Chapter 3 Solution Manual of Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko Ogata 4th Edition

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CHAPTER 3 B31. CG) _ Gt Ge RE) 1 (G+ Ga Gs- Ge) B32. 6) ce? Le) _ +44, Re) + Ga lH) -us Gs (Gat Hr) (ADRA)+ (Btn) Gs Q Cl _ GGG + Gt RO) I+ Gata + Ge Gye + Gy Hila + GGG, + UGH) E | _In the following diagrams, (a) denotes the unit-step response and (b) ‘Corresponds to the unit-ramp response. ” ww) : ‘o ‘ 7 + ’ Ld 2 a 2 ' —F a 72 ova Bnwt BB-F-% we) cd ‘ ‘ o « 4 0) ¢| 2 a ov see o * F ° 3 rd Bde) Bea cens) <4 (aes -12- we ot ae Se LD ky (14 gly ms) m o(togh es) B35. When D(s) is zero, the closed-loop transfer function Cp(s)/R(s) is Cl) _ _ Gel) Gb) RE) 14 Gel) Gp) When R(s) = 0, the closed-loop transfer function Cp(s)/D(s) is Soe) / DO) ~ 1440 GO) When both the reference input and disturbance input are present, the output C(s) is the sum of Cp(s) and p(s). Hence C= Gale) Cols= <= | ep yep R6D+ DOD] B-3-6. When only the reference input R(s) is present, the output Ca(s) is given y Ce) GO) uO RG) /t G0) G2) For the reference.input R(s), the desired output is R(s) for the unity-feedback system such as the present system. Thus, the error Ep(s) is the difference between R(s) and the actual output Cp(s). The error Eg(s) is given by E06) = RE) Cale) = RO[ Ee | = G0) G26) ] 2 = R — —2G0) | 2 _/___. el 1*4,6)G19 TG )GO ) Assuming the system to be stable, the steady-state error eggp(t) can be given by 2 Lin = he =hy, —2O_ Core (0° Lin eg) = bin 5,9 = Le 7 G00G0) -13- ‘the output Cp(s) is given by CO G28) D6) 71* 6) GG) Since the desired output to the disturbance input D(s) is zero, the error Ep(s) can be given by £6) = 0- Op 6) =- Ge) Gls? DB 144 G5) For the stable system, the steady-state error egep(t) is given by a. -2 Le, 2 5G2l0) DE) Oaep Ot) = Boz ole) = Bie #656) = Lr, SEA £p6) = —Cy 6) = — The steady-state error when both the reference input R(s) and disturbance input D(s) are present is the sum of @gep(t) and @gep(t) and is given by Css(t) = Casa (t) + Essp lt) , l SPE) S426) DO) | 1%6 (0) G9 It Gb )GL9 = S30 45 | sgbaw [R- 40 70] B37. When D(s) = 0, the block diagram of the system can be simplified as follows: ‘The closed-loop transfer function Cp(s)/R(s) can be given by GG Cel) L4G) G2 41 = Se Gi GaGs R6) I+ 2 G2 Gs Ha 4 GiGa Hi + Ged; Ga Gotte I+ GG, Hy -4- When R(s) = 0, the block diagram of the system shown in Figure 3-76 can be modified as follows: i 6) _ GG GaGs WS) 1462656) (Ge tet ZL) 1466.65 Ge + Gly ‘There are infinitely many state-space representations for this systen. We chin give two of the possible state-space representations, State-space representation 1: From Figure 3-77, we obtain MO. See ve) sz 3 +e apm tpsrs Which is equivalent to ° . Fepgt7tIg satan Comparing this equation with the standard equation Gragray taye hiirhithithe =p, 42=/, asz2, bend, b=0, bal, be HB -15- Define 9 fot Xen yop hum %- Ba Gm t- fu where fe =wbhe=o pr = br- Ufo =O be=b-fy-4s fo =/ Aa =bs— ay fa 4a fr 4a =z-, ‘Then, state-space equations can be given by BE: Be xe yale 0 af} x 4 o fF 6 lly o % o 0 stele] 7 la im] [rk -s -P ip % gall o aly State-space representation 2: Since S+2 Stpte- = sep Sap mt