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Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 417

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Screening models Models that use a limited set of
inputs, and provide highly aggregated outputs,
Modeling Frameworks for such as an index of suitability or an environmental
Determination of score card.
JOAO G. FERREIRA1, JON GRANT2, DAVID W. Virtual technology for aquaculture Any artificial rep-
VERNER-JEFFREYS3, NICK G. H. TAYLOR3 resentation of ecosystems that support aquaculture,
1 whether directly or indirectly. Such representations,
Departamento de Ciências e Engenharia do Ambiente,
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia Universidade Nova exemplified by mathematical models, are designed
de Lisboa, Monte Caparica, Portugal to help measure, understand, and predict the
2 underlying variables and processes, in order to
Department of Oceanography, Dalhousie University,
Halifax, NS, Canada inform an Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture.
Cefas Weymouth Laboratory, Weymouth, Dorset, UK
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance
Aquaculture, defined simply as the cultivation of
Article Outline aquatic organisms, has many similarities to agriculture,
Glossary most notably that it is based on the interaction between
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance humans and other elements of the natural system,
Introduction converting the latter (at least in part) into a managed
Modeling Frameworks for Carrying Capacity system.
Future Directions In parts of the world, such as Southeast Asia, the
Acknowledgments distinction between the two types of cultivation
Bibliography becomes increasingly fuzzy, especially if they take
place on land. Cocultivation of rice and tilapia in
paddy fields [1] or the combination of penaeid shrimp
(e.g., the whiteleg shrimp Penaeus vannamei) and water
Dynamic models Models that incorporate a time- spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) in earthen ponds is com-
varying element. Such models may have no spatial mon, as are many other combinations (Fig. 1). Carry-
dimension or extend to modeling spatial variation ing capacity in such intensive systems, whether in
in all three dimensions. monoculture or in integrated multi-trophic aquacul-
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) ture (IMTA), might at first glance seem equivalent to
Cocultivation of aquatic species at different trophic assimilative capacity.
levels, such as salmon, mussels, and kelp or scallop Aquaculture in open water, whether in reservoirs,
and sea cucumber, in order to maximize yield and lakes, or coastal systems, must take into account the
minimize the environmental footprint. complexities of water circulation, together with the
Modeling framework Models are a representation of harmonization of different uses. In the context of
reality, which they aim to reproduce in terms of organically extractive open-water culture, Bacher et al.
generality, realism, accuracy, and simplicity. As a [2] and Smaal et al. [3] defined carrying capacity as:
rule, generality and simplicity are maximized. The standing stock at which the annual production
A model framework usually consists of two or of the marketable cohort is maximized.
more models, which are combined to address dif- Although this definition was proposed for bivalve
ferent levels of complexity. shellfish culture, it is sufficiently broad to be relevant
Research models Models that are more detailed, usu- for production in open freshwater, coastal, and off-
ally complex to develop, implement, and apply. shore environments, as well as in land-based systems
Aimed mainly at the scientist, rather than the using ponds or raceways. However, production carry-
manager. ing capacity needs to be further qualified, because in

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
418 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

Scottish lochs to the incremental destruction of man-

groves for construction of shrimp farms (Fig. 3).
This approach to licensing (or in many cases just to
development) has been based on space availability and
limits to production rather than on any environmental
criteria, and has led to undesirable ecosystem effects,
including habitat destruction both on land and in
open waters, coastal eutrophication through increased
nutrient loading from land, organic enrichment of
sediments, loss of benthic biodiversity, and major out-
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling breaks of disease.
Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 1 In the last decade, better regulatory frameworks have
Pigs might fly? Cocultivation of pigs and fish such as carp or led to a more stringent approach to licensing, most
rohu in India notably in the European Union, the United States, and
Canada. The European Union’s Marine Strategy Frame-
work Directive (EU MSFD – EC [80]), together with
economic terms the maximization of annual produc- guidelines for an Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture
tion is not the objective function, and brings with it (EAA – [8]), highlights the ecological component and
increased environmental costs. Commercial produc- aims to optimize production without compromising
tion must seek to achieve optimal profit, well before ecosystem services. Part of the challenge of determining
the inflection point in the production function, where carrying capacity is the quantification of negative exter-
total physical product (TPP) maximizes income (e.g., nalities as a first step toward improved management.
[4, 5]). In Brazil, for instance, where aquaculture has grown
This production-oriented view of carrying capacity very rapidly over the past decade (Fig. 4), environmen-
for aquaculture, whether in terms of assimilative capac- tal permitting of new tilapia farms in reservoirs is
ity for fed aquaculture such as finfish or shrimp or with determined through the application of the Dillon and
respect to food depletion in the case of shellfish such as Rigler [9] phosphorus loading model, a rather simplis-
oysters, clams, or abalone, has been expanded over the tic view of carrying capacity.
last decade into a four pillar approach based on phys- A maximum limit of 30 mg L–1 of P has been
ical, production, ecological, and social carrying capac- established for reservoir waters, 5 mg L–1 of which is
ity [6, 7]. These pillars encompass the three elements of reserved for fish farming, to allow for multiple uses
sustainability, viz., planet, people, and profit. including cattle ranching, sugar cane production,
The terms carrying capacity and assimilative capac- urban discharges, and the natural background.
ity are frequently associated with models of aquacul- Fish farms are licensed sequentially, based on the
ture impacts. Because these terms attempt to define the contribution to P loading of their declared production.
limits of sustainable aquaculture, predictive capability Although this approach does address carrying
is highly sought (Fig. 2). capacity at the system scale (i.e., DP = 5 mg L–1), it
This chapter reviews the state of the art in modeling does not consider any spatial or temporal variation,
frameworks that assist with that prediction and sup- nor does it account for factors such as organic enrich-
port proactive management of aquaculture. ment, disease, or impacts on biodiversity – all of which
may be linked.
Whereas production and social (e.g., tourism)
The establishment of aquaculture activities in different impacts are often local, ecological impacts of aquacul-
geographical areas has historically been a bottom-up ture can have far broader scales, as can large-scale
process, without any systemic planning or definition of effects on aquaculture, such as advection of harmful
a zoning framework. This is seen throughout the world, algae from offshore [10]. Sustainability is “easier to
from the development of salmon cage culture in plan than to retrofit,” [10] which makes a case for the
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 419

140 3.0

120 2.5


APP and MPP (no units)


TPP (ton TFW)

80 APP
40 MPP
VMP = MPP.Po 0.0
VMP = Pi 90 ton
20 For Pi = 15% Po, MPP = 0.15 −0.5

Stage I Stage II Stage III

0 −1.0
0 50 100 150
Seed (ton TFW)

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 2
Marginal analysis indicates that the seed that provides maximum profit (red arrow) falls well to the left of the maximum
production, shown by the dotted line. Production beyond the optimal profit point adds no value and potentially
increases environmental pressure (Results from the FARM model, Adapted from [4])

analysis of carrying capacity at the system scale in Fig. 5 to include governance [16, 17]. This is consid-
(e.g., Nobre et al. [11]), i.e., defining and quantifying ered more relevant than the physical element, which in
the overall potential for different types of aquaculture many respects is encapsulated in the production pillar.
prior to local-scale assessment (e.g., [12]) of new Governance, on the other hand, is clearly missing from
operations. Simulation models of varying degrees of the original model of Inglis et al. [6], and the quality of
complexity must play a role in the determination of balanced regulation, stakeholder involvement, and
carrying capacity for aquaculture, often combined as community-based management [18] often constitutes
model frameworks, given the range of time and space the difference between sustainable aquaculture and an
scales and the number of processes involved. environmental time bomb.
Over the next decades, the growth of aquaculture The social (here used in the context of social oppo-
will take place in developing nations [13–15], which sition to visual or other impacts of aquaculture devel-
makes it paramount that the digital divide, which is opment, such as conflict with leisure areas) pillar is at
already considerable (as is the legal divide; see [16]), the forefront of decision-making for aquaculture in the
does not become wider. EU, the US, and Canada and can frequently be identi-
Simulation technology that can support planning fied as the single most important criterion for carrying
should be close to the production centers and be able to capacity assessment and site selection (Fig. 5). By con-
deal with data-poor environments and limited compu- trast, in Asia and other parts of the world where food
tational access and skills. production is the paramount concern, licensing criteria
are more frequently based on the production pillar,
with ecological considerations assuming less relevance.
Modeling Frameworks for Carrying Capacity
In China and Southeast Asia, the social component acts
The concept of carrying capacity in aquaculture, based as a driver for increased aquaculture, for reasons of
on four pillars of sustainability, has been adapted economy and food security. Governance is not usually
420 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

November 19,1999

Gulf of

January 6,1987

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 3
Expansion of shrimp ponds over a 13-year period in Estero Real, Nicaragua [83]

limited by a lack of legal instruments [16] but often by Part of the difficulty lies with our understanding of the
their adequacy and acceptance by stakeholders. relevant processes, parameters, and rates, part with
Two of the pillars illustrated in Fig. 5, production other factors, such as the lack of a paradigm in ecology
and ecology, are amenable to mathematical modeling, to support prediction. For instance, in the EU MSFD,
and two are not. This does not mean that those math- as in other legal instruments, there are complex
ematical models will be entirely successful in describing descriptors of ecosystem health such as biodiversity,
growth, environmental effects, and particularly ecosys- and the scientific community struggles to establish
tem responses, but they do make a significant contri- meaningful classification systems and their relation-
bution to the improved evaluation of carrying capacity. ship to anthropogenic pressures.
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 421

21% annualized

Annual production (ton)






1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 4
Production of farmed tilapia in Brazil (MPA, personal communication, 2011)

There are also interactions with the human compo- US, Europe, Types of carrying Southeast Asia,
nent of cultivation that constitute simulation chal- Canada capacity China
lenges. Culture practice, for instance, is widely Highest Production
variable and can generally only be modeled in average
terms [19].
Issues related to disease, which fall squarely between Ecological
production and ecology and are extremely difficult to
model, are a huge challenge in aquaculture and
often include a significant element of poor governance, Governance
such as relaying of infected animals to hitherto
uncontaminated areas.
Rearing large numbers of animals of the same spe- Social Highest
cies in close proximity to each other favors the estab-
lishment and spread of infectious diseases within those Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling
farmed populations [84]. Disease can affect both sur- Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 5
vival and growth of animals. Outbreaks of highly viru- The relative importance of the four pillars of carrying
lent bacterial and viral diseases can result in high capacity (Adapted from [17])
mortality of an affected farm stock. For example, out-
breaks of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) in farmed
whiteleg shrimp can result in greater than 60% mor- that do not result in any significant mortality or mor-
tality, with an attendant dramatic impact on the farms bidity, but still result in the product being downgraded
and regions dependent on farming this species. or rejected by processors after harvest, imposing signif-
Additionally, with ever increasing demands from icant economic costs on the farmer.
consumers for high-quality products, the effects that The ecological effects of disease in aquaculture can
disease can have on product quality are of increasing also be profound. This includes spread of pathogens
importance. For example, tilapia that have survived from farmed fish to wild fish and vice versa [86].
outbreaks of Francisella often have unsightly lesions Disease agents that affect aquaculture species generally
in the fillets. There are also examples of diseases, have their origins in wild aquatic animals [86]. Many
such as Red Mark Syndrome in rainbow trout [85], systems (e.g., salmonid netcage and bivalve culture)
422 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

involve rearing the farmed animals in relatively open chlorophyll impacted by shellfish depletion. It may be
systems where the reared animals are in direct contact more realistic to consider depletion in the context of
or close proximity with wild animals. Water is an ideal the range of values observed in the environment as
medium for the dissemination of many pathogens, a means of establishing whether aquaculture signals
leading to a high risk of transfer. For instance, in can be detected against background noise. This type
Norway and Scotland, exchange of sea lice of standard has been applied to shellfish depletion of
Lepeophtheirus salmonis between farmed Atlantic chlorophyll by Filgueira and Grant [20] and to shellfish
salmon and wild salmonids has been implicated in biodeposits by Grant et al. [23].
causing significant declines in populations of wild Tett et al. [22] formalize both carrying capacity and
Atlantic salmon and sea trout. assimilative capacity as the result of dose–response
In order to examine modeling frameworks, the curves, couched in the terminology of DPSIR
following sections review the definitions of, and dis- (Drivers-Pressure-State-Impact-Response; see also
tinctions between, the pillars of carrying capacity that [24]; Fig. 6), where pressure is the farmed biomass
are more amenable to mathematical modeling. and state is the system response modeled as
a water quality standard. By comparing physical and
geochemical rate processes, a net balance is deter-
Assimilative Capacity and Carrying Capacity
mined, whereby the quantity of interest displays an
Assimilative capacity is sometimes considered a sub- increase (e.g., ammonia) or decrease (e.g., dissolved
class of the more general term carrying capacity, but oxygen) relative to a water quality standard. When
other more specific definitions have been applied. We two of these processes are balanced, an index is created,
make a distinction as detailed below. Assimilative constituting some of the earliest models in this research
capacity refers to the ability of biological systems in area, sometimes referred to as screening models.
the water column or sediments to process organic A further distinction is that assimilative capacity be
matter, nutrients, therapeutants, or contaminants a function only of biological processing. Tett et al. [22]
without alteration of ecosystem state or function. use the net results of water quality models which
Carrying capacity refers to the biomass of cultured include advection–diffusion as well as biological
organisms that can be supported without altering sys- processing to define assimilative capacity. Following
tem state or function measured by water or sediment bioenergetic lexicon, assimilation is a metabolic pro-
quality standards and processes [20, 21]. The latter is cess involving digestion and/or decomposition, but
thus determined by aquacultured biomass [22], where excluding physical exchange.
the former is independent of aquaculture and deter- There has been some decoupling of the measure-
mined by biological properties of the habitat. ments used to characterize aquaculture impacts in sed-
The application of standards to models of impact iments (redox, sulfides; [25]) with models that are
takes two forms: based on oxygen fluxes. Brigolin et al. [26] used
a more classical early diagenesis model to examine
1. Absolute criteria determined by regulatory bodies
coupled redox reactions at fish farm sites. This is one
such as the Water Framework Directive of the EU
of the few cases where the field measurements used in
(EU WFD – EC [79])
regulation could be compared to model output includ-
2. Relative standards compared to reference condi-
ing total sulfides and seabed oxygen consumption.
tions or the range of variation observed in the
In terms of benthic impacts, assimilative capacity
as the ability of sediments to accept some degree of
In both cases, there is an attempt to use these values organic enrichment without generating anoxic crises is
as sustainability criteria. In the case of absolute stan- well grounded conceptually. A comparison of benthic
dards, the background of the environmental conditions carbon supply via fish feed and fecal input to oxygen
is not considered. For example, naturally eutrophic demand of the sediment forms the basis of some the
waters may show higher nutrient levels, with no rela- original models of benthic impact [27] including
tionship to aquaculture. This is particularly true of the long-standing Norwegian MOM approach [21].
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 423

State indicator State change indicator Uncertainty in knowledge

e.g. maximum of relationship
e.g. chlorophyll,
oxygen chlorophyll, change in
Uncertainty in knowledge 'balance of organisms'
Impact Impact
of relationship
'safe' region - change between
below threshold, pressure and
allowing state change
for uncertainty
change Maximum
'safe' region - state change
above threshold, Relationship
allowing between
for uncertainty pressure
state change

e.g. bivalve e.g. waste

Pressure indicator Pressure indicator
production loading
Maximum safe pressure Maximum safe pressure
(carrying capacity) (assimilative capacity)

Management aims to keep pressure within ecosystem's

sustainable capacity

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 6
Conceptual framework of assimilative and carrying capacities [22]

This concept was widely applied to multiple salmon Limit of organic matter loading
sites by Morrisey et al. [28]. De Gaetano et al. [78] Acceptable Aquaculture
Concentration or Rate

produced a more sophisticated version of the model -S)

for Mediterranean fish culture. AV
The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (e.g., Su
[29]) provides a functional form to the model by Ox
suggesting a parabolic response of benthic diversity yg
Standard value en
and activity to organic loading. Stimulation of aerobic tak
demand occurs at low enrichment, peaking at interme-
diate levels and declining at high levels (Fig. 7; [30]). Organic matter loading
The latter authors define “acceptable aquaculture”
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling
as keeping sediment oxygen demand at or below the
Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 7
peak. They produced a numerical model which
Acceptable limits for organic matter loading from fish
included a 3D circulation component, organic deposi-
farms and the relationship to benthic oxygen uptake and
tion, and decomposition based on a sediment diagen-
sediment sulfide content [30]
esis model using oxygen fluxes and anaerobic
processes. Output is in the form of mapped values of
organic loading based on fish stocking density that
produces maximum aerobic oxygen concentration loading based on the capacity of the benthos to absorb
(Fig. 8). organic matter while maintaining oxic conditions. In
The map shows that farms within the inner parts of addition, inclusion of a spatial diffusion–advection
the inlet have less permissible organic sedimentation model allows incorporation of nonlocal processes and
due to reduced flushing. We suggest that this example is provides mapped output. Results are inherently inclu-
the appropriate approach to assimilative capacity since sive of far-field effects and include interaction of mul-
it models system function and its response to organic tiple farms. Although the paper did not have the
424 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

Models for Finfish, Shrimp, and Bivalve Culture

Models for Open Water Culture Models for organic
20 60 100 loading by finfish include submodels of circulation,
particle transport, and benthic response [21]. Models
may also include a phytoplankton-nutrients-
zooplankton (PNZ) component, simulating
10 40 80 trophodynamics in the water column. This may be
necessary due to the importance of phytoplankton
and the microbial loop as nutrient processors [22].
For either finfish or shellfish, some version of a farm
production or bioenergetics model is essential to esti-
mate waste outputs from cultured animals. Benthic
Fish Farming site
models applied to aquaculture are typically diagenetic,
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling aimed at resolving sediment decomposition and nutri-
Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 8 ent regeneration [78].
Isopleths of the limit values of the organic matter loading For finfish, benthic deposition of farm wastes and
rate (mmolO2/cm2/day) in Gokasho Bay, estimated by consequent impacts are the primary emphasis; since
a numerical model [30] fish are not dependent on the environment for food,
trophodynamics are less relevant. Similarly, the models
are usually localized since much of the waste material
context of marine spatial planning, it is clearly appli- remains near the cage site (e.g., DEPOMOD). None-
cable in terms of both the approach and the results. The theless, there is concern that wastes reach the far field
comprehensive nature of this study and its faithfulness and produce negative benthic impacts. Despite this
to the concept of assimilative capacity make it note- potential, far-field models of finfish cage culture are
worthy in the literature. uncommon. Some early examples used 3D circulation
Models of assimilative capacity, like those for shell- models to examine waste dispersal over kilometer
fish carrying capacity, differ in spatial resolution. The scales [87].
original index models are 1-box, 0D models treating In a more recent example, Symonds [32] compared
any body of water as a single basin. Physical exchange is near-field models such as DEPOMOD to a far-field
thus averaged over the entire domain. This is often model based on a 3D circulation. He found that the
problematic since estuaries or other embayments are dependence of near-field models on limited current
places with strong gradients in flushing. In addition, meter observations was subject to the noise and uncer-
aquaculture sites are averaged in this scheme, so no tainty inherent in those measurements. In addition, the
questions regarding optimal location can be addressed. far-field model had the potential for bidirectional
One hybrid approach which solves some of these transport of waste, whereas the near-field model had
problems is the use of a full circulation model whose permanent escape from its limited domain causing
output is applied to local models. In this case, at least potential underestimation of benthic impacts. In addi-
the physics is location specific, and subregions of the tion, the far-field model allows consideration of mul-
system may be considered without the 0D averaging. tiple farms and their interaction. Skogen et al. [33] used
Lee et al. [31] applied this approach to yellowtail a 3D circulation model coupled to a full ecosystem
culture in Hong Kong Harbour by comparing oxygen model to study the effects of fish farms on far-field
delivery to fish oxygen consumption and determining oxygen, nutrients, and primary production, conclud-
net oxygen concentration relative to water quality ing that eutrophication in the far field of a Norwegian
standards for different levels of stocked biomass. fjord was not enhanced by the farm.
Similar schemes have been used for finfish culture in The goal of most bivalve shellfish models is to
Scotland [22]. understand seston depletion as a limiting food resource
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 425

for farmed animals. This requires a trophodynamic corresponding to an area the size of New Jersey and
model which includes primary production, bivalve an annual production of over 15 million tons [88].
grazing, and advection–diffusion. Because farmed This number is triple the total aquaculture produc-
shellfish feed on phytoplankton from distant sources, tion of America, Europe, and Africa combined, which
recent examples involve models which include the far suggests that substantial emphasis should be placed on
field. Nevertheless, there are many examples of 1-box, models that can assist with site selection, optimization
0D models in which the physics and biology are of carrying capacity, and evaluation of negative envi-
averaged over the basin. Environmental impact of ronmental externalities of pond culture.
biodeposition to the benthos has been considered in Various examples of this type of approach exist
several models including spatial examples [30, 34], but (e.g., [38, 77]. Figure 9 shows mass balance results
this is less frequently addressed compared to seston obtained with the Pond Aquaculture Management
depletion. The opposite is true for field studies where and Development (POND) model [39], which simu-
benthic impacts are emphasized, and seston depletion lates the production and environmental effects of
is rarely addressed due to the difficulty in observing it. shrimp, fish, and bivalves cultivated in ponds, in
Because seston depletion occurs first at a farm scale, monoculture or IMTA.
models of the depletion process have also been created The model was run for a site at 23oN, with a daily
at the local scale, prominently the FARM model [4]. water renewal of 3% of the pond volume, and esti-
Far-field models of seston depletion are increasingly mates an environmental discharge of about 45 kg of
common [20, 35]. nitrogen (mostly dissolved, but also as algae), roughly
It may be concluded that models of finfish aqua- 14 population equivalents (PEQ) per year for the 90-
culture impacts would benefit from more spatial real- day cultivation cycle. The cost of offsetting these emis-
ism and far-field content, as well as further emphasis sions is over 500 USD [40]. In developing countries,
on assimilative capacity. Similarly, shellfish models these waste costs are not internalized but rather
would benefit from inclusion of benthic impact pre- imposed on to the environment, contradicting the
diction in association with existing focus on seston first principle of the ecosystem approach to aquacul-
depletion. The development of assimilative capacity ture [8] that:
models would be identical for both finfish and shell-
" Aquaculture should be developed in the context of
fish culture. This also places the context to that of
ecosystem functions and services (including biodiver-
ecosystem function. The present context of faunal
sity) with no degradation of these beyond their
indices based on carbon deposition in local models is
important [36, 37], but is predicted on the basis of
somewhat tenuous empirical relationships which are By contrast, pond production in the United States
a departure from the more quantitative nature of the already requires a National Pollutant Discharge Elimi-
models. nation System (NPDES) permit [41]. Often, this means
that large agro-industrial companies from developed
Models for Land-Based Culture Models that simu- countries price-leverage the lack of environmental reg-
late land-based culture taking place in ponds, tanks, or ulation and/or implementation in the developing
raceways use many of the biogeochemical features world.
described above, but the physics is simplified to Models of this kind can be coupled with a range of
a reactor type of system and serves to determine other models to provide a decision support framework.
water exchange and effluent loading to adjacent water POND uses the well-tested Assessment of Estuarine
bodies. Such models are cheaper to develop and Trophic Status (ASSETS) model [42], providing
implement than the examples given for open waters a color-coded assessment (Fig. 9) of the degradation
(here including lakes and estuaries, where water cir- of water quality over the culture cycle.
culation should also be accounted for). According to
the latest figures from FAO, over 70% of freshwater Models for Integrated Multi-trophic Aquaculture
aquaculture in China takes place in ponds, IMTA has been practised in Asia for thousands of
426 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 9
Mass balance of whiteleg shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) culture, including production and environmental externalities for
a 1-ha pond

years. In the fifth century B.C., the Chinese production, optimizing resources, and reducing envi-
aquaculturalist Fan Lee [81] wrote: ronmental waste [14]. Despite this oriental wisdom,
multi-trophic aquaculture is still rare in North America
" You construct a pond out of six mou of land. In the
and Europe, although commercial interest is growing
pond you build nine islands. Place into the pond plenty
rapidly. This is reflected in research (e.g., [43, 44]), with
of aquatic plants that are folded over several times.
the annual number of scientific publications on IMTA
Then collect twenty gravid carp that are three chih in
doubling from 2007 to 2010 (SCOPUS).
length and four male carp that are also three chih
The combinations of species, relevant proportions,
in length. Introduce these carp into the pond
and culture practice are key to successful IMTA. There
during the early part of the second moon of the year.
is traditional knowledge in China and other parts of
Leave the water undisturbed, and the fish will spawn.
Asia on what works best, but advances in mathematical
During the fourth moon, introduce into the pond one
modeling can make a substantial contribution by quan-
turtle, during the sixth moon, two turtles: during the
tifying energy flows, production, and environmental
eighth moon, three turtles. The turtles are heavenly
externalities ([45], Nobre et al. [11], [16]).
guards, guarding against the invasion of flying
Figure 10 shows a simulation of IMTA for a
shrimp farm, with cocultivation of the Pacific oyster
A substantial proportion of Asian aquaculture Crassostrea gigas at different densities, using the POND
currently takes place in cocultivation, improving model. As the oyster density in the ponds increases,
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 427

Worse Better
ASSETS grade
NPP (kg chl a), Oyster ind. wt. (g), NH4 outflow (kg) 90 600


NPP (kg chl a) 400

Oyster harvest (kg)


50 Individual oyster wt (g)

Ammonia outflow (kg)
Oyster harvest (kg)
30 200


0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50
Oyster density (seed m−2, 10% of pond)

