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Science & Math Division

Summer Main 2021 (20213C) [May 6 – July 20]
MCB2004: General Microbiology – Traditional Online
(Sections 1 and 4)
Instructor: Angela Muchovej
Office: SM280 (You’ll most likely find me on Zoom/email during Office hours – see below)
E-mail: (preferred method of communication)
Phone: 201-9834 (if no answer: do not hang up, leave a message; or, better, send an email)
Tues & Thurs: 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Thurs: 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm

Office Hours on Zoom - Meeting ID: 239 704 3966; Link:
Office hours will be virtual this Summer’21. During Office Hours, I will be logged on TCC email, and Canvas - on Zoom
by request. If you join a zoom meeting and I am not there, I may still be finishing up with another student (just like it
could happen on campus) – please, be patient and wait or try to communicate with me at another time (in the Zoom
waiting room). I will not be on campus.
I will check e-mail and Canvas Discussion Boards during weekdays (Mon-Fri) – not in the evenings, not on weekends!
You may expect email replies within 24-48 hours. However, an email sent after 5 pm on Friday through Sunday, or
during a Holiday, a reply will be sent on the first or second business day after the weekend or break. Try to use TCC
email (Outlook), rather than Canvas. It will be in my Outlook mailbox - I’ll most likely see it faster than email sent
through Canvas. If your question is not resolved on email, we may make an appointment to speak ‘in person’ via Zoom.
I will miss the F2F opportunity to meet you, but this is for the safety of us all!

CATALOG DESCRIPTION: MCB 2004 General Microbiology (3) FA SP SU.
Prerequisite(s): documented exemption, appropriate placement scores or completion of developmental education
writing and a grade of “C” or better in BSC 2085 - Anatomy & Physiology I.
Corequisite (s): Recommended MCB 2004L.
Principles of microbiology and cell biology are covered, emphasizing microbial and viral structure, physiology, genetics,
growth, pathogenesis, and control. Basic physical, chemical, and biochemical explanations of microbial actions at the
cellular and biofilm level will be presented including enzyme kinetics, cellular metabolism, and molecular genetics.
Specific and non-specific defenses will be explored in detail along with the dynamics of the spread of epidemics. The
biology and medical implications of HIV infection will be addressed. Students will be responsible for understanding
major features of approximately 60-80 microbial diseases. Critical thinking and problem solving will be emphasized
throughout the course. Case studies, written projects, and disease presentations are also emphasized. Lecture 3 hours.

Cowan, Marjorie Kelly. 2016. Microbiology Fundamentals: A Clinical Approach. 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill Education, New
York, NY, 655 p. ISBN: 9780078021046 – paper back textbook. [Refer to Canvas announcements for clarifications].
Microorganisms are biological entities that are often too small to be seen with the unaided eye. These include bacteria,
fungi, unicellular algae, and protozoans. All these microorganisms require an energy source in order to survive. All of
them metabolize and may produce end products that are of interest to other organisms and people. Microorganisms
are also studied for their form, structure, and replication. Microorganisms can also be useful tools for humans (genetic
engineering) or be used to produce products (food and beverage) for animal consumption. Microorganisms can also
cause disease and therefore must be studied for their impact on the health of humans, animals, and plants.

Plan & Prepare for a Great Semester!

1 | © Summer 2021 – A. Muchovej

“Tallahassee Community college is an open-admission, comprehensive community college. Its mission is to provide
excellence in teaching and learning through educational programs that promote the intellectual, social, and personal
development of students; assist them in developing the ability to think critically, creatively, and reflectively; and
prepare them for productive and satisfying lives.

“The faculty is committed to creating a learning environment for all students which promotes, encourages, and fosters
higher-order thinking and critical thinking skills that are grounded in an understanding of the fundamental concepts of
the disciplines in which they are taught.”

LEARNING OUTCOMES for this COURSE based upon Master Syllabus

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to accomplish the learning outcomes specified and emphasized
in each of the Modules presented on Canvas (look it up for detailed performance objectives and expectations as
stablished for the course).

TENTATIVE DETAILED PACING SCHEDULE for LECTURE is posted on-line as well. Have a copy available at all times. This
is the best way to keep you on task for the duration of this course! Great reminder tool!

Students are required to have an active TCC e-mail account. This account must be used for student and instructor
communications. Check it regularly. I check my inbox often, and I will do my best to respond to emails within 24-48
hours during weekdays (M-R) – do not expect replies over the weekends.
Course work should always be submitted through Canvas, NOT email.
The activation of your TCC e-mail account will grant you access to the Canvas web site for the course where all of the
course materials will be presented.


