English Activity Sheet: Quarter 2-MELC 5

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English Activity Sheet

Quarter 2–MELC 5 Weeks 7 and 8

Recognize Positive and Negative

Messages Conveyed in a Text


English 8
Activity Sheet No. 5
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western Visayas.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written
permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Development Team of English Activity Sheets

Writer: Ma. Sarah C. Baes

Editor: Vivian L. Doromal
Layout Artist: Camille V. Vestidas

Division of Capiz Management Team:

Salvador O. Ochavo, Jr., EdD, CESO V
Segundina F. Dollete, EdD
Shirley A. De Juan
Salvador Dale B. Artates

Regional Management Team

Ma. Gemma M. Ledesma
Dr. Josilyn S. Solana, CESO V
Dr. Elena P. Gonzaga
Donald T. Genine
Nestor Paul M. Pingil


Welcome to English 8!

The Learning Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of

the Schools Division of Capiz and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas
through the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is
developed to guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible
adults) in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic
Education Curriculum.

The Learning Activity Sheet is self-directed instructional materials aimed

to guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using
the contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners
in acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity
and employment.

For learning facilitator:

The English 8 Activity Sheet will help you facilitate the teaching-learning
activities specified in each Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) with
minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and learner. This will be made
available to the learners with the references/links to ease the independent

For the learner:

The English 8 Activity Sheet is developed to help you continue learning

even if you are not in school. This learning material provides you with meaningful
and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active learner,
carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and
answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No.5

Name: ___________________________________Grade and Section: ____________

Date: _________________________________

Activity Sheets in English 8

Recognize Positive and Negative Messages Conveyed in a Text

I. Learning Competency

Recognize the positive and negative messages conveyed in a text

II. Background information for learners

Reading is like a painting. Just as the artist has a way of making us

find meaning in the way he interprets his subject; a writer can also make
the reader interpret and imagine what he is reading through the skillful
use of language in the text.

Moreover, reading is also a thinking process. As the reader reads,

he may use what he already know, called as prior knowledge, or relate
what he had experienced to what he had read. During this processing of
information, this ability of the readers to use their background knowledge
and thinking ability to make sense of what they read; in recognizing the
positive and negative messages along with the context.

Positive messages are a type of communication that provides good

news, acceptance, or congratulations. Positive messages are often the
easiest to write because the receiver is expected to be fairly receptive to
the presented information. They tend to follow the direct pattern by
stating the idea first, followed by an explanation.

Negative messages, on the other hand, are more of a direct

approach. They most often include refusing requests and delivering bad
news. Negative messages are usually difficult to write because the
audience is being told exactly what they don't want to hear.

The main difference between these two types of messages is the

feeling of optimism found in the positive message; and the lack thereof in
the negative message. Both types of messages, however, serve a common

Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

purpose and that is to disseminate information and to encourage the

understanding and acceptance of that information.


Embracing our Heritage. Learning Module for English Grade 8 pp168-169.

Roberta Brown BA305 web Biweekly Written Assignment #2.Positive, Negative,

and PersuasiveMessages.Retrieved on October 20,


Activity 1. AM I GOOD OR BAD?

Directions: Read and analyze the texts. Write POSITIVE if it conveys good
news and NEGATIVE if it conveys bad news. An example is provided for your
reference. Use a separate sheet of paper as your answer sheet.


Millions of Filipinos suffer brownout at the height of “Rolly.” NEGATIVE

____________1. Honest cop awarded

____________2. ABS-CBN denied of its franchise
____________3. 3rd Tranche SAP assistance proposed
____________4.Unknown body found dead in abandoned house
____________5. Capiz now free of COVID-19
____________6. PNP, BJMP sued for ‘cruel, inhuman degrading treatment’ to
____________7.PBA player confirmed of COVID-19 disease
____________8.Sputnik-V vaccine now on 3rd phase
____________9. Suicide cases rise, gov’t on guard
____________10. Typhoon ‘Ursula’ damaged nearly 5B properties

Activity 2.

Directions: Look at the words inside the boxes below. Identify the words that
connote positive and negative meanings and write them under their respective
column. Use a separate sheet of paper as your answer sheet.

Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

corrupt clumsy energetic calm

HAPPY creative success
fantastic harmful
LUCKY victory
cold-hearted worthy fail
naughty oppressive
creepy EVIL friendly


Activity 3. WHAT’S WITH ME?

Directions: Analyze Text 1 and Text 2, and then identify the negative and
positive message conveyed in the texts.. Explain why they connote negative or
positive messages. An example is given for your reference. Use a separate sheet
of paper as your answer sheet.

Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8


Waste segregation. This has been a perennial problem in our

country. Why are we having such a problem? Lack of discipline is one of
the reasons. Most of us are not aware of our actions. We throw whatever
we have anywhere we want. Before we know it, we can be covered by

Let us not wait that it will be too late. Segregate waste to create a
friendly and healthy environment.


Negative Message
Most of us are not aware of our actions. We throw whatever we have
anywhere we want. Before we know it, we can be covered by wastes.

This text conveys negative message because it shows lack of discipline

among us.

Positive Message
Let us not wait that it will be too late. Segregate waste to create a
friendly and healthy environment.

This text conveys positive message because this encourages us to be

responsible citizens who can contribute greatly for the good of our environment.

Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

Text 1

Challenges. Troubles. Difficulties. We are surrounded by these countless

problems every day; problems that might compel us to strive harder or to
just give up and surrender. Some people see these as motivation to be
better and to achieve their goals in life while others tend to stop hoping by
ending their own lives without thinking twice of the people that they might
leave behind.

Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

Text 2

Crime rate increase has been rampant these days. Most syndicates
nowadays use minors as their puppets for the distribution of their illegal
merchandise, most commonly, drugs.

The bill that would lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility
from the age of 15 to the age of 9 was approved justifying that it aims to
protect children from being used and framed by syndicates.

If that's the case, aren't we supposed to protect them? To help them?

Not to put them behind bars.

Let the young ones have the chance to be with the proper guidance of
the society. Let them maximize the potential that they can be.

Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8


Read “The Taximan’s Story.” Understand the message of the text and take note
of the positive and negative messages from the story. Then, list down in its
proper column 5 positive and 5 negative messages. Use a separate sheet of
paper as your answer sheet.

The Taximan’s Story

by Catherine Lim
(Story taken from Embracing our Heritage, Learning Module for English Grade 8

Very good, Madam. Sure, will take you there in plenty good time for your
meeting, madam. This way better, less traffic, less car jams. Half hour should
make it, madam, so not to worry.

2 What is it you say, madam? Yes, yes, ha, ha, been taxi man for twenty
years now, madam. Long time ago. Singapore not like this so crowded so busy.
Last time more peaceful, not so much taximen, or so much cars and buses.

3 Yes madam, can make a living. So so. What to do. Must work hard if
wants to success in Singapore. People like us, no education, no capital for
business, we must sweat to earn money for wife and children.

4 Yes, madam, quite big family---eight children, six sons, two daughters.
Big family! Ha! Ha! No good, madam. In those days. Where got Family Planning
in Singapore? People born many, many children, every year, one child. Is no
good at all. Today is much better. Two children, three children, enough, stop.
Our government say stop.

5 Luck for me, all my children big now. Four of my sons working---one a
businessman, two clerks, one a teacher in Primary school, one in National
Service, one still schooling, in Secondary Two. My eldest daughter, she is
twenty plus, stay at home, help the mother. No, not married yet---Very shy and
her health not so good, but a good, and obedient girl. My other girl Oh, Madam!
Very hard for father when daughter is no good and go against her parents. Very
sad like punishment from God. Today, young people not like us when we are
young. We obey. Our parents say don’t do this, we never do. Otherwise, the
cane. My father cane me. I was big enough to be married, and still, got caning.
My father he was very strict, and that is good thing for parents to be strict. If
not, young boys and girls become very useless. Do not want to study, but run
away, and go to night clubs and take drugs and make love. You agree with me

6 Today, young people they are very trouble to their parents. Madam,
you see this young people over there, outside the coffee house? See what I
Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

mean, madam? They are only school boys and school girls, but they act like big
shots, spending money, smoking, wearing latest fashion, and making love. Ah,
Madam, I know, I know! As taximan, I know them and their habits. Madam,
you are a teacher, you say? You know or not that young school girls, fifteen,
sixteen years old, they go to public lavatory or hotel and change into these
clothes, and they put make-up on their face. Their parents never know. They
tell their Mum got school meeting, got sports and games, this, that, but they
really come out and play the fool.