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 10
Analysis of IMTA production and externalities by means of the POND model

the net primary production (NPP) of phytoplankton Models for Disease Spread and Control In deter-
is reduced due to top-down control, although mining the carrying capacity of aquaculture opera-
NH4+ increases due to bivalve excretion. The model is tions, it is important to ensure aquaculture
not simulating macroalgae or other aquatic plants, production practices and systems within a farm, man-
which if added would significantly reduce the output aged region, or zone are resilient to the effects of dis-
of ammonia. ease. Modeling provides a means of investigating the
The ASSETS score is best at the higher oyster den- interactions occurring among the four pillars and the
sity, but at a density of 10 oysters m–2, the shrimp spread and establishment of pathogens; however, to
culture cycle would yield a harvestable oyster biomass date, most models have ignored the influence of society
of over 500 kg to provide an annualized extra income on aquatic disease. Many different models have been
of over 10,000 USD. The removal of algae and detritus derived to investigate the spread and impact of partic-
by the filter-feeding bivalves corresponds to three ular pathogens: In aquatic systems, two of the most
PEQ per year, about 15% of the discharge. At the common approaches are (1) compartment-based
higher densities, the bivalves are performing a models and (2) network models.
bioextractive function and do not reach market size Compartment-based models assume that individ-
in a short cycle due to food depletion. A more detailed uals transition through a series of states from suscep-
analysis can be made by simulating oyster growth tible (S) to infected (I), and potentially back, or
continuously over multiple cycles of shrimp culture. through a series of other states such as resistant (R).
Such interactions can also be modeled for other com- These models are often referred to as SIR models [46]
binations, for example, tilapia and shrimp or salmon and are usually based on continuous time, and there-
and mussels. fore use differential equations; however, stochastic and
428 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

discrete time approaches are also used. SIR models do management/husbandry decisions can influence this
not track individuals but assume the population fol- number, and therefore the critical threshold for
lows a set of behavior rules, and that at each point in establishment. Understanding the influence of each
time, a proportion of the population leaves one state to of the four pillars of carrying capacity on R0 is
enter another according to these rules. In aquatic sys- therefore critical in order to predict and manipulate
tems, these models are generally used to track disease NT. Omori and Adams [49] illustrate the application of
through a population of animals, but they have also compartment-based models to assess the influence of
been applied to look at spread through a population of the ecology and production pillars on the dynamics
sites. Simple implementations are often analytically of Koi herpesvirus in farmed carp populations
tractable, allowing conditions under which thresholds (Cyprinus carpio). Their approach showed that temper-
and equilibria occur to be found without the need to ature and on-farm production processes used in
run simulations. conjunction with this could be used to immunize
One of the key pieces of information that can be a population, preventing clinical disease expression.
derived from these models is a maximum (suscepti- The assumption of random mixing of a population
ble) host carrying capacity for which a pathogen can- is often not reasonable, as in reality some individuals
not persist. Such carrying capacities used in the will be more social or isolated than others, and
context of pathogens are often referred to as a critical individuals tend to have discrete groups of contacts
threshold (NT) and may be useful to wildlife and farm that may or may not be connected to other groups
managers when attempting to control or prevent dis- within a population. Under these circumstances, the
ease. This threshold is however largely dependent on assumption of random mixing can lead to substantial
the assumptions made regarding the way a pathogen is overprediction of the epidemic process. Social network
transmitted, and obviously does not apply if transmis- analysis (SNA) and modeling approaches provide
sion is not dependent on host density, but is frequency a means of incorporating the contacts that occur
based (as is often assumed to be the case when model- between individuals, and therefore the consequence
ing sexually transmitted infections). It is therefore this may have on pathogen spread. In the case of
important that the correct form of transmission is agriculture and aquaculture, these models tend to be
used in a disease model to avoid false inference. The based at the level of the site, rather than the animal
most commonly used form of model assumes that in question.
transmission occurs by contact between animals or A major advantage of this modeling approach
sites, that the number of contacts is density dependent, is that much epidemiologically useful information
and that mixing between individuals occurs equally can be obtained merely by examining the network
and at random. This is often referred to as a “density- properties, without parameterizing for a particular
dependent transmission” or “pseudo mass action” disease. For example, in order to develop generic sur-
model [47, 48]. veillance and control strategies, it may be useful
Under these assumptions, one method by which NT to identify:
can be derived is by determining the conditions
under which the basic reproductive number, R0, is ● Clusters of connected individuals within the net-
equal to 1. In simple terms, R0 is the number of work and whether it is possible to make them epi-
secondary infections that arise if an infected indi- demiologically distinct through the removal of
vidual enters a wholly susceptible population. If a few connections.
greater than 1, the pathogen will establish; if less ● Long chains of connection that join the network
than 1, it will die out. R0 is governed by the total throughout and thus allow disease spread.
population density, the period over which an ● Super-spreaders, which are individuals that contact
infected animal sheds pathogen, and the transmis- a high number of other individuals and can thus
sion rate b (the rate of contacts between individuals rapidly spread pathogens.
and that the probability that given a contact, infec- ● Super-sinks, which are individuals that receive from
tion occurs). Both environmental conditions and a lot of other individuals. Though they may not
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 429

spread a pathogen, they are most likely to receive time. Missing connections or changes to the network
one and may therefore be useful for surveillance with time could lead to misdirected efforts. For many
purposes. aquatic systems, reliable network data are not available
or are difficult to compile. Under these circumstances,
Many statistics can be generated to summarize dif- simpler compartment-based approaches may still be of
ferent properties of a network. Although R0 can also be value in informing control policies. One such applica-
estimated, other statistics such as the degree of central- tion was demonstrated by Taylor et al. [54] to evaluate
ity or clustering coefficient may provide more useful the effectiveness of different control options in reduc-
means of assessing the likelihood of spread through ing the spread of Koi herpesvirus in the UK between
a network. Green et al. [50] demonstrated the applica- sites holding carp.
tion of such statistics using SNA applied to the Scottish Most models applied to aquatic systems to date
network of trout and salmon farms. The analysis tend to be based at either the level of the site or animal,
showed how much transmission was likely to occur in with few attempting to combine the two approaches.
the network as it stood but also used a variety of There is, however, substantial scope to develop future
methods to remove the most influential connections models that incorporate multiple levels that account
to reduce transmission. for transmission between individual animals in a unit,
In addition to examining the network properties, the influence this has on the transmission between
stochastic simulations can be run over the network. In units on a farm, and the subsequent effect on
such simulations, the network is randomly seeded with between-farm spread (Fig. 11).
infected individuals and, at each subsequent time Where attempts to link these two levels together have
point, connected individuals change state from suscep- been made, useful results have been obtained. Hydrody-
tible to infected at a given probability and given the namic models have been applied to look at the spread of
likelihood of a contact. This approach is often useful sea lice between Norwegian salmon cages in fjord sys-
when evaluating rates of spread and the effectiveness of tems [55]. These models track the number of lice gen-
control strategies but also has the potential to be used erated and monitor their dispersal and decay over time
as a real-time tool during an outbreak, if it can be and space to see whether they reach and infect other
parameterized for the pathogen of interest. Further sites. Green [56] combined compartment-based and
useful information may be gained from these models network approaches to incorporate the influence of
by making network models spatially explicit, as this within-site processes on network spread and found
facilitates the designations of control zones. that differences in site biomass influenced the rate of
Werkman et al. [51] used stochastic network simu- between-site transmission if density-dependent trans-
lations to good effect to determine the efficacy of dif- mission was assumed. One of the major advantages of
ferent fallowing strategies in eradicating disease from models that link the within-site epidemic with
areas producing different amounts of fish. Thrush and between-site spread is that they allow for the conse-
Peeler [52] used a simulation of movements over the quences of different detection (or action) rates to be
English and Welsh trout industry network to investi- assessed, allowing more efficient resource planning.
gate the potential spread of Gyrodactylus salaris. This The primary goal of all of the approaches described
demonstrated that in 95% of the simulations run, less above is often to apply changes to the system to under-
than 63 of 193 river catchments would be at risk of stand their influence on pathogen spread. In applica-
getting the pathogen in the 12 months following intro- tion to aquaculture systems, this may be conducted to
duction. Jonkers et al. [53] developed this model fur- establish how best to maximize NT (either in the num-
ther into a strategic tool that could be used to evaluate ber of animals produced within a site or the number of
the effectiveness of different control and surveillance sites in an area) and thus increase carrying capacity.
efforts on disease spread. Generally speaking, NT can be increased by reducing
One of the major limitations of network approaches the amount of connectivity between individuals
is that they rely on knowledge of the complete network (restrictions in movements), changing their suscepti-
of connections and assume that this remains stable over bility to disease (e.g., by vaccination) or reducing the
430 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of


Fish: escapes and migration
Hydrodynamic connectivity

Example for three oyster farms

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 11
Network models working at different scales in time and space

period over which an individual is able to transmit production and environmental effects, including dis-
a pathogen (e.g., through good surveillance and rapid ease aspects. Additionally, they consider different scales
culling). Other important disease management tools in time and space and range from statistical models to
that have or could be evaluated by the modeling spatially discrete representations, which may (e.g.,
approaches described above include: hydrodynamic models) or may not (GIS) be time vary-
ing. It is useful in this context to distinguish between
● The use of management areas in which aquaculture
screening models and research models.
activities such as harvesting or treatment are coor-
Screening models typically use a limited set of
dinated between all farms in an area
inputs and provide highly aggregated outputs, such as
● Fallowing of sites between production cycles to allow
an index of suitability or an environmental scorecard.
pathogens present to die out and potentially reduce
Examples include a comparison of ammonia excretion
the infection pressure other sites are exposed to
by caged salmon compared to tidal flushing [57] and
● Year class separation, where only one age class is
the production of biodeposits compared to tidal
present at a time causing all animals to be harvested
removal for suspended mussel culture [23].
prior to stocking new animals
Models of this type (e.g., FARM, [4]; POND; Fig. 9)
● Removal of high-risk contacts between sites that are
are easy to use by the management community and
likely to spread disease widely
provide a quick diagnosis for a specific site, or a generic
● Biomass limits to reduce the maximum amount of
overview comparison for multiple areas.
pathogen that could be discharged from a site
Models that are complex to apply (and usually
● Minimum distances between sites to reduce trans-
lengthy and complex to develop and implement) may
mission via hydrographic connectivity
be termed research models and are of limited practical
use in day to day management. Partly, this is due to
Building a Framework
the knowledge required for parameterization, volumes
Screening Models and Research Models The models of data involved, and substantial requirements in
reviewed above address different components of aqua- processing and interpreting results. This does not
culture carrying capacity, focusing mainly on mean that the results of such models do not have
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 431

a clear application for management, but operating farming. These authors did not explicitly consider envi-
them may be beyond the scope of many institutions. ronmental effects of fish farming, probably because
The concept of a single overarching model, able to that analysis is best performed regionally or locally, as
provide answers across a range of space and time, has part of detailed site selection, but the modeling tools
been shown repeatedly to be unsound. Just as software for addressing these impacts are available today.
suffers from feature creep [58, 59], stand-alone models GIS models have also been combined with remote
tend to become increasingly overparameterized, partly sensing to assess aquaculture opportunities, for exam-
in an effort to better match reality and partly in ple, for crab and shrimp in the Khulna region of
an attempt to solve per se what should really be Bangladesh [62]. In this case, the focus was on gross
approached with a combination of models. production, economic output, and employment, and
A more promising alternative is to combine GIS, discussed species suitability with respect to factors such
dynamic models, network models, and remote sensing as salinity distribution and freshwater availability. Once
tools as appropriate to deal with questions that range again, the environmental externalities of the different
from the impact of a HAB event on a salmon cage at the types of culture were not included but can be modeled
scale of days to the economic success of 10 years of to provide a more complete picture for decision sup-
mussel farming. port, including externality costs.
An increase in model complexity does not neces- Figure 12 shows the Jaguaribe estuary, in the state of
sarily equate to increased accuracy [60], whether in Ceará, northeast Brazil. As part of the application of the
physical or biological models. In both cases, the scale ASSETS model to determine the eutrophication status
at which predictions may be made is limited by our of the estuary (Eschrique and Braga, personal commu-
incapacity to accurately predict the weather. As nication, 2011), the nitrogen loading from 1,200 ha of
a consequence, model resolution and accuracy are lim- shrimp farms, located between the city of Aracati and
ited by key drivers such as river flows, salinity patterns, the dunes fringing the beach, was determined using
and water and air temperature, which impact meta- POND.
bolic rates, algal blooms, turbidity, spawning, or larval The contribution of shrimp farming to the nitrogen
dispersal. load was estimated to be of the order of 60 t year–1,
roughly equivalent to 20% of the total loading, or
Models in the Context of Integrated Coastal Zone about 15,000 PEQ.
Management Carrying capacity models for aquacul- Screening models of this kind are simple to use and
ture are useful in their predictive capability and there- help water managers in developing countries to address
fore in management of both cultured biomass as well as the challenge of multiple uses and nutrient sources to
location. Spatially resolved models are particularly the coastal zone and to make better decisions with
notable in this context. Within the catchment, this respect to site selection and waste treatment. They can
may be addressed by means of GIS (see, e.g., [61]) also be included in a more general catchment modeling
and can be enhanced through a combination of approach, combining their outputs with hydrological
dynamic simulations and spatially resolved models. models such as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool
Aguilar-Manjarrez and Nath [89] performed an (SWAT) model (e.g., Nobre et al. [11]).
extended analysis of the potential for fish aquaculture In open water, including semi-enclosed systems
in Africa, based on GIS models, using a resolution of such as estuaries and bays, because spatially resolved
3 arc minutes (25 km2 at the equator). For small-scale models incorporate physical circulation, they are
operations, suitability was based on water require- potentially useful for other aspects of coastal zone
ments, soil and terrain, availability of feed inputs, and management.
farmgate sales projections. This analysis was also car- There are of course a variety of possibly impactful
ried out for larger, commercial farming and concluded activities in the coastal zone including eutrophication,
that for the three species considered (Nile tilapia, fisheries and fish processing, contaminant input,
African catfish, and carp), about 23% of the area of resource extraction, and transportation. There are
continental Africa scored very suitable for both types of inevitably competing uses of the water and bottom,
432 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

estuary 7 km


Beach and
fringing dunes


Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 12
The Jaguaribe estuary, in Ceará, NE Brazil. Shrimp farms occupy an area of about 12 km2 and discharge the effluent into
the estuary

and making predictions about aquaculture in isola- management decisions. Two essential features of this
tion is insufficient. Water and sediment quality stan- integration are physical models that unify the transport
dards applied over large spatial scales help to apply of materials common to almost every process in the
objectives that may be seen as ecosystem-based man- ocean and GIS to maintain data layers. The physical
agement. The implementation of these objectives is model establishes the spatial domain which can be
achieved through marine spatial planning. The impli- either conserved, collapsed, or expanded within the
cation of planning is that predictions can be made to GIS. At present, models run within GIS are necessarily
anticipate overlaps, conflicts, and cumulative impacts simple and based on averaged values. For example, the
of various activities. AKVAVIS tool developed in Norway [63] utilizes a GIS
Although models exist for these other activities, with calculation of shellfish growth as well as fish farm
particularly those acting through eutrophication, the effects on water quality at any location based on an
models need to interact coherently, and their outputs inline model using depth, temperature, and other spa-
should be tied together in a way that is useful for tially located characteristics within the GIS [63].
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 433

Tironi et al. [24] utilized an open source circulation consider outputs in terms of ecosystem services pro-
model to predict far-field deposition for Chilean vided, traditional model results (e.g., water quality),
salmon culture. An essential feature of their work was and socioeconomic valuation (Fig. 13).
a GIS interface used to depict other coastal activities in We note the importance of models other than those
light of hydrodynamics and dispersal of farm waste. based on eutrophication and water quality. For exam-
Nobre et al. [11]) combined models of watersheds, ple, some of the same spatial data used to model aqua-
aquaculture, and eutrophication to look at mitigation culture impacts can be used to predict the location of
strategies for improving nutrification in Chinese bays. sea grasses or species at risk [65, 66]. Protected areas or
In marine systems with aquaculture but lacking buffer zones may then become part of the plan. In this
other activities (e.g., some Norwegian fjords), the cul- way, critical habitat and biodiversity are also consid-
ture model may form the basis of the decision support ered along with aquaculture siting. Moreover, these
system. In Lysefjord (southern Norway), a pump was decision-support frameworks can be used in public
used to transport water to depth where it enhanced forums to incorporate community input, as has been
diffusion of nutrient from below the thermocline to done with protected area planning via MARXAN GIS
the euphotic zone [90]. The increase in primary pro- [67]. In practice, these are few examples of models used
duction was used as a food source for cultured mussels. to this extent, but it provides a very useful management
A model was employed to determine the best location shell in which to consider aquaculture submodels.
for the upweller as well as the mussels in order to
benefit from increased primary production, balancing The Other 50% of the Problem At present, two
the increase in new production with mussel removal to major components of carrying capacity, the social and
maintain chlorophyll within its natural limits. This governance aspects, are not amenable to mathematical
example is of interest because the ecosystem was truly modeling (Fig. 5); they are nevertheless fundamental
managed in terms of bottom-up nutrient supply, new areas for aquaculture management.
production, grazing in terms of mussel culture, and The social pillar, from the perspective of social
marine spatial planning optimized for the extent and acceptance of aquaculture and, in particular, of the
level of shellfish culture. definition of limits to industry growth, has been
As more types of activities are added to decision discussed, for example, by Byron et al. [18]. Stake-
support tools, one approach is to use GIS as a wrapper holder dialogue, understanding of terms and concepts,
for model outputs produced as layers. Decision sup- and the simple fact that opinions can be voiced during
port comes from ancillary software with features such the decision-making process are major contributors
as portrayal of alternative land uses, exclusion of to generate consensus. The tools employed include
protected areas, weighting of valued features and hab- questionnaires, meetings, and presentations of differ-
itats, and economic analyses. Several initiatives have ent sides of the issue. Simulation models can help
been undertaken in this vein, with the incorporation inform those discussions by, for example, providing
of simulation models mostly in the initial stages of quantitative data on development scenarios but social
progress. Examples which have freely available ArcGIS positions often have a strong emotional component.
extensions include NatureServe Vista ( The governance pillar plays a major role in the assess-
and Marine InVEST ( There ment of carrying capacity. Table 1 shows key aspects of
are different emphases in the various projects, includ- the human interaction in aquaculture and highlights
ing conservation, community engagement, ecosystem the consequences of poor practices and governance.
services, and land use, in addition to water quality The issues identified have consequences that vary in
issues. severity, from a reduction in revenue and profit to
Among these, Marine InVEST seeks to maintain major outbreaks of disease and the loss of aquaculture
ecosystem services in the context of activities such as resources across large areas.
fisheries, aquaculture, renewable energy, and recreation Because the effects of human mismanagement can
[64]. Input information ranging from oceanographic be so far reaching, it is important to discuss to what
data to species distribution is used in various models to extent modeling frameworks can be used to assist the
434 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of


Digital maps & Circulation

data layers

u trie Biogeochemistry
N Output maps:
yll Culture production
r o ph Ecosystem services
l o
Ch Economic returns

Boundary & Aquaculture

Initial Conditions
Decision su
ppor t

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 13
Models for different purposes are linked through input data layers that are used to build scenarios about management
actions (e.g., restoration of eelgrass, increase in aquaculture) and climate change (e.g., sea-level rise, water temperature)

farmer and the water manager. The eight topics in in that area, as well as potential effects on wild animal
Table 1 fall under the heading of governance (here populations. In some cases, e.g., in Chile, regulations
taken to include self-regulation by farmers and farmers’ have been enacted that specify minimum distances
associations, as well as legal instruments, policy, between farms.
and implementation), but only three (dark blue) There is also an increasing move by some large-scale
can benefit directly from recommendations from sim- industries, as part of developing common codes of
ulation models, addressing stocking density and feed- practice, to manage farms to minimize the effects of
ing practices. disease on production. These codes can include
Five of the issues identified introduce disease- restricting stocking densities, production on farms,
related problems, and whereas procedures such as specifying minimum allowable distances between
relaying, or seed import from contaminated sources, farms, and introduction of mandatory fallowing
are strictly within the remit of good governance, periods between production cycles. All these are mea-
models can to some extent assist in predicting the sures that would theoretically constrain carrying capac-
likelihood (i.e., risk), spread, and establishment of dis- ity, at least in the short term, but might well increase
eases, if present within an aquaculture area. the overall sustainability of the industry in the zone or
Regulations enacted to control spread of diseases region in the longer term. Although these may not be
can directly mandate what species and culture prac- enforced by government regulations when first devel-
tices, stocking densities, etc., are permitted within oped (e.g., they are often “voluntary codes”), those
a zone/region. Firstly, this would include planning signing up may be entering legally binding agreements.
applications assessments that would consider, among These codes may then be used as the basis to develop
other factors, how siting a farm may potentially more formal regulatory frameworks in the future at the
adversely affect other aquaculture operations located local, national, and even supranational level.
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 435

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Table 1 Key issues in culture practice,
time frames, and potential consequences (color coding reflects the extent to which models can be applied: black –
substantial; dark red – reasonable; light red – inapplicable)
No Topic frame Issues/consequences Examples
1. Species Prior to Imported exotics, disease, proliferation Pacific oyster, now considered invasive in
selection cultivation the Netherlands; Perkinsus (dermo) and
MSX, U.S. East Coast
2. Seed Start of Disease from imports, stable broodstock Herpes virus spreading in oysters across
purchase cultivation Europe
3. Relaying Variable Disease spread Transmission of Herpes in oysters across
Europe, ISA in Chilean salmon
4. Stocking Critical Overstocking can lead to: mass mortalities Whitespot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) in
(farm or periods due to dissolved oxygen depletion, other Penaeid shrimp, Perkinsus in clams
pond scale) environmental factors, and stress-related
disease outbreaks
5. System- Months to If carrying capacity is significantly Marennes-Oléron, France, longer oyster
wide years exceeded: harvest reductions, disease culture cycles; Sacca di Goro, Italy, mass
carrying outbreaks, economic hardship, system mortality of Manila clam; Qinshan, Fujian
capacity collapse, long recovery cycles, long-term province, China, 50,000 fish cages (yellow
loss of resource croaker), mass mortality
6. Feeding Culture Ecologically damaging practices with Fertilization of intertidal/subtidal areas in
practice cycle ecosystem consequences, e.g., overfeeding China to promote seaweed growth,
of caged fish and benthic hypoxia increasing yields of commercial products
(seaweed, gastropods); use of juvenile fish
as fish meal for cage culture in parts of Asia
7. Spatial Culture If inappropriate, e.g., by combining year Clam culture in southern Portugal
distribution cycle classes in shellfish, more labor-intensive,
of culture greater impacts on the ecosystem, e.g.,
through sediment reworking
8. Lease – Fragmented/inexistent lease structure, Pond culture in Thailand (average
structure smallholdings governance issues, due to freshwater pond: 0.28 ha); Clam culture in
multiple stakeholders southern Portugal (average lease: 0.15–
0.5 ha)

Regulation can also influence the carrying capacity entry, specify measures for their control and eradica-
of a zone or region both directly and indirectly. In tion. For instance, Directive 2006/88/EC lays down, for
particular, to help control the spread of diseases European Member States, the required minimum ani-
between countries, the OIE aquatic animal code [91] mal health requirements, disease prevention, and con-
lists a number of infectious aquatic animal diseases that trol measures for aquaculture animals and products.
are generally considered untreatable, pose a significant Eradication of a disease from a country or zone may
threat to aquaculture and/or wild fish populations, and involve extensive depopulation of affected farms and
are not widely distributed (e.g., are exotic to most not restocking them until it is confirmed that the risk
countries where the species they affect are farmed). from disease is significantly reduced. This has obvious
Countries and regions also have laws and regulations short- and long-term consequences on the carrying
to prevent the entry and, where pathogens do gain capacity of the affected species in the affected areas.
436 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

For example, following detection of the notifiable viral a particular role, for carrying capacity assessment.
disease Infectious Salmon Anemia (ISA) on an Atlantic A number of models are available, many of which
salmon farm in Chile in 2007, the disease spread reviewed above, but the level of usability varies widely,
throughout the salmon industry [92]. The effects were as does the capacity of one model to “speak” to another.
dramatic. It is estimated that salmon production in This comes about through the “one tool” syndrome: If
2010 was little more than 98,000 t, down from your only tool is a hammer, all your problems are nails.
386,000 t in 2006 [93]. With the 1.5–2.5-year produc- One tool, i.e., one model, may be fine for a particular
tion cycle for salmon, these effects will be felt for years level of analysis, but it will be incapable of doing all
to come, with estimated smolt release in 2009 only the work.
10% what it was in 2007 [94]. It is estimated that, For instance, a local-scale model such as
compared to production in 2007, levels will be reduced DEPOMOD [36], MOM [68], or FARM [4] will need
cumulatively by at least 700,000 tons during the period current velocity fields supplied either by field measure-
2009–2011, with their value reduced by more than two ments or by other types of models. Equally, it will not
billion USD. provide a robust answer with respect to system-scale
Disease controls can restrict the types of aquacul- carrying capacity. Even at the farm scale, such models
ture activity that are permitted, or are practically pos- do not consider the interactions among farms,
sible, within a zone or region. Here, the constraints to although the siting of a new farm in a region will
carrying capacity are often opportunity costs, with fish inevitably affect environmental conditions and pro-
not reared in a particular area because of potential duction in existing farms. These changes will then
disease risks. The effects can be quite subtle. For feed back, so that the original farm-scale assessment
instance, in the UK, controls in place to restrict the will change because the model input data will change.
spread of bacterial kidney disease are considered by Figure 14 illustrates this difference for mussel cul-
some sectors of the rainbow trout farming industry to ture in Killary Harbour, Ireland, by comparing two
adversely affect their operations at the expense of the models at differing scales [35]. EcoWin2000 (E2K) is
larger Atlantic salmon industry that has generally an ecological model applied at the system scale,
supported the maintenance of these controls. This whereas FARM simulates production and environmen-
would also include the effects of restrictions placed on tal carrying capacity at the local scale. Both models can
the movements of live fish and ova between countries be used to perform a marginal analysis [4] to determine
that limit the opportunities to farm those species in stocking densities that lead to optimal profitability.
other countries. This is extremely useful for licensing purposes since
Finally, societal acceptance of aquaculture activi- farms often maximize income rather than profit (i.e.,
ties may be influenced by disease risk concerns, par- aim for the highest TPP). It can be seen that for
ticularly to wild fish stocks. This is perhaps best a coastal or semi-enclosed system, there appear to be
illustrated by sea lice spread to wild fish. There is significant differences between the results for the sys-
additional public concern as to the effects on the tem-scale model, where the dotted line indicating
environment of use of chemical treatments. In partic- highest TPP (which exceeds the seeding density of
ular, there is strong resistance to fish farming in many maximum profit) occurs at a density 7–8 times greater
remote and pristine environments due to fears they than the present situation. FARM, however, which
may adversely affect local ecosystems. Increased public deals only with the local scale, determines the end of
awareness of welfare issues in aquaculture may also lead stage 2, i.e., highest TPP, as around X15 density. This is
to practices that reduce the incidence of disease as because (1) E2K runs multiple production cycles, typ-
a consequence. ically for periods of 10–20 years, i.e., the ecosystem
model reports what is actually harvested, whereas
FARM reports what is harvestable over one cycle, and
Blueprint for a Model System
(2) FARM does not account for interactions among
There are considerable challenges in selecting and com- farms, whereas E2K considers the farms in the whole
bining different types of models, each of which plays water body.
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 437


