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Jenny : Sarah, .................

Sarah : I am delighted to meet you.
Jhon : I am delighted to meet you, too.

A. Jhon is my friend
B. Jhon wants to meet you
C. Don't you know Jhon is my friend
D. Please introduce yourself
E. I'd like you to meet my friend, Jhon

Roy : Lucy, this is my new friend, his name is Dean. He is the Manager of this club house.
Lucy: Hi Dean.
Dean: Hello, Lucy .................? Nice to meet you.
Lucy  : How do you do, Nice to meet you, too.

A. How are things with you
B. What are you.
C. May I help you
D. How are you
E. How do you do


Good morning, I am Samuel Wijaya, just call me Sam. I just moved here. I come from Jakarta. And now, I
study in this school. Thank you.
What is the boy doing?
A. He’s going to leave.
B. He’s introducing himself.
C. He’s greeting someone.
D. He’s introducing his family
E. He’s introducing his friend.

Good morning, I am Samuel Wijaya, just call me Sam. I just moved here. I come from Jakarta. And now, I
study in this school. Thank you.
Where does the boy deliver his introduction?
A. In his friend’s home.
B. In his neighborhood
C. At home
D. On the street
E. In a classroom

It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Vera and Veri will go to school. They say.................. to his parents.
A. Good night
B. Good afternoon
C. Good bye.
D. Good morning.
E. Good day.

It’s nine o’clock in the night. Sandra will go to sleep. She says................. to his parents
A. Good night
B. Good afternoon
C. Good bye.
D. Good morning.
E. Good day.

I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a
wink last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called
me again. That snooze made me late.
          I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad
had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded
me for being late.
          I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not
in my bag.  I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I
did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
          After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the stairs. I
hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it. What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one
What is the purpose of the text?

A. To explain about something wrong               
B. To inform about the writers activities             
C. To entertain the readers about the funny story
D. To discus about how to overcome the problem
E. To retell about the writer’s terrible day

I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a
wink last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called
me again. That snooze made me late.
          I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad
had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded
me for being late.
          I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not
in my bag.  I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I
did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
          After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the stairs. I
hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it. What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one
Which part you can find the main topic of the text?
A. orientation 
B. re-orientation
C. complication
D. events
E. organization

I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a wink
last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called me
again. That snooze made me late.
          I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad
had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded
me for being late.
          I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not
in my bag.  I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I
did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
          After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the stairs. I
hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it. What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one
What made everything went wrong?
A. He got up late in the morning
B. He got punishment from his teacher
C. His came to school on time
D. His father was late to ride him
E. His bag was left at home

I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a
wink last night. I was very tired when Mum called me this morning. I fell asleep again until Mum called
me again. That snooze made me late.
          I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad
had to ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious with me. He scolded
me for being late.
          I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not
in my bag.  I had forgotten to put it in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I
did not do this because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.
          After Biology lesson, I did not tie my shoelace properly. I tripped over it. And fell down the stairs. I
hurt my knee and had to have a bandage on it. What a terrible day! I hope that I have much better one
Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The writer didn’t sleep a wink at that night
B. He fell down the stairs
C. He didn’t hand in his homework
D. His father rode him to school
E. He had breakfast before leaving for school

Jean: I get the birthday present from my boyfriend, yesterday !

Vivi: .................
A. I’ll always remember that
B. Fantastic! That’s great.
C. How boring.
D. Bad luck
E. I’m sorry, I forget

Drew: Mom ! I have a good news !

Dad : What is it son?
Drew:My English teacher told me that I got excellent score in the last test !
Dad  : Really? Oh, .................. !
Drew:Yeah Dad, thanks
A. No, I'm busy
B. Sure.
C. That's okay
D. Okay
E. I'm proud of you dear

Indah : Hi, Jessica, oh Gosh! What happens to your finger?

Jessica: Hi, Indah, well I unintentionally hurt my finger.
Indah : How did it happen?
Jessica : I peeled an apple and knife ,you know!
Indah: I see. Jessica look! It keeps bleeding …
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is ...
A. I am happy to hear that
B. I’ll put the medicine on it
C. I don’t care about it
D. I am glad to hear that
E. Don’t do that

Ray : Why was Lisa absent yesterday?

Ben : Her father passed away.
Ray : I am deeply sorry to hear that .Why didn’t you tell me before ?
Ben : I have just heard about it.
From the dialogue, we may assume that ...
A. Ray happy to hear the news
B. Lisa came because her father passed away
C. Ben tells the sad news to Ray
D. Lisa Drop out of the school
E. Ray and Ben is not join the class today

Cindy : “Ouch”
Mother: What’s wrong with you, dear?
Cindy : I fell from the bicycle when going to the park.
Mother: ................., put the medicine on it.
Cindy : Yes, Mom.
The suitable expression to complete the dialogue is …
A. How happy you are
B. It doesn’t hurt me
C. You are wrong
D. I don’t know about it
E. Oh, dear

Dian: John, I’m so excited hearing Mr. Brown speech.

