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What is Traditional Knowledge?

Traditional knowledge refers to the knowledge, innovations and

practices of indigenous and local communities around the world
developed from experience gained over the centuries and
adapted to the local culture and environment.

Traditional knowledge is transmitted orally from generation to

generation. Many widely used products, such as plant-based
medicines, health products and cosmetics, are derived from traditional
knowledge. Other valuable products based on traditional knowledge
include agricultural and non-wood forest products as well as a

Traditional knowledge can make a significant contribution to

sustainable development. It closely interlinks cultural and biological
diversity, forming an essential basis for the conservation and
sustainable use of global biodiversity.

Most indigenous and local communities are situated in areas where

the vast majority of the world’s genetic resources are found. Many of
them have cultivated and used biological diversity in a sustainable
way for thousands of years. Some of these traditional practices have
been proven to enhance and promote biodiversity at the local level. It
also serves as a useful model for biodiversity policies.

Components of Traditional Knowledge

Traditional knowledge can be related to several aspects like:

 Soil and water management systems,

 Traditional forest management systems,
 Traditional water management systems,
 Soil fertility management,
 Pest management,
 Organic manuring,
 Soil management,
 Agricultural and horticultural crops,
 Traditional foods & beverages etc.
The tribal cultures hold much ethnobotanical information. The rural
and native communities regularly use medicinal plants for the
treatment of diseases, wounds, fractures and other ailments. The
traditional and indigenous practices are prevalent among the local
communities. It helps them to better adapt to the global knowledge
adhering to the local conditions. The activities are designed to serve
community needs. Traditional Knowledge practices are farmer-
friendly, socially accepted and environmentally sound suited to local

Some examples of Traditional Knowledge practices

 Using the crop rotation technique- The soil retains a good

deal of fertility by this process. In this process, alternate crops
are sown on the same field every alternate year or sowing
season. This ensures that the fertility of the field is maintained.
By following crop rotation, the need for additional manure
becomes negligible.
 Crop Thrashing With the Help of Domesticated
Animals – Using various domesticated animals like cows, oxen,
yaks for crop thrashing process eliminates the use of machines.
 Construction of Water Channels- Building water channels
helps in maintaining the proper gravity required for irrigation. It is
one of the common ways of irrigating crops. The irrigation
channels are diverted from river tributaries by making use of the
natural gradients. This helps in maintaining the level of water
higher than that of the cultivated fields.
 Indigenous Drip Irrigation – In the areas where rainfall is
scarce, the practice of using pitcher water as a source of
irrigation on fields is persistent. This technique is suited best for
fields with sandy /loamy sand soils. The pitcher is placed in the
soil and the new plant is planted close to it. The pitcher is filled
with water and a stone/slate lid is placed on the top. The roots
draw its moisture/water from a pitcher which in turn reduces the
plant’s mortality.
 Small Ponds for Spring Water Collection- In the areas where
water is scarce, spring water is collected in small reservoirs
scattered at regular intervals. This practice ensures adequate
water availability during the events of water scarcity. Water from
these ponds can be used for irrigation and drinking purposes.
 Roof Water Harvesting- Collecting rainwater on the roofs or
terraces of homes is another form of traditional knowledge for
water conservation. The roof water is collected in dugout
structures. The stored water in ponds and depressions is used
for irrigational purposes during lean periods. In some areas
during summer, the collected water serves for other domestic
purposes as well.
 Harvesting of Water from Snow Melting – Harvesting of water
is also done by constructing water ponds. Water is collected in
these ponds from melting snow. In some areas, the grass is
used as the inner lining of water ponds to check percolation
 Removal of Weeds and grasses- This practice of removing
weeds and grasses from bunds and corners by digging helps in
weed control in the cultivated fields. The area under crops is
also increased as the land is not wasted by ingrown weeds and
grasses. Another benefit is that the soil added in lower fields
from the bunds of the upper field is rich in nutrients and it
improves soil fertility.
 Organic manuring, collection and management- Use of
organic manures derived from plant and animal resources, are
valuable byproducts of farming and allied industries. The
collection of the dropping of domesticated animals can be used
as organic manure in the field. It also cuts down the use of
harmful chemical fertilizers

Some Of Ethnomedicinal Plants and their uses

S.No Local Name Botanical Name Parts Used Disease/Ailment Method of P

Juice of leaves tak

Bacopa monnieri (L.)
1.        Brahmi Leaves Nervous tiredness morning to increa
and cure any ne

The juice of the fl

a day to cure sto
2.        Kachnar Bauhinia variegata L. Flower buds Stomach problem Young flowers bud
material and ma

3.        Bhang Cannabis sativa L. Leaves and bark Joint pain Leaves paste appli
urine to joint pain
for religious purp
used for ma

Making Paste of
4.        Datura Datura stramonium Wall Seeds Acne water and applied
cure pi

The dried powde

taken with water
5.        Guggal Jurinea macrocephala DC Roots and leaves Fever
cure fever and us
and ritual

Leaves and As Flavoring age

6.        Kadhi Pata Murraya koenigii Spreng Gum problems
branches branches used for

Leaves are used fo

7.        Tulsi Ocimum sanctum L Leaves, seeds Cold and cough of tea to cold an
religious p

Fruit and young Fruits used as fo

8.        Amla Phyllanthus emblica L Hair problems
Branches grind and used fo

Dried stem grind

gm power taken w
the morning to c
9.        Gloe Tinospora cordifolia Miers Stem Jaundice and Constipation
constipation. The
used for religious