60 18

TPP (ton·ha−1·y−1)
40 12

APP (ratio)
Stage 3E2K
30 Stage 3FARM
20 6
0 0
0 5 10 15 20
Ratio of seeding (x present-day)

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 14
Impacts of different mussel-stocking densities on total physical product (TPP, harvestable biomass) and average
physical product (APP, the ratio between seeded and harvested biomass) as simulated by EcoWin2000 (system scale,
per unit of cultivated area) and FARM (single farm) for Killary Harbour, Ireland (Adapted from [35])

The following set of properties is desirable when modeled) into information that is useful for man-
assembling a modeling system to address aquaculture agers; the use of screening models, or other
carrying capacity: approaches that help to distil data into meaningful
information, is a vital component of any system.
1. No single model solves all problems. Overparame-
terization and code bloat only make matters worse. Figure 15 shows an example of such a multi-model
2. Models should only be as complex as the problem framework for investigating the role of bioextraction by
requires. In other words, as simple as possible. oysters, clams, and ribbed mussels as part of a nutrient
Increased computational power is no excuse for control strategy for Long Island Sound. The various
unnecessary complexity. models chosen conform to the seven properties
3. Models should be able to work independently, pre- described above.
sent value in doing so, and add further value when Previous applications of this kind of framework
working in conjunction with other models. include the SMILE project in Northern Ireland [19] and
4. Models should define exactly what problems they the SPEAR project in China ([69], Nobre et al. [11]).
can address, as part of the overall questions for an A different kind of multi-model framework has
ecosystem, rather than the opposite. been developed by Kapetsky et al. [70], through the
5. Any model in the system must be able to receive application of various types of remotely sensed
input from data or from other models and be able data in a GIS system, incorporating variables such
to supply outputs in a form that can be easily used as sea surface temperature, current speed, and chloro-
by other models. phyll a. In the example shown in Fig. 16, current
6. Different models are appropriate for different scales speeds of 0.1–1 m s–1 are combined with suitable
in space and time. Carrying capacity assessment depth ranges for fish cages and shellfish longlines.
may require scales as short as a tidal cycle (e.g., for High current speeds are problematic for both culture
intertidal culture of clams) and as long as a decade structures, due to excessive hydrodynamism, and fin-
(e.g., for coupling ecological models with economic fish production, due to higher metabolic costs and
models). lower yields; very low current speeds may cause
7. Models share a challenge with field sampling with sediment organic enrichment and quality loss for cer-
respect to the conversion of data (measured or tain species.
438 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 15
Modeling framework: the REServ shellfish bioextraction project, Long Island Sound, USA (NOAA/EPA REServ Project)

Quantification of suitable areas indicates that current speeds on metabolic requirements, using eco-
123 countries have at least 100 km2 within their exclu- nomic models to analyze the trade-offs between bio-
sive economic zone that meet these criteria. mass and market price (lower yield, higher product
For an annual production of 1 kg m 2 year–1, this quality), and using models such as FARM to quantify
corresponds to 107 t year–1 of aquatic products. This environmental effects, considering factors such as
analysis has been further refined by considering dis- current speed and depth of site, both of which are
tance to port, a key economic consideration for off- readily available.
shore aquaculture, which will considerably reduce this It is clear from this discussion that different model-
estimate. The same applies to other factors, such as ing products and services are required for different
marine protected areas. An assessment of spatial poten- markets. Water managers or planners may for instance
tial (a component of production carrying capacity) was be concerned with bay-scale carrying capacity, taking
executed at a finer scale for selected areas in Canada, into account the multi-sectorial context of aquaculture,
Chile, Ireland, and Norway (Fig. 17). For a number of i.e., integrating ecological models with marine spatial
specific locations (farms) in these four countries, the planning. Those types of models will help inform deci-
time required for growing an adult salmon was then sions on the conservation of wild populations and
determined using a dynamic model [71], forced by biodiversity and also provide support for licensing,
remotely sensed sea surface temperature. In this case, legislative compliance, and source apportionment for
the model end point was a particular fish biomass, managing pressures.
rather than a specific cultivation period. On the other hand, a farmer will probably be more
It is easy to see how this kind of coupling can be focused on optimization of production, improvement
leveraged, for example, by introducing the effect of of feed conversion ratios, and business profits.
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 439

Current speed in Exclusive Econonmic Zones

Current speed 10 - 100 cm/s High Seas Countries mariculture

Current speed >100 cm/s, <10 cm/s, or no data Countries no mariculture

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 16
World ocean areas suitable for offshore aquaculture (From [70])

Areas with Potential for Atlantic Salmon and Locations of Atlantic Salmon Farms in the Gulf of Corcovado, Chile

Temperatures, depths and currents speeds apt Temperatures apt; depths and currents Mariculture Landlocked areas
Temperatures and depths apt; no currents speed coerage speeds not apt in Econmic Zone No mariculture Outside Economic Zone/No coverage
Atlantic salmon farms

0 100 km

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 17
Areas in Chiloé Island, Chile, with temperature apt for Atlantic salmon mariculture (22–32 C) and depths (25–100 m) and
current speeds (10–100 cm/s) apt for submerged cages (From [70])
440 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

But increasingly, the environmental footprint of the In the United States, 84% of aquatic products are
farm, together with potential positive impacts, such as presently imported, of which 50% are from aquacul-
the role of shellfish in reducing eutrophication symp- ture. This has resulted in a nine-billion-USD seafood
toms, will be of interest. In the European Union, with trade deficit [82]. Table 2 presents a summary of the
legislative requirements for Good Ecological Status by main issues that are presently considered in aquacul-
2015 in all EU water bodies and Good Environmental ture carrying capacity and site selection, together with
Status in all marine waters by 2020, some of the model- what may constitute future components for assess-
ing approaches and tools described above will ment. Models play a key role.
undoubtedly be in demand to perform self-assessments Since developing nations supply the bulk of farmed
and to resolve conflicts. aquatic products, will continue to do so, and will prob-
As models of disease risks evolve, and become better ably increase their contribution, it is critical that state-
integrated with other types of models, these too will be of-the-art tools are available to ensure sustainability in
in demand for siting decisions. the countries where they are most needed.
Some of these models will be products, some will Which developing countries and which types of
be services, and some will be a combination of both. culture should be priorities for the application of
The ways in which those markets develop and the such models? From an EAA perspective, those that
future directions in which the science and technol- have the highest impact on the environment are the
ogy may evolve will be discussed in the final section of most promising candidates. Kapetsky et al. [73] used
this entry. FAO production statistics at country environment level
(freshwater, brackish water and marine) to estimate the
Future Directions intensity at which aquaculture was practised in each of
those environments. A knowledge of the species being
Support for an Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture
cultured can reveal the production systems and their
Application of the EAA on a worldwide scale requires associated impacts in a very general way. The approach
the harmonization of (1) environmental, (2) social, outlined above can be refined to focus more closely on
and (3) multi-sectorial planning objectives [8]. modeling needs by considering the potential impacts
These three principles and their relative weights by species and culture systems in countries in which
differ substantially across world regions, and it is not production data by species are reported.
feasible from a social and political standpoint to Dissemination of models can be passive (e.g.,
establish uniform compliance with respect to limits packages freely accessible via the Internet) or active
and thresholds. (training courses and workshops by region or by coun-
The only solution is to define appropriate try). In both cases, it is essential to establish the
approaches, which within particular world regions technical capacity, level of interest, and financial com-
define a gradient in relative terms, assessing EAA in mitment of the audience and the status of the Internet
terms of the principles stated above. The three princi- as a communications and data pipeline for technical
ples of EAA can be mapped onto the four pillars of support in each country. The focus should not be on
carrying capacity and illustrated as the overlap of these developing countries alone because (1) virtual technol-
[16]. The importance of each theme represented will ogy specialists in developed countries may be in a
vary regionally and will evolve through time based on position to aid dissemination and (2) companies
societal cues. established in developed countries often have aquacul-
It is clear that aquaculture in Europe and North ture operations in developing countries, and could
America is more closely aligned with EAA, and the therefore also help to bridge the gap.
present effort in marine spatial planning will only rein-
force that. It is also clear that aquaculture production
Looking into the Crystal Ball
in developed countries will grow little, and that con-
sumer demand in these regions is satisfied in large part The Thematic Review “Virtual Tools for Aquaculture,”
through imports (Fig. 18). presented at the FAO Global Aquaculture Conference
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 441

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 18
Trade flows of aquatic products into Europe [72]

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Table 2 Novel management
approaches (Adapted from [10])
Topic Now Tomorrow
Feed based (cage, pond) Site selection based on holding Integrated model systems, risks, welfare,
capacity (cages), wastewater and disease. Holistic indicators
minimization (ponds)
LCA: inefficiencies and eco-labeling
Mechanistic and statistical models
Data assimilation models
Shellfish farming Large areas Economic sustainability, ecology and
economics, disease
Focus on production and social Coupled GIS expert systems including
carrying capacity NIMBY, (Not in my xenobiotics, HAB, etc.
backyard) NIMTO (Not in my term in
Model uncertainties in yield
Early warning
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture Optimize production Integrated coastal zone management
Reduce negative externalities Simulate species combinations
Full economic assessment
Combine GIS, remote sensing, and
442 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

in 2010 [10], encapsulates much of our thought on the Disease Disease in cultivated aquatic species is
future of models in aquaculture. The final points in this a major source of concern, yet disease modeling is still
entry are drawn from that review. relatively underutilized in these systems though its
The aquaculture industry is going to be affected by worth has clearly been demonstrated in several studies.
many different issues and trends over the coming years, However, while epidemiological theory predicts that
often operating concurrently, sometimes in unexpected host density thresholds may be an important part of
ways, and producing changes in the industry that may host–parasite dynamics, clear empirical examples are
be very rapid indeed. Mathematical models will play an rare, as much in aquaculture as in other studied agri-
important role in addressing many of these, particu- cultural systems. It is suggested that this is not evidence
larly in the following areas: that host thresholds do not exist, rather that statistical
difficulties arise with confounding factors or inade-
1. Information exchange and networking are going
quate data. Evidence here is afforded from much bet-
to accelerate the use of virtual technology and
ter-understood and more data-rich systems, for
decision-making for problem solving to support
example, human measles [95–97], where there is
industry growth. Web-based access to real-time
compelling evidence on the effects of host density on
information will further accelerate this growth.
the likelihood of disease outbreaks taking place within
2. Links between industry and research centers will
become more effective responding to objective-led
One of the major limitations in aquatic systems,
demand for virtual technology-driven RTD.
however, is that the routes by which pathogens are
3. Strategic alliances will need to be reinforced or
transmitted and their relative contributions to an epi-
created for the implementation of virtual technol-
demic are often not understood. If transmission is
ogy for aquaculture in developing countries, for
incorrectly specified, there can be substantial conse-
example, FAO and WorldFish Center are working
quences to estimates of NT. Additional experimental
in many of the same target countries, and this could
and field data are required to identify and quantify
facilitate the transfer of research outcomes on vir-
transmission routes for many aquatic animal patho-
tual technology to end users. The same applies to
gens, if prediction of the effects of host density on
collaborative research with third countries medi-
disease incidence is to be made through modeling.
ated, for example, by the European Union, the
To facilitate this, increasing emphasis is required on
United States of America, and Canada.
the use of real-time data acquisition combined
4. Many virtual technology tools will need to be more
with models for real-time analysis and short-term pre-
production and management oriented. And even if
diction of animal welfare. It is expected that such sys-
attractive and promising, these tools will have to
tems will become cheaper and more generalized, and
be adapted to local realities and conditions to
that some of the indicators and trends will find appli-
really become useful (and used) in the future.
cation at longer timescales, albeit by means of
This requires a compromise with respect to ease of
a probabilistic approach.
use, data requirements, and scientific complexity.
A further potential limitation of the models cur-
Many such tools will evolve from service to prod-
rently used is their inability to predict across and link
uct, requiring academic developers to accept a loss
scales from the processes occurring within a tank to
of control in conditions of application, as a natural
the transmission across and then between sites.
trade-off (and inherent risk) of product maturity.
Methods of investigating disease processes through
A number of key thematic and technical areas these metapopulation approaches should be investi-
where models for aquaculture are currently incipient, gated further.
and expected to develop strongly in the next decade or To date, only a few models have been developed to
so, have been identified below. In all the examples, simulate pathogenic infections of shellfish with respect
such models will contribute to an overall modeling to physiology, for example, Powell et al. (1996) for the
framework, by integrating and complementing existing American oyster C. virginica, but with widespread con-
tools. cerns about relaying, susceptibility, and mortality,
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 443

models focusing on a more mechanistic approach will

undoubtedly appear over the next decade.

Harmful Algal Blooms This is another area where

little predictive capacity exists, except in the short term
through the use of operational oceanography, relying
on bloom identification and tracking. Management is
at present reactive, and modeling of appearance and
development of such blooms is in its infancy, due to the
lack of an appropriate paradigm. Sensors such as
targeted RNA probes (e.g., [74]), integrating handheld
devices, or potentially deployed in situ and used in
a networked framework will both help in early detec-
tion and management and contribute to the under-
standing of the underlying triggers. Considerable
developments are also expected in remote sensing algo-
rithms able to discriminate (at least) between HAB and
nontoxic blooms (S. Bernard, personal communica- Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling
tion, 2010). Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 19
QR code for farmed shellfish, readable on any smart phone

Certification and Traceability The arrays of sensors

that can be deployed at the farm scale to enable coupled
monitoring and modeling are important for both For the farmer, the existence of this kind of inte-
product certification and traceability. The number, grated coding will also help improve various aspects of
reliability, and accuracy of underwater sensors will culture practice and increase attractiveness of the busi-
increase, and the cost will decrease, both with techno- ness model to the key sector of insurance. For the
logical developments and market growth. consumer, such data will need to be presented in
Real-time data acquisition and interpretation will a comprehensible format, for example, in the form of
make it possible for consumers to visualize the whole a few indicators (Fig. 19).
“cradle to grave” cycle of an aquaculture product. For
instance, a batch of oysters may be “bar coded” to Modeling with Data Scarcity Good data are required
reveal the origin of seed and the entire environmental to support acceptable model predictions. The acquisi-
interaction over the culture period, including metadata tion of high-quality data, with appropriate spatial and
and measured data on water quality, HAB events, con- temporal resolution, is expensive and often beyond
dition (meat ratio) of the animals, and impact on their the scope of developing countries, except on a fairly
environment, for example, in terms of reduction of limited scale. This, together with an often fragmented
eutrophication symptoms through the indirect approach to the study of interacting ecosystems, in
removal of nitrogen and phosphorus, or conversely many cases driven by institutional barriers, presents
the addition of particulate organic material due to a challenge to the application of models.
biodeposition. Such sensors will typically be queried Improved mechanisms for data access, particularly
at a sub-hourly frequency, particularly if they are also for remotely sensed data, together with models that
used for welfare monitoring; this will easily allow deal with uncertainty and risk, will contribute to con-
importers, health inspectors, or consumers to perform version of sparse data into more meaningful informa-
verification and certification, and will provide an tion – although such an approach may be considered
important contribution to both food safety and envi- unsuitable in parts of the developed world, in many
ronmental awareness. countries it will be a much better basis for decisions
444 Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of

than the options that are presently used. In addition, it but can be seen, for example, in the WinShell
will promote a “virtuous cycle” toward more informed application (, which
decision support and promote the use of better data allows users to simulate individual shellfish growth
and more sophisticated models, as the data become on line. Central to the development of this kind of
available to drive them. application are Rich Internet Applications (RIA),
A wide variety of models will benefit from this which provide a full user experience and are an area
development because many models developed and of rapid growth [75]
tested for temperate systems need adjustment with 3. Mobile computing is increasingly ubiquitous, and it
respect to parameters, thresholds, and equations, is now possible to use models on many handheld
when applied to tropical and subtropical systems. devices, as illustrated in Fig. 20, which shows a tide
prediction model for Mumbai, India. This kind of
Information Technology The last 5 years have seen model might be used to help predict the yield in
a huge leap in various areas of distributed computing, intertidal culture of bivalve shellfish.
all of which are expected to develop significantly in the
The trend toward the increasing use of such devices,
coming years.
including for various real-time applications in aqua-
Three examples are presented here:
culture management, will increase. In parallel, the
1. Web 2.0 now provides a large diversity of commu- stand-alone server is rapidly being replaced by cloud
nity- and corporation-based resources. Currently, computing, which will tend to make the circulation of
over 7,000 items exist for aquaculture on YouTube – data both easier and cheaper. Both elements will con-
at the time of presentation of the VITAL Thematic tribute to bridge the information divide between richer
Review [10] there were 1,800. For aquaculture and poorer nations.
modeling, that number has also quadrupled since Computer access, literacy, and internet connectivity
2010 and now stands at 75. are significant barriers to entry for the population in
2. There is a strong trend toward the development and the rural areas in developing countries, where aquacul-
use of Software as a Service (SAAS), deployed on the ture takes place. Over the coming decade, many aqua-
web and competing with traditional desktop appli- culture farmers will have their first contact with
cations. This is incipient in the aquaculture world the World Wide Web by means of smart phones.

Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of. Figure 20
Tidal prediction for the port of Mumbai using the Oceanus21 smart phone app ( Ports
can be automatically selected based on GPS coordinates and phone location
Carrying Capacity for Aquaculture, Modeling Frameworks for Determination of 445

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10. Ferreira JG, Aguilar-Manjarrez J, Bacher C, Black K, Dong SL,
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pp 91–93
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11. Nobre AM, Ferreira JG, Nunes JP, Yan X, Bricker S, Corner R,
FAO, for the opportunity to develop many of the ideas Groom S, Gu H, Hawkins A, Hutson R, Lan D, Lencart e Silva JD,
presented here. We would like to thank B. Costa-Pierce Pascoe P, Telfer T, Zhang X, Zhu M (2010) Assessment of
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Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture 449

Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Definition of the Subject

Bivalve Aquaculture Bivalve aquaculture is one of the fastest growing sec-
tors of the food industry, raising concerns about the
influence of the activity on the environment. This is
Ocean and Environmental Sciences Division, Fisheries
true at two levels: First, farmers must make sure that
and Oceans Canada, Institut Maurice-Lamontagne
the bivalves that they raise do not deplete resources in
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Mont-Joli, Québec,
a given area to such an extent that bivalve production
is decreased. Second, society in general wishes that
such activities have an acceptable impact on the envi-
ronment and are sustainable. There is also intense
Article Outline competition for space and its use in many coastal
zones, making siting of many farms contentious.
Thus, many organizations have stressed the impor-
Definition of the Subject
tance of determining the carrying capacity of different
areas for bivalve culture. There are a number of ways
Functional Categories of “Carrying Capacity”
that “carrying capacity” may be defined, including
Decision Framework to Determine Carrying Capacity
physical, production, ecological, and social, and the
Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions
first three categories are to lesser or greater degrees
related to social expectations and standards.
A number of methods have been developed to calcu-
Glossary late these different categories of carrying capacity for
bivalve culture. This entry outlines some advances to
Benthic Pertaining to the sea floor.
estimate the different categories of carrying capacity
Carrying capacity The intensity of a practice that
and suggests a framework that may be followed to
a given environment can sustain indefinitely given
encourage the development of a sustainable bivalve
the availability of various necessities in that envi-
aquaculture industry. An emphasis is placed on
ronment and the various pressures on them.
the latter two categories as these are the ones for
Ecosystem approach to aquaculture (EAA) A strategy
which knowledge is the most lacking, are arguably the
to integrate aquaculture into context of the wider
most complex, and for which advances are the most
ecosystem such that it promotes sustainable devel-
opment, equity, and resilience of interlinked social
and ecological systems.
Ecosystem-based management (EBM) A process that
highlights the need to use the best available knowl- Aquaculture is the fastest growing sector of the food
edge about the marine ecosystem to manage marine industry. Since the 1970s, production in the sector has
resources, with an emphasis on maintaining eco- increased at a rate of about 7% per year and by 2008
system service functions. accounted for 43% of the total annual fisheries produc-
Integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) A pro- tion of 160 million tons and projections by the UN [1]
cess for managing coastal zones that uses an inte- suggest that this production will increase greatly in the
grated approach and considers all aspects of the future. This increase in production has raised concerns
coastal zones, including biological, geographical, about the impacts of the activity on local environ-
and political boundaries, to achieve sustainability. ments, (e.g., [2]) and much work has been focused on
Model A simplified description, conceptual or mathe- understanding the interactions between aquaculture
matical, of a system or process, to assist in calcula- and the ecosystem, (e.g., [3, 4]). Although concerns
tions, predictions, and understanding. were initially largely directed at the influence of finfish
Pelagic Pertaining to the water column. cage culture on the environment (e.g., nutrient

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
450 Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture

loading, disease issues, and interactions due to of interlinked social and ecological systems.”
escapes), concerns have also been raised about the Many advances have been made in the estimation of
influence of farmed bivalves. carrying capacity for bivalve culture over the past few
As for aquaculture in general, production of farmed years. The broad aim of this entry is thus to update an
bivalves has increased greatly over the past few years earlier paper on the subject [17] and to discuss
and as of 2008, 11.7 million tons of the total 13.5 mil- a number of ideas that have been developed in the
lion tons of worldwide bivalve captures was from aqua- interim. It focuses on the outgrowing stage of bivalve
culture production. This includes the culture of over culture as this stage is arguably the most important in
4 million tons each of clams and oysters and about terms of its interactions with the environment.
1.5 million tons each of scallops and mussels. The Many other activities related to bivalve culture exist
greatest concerns relating to farmed bivalves include (see list below) and these are discussed by McKindsey
enhanced localized biodeposition [5], food depletion et al. [17].
in the water column due to bivalve grazing [6], alter- Abbreviated selection of activities related to bivalve
ation of nutrient and oxygen fluxes [7], and the transfer culture that may influence the ecological carrying
of disease and hitchhiking species [8]. Recent reviews capacity of coastal areas. (Modified from McKindsey
on the environmental interactions associated with et al. [17].)
bivalve culture have been done for oysters [9], clams
[10], and mussels [11]. 1. Seed collection
Increasingly, regulators and other groups are (a) Dredging
looking to science to determine whether sites have (i) Disturbance of benthic communities,
reached their carrying capacity for bivalve culture. especially the removal of long-living
Moreover, a number of standards – performance stan- species
dards, best management practices, certification stan- (ii) Removal of juveniles from wild
dards, etc. – have been or are being developed to ensure populations of target species
that bivalve production is being done in a manner (iii) Collection of non-target species
that is consistent with a global environmental ethic (iv) Suspension of sediments
[12–14]. Some of these codes have been developed (v) Depletion of food resources for other
by industry groups and are voluntary in nature, some species
have been developed and are used by public authorities (vi) Release of H2S and reduction of dissolved
and regulatory agencies, and others are being devel- oxygen in the water due to oxygen-
oped by a variety of organizations (e.g., buyers, consuming substances, release of
nongovernmental organizations, marketing groups) nutrients
as a means of informing consumers about a product (b) Artificial collectors
with the goal of influencing farm practices through (i) Removal of juveniles from wild popula-
consumer choice and market forces [15]. In all cases, tion of target species
the idea is that such criteria will encourage the devel- (ii) Increasing target and non-target species
opment of a sustainable bivalve aquaculture industry recruitment success
such that the carrying capacity of a given area has not (iii) Alteration of the hydrodynamic regimes
been exceeded and impacts are minimized. Recently, (iv) Acting as FAD
the National Research Council [15] suggested that per- (v) Risk of entanglement for large vertebrates
formance standards based on the carrying capacity of (e.g., marine mammals, sea birds, turtles,
sites be developed and implemented at the ecosystem sharks)
level. Similarly, the FAO [16] has suggested that an (vi) Foci for nuisance species
Ecosystem Approach to Aquaculture (EAA) be (c) Hatcheries
followed to ensure the “integration of the activity (i) Chemical pollution (e.g., pharmaceuticals)
within the wider ecosystem in such a way that it pro- (ii) Genetic selection
motes sustainable development, equity, and resilience (iii) Spread of diseases
Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture 451

