stress as well as the wider and faster spread of
tropical illness.
5. Consistent warming patterns that cause an increase in energy consumption for air-conditioning,
hydropower shortage, and diminished revenues from fisheries and tourism.
6. Enormous cost prevention, rehabilitation, and adaptation to climate change, which can take a
heavy toll on the global economy.

Consumption and Production Patterns Affecting Climate Change

Production Patterns refer to how people generate and manufacture.

Consumption Patterns this is key driver to the use of resources.
Ecosystem Resiliency – ability of ecosystem to regenerate, sustain, and adjust.

Spatting Planning – central to management of landscape ecosystem resiliency.

Another major cause of climate change, which can be associated with production and
consumption patterns is Carbon Footprint. A measure of the total carbon dioxide and methane
emissions of defines population, system, or activity within the spatial and temporary boundary of the
Greenhouse gasses usually expressed in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide discharged.

Carbon offsetting - reduction of carbon footprint by using other options such as wind or solar energy.
carbon footprint

climate vs global

Kim’s part
3 schemes to Reduce Carbon Emissions:

1. The Kyoto Protocol

2. The emission certificates

3. Carbon offsetting


1. Cigarette smoking

2. Food wasting

3. Irresponsible Use of Energy

4. Paper Wasting

Individuals act that can demonstrate care for the environment:

1. Not littering

2. Using biodegradable bags

3. Selling plastic bottles for recycling

4. Picking up trash and throwing it to garbage bin

A. Students Act that can delay Climate Change

1. You can get involved in environmental projects in communities such as promoting recycling, proper
garbage segregation and disposal, and tree planting.

2. You can also join movements that advocate environmental conservation and preservation.

Selling bottles for recycling

Food wasting
Carbon offsetting

Irresponsible use of energy

Kyoto protocol
Not littering

Paper Wasting

Cigarette smoking
You can get involved in environmental projects in communities such as promoting recycling, proper
garbage segregation and disposal, and tree planting.

Picking up trash and throwing it to garbage bin

Using biodegradable bags

Paper wasting

B. School
 Includes courses collectively known as the green curriculum for the care and
protection of the environment
 School can also hold competitions to promote information about global warming
and climate change

 In support of the green curriculum areactivities such as:

 Seminars and fora on climate change.
 Disaster risk reduction and management
 Sustainable development projects
C.Nongovermental organizations
o Push for a certain interest and advocacies
o Usually approach lawmakers and lobby for the passage of a bill to become a law
o Possess a good quantity of data about their interests, study issues they want to
address, and invite individuals to support their causes
 Red Cross
 Philippine Animal Welfare Society

 Haribon Foundation
 World Food Program
D. Environmental NGO’s

Their common goal is to ensure that nature is sustained for future generations and also to make
the international community recognize the importance of wildlife, wilderness and natural resources for
humans and other species. They promote the cleanliness of rivers, lakes, and other bodies to safeguard
marine life and aquatic resources.

E. Government

 Can provide the legal bases of programs, projects and actions for the protection of the
environment and the ecosystem
 Provide sanctions and penalties to prevent the abuse of resources
 Create national policies for the holistic approach to global warming and climate change which
includes the development of mechanisms and technologies
 Enact laws and allocate funds for the harnessing of renewable energy sources

Two Responses to Climate Change

1. Mitigation. It involves practices, policies and technologies to prevent global warming from getting
worse or to slow it down. It can be accompanied by moderate to huge spending by individuals, firms and

2. Adaptation. It calls for the adjustment of lifestyle and introduction of adaptive changes in the areas of
industry, health and energy supply that can be easily be carried out without huge spending from the

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