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Rolt No. WATER AND POWER D! VELOPMENT AUTHORITY DEPARTMENTAL PROMOTION EXAMINATION ASSISTANT DIRECTOR(FINANCE)/AUDI ! 0} PICERBUDGET & ACCOUNTS OFFICER TO DY. DIRECTOR(PINANCE), SR.AUDEE OF ICERISR.B&AO (BPS 17 TO 18) FOR THE YEAR} ARCH, 2013. PLPER-A (RUDGET, FINANCE, AUDIT & OFFICE ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT) PAR’ IVE, Max Marks: 50 “rime Allawed: One hour [Q.Nod. | Fillin the blanks. OO . means the assigt Esposal of the assigning authority. 736 Marks | sent to meet specified expenditure of funds at the (iy "The programme for the presoribed se: war audit are chalked out on, the office of the __ concerned. __ basis by Gil) Primary objective of all Organization ‘Method work is to eliminate alt Gx)___ Preparation of _ escary before obtaining administrative approval and technical sanction from competent aw:horities. («) BONB@istbody beaded by_____ (ijt Approval of PC-U off development roles is followed by PELL ofthe psoject and given full hamesiand ceounts Officer. (vit) The stock verifier ensures that a has been 5 designations by both_ (vii) The financial powers ofthe Federal ov emment, which heve been delegated to any other Ministry department or authority ves’ in the Ministry of : (ix) Both fictions of Journal & Ledges © consolidated in _ () As faras possible, legal and __advice should be taken in drafting of oe tracts aid incorporate before the contracts are Finally enter ed into. ade amone owner of vessel and of cargo in the event of loss or (xi) a glo the vessel is calical Gerteral Avert: (xii) Money received as dues of Governs ent should Bs © sfited into the Yccgunt in aveordance wilh the _ rules (xiliy ‘The holder of a post, the pay of whi & hanged. shall be seated as ihe were transferred (e post and on the _pay al (xiv) An increment shall ordinarily be drawn as matter of course unless it 38 Ss foxx) The terms of contracts to be subjes, seratiny. vi) All ina post or time scale other than __ Jeave counts for increment in that time scale. Contd....P/2. -3~ ‘The following principles have bee. iaid down in GFR for the guidance | 14 Marks of the authorities which have to exter into contracts or agreements involving expenditure from Pub ic funds. Please write “correct or incorrect as the ease may be in the space given against each statement. The terms of a contract must be pre aise and definite and there must be no room for ambiguity or misconstructis.n therein. D. | The texms of a contract must be defi aite and there must be no ambiguity or misconstruction therein. 2. a | When a contract is likely to endurw for a period of more than 5 years, it | should, wherever feasible, include @ srovision for an unconditional power of | revocation or cancellation by Gover unett at any’ (ime on the expiry of six months notice to that effect . | When a contract is likely to endure for a period of more than 3 years, it should, wherever feasible, include « srovision for un unconditional power of revocation oF cancellation by Gover iment at any time on the expiry of six iF months notice to that effect. %. a. | Standard forms of contracts should ve applied wherever possible, the terms 10 be subject (o adequate prior scrutiny Standard forms of contracts should to be subject to adequate prior scrutiny. Fa. | Provision must be made in contracts “or safeguarding Government interest. i B. | Provision must be madein contact: for safeguarding Government property entrusted to a contractor. Whenever practicable alidvadVante: cous, contracts should be placed only, after tenders have been openly invit « andlin eases where the lowest tender isnot accepted, rensvlts Shouklbe re orclel, ‘Whenever practicable and advanla: 20us, contacts. shoukl be placed only after tenders have been openly invited and in cases where the highest tender is not accepted, reasons should be re: orded. ab Even in cases where a formal writen contract is not made into order for supplies, ete., should be placed with ust least «written agreement asi (0 the | price. | ‘ : e : | FE i E i | Even in cases where an informal ~ titten contract is made into order for supplies, cte., should be placed witiy ut at least a written agreement as to the price @. | in selecting the tender to be accepi.d, the financial status of the individual and firms tendering must be taken 10 consideration in addition to all other relevant factors. bo Tin selecting the tender to be sec pled the Technical capability of the individuals and firms tendering mus. be taken into consideration in addition ‘to all other relevant factors. [Roll No. R DEY WATER AND POWE: Departmental Prom: inati From AD (Finance) / AO / B&AG > DD (Fin) / SR.AUDIT OFFICER, Sr. B&AO (FROM BPS-i TO 18) PAPER - B Current affairs / Codes & Manual Part—1 (OBJECTIY Time Allowed: One Hour Total Marks : 50 Pass Matks : 50% NOTE: ATTEMPT ALL QUESTIONS, Q.No. 1 Name the Capital and Currency n: me of following countries Marks. 