Team Member Pre-Deployment Heath Advisory - 2020-08-31 - Ver1CCL

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Team Member Pre-Deployment Health Advisory

Dear Team Member

As you prepare for your next assignment during the guest operational pause, you should read this important information and
closely follow the health advice to help protect yourself and your team from COVID-19.

We would like you to be aware of some differences you should expect during the Operational Pause.

 Some ships will be in remote locations or may be sailing for long periods at sea.
 Because entry and exit regulations and unexpected flights changes, there may be delays in joining or repatriation.
 There will only be a small number of crew onboard, no guests, fewer social activities, and physical distancing rules in
 Your work may be different and include other types of work.
 Shore leave may not be possible or allowed by local authorities.

Before being issued your assignment:

 You are required to notify us through the online acknowledgement through the Crew Self Service portal if any of the
following apply to you:
o If you regularly see your doctor for a medical condition, or if will you need a scheduled medical
appointment during your assignment (including visits for pregnancy)
o If you have a health condition that may put you at risk if you are in a remote location or at sea for many
days without immediate access to medical specialists
o If you have a mental health condition that may be worsened by extended periods away from your support
groups or social isolation
o If you have certain health conditions that may put you at risk for severe illness from COVID-19.
o If you are a person at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19, such as:
 Age 65 or older
 Any age with any of these conditions: cancer, chronic kidney disease, COPD (Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease), diabetes, obesity (body mass index of 30 or higher), serious heart condition
(such as heart failure, coronary artery disease or cardiomyopathy), weak immune system or sickle
cell disease
 This information may change so check the latest information on the United States Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention’s (CDC) website on “Who is at increased Risk for Severe Illness (

Before you travel:

You may need a PCR test if it is required by a government, a charter or commercial flight carrier, or as instructed to embark.
If needed, we will arrange for testing either before you depart, or on arrival at the ship location. In some situations, we may
ask you to be tested in your local area. You will be reimbursed on board for the cost of the test only, so please keep your
receipt. The only test we accept is a PCR test.

 If you test PCR positive:

o Do not travel if you are still home. Notify your doctor and Global Talent Partner or Talent Management
Fleet HR Representative. When you have recovered, get a doctor’s certificate of recovery or a negative
COVID-19 PCR test result.
o If you test positive after you have left home, notify our Health Operations Center (
They will follow up with the local health Authorities.

 If your PCR test is negative: There is no need to let anyone know but keep a copy of the result with you when you
travel. You may need to show health authorities your test result before leaving or entering a country.

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Please follow these measures starting 14 days before you travel or as soon as you know you are travelling if less than 14
days before your scheduled assignment:

 Stay home as much as possible. If your travel involves overnight stays in hotels, you should remain in your room,
and order room service.
 Keep a physical distance of at least 2 meters (6 feet) from others when in public.
 Always wear a face mask in public. Refer to the attachment (or click here) to learn how to wear and take off a mask
or face covering. A medical mask (KN95/FFP2 mask without a valve or exhalation port, or surgical mask) is more
protective than cloth face coverings.
 Avoid crowded places, gatherings, indoor public areas and public transport.
 Avoid contact with sick persons and their close contacts.
 Wash your hands often or use a hand sanitizer.
 Cough or sneeze into your bent elbow, not your hands. Throw used tissues in the trash and wash your hands
 Although some people with COVID-19 have no symptoms or mild symptoms, you should check your health each day
and record your temperature twice a day for at least 14 days before you leave for your assignment using the
“Temperature and COVID Symptom Log”. Carry it with you to the ship because some governments may ask you for
the form to enter the country.
 Contact your Global Talent Partner or Talent Management Fleet HR Representative if you get COVID-19 symptoms
(see FAQ below for a list of symptoms) or were in contact with someone who may have had COVID-19 in the 14 days
before you travel to the ship.

During travel to the ship:

 Wear a face mask at all times during your travel, and until you board the ship. A medical mask is recommended
during air travel.
 If you get respiratory symptoms during your travels, stay in your hotel room, do not take your flight, contact the
24/7 travel support by email ( or phone (+ and email the Health
Operations Center (
 State the following in the subject line of your e-mail: “Crew ID; Last Name; First Name; Travel Disruption”

For more information on staying safe and healthy, we recommend you visit these sites frequently

- Get the facts
- Staying safe
- How to wear a mask:

Please read the “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) for more information in preparation of your assignment. Our
expectation is that you will comply with all the recommended health practices to protect your health, that of your teammates
and the entire ship.

We look forward to welcoming you back on board.

Yours in health,

Health Services Team

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What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

The CDC publishes the latest information on symptoms of COVID on their website. As this information changes
frequently, check their website regularly (
testing/symptoms.html) to determine if you have may have symptoms. Symptoms may include:

- Cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing

- Fever or chills, tiredness, muscle or body aches, or headache
- New loss of taste or loss of smell
- Sore throat
- Blocked or runny nose
- Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

Can our Medical Staff treat people with COVID-19 on board?

You will have regular health and temperature checks onboard. Our medical staff are available 24/7 to care for our
teammates. Ships carry Personal Protective Equipment (like masks, gowns, goggles, and gloves) for crew as needed.
Our medical staff have access to the latest information on COVID-19, medicines and equipment to treat most people
with COVID-19. However, people with severe COVID-19 may need to be transferred to a shoreside hospital for
specialist care.

What if I need to see a specialist or get replacement medication for a pre-existing medical condition?

Visits to specialists, dentists, care for pregnant patients, laboratory tests, and pharmacies may not be immediately
available in all the ship locations. As you may not be able to get prescription refills, we strongly recommend you bring
at least an additional two months’ supply of your regular medications.

What should I do if I have questions about my health conditions or any risks for serious illness from COVID-19?

You must indicate in your online acknowledgement if you have any of the listed health conditions or if you have
questions about your physical or mental health, or risks for severe illness from COVID-19. Our Health Operations
Center will send you a health questionnaire and determine what steps may be necessary.

Will I need to be quarantined when I get to my ship?

You may need to be quarantined for up to 14 days on board. This will depend on your symptoms, your PCR test results,
handover needs, or health authority requirements. During quarantine, you may be able to leave your cabin for fresh air
breaks, and/or to collect meals.

What is the Company doing to look after our physical and mental wellbeing?

Most teammates are staying in single occupancy guest cabins. Many guest areas including the guest gym and pool is
open. Onboard activities are planned to keep teammates entertained and we continue to explore free or low-cost
internet options to help you to stay connected with friends, family and loved ones.

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