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Pacific War Memorial

By: Jilmore C. Cantal

(Pacific war memorial statue depicting an American soldier aiding a wounded Filipino soldier)

A statue with long and almost forgotten history. A gift from our allies and symbol of friendship, of
their courage and of their heroism as they lend a hand in battle for world peace and freedom.

But let not years rot our memories and alien stories blind our eyes to the bravery and heroic
acts of our own warriors too.

Always remember, many of our brethren had fallen asleep and paved the way to our rising
today. Their once path led us to this path of peace and freedom that we are enjoying and their
destiny sets ours today. Their martyr’s blood watered the land and their earthly shells nourished
the seeds of patriotism.

Let this be a humble and constant reminder to all of us so that their courage will never be
forgotten and the chapters of their heroism that cost their breath may not become a mere story
in the pages of our lives and of years to come. May it become like a Mahogany tree reminding
us of hostilities in summer as it sheds its leaves.

And may those fallen leaves nourish the young leaves of the country today, and the love for
freedom and patriotism, and the disgust of war and of tyranny.

Let the world know, our soldiers were courageous and bold. They were indeed our heroes and
of the world. And so forever shall it be.

Truly, they had fought side-by-side with our allies. They had fought courageously, not without
fear, a fear not of death but of losing liberty. Truly they had paid the ultimate sacrificed. Truly,
their fear of oppression is greater than that of death. And truly, they had fought for my freedom,
for your freedom, for the nation and for world peace against principalities of people guided by
greed and eaten by pride.

Let it be known to all that they too lent a hand to a brother and to an ally wounded by bullets of
crooked ideologies. They too were gifts to their comrade, to their families, to our nation, to the
world and to us today.

(A representation of a Filipino soldier aiding a wounded American soldier)

They too were protagonists in the Pacific war drama and not just a supporting actor in an action
movie where all whites receive all credits.

They were soldiers and forever be a Filipino soldier, and hero to the world.

They too deserve world recognition and honor. And let their memorial also be this way. A figure
of a hero, of courage and of bravery. Consider it as a gift too.

We are Filipinos, a great people and a great nation.

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