Module 2 - Activity 1 (ETHICS)

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Module 2- Activity 1 9548/ Business Ethics

1. How would the employees who remained be affected by the unjust

termination of a colleague?
The unjust termination of a colleague can affect the effectiveness and
efficiency of the remaining employees because the work of the terminated
employee will be added to the remaining employees which can cause stress and

2. Assuming the following numbers, solve for the Separation Pay, Monthly
Carrying Cost, and
Payback Period:
300 employees
Average length of service is 10 years
Average monthly pay is P23 000
Fringe Benefit cost is 20% of the basic pay

Cost of Separation Pay= 300 x 23 000 x 10

= 69 000 000

Monthly Carrying Cost = (300 x 23 000) + 1 380 000

= 8 280 000

Payback Period = 69 000 000/ 20 700 000

= 8.333 months

3. What do you think is the reason why outplacement for laid off employees
should be away from company headquarters?
Maybe because it can cause anxiety and it can lower the confidence of the
employees, because they will think they are not good enough and they will also
start to questions their capabilities. Due to this, they will teach the employees
how to hold grudges, of course those employees who are terminated will feel
angry towards the company.

4. Why should you complete a termination interview for at most 15 minutes?

Of course, the employees need reasonable explanations from the company of all
people why he/she would be terminated.

5. Suppose you have to choose who to lay off between an employee who is
about to retire and a new employee who shows significant potential. What
would be your considerations in choosing the person to lay off? Who will
you choose to layoff then?

I would choose the person who is about to retire because it is a waste of

time, due to the fact that his/her duty will be ending soon. It is better for the
company to keep the new employee because he/she has many time to show off
his/her capabilities.

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