(d) Importation oxygen-consuming substances, release of

(i) Introduction of alien species nutrients
(ii) Genetic pollution (c) Collection of off-bottom structures
(iii) Spread of diseases 4. Processing
2. Ongrowing (a) Dumping of by-catch
(a) Effects common to all techniques (b) Relaying near auction houses
(i) Organic enrichment of seafloor (c) Depurating
(ii) Providing reef-like structures (d) Dumping of shells
(iii) Alteration of hydrodynamic regime (cur- (e) Effluents from processing plant
rent speed, turbulence) (f) Spread of alien species or diseases
(iv) Food web effects: competition with other
As a first step, it is important to understand what is
filter feeders, increasing recycling speed
meant by “carrying capacity.” A number of definitions
of nutrients, removal of eggs and larvae
have been suggested that consider a variety of physical,
of fish and benthic organisms
biological, and social criteria. In this entry, the four
(v) Spawning: release of mussel larvae
functional categories of “carrying capacity” as outlined
(vi) Providing food for predators of bivalves
by Inglis et al. [18] and McKindsey et al. [17] are used:
(vii) Control of predators and pests
(b) Bottom culture 1. Physical carrying capacity – the total area of marine
(i) Activities to prepare the culture plots, farms that can be accommodated in the available
e.g., dredging for predator removal physical space.
(ii) Placement of protective structures (net- 2. Production carrying capacity – the stocking density
ting, pipes) of bivalves at which harvests are maximized.
(iii) Removal of associated organisms by 3. Ecological carrying capacity – the stocking or farm
dredging and relaying density above which unacceptable ecological
(iv) Competition for space with wild benthos impacts become apparent.
organisms 4. Social carrying capacity – the level of farm develop-
(c) Artificial structures for suspended and off- ment above which unacceptable social impacts are
bottom culture (trestles, poles, rafts, longlines) manifested.
(i) Acting as artificial reef or FAD
The specific aims of this entry are to (1) provide an
(attraction/displacement or enhancement
overview and update of different categories of carrying
of animals)
capacity, (2) give a more in-depth review of factors
(ii) Risk of entanglement for large vertebrates
that could be considered for the determination of eco-
(e.g., marine mammals, sea birds, turtles,
logical and social carrying capacity as these categories
are the least developed conceptually and in terms of
(iii) Foci for nuisance species
modeling, (3) outline a decision framework for incor-
3. Harvesting
porating all four categories of bivalve carrying capacity
(a) Effects common to all techniques
into the determination of the overall carrying capacity
(i) Removal of biomass, nutrients
of a given area for bivalve culture, and (4) outline
(ii) Removal of filtration capacity
research to address knowledge gaps for carrying capac-
(iii) Removal of non-target species
ity studies.
(iv) Competition with predators
(b) Dredging
(i) Disturbance of benthic communities, Functional Categories of “Carrying Capacity”
especially removal of long-living species
Physical Carrying Capacity
(ii) Suspension of sediments
(iii) Release of H2S and decrease of diss- The physical carrying capacity of a site (embayment,
olved oxygen in the water due to inlet, offshore area, etc.) is simply the geographic area
452 Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture

in which conditions are suitable for the production of food regimes and its physical carrying capacity.
a given species using a given method. It is a function of Indeed, various “habitat suitability models” have
the overlap of the requirements of the species being been developed that combine both categories of data
harvested and the physical resources (e.g., depth, sub- to predict the best areas for bivalve production, (e.g.,
strate type, salinity, hydrodynamics) in the site. The [24]). Models to predict production carrying capacity
physical carrying capacity of a site may differ greatly have three main components: (1) a hydrodynamic
between species and culture methods being employed. model that transports food, nutrients, and other
For example, an embayment may have an extensive wastes; (2) a biogeochemical component that describes
area that is suitable for on-bottom clam culture but processes that influence food production and con-
relatively little area that is appropriate for suspended sumption; and (3) a physiological component that
oyster culture. Likewise, modification of an area (e.g., determines the rate of food consumption and growth
by the addition of a species-specific appropriate sub- of the farmed bivalves [25].
strate) may extend the physical carrying capacity of Bivalve culture systems are hierarchical, with indi-
an area. vidual bivalves and their associated fouling organisms
Traditionally, the physical carrying capacity of sites nested within culture units (socks, cages and stacks of
was determined by building knowledge of an area using cages, pearl nets and strings of pearl nets, etc.), these
hydrographic charts as the base layer, adding other being nested within culture gear (longlines or rafts),
appropriate layers (e.g., temperature and salinity) which are nested within farms, and so on [26–28]. An
as available, and analyzing the layers using formal understanding of processes operating at each scale as
or ad hoc Geographic Information Systems (GIS), well as the relations between these scales is needed to
(e.g., [19, 20]). With the expansion of culture sites in predict hydrodynamics and how this influences bio-
more remote regions where such information may not geochemical and physiological processes within culture
be readily available, the use of remote sensing methods systems and to understand cascading effects on the
to estimate various physical parameters (e.g., depth, greater ecosystem.
salinity, temperature, as well as chlorophyll levels and In its simplest form, the production carrying capac-
related biological parameters that are needed to esti- ity of a given location is a function of the available food
mate production carrying capacity – see further) may resources and the rate at which they are renewed via
be used in combination with GIS to facilitate site selec- in situ production and/or flushing relative to their rate
tion [21]. Although more of a social factor (see fur- of removal (filtration) by the farmed bivalves. This type
ther), an additional advantage of using GIS for of approach has been developed for mussel culture in
aquaculture site selection is that it can be used within eastern Canada [29]. However, such models commonly
a coastal management framework to include other under- or overestimate flushing and a number of
activities so as to avoid user conflicts [22, 23]. authors have suggested that their use be avoided for
production carrying capacity studies, (e.g., [30]).
Despite this, a number of groups have advocated cal-
Production Carrying Capacity
culating the ratio of clearance time by farmed bivalves
The production carrying capacity of a site is the stock- to flushing rate or water residence times (as calculated
ing density at which harvests are maximized. Given by such methods) to evaluate the sustainability of sites
that trade-offs between bivalve growth rates, market for bivalve culture [31] and as a rough first step in
tastes, and economic returns, etc., would likely evaluating whether carrying capacity is potentially
encourage selection of a specific bivalve size and type exceeded for ecological certification standards [32]. In
(see further), production carrying capacity is often the latter case, if the ratio between clearance and
not necessarily the greatest biomass. This category of renewal times is less than unity, then further analyses
carrying capacity is what most people think about based on primary productivity are required.
when they consider “carrying capacity” and is the More encompassing approaches to calculating pro-
best studied. The production carrying capacity of duction carrying capacity based on hydrodynamic and
a given site is strongly related to hydrodynamic and mathematical models that include spatially and
Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture 453

+ hydrodynamics
Harvest N2
+ temperature, salinity, etc.

Water column
Dissolved N / P
Dissolved Si Flagellates

Zooplankton / filterers
Detrital Si (benthic-pelagic)

Farmed bivalves
Detrital N / P (benthic-pelagic)

Biodeposition / mortality
Benthic plants
Oxic sediments
NO3− NO2− NH4+ Detrital N / P / Si Refractory
Si(OH)4/ PO4
NO3− NO2− N2
Denitrification Anoxic sediments

Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture. Figure 1

Conceptual diagram of bivalve aquaculture interactions in coastal ecosystems considered in production carrying
capacity estimations. Only main pathways are indicated

temporally explicit feedbacks between the farmed However, increased development time and sampling
bivalves, phytoplankton, zooplankton, detritus, and requirements to validate more complex models make
physical (e.g., temperature, nutrients, see Fig. 1) the use of simpler box models a good approximation
parameters are becoming the standard. Models vary for understanding the hydrodynamics of an area and
greatly in complexity. Although a simple box model slow ecological processes [37] and for carrying capacity
for a location may be sufficient for some situations, it is modeling [38].
likely unsuitable for embayments with some degree of Production carrying capacity models require data
environmental heterogeneity [33]. The next level of on biogeochemical components which include a large
complexity is a simple 1-D hydrodynamic transport number of variables related to the flux of nutrients and
model, (e.g., [34]), which may be expanded upon to primary production and interactions between different
include vertical transport for suspended culture, (e.g., food sources for the farmed bivalves. This includes
[35]). More complex models include multiple coupled nutrient fluxes due to excretion by the farmed bivalves
boxes within an area driven by a 2-D hydrodynamic and associated organisms and organic matter in
model (with tidal and meteorological forcings). The trapped sediments in culture structures [39–41], nutri-
most complex models, fully refined 3-D finite-element ent uptake by and production of phytoplankton
hydrodynamic models, generally provide a much more [42–44], zooplankton and detritus components, and
accurate estimation of hydrodynamics and may be used a benthic component that includes biological and
to drive the biological models. Historically, computa- chemical processes [45–47]. This latter submodel is of
tional power has limited the broad application of com- particular importance in shallow areas [33]. Figure 1
plex models [36] but this is no longer the case as gives an example of the types of processes that are
powerful computers are now readily available [25]. included within such models.
454 Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture

Bivalves graze on and may impact plankton and locations and for a number of species [57] and is
other suspended components in the water column available as a client–server application (www.
[48]. These components and environmental factors; Simile
(e.g., temperature) in turn greatly influence the growth [58] is an object-based GUI modeling environment
of the farmed bivalves. Models to predict the physio- that has been used extensively by Grant and colleagues
logical response and growth of bivalves vary greatly in [25, 33, 38, 54, 59]. This environment is well suited to
their complexity. Models may be divided into statistical constructing carrying capacity models for bivalve cul-
and more mechanistic approaches that include bioen- ture because of its inherent ability to represent spatial
ergetics [49, 50]. Today, many studies use an approach elements and specify hydrodynamic connections
based on dynamic energy budget (DEB) models that between them and, because of its GUI environment, it
were developed by Kooijman, (e.g., [51–53]). In these is transferable to nonexperts [38].
models, energy budgets are partitioned into core pro- Models for production carrying capacity usually
cesses: structural volume, reserves, and a reproductive consider only the farmed bivalves as consumers of
buffer, and forced by food and physical parameters. plankton. However, in some situations, particularly
Examples include work on a variety of bivalves, (e.g., shallow sites with large densities of natural bivalves,
[25, 54–56]) and have been incorporated into general grazing by natural bivalves may also exert a large pres-
models for bivalve production carrying capacity [35, sure on plankton communities [60–62]. Thus Sequeira
57]. A generalized set of DEB models for a few of the et al. [63] have recently developed a model that
most commonly farmed bivalve species has been includes natural benthic communities as a forcing
assembled and is available ( function on plankton communities and suggest that
Production carrying capacity models based on this these populations may significantly reduce production
latter suite of components have been successfully used carrying capacity. Similarly, Cugier et al. [64]
in a number of studies, (e.g., [35]). Although these found that wild native and exotic filter-feeding organ-
types of models are attractive in that they include ism had a greater effect on the control of primary
logical mechanistic processes, their complexity makes productivity than did the farmed bivalves in Mont
them difficult to apply at times and requires substantial Saint Michel Bay, France (Fig. 2). The biomass of
ground truthing and simpler models will often yield filter-feeding fouling organisms, particularly tuni-
acceptable results. cates, on farmed bivalves and infrastructure may be
Ultimately, the different sub-models must be put considerable, at times greater than that of the farmed
together to estimate production carrying capacity. An bivalves [65]. Given that they may have similar
important advance in modeling production carrying grazing rates to that of farmed bivalves [66], these
capacity is the development of Graphical User Interface should be included within production carrying
(GUI) modeling environments that allow users to link capacity models where fouling is great. This has been
different sub-models fairly easily through a visual envi- attempted for the Thau Lagoon [67] and the
ronment rather than with text commands. An example Oosterschelde Estuary [68].
of this is the use of object-oriented modeling environ-
ment, as promoted for the FARM model developed by
Ecological Carrying Capacity
Ferreira et al. [35, 57]. This model links together
various components forced by a 1-D hydrodynamic The definition the “ecological carrying capacity” of
model, or 1-D with horizontal mixing for off-bottom a system is greatly dependent on social values as what
bivalve culture, to estimate production carrying capac- is considered to be an “unacceptable” impact is depen-
ity and eutrophication assessment (see further) at the dent on the values of a given society. A society or
farm-scale based on a limited number of parameters. It their representatives must select which components
may also be used to guide the selection of growing sites, (e.g., species or habitats) of a given area are important
culture layouts, production densities, farmed species, and set acceptable limits of change for each. Often,
and to maximize production or economic returns. The information on specific parameters may not be avail-
model has been shown to be useful in a number of able and managers may choose to consider components
Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture 455

20.0 100
15.6 92
12.1 83
9.4 75
7.2 66
5.5 58
4.2 49
3.1 41
2.2 32
1.6 24
1.0 15
0.6 7
0.3 −2
a 0.0 b −10

150 100
138 92
125 83
113 75
101 66
88 58
76 49
64 41
52 32
39 24
27 15
15 7
2 −2

c −10 d −10

280 400
258 368
235 337
213 305
191 274
168 242
146 211
124 179
102 148
79 116
57 85
35 53
12 22
e −10 f −10

Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture. Figure 2

Simulated annual maximum chlorophyll a for the reference case (A – current situation with all filter feeders included) and
differences with the reference case (in%) for five scenarios of with different filter feeders removed, (B – without exotic
slipper-limpets, C – without farmed mussels, D – without farmed oysters, E – without native filter feeders, F – with no filter
feeders in the bay). Because of the wide range of differences between the scenarios, the scale bar is not the same for each
sub-figure (From Cugier et al. [64])
456 Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture

for which information is available or more easily sedimentation due to biodeposit production by
obtained. As pointed out by McKindsey et al. [17], farmed bivalves on infaunal communities [9–11].
this may be a logical choice given that components Research on the ecological carrying capacity of ben-
that have a high societal value are also likely to have thic habitats has likewise been focused on predicting
been studied. how increased sedimentation due to biodeposit pro-
While production carrying capacity focuses on the duction by farmed bivalves influences infaunal com-
farmed bivalves themselves and the organisms that sup- munities. Grant et al. [74] predicted benthic loading
port their production, ecological carrying capacity also rates from biodeposits from farmed mussels (Mytilus
includes other organisms and habitats in the ecosystem. edulis) at a bay scale as a balance between biodeposit
There are three main categories of ecological carrying production, as calculated using a simple physiological
capacity: (1) that related to the pelagic habitat; (2) that model, and flushing, as calculated based on a simple
related to the benthic habitat; and (3) that which tidal prism model (validated using a finite-element
employs ecosystem function approaches. The first cate- 2-D hydrodynamic model and field work). Although
gory is largely related to plankton depletion due to graz- there was some variation between modeled and
ing by farmed bivalves. The second category is related to observed biodeposition for both studied bays, the
increased sedimentation within culture sites due to authors suggest that the approach is valuable as
biodeposition by the farmed bivalves. The third category a screening tool to develop relative ranking of different
considers both these issues and changes in biomass and systems and identify potential issues. A number of
energy flow in a system. Ecological carrying capacity is approaches have also been evaluated that couple spa-
strongly related to both the physical carrying capacity tially explicit hydrodynamic-dependent particle
and the production carrying capacity of a site, particu- tracking models to predict flux of biodeposits from
larly with respect to that related to the pelagic habitat. farmed bivalves to the bottom to predict benthic load-
Models to estimate the production carrying capac- ing footprints and associated benthic community
ity of a site contribute to determining the ecological changes. A simple approach is to modify the existing
carrying capacity of a site for organisms that are depen- DEPOMOD model, which was developed to this end
dent on the delivery of food from the water column. for finfish cage culture but for which individual bivalve
Presumably, if the farmed filter-feeding bivalves impact culture structures (e.g., mussel longlines, see Fig. 3) or
themselves by overgrazing the available resources, then groups of structures in a system may be modeled [75].
they are also likely impacting other organisms that feed However, this approach has a number of limitations.
in a similar manner [69]. Indeed, some recent produc- First, the model assumes a homogenous flow field, an
tion carrying capacity models explicitly included ben- assumption that is unlikely to be true for extensive
thic filter-feeding organisms [63, 64] and some work culture sites. Second, the module for resuspension
has suggested that overgrazing by farmed bivalves may of sedimented biodeposits is not fully developed
impact other suspension feeders in the surrounding and remains one of the greatest sources of uncertainty
ecosystem [70]. The calculation of carrying capacity for biodeposition/impact models [74]. Although
for other planktivores in the water column may be resuspension may be negligible in areas with weak
similarly evaluated. Sedimentation rates to the bottom currents [75], Giles [76] used a more advanced hydro-
are a function of the plankton communities in an area dynamic model to drive a biodeposit dispersion model
(e.g., [71]). Thus, as has been shown for natural sys- and stressed the importance of this aspect for
tems with bivalves [72, 73], depletion of the water predicting the dispersal of biodeposits in areas with
column via grazing by farmed bivalves may influence strong currents. A number of recent studies have
sedimentation rates within a given area and thereby started to address this issue and supply data to better
benthic communities, potentially enhancing differ- parameterize this module, (e.g., [75, 77, 78]). Although
ences between benthic communities within and outside general relationships exist for benthic organic loading
of culture sites [11]. and infaunal community structure [79], predictive
With respect to the benthic habitat, research has dose-dependent relationships between organic loading
largely focused on the impact of increased from bivalve biodeposits and faunal responses are
Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture 457

Mussels only Tenore et al. [82] used a mass-balance approach to

examine the influence of bivalve culture as a part of
1 a coastal ecosystem but specifically to predict ecologi-
cal carrying capacity. Gibbs [83] used food web analysis
Northing (m)

g m−2d−1
to estimate the level of bivalve culture that could

develop before it dominated the energy flow in

a marine system and impacted fisheries resources.

25 14

5 More recent work has used Ecopath with Ecosim [84]

12 to determine the trophic functioning of various areas
a 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 that include bivalve culture [85–88]. These models
differ considerably in their complexity (i.e., number
Mussels and Ciona intestinals 8 of trophic groups included) and have generally found
100 6 that bivalve culture promotes short energy pathways
with high trophic efficiency and energy cycling. How-
2 4
75 10 12 86 4 ever, the aim of these studies was not specifically to
Northing (m)

2 determine the ecological carrying capacities of the

50 studied areas. Research [69] to evaluate the carrying
capacity of an area for mussel culture in New Zealand
25 using Ecopath found that the ecological carrying

6 8
capacity of the area (defined as the level of culture
0 that would not significantly change the major
0 25 50 75 100 125 150
b Easting (m)
energy fluxes or structure of the food web) was much
less than the production carrying capacity (defined as
Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture. the level of production at which the ecosystem collapses
Figure 3 down to a nutrient–phytoplankton–culture–detritus-
Modeled biodeposition footprint (g m 2 d 1) within an dominated system) of the area. More recent research
idealized suspended mussel farm with (a) mussels only and in the eastern United States based on the same
(b) mussels fouled with Ciona intestinalis. Biodeposition approach but for coastal lagoons with oysters also
rates were modeled for five backlines (white lines in figure) found that the stocking density calculated for ecologi-
measuring 100 m each based on currents measured during cal carrying capacity was less than that calculated for
a 24 h period in St. Marys Bay, eastern Canada (Modified production carrying capacity [89]. Although the orig-
from McKindsey et al. [65]) inal version of Ecopath was limited in its applicability
because it could not be used to simulate changes to
flows with time, the new version does not assume
a steady state. Rather, it bases the parameterization on
largely lacking, making predictions difficult [80]. Sim- an assumption of mass balance over an arbitrary
ilarly, there is no universal metric available to describe period, often a whole year, and biomasses of any
benthic responses although a large number of indices given trophic group need not be at equilibrium.
have been developed, some showing good relationships A component of Ecopath, Ecosim, accepts time series
with aquaculture [81]. As noted above, the biomass of data for different trophic groups and may be appropri-
tunicates and other fouling organisms on farmed ate to evaluate different management (i.e., stocking and
bivalves and infrastructure may be considerable, and harvesting) options. These approaches have some lim-
these likely contribute greatly to organic loading to the itations. Perhaps the most important for bivalve cul-
sea bottom in some cases [65, see Fig. 3] and thus must ture is that the models are not spatially explicit. Thus,
be considered when determining the biodeposition- the model may not be used to identify near-field and
related ecological carrying capacity of an area for the far-field effects and exchanges between areas are
benthic habitat. assumed to be instantaneous. This is not logical in
458 Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture

complex coastal areas where most bivalve culture is Social Carrying Capacity
done. This issue has been addressed to some extent
The social carrying capacity of a site is the most com-
with the development of Ecospace, a dynamic, spatial
plex of all types of carrying capacity to determine. It
version of Ecopath that incorporates the key elements
depends on not only the three above categories of
of Ecosim [84]. This review found no studies that use
carrying capacity but also on trade-offs between stake-
either Ecosim or Ecospace to estimate ecological carry-
holders to meet the demands of both the population
ing capacity for bivalve culture; information to do this
(socioeconomic factors such as traditional fisheries,
is usually not available and when such spatially explicit
employment in other sectors, and recreational use)
temporal data are not available, Ecopath provides
and the environment (protected habitats, species,
a standardized methodology for developing a model
etc.) [22, 31, 83, 93–95]. Moreover, social issues often
[89]. As it is, data on many specific biological variables
inform other categories of carrying capacity (see fur-
(life history values, interactions, etc.) are lacking
ther in “Decision Framework” section). This category
for most systems. If default values are used, these
is at the heart of Marine Ecosystem-Based Management
must not be simply accepted without critical evaluation
(EBM) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management
[90]. Even when data is available to guide the determi-
(ICZM) and must be fully developed so that responsi-
nation of variable values, many must be adjusted to
ble management decisions may be made [96]. That
make the model balance [69]. Perhaps most impor-
being said, the techniques for determining the social
tantly, Ecopath uses a largely top-down mass-balance
carrying capacity of a site are the least developed of all
approach and thus poorly represents bottom-up effects
carrying capacity categories [97].
[91], a situation that will be problematic for bivalve
Despite these limitations, a number of criteria
culture given that it largely impacts nutrients and lower
are common to each of the different methods: represen-
trophic levels.
tativeness, independence, and involvement/buy-in of the
In sum, most potential measures of ecological car-
groups involved in the process, and transparency [98].
rying capacity consider only a single or a restrained
One method that has been developed to manage
number of ecosystem components [92]. Little research
natural resources is the concept of “limits of acceptable
has been directed at understanding the impact of
change,” or LAC. Although originally developed to
biodeposition (of biodeposits and of farmed bivalves
define the limit of recreational activities in terrestrial
and associated organisms) on the productivity or
wilderness areas, it may also be applicable to a wider
sustainability of benthic infaunal communities or
range of natural resource management issues [99, 100].
the communities of larger invertebrates and fishes
More recently, it has been applied to bivalve aquacul-
that may prefer to associate with culture sites to
ture in New Zealand [101]. It was recognized that LAC
profit from the biodeposition. Likewise, little research
was not a tool to determine the level of bivalve culture
has addressed the impact of the modification/addition
that was ecologically sustainable. Rather, it provided an
of physical structure associated with bivalve culture
adaptive management framework to prevent signifi-
(i.e., both the infrastructure and the farmed product,
cant negative effects due to the activity. Through
as well as removal of seagrass, etc.) [11]. The addition
a collaborative process, LAC provides a framework to
of structure may attract and create suitable habitat
identify indicators of change, setting levels of changes
for a large variety of organisms, such as fish and deca-
of indicators that are acceptable, and identifying man-
pods, but also of fouling organisms that may otherwise
agement responses that are to be undertaken if these
not have appropriate habitat in a given area. In con-
levels are exceeded. The selected indicators must be
trast, the removal of some features for bivalve culture
relevant and practical to measure. Although in the
may repel other organisms. Thus, flexible approaches
New Zealand example ecological indicators were
to evaluating ecological carrying capacity need to be
selected (spatial extent of phytoplankton depletion,
developed to incorporate our evolving understanding
also done recently in eastern Canada [25]), the
of the functioning of marine ecosystems and their
approach could also be used for other types of
interactions with bivalve culture [17, 89].
Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture 459

indicators derived from other categories of carrying 2. Identification of the range of drivers of the system,
capacity evaluations. The important aspect is that the stakeholder visions for the future, and contrasting
selected indicators are chosen in a collaborative way possible future policies, to identify a limited set of
[102], including input and discussions with members future scenarios.
of the public, environmental managers, scientists, 3. Identify the resilience of the system by examining
members of the industry, groups with conflicting inter- the results from i and ii. This is generally done
ests, etc. In addition to the process being representative, through the development of models of the system’s
it must also be transparent and adaptive so that new dynamics to identify important attributes that
information may be easily included in the decision- affect resilience.
making process. Indeed, much work has shown that 4. Stakeholder evaluation of the process and outcomes
collaborative efforts between all stakeholders are essen- in terms of policy and management implications.
tial to ensuring satisfaction in the consultation process
Ostrom [106] recently developed a framework to
and developing policy [103].
evaluate the sustainability of management strategies for
A recent example of this is the evaluation of the
SESs. It is a nested approach with four first-level core
ecological carrying capacity of lagoons in Rhode Island,
subsystems. In bivalve culture systems, these may
eastern United States, for oyster culture [97]. This
include (1) resources systems – a given embayment or
involved the development of the Working Group on
other logical management area; (2) resource units –
Aquaculture Regulations (WGAR), which guided and
such as phytoplankton biomass or physical space;
oversaw the development of a mass-balance modeling
(3) governance systems – the specific rules related to
approach to calculate both the ecological and social
culture activities that manage resource use; and
carrying capacities of the area for oyster culture.
(4) users – the various groups that use the resource
Whereas it is usually left up to the modelers to deter-
for sustenance, recreation, etc. Each core subsystem is
mine what constitutes an acceptable or an unacceptable
made up of a series of secondary subsystems and inter-
impact [97], it was considered that the process would
acts with other core subsystems. One of the main find-
be much more transparent and inclusive by including
ings was that, although many researchers have
input from all stakeholders, following the criteria
predicted that users of a system will not self-organize
outlined by Soto et al. [104] stating that an ecosystem
to create a sustainable SES and thus regulation by
approach to aquaculture (EAA) should:
governments is needed, this prediction was not
1. Be developed in the context of ecosystem functions supported when stakeholders were enabled to discuss
and services with no degradation of these beyond management options. Monitoring and enforcement
their resilience capacity were other key components that determined the suc-
2. Improve human well-being and equity for all rele- cess of the studied SESs.
vant stakeholders A further method to determine the social carrying
3. Be developed in the context of (and integrated to) capacity of a site is by attaching a monetary value to the
other relevant sectors different categories of impact due to aquaculture [15].
However, this is a complex undertaking and must
The above strategies to evaluate the social carrying
include both positive and negative effects of the
capacity of locations may be considered as social-
operations [107]. Moreover, acceptability of different
ecological systems (SESs) where all of the potential
effects is quite variable among locations and groups,
stakeholders participate. Walker et al. [105] outline
further complicating the goal of attaining consensus for
four general steps in the process:
different variables.
1. Stakeholder-led development of a conceptual The use of fuzzy expert systems has also been advo-
model of the system, including its history and pre- cated to determine the social carrying capacity of an
liminary assessments of the drivers of key ecosystem area for bivalve culture [17]. This approach has been
goods and services. shown to be useful when data types are disparate and
460 Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture

uncertainties are great or simply unknown. In short, relates to the available natural conditions and the needs
instead of stating that a given level of production is of the operation and bivalves to be cultured. The
acceptable or unacceptable, a given level is treated as second level, the production carrying capacity, is
being, say, 50% acceptable. It is rather more like dealing a function of the supply of food to the farmed bivalve
with varying shades of gray rather than cases that are in an area and is determined using modeling efforts.
black and white. This has the important effect of induc- At the third level, the ecological carrying capacity of an
ing less conflict between stakeholders on issues that area is estimated using modeling or by following
may be contentious. a logical framework to evaluate the range of possible
In sum, methods to determine social carrying outcomes for production estimates varying between
capacity for bivalve culture remain poorly developed. none (and/or the current level) and the maximum
In general, few methods have been developed specifi- calculated production carrying capacity; there is
cally for aquaculture although methods developed little use to go beyond this point as it is assumed that
for other sectors may be adapted. Analysis of the this level will not be surpassed knowingly. Finally,
attempts to use SESs in other systems has shown that managers weigh and balance the different scenarios
some approaches work; such approaches may be based on the outcomes from each of the preceding
looked to for determining social carrying capacity for categories of carrying capacity and make a decision as
bivalve culture. to what level of productivity is acceptable – the social
carrying capacity.
Decision Framework to Determine Carrying
It must be understood that the three first categories
of carrying capacity are a function of social values. For
A hierarchical approach to determine the carrying example, a given coastal area in which bivalve culture
capacity of an area for bivalve culture is proposed may be done is often valued for myriad competing
(Fig. 4). The first level, the physical carrying capacity, activities, such as water quality, visual aesthetics,

