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Hi, welcome to AventurerAxie Academy scholar program!

What we are offering:

-Low entry Daily objective Cuota,from 75 SLP.
-Possibility to get upgraded teams according to dedication
-Variable SLP ratio (more you win bigger your split)
-No previous experience required, just learn to play at your own pace. Only requisite is to
accomplish with daily quests 75 SLP cuota.
-Non competitive axie teams. We have some arena teams that we assign to our better
players, we are growing up so if you can prove you try it hard in arena you will eventually get
better teams.
-SLP rewards twice per month.
-You can terminate your scholarship whenever you want. If you do with your daily cuota done
and with 48h previous advice we will give you preference in case you want to rejoin us.

What we are asking for:

-Proof of play (detailed below)
-Seriousness. 75 SLP is just bare minimum doing daily quests, you will get the chance to
play for free axies with a full axie team, and you will get opportunities to receive better axies
if you stay with us.
-The accomplishment of 75 SLP the daily cuota is mandatory, not doing it will result in
immediate scholar revocation.We ask for daily profs of play.
-If you are comfortable with 75 SLP cuota and wont go further on arena its not a problem for
us. Be honest and we will try to prioritize you to play with the axies you leveled up.
-The teams and axies are our property, and we will manage them to our convenience
including transfers between accounts without previous advertising. If you
-Multi accounting play is strictly forbidden, suspicion on that will result in inmediate
scholarship revokation.
-Scholarship can be terminated by our side without previous advice.
-Accepting this terms you give permission to us share your data with axie community
members in case you broke the rules (if we get banned axies for multi accounting we will
spread the word).
If you are not ok with ALL this terms please didnt ask us back. This terms are not negotiable.
-Contacting us back to apply for a scholar implies accepting ALL of this terms
-We can change the terms at our convenience.
-In order to opt to SLP obtained with our axies scholar must be active in the moment of SLP
claim and send.
Proof of play (mandatory):
-You must send a screen caption of your first earned SLP each day and one at the end of the
day with all day SLP progress.
-You must send Cup tier list caption at the end of day. 800 is minimum
-First prof of play must be send before 12:00 UTC not doing so will revoke your scholar and
it will be passed to other candidate.
-In order to get the split scholar must stay the first forty days with us.

Variable split:
75-89 SLP:40% Scholar
90-99 SLP 45% Scholar
100+ SLP 50% Scholar
Calculated on claim cicle period. if we dont have daily data for some reason we will apply

What we need from you :

Send to with the following:

Subject: Your_Name Axie scholar

Selfie with ID (Name and picture had to be visible, you can hide your address)

Full name:
Email address:
Ronin wallet address:
Preferred Language (English/Spanish):
Appliance for 75 SLP farming team/ 120 SLP Minimum Quota competitive team (for
competitive team we ask for graphical profs of game experience
Notes (be brief):

I accept all axies owner terms and future changes made by them.

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