Tallahassee Community College is committed to making all programs, services, and facilities accessible to and usable
by students with documented disabilities to obtain maximum benefit from the educational experience and to
effectively transition to our college environment. Students with disabilities who identify themselves and provide
appropriate documentation are eligible for support services. To access these services, please contact the TCC Student
Accessibility Services (SAS) Office. Persons in need of special accommodations are required to register with TCC
Accessibility & Resource Center (ARC) to be eligible for these services. Advising specialists are available by appointment
or walk-in basis, via phone (850-201-8430), email or visiting their office on the 1st floor in the Student Union - Room
SAS Office Location:
First floor of Student Union within the Accessibility & Resource Center (ARC), Room 172 Office Hours:
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Phone (Voice): (850) 201-8430; Fax: (850) 201-8433; E-mail:
Florida Relay Service: 711; Video Relay Service: (850) 270-6236 or (850) 270-6231
• Honorlock Accessibility Statement - For more information on Honorlock’s guidelines for accessibility, see the
Accessibility Services page of the Student Resources module in this Canvas course.
• Canvas Accessibility Statement
• Smarthinking Accessibility Statement

Plan & Prepare for a Great Semester!

2 | © Summer 2021 – A. Muchovej

The Federal Government requires Tallahassee Community College to verify a student is attending at different times in
the term. As an online course, attendance will not be taken as a classroom roll, but will be based on your presence
online, either working on assignments or communicating with instructor.
An online student has "attended" class if he/she has:
• Submitted an academic assignment
• Taken an exam, interactive tutorial, or a computer-based instruction
• Participated in an online discussion that is academically related
• Interacted online with faculty about subject matter or to ask course-related questions
For students to continue receiving their financial aid, we need confirmation of student class attendance during various
attendance windows.

It is the student's responsibility to complete the necessary forms or do it online if she/he wishes to withdraw from the
course; otherwise, a failing grade may result. Withdrawal deadline: Tuesday, Jun 29, 2021.
Important: Before you withdraw, please have a conversation with your instructor.


Exam time frames are listed on our Tentative Detailed Pacing Schedule. Honorlock Practice Quiz available on Canvas.
This online (web-based) course requires proctored testing. All exams will be proctored by Honorlock, an online
proctoring service that allows you to take your exams from the comfort of your home or at a quiet place where you
can access a computer, an internet connection, and a webcam. Honorlock is available 24/7. You do not need to create
an account or schedule a time to use Honorlock. Honorlock is very simple All you will need to do is log into Canvas and
click on the exam you need to take. You will be prompted to add the Honorlock Chrome Extension, which is required
to take your exam. You are required to use Google Chrome as your browser. Then you will need to take a picture, show
your ID, and scan your room. Honorlock will be recording you VIA webcam and will be recording your screen. They also
have an integrity algorithm that can detect search-engine use, so do not attempt to cheat, or look up answers.
• Honorlock Student Guide (same guide that is in Canvas when you start the test)
• Honorlock Video for Students (overview of how to use Honorlock)
• Proper Room Scan (shows students how to do a proper room scan)
• (students can test your system here and contact support)


Students are expected to adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity as stated under the Academic Policies
and Regulations section of the TCC catalog. Students are responsible for knowing and adhering to the TCC Student
Conduct Code (see student handbook). Any student caught cheating or representing someone else’s work as their own
will receive a grade of zero for the quiz or exam, and depending upon the circumstances, may be subject to further
disciplinary action. All academic dishonesty will be reported to Judicial Affairs.
Student Conduct deals with students who violate the TCC Student Conduct Code. As an integral part of the educational
mission of the College, the disciplinary process is seen as a tool for guiding and teaching rather than punishment.
Mediation is also provided for both students and faculty. Honorlock has means to contact the instructor if student is
not following the academic honor policy.
Students need to be mindful that the Testing Center has means to contact their instructor if student is not following
the academic honor policy. See Student Handbook.


Posted on-line as well. Have your copy available at all times. This is the best way to keep you on task for all portions of
this course! Also, learn to use the Calendar on Canvas – due dates appear there. You may also use other features on
it as well to ensure you are always on task.

Plan & Prepare for a Great Semester!

3 | © Summer 2021 – A. Muchovej

TCC Help Desk offers general technical support for online courses. Contact the Student Help Desk or call at (850) 201-
8545 to ask questions related to Canvas during the hours of Monday through Thursday 8:00 am - 7:30 pm and Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Canvas Learning Management System (LMS) has a help button located on the blue global navigation menu. The global
navigation menu is on the far-left side of each webpage within your course. Contact Canvas (Student Help) after hours
at (855) 759-6644.

Honorlock offers 24/7 customer service via phone and live chat. When you enter your exam, the live chat will be on
the bottom-right hand of your screen in case you need tech support, or you can call the support line at (855) 828-4004.