Water depth
1 Currents
Physical carrying capacity

guidance / feedback

Production carrying capacity

Community structure
Ecological carrying capacity
Mass balance models

Fisheries / Recreation1
Social carrying capacity Economics2
Valued species / habitats3

Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture. Figure 4

Hierarchical structure to determine carrying capacity of a given area. Note that social carrying capacity provides
guidance to choosing pertinent response variables and on establishing limits for these. Superscripts indicate examples
of the type of information that informs the selection of response variables for other carrying capacity categories
(Modified from McKindsey et al. [17])
Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture 461

competition for limited space, other species, etc. For

the first category, physical carrying capacity, competi-
response curve
tion for physical space may be direct or indirect. For

response variable
example, direct competition may result as there may be
multiple demands to use the same area for different
purposes, such as bivalve culture as well as fishing or acceptable level of
recreational boating. Indirect competition may arise acceptable level of production
because of visual aesthetics or the not-in-my-backyard response variable
factor where waterfront owners or users do not want
their views affected by aquaculture installations. Pro-
duction carrying capacity is likely rarely maximized production level
because of economic costs related to production.
Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture.
Thus, Nobre et al. [108] developed a modeling
Figure 5
approach that considers both ecological and economic
Hypothetical response curve of an environmental variable
aspects and their interactions to maximize profit and
under the influence of varying levels of bivalve culture
EAA as focusing aquaculture management on maxi-
production. The dotted line indicates the level of the
mizing output is likely economically inefficient and
indicator that has been determined to be acceptable and
carries unnecessary ecological risks. In fact, this
the dashed line the corresponding level of production
approach addresses all four categories of carrying
(Modified from McKindsey et al. [17])
capacity with an emphasis on maximizing economic
returns. The ecological carrying capacity of an area
is also clearly a function of social values as what is from various stakeholders, etc., to make management
valued varies among populations (e.g., specific bird and policy decisions. Even faced with an absence of
and fish populations, water clarity, eelgrass, or specific some types of information, this does not remove the
rare habitats). logic of the hierarchical nature of the decision frame-
Consultation with stakeholders throughout the work outlined above. Indeed, it could be argued that
process of defining the carrying capacity for a given this is precisely when the process is most useful and
area will identify the appropriate (given the social should be followed using all available information – so
values of the population) response variables or indices that an unbiased view of the situation may be formed
to be examined [97]. Ideally, the scientists should then and thus promoting appropriate management deci-
be able to select suitable tools from a toolbox (e.g., sions. As pointed out by McKindsey et al. [17], failure
models, GIS, and comparisons with previous studies) to follow the process (e.g., by stating at the outset of the
to predict the form of the response curves of the process that certain types of development or develop-
selected response variables to a range of production- ments in certain areas are not permitted) will likely
level scenarios. It is important to note that although it result in otherwise feasible bivalve culture installations
is the role of scientists to describe the form of the not being initiated. It is also contrary to the notion of
responses to a range of production-level scenarios effective and transparent processes in the establishment
(see Fig. 5), their role ends once they have done this. of ICZM or EBM.
It is then up to managers, in consultation with the
various stakeholders, to use all available scientific infor-
Knowledge Gaps and Future Directions
mation to inform regulations and policy [17, 97].
Again, this should be done within the context of EBM This entry concludes with a brief discussion of knowl-
and ICZM, given that there is likely a paucity of infor- edge gaps and directions for future research to better
mation about a number of factors that are needed to estimate the carrying capacity of areas for sustainable
make informed judgments [96]. Thus managers will bivalve culture, except for the estimation of physical
likely have to rely on instinct, local knowledge, extrap- carrying capacity for which methods are fairly well
olation from studies done elsewhere, contributions developed and are currently used extensively to this end.
462 Carrying Capacity for Sustainable Bivalve Aquaculture

While it is generally true that “existing models must Appropriate management tools, such as methods
be made spatially explicit” [17], this is currently being for combining disparate data types, need to be devel-
done. However, models to this end require much infor- oped to incorporate the information needed to esti-
mation that is often not easily available. So, perhaps mate various aspects of carrying capacity to aid in
a better knowledge gap to address is to determine when decision making and policy development.
such models are needed and when can general models
be used.
Similarly to the first point, although temporal var-
iation must be included in models to consider seeding Primary Literature
and harvesting activities, some generalized models to
1. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department (2010) Global
this end have already been developed [35, 57, 108, 109].
datasets, FishStat Plus – Universal software for fishery statisti-
These should be expanded upon and evaluated in sev- cal time series.
eral locations to fully assess their generality. fishstat/en. Accessed 6 Feb 2011
Far-field impacts for the benthic environment 2. Black KDE (2001) Environmental impacts of aquaculture. CRC
need to be evaluated. For example, is sedimentation Press, Boca Raton
3. Holmer M, Black K, Duarte CM, Marbà N, Karakassis I (2008)
outside of culture sites decreased due to grazing and, if
Aquaculture in the ecosystem. Springer, New York
so, what is the influence of this on the benthic environ-
4. Davenport J, Black K, Burnell G, Cross T, Culloty S, Ekarante S,
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“impacts” on the benthic environment within farm sites? ecological issues. Blackwell, Oxford
Work is needed on how nonlinear or unexpected 5. Mattsson J, Lindén O (1983) Benthic macrofauna succession
results may be incorporated into carrying capacity under mussels, Mytilus edulis L. (Bivalvia), cultured on hanging
long-lines. Sarsia 68:97–102
models. For example, how can the provision of bivalve
6. Troost K, Gelderman E, Kamermans P, Smaal AC, Wolff WJ
culture-related structure in the environment – which (2009) Effects of an increasing filter feeder stock on larval
may increase the abundance of fouling organisms and abundance in the Oosterschelde estuary (SW Netherlands).
thus filtration capacity or attract various other organ- J Sea Res 61:153–164
isms – be included in carrying capacity estimates? 7. Prins TC, Smaal AC, Dame RF (1998) A review of the feedbacks
between bivalve grazing and ecosystem processes. Aquat Ecol
Methods need to be developed to include both
“positive” and “negative” effects into the decision-making
8. McKindsey CW, Landry T, O’Beirn FX, Davies IM (2007)
process. For example, while suspended bivalve culture Bivalve aquaculture and exotic species: a review of ecological
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Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 467

Commercialisation of GM Crops: on 29 January 2000 and entered into force on

11 September 2003 (for full text, see http://bch.
Comparison of Regulatory
Frameworks Convention on biological diversity (CBD) The objec-
WENDY CRAIG1, SIVA REDDY VANGA2, tives of this Convention are the conservation of
JORGE CABRERA MEDAGLIA3,4 biological diversity, the sustainable use of its com-
1 ponents, and the fair and equitable sharing of the
Biosafety Unit, International Centre for Genetic
Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Trieste, Italy benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic
2 resources, including by appropriate access to
ICGEB, Plant Biology: Plant Transformation Group,
New Delhi, India genetic resources and by appropriate transfer of
3 relevant technologies, taking into account all rights
Centre for International Sustainable Development
Law, Lead Counsel on Biodiversity and Biosafety, over those resources and to technologies, and by
Montreal, Canada appropriate funding (for full text, see http://www.
University of Costa Rica, San Rafael de Heredia,
Costa Rica Convention/protocol/treaty A treaty is an agreement
in written form between nation-states (or interna-
tional agencies, such as the United Nations,
Article Outline
that have been given treaty-making capacity by
Glossary the states that created them) that is intended to
Definition of the Subject establish a relationship governed by International
Introduction Law. It may be contained in a single instrument or
Argentina in two or more related instruments such as an
Canada exchange of diplomatic notes. Various terms have
China been used for such an agreement, including treaty,
India convention, protocol, declaration, charter, cove-
The Philippines nant, pact, act, statute, exchange of notes, agree-
South Africa ment, modus vivendi (“manner of living”
United States of America (USA) or practical compromise), and understanding.
International Obligations Relevant to the Biosafety The particular designation does not affect the
Frameworks agreement’s legal character.
A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Processes in Genetically modified/genetically engineered/trans-
All Study Countries genic organisms Organisms, such as plants, ani-
Conclusion and Future Directions mals, and microorganisms (with the exception of
Disclaimer human beings), in which the genetic material
Bibliography (DNA) has been altered in such a way that does
not occur naturally by mating and/or natural
recombination (The terms “genetically modified”
(GM), “transgenic,” “genetically engineered” (GE),
Cartagena protocol on biosafety (CPB) The Carta- and “living modified” (LM) are used in different
gena Protocol on Biosafety to the Convention on legal instruments around the world. It is useful
Biological Diversity is an international agreement (and deliberate) in this document to essentially
which aims to ensure the safe handling, transport, use them interchangeably).
and use of living modified organisms resulting from Living modified organism (LMO) Any living organ-
modern biotechnology that may have adverse ism that possesses a novel combination of genetic
effects on biological diversity, taking also into material obtained through the use of modern bio-
account risks to human health. It was adopted technology (according to the CPB).

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
468 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

Modern biotechnology The application of [1] in vitro still grown in industrialized countries, developing
nucleic acid techniques, including recombinant countries are rapidly approaching parity and, due to
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and direct introduc- their high rates of adoption, are soon expected to grow
tion of nucleic acid into cells or organelles, or [2] the majority of GM crops [2]. By 2009, the major
fusion of cells beyond the taxonomic family, that biotech crops had achieved high levels of market pen-
overcome natural physiological reproductive or etration: 77% of soybean, 49% of cotton, 26% of maize,
recombination barriers and that are not tech- and 21% of oilseed rape grown globally in 2009 were
niques used in traditional breeding and selection GM varieties [3].
(according to the CPB). Despite expected high benefit-cost ratios from
biotechnology, only a few developing countries, such
Definition of the Subject as Brazil and Argentina, have had high uptake rates
(over 20 million hectares) [2] of GM crops, with uptake
This contribution describes and compares the regula-
typically concentrated in crops that are exported to
tion of GMOs and the underpinning legislative frame-
developed country markets. Few others (mainly
works in selected countries from around the world. It
India and China) have started exploring their own
also includes a description of the relevant international
national research capability in biotechnology. In the
agreements related to biosafety and a description of the
vast majority of developing countries, both investment
main characteristics and attributes of a modern bio-
in biotechnology research and development and
safety regulatory framework in this area.
the transfer to farmers of transgenic crops already
being marketed have been generally low. This in part
reflects a lack of transparent regulatory capacity
The rapid development and deployment of modern necessary in dealing with risks associated with bio-
biotechnology in the last decades have made biosafety technology as well as in addressing the issues of prop-
a critical issue. Although modern biotechnology has erty rights development and protection that are
the potential of benefiting agricultural interests in essential to promoting innovative research. This is
developing countries as well as overall human wel- particularly important because of the high cost of
fare, living modified organisms (LMOs) resulting undertaking the initial research and development in
from modern biotechnology or genetically modified biotechnology [4].
organisms (GMOs) remain a source of concern with As GM technologies are very recent and fast devel-
regard to the conservation and sustainable use of bio- oping, most governments are trying to keep pace by
diversity, as well as to human health. The perceived developing regulatory policies that reflect consumer
risks, which relate to the release of GMOs into the demands and preferences affecting GM agricultural
environment as well as the placement of GMOs onto products. Almost all developed countries require prod-
the market, have as much to do with social values as ucts derived from GM sources to be assessed both for
scientific concerns. For example, social concerns may their safety as foods and for their environmental
require the labeling of genetically modified (GM) food impacts. However, there are considerable differences
and feed, the mitigation of socioeconomic impacts, and in the approaches taken by different countries. In the
the demonstrated potential for the co-existence of United States, analysis and approval mechanisms for
organic, conventional, and GM farming [1]. GM foods have been subsumed into existing regula-
Global use of GM crops is growing rapidly, increas- tions governing the release of new foods, plants, and
ing approximately 87-fold from 1996 to 2010 to pesticides, whereas in the European Union, regulation
148 million hectares under cultivation by 15.4 million of GM products requires considerable separate scrutiny
farmers in 29 different countries [2]. Furthermore, the (see chapter “▶ Commercialisation of GM Crops:
estimated value of the global GM crop market in Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks” by Devos
2010 grew to US$11.2 billion, while the value of et al.). Countries worldwide are in different stages of
harvested products was estimated at US$150 billion policy development, with the majority of the develop-
[2]. Although the majority (52%) of GM crops are ing countries still in the infant stage [4]. In setting up
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 469

domestic legislation, developing countries seem to be significant quantities of GM corn (Bt and glufosinate
paying increasing attention to international trade ammonium tolerant) and Bt cotton, comprising 40%
concerns [5]. and 20% of overall production in 2009 for these two
India along with Argentina, South Africa, and crops, respectively [3, 10]. Available estimates place
others constitute a group of developing countries that accumulated benefits (extra income which would
aspire to develop domestic biotechnology through have not been generated in the absence of the technol-
national public R&D and/or by creating incentives for ogy) until the year 2001/2002 at approximately US$5.2
the participation of multinationals as sources of tech- billion in the case of soybeans, about US$400 million
nology. They each have relatively liberal regulations as for Bt maize, and approximately US$40 million for Bt
well as more explicit regulatory institutional arrange- cotton [7]. Argentina is now third only to the United
ments [6]. Those developing countries with well- States and Brazil in terms of the area planted with
developed public agricultural research and extension transgenic crops (22.9 million hectares) [2] and is
systems (such as India) are well placed to benefit thus a very important player in the international
promptly from the new biotechnology by working in arena. Notably, Argentina signed, but has yet to ratify,
partnership or in parallel with private biotechnology the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (CPB, hereinafter
and seed companies. Approving investments in those referred to as “the Protocol”) of the Convention of
activities by the private sector – and the overall invest- Biological Diversity in May 2000. Argentina is currently
ment climate – will allow the process of adaptation and undergoing a consultation process, analyzing and
adoption to move forward. The experiences in India, debating with all the involved sectors the position the
China, and South Africa all indicate that rapid and country will take in this respect [8].
widespread adoption is then possible, including by
small farmers [7].
Regulatory Oversight in Argentina
The biosafety frameworks of the described coun-
tries were selected based, primarily, on considering the Argentina was one of the first countries to establish
following criteria: level of production and commercial- a system of regulatory oversight for GMOs [11]. It
ization of GMOs, investments made and political has instituted regulatory measures for the safe devel-
commitment with the research and development par- opment and application of biotechnology in general
ticularly in the field of GMOs, regional leadership in and GMOs in particular. It chose to develop the
the adoption of GMOs and in the elaboration and policy on biosafety within the context of trade-related
implementation of biosafety legal frameworks, and the issues [12] and as such has policies, procedures, and
existence of a functional biosafety framework in place. institutional arrangements to regulate the develop-
ment, importation, and export of GMO products.
The Argentine biosafety system is based on guidelines,
not on legislation. Argentina’s legislative framework for
Argentina is a major producer of agricultural products regulating GMOs is based on the existing agricultural
and the third largest producer of soybeans. Initially, the regulatory system (e.g., for plant protection chemicals)
harvested area of soybean was 36,000 ha (59,000 mt) in supplemented with GM crop-specific regulations
1970, increasing to 5.98 million hectares in 1995/1996 established to specify conditions for environmental
(12.43 mmt). The country has historically been the release or to assess food safety. The non-statutory
earliest and most aggressive adopter of GM crops in guidelines include standards for facilities and
Latin America, first planting glyphosate-tolerant soy- practices designed to prevent the unintended release
beans in 1996, which sparked a further expansion of soy of a GMO, conditions of isolation, monitoring field
production and which is now in excess of 14 million trials, and standards for risk assessment for conducting
hectares, of which at least 98% is GM [8]. This rate of the environmental release. This approach gives the
adoption is far higher, and much faster, than that in the system flexibility and allows for changes needed
USA, which was the first country to introduce this to keep up with scientific advances. One disadvantage,
technology [9]. In addition, Argentina also grows however, is that compliance with guidelines is
470 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

not legally enforceable; there is no way to prosecute obtain the appropriate marketing license, varieties
offenders in the rare cases of non-compliance that have must also comply with requirements stipulated by the
occurred [13]. National Service of Health and Agrofood Quality
Similar to the USA and Canada (see below), Argen- (SENASA) [15]. SENASA’s jurisdiction concerning the
tine biosafety regulation follows a product-based oversight of GMO-derived food was established in
approach which results in several agencies, all within Resolution 289/87, while Resolution 511/98 including
the Agriculture Directorate of the Secretariat of Agri- Annexes established the food-safety review criteria
culture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (SAGPyA), man- [13]. The latter was based on FAO and WHO docu-
dated to regulate GM crops and products. The National ments, as well as on relevant regulations from Australia,
Advisory Commission on Agricultural Biotechnology Canada, the EU, Japan, and the US, but has since been
(CONABIA) is the lead agency in charge of regulating replaced by Resolution 412/2002.
GM crops and was established in 1991 by Resolution A key part of the GMO regulatory process consists
124/91 (later expanded by Resolution 669/93) of the of verifying that the commercial approval will not have
SAGPyA to provide advice and oversee the implemen- a negative impact on Argentina’s foreign trade. This
tation of biosafety regulations [14]. CONABIA’s juris- specific assessment is carried out under Resolution
diction and procedures were established in Resolutions 39/03 by the National Bureau of Agrifood Markets
656/92, 837/93, and 289/97 (later replaced with 39/03) (NBMA), and it includes an analysis of the current
[13]. Resolution 39/03 is part of the general regulatory status of regulatory systems and public acceptance in
system governing the existing agricultural regulations the importing countries. The National Seed Institute
in Argentina related to plant protection (Decree-Law of (ex-INASE) is responsible for ensuring that all the
Agricultural Production Health Defense 6704/66 and necessary requirements for registration in the National
its amendments), seed and phytogenetic creations Registry of Cultivars have been established. Ex-INASE
(Seed and Phytogenetic Creations Law 20.247/73 and plays a further role in the biosafety system by receiving
its regulatory decree), and animal health (Law of and logging applications for GMO field trials. Applica-
Veterinarian Products, and Supervision of Creation tions containing confidential business information are
and Commercialisation 13.636/49). kept secure at INASE’s offices. Agency personnel per-
CONABIA is a multidisciplinary and inter- form field test site inspections, checking for compliance
institutional organization with advisory duties and with the biosafety requirements set by CONABIA [13].
comprises representatives from the public sector, aca- During 2001, the SAGPyA actively cooperated
demia, and private sector organizations related to agri- with members of the Argentine Congress in drafting
cultural biotechnology. Its main responsibility is to a biosafety law. This draft represented a major
assess the potential environmental impact of the intro- improvement on the current situation, since it clearly
duction of GMOs in Argentine agriculture [8]. The set forth a conceptual framework, as well as issues and
Commission handles applications for laboratory and instances to be considered as participants in risk
greenhouse testing, field trials, and governs the analysis procedures. But due to the institutional and
“flexibility status” of release conditions (unconfined economic crisis that broke out on December 2001, the
release, usually large-scale, for regulatory purposes or draft was never discussed in Congress, and there is no
off-season seed multiplication) of GM plants [13]. evidence that it will be discussed in the near future [8].
Resolution 60/2007 provides a differentiated treatment
for the authorization of the breeding of parental
Commercialization of GM Crops: Argentine
material which contains transgenic events already
Approval Process
approved for commercialization. Furthermore, it
advises SAGPyA on the issuance of necessary licenses When an organization intends to obtain an authoriza-
and authorizations for experimentation and/or envi- tion for commercialization of a GM crop in Argentina,
ronmental release of GM microorganisms, as well as it has to pass reviews by the three regulatory agencies.
GMO-derived or GMO-containing products (although Briefly, CONABIA should determine that the environ-
the final decision is made by SAGPyA) [6]. In order to mental impact of the large-scale release of the GM crop
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 471

will not significantly differ from that of its non- consumption and feed. This evaluation is carried out
modified counterpart; SENASA’s Technical Advisory by SENASA under Resolution 412/2002 [17]. In the
Committee on the Use of GMOs should determine third step of the commercialization process, the
that the derived foods are safe for human and animal NBMA assesses the impact of the GM crop in question
consumption, and the DNMA should determine that on export market security. It does this by analyzing the
the release will not have an undesired impact on the status (if any) of the specific event in the destination
country’s international trade [16]. markets and, as a result, whether the addition of this
The prerequisite for entering the commercial eval- event to Argentina’s export supply might represent
uation process is that authorizations for experimenta- a potential barrier to the access to these markets.
tion and/or release into the environment of the specific After completion of all of the steps mentioned
GM crop have been previously granted [16]. After at above, CONABIA’s Office of Technical Coordination
least one release into the environment has been compiles all pertinent information and prepares
approved and the safety of the GM crop has been a “Project of Resolution” on the basis of its own,
demonstrated, the applicant can apply for a SENASA’s, and DNMA’s assessments and submits it to
“flexibilization” permit which allows future releases the SAGPyA, which takes the final decision on approval
by simply providing notification of the location, area, or denial of the commercialization request [13]. Should
sowing date, and intended harvest date [11]. Flexibility the GM crop be authorized for open cultivation, it
status conditions are granted for the following must also be registered in the National Registry of
purposes [13]: Cultivars, a process overseen by ex-INASE. For those
GM crops expressing either herbicide tolerance or
● For providing testing material
insect resistance, they require a pesticide approval
● For export
from SENASA prior to their commercial use [13].
● For off-season seed multiplication (not for use in
● For tests, which need to be presented at later stage
(e.g., variety registration) Regulatory Oversight in Canada
● For pre-commercial seed multiplication for
In line with a similar approach adopted in the United
a pending variety registration
States (see below), the regulatory framework
The deregulation of field testing conditions is established in Canada is based on the extension of the
dependent on the results of the biosafety assessment existing regulations to GMOs [18]. However, in con-
conducted by CONABIA with regard to the criteria laid trast to all other countries, Canada relies on the concept
down in Resolution 131/98. These include the charac- of novelty to trigger regulatory oversight, thereby
terization of the GMO (recipient organism, genetic enabling the regulation of a wider array of novel seeds
modification, insert, donor organisms, phenotypic or food [19], and includes those produced by conven-
characterization, potential environmental interactions tional breeding, mutagenesis, or rDNA techniques.
of GMO) and the impacts expected from the produc- Directive 94–08, first published in 1994, defines
tion of the GM crop at commercial scale (environ- these as “plants containing traits not present in
mental effects and impact on human health) [16]. If plants of the same species already existing as a stable
SAGPyA, on the recommendation of CONABIA, population” [20].
authorizes “flexibility status” release conditions for The Canadian Environmental Protection Act
the GM crop in question, the applicant only needs to (CEPA) of 1988 formally recognizes biotechnology as
submit information on the area to be sown, the date of a manufacturing process for products potentially pos-
sowing, the site of release and the harvest date [16]. The ing environmental risks, and therefore, the act requires
flexibility status of a GM crop allows large-scale plant- environmental assessments. CEPA, however, embraces
ing, but not planting for commercial purpose. a product-based approach to biotechnology, an
The second step to commercialization is the evalu- approach explicitly defined in the 1993 Regulatory
ation of the safety of the GM crop for human Framework for Biotechnology [21]. In accordance
472 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