26 Z é Name of Country Capital | Cureney name Argentine Busones Aves _ ty Spa Denmark Brazil Sweden Singapore “Thailand = c i Vietnam SeSecrmmer Sudan [Malaysia Ital Libya a] WATER AND POWER DEV. OPN AUTHORITY Departmental Promotic : Examination-2013 a Examimation-cv's From AD (Finance)/ AO/ B&AO to DD (in) / SRAUDIT OFFICER, Sr. B&AO PAPER - B_ Current irs | Codes & Manual Time Allowed: Two Hours Total Marks: 50 Pass Marks: 50% Note:1. Attempt all questions. 2, Consultation of Delegation manual is allowed . No supp! 2 da wee 3, All Questions carry equal m orks Part One (Current irs) Q.No. 1 What is the role and functions of Blection Commission of Pakistan? Also define its setup,, Q.No, 2. Write note in detail on Cis.-ular Debts? Part two (Codes and manuals) Q.No. 3 What are the general power d duties of the WAPDA Authority? Q.4 Under Section 13 of WAPDA £ referred to Authority for final ¢ 1958, which cases are necessary to on? Define in your own words. Q.5 Why are vouchers necessary ic own words. 42 Define Vouchers in your Q.NO.2 What is a Circular Debt? Its cai i I I | id roie in existing energy crises. DEPART | | I What are your suggestions to res (minimum 250 words). 30 Marks (FINANC DIRECT YEARM Q.No.3 Suppose you have received a No ice from Commissioner of Income Tax | for non-filing of retum of mor hly Tax deduction from salaries of bf employees. You have been giver. seven (7) days to give a satisfactory > we reply otherwise heavy penalty wit! oe imposed under the Income Tax Act r 2001. How will you respond to this Notice? 20 Marks Maximu Q.NO.4 Please draft and put up a compre “ensive “Office Note” for the approval | No. of Competent Authority for rele Cash Foreign Exchange budget { ue equivalent to US$ 50 million, whic quired for payment against import |G) of spare parts for Neelam Jehlur 20 Marks | } w@ | ! Git | (iv) aw) : ; wd I ; (wii) | | (viii) be 9) : o) (sii) ROLL NO- (xiii) The post audit carried out by Govt. 20 = (xiv) Lumpsum provision in the _ budget is not to be proposed. (xv) All original works casting more than I:s.20,000 are called, works. (xvi). The main objective of work simplific: ion is to inerease, (xvii) Development Programm and annual p sn should be submitted to the APCC for approval cortaron Sagres oom oe (xviii) A sanctioned for any fresh charge v hich has not been acted on for must be held to have lapsed. © is) competent authority may _ or write-off any loan or advances owing to their or otherwi x) For the purpose of borrowing money snder Wapda Act, the Authority shall be deemed ' tobea ee | (xi) No inter Government adjustments cn be carried out after of July on i which date the Books of the bonds ax: closed for the month of, { (gxii) For the purpose of borrowing money under Wapda Act, the Authority shall be deemed \ fobca —— P Goxiii isl the adjustment A ade Agnong the Swners dF vessel and of cargo in the evental loss oF damage @€CurrINy 1 he = Qaivy A is arcconMbc daifflaty saldtice UF the labour comployed on daily wages: (xxv) Separate accounts should be kept of ~ such as plant, machinery, furniture and _slores. (xxv) Tf an approved work is not commenced within ____ of the date of i administrative approval, ___ approval must be oblained + (xxvii) A revised estimate is requited when sinctioned estimate exceeds more than, per cent. ki | (xxviii) Interest for any shorter period thes complete half year should be calculated as 5 multiplied by _____ Eivided by 7 . ‘ —— a PX, Gxix) Limited tender system should oni: sily be adopted when the estimated value is less : than Rs. (xxx) Foreign exchange own resourees buc . DD{FIN) JSR. AUDIT OF WATER AND POW 3k DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Departry zntai Promotion Exam FROM BPS-17 TO SPS 18) PAPER- B Cu {affairs / Codes & Manuat {OBJECTIVE PART) Total Marks: 50 Pass Marks: 50% ‘OFFICER, SENIOR B&AQ Q. No.1 Tick True or False. Total Marks: 15 - _ ~ True or SN . False 1 | The old name of Taiwan was Formosa, oT 2 | Under the “Vision 2025" Wand: will construct SATPARA DAM on river Fr Indus in Balochistan _(17.36m~ Jat SKordy on Satta Like) 3. | The 9" South Asian Federatior Games were fe hel in Islamabad. Qa} T 4 | GPRS stand for General Packe’ Ragio Senice T 5 _ | The sentence "The quick brow? fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses T every letter in the English language. 5) | Istanbul, Turkey isithe onlyscty nthe worid located on two continents. op EF 7_| The oldest residential Universiti"is te Oxford University 7 8 | Thelelectricity produced throug . Coabisiknown as Hyde! energy, E 9 | When 111,114,171 multiply with 714,144,174 is equal to y 12,845,678,987,654,324 — 10 ‘An entry for transfer from one « :count in @ ledger to another account in the same ledger should neve: be made without passing a special journal or the journal. it ‘All Foreign loans, credits, grant which are negotiated by the Federal Government with the loan givin. Governments /Agencies and are then passed on to WAPDA und »r the general relending terms. 12 All Letters of Credits for imports by Wapcia Projects are opened by the | Chief Resident Representative,

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