Acute hepatitis associated A paste of 5–6 bu

Lashun Allium sativum L. with dyspepsia, loss of leaves of Leucas A
10.    Buds, Leaves appetite. mixed in a glass o
    prescribed twice
  with a small

Dried roots ar
Rattanjot Arnebia benthamii Hair loss, Removal of mustard oil and ke
11.    Roots
dandruff When the color ch
pink, it is then ap

Green needles a
water. Extracted
Chil Pinus roxburghii Plant needles, Decreased urine flow,
12.    per day to increa
leaves Kidney stones treat kidn

Powdered buds m
Laung Syzygium aromaticum Wounds treatment, applied to wo
13.    Buds tooth

14.    Tejpata Cinnamomum tamala Fresh leaves Treatment of Pyorrhea Chewing of leaves

Health tonic for pregnant

15.    Amla Phyllanthus emblica Fruit As a tonic for pr
and lactating women

16.    Til Sesamum indicum Seeds Treatment for Amenorrhea The powder is ta

Treatment of constipation in Rubbed with moth

17.    Harad Terminalia chebula Fruit
newborn children to the infant

18.    Giloye Tinospora cardifolia Stem Joint Pains Decoction used or

19.    Bahera Terminalia bellirica Fruit Treatment for cough & Cold Roasted fruit for

The branches of the plant

20.    Amrud Psidium guajava Branchlets As a too
are used as a toothbrush

5.4. Some examples of practices

All over the country many traditional knowledge based practices are followed by different
communities; examples of some of the practices are presented below.

5.4.1. Traditional Water harvesting practices

There are many age-old-practices of harvesting water in the country, basically to collect rainwater,
restore surface flow of water, ground water recharging, etc. These are based on simple technology
and defined management principles. 33 A step well is exactly what it sounds like- steps down to a
well. The earliest step wells date back to about 550 AD were developed in India as a necessity for
areas suffering from torrential seasonal rains.34 Though originally found in the desert towns, the
system has since gained immense popularity in rural areas. The rural Taankas found In Phalodi,
Barmer and Balotra region, were of 6.1 m deep, 4.27 m long and 2.44 m wide. This technique of
rainwater harvesting was perfected to a fine art in the arid regions of western Rajasthan.35 Tanka,
an ancient water harvesting system 127 Step well, an ancient water harvesting structure Johad is a
dam that collects rainwater to replenish the supply of underground water table.36 Zabo, which
means ‘impounding water’, is an ingenious method of catching rainwater runoff from the
mountains.37 It is located at an altitude of 1270 m in Kikruma, a quaint village nestled in a rain-
shadow area of Phek district of Nagaland. Centuries ago, the village evolved a self-organizing system
to take care of its water, forest and farm management Johad, an ancient practice of Rajasthan Zabo
a traditional practices among the Naga communities 128 Surangas continue to be one of the
relatively less known and gradually disappearing traditional water harvesting systems of Kasargod
district of Kerala. Surangas can be compared to a horizontal well or cave excavated in hard lateritic
soil formations from which water seeps out, and flows out of the tunnel to be collected in open
ponds. Despite their decline, they continue to be a lifeline for a large number of farmers in Kasargod,
who depend on surangas to meet their drinking water needs.38

5.4.2. Bamboo drip irrigation

In different states of North-Eastern part of India Bamboo drip irrigation is a common practice. The
design of the Bamboo pipe for irrigation varies with variation of rainfall, which reflects the
uniqueness of traditional knowledge system of the local communities.39 Picture (A) shows the
Traditional Bamboo drip irrigation practiced by the Karbi communities (known as Longsor in Karbi) in
the rain-shadow area of Karbi-Anglong, Assam. A different Traditional Bamboo drip irrigation (B) is
practiced in high rainfall area of Meghalaya Surangas a traditional practice in Kerala (B) Bamboo drip
irrigation of Meghalaya (A) Bamboo drip irrigation of Karbi-Anglong, Assam 129

5.4.3. Traditional Housing –

a reflection of STI Usually these are called Vernacular Architecture, which is an architectural style
and design based on local needs, availability of construction materials and reflecting local traditions.
Originally, vernacular architecture relied on the design skills and tradition of local builders/ skilled
labours. It tends to evolve over time to reflect the environmental, cultural, technological, economic,
and historical context in which it exists. 40 In case of environmental factors major aspects are –
geology, land and soil; weather and climate; availability of the building materials in the locality. On
the other hand, family size, family structure (joint or nuclear), food habits, materials, cultural
practices, belief system etc.41 Based on the building materials used in wall construction it can be
categorised as Adobe (mud blocks or whole walls), Masonry (stone, clay, or concrete blocks), Timber,
Bamboo etc. Commonly a combination of materials is generally used. The layout of the building also
varies, like Circular plan, Rectangular plan and linear plan. Similarly, there may be Single story or
Ìulti-storied buildings. In Indian condition such vernacular housing are very common in rural context
and its design, plan and building material vary with geographical regions.

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