Be sure to refer to the Pacing Schedule for due dates. Any items listed on the Pacing Schedule are due as scheduled
during this course. I expect students to complete their assignments like a student sitting in a face-to-face lecture, which
normally meets 2 times per week at 1 hour and 15 minutes each class meeting. Please start working on your class
assignments early during the week, this will give you enough time to complete assignments with higher academic
standards and meeting the assignments due dates. Assignments can be found in the section Modules in the Canvas
course. Follow instructions and Rubrics (post pictures, comments, or any other items) to earn full points!


All dates for items in this course are listed in the Pacing Schedule, therefore you are expected to NOT ask for extensions
nor for makeup of any work. There are many assignments that will enhance your final grade if completed on time and
may help add on a few points if you miss a task - so complete all assignments and quizzes on time to EARN the maximum
points. Be proactive – Do not procrastinate!
You can do it, and keep in mind: PLAN AHEAD works!


If a student is aware that they will be unable to complete the exam during the regular scheduled timeframe, the student
must contact the instructor via email PRIOR to the missed exam. Make-up exams will be permitted only under
extenuating circumstances and only with PRIOR notification and documentation (original funeral notice, original doctor
note, etc.). The instructor may create alternate make-up exams for students who are not able to take the scheduled
exams. Exams cannot be made up after the exam date has passed unless prior arrangements have been made.
If a makeup test is offered, arrangements for missed test time will be made, agreed upon, and completed within the
designated period, but not to exceed 7 days.
Technology malfunction: if while taking an exam the student suffers a technology malfunction, take a screen shot of
the malfunction, and immediately notify your instructor to register the incident only (instructor will do their best to
contact you within 24 hours). Also, contact Helpdesk or Honorlock or Internet provider depending on what sort of
problem you may have. The instructor will then verify what sort of problem occurred and will contact you in their
earliest convenience.


Please note all assignments are opened on the first day of the class and can be completed anytime on or before the
due date. This means makeup assignments will only be granted under emergency situations. Original and verifiable
documentation will be required for makeup assignments.
Makeup assignments are given with verifiable documentation supporting an extenuating circumstance for not
completing and submitting assignment on or before the due date.

Plan & Prepare for a Great Semester!

4 | © Summer 2021 – A. Muchovej

The grading for the course will be split among the following items that will be available online.
1. Chapter Quizzes – each Chapter will have one or more Quizzes posted at the end of each Module that emphasizes
information provided in that Chapter. These will be worth up to 11 points each, for a total of 201 possible points.
There is a Quiz on ‘Syllabus material’ to ensure awareness of expectations – take it ASAP.
2. Experiential Learning
a. “Applied Concepts” Assignments – some Chapters will have an Assignment. You will find them under the
Assignment Tab. All assignments will be worth 10 pts each, if fully completed! Look at Pacing schedule. It is
very important to follow Rubrics posted for assignments to get full points.
b. “Forum” (Discussion Boards) – these are graded assignments under the Discussion Board TAB. Please, follow
Netiquette rules, be active and respectful. We will all enjoy the sense of community during the course!
i. ‘Your Bio’ : This is a 3-step assignment. Follow directions and get to know each other. Due dates are
listed on the Forum and Pacing schedule. Twelve (12) points for “Your Bio” (4 pts for each step
completed). Everyone is expected to complete the 3 steps. You may add more posts as long as you
complete the 3 required steps. Many of you have a great time getting to know your peers! Go for it!
ii. ‘Zoom or not to Zoom – What/Who is behind the screen or not? : The pros X cons of having you
showing up in person on the screen and participating in class in real time (or not?).
iii. ‘Vaccination – for you or for all’ – is that A question? : The importance of vaccination, what are the
outcomes if the majority of people get vaccinated or not, and it means to us all. Are we all in this
3. Pathogens – one of the requirements of the course is to visit over 60-80 pathogens. This will be done by assigning
each student with two (2) pathogens that they will provide information about. There will be opportunity for
bonus points. You can earn bonus points by submitting any and/or all “Pathogens” as ‘Early Bird’ and/or
completing “Optional Pathogen (your choice)” assignment (both grant you bonus points). The information may
be presented in the form of a PowerPoint or as a video presentation. Detailed information is found on Canvas
under the tab “Pathogens”. Total of 10 points for PPT or video presentation completed by July 7th. ‘Early Birds
(by June 7th) will receive up to 5 bonus points per each early submission! Detailed instructions on Canvas.
4. Case Study Activities – we will have a couple of activities to sum up information you have been learning and
guided research material to analyze a scenario and offer solutions/guidance on how to handle the specific case.
We anticipate these activities will be worth 15-20 points each.
5. Feedback Survey – this is a short anonymous survey about this course. A tab will appear under Assignments Tab
for the survey you may complete online, at the end of the course, for a bonus of 5 points!
6. Module Exams – there will be 5 Modules:
* IMPORTANT: Exams will be proctored by Honorlock.
a. Module 1: Chapters 1-2
b. Module 2: Chapters 3-5
c. Module 3: Chapters 6-8
d. Module 4: Chapters 9-11
e. Module 5: Chapters 12-15 – PART of the FINAL EXAM (read below)
Each Module will have an Exam that will consist of multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank, true false, short
answers/critical thinking questions, or other similar formats. Each of the four Module Exams will be worth 50
points each. The Final Exam is comprehensive and will include 60 questions from the Chapters 12-15 (Module 5),
as well as about 15 questions from each of the previous Exams (4x15=60) for a total of 120 points.

