Research I: Grade 7 - Lc7

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GRADE 7 – LC7 WEEK 7: OCTOBER 25-29, 2021


Hi, there my dear student! Today, you and your classmates will begin a new week of distance learning. We are all physically
away from each other do not think that you are alone in this learning journey. Other students are learning with you too. And I will
closely guide and assist you in your lessons. Please be guided of the following:
● This study guide will help you with the flow of the activity and the lesson.
● Answer the activities on a separate sheet of paper, preferably long pad (Please take care and
do not write anything on your module and other activity sheets.)
● If you see this icon, you are free to reach me if you need my assistance. You can find my contact
no. on your class schedule. (You can also reach me out through social media platforms)
● Compile all your answer sheets at the end of the week and submit it on time.
● Be familiar with the icons found on each part of the pocket lesson.

Time allotment: 4 hours/week. Let us make learning science fun and exciting!

What you need to learn?
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. develop your predicting skills in Science;
2. differentiate the two (2) types of prediction;
3. give it’s importance



Lesson Steps
Start Up! (Day 1)
Predicting is also part of basic process skill used in
science. In this context, a prediction is made about the outcome
of a future event based upon a pattern of evidence.

Learning Task No. 1: What Will Happen Next?

Materials: Pen and paper
Procedure: Read the story and answer the following question

Reminder: Answer the activity on a separate sheet of paper.

Please do not write anything on the Research Worksheet
Did you have fun analyzing the story? Here is another activity that might help you activate
your prior knowledge.

Learning Task No.2: What do you think happened next?

Materials: Pen and paper
Procedure: Read and analyze the given situation below, then write what will happen next?
Time Frame: 35 to 40 minutes
Cookie Catastrophe
Late Saturday night, Stan was itching for a snack. So, he struck down to the kitchen, moved a stool to
the refrigerator, and reached up to the top and into the cookie jar. Just as his fingers snatched a big chocolate
chip cookie. Stan felt the jar begin to tip. Before he could stop it, he heard a loud crash, then 2 sets of
footsteps running down the stairs.

2. Uh Oh, Eggs!

Daniel was playing Wii when his mom called into the house and asked him to come outside to help her carry
in some groceries. He reluctantly put down the remote and walked out to help. Daniel grabbed two bags from
the car and began walking back to the house. Daniel’s toe hit a rock, and he tripped. He felt the bags falling
from his arms and toward the ground just as he heard his mom yell back. “Be careful with those bags Daniel,
they have eggs in them!”

3. Clay Day!

Chloe worked all morning on her clay sculpture. She carefully formed the lumpy material into a
beautiful elephant. She placed it onto a board on the floor and ran out of the room to get her mom. As she
walked back, she saw her brother and three of his friends running from the room, bouncing a basketball.
Slowly Chloe entered the room and locked down on the floor where she had left her work of art.

4. Wallet Wonder

Kyle and Steve were walking home from a Boy Scout meeting when Kyle noticed something brown
and small on the ground. He picked it up. It was a wallet. Steve grabbed it and opened it. Inside was Php
50,000. Steve and Kyle looked at each other, then looked at the money. Kyle thought about a new baseball
bat. Steve thought about fixing his broken bike. They stood for a while thinking.

5. Missing File

Elijah’s mom had told him he was not to touch her computer when she was not home. But Elijah’s
friend, Perry, had told him about this great new game online. Elijah thought that it would be no big deal if he
just went online quickly to check it out. After turning the computer on, he hit the wrong key and deleted his
mom’s work. He tried hard to find it, but he had no luck. Elijah shut the computer down and started back to
his room, petrified. He turned one last time and looked at the computer.
Development of Concepts, Skills, and Understanding

Students might predict that a When making a prediction...

the seed will sprout based on their ❖ Use your senses to observe and collect
past experiences with plants or data/information
that it will rain tomorrow based on ❖ Notice any patterns through
today’s weather. Teachers can classification
help students develop proficiency ❖ Make connections to your knowledge\
with this skill by making ❖ Predict what you think will happen in
connections between predicting the future based on these things
while reading and predicting in Examples of predictions:
➢ It is cloudy, so I predict it is going to
science. Students will not
rain today.
necessarily make these
➢ If I flip the switch, I predict the light
connections independently, so
will turn on
teacher's talk and questioning are
You may watch this video for further discussion

Learning Task No. 3: Growing Seeds

Time Frame: 30 minutes
Learning Task No. 4: Assessment

Directions: Answer the following questions

1. If a weatherman says there is a 60% chance of rain then it is a
a. Classifying b. Inferring c. Measuring d. Predicting
2. _________ values that fall within the range of data points taken.
a. Exploration b. Extrapolation c. Interpolation d. Pollination
3. "I'll race you to my house!" Meg shouted. Jane struggled to catch up with her. She ran
through the deep snow. Both girls dragged their sleds behind them. As soon as they reached
the house, they pulled off their wet mittens, scarves, caps, boots, and coats. Meg made
hot chocolate and offered some to Jane.
What might happen next? ____________________________________________
4. If you saw a girl walking on the street texting on her phone, she will cross the street
without noticing that cars are running.
What do you think will happen next?____________________________________
5. Which of the following points is an extrapolation of the graph below?

a. 7.2333
b. 6.2
c. 9.3
d. 15.5
Grade 7- Research Self-Assessment Form (Week 1)
Name___________________________________________ DATE: _________________________________
GRADE/SECTION: ________________________________ TEACHER: ______________________________
INSTRUCTIONS: Read each statement and check the appropriate numbers that represents your performance in the activities.
Description Task/Activity 1 2 3 EVIDENCE FEEDBACK
1. I was able to read and Learning Task No. 1
answer the questions (What Will Happen Next?)
given in the activity.
2. I can draw a picture and Learning Task No. 2
write about what you (To be continued...)
predict will happen
3. I fully understand about Learning Task No. 3
the predictions. (Growing Seeds)

4. I was able to answer all Learning Task No. 4

the given questions. (Assessment)

Write 1 thing that you enjoyed for this week activities.
Write the 2 significant learning you have for this week.
Write 3 realizations in doing the given activities.

Edited by:
Maria Gay R. Catangay -LBNHS-BM

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