Dini : Why do you say so?
Dian: His speech is really motivate me.
From the dialogue we know that Dian expresses her.................
A. Happiness
B. Boredom
C. excitement
D. Sadness
E. Disappointed

Today is Monday. 3 days ago was.................

A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Thursday
D. Friday
E. Sunday

A : Hi Jhon How do you do?

B : .................
A. Hi
B. Hi, I’m Fine
C. Hi, how are you
D. Hi, Very well
E. Hi, how do you do

Hamid : .................?
Ahmad : I’m 15 years old.
A. How are you?
B. What is your old?
C. How many age are you?
D. How’s life?
E. How old are you?

Jhon writes a letter to his father.

Past Tense of the sentence above is.................
A. Jhon written a letter to his father yesterday
B. Jhon wrote a letter to his father now
C. Jhon wrote a letter to his father tomorrow
D. Jhon wrote a letter to his father last night
E. Jhon is writing a letter to his father now

Helen visits Naiya in Brazil. Naiya tells Helen about the famous Samba Festival which occurs once in a
year. Helen is so happy to hear that. She wants to learn how to dance Samba. They both travel around
before they see the festival. They visit some places which introduce the culture of Brazil. Helen buys
feijoada, a traditional dish in Brazil, and she loves it so much. Naiya then takes Helen to see the festival
at night. Helen is so happy and says thanks to her best friend for the unforgettable memories.
Who is Naiya?
A. Helen’s younger sister.
B. Helen’s best friend.
C. Helen’s pen pal.
D. Helen’s acquaintance.
E. Helen’s older sister.

Helen visits Naiya in Brazil. Naiya tells Helen about the famous Samba Festival which occurs once in a
year. Helen is so happy to hear that. She wants to learn how to dance Samba. They both travel around
before they see the festival. They visit some places which introduce the culture of Brazil. Helen buys
feijoada, a traditional dish in Brazil, and she loves it so much. Naiya then takes Helen to see the festival
at night. Helen is so happy and says thanks to her best friend for the unforgettable memories.
What festival does Helen visit in Brazil?
A. Tango
B. Macau
C. Samba
D. Night
E. Salsa

Helen visits Naiya in Brazil. Naiya tells Helen about the famous Samba Festival which occurs once in a
year. Helen is so happy to hear that. She wants to learn how to dance Samba. They both travel around
before they see the festival. They visit some places which introduce the culture of Brazil. Helen buys
feijoada, a traditional dish in Brazil, and she loves it so much. Naiya then takes Helen to see the festival
at night. Helen is so happy and says thanks to her best friend for the unforgettable memories.
What festival does Helen visit in Brazil?
A. Feijoara
B. Feijoada
C. Feijonada
D. Ferijoada
E. Freijoada

Sandra usually … to Sumba with her family every year.

A. go
B. gone
C. goes
D. went
E. going

Kevin … roses for his grandmother who … in Jakarta.

A. buys, live
B. buy, lives
C. buys, lives
D. d. buy, live
E. bring, lives

Angelina : Where do you work?

Robin : I work for United Bank.
Angelina : Oh Really? And what did you do there?
Robin : I serve the bank customers who need help and information about their account.
Angelina : That’s sound Interesting.
From the dialogue, we can get conclusion that Robin works as a …
A. Architect
B. Secretary
C. Banker
D. chef
E. manager

Aina : Do you hear that Riau have a terrible forest fire nowadays.
Robi : yeah, my uncle and his friends work really hard to put off the fire.
Aina : Wow, he does a dangerous job. Hope he always be safe.
Robi : thanks…
From the dialogue, we can get conclusion that Robi’s uncle works as a …
A. Architect
B. Secretary
C. Banker
D. chef
E. fire fighter

Ana : I see your mum in the Rooftop Cafe, her voice is so amazing.
Doni : yeah, she’s a regular there.
Aina : How many times a week she performs there?
Robi : twice a week, every Saturday and Sunday.
From the dialogue, we can get conclusion that Doni’s mum works as a …
A. Singer
B. Secretary
C. waiter
D. chef
E. fire fighter

My father’s parents are my …

A. Nephew
B. Grandchildren
C. parents
D. Grandparents
E. cousins

My uncle is father my …
A. Nephew
B. brother
C. parents
D. Grandparents
E. cousins

She ... her cat everyday.

A. to feed
B. feed
C. feeds
D. feeding
E. feeded

X : Do you like to sing?

Y : ...
A. Yes, I likes to sing
B. Yes, I like to sing
C. Yes, I am liking to sing
D. Yes, I liked to sing
E. Yes, I was like to sing.

I ... breakfast every day at 7 A.M.

A. eat
B. to eat
C. ate
D. eaten
E. eats

My mother always ... every day.