Plan & Prepare for a Great Semester!

5 | © Summer 2021 – A. Muchovej

7. FINAL EXAM (cumulative): Module 5 (new material) + Module 1-4 (old material)
The Final Exam is comprehensive and includes 60 questions from the new material (Module 5 - Chapters 12-15),
and about 15 questions from each previous Exam (4x15=60) for a total of 120 points.
* IMPORTANT: Exams will be proctored by Honorlock. Honorlock is an online proctoring service that allows
you to take an Exam from the comfort of your Home (available 24/7). You need a computer, a Webcam, and
Internet connection. You don’t need to create an account nor pay any fee or schedule time. This is a TCC policy!
Exam time frames are posted. See Canvas for more info!
Final Exam date: There is a window of time the Final Exam will be available for you to take it anytime that fits
your schedule, using Honorlock proctoring services. Take this Final Exam by the due date unless you already
spoke with your instructor and made other arrangements. Failure to take the Exam will result in a grade of zero.
8. End of The Course Overall Grade
Grades on Canvas are a sum total of all of your completed assignments. If you did not do an assignment Canvas
may not consider that in your grade but it will be counted on the final overall grade spreadsheet once all
assignments are graded and missing assignments are entered as a “0” zero. Official grades, including bonuses
and extra points, will be calculated on the same spreadsheet.
You may come to office hours to discuss grades (not on email).
Standard Grading Scale is used: A = 90-100%; B= 80-89%; C= 70-79%; D= 60-69% =; F<60%.


So far, I do not want to add any more assignments for you to work on. If you feel the necessity to connect more with
peers or myself, please post items under “Open mic” on Discussion Board on Canvas. Use Netiquette and go for it! I
will set up an initial DB (have it started there) and anytime you want to post an idea, discuss a concept, or share
experiences, open a thread, and join in. Or just reply to a thread. You may use that as a Q&A place as well – you may
have a question that may help your peers if I answer on DB for everyone to learn from.

There is “Survey of Students Resources” that is informative for both of us. It will allow for expectations to be addressed,
from the instructor’s perspective as well as the students’ perspectives. There are opportunities for students to practice
items that will help you deal with online needs for this course. The online courses require students to be proficient in
using various tools to complete class work and upload files, record videos, take pictures and upload the files, research
material – some overall technology literacy will be very helpful. Survey is due on May 11, 2021 (on Pacing Schedule).
For resources during virtual learning, please use the following link:
1. Our YouTube Channel: videos & short lectures produced by us are made available to you through Canvas - these will
help you learn essential concepts to succeed in this course.
2. In the ‘Learning Commons’ and at Library you will find: Microbiology Textbook (Cowan; Mastering Microbiology)
3. Student Technology request Full Link -

Tips for Success

1. Read Pacing Schedule, the Syllabus, and the Assignments completely and carefully.
2. Note on your Calendar due dates for each assignment (on Canvas or your own phone or tablet).
3. Enter due dates for each assignment in your electronic device as a reminder. Do not depend only on Canvas.
4. Pose your questions to me via TCC Outlook email and not through Canvas.
5. Start working on each assignment earlier in the semester before the due date.
6. Check your email at least twice a day. Announcements send copies to your App.

6 | © Summer 2021 – A. Muchovej

College’s Equity statement:
Tallahassee Community College does not discriminate against any person on the basis of age, color,
disability, ethnicity, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, pregnancy, race,
religion, sex, sexual orientation, or veteran status in its programs and activities. Inquiries regarding the non-
discrimination policies may be directed to: Renae Tolson, Equity Officer | Room 239 Administration
Building | 444 Appleyard Drive | Tallahassee, FL 32304-2895 | (850) 201-6074 |

*Important Dates*
Last day to add a class Friday, May 7, 2021
Last day to cancel registration with refund Thursday, May 13, 2021
Last day to withdraw from class (W/AW) Tuesday, Jun 29, 2021
Last day of classes Tuesday, Jul 20, 2021
Final Exam (due date) – Traditional ONLINE Lecture BY Thursday, July 22, 2021 (last day)
Final Grades available in Workday Tuesday, Jul 27, 2021
*College Holidays*
Memorial Day Monday, May 31, 2021
Independence Day Monday, July 5, 2021

Plan & Prepare for

a Great Semester!

7 | © Summer 2021 – A. Muchovej

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