with this framework, policy-makers proceeded to the must also be assessed by Health Canada. It is within the
amendment of a series of regulations (below) contigu- jurisdiction of Health Canada to regulate GM foods
ous to the laws governing the products of biotechnol- according to the Food and Drugs Act under Division 28
ogy. These amendments were mostly aimed at of Part B of Food and Drug Regulations (Novel Food).
inscribing a trigger (the novelty of the trait) launching As with seeds, the trigger for pre-market safety assess-
the risk evaluation process for the products of ments is novelty, and as such, Health Canada treats as
biotechnology. novel food all those derived from GMOs “whether it
The Canadian approach is based on an agreement is a micro-organism, a plant or an animal, such that
between the Canadian Federal agencies in 1993 that was it exhibits characteristics that were not previously
renewed in 1998. The responsibility for regulating observed, no longer fall within the anticipated range
plants with novel traits (PNTs), including GM plants, or no longer exhibits characteristics that were
is shared between the Canadian Food Inspection previously observed, for that plant, animal or micro-
Agency (CFIA) and Health Canada [18]. The CFIA organism” [23].
operates under the authority of the Seed Act, the Environment Canada is only responsible for the
Plant Protection Act, the Feeds Act, the Fertilizer Act, environmental assessment of GMOs used in industrial
and the Health of Animals Act. It also shares some processes. Although the Canadian Environmental Act
responsibilities with Environment Canada under the requires environmental risk assessments for GMOs, the
Canadian Environmental Protection Act, and with responsibility for conducting assessments relevant to
Health Canada under the Pest Control Products Act, novel plants, feeds, and food rests with the CFIA,
and the Food and Drugs Act. The Canadian Environ- PMRA, and Health Canada. Notably, CFIA, as the
mental Protection Act is an umbrella legislation agency most involved in the environmental risk assess-
intended to serve as a regulatory “safety net” for any ment of GMOs, is the responsibility of the agriculture
biotechnological products not currently regulated by minister whose mandate is to promote agricultural
another federal act. The Department of Fisheries development.
and Oceans regulates aquatic organisms under the
Commercialization of GM Crops: Canadian
Fisheries Act.
Approval Process
In 1997, the CFIA took over the risk management of
novel seeds and feeds from Agriculture and Agri-food Before crops with novel traits may be authorized for
Canada. The agency regulates novel plants following unconfined release, they must be fully assessed for
assessment criteria provided by Directive 94–08. In environmental safety by the CFIA. In meeting the
particular, the CFIA is responsible for the regulations extensive information requirements for these applica-
and guidelines dealing with cultivating PNTs, assessing tions to the CFIA, applicants will have conducted
their impact on the environment and biodiversity. experiments at the earlier confined release stage.
Canadian authorities state that “all plants derived These experiments are expected to contribute scientif-
through genetic engineering have been considered ically robust data to address the key criteria of environ-
novel, and as such have undergone a full, comprehen- mental safety assessments. The applicant is required to
sive, and rigorous safety assessment prior to release provide the Plant Biosafety Office (PBO) at the CFIA
into the environment” [22]. In addition, the agency is with extensive high-quality, statistically sound data
also in charge of ensuring livestock feed safety, along and/or valid scientific rationale to demonstrate the
with the responsibility for the regulation of seeds, environmental safety of the PNT. This information
veterinary biologics, and fertilizers. Furthermore, the initiates a review and decision for authorization of the
CFIA develops standards related to the packaging, release. CFIA officials also use pertinent information
labeling, and advertising of foods and handles all generated from the Agency’s own research, either
inspection and enforcement duties [23]. conducted in-house or contracted out, on specific key
Many GM crops are destined, in whole or in specific environmental areas [18].
parts, for the human food supply system. For this The unconfined release assessment by the PBO
reason, they must not only obtain CFIA approval but focuses on real or potential interactions of the PNTs
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 473

with the wider agricultural and ecological environ- China

ment, using “substantial equivalence” as the basis for
China has become one of the Asian leaders in biotech-
these assessments. Evaluations consider the unique
nology and has dedicated substantial economic, scien-
combination of species and traits, using standard
tific, and technological resources to R&D. Since the
descriptions of each species known as biology docu-
1980s, ministries and relevant government agencies in
ments as a baseline for comparison. If the PBO con-
China have been investing significantly in agro-
cludes that there is minimal potential for significant
biotechnology research and have established more
negative environmental impact of the PNT relative to
than 150 laboratories, resulting in the largest plant
its unmodified counterpart, an unconfined environ-
biotechnology capacity outside of North America
mental release may be authorized. In some cases, the
[25]. The government has allocated research budgets
PBO may authorize an unconfined release with condi-
to biosafety and management, and nearly all biotech-
tions, such as a requirement that the applicant ensures
nology research programs have expanded their scope
that users of an insect-resistant PNT deploy methods
into biosafety issues [5]. The commitment to sustain
to delay development of resistance among insect
biosafety after project closure is demonstrated by its
populations. Note that for species that may be used
growing budget to support agricultural research in
for food or feed, developers of PNTs must also seek
biosafety over the last few years. From an initial budget
approvals from Health Canada for human food use and
of slightly over US$ 80,000 in 1999, China now spends
from the CFIA Feed Section for livestock feed use [19].
about US$ 3 million annually on agricultural biosafety-
The starting point for the safety assessment of novel
related activities [10].
foods is also based on “substantial equivalence,” where
A wide variety of crops and traits has passed
the novel food is evaluated relative to conventional
through China’s biosafety system and are now planted
counterparts that have a history of safe use [23]. Health
commercially, while many others remain at the field
Canada has 45 days to decide whether the product is
trial stage, including many varieties with adaptation-
safe or to request additional information to pursue the
related traits developed by Chinese institutes and com-
risk analysis, even to the extent of involving experi-
panies [26]. In contrast to the other countries described
ments [23].
in this chapter, most of these crops have been devel-
All imported PNTs (or products derived from
oped predominantly by public sector laboratories in
them) require a prior import permit, being subject
China. The biosafety regulatory system in China has
to the CFIA regulatory review under the Plant Protec-
also reviewed a large number of applications since it
tion Act and Regulations. Pest risk assessments (PRAs)
was formally set up in the late 1990s. The government
are conducted by the Plant Health Division in order
received 1,044 applications for field trials or commer-
to evaluate the potential capability of PNTs to pose
cial release, and 777 of these were approved [27, 28].
a pest risk to the agricultural and forestry environ-
These applications predominantly covered 60 crops, as
ment. Those commodities determined not to pose
well as several animals and a large number of microor-
a plant pest risk are now no longer required to have
ganisms [28]. Varieties of cotton, tomatoes, phytase
an import permit. Additional exempted commodities
maize, insect-resistant rice, and sweet and chili peppers
include: PNTs with prior approval; PNTs (or products
have all been approved for commercial planting [3].
derived from them) that are incapable of sexual or
asexual propagation, i.e., have been processed in
Regulatory Oversight in China
some way to render them non-viable, such as by
grinding or freezing; and plants further developed China has adopted a policy that promotes research and
from exempted PNTs, or considered substantially development of biotechnology, while at the same time,
equivalent to them provided that the intended use is retaining control over research in genetic engineering.
similar, and that the plants do not display any addi- In the early 1990s, China had already implemented
tional novel traits, do not contain novel genetic ele- a very pragmatic approach to GM crop regulation.
ments, and have not been subject to inter-specific Regulations were basically product-based with special
breeding [24]. attention given to the economic interest of a given
474 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

application. By 1993, China had already established its Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms, which
first biosafety regulation, namely the “Safety Adminis- provided the legal basis and technical guidelines in
tration Regulation on Genetic Engineering” issued by GM crops risk assessment in China [31]. These new
the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). This regulations primarily concerned Biosafety Evaluation,
instrument required relevant ministries to draft and Import Safety, and Labeling and included several
issue corresponding biosafety regulations on biological important changes to existing procedures and details
engineering (i.e., the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) of regulatory responsibilities after commercialization.
for agriculture and the Ministry of Public Health for The changes included an extra pre-production trial
food safety) and established general principles, safety stage prior to commercial approval, new processing
categories, risk assessment and risk management pro- regulations for GM products, labeling requirements
cedures, application and approval mechanisms, and for marketing, new export and import regulations for
legal responsibilities [29]. It was followed in 1996 GMOs and GMO products, and local and provincial-
with the “Safety Administration Implementation Reg- level GMO monitoring guidelines [29]. Specifically, the
ulation on Agricultural Biological Genetic Engineer- Regulation on Biosafety Evaluation establishes proce-
ing” by the MOA [12]. This was an explicit regulatory dures for handling applications for GM cultivation and
regime for the risk assessment and management of sets up an advisory body, the National Biosafety Com-
agricultural products of genetic engineering. Labeling mittee (NBC), and a decision-making body, the Office
was not part of this regulation, nor was any restriction of Agricultural Genetic Engineering Biosafety Admin-
imposed on imports or exports of GM products. The istration (OGEBA), under the MOA to handle applica-
regulation did control GMOs for research and com- tions. Applicants must provide information on risk
mercial production, as well as establishing the National assessment, and GMOs are classified into four classes
Agricultural GMO Biosafety Committee (Biosafety depending on their potential danger to human and
Committee) to provide the MOA with expert advice animal health and to the environment. The Regulation
on biosafety regulations. establishes the requirements that should be met to
Criticism of GM crops on environmental, food- obtain authorization to import GMOs and will vary
safety, and ethical grounds, however, led to some according to the intended purposes of the imports,
significant changes in the Chinese legal framework on i.e., research, release into the environment, or processing.
agro-biotechnology [5]. In 2001, the State Council In response to representations from GM-producing
decreed a new and general rule on biosafety, with the countries, China agreed to allow trade to continue as
aim of protecting human, animal, and plant health and normal until the new Regulation on Safety of Imports
the environment. This new “Regulations on Safety of entered into force on 20 April 2004 [32, 34]. The
Agricultural Genetically Modified Organisms” replaced Ministry of Public Health (MPH) is responsible for
the 1993 Regulation issued by MOST. The 2001 regu- food-safety management of biotechnology products
lations provide the MOA with overall national author- (processed products based on GMOs) and promul-
ity to oversee the use of GM crops, whereas the 31 gated its first regulation on GMO food safety in April
provincial biosafety management offices are responsi- 2002, to take effect after July 2002.
ble for the supervision and administration of biosafety China’s policy on GM regulation is now under the
in their respective areas [30]. The 2001 regulations responsibility of an agency which was established by the
meet the generally accepted risk assessment procedures State Council, the name of which has been variously
outlined in the relevant international instruments reported as either the Joint Monitoring and Manage-
and also stipulate a comparative risk assessment ment Commission [12] or the Allied Ministerial
approach, in which a GM crop is compared with the Meeting [29]. It has a multi-stakeholder membership
corresponding non-transgenic crop for environmental/ comprising the highest representatives from ministries
ecological safety and food safety. like Agriculture, Health, Commerce, Science and Tech-
To implement this Regulation, the MOA issued nology, the National Development and Reform Com-
three implementation regulations including Imple- mission, the National Inspection and Quarantine
mentation Regulations on Safety Assessment of Agency, and the State Environmental Protection
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 475

Administration. It is responsible for the coordination commercialization approval for several years.
of key issues related to the biosafety of agricultural Influenced in part by opposition to the technology in
GMOs, the examination and approval of the applica- Europe and to some extent Japan, the final approval of
tions for GMO commercialization, determining the list many crops stalled at the level of China’s inter-
of GMOs for labeling, and establishing import or ministerial committee even as research and field trials
export policies for agricultural GMOs and their prod- continued apace. The discovery by Greenpeace that
ucts. In addition, under the new regulation, foreign some transgenic seed was planted by farmers without
investment in biotechnology has been prohibited [5]. authorization caused international debates about
The NBC remains the major player in the process of China’s biosafety system and may have contributed to
biosafety management. Currently, the NBC is com- regulatory approval delays [33].
posed of 56 members who come from different admin-
istrative departments, academic institutions, etc.
Commercialization of GM Crops: Chinese Approval
They are experts in biological research, production,
processing, inspection and quarantine, public health,
and environmental protection with respect to agricul- If the product is for cultivation, applications must be
tural GMOs [31]. The committee meets twice each year authorized before the first import of a specific GMO
to evaluate all biosafety assessment applications related can take place and must be accompanied by a safety
to experimental research, field trials, environmental assessment carried out in the country of origin of the
release, pre-production trials, and commercialization GM material [5]. For permanent approval of each
of agricultural GMOs. It makes recommendations to imported GM product, compulsory field trials are car-
the OGEBA based on the results of its biosafety assess- ried out in China in order to re-assess safety within the
ments. OGEBA is responsible for the final approval of Chinese context [35]. Generally, the practice in China is
decisions, as well as handling routine work and daily to use a comparative risk assessment approach, in
operations [29]. In 2005, all 31 provinces in China which the transgenic crop is compared with the
established biosafety management offices. These bio- corresponding non-transgenic crop in ecological risk
safety management offices collect local statistics on and assessment and hazard identification in transgenic
monitor the performance of research and commercial- foods [36, 37]. Although there are no official guidelines
ization of agricultural biotechnology in their provinces in China for risk assessment on food derived from
and assess and approve (or disapprove) all applications transgenic crops, the assessments carried out so far on
of GM-related research, field trials, and commerciali- nutrition, toxicity, and allergenicity generally followed
zation in their provinces. Only those cases that are the relevant Codex principles and guidelines [31].
approved by provincial biosafety management offices In China, agricultural GMOs also need to satisfy the
are submitted to the NBC for further assessment [29]. procedures governing the release of new seed varieties.
In May 2007, the National Development and These procedures are governed by the Seed Law in
Reform Commission in China announced that it had China. Only agricultural GMOs that have previously
approved the establishment of a National Biosafety obtained a biosafety certificate are eligible to be classi-
Research Centre. To be completed by 2009, the Centre fied as a new seed variety in accordance with the Seed
will manage agricultural and biological-related issues. Law and relevant regulations. After the GMO has
It is to house several research departments, including passed seed variety testing and received the permission
laboratories for high-risk plant pathogens, insects, and for production, it is eligible to enter into the chain of
plants, as well as units for agriculture-related informa- production and marketing [31].
tion analysis and quarantine facilities. The Centre will
be supervised by the Plant Protection Institute of the
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. In India, a wide variety of crops have been field trialed,
In 2009, a major development in China was the but most have not yet been commercialized. The first
commercialization of transgenic Bt rice, which reached approval for the commercial production of any GM
pre-production trials but was still pending final crop in India occurred in March 2002 when the Indian
476 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

competent authority approved three varieties of no major risk to food safety, environmental safety, or
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cotton (MECH 12, MECH agricultural production and that there are no adverse
162, and MECH 184 expressing the cry1Ac gene for economic impacts on farmers [29]. As such, the
insect resistance) amid widespread protests by anti- Government of India has adopted a policy of careful
GM activists. This was followed by a significant assessment of the benefits and risks of GMOs at various
increase in the availability of Bt cotton (currently 809 stages of their development and field release to ensure
hybrid varieties) [38] better suited to Indian cultiva- biosafety [39].
tion. By 2003, more than 34 genes were being tested in The existing regulatory framework takes the form
a wide variety of crops, including cotton, rice, mustard, of rules and guidelines and is based upon three specific
maize, potatoes, eggplant, tomatoes, pigeon pea, and provisions of the Environment Protection Act of 1986
cabbage [29]. Most of the varieties initially introduced (EPA). These are sections 6, 8, and 25. While Section 6
included insect-resistant cotton varieties as well as of the Act empowers the Central Government to make
some crops modified with herbicide tolerance. Several rules on procedures, safeguards, prohibition, and
Bt crop varieties have passed through the field trial restrictions for handling of hazardous substances,
stage and have received approval for commercial Section 8 of the Act prohibits a person from handling
planting. The primary technology used in India origi- hazardous substances, except in accordance with
nated in the Monsanto Company, which partnered procedures and after complying with safeguards.
with Maharashtra Hybrids Company (MAHYCO) to Section 25 of the EPA empowers the Central Govern-
develop transgenic hybrid Bt cotton for sale in India. ment to lay down rules regarding procedures and safe-
Once some Bt varieties had been approved for com- guards for handling hazardous substances. Thus, the
mercial planting, it was discovered that 800,000 ha of biosafety rules in India are statutory in nature as they
unapproved BT cotton had been planted, weakening originate from the EPA. These provisions of the EPA led
confidence in the biosafety system [29]. The latest to the adoption of the 1989 Rules for the Manufacture,
GM crop awaiting regulatory approval for commercial Use, Import, Export and Storage of Hazardous Micro
release is Bt brinjal (known also as aubergine or organisms Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells
eggplant), which received positive assessments by the (“1989 Rules”) [39, 40].
regulatory bodies based on years of field trials [3] but In 1994, the Department of Biotechnology revised
was refused authorization by the Environment Minis- its earlier guidelines of 1990, entitled “Revised Guide-
ter at the last stage of the commercialization process. lines for Safety in Biotechnology.” These revised guide-
lines aimed at regulating large-scale production and the
deliberate release of GMOs, plants, animals, and prod-
Regulatory Oversight in India
ucts into the environment and shipment and importa-
With the signing of the CPB in 2001, India became tion of GMOs for laboratory research [6]. By 2002,
committed to introducing structures and procedures an array of legislation likely to impact biosafety
commensurate with the conditions laid down in the regulations had come into existence. This included
CPB agreement – one of the main guiding principles the National Biodiversity Act 2002 (NBA) and the
for India when dealing with products derived from Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act
agricultural biotechnology. This commitment pro- 2001 (PPVFR), the latter of which derived from
vided India with the incentive to strengthen its bio- a broad-based consultation with a view to incorporate
safety capacity and have relevant institutional a form of farmers’ rights into the national plant variety
mechanisms at hand to enable the proficient dealing rights legislation. The biosafety rules have since been
of GMOs. As the CPB places due importance to supplemented by the Biotechnology Safety Guidelines
national legislations, provided it is developed in accor- issued by the Department of Biotechnology (DBT).
dance with the former, the existing domestic policy on These guidelines have been issued in pursuance of
GMOs was required to be fine-tuned and amended Rule 4[2] of the Biosafety Rules, which require manuals
wherever necessary. The goal of the Indian regulatory of guidelines to be brought out by the Review
system is therefore to ensure that their GM crops pose Committee on Genetic Manipulation [40].
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 477

Therefore, the Indian biosafety regulatory frame- in foodstuffs, and additives including processing aids
work, comprising the 1989 Rules and the 1990, 1994, containing or consisting of GMOs) come under the
and 1998 DBT guidelines, covers the entire spectrum of authority of the Genetic Engineering Approval Com-
activities relating to GMOs. This includes “research mittee (GEAC) at the MoEF. The committee members
involving GMOs, as well as genetic transformations of are primarily bureaucrats representing different minis-
green plants, recombinant DNA (rDNA) technology in tries, and they draw on the scientific expertise of each
vaccine development, and large-scale production and ministry. Additional to these national committees are
deliberate/accidental release into the environment of the State Biotechnology Coordination Committee
organisms, plants, animals and products derived from (SBCC) and the District Level Biotechnology Commit-
rDNA technology.” Production facilities such as distill- tee (DLC), who, along with the MEC, basically occupy
eries and tanneries that use GMOs are also covered. In the post-release domain, although they also contribute
India, the risk assessment and regulatory approval for to the research domain activities through data provi-
releases of GMOs and GM products are mandatory. sioning to the RCGM. Completing the regulatory
The concept of “biosafety” used in the regulations is apparatus are the Institutional Biosafety Committees
a broad one, covering the health safety of humans and (IBSC) which undertake the monitoring and imple-
livestock, environmental safety (ecology and biodiver- mentation of safeguards at the R&D sites, under the
sity), and economic impact. The first two safety aspects close supervision of the RCGM, the SBCC, and the
dominate the regulations, while economic impact is DLC. IBSCs must be established in any public or
given less prominence. private institute using rDNA in their research and
Two nodal agencies, the Ministry of Environment comprise scientists from their respective institutes
and Forests (MoEF) and the DBT at the Ministry of and a member from the DBT. There are more than
Science and Technology, are responsible for the imple- 230 IBCs in India, of which 70 deal with agricultural
mentation of the regulations [39]. The life cycle of biotechnology. They can approve contained research at
a GM product features four domains, pre-research, institutes unless the research uses a particularly hazard-
research, release, and post-release, and is characterized ous gene or technique which will require specific
by the presence of six competent authorities [41, 42]. approval from the RCGM [29]. In general, these
The Recombinant DNA Advisory Committee (RDAC) authorities are vested with non-overlapping responsi-
is in the pre-research domain as it triggers research bilities [39, 43].
through its initial approval mechanisms. The Review Under the Constitution of India, it is not the central
Committee on Genetic Manipulation (RCGM) resides Government of India but the state governments that
in the DBT and functions in the research domain, exercise formal authority over agriculture. Thus, while
closely monitoring the process of research and experi- the national government may take the initiative in the
mental releases. It requests food biosafety, environmen- policy arena and formulate policies concerning agricul-
tal impact, and agronomic data from applicants who tural biotechnology and GM crops (in R&D as well as
wish to do research or conduct field trials and will give commercialization), as well as being where the deci-
permits to import GM material for research. Pursuant sion-making process resides, the agreement and active
to Rule 4 [2] of the 1989 “Rules,” the RCGM is also cooperation of state governments are indispensable for
required to produce manuals of guidelines. The RCGM their implementation [44].
is primarily made up of scientists (including agricul- The multitude of rules and regulations underline
tural scientists) and can request people with specialized the complexities involved in biosafety as it cuts across
knowledge to review cases. It has a Monitoring cum ministries and agencies and does not merely govern
Evaluation Committee (MEC) that monitors limited environmental issues. Most of these regulations deal
and large-scale field trials of GM crops and is primarily with GMOs in seclusion without referring to a
made up of agricultural scientists. Commercial pro- common agency or secretariat to deal with the risks
duction of GM crops, large-scale field trials of GM that are associated with the organism [46], resulting in
crops, and the imports of GM commercial products the biosafety regulations being subjected to criticism
and GM-derived products (e.g., foodstuffs, ingredients both by industry and civil society groups. While
478 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

industry associations consider these regulations as relates to the formation of the MEC by the DBT in 1998
affecting their growth, civil society groups consider in order to closely and objectively monitor private
biosafety regulations as not being strong enough to sector biosafety data and through the mandatory
check the introduction of potentially harmful biotech- involvement of state-level agricultural university scien-
nology products. Since 2004, there have been serious tists. The second change, which was induced by the Bt
discussions in India on re-engineering the structure of cotton controversy in India, has been the introduction
biosafety regulations. The primary objective of the of allergenicity tests of transgenic seeds, leaves, and
exercise is to cut down red tape and ensure greater vegetables on rodents, rabbits, guinea pigs, and goats
transparency in decision-making. Calls have come for in the 1998 version of the Biotechnology Safety Guide-
the replacement of the present regulatory system (with lines [42]. This precautionary step is viewed by the
its dispersed, unclear, and confusing mandates; respon- industry as having contributed to the delay in the
sibilities; and powers) by a new, single, integrated, and regulatory approval for Bt cotton [40]. Additional reg-
professionally led authority, the National Biotechnol- ulations have recently been added to the PPVFR Act of
ogy Regulatory Authority (NBRA), with a comprehen- 2001, requiring applicants to provide relevant GEAC
sive mandate and a wide range of responsibilities, with clearances and approvals for registering transgenic
the power to implement the regulatory regime with varieties, as well as an affidavit stating that the “Termi-
speed and efficiency [40, 44] and to help the assessment nator” Technology or the Genetic Use Restriction
of risks and benefits associated with GM crops in Technology is not involved [52]. Notably, the deci-
a credible and transparent manner [47]. In May 2007, sion-making circle does not include the participation
it was announced that the NBRA will be fully functional of industry, civil society, or consumer groups. While
in 2 years time and will be administered by the DBT to the 1989 Rules explicitly say that the RCGM, the GEAC,
expedite the application of biotechnology in the agri- the SBCCs, and the DLCs may co-opt other members/
culture, veterinary, and medicine sectors [48]. experts as necessary, they neither include nor exclude
The current amendments or changes that have representatives of NGOs and the private sector. In
favored the industry relate to changes in the 1998 practice, however, these non-governmental stake-
revised guidelines for research in transgenic plants, holders have been excluded [44]. However, following
whereupon a relaxation was permitted regarding the the “Terminator” controversy, the National Bureau of
concept of deliberate release. This amendment, by Plant Genetic Resources is now mandated by the gov-
conferring powers to the RCGM to permit limited ernment of India to develop probes to detect the pres-
conduct of field trials in multi-locations, was at vari- ence of terminator genes in imported material,
ance with the 1989 Rules that prohibited deliberate or highlighting how the force of public opinion can still
unintentional release for experimental purposes, except shape biosafety rules in India.
where the GEAC approved it as a special case. The To keep up with the rapid pace of developments in
distinction between small-scale and large-scale releases plant biotechnology, especially GMOs, the Indian reg-
brought about by the changed guidelines was unusual ulatory system revised its existing guidelines in 2008.
and was designed to ensure the control of the DBT and These were to provide greater clarity on data require-
the RCGM over initial field testing of transgenic crops. ments and include: Standard Operating Procedures
An amendment was made by the DBT in September (SOPs) for Confined Field Trials of Regulated, Genet-
1999 conferring rights to the RCGM to approve small ically Engineered (GE) Plants [49], Guidelines for the
experimental field trials for research, limited to a total Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from Genetically
area of 20 acres in multi-locations with any one loca- Engineered Plants [50], and Protocols for Food and
tion not exceeding 1 acre. Through this amendment, Feed Safety Assessment of GE crops [51]. Guidelines
the DBT removed small experimental trials for for Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBSCs) are also
research from the deliberate release clause of the 1989 currently under review.
Rules [40]. While the overall regulatory system remains
The changes that have been made to accommodate unchanged, a notable difference is the classification of
civil society concerns are basically twofold. The first all GM field trials into two categories, based on size.
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 479