A. cook
B. cooks
C. cooking
D. had cooked
E. cooked

Kathy always sits in the front row.

The negative form of the sentence is …
A. Kathy does not always sit in the front row.
B. Kathy not always sit in the front row.
C. Kathy always sit not in the front row.
D. Kathy always not sits in the front row.
E. Kathy did not always sit in the front row.

Emily washes her hair twice a week.

The interrogative form of the sentence is …
A. Emily does not wash her hair twice a week.
B. Is Emily wash her hair twice a week?
C. Does Emily wash her hair twice a week?
D. Do Emily wash her hair twice a wee?
E. Did Emily wash her hair twice a week?

A : I really want to go to Lombok.

B : You must go there someday. ...
A. Lombok is the best place.
B. I want to go with you.
C. Lombok is not good.
D. You should not go there.
E. Lombok is bad place.

Sam : What are you doing this weekend?

Emma : I am not sure. What are you doing?
Sam : I am going to drive to the beach.
Emma : That sounds great!
Sam : Would you like to join with me?
Emma : Sure, I would love to go with you. What time
will you go?
Sam : it’s around 8.00 on Saturday morning.
Emma : OK.
Where are Sam going to go this weekend?
A. Drive to the beach
B. Camping in the mountain
C. Watching concert
D. Cycling in the park
E. Walking in the park.

They will play piano next week.

The negative form of the sentence is …
A. They not play piano next week.
B. They do not play piano next week.
C. They will not play piano next week.
D. They did not play piano next week.
E. They does not play piano next week.

tell – would – to – I – you – my - like – plan.

The correct arrangement to the sentence is …
A. My plan would like to tell you.
B. Would like to tell you my plan.
C. I would like to tell you my plan.
D. I would like my plan to tell you.
E. My plan to tell you would like.

Figo and Santi will go the cinema this night. …want to watch the new film.
A. He
B. You
C. We
D. They
E. She

Mrs.Aida :”Can you help me to bring my books?”

Hesty :”… .”
A. I don’t understand
B. What is your name?
C. Sure
D. No, I can
E. Yes, Can

Rahma’s father has given her permission to walk to the mountain. Gibril is happy
for her and expresses his hope that she will have a safe trip.
The conversation:
Rahma: “Thank God. Finally my father lets me go to the mountain walk.”
Gibril : “… . Have a safe trip.”
A. I’m happy for you
B. Wish me happy
C. Thank you very much
D. I hope so
E. Wish they happy

Ade has just finished drawing a picture of Tinta, his best friend.
He will present it to her on her birthday. Nida praises the picture and she’s
sure that Tinta will like it.
Nida : “Ade, that’s a beautiful picture. I’m sure Tinta will like it.”
Ade : “… .”
A. Wish me luck
B. Happy birthday
C. Good luck
D. Thanks. I hope so too
E. Good Job

Adel is going to participate in the story telling competition.

Dara shows her hope that Fadel will get a prize.
The conversation:
Fadel : “Dara, wish me luck. I will take part in the story telling competition.”
Dara : “… . I hope you will win the competition.”
A. Thank you very much
B. I hope so
C. I’m sorry
D. Sure, Good luck
E. Good Job

Nuri has just finished practicing singing. She will sing in the celebration of
the Indonesia Independence Day. Shinta praises her that she sings like a real singer, and she
will get a big applause for that.
Shinta : “You sings like a singer. … .”
Nuri : “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”
A. I’m sure you will get a very big applause
B. You are a good student
C. I’m sorry
D. Congratulate to Nuri
E. You are good

Rania has just made a very beautiful handy craft from coconut leaf. Chandra praises
her craft and hope that she will win the national competition.
Chandra : “… .”
I’m sure you will win the national competition.”
Rania : “Thank you. I hope so too.”
A. What is that
B. That’s a very beautiful handy craft
C. I’m glad to hear that
D. You are the winner
E. I love you
Edo : ”Happy birthday, Lia.”
Lia : ”Thank you Edo. You are the first who congratulate me.”
Edo : ”Oh really? Here is a little present for you. I hope you like it.”
Lia : ”Thank you very much. You are really my best friend.”
Why does Edo give Lia a present?
A. Because Lia is celebrating her birthday today.
B. Because Edo has a lot of money.
C. Because today Dayu’s birthday.
D. Because Lia likes present.
E. Because of you

Dayu : ”Who won the football match yesterday?”

Udin : ”Our team did. We won two to one.”
Dayu : ”Well done. … .”
Udin : ”Thank you.”
A. I’m glad to hear that.
B. That’s too bad
C. I’m sorry.
D. You’re welcome
E. Good Job

Siti has just got the first prize in the “Bakiak race” to celebrate Indonesia Independence day.
Beni congratulates her.
What does Beni say to congratulate Siti?
A. Sure, Good luck.
B. Congratulate to Siti
C. Congratulations, Siti.
D. Thanks, I will do my best
E. Thanks

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