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Hillsborough Secondary

Teacher: Mrs. Allison Mapp-Martineau
Academic year: 2021-2022


Year Plan
Term 1
General Objectives/ Outcomes:

Students should be able to:

❖ learn the importance of Spanish as a foreign language, and learn the names of Spanish
speaking countries
❖ Greet someone according to the time of the day and introduce one’s self and/or others
❖ Identify members of the family
❖ Recognise the definite and indefinite article and form plural of masculine and feminine
❖ State age/ask someone’s age (know numbers from 1-20)
❖ State various nationalities and Spanish speaking countries
❖ understand and identify singular,plural,masculine and femenine forms of nationalities of
different countries.
❖ Answer personal questions about self and others

❖ Español en el mundo

❖ Saludos y despedidas: ¿Cómo Estas? ¿Cuál es tu nombre?

❖ Vocabulary and grammar (conjugation of regular verbs

❖ Quién eres tú? The verb SER and ESTAR, agreement of adjectives

❖ La familia; el. La . las, mi, mis, tu, tus

❖ Nationalities

Term 2
General Objectives/ Outcomes:
Students should be able to:

❖ Memorise spanish words relating to physical features

❖ Describe self and others

❖ Learn character adjectives to describe people’s character

❖ Tell the time and name the days of the week and months of the year.

❖ Count from 0- 100

❖ Respond to questions in positive and negative form.


❖ Physical characteristics:
❖ Personal Characteristics

❖ Vocabulary and grammar

❖ The verb ser and Estar

❖ Conjugations of simple present verbs.

❖ Date and time

Term 3
General Objectives/ Outcomes:
Students should be able to:

❖ use the indefinite article to describe people places and things

❖ identify basic items in school and classroom.

❖ Describe classroom

❖ identify basic subjects studied

❖ Use the verb ser, estar, haber and tener correctly to ask and answer


❖ Identify the conjugation and uses of the four verbs: ser, estar, habe, tener.


❖ Indefinite articles

❖ Possessive adjective

❖ School: como es mi escuela?, subjects etc

❖ Descriptions

❖ Comprehension

❖ Conjugations (ser, estar, haber, tener)

❖ Grammar and vocabulary

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