The RCGM, operating in the DBT, is now the regula- including on non-target organisms, are evaluated. The
tory authority for Biosafety Research Level I (BRLI) unconfined, open field trials are conducted either by
trials. BRLI trials are limited in size to no more than the applicant or by the ICAR, involving their institutes/
1 acre (0.4 ha) per location and a maximum cumulative State Agriculture Universities, and are monitored by
total of 20 acres (8.1 ha) for all locations for each plant the MEC. The MEC reports their observations directly
species/construct combination (e.g., one or more to the RCGM and the GEAC. Based on the biosafety
events originating from the transformation of a plant data and the field performance, the RCGM may rec-
species with the same genetic construct), per applicant, ommend the case to the GEAC for further evaluation.
per crop season. The GEAC, operating in the MoEF, is The GEAC will consider all the data provided and may
now the regulatory authority for Biosafety Research ask the company to furnish additional data or repeat
Level II (BRLII) trials. BRLII trials are limited in size the trials in multi-locations during the next season.
to no more than 2.5 acres (1 ha) per location, and the Based on the overall recorded benefits, the GEAC can
number of locations is decided on a case-by-case basis approve the commercialization of the GM crop for
for each plant species/construct combination, per a limited period and in a specified geographical zone.
applicant, per crop season. Data collected during this period will form the basis of
Members of the MEC, SBCCs, and DLCs and mon- the review undertaken by the GEAC for any extension
itoring teams of SAUs have the authority to inspect and or expansion to the set conditions of commercializa-
monitor confined field trials at the time of planting, tion. Any adverse impact on human, animals, and
during the growing and harvesting season, and during environment derived from such large-scale cultivation
the period of post-harvest land-use restriction for com- is required to be immediately notified by any individual
pliance with the terms and conditions of authorization. or organization directly to the GEAC.
All commercial authorizations are for a limited
period, requiring renewal after the expiry period. Fur-
Commercialization of GM Crops: Indian Approval
thermore, approval is conditional upon the observing
and collecting of relevant information on the risks, if
The approval process in India begins with the submis- any, arising from the commercial use of the GMOs and
sion of an application regarding a new LMO event with products thereof [42]. A key addition in the 1998
potential benefits over the conventional variety/hybrid guidelines is the requirement to generate data on com-
in terms of economic benefit to the farmer and/or the parative economic benefits of a modified plant. Thus,
environment. The developer is required to follow a set the 1998 guidelines call for a demonstration that
procedure that involves providing all the necessary a transgenic crop is both “environmentally safe and
information specified by the regulatory body. Such an economically viable.” An agronomic evaluation of the
application is reviewed by the RCGM which, in the first transgenic crop to determine economic advantage to
instance, may recommend various limited contained or farmers is seen as an integral component of the trans-
open field trials to be undertaken in order to generate genic crop approval process, along with the biosafety
specific biosafety data which may be lacking in the evaluation [42]. Thus, when the government granted
original submission. Once the full dossier of informa- permission for large-scale field testing of transgenic
tion from experiments undertaken under confined cotton in India in July 2000 (the first crop to receive
conditions is submitted, the RCGM will then ascertain such approval), mandatory data to be generated by the
as to whether the LMO presents any immediate adverse applicant included “cost of transgenic seed, projected
effects, either to humans, animals, and the environ- demand, and the area to be covered under transgenic
ment (including the likely impact of large-scale culti- cotton cultivation” [45].
vation on biodiversity). If considered as presenting
minimal risk, the RCGM may permit large-scale open
The Philippines
field trials to be conducted to generate data concerned
with the agronomic performance of the LMO. Once The Philippines’ National Agenda for Sustainable
more, possible adverse impacts on the environment, Development for the twenty-first Century (PA 21)
480 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

provides the policy framework of the country’s strategy and the Department of Science and Technology in
for sustainable development. In 2001, the Presidential 1991, 1998, and 2002 before being incorporated into
Policy Statement on Modern Biotechnology [53] the National Biosafety Framework, which was finalized
reiterated the government policy of promoting the in 2004 and issued as EO 514 in April 2006 [5, 12]. The
safe and responsible use of modern biotechnology rules and regulations for the import and release into the
and its products as one of several means to achieve environment of plants and plant products derived from
and sustain food security, equitable access to health the use of modern biotechnology are set out in Admin-
services, sustainable and safe environment, and indus- istrative Order no. 8, Series of 2002 of the Philippine
try development. The Philippine government formally Department of Agriculture (AO 8) [35, 55]. The fol-
funds biotechnology as part of the annual budget for lowing year, the DA issued Memorandum Circular
agricultural R&D through legislation [54]. In Decem- No. 8, which outlined the import requirements for
ber 2002, the Philippines became the first country in biotech products. This was quickly followed by the
Asia to commercialize a GM crop for use as food, feed, issuance of Memorandum Circulars 11 and 12 in
or for processing [55] when the Department of August 2003, which further clarified the import rules
Agriculture (DA) approved the Bt corn MON810 for for biotech products for direct use as seed, food, feed,
import and propagation [56]. By summer 2005, the or for further processing [57]. Importers of GM
Philippines had approved 19 different LMOs for direct plants for contained use, field testing, and propagation
use as food, feed, or propagation [57], while in 2010, (or commercial planting), as well as GMOs for direct
this had increased to 53 (when stacked events are also use as food, feed, and processing, are required to
included). obtain an approval permit [15, 55] which stipulates
that the performance of the GM crop and its effect on
the environment as well as human and animal health
Regulatory Oversight in the Philippines
have been positively assessed [11].
The Filipino biotechnology regulatory system was The decision-making process is vested in multiple
established as a result of the recommendations from national competent authorities (NCAs) after consul-
the scientists asking the national government to for- tation with other agencies and/or with a multi-
mulate a national policy on biosafety and create stakeholder advisory body. The Department of
a technical body to draft guidelines to ensure that Agriculture (DA) is the competent national authority
experiments using GMOs do not pose unacceptable responsible for biosafety decisions concerning plants
risks to human health and the environment [12]. The and plant products derived from modern biotechnol-
Philippines has a body of policies aimed at regulating ogy, fisheries and other aquatic resources, domesticated
the development, importation, transfer, and use of animals and biological products used for animal hus-
GMOs. The first guidelines for biosafety were promul- bandry or veterinary purposes, and biological agents
gated in October 1990 as Executive Order (EO) 430, used for biocontrol. It is the government institution
which established the National Committee on Bio- with mandatory responsibility for GM crop field
safety of the Philippines (NCBP). The NCBP was releases and commercialization. Likewise, the Depart-
established to “oversee the compliance with policies ment of Science and Technology is responsible for
and guidelines in all institutions, public or private, as research and development, the Department of Health
well as to coordinate with the appropriate national for pharmaceuticals which are not addressed by other
bodies that have regulatory powers over any violations” relevant international agreements or organizations,
[58]. At present, the NCBP is concerned with contained and the Department of Environment and Natural
use (confined laboratory and greenhouse experiments Resources concerning regulated organisms intended
on the regulated article), and its primary function is to for bioremediation, the improvement of forest genetic
identify and evaluate potential hazards involved in resources, and wildlife genetic resources, and appli-
initiating genetic modification experiments and rec- cations of modern biotechnology with potential
ommend measures to minimize risks [59]. Additional impact on the conservation and sustainable use of
guidelines were developed and published by the NCBP biodiversity [12].
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 481

Commercialization of GM Crops: Filipino Approval with food-safety standards. Additionally, the Fertilizer
Process and Pesticide Authority (FPA) and the Bureau of Ani-
mal Industry (BAI) will also evaluate applications of
In consultation with the NCBP, the Bureau of Plant and
those regulated articles which are also pest-resistant
Industry (BPI) of the DA is responsible for the granting
plants or to be used as feed, respectively. Concurrently,
of permits issued under AO 8 and are classified
the applicant must carry out a public consultation by
according to the intended use of the regulated article:
publishing the PIS in two newspapers of general circu-
(a) importation for contained use, (b) field testing,
lation and inviting the public to make comments
(c) release for propagation, and (d) importation for
directly to the BPI within 60 days of posting the notice.
direct use as food or feed or for processing [61]. Appli-
A decision, together with any agreed permit conditions,
cations for import must be accompanied by a certificate
is made within 120 days of publication of the notice
from the competent authority in the country of origin
[62]. Approved products are then included in the reg-
stating that the regulated article has been locally
istry for direct use maintained by the BPI. Once in the
approved and a notification in accordance with interna-
registry, for imported articles, the applicant is no lon-
tional obligations. Local applications must be supported
ger required to secure an import permit for succeeding
with the necessary technical and scientific dossiers,
shipments. However, a notification of shipment to
a public information sheet (PIS), and a certificate from
BPI is required within 15 days before its arrival at
the BPI stating that the regulated article has undergone
a Philippine port [57].
satisfactory field testing in the Philippines. The AO
8 policy for commercial propagation stipulates that no
South Africa
regulated article will be released unless (a) field testing
showed that the GM crop will not pose any significant South Africa is a biotechnology leader in Africa and is
risks to the environment, (b) food and/or feed safety involved in sophisticated biotechnology activities,
studies showed that the GM crop will not pose any including those pertaining to the development and
significant risks to human and animal health, and commercialization of GMOs [6, 63]. In 2000, the
(c) a permit for propagation has been secured from the South African government began to focus on, and
DA. If the GM crop has transgene-derived pesticidal substantially increased, its research support for bio-
properties, it must also be duly registered with the technology. This led to the adoption of the 2001
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) [61]. Upon National Biotechnology Strategy (NBS), a policy
receipt of an application, the BPI has 5 days to process framework to create incentives for the biotechnology
and evaluate all of the documentation to ensure that it sector [63], involving several government departments
is sufficient in form and substance. If it is found to be [64]. The NBS commits more than US$300 million per
defective, then the applicant is given a 60-day grace year from government to finance a variety of biotech-
period to correct or provide further necessary informa- nology initiatives [6].
tion. Only a complete application will be accepted for South Africa is among only three African countries
evaluation by a multi-stakeholder advisory body, the in which GM crops are commercially grown [2]. In
results of which must be reported to the BPI within 2006, the commercial release of insect-resistant (Bt)
30 days of acceptance. For the duration of the evalua- cotton and maize; herbicide-tolerant (RR) soybeans,
tion process, the reviewers remain anonymous to both cotton, and maize; and cotton with the “stacked gene”
the public and the BPI. The Scientific and Technical (Bt and RR) had been approved. At the time, it was
Review Panel (STRP) and the Bureau of Agriculture estimated that these GM crops accounted for the culti-
and Fisheries Products Standards (BAFPS) evaluate all vation of 30.5% of yellow maize, 28.8% of white maize,
applications; the STRP comprises of at least three 59% of soybean, and 90% of cotton in South Africa
experts from a roster of independent scientists and [65]. The total area of commercialized transgenic crops
particularly evaluates the risk assessment and risk man- increased in 2010 to 2.2 million hectares [2], which is
agement strategies outlined by the applicant, whereas mostly due to white and yellow maize, followed by RR
the BAFPS will make a determination of compliance soybeans and insect-resistant cotton. Giving an insight
482 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

into potential future commercial releases, several vari- that an applicant shall notify the public of any pro-
eties of these crops were also in field trials as of 2009, posed release of GMOs prior to the application for
along with additional new crops. Between January and a permit for such release. Public notifications shall be
September 2009, the number of field trial permits in the form of a standard notice published in the
issued totaled 267 [3]. Maize topped the list with printed media informing the public of the intended
222 approvals, followed by 24 permits for cotton, 15 release. It is worth noting, however, that the first field
for vaccines, 3 for soybeans, and one each for sugar trials were allowed in 1994, and since 1997, several
cane, sorghum, and table grapes. The traits associated multinational companies have been permitted to
in these approvals included drought tolerance and her- grow and import GMOs even before the GMO Act
bicide tolerance in maize, herbicide tolerance in cotton, was belatedly implemented in November 1999 [63, 69].
biofortified sorghum, fungus resistance in table grape,
alternative sugar production pathways in sugar cane, Commercialization of GM Crops: South African
and cassava with altered starch content. Approval Process
Commercial activities concerning GMOs all require
Regulatory Oversight in South Africa
a permit, including those for: import, export,
Concerns regarding the commercial release of GMOs contained use (including development, production,
led to South Africa enacting legislation to regulate distribution, transport, but not those under contain-
the development, importation, and application of ment levels 1 & 2, i.e., in the laboratory or growth
GMOs. The Genetically Modified Organism Act 1997 chamber), deliberate release of GMOs into the envi-
(GMO Act) was passed in 1997, and it was subsequently ronment (trial and general release), and commodity
modified in 2006 to bring it in line with the CPB [66]. clearance [70]. All applications must be submitted to
Regulations for its implementation were initially the GMO Registrar at the DA, along with a copy of the
adopted in 1999, and then, amended regulations took public notice and proof (newspaper clippings) in order
effect in February 2010. The formal structures for the for the application to be processed. The public notice
implementation of this act include an Executive allows interested parties to submit comments or objec-
Council, which reviews applications for GMO work; tions in connection with the intended release to the
a scientific advisory committee (South African Com- Registrar within 30 days after the date of the notifica-
mittee for Genetic Experimentation [SAGENE]); tion [71]. The Registrar then undertakes an initial review
a registrar to administer the GMO Act; and an inspec- of the application to determine compliance with
torate to monitor function. According to the legisla- the provisions of the GMO Act. If the application is not
tion, no person may import or export from South compliant, the application is referred back to
Africa, or develop, produce, use, release, or distribute the applicant. Once compliant, the application is
any GMO in South Africa, other than under a permit forwarded to a committee (expertise nominated by
for undertaking such an activity [67]. Such a permit is SAGENE chairperson) formed under SAGENE to con-
to be issued after a technical assessment and risk anal- duct a review of the proposed activity. The review
ysis report has been submitted by the applicant and has includes an evaluation of the risk assessment data,
been approved by the Executive Council. This Council including food safety (if applicable), submitted in the
is responsible for making regulatory decisions and is application. Conclusions of the assessment are detailed
comprised of ten members: one representative from in a recommendation report, which is sent to the
each of eight government ministries (Agriculture, Registrar on completion of the review. At this stage, the
Science and Technology, Health, Environmental Affairs application can be referred back to the applicant to
and Tourism, Trade and Industry, Labour, Water address any concerns raised or to supply additional
Affairs and Forestry, and the Department of Arts and information, and the response returned to the commit-
Culture), the chair of SAGENE who provides scientific tee. Once all concerns have been addressed, the commit-
and technical analysis of risk assessment data, and the tee makes a recommendation on the application. The
GMO Registrar [68]. The GMO Regulations provide recommendation document, public input, and a copy of
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 483

the application is forwarded to the Executive Council Government has made use of existing laws to ensure
for consideration, who will also take into account the safety of GM products [15]. US regulatory author-
the socioeconomical impact that the GMO may have. ities operate under the assumption that the fact that
The Council then submits its decision in writing to the a plant has been genetically modified is less important
Registrar. Should the Council raise any concerns, the than the specific effects of the modification [4]; there-
Registrar will once again refer the application back to fore, the regulation focuses on the characteristics of the
the applicant for clarification. Based on the information products rather than the way in which the product was
received from the applicant and the assessment done by produced [35]. The current system was delineated by
the Council, the application will be approved or rejected. the White House Office of Science and Technology
If the application is approved, the Council authorizes the Policy under the 1986 Coordinated Framework for
Registrar to issue a permit to the applicant. This permit Regulation of Biotechnology [73]. It is still the key
will be accompanied by specific containment conditions document for regulating gene technology in the United
as prescribed by the Council. If the application was States and provides the basis for the regulation of crop
rejected, the Registrar will communicate the decision varieties produced by rDNA techniques. Under the
back to the applicant with reasons for the rejection Framework, the US Department of Agriculture
[70]. Regulations of the Department of Health of (USDA), the Food and Drug Agency (USFDA), and
2004 provides for the labeling of foodstuff with genet- the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) that
ically modified ingredients that are significantly differ- were responsible for regulatory oversight of certain
ent to the non-GMO ingredients. The Consumer product categories or for certain product uses are also
Protection Act of 2008 also addresses this issue. responsible for evaluating those same kinds of products
developed using genetic engineering techniques. Trans-
United States of America (USA) portation, growing (including field testing), and prop-
agation of GM crops are governed by the USDA’s
In the USA, GM crops have been sold since 1994 and in
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS)
2006 were already planted on 54.6 million hectares
under the Federal Plant Pest Act 1996 (FPPA) and the
(soybean, maize, cotton, canola, squash, papaya, and
National Environmental Policy Act 1969. Specifically,
alfalfa), confirming the USA’s role as the world leader in
the APHIS has two responsibilities: deciding on which
agro-biotechnology [10]. The regulatory system in the
GM seeds to oversee, so-called regulated articles, and
USA relative to biotechnology products is rather
which GM seeds are safe enough to be free from the
different from the one put in place in the EU, and
agency’s oversight, so-called deregulated articles.
the discrepancies mainly reflecting the different
Deciding on GM seeds to be regulated depends on
approaches taken by the governmental authorities, cit-
“familiarity,” gained from direct experience through
izens, and firms toward GMOs and GM food, especially
field testing under regulated conditions. Any eventual
in the initial years of the biotechnology revolution.
deregulation, that is, exempting a GMO from the
In the USA, agricultural biotechnology politics has
oversight of APHIS, involves a petition process
been dominated by a strong and cohesive coalition of
whereby an advertisement is published in the US Fed-
pro-biotechnology upstream and downstream pro-
eral Register, and a period to comment is provided to
ducers and farmers. Lower public outrage has made
the public [74].
mobilization of NGOs in the United States difficult
If a GM plant is not intended for human consump-
and, in combination with a less-favorable institutional
tion and is not modified to contain a pesticide, the
environment (notably, centralized regulatory policy-
USDA is the leading agency. For plants genetically
making), has resulted largely in their exclusion from
modified to produce their own pest protection,
agri-biotech policy-making [72].
APHIS coordinates its evaluation with the USEPA.
Pest-resistant GM crops fall under the authority of
Regulatory Oversight in the USA
the USEPA under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide,
Taking the approach that GM products are essentially and Rodenticide Act 1996 (FIFRA) and the Toxic Sub-
an extension of conventional products, the US stances Control Act 1976. They are subject to a strict
484 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

testing regime, where producers must submit testing “introduction of organisms and products altered or
data to the USEPA who determines the quantity of produced through genetic engineering which are
pesticidal substances that may be present in food plant pests or which there is reason to believe are
[75]. In fact, industry is required to obtain an Experi- plant pests” [76]. By these rules, the introduction of
mental Use Permit (EUP) from the USEPA to test any a crop produced by rDNA techniques into the environ-
pest-resistant plant in a field larger than 10 acres. Once ment is only legal with an authorization by the APHIS.
the permit is granted, firms are expected to consult the The APHIS grants a release permit after preparing an
USEPA on the details of the field experiment. While the environmental impact assessment and “Finding Of No
APHIS analyzes data on the source of the new gene, Significant Impact” (“FONSI”). Exempt from these
the nature of the pesticidal substance produced, differ- rules are experiments with plants produced by rDNA
ences with its natural equivalent, effects on non-target technology in a contained environment (e.g., labora-
organisms, and environmental fate, the USEPA focuses tory, green house).
on the toxicology, the digestive fate, and the potential In 1997, the USDA simplified the procedure for the
allergenicity of the toxin. In line with the product- unconfined release of GM crops into the environment
based approach, the USEPA does not assess the GM by allowing the applicant to petition the APHIS for
plant per se but the toxin produced by the plant. As for a “determination of non-regulated status” [77]. When
any pesticides, the USEPA subjects these toxins to receiving a petition, the APHIS prepares an environ-
a registration process. Pest-resistant plants whose mental impact assessment taking into account the fol-
toxin falls under this process are mostly of the Bt lowing eligibility criteria:
variety. Following this registration logic, if the toxin
● The crop must not be listed as noxious weed or
produced by a GM plant has been approved previously
as a regular pesticide, a new registration is not required.
● The introduced genetic material must be stable and
The USEPA has been requesting for years new regula-
tions to obtain a wider role in the assessment and the
● The introduced genetic materials must not
management of GM plants, but thus far with only
– Result in any plant disease
limited success [11, 72, 74]. The US Food and Drug
– Confer an infectious entity or encode toxic
Administration (USFDA) regulates food applications
substances to non-target organisms
of GM crops and relies on existing laws that hold food
– Encode products intended for pharmaceutical
manufacturers responsible for food safety. Of the three
agencies, the USFDA has had the most influence on
● Any plant virus-derived sequences must not pose
biotechnology policy because most biotechnology
a significant risk for new plant virus creation.
products on the American market are health care or
● The GM crop must be free of known human and
food products [72]. In 1999, public meetings were
animal pathogens or allergens.
held by the agency with the aim of sharing its experi-
ence regarding GM foods and soliciting views on After a complete petition is filed, it is published in
whether its policies and procedures should be the Federal Register to solicit comments from the
modified. Public comments indicated considerable public. Thereafter, the APHIS reviews the data, taking
public support for a mandatory and more transparent into account public comments and takes a final deci-
process [4]. sion, which is again announced in the Federal Register.
The issuance of a “non-regulated” status for a trans-
genic crop means that it is deregulated and can be freely
Commercialization of GM Crops: US Approval
commercialized in the US (unconfined release, import,
interstate movement), except if it contains a pesticidal
The APHIS oversees the confined and unconfined substance. In that case, an additional “plant pesticide”
release of transgenic plants as well as any importation approval by the USEPA is required.
and interstate movement under the FPPA. In addition The responsibility of the USEPA is to evaluate the
to the FPPA, the USDA issued rules in 1987 for the risks of GM crops “producing their own pesticide” for
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 485

human consumption under the FIFRA. The evaluation all of those international agreements, then their bio-
process is held to the same standards as those for safety regulatory system must be compliant with those
pesticides applied to plants. To be registered under obligations [81].
the FIFRA, a pesticide must not cause “unreasonable
adverse effects” on the environment and on human
Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety
health [78]. Transgenic insect- and virus-resistant
plants fall under the jurisdiction of the USEPA; how- The conclusion of the CPB was broadly recognized as
ever, viral coat proteins are normally exempted from a step forward in providing an international regulatory
the requirements as the USEPA considers these proteins framework to reconcile trade with environmental pro-
as “low-risk applications” based on the principle of tection by creating an enabling environment for the
familiarity and their ubiquitous presence in the food environmentally sound application of biotechnology
supply. Today, Bt toxins, one viral coat protein, and the [82]. The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
potato leaf roll virus protein are registered as pesticides [83] in Article 19 [3] states that:
and supervised by the USEPA. The agency evaluates the
" The Parties shall consider the need for and modalities
risks of these “plant-incorporated protectants” by tak-
of a protocol setting out appropriate procedures,
ing into account the following criteria: toxicological
including, in particular, advance informed agreement,
effects, effects on non-target organisms, insect resis-
in the field of the safe transfer, handling and use of and
tance management, and persistence of the substance
living modified organism resulting from biotechnology
in the environment. The evaluation process lasts
that may have adverse effect on the conservation and
approximately 1 year. If adverse effects of insect- or
sustainable use of biological diversity.
virus-resistant plants are observed after commerciali-
zation, the USEPA has the legal power to amend In 1995, the second Conference of the Parties
existing registrations. Moreover, the USEPA may (COP) to the CBD began the consideration of the
impose new measures such as new pest resistance need for and modalities of such a protocol. COP Deci-
schemes [79]. sion II/5 commenced the negotiations for the protocol
Besides the pesticide registration under FIFRA, by launching an open-ended ad hoc Working Group on
Section 408 of the FFDCA requires the USEPA to deter- Biosafety [1]. Meeting six times between 1996 and
mine tolerance limits for substances used as pesticides 1999, the Working Group concluded its work with the
on and in food and feed [78, 80]. “Nucleic acids that are submission of a draft protocol for consideration by the
part of a plant-incorporated protectant” are exempted first extraordinary meeting of the COP, convened with
from this requirement because the USEPA considers the purpose of adopting a protocol on biosafety to the
them as “safe” [80]. Once approvals from the APHIS, CBD. The result of this first extraordinary meeting,
and from the USEPA when pesticidal substances are which took place in two separate meetings in 1999
used, have been granted, it is legal to commercialize and 2000, was the adoption of the Protocol [84]. In
the GM plant or derived product in the USA. However, accordance with its Article 36, the Protocol was opened
applicants normally engage in a voluntary consultation for signature by States and regional economic integra-
process with the USFDA before marketing of the tion organizations from 15 to 26 May 2000 and
GM plant or derived products. This policy is now remained open for signature from 5 June 2000 to
under review. 4 June 2001. By that date, the Protocol had received
103 signatures. The Protocol entered into force on
11 September 2003, 90 days after receipt of the 50th
International Obligations Relevant to the
instrument of ratification [85]. There are presently
Biosafety Frameworks
160 parties to the Protocol [86], with the COP to the
Countries do not have complete discretion when decid- CBD serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Pro-
ing how to set up their biosafety regulatory system as tocol (COP-MOP), the Protocol’s governing body.
there are several international treaties and agreements Since the coming into force of the Protocol, the COP-
that relate to biosafety. If a country is bound by any or MOP has met five times. The fifth meeting of the
486 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