ae we can redray the block diagram as shown below. - 16 - From this block disgram ve get the following equations: : VaU-X, tx; U-xX, S+p he O-X, + Xs from vhich we obtain yt prs = (8-p)4-@-p) x, Am NMP K 4% Rewriting, ve have Xe Ge UtAytn % = - (2-p) 1, —p%s +(2- pa = % % o 4 oOlls, ° Hla] -4 os alt] ot fee a} [Pt 2 -piim] [2- -17- 4 7=[7 © af %, B39. Hr3zG+2yax Define Gay %=3 Gaz ‘Then 443% + 2m mK Ra Xare 4] fe 7 olla] [o 4l=]e 0 slate] ol % %} Lo -2 -3]]%) |, zy q=[/ © ollm zy Bs10. ‘ -t =, ' eft chef ee» ‘The transfer function G(s) of the system is given by G6)= CCsT- Ay'g =U [3 wl [i] -18- 2] L rest) +3 / s = Ste Ss+7 lV a] Ss =—*+__ S34 S847 [7 cl] Salt]. elf, et a ‘The transfer function G(s) of the system is given by sts TE] Gb) = COsI-A’B = [v2] ("3 ser| [s _ t ste Wf lle =U 2l@meme [3 x] [7] __/ be 2] [83 ] = 12S 459 ste beth S3+3/ S*46ste A MATLAB solution to this problem is given below. A=E5 -13 Ik B=P5 ‘The transfer matrix of the system can be given by s ~ of! 00 if a | elon .1 Oll2 ¢ seb| |, 0 Stesege Stl | loo eC ee ee sttés s {lo7 Lo vol Stes*egst2 S GO = CGsE- AB -2s -es-2 s*III 0 iy 7 ste Ss epstegst2 [|S ste / Ste St 65% Yate S34 6s este a e sees Sto yst2 S?4és*4 9542 A MATLAB solution to this problem is given below. [0 1 09.0 1,2 4 B-[0 00 131 C=[1 0 00 1 Oj; D=[0 0,0 oO, fom dea} = s32XA,B,C,D,1) 53-13. Since the same force transmits the shaft, we have feb (8-2) =b, (9-2) + bs (g-2) a where displacement z is defined in the figure belov. os a Cc Fi L 7 z In terms of the equivalent viscous friction coefficient, the force f is given by $= by (§-%) (2) From Equation (1) we have DB be € + by Bab Lt begZ tbs = orb htt ati] (3) By substituting Equation (2) into Equation (1), we have fe5,(#-%) = bl ire [6 2+ Gatbr) 7) -4} bt bs OT bth (4-4) (4) Hence, by comparing Equations (2) and (4), ve obtain baths l esl bg 1 Tb sig tt B34. (a) mx Fh mee XO 4 UG)” ms*+k (b) Define the digplacenent of a point, between springs ky and Kz as y- ‘Then the equations Of motion for this system become mx the Ge-y) au hy mA (x-g) -2- From the second equation, we have Aythey =hex he Car hahia ‘Then oy the oe oe n+ or Rithe oa i) 2 he mS + hi ths, B3-15. a ° My th (H-B) th gy aK, m5, th (9, ~ Ht hey2 ay Define uy %=¥, %=% Yah ‘Then 1% + by (Ha-%p) EH =, 2g q+ by (Xp —%e) + he % ml Hence i= Xe A=- tla Gane th m+ hu, % % 4=-Llhe-m)rhalt he -22- eT T x 2hoa* —mg hand J=ml* mh28 = — 2kare —mglo b+ +4) =o B37. Note that Gaxt lero, Ygnkenrs For x direction: whomis ak or Mx tm (xt land) =u Since wate =~ (ana '+(c30e)s -23- we have (Mtm)% — nd (ung) b rmd (ened = For sual © and small 62, ve have (Mam amle au a) For tional tons Té= gd aan 8 —mzhenge where JaItmlt, Tam ‘Thus, o (rtm£*)3" = mglana — mil cn b For emall @, ve have ” i (Teme?) 6 = mgdo — mlx @) From Equation (2), =70- zt a Substituting this last equation into me ten (1), we obtain (m+n )(49 - fmt G)tmlb ax o (Mem) 9 - Genesis 5 0 ‘Thus, o md (Meme md o* Cemrenmli” ~ Cam yrenme Also, from Equation (1) we have « melo — mlx (Mem)z tt rr [MI+m (14 Mey]x twl?gd = a(Itul) from which ve get - 24- oo wile T+ml* A Mri+m (Ital) MItm(T+ML) Equations. (3) and (4) describe the system dynamics in terms of