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Educator Preparation Program

Lesson Plan Template

UTSA Teacher Candidate: Jue Gong Mentor Teacher: Minako Shibasaki
Subject & Grade: Reading and Vocabulary Number of Students: 13
Date: Nov 3rd Estimated Time: 50min-1 hour

 Central Focus: Reading and Comprehending “Christo and Jeanne-Claude”

 State Content Standard(s)* [TEKS]: Unapplicable to College Level
 State Language Standard(s) [ELPS]: Unapplicable to College Level
 Content Objective(s): Students will be able to locate the thesis statement in the reading.
Students will be able to predict the information in rest of the paragraphs based on paragraph
Students will be able to identify the correct main ideas in the reading.
Language Objective(s): Students will be able to complete the KWL Chart before, during and after reading.
Students will be able to discuss with a partner about where to install public art.
Students will be able to identify the key information by scanning the texts.
 Vocabulary: Prestigious, transformed, energetic, gentle, acclaimed, vision, represent, huge, negotiate, touch
 Instructional Materials and Resources: KWL chart, Google slides, Textbook
 Description of Instructional Strategies* and Learning Tasks*:
a. Opening Activity & Objective(s) Introduction: The teacher will present today’s objectives on the google
slides. Then the teacher will review briefly what was taught in last class with students by asking questions and
showing main points on the slides. The teacher will then ask students to discuss with a partner about where
would they put a public art installation in their hometown, visual examples of art installation would be
provided. Then the students will share their ideas with the whole class.
b. Detailed Outline of Instructional Strategies and Expectations for Learning Tasks: The teacher will guide
students to complete the activity on how to identify the thesis statement, and asks students to predict what is
going to happen in paragraph 2, 3 and 4 by checking relevant information options.
Then the teacher will give out KWL charts and explains how to fill out the sections by modeling. Students will
complete “what do I know “and ‘What do I want to learn” section by looking at the title, accompanying
pictures as well as the artists’ website. The students will read each paragraph aloud then given time to
complete the “What did I learn” section and look up any words that they don’t understand.
After reading the whole article, teacher will walk through the KWL chart with the whole class by asking what
students have filled out in each section. Students will be put in pairs to work on the main ideas’ activity in the
text book by going back to the textbook and/or using the information they gathered from their KWL charts.
The teacher will choose some students to go the blackboard and write down the correct main idea (if the
original idea was wrong). For the close reading task, the students will go back to the reading and/or using the
KWL charts to complete the blanks, the teacher will go over the answer together with the whole class.
c. Lesson Closure & Objective(s) Review: The teacher asks students to write what they have learned in a piece of
paper and exchange with a partner, then the teacher will choose students randomly to share what their partners
have learned.
 Differentiation for All Learners: Visual aid to assist comprehension for the reading, cooperative learning
opportunities for both level 1 and level 2 students.

* edTPA Requirement

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