Ccu Part 7

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Subject : Cross Cultural Understanding

Tittle : American Etiquette

Submitted : Sir Adieli Laoli, M.Pd

Nama : Marni Hulu

Class : B / VI

What I Know What I Want To Know What I Learned

How Do I Know Why I Want To Know How Can I Apply What I Learn

1. In my opinion 1. What are examples of A. Examples of American Etiquette

definition of American etiquette?  Etiquette containing acceptable behavior in other place
etiquette is the 2. Are the examples and  Most American rules of etiquette are simply ways to show respect
conduct or Nias etiquette which and consideration for others.
Procedure regarding different from  At one time, only American men shook hands. While two women do
polite behavior America? not usually shake hands in a social situations, but they may be in a
carried out in the 3. How the influence of business situations.
community or American etiquette on  In U.S.A however it is not polite to call somene by the last name
among members of a the people of Indonesia, only. title that precede the lst name include mr. (for a man), miss (for
particular profession especially of Nias single women), mrs. (for who is married, divorced, or widowed), ms.
or group. In other people (pronounced miz and used for a woman whose marital status you do
words etiquette is 4. How is our attitude or not know)
relative, meaning role as a student  In general, it’s polite to say congratulations with alot of enthusiasm
that according to one towards the influence of in your voice, while in amreican it’s sometimes also appropriate to
culture is considered etiquette on culture give a gift.
impolite, but not 5. Why I want to know  In expressing sympathy, it’s good idea not to use the words die or
necessarily other this American etiquette death but simplty to say “ sorry to hear about your loss ...(father,
cultures have a mom, etc.)
presumption that  Not only i’m sorry when we must say stop but using apologies “
same. It could be exuce me and pardon me “ to expressions stopping a stranger to ask
considered as a Direction.
natural thing or a  Dining Etiquette In American
polite thing. For First Of All Arrive Approximately On Time (But Not Early).
example : when American Expect Promptness. It’s Ok To Be 10 Or 15 Minute Late
passing in front of But Not 45minute Late.
the parents the body  Usually Bring Souvenirs
must bend rather low  Invite Someone Must Pay Each One
as a sign of their  Manner Between Man And Woman
respect.  Men can invite women to go out on date
 Men and Women are equal or equal in learning and for the
2. I know there are advancement of ideas or success and to get a job
several other  If men and women are friends but not romantically involved got out
examples of together Dutch treat, which means that each person pays his or her
etiquette such as : own way
You can't eat  Classroom Etiquette
and belch.  The relationship between student and teacher is less formal
eat with the  American college student’s do not stand up when their teacher enters
right hand. the room.
say hello when  When their teacher is talking, it shouldn't be cut off
entering the  When they are exam can't be noisy
house.  American Atittude
Do not lift legs  Americans have a democratic outlook, a strong belief that all people
when eating. are entitled to equal opportunity and equal respect
this was often taught  Language Etiquette
by my parents when  Americans are usually tolerant of non-native speakers whose have
I was an elementary trouble understanding english.
school s  The polite response to a compliment about your looks for your work
is ‘” thank you”.
B. Example Nias Etiquette
 When you say congratulations you don't need to give a gift in the
form of just enough words
 when inviting guests to drink, even if the guest refuses, theias will
still provide drinks for their guests
 Dining Etiquette in Nias is will prioritize the satisfaction of their
guests even if they do not get a part of the food.
 In Nias if you meet an acquaintance even though you are not a
relative in a restaurant, they will still eat together and will usually be
paid by those who invite
C. The influence American Etiquette in Nias
American etiquette also affects Indonesian people, especially nias.
this can be seen from the association between women and men who
are dating. it means that both men and women are no longer
prohibited when being alone in any place
D. Our attitude or role as a student towards the influence of
etiquette on culture
Our role as a student is that we still have to tolerate the good habits
that exist in our homes, such as guarding ourselves from scorn when
people are the same as the opposite sex, then. also avoid unwanted
restrictions such as not being able to say harshly to older people and
to reward those who are older than us
E. . I want to know this topic because etiquette it’s very important to
respect etiquette culture from a different country than us

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