differential equations. (4) By taking the Laplace transform of Equation (3), we obtain [* eae |oe =-—™4__ am (M+m) I+ Mm he (Mtn) I+ Mme* flarem (ze med] ste adcmon)gy OW =-nl Te) Hence OY. __™4_ (5) - ve) [ar+m (r+ m£2)] 8° ml Ca+m) 2 By taking the Laplace transform of Equation (4), we get sX6) =— hi rem? x6) MI+m(T+Ml) e+ Mit m( I+Mlr) ue) Hence 8X6) mill's G8 4 T+mk® V6) MI tm (14M0) 0G) — MI +m (I+Me) or whip ml [ATH a(TemL)]S* [nem (Lents al (nogy Itml? (Mien (r+me)]s* Equations (5) and (6) define the inverted pendulum control system in terms of transfer functions. Next, ve shall obtain a stat ion of the Define 7 ite-space representat: system. (6) 120 %=6 aX =X and output variables by 1-4 =x, SLX ‘Then, from the definition of state variables and Equations (3) and (4), the state equation and output equation can be written as % o 4 0 olla, ° ml (Mtn). a . =| Mite (+My 0.0 Oo) | MeemlzrMe) : 4 ° oo /|/% ° Z, is I+md* - ata x, % Miem(reney 9 © 9 |I* AI+m(THAlD % % 4-0 @ 0 te a} [eo 2 7 ollx, B-3-18. The equations for the system are I Hy = hy ty — by ks (4-H) + mt, = hth —ks (ta- x) Rewriting, we have my Xb, A, + hy Ay hs = hs At mit hizth nths % ahs wy Assuming the zero initial condition and taking the Laplace transforms ‘of these two equations, we obtsin (am st bys thi ths) Xi © = ks X26) + WE) a) Cns*thast het hs )%2) = &2X 6) (2) By eliminating X2(s) from Equations (1) and (2), we get ks” s. Sth t Ss Const bat hi thy) Xi) ms*tbhist kathy X)6)+ VG) Xié) maStthstheths ee DEY ~ Cm s*+ bist ki ths )( ma $+ basthatky) -AF From Equation (2), we obtain X62 _ ks — MG) ms*t bast kathe ¥26) _ 9 Xs) ks = _*=" TO) XP 06) ~ (ms*e hs thy t hy) (me s+ best kiths)—hs B39. The equations for the given circuit are as follow: nurh (B-B)-¢ Reda Efatt+ L(B-te)-0 feat =, ‘Taking the Laplace transforms of these three equations, assuming zero initial conditions; gives RG 6)+L [she -sIls)] =F a) RL) + dhe +L [shO-sLo]=0 «2 he) =26) (3) From Equation (2) ve obtain (nrb+ls) nO =L 56) LG) = isd WO) = Tre mese7 1? . Substituting Equation (4) into Equation (1), we get £es* rLs-Ls ————_—___ =f (@ coal Lestkcst] dno £:6) Le (it Ba) s* + (Ryka th)st FR LO s*+ Rest] From Bquations (3) and (4), we have Ls i Ter nest 7 WO) = Ft) a LO=E:6) (5) lori From Equations (5) and (6), we obtain £6 Ls ey E76) LOCR +22 )5*+ (Ri RC tL)s tR, B3-20. Equations for the circuit are t Sen) at + a2, =e Lfanrateret ar Seat 0 Lsaut =e, ‘The Laplace transforms of these three equations, with zero initial conditions, are & [1,6)-1.6)].+ & L6) = Ee) a ea [20- Lig] +e hor A hey =o (2) G LO = 6) uy Equation (1) can be rewritten as 6s [E0- RL) ] = 10-16) (4) ‘Equation (4) gives the block diagram shown in Figure (a). Equation (2) can be modified to Tee) = “ [26)- Tat] (5) 7 Rest! GF Equation (5) yields the block @tagram shown in Figure (b). Also, Equation (3) gives the block diagram shown in Figure (c). Combining the block diagrams of Figures (a), (b), and (c),’we obtain Figure (4). This block diagram can be succesively modified as shovn in Figures (e) through (h). In this way, we can obtain the transfer function Eo(s)/E;(s) of the give given circuit. . T0-L@ (b) (e) Els) Ee) 7 6) = 29. B32. Impedance 2) is / LeRt+ae Impedance 22 is L ZeRtay Hence 1 £6) Ze Gs E;0) Zi+2, Rt hake ge s Reast/ Ricet Races 1+ If we change Ry to by, Rz to bz, Cy to 1/ky, C2 to 1/kz, then we obtain Rela s+] best / Crease tt ~ Cythks +k Xols) _ __b25 thy = bsthe Xe) (rth) Sthath, (sth) + (asthe) ‘The analogous mechanical system is stiown below. } & }. a eh! Z=h+ os =Rp ‘Then 2x6) = (8, +E) 16) E,(s) =— Re IG) B-3-23. Define the voltage at point A as e,. ‘Then E,6) ies Ere) ~— +R, Re Cstl Define the voltage at point B ase. Then Bo)= 60) & RitRs [ent €geey] K = Fo) and K 1, we must have ExG) = Eg) Noting that A6)= from vhich we obtain Ej6) = Fa = Fa Fo) 7 Cs a Re 7 56) _ eth Res _ OE CE): Sr) Ry Rest “see Re -31- B-3-24. For the op-amp circuit shown to the right, we have Ea -E, = Zy Ta &g-0 =Zs1, Ex=&e Hence 2pI,+& = Z3 I, or = (21-6) a) Also, Er-Eo = (22+ Z) Ip (2) 2; = (2,+23)L (3) By substituting Equation (1) into Equation (2), we obtain Ee Eo = (22+ 24) (ZI, - Eo) By substituting Equation (3) into this last equation, we get (2)*2Z)L, —E, ees or (7% -1)&=(% Hence ~na-(a4-nay3, (4) From Equations (3) and (4), we have 22% ~-2, 2 & Z+Z3 2,Zet+2Z.Zs For the current op-amp circuit, we have B=, me? , B= f 656) Rete nme Recs—/ E:) DER +R Re s+ Re Rest] i 53-25. ‘Define the current in the amature circuit to be 1g. ‘Then, ve have dé “6, LB Regt KE =e Ps (LstR) LO) + Ks Onl) = EO) a vhere Ky, is the back emf constant of the motor. We also have Tn by HT = Ty Koy @) T=£% =0% Ja =T, vhere K is the motor torque constant and i, is the armature current. Equation (2) can be rewritten as (Tu +r TF =k, (In tn® Iz) s* Og) = nk LG) 3) By substituting Equation (3) into Equation (1), we obtain (Zs+R) Cues 09 tks 22 = Exe) [sR oat? Teste K Ke 5] 00) = KE) Oe ee ee EQ s[(Ls+R)GQa tue )S+kKK) B-3-26. We shall use Mason's gain forma to obtain ¥(s)/x(s). Prt ERA = 4 (74,4 Pde) where Ratt) Patt Also, 4=/-(4:+ Lr) where 4, 4; fant, ha = -33- @) a2 _ SHA +a, , Bal (eth) lt Be = Also, 4=l, 42 =/ Hence, bist bs St St Qa Po Shasta. astm (2 33-27. We shall use Mason's gain formula to obtain Y(s)/X(s). Pat hax at(ra, +ha,+Ba,) where =; 4 pate nat nae Also, A=/-(4,4+4, +43) where =4) as 4S, = Hence: +n = S344) S*+ asst as s/t st st Also, A,=/, Ar=l, As=/ Hence, ee +++) S44S*t dst ay VSP | FS SF _ s by s*+ best by “US344;S*4 aa st ay 2 by s*t+ bas t+ by S+as*taastays 3:3.28. Define Fart Pry t3y = flrry) 2SXE4, wosysie Let us choose X= 3 and Y= 11. ‘Then Bae P+ PLZ + 39> = Pb 26K HF = 636 We shall obtain a linearized equation for the nonlinear equation near the point R= 3, 211. Expanding the nonlinear equation into a Taylor series about point x = ¥, y = ¥ and neglecting the higher-order terms, ve obtain B-F = ky (4-7) + & (7-7) at tT = = Ky = BE | poz, gag T7*TEF a ot 88 = PE Hence the linearized-equation is #636 = F#(x-3) + 90 Cg-11) or FaPRL + 704 — 636 | BB:29. Define $e e2rtasfe, Yur ‘Then 4 $00= $0) + 8 x-z) +++. ‘Since the higher-order terms in this equation are small, neglecting those texms, we obtain 4 $@) = 0.6 Z*(x-X) Yn O.2x2? @ 0.6 X2" (X-2) ‘Tus, Linear appraximtion of the given nonlinear equation near the operating point is Yr2Us*x-3.2

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