7 Ah, madam, I see you surprise, but I know, I know all their tricks. I
take them about in my taxi. They usual is wait in bowling alley or coffee house
or hotel, and they walk up, and friend, friend, the European and American
tourists, and this is how they make fun and also extra money. Madam, you
believe or not when I tell you how much money they got? I say! Last night,
madam, fourth floor flat---and she open her purse to pay me, and I say! All
American notes---ten dollar notes all, and she pull one out and say keep
change as she has no time already. Madam, I tell you this, every month, I get
more money from these young girls and their American and European
boyfriends in my taxi, more than I get from other people who bargain and say
don’t want go by meter and wait even for ten cents change. Phui!! Some of them
really make me mad. But these young girls and their boyfriends don’t bargain,
they just pay, pay, and they make love in taxi so much they don’t know if you
go round and round and charge them by meter! I tell you, Madam, some of
them don’t care how much they spend on taxis. It is like this: after the 1 a.m.
taxi fare double, and I prefer working this time, because naturally, much more
money. I go and wait outside Elroy Hotel or Tung Court or Orchid mansions,
and sure enough, madam, will have plenty business. Last Saturday, madam,
no joking, on one day alone I make nearly one hundred and fifty dollars! Some
of it for services. Some of tourists don’t know where, so I tell them and take
them there, and that’s extra money. Ah, madam, if I tell you, no end to the

8 But I will tell you this, Madam. If you have a young daughter and she
says Mummy I got meeting today in school and will not come home, you must
not say, Yes, yes but you must go and ask her where and why and who, and
you find out. Today young people not to trust, like young people in many years
ago. Oh, Madam, I tell you because I myself have a daughter---oh, madam, a
daughter I love very much, and she is so good and study hard. And I see her
report cards and her teacher write “Good work” and “Excellent” so on, so on.
Oh, madam, she my favorite child, and I ask her what she want to be after left
school, and she says go to University. None of my other children could go to
University, but this one, she is very smart and intelligent---no boasting,
madam her teachers write “Good” and “Excellent”, and so on, so on, in her
report cards. She study at home, and help the mother, but sometime a little
lazy, and she say teacher want her to go back to school to do extra work, extra
coaching, in her weak subject, which is math, madam. So I let her stay back in
Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

school and day after day she come home in evening, then she do her studies
and go to sleep. Then one day, oh madam, it makes me so angry even now---
one day, I in my taxi driving, driving along and hey! I see a girl looking like my
Lay Choo, with other girls and some European outside a coffee---house but I
think, it cannot be Lay Choo, how can, Lay Choo is in school, and this girl is all
dressed up and make-up, and very bold in her behavior, and this is not like my
daughter at all. Then they all go inside the coffee-house, and my heart is very,
very--- hoe you describe it, madam, my heart is very “susahhati” and I say to
myself, I will watch that Lay Choo and see her monkey tricks.

9 The very next day she is there again I stop my taxi, madam, and I am
so angry. I rush up to this wicked daughter and I catch her by the shoulders
and neck, and slap her and she scream, but I don’t care. Then I drag her to my
taxi and drive all the way home, and at home I trash her stupid fool and I beat
her and slap her till like hell. My wife and some neighbors they pull me away,
and I think if they not pull me away, I sure to kill that girl. I lock her up in her
room for three days, and I ashamed to tell her teacher, so I just tell the teacher
that Lay Choo is sick, so please to excuse her. Oh, madam, how you feel in my
place? Make herself so cheap, when her father drive taxi all day to save money
for her University.


Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

Quarter 2 Weeks 7 and 8

V. Reflections

My POV (Point of View)

1. How do I usually react to positive messages?


2. How should I deal with negative messages?


VI. Answer Key

oppressive fantastic
10. NEGATIVE naughty success
9. NEGATIVE evil friendly
8. POSITIVE creepy creative
7. NEGATIVE fail worthy
6. NEGATIVE cold-hearted victory
5. POSITIVE harmful lucky
4. NEGATIVE depressed happy
3. POSITIVE clumsy calm
2. NEGATIVE corrupt energetic
1. POSITIVE Negative Positive
Activity 1 Activity 2

For Activities 3-4, answers may vary.


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