COP-MOP took place from 11 to 15 October 2010 in integration contained in the Rio Declaration on Envi-
Nagoya, Japan, and it approved a Supplementary Pro- ronment and Development (Principle 4) and the 2002
tocol on Liability and Redress to the Cartagena Proto- Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sus-
col on Biosafety [87]. tainable Development (Paragraph 92), environmental
The Protocol’s scope is the “transboundary move- treaties and trade goals shall mutually support each
ment, transit, handling, and use of all living modified other. In fact, the various agreements and instruments
organisms that may have adverse effects on the conser- on the topic of the development and use of agro-
vation and sustainable use of biological diversity, biotechnology are all closely interrelated and need to
taking also into account risks to human health” [82]. be carefully considered in the decision-making process,
To ensure the safe transfer, handling, and use of GMOs, both individually and collectively. This regulatory and
the Protocol sets up two separate procedures. The first public policy background consists of relevant interna-
time that a GMO is to be intentionally introduced into tional instruments and processes, such as: the entry
the environment, the Protocol sets up an Advance into force of the CPB, the Codex Alimentarius Guide-
Informed Agreement (AIA) procedure. That procedure lines on Food Safety and Labelling of GMOs, and the
requires that the exporter of the GMO provides a notice World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreements on
with detailed information about the GMO to the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures and Technical
importing country. The importing country then Barriers to Trade. Table 1 presents a summary of the
reviews the information, conducts a risk assessment, main international instruments and processes of
and decides, based on the risk assessment results, relevance for biosafety.
whether to approve or reject the GMO. The second
procedure set up by the Protocol is for GMOs to be
A Comparative Analysis of Regulatory Processes
used for food or feed or for processing (such as corn,
in All Study Countries
soybeans, wheat, or other grains that will be fed directly
to humans or animals or used for processing). For Attributes of a Modern Regulatory Biosafety System
those GMOs, the AIA procedure is not required.
Although the development of regulatory regimes is
Instead, the Protocol establishes a simpler system that
essentially based on national specific practices, legal
reflects the decreased likelihood that those GMOs will
systems, public management strategies, and local
affect the importing country’s biodiversity. Before the
socioeconomic considerations, national regulatory
GMO can be exported to another country, the only
biosafety frameworks will generally always consider
requirement is that the safety decision in the exporting
the following elements [110–112]:
country is communicated to other countries through
the Biosafety Clearing-House. For LMOs used for other ● Biosafety policy, occasionally as part of a broader
purposes, such as LMOs used in the laboratory, the biotechnology or biodiversity policy
Protocol leaves any regulation to the discretion of the ● Regulatory policy
individual country. The Protocol also does not cover ● A mechanism to handle requests and permits
products derived from LMOs, such as processed foods related to LMO use, in particular, notifications
that have ingredients that came from LMOs. Although required by the CPB (i.e., an administrative system)
the Protocol comprehensively covers many issues, there ● A mechanism for monitoring and inspections
are a few remaining to be addressed by the individual ● A system that allows public participation and
Party when establishing their biosafety regulatory information
regime [81].
According to Jaffe [113]:
In addition to the CPB, other relevant international
agreements exist. Under international law, countries " The purposes of a national biosafety regulatory system
shall comply with all treaties to which they are parties, are to scientifically assess the safety of genetically
provided that the provisions of these treaties are not engineered (GE) organisms to humans and the envi-
contradictory (principle of accumulation of interna- ronment, manage any potential risks, and authorize the
tional obligations). According to the principle of development and marketing of safe GE organisms and
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 487

Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks. Table 1 Relevant international instruments

and processes (Taken from [88])

Agreement, declaration,
or process Content
Rio Declaration on The precautionary principle is a fundamental instrument for the safe use of biotechnology.
Environment and This principle is contained in Principle 15, which sets forth that: “In order to protect the
Development environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their
capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific
certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation”.
United Nations Environment Enacted in Cairo in 1995, these guidelines may assist governments, intergovernmental
Program – International organizations, private organizations, and others to strengthen capacities and exchange
Technical Guidelines for biosafety information.
Safety in Biotechnology
The guidelines are based on the following principles: (a) identification of hazards; (b) risk
assessment, taking into account the probability of any hazards arising and the potential
consequences of such hazards; and (c) risk management, applying adequate management
strategies which include developing procedures and methods to minimize risks and their
consequences, or making decisions not to proceed. Such management strategies shall be
proportional to the risk assessment results.
World Trade Organization The WTO Agreement recognizes the goal of sustainable development, considering that
(WTO) Agreement free trade shall protect and preserve the environment [89]. There are three WTO
Agreements which can be associated with GMOs: The Agreement on the Application of
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS; [90]), the Agreement on Technical Barriers to
Trade (TBT; [91]), and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights (TRIPS; [92]). It is also important to understand the regulations and procedures that
govern Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) in the WTO context [93].
Agreement on Technical The TBT Agreement is relevant to biotechnological products as it applies to technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) regulations and rules, including requirements for packaging and labeling [91]. The TBT
Agreement recognizes that no country shall be prevented from taking necessary measures
to ensure the quality of its exports, the prevention of deceptive practices, and the
protection of the environment and human, animal, and plant life or health. However, such
measures shall not be taken as means of arbitrary or unjustifiable discrimination between
countries, where the same conditions prevail, or as disguised restrictions on international
trade. Furthermore, such measures must otherwise comply with the provisions of the
Agreement [91].
The Agreement on the SPS rules are summarized in the following manner [90]:
Application of Sanitary and 1. Members have the right to take necessary sanitary and phytosanitary measures to
Phytosanitary Measures protect human, animal, and plant life or health, provided that such measures are not
(SPS) inconsistent with the provisions of the Agreement.
2. Any sanitary or phytosanitary measures are applied only to the extent that is necessary
to protect human, animal, and plant life or health, based on scientific principles.
Furthermore, such measures cannot be maintained in the absence of sufficient scientific
evidence of their necessity.
3. Members shall ensure that their sanitary and phytosanitary measures do not arbitrarily or
unjustifiably discriminate between members among whom identical or similar conditions
prevail. Moreover, sanitary and phytosanitary measures shall not be applied in a manner
that would constitute a disguised restriction on international trade.
488 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks. Table 1 (Continued)

Agreement, declaration,
or process Content
4. Sanitary or phytosanitary measures, which are taken in accordance with the relevant
provisions of the Agreement, are presumed to comply with the members’ obligations
under GATT 1994, which relate to the use of sanitary or phytosanitary measures, in
particular, the provisions of Article XX(b) [94].
5. In principle, members shall base their sanitary or phytosanitary measures on
international standards, guidelines, or recommendations, where these exist.
6. Sanitary or phytosanitary measures which comply with international standards,
guidelines, or recommendations are deemed necessary to protect human, animal, and
plant life or health and are presumed to be consistent with the relevant provisions of GATT
1994 [94] and the SPS Agreement [90].
7. Members may introduce or maintain sanitary or phytosanitary measures which result in
a higher level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection than the level that is required by the
relevant international standards, guidelines, or recommendations, provided that there is
a scientific justification to this heightened level of protection or that this level of protection
is determined by a member country to be appropriate according to Article 5 of the SPS
Agreement regarding risk assessment and adequate protection levels [90]. However,
measures which result in a heightened level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection need
not go against any other provisions in the Agreement.
The above-mentioned standards, guidelines, and recommendations are defined as those
established by international organizations, such as the Codex Alimentarius Commission,
the Office International des Epizooties, and the Secretariat of the International Plant
Protection Convention. As for other subjects that are not within the scope of the
aforementioned organizations, they shall be regulated by “other international
organizations” identified by the WTO Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures
as being open to the Parties’ membership.
The Codex Alimentarius Created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, the Codex Alimentarius (http://www. is the organization which is in charge of establishing regulations
related to food safety. Codex Alimentarius standards need to ensure fair trade practices in
food trade, according to WTO rules.
The Codex Alimentarius Commission established an Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force
on Food Derived from Biotechnology [95] to handle issues associated with food obtained
through biotechnological processes, particularly food used for health and nutrition
purposes. In July 2003, the Codex Alimentarius Commission held a meeting during which
three risk assessment standards for food resulting from biotechnology were approved [96].
These standards establish risk assessment principles for food derived from modern
biotechnology. The principles refer to the concept of “tracing,” which is a risk assessment
tool whose meaning is the subject of an important debate. In fact, the United States of
America consider this concept to be different from traceability and limit themselves to
following only the previous and subsequent link in the LMO movement chain. The
approved standards are the following:
– Principles for the Risk Analysis of Foods Derived from Modern Biotechnology [97]
– Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from –
Recombinant-DNA Plants [98]
– Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Produced Using
Recombinant-DNA Micro-organisms [99]
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 489

Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks. Table 1 (Continued)

Agreement, declaration,
or process Content
In 2008, the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Food Derived from Biotechnology
completed a Guideline for the Conduct of Food Safety Assessment of Foods Derived from
Recombinant-DNA Animals [100]. At its 31st session, the Commission noted that the Task
Force had completed its work, one year ahead of schedule, and agreed to its dissolution
Likewise, the Codex Committee on Food Labelling is working on draft guidelines for the
Labelling of Food and Food Ingredients Obtained through Certain Techniques of Genetic
Modification/Genetic Engineering, as well as on a Draft Amendment to the General
Standard for the Labelling of Pre-packaged Foods (in order to address the issue of
genetically modified foods) [102]. Finally, in 2007, the Codex Alimentarius Commission
adopted the “Working Principles for Risk Analysis for Food Safety for Application by
Governments” that were proposed by the Codex Committee on General Principles [103].
These principles allude to the precautionary approach. For more information on Codex
activities, see
International Plant The IPPC ( aims to prevent the international spread and introduction
Protection Convention of pests of plants and plant products and to promote appropriate measures for their
(IPPC) control. The Convention was reviewed in 1997 and entered into force in 2005 [104].
A Commission Working Group studied plant pest risks associated to LMO issues and an
international standard (ISPM No.11 pest risk analysis for quarantine pests, including
analysis of environmental risk and LMOs) [105]. This text intends to protect plants and
ecosystems from LMO-related risks. According to the text, such protection measures
should be cost effective, nondiscriminatory, and feasible and should not limit basic trade
World Organization for The World Organization for Animal Health, also known as the Office International des
Animal Health (OIE) Epizooties (OIE;, is an intergovernmental organization created by the
International Agreement signed on 25 January 1924. OIE’s mission is to ensure the
transparency of animal health conditions worldwide. Member countries promise to declare
animal diseases detected on their territory. In addition, the OIE is in charge of safeguarding
international trade through the elaboration of health regulations destined to be applied to
international transboundary movements of animals and animal products. The WTO
recognizes such regulations as international reference rules.
Regional International In 2000, the Regional International Organization for Plant Protection and Animal Health
Organization for Plant (OIRSA; produced a Regional Guideline on the Safety of Plant
Protection and Animal Biotechnology [106]. In fact, the Guideline is based on the CPB and essentially regulates the
Health (OIRSA) same issues as the Protocol. However, in view of its nature, the guideline also aims to
harmonize the various regional laws and practices pertaining to the issue of biosafety.
Central American The Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD), which is the
Commission for environmental authority of the Central American Integration System (SICA), through its
Environment and biodiversity program and territorial legal system, prepared a Central American Protocol on
Development (CCAD) the Safety of Modern Biotechnology. A series of technical consultations was undertaken
and led to the adoption of a draft Protocol, which was then approved by the Central
American Ministries of Environment in 2002. Although the Central American Protocol is
based on the CPB, some of its provisions go beyond the scope of the CPB. In fact,
provisions regarding labeling, documentation, liability, contained use, and transit, as well
as various biosafety principles, have been included in the Central American Protocol in an
attempt to avoid the inconsistencies and ambiguities which resulted from the multilateral
negotiations that lead up to the adoption of the CPB.
490 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks. Table 1 (Continued)

Agreement, declaration,
or process Content
The Inter-American Institute As requested by the Ministries of Agriculture in 2002, IICA, in collaboration with the OIRSA
for Cooperation in and the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE), was put in
Agriculture (IICA) charge of preparing a regional biosafety regulatory framework, in response to the lack of
regulations in certain countries that are receiving, or may potentially receive, requests for
field trials or trade in LMOs. A group comprising of various agencies was formed, along
with a consultative process, which led to the preparation of a Regulatory Framework Draft
for Living Modified Organisms for Agricultural and Livestock Use in Central American
Countries. This initiative intends to promote a model regulation on agricultural
biotechnology that is to be adapted by each country, according to its particular needs and
situation. There is hope that this regulation will be enacted in a similar fashion by the
various nations, thereby triggering a process of harmonization of regulatory frameworks in
the region.
Other relevant agreements – CGRFA draft Code of Conduct on Biotechnology [107]
and declarations – United Nations Model Regulations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UN
Recommendations) [108]
– The Aarhus Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-
making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, which contains specific guidelines
on public participation in LMO-related decision-making processes [109]. The Convention
entered into force in 2001. Although it was enacted by the United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe, the convention is open to other nations. The Convention was
amended in 2005 in order to set out more precise provisions on the deliberate release of
genetically modified organisms, but the amendment has not yet entered into force. The
amendment will enter into force once it has been ratified by at least three-quarters of the
Parties. In September 2007, the amendment had only been ratified by four countries. The
third meeting of the Parties was held in Riga, Latvia, on 11–13 June 2008. The meeting
adopted the Riga Declaration and a strategic plan for the Convention, resolved the issue of
how to calculate ratification of amendments, and renewed the mandates of task forces
dealing with access to justice, electronic information tools, and public participation in
international forums.

their products. To develop such a regulatory system, A protective biosafety regulatory system ensures that
a government can use existing laws or develop new any risks from GMOs are managed and allows safe
laws. Any national biosafety regulatory system that is GMOs to be developed, marketed, and utilized for
proposed, however, must be functional, protective, their intended purpose. Such a system, however, must
and also comply with international trade standards also be functional, which means that it should be
that are evolving in recognition of the growing impor- understandable, workable, equitable, fair, adaptive,
tance of GE organisms in world affairs. and enforceable [114].
Existing biosafety regulatory systems from around
A national biosafety regulatory system is a regula- the world reflect, among other things, the type of
tory regime responsible for assessing and managing the government in the country, the politics of the country,
full range of potential risks that might be posed by the country’s view on the relative safety of GMOs, and
a GMO and its products. It addresses potential risks the country’s regulation of food, agriculture, and envi-
to the environment and biological diversity as well as ronmental issues. Establishing those systems required
any food/feed risks or other safety-related issues involv- balancing numerous goals and trading off different
ing GMOs (e.g., worker health, drug safety, etc.). interests. Through an analysis and comparison of
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 491

different existing biosafety regulatory systems, how- growing awareness of their rights and farmers’ increas-
ever, one can identify key characteristics and compo- ing fear of dependence on multinational companies are
nents that are generally important to a functional and symptoms of a deeper concern about values and prior-
protective biosafety regulatory system [113]. Incorpo- ities, the type of environment that people want, the role
rating each of those characteristics and components in of biodiversity, their tolerance to risk, and the price that
a functional and protective biosafety regulatory system people are prepared to pay for regulation. Therefore,
involves problem solving because there can be tensions the regulations in the study countries were formed, or
between the different characteristics. amended, during this period of heightened public
Jaffe [113] indicates the following attributes of awareness and are a reflection of how the various gov-
a system: ernments have attempted, or not, to address these
concerns. A comprehensive discussion of regulatory
● Comprehensive.
requirements for GM crops at the national and inter-
● Adequate legal authority to subject each GMO to
national levels is a broader topic than can be covered
a food-safety and environmental risk assessment
here, and previous studies have addressed them in
detail [5, 116].
● A clear safety standard.
In general terms of regulatory systems, several
● Proportionate risk-based reviews.
approaches have been considered worldwide with
● Transparent and understandable.
respect to the safe use of modern biotechnology:
● Participatory.
(a) certain countries decided to apply preexistent
● Post-approval oversight. A biosafety regulatory
plant or animal health regulations to GMO-related
system does not stop its oversight once a GMO
issues or to incorporate biosafety provisions into
has been approved for a confined field trial or for
plant and animal health protection laws; (b) other
a commercial release.
countries decided to adopt specific biosafety regula-
● Flexible and adaptable.
tions that need to be enacted by the Parliament, the
● Efficient, workable, and fair.
executive power (through agreements or resolutions),
Decision-makers are facing an important challenge or public sector institutions; (c) certain countries
because biotechnology and biosafety fields are ever decided to mention biosafety in their environmental
evolving at a dramatic pace. In this context, overly regulations; (d) some countries decided to apply seeds,
precise and detailed regulatory frameworks can easily pest control, and plant or animal regulations to mod-
become obsolete in a short period of time. In order to ern biotechnology, enacting but a few coordination
avoid forever having to enact new legislation and pol- rules and specific provisions associated to biosafety.
icies, it is preferable to develop a regulatory framework The original trend of agricultural biosafety regula-
that takes on the form of a general guide, thus regulat- tions focusing on transgenic plants continues to exist in
ing more specific biosafety aspects by way of by-laws some countries but is in the process of being replaced
and other regulations. In fact, this alternative allows by a broader focus that comprises biosafety regulation
more efficient regulation of future situations but has of animals, microorganisms, fish, and forest species.
the effect of conferring the power of regulating specific This progressive expansion of biosafety toward new
aspects of biotechnology to the executive branch of areas results from the need to regulate research and
government and other administrative institutions, eventual trade of other types of organisms created
instead of to the Parliament [115]. through genetic engineering. The CPB, whose scope
extends beyond the issue of plants, and the subsequently
developed regulatory frameworks implementing its
General Comments on Evolution of Biosafety
provisions, brought on a gradual increase in the
Regulatory Systems
number and variety of organisms and activities being
The nature of GM crop regulations around the world regulated. In addition, health authorities have
has as much to do with social and political values as increased participation in biosafety advisory commis-
with concerns about health and safety. Consumers’ sions and committees.
492 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

In view of the complexity of biosafety issues, par- areas: the health safety of humans and livestock, the
ticularly issues of risk assessment and risk manage- safety of the environment (i.e., ecology and biodiver-
ment, and several other issues associated to the sity), and socioeconomic safety (i.e., the economic and
introduction of GMOs into the environment, almost social impact on farmers, consumers, and different
all of the countries have established a committee or social classes, as well as on trade and economy in
a national commission to assist decision-makers in general) [44]. While the biosafety regulations in force
the development of biosafety regulations. The compo- in industrialized countries (e.g., Canada, the European
sition of these committees and commissions varies Union, and the USA) address only the health and
considerably in the region, mainly with respect to the environmental risks and exclude socioeconomic con-
inclusion of the productive sector, consumers, and siderations, the regulations in developing countries
non-governmental organizations. However, the trend (e.g., India, Argentina, SA, and the Philippines) tend
points toward the inclusion of these organizations, to include all three areas.
even though such an inclusion can potentially lead to Countries have responded differently to the oppor-
conflicts of interest. Currently, these committees or tunities presented by GM crops and the potential risks
commissions are for the most part directly connected associated with them (Table 2). The composition of the
to the regulatory authorities in place. Nevertheless, “trade off ” between potential benefits and risks in each
independent national commissions (commissions that case depends upon whether a government adopts
are not connected to the regulatory authorities) were a permissive, precautionary, or prohibitive policy
created in some countries and were assigned political approach to GM crops. Three basic conditions may
and coordinative functions, leaving the issue of thus trigger application of protective measures: uncer-
technical recommendations to be dealt with by other tainty, risk, and lack of proof of direct causal link [5].
sector-based authorities established by each country’s As major agricultural exporters, Argentina, Canada,
competent Ministry or Secretariat. and the USA have each adopted a permissive attitude
The entry into force of the CPB had the effect of very early on, widely authorizing most GM products
introducing the Ministries of Environment to the bio- for production and consumption, thereby benefiting
safety debate. For the reasons mentioned in the previ- from lower production costs and greater export profits.
ous paragraph, the Ministries of Agriculture have Regulators in India, Europe, and the Philippines, on the
traditionally been the authorities involved in the deci- other hand, have taken a more cautious approach based
sion-making process regarding GMOs. Gradually, on guaranteeing a very low level of risk to human
environmental authorities started demanding and health and the environment. They have therefore
assuming an active role in the regulation of GMOs in imposed strict control measures on approval and mar-
view of their mandate to protect the environment. This keting of GMOs and GM products [5]. While China
trend has been strengthened by the incorporation of had initially moved quickly on the approval of GM
biosafety provisions into environmental laws and crops for environmental and commercial releases, the
regulations. In some cases, GMOs are even subject to approval process has slowed considerably since 2000,
environmental impact assessments (at least based on and strict regulations have been implemented for GMO
a literal interpretation of the pertinent legal provisions). imports [15].
Further differences are obvious. Process-based reg-
Comparison of Approval Systems
ulation is the rule in almost all countries that have
In Asia, the only major GM crops approved for com- developed national biosafety regulatory systems. Even
mercial release are Bt cotton, which is grown commer- in countries employing a product-focused RA process,
cially in China, India, and Indonesia, and GM corn the scope of regulatory oversight is defined by the
recently approved in the Philippines. To date, no process of genetic modification. Canada is the only
Asian government has given official permission to country in which regulatory oversight is triggered
plant GM soybeans or rice. solely by the novelty of the trait(s) expressed by plants,
In the context of GM crops, the concept of “bio- irrespective of the means by which the novel traits were
safety” is, in principle, a broad one, covering three introduced – an approach that is most consistent with
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 493

Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks. Table 2 Main characteristics of

commercialization approval systems in study countries
Element of approval system Argentina Canada China Europe India Philippines S. Africa USA
Biosafety/GMO-specific law/ X X X ✓ X X ✓ X
Regulatory trigger: process (A) B Ba B A A A A B
or product (B)
Responsible ministry or A A,H A A or Eb E A A, Ec
government department:
agriculture (A), environment
(E), or health (H)
ERA committee composition: A,C, G,P G A,G A G A,G A,G G
academia (A), commercial (C),
government (G), or public (P)
Obligatory domestic field ✓ Xd ✓ Xd ✓ ✓e
Obligatory prior approval in X ✓ X ✓ ✓
export country
Compulsory compliance with ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Xf
food-safety requirements
Socioeconomic impacts ✓ X Xg X ✓ ✓ X
Compulsory variety ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Mandatory post-market X ✓ ✓ X
Time- or spatially restricted ✓ ✓ ✓ X
Public consultation (days) 30 30i 60 30 ✓
In contrast to all other countries, Canada relies on the concept of novelty to trigger regulatory oversight and has declared that all plants
derived through genetic modification are considered novel
The European Commission sends its draft approval to the Council of Ministers (agricultural or environmental ministers), which has three
months to reject or adopt it. If they do not act within this time, the Commission may adopt its own decision and authorize the new GM
For those GM plants producing their own pesticide, the evaluation is coordinated between APHIS and the USEPA
Where data from field studies on other continents are supplied, the applicant should submit a reasoned argument that the data is
applicable to domestic conditions
For local applications only, not for applications for import
Developers of GM crops engage in a voluntary, but recommended, consultation process with the USFDA (voluntary pre-market review).
This process is currently under review
Taking socioeconomic considerations into account during the risk assessment process is not legally required in China [30]
✓ – Mandatory requirement for approved post-marketing monitoring plans and reporting. X – No specific approval requirement, but the
developer is expected to monitor for existing and emerging risks that may be associated with its product and notify the regulatory
authorities whenever new information is uncovered
Thirty-day time period is provided for public consultation after the formal approval
494 Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks

the scientific principle that the risks associated with makers are responding to these various problems with
GM crops are not inherently different than those different legislative and policy-based strategies. As seen
posed by more conventional crops [117, 118]. Indeed, above, most countries, with the notable exception of
the US National Research Council has explicitly the USA, consider GM crops to be novel foods, regard-
recommended using objective compositional changes, less of the characteristics of their final product. Hence,
not breeding method, as the basis for regulatory scru- new laws and institutions to regulate potential bio-
tiny and even then, only “when warranted” [119]. safety and food-safety issues have and continue to be
India, Argentina, Canada, most EU countries, and established, requiring that GM products be approved
South Africa have all used non-statutory guidelines to before they may be grown in, consumed in, or
manage the environmental impact of GM crops before imported into a country. Concurrently, public opinion
promulgating new acts or regulations. There is no in many parts of the world still regards the use of GM
evidence that this approach has ever compromised crops as controversial. Concerns about new risks have
environmental safety. India is the exception among led biosafety, food-safety, and labeling regulations to
the study countries in locating its biosafety decision- become complex and costly, with no tiered mecha-
making authority solely within the ministry responsible nisms in place to regulate the various and different
for the environment, while the Ministry of Agriculture GMOs based upon the level of risk presented and the
predominates among the remaining study countries. amount of regulatory experience gained with similar
As a rule, environment ministries have a more products. As a result, regulation has evolved which
precautious or preventative approach to introducing implicitly assumes that all GMOs have the ability to
new technologies, as compared to those with the present the same (high) risk unless proven otherwise,
responsibility for agriculture. Different structural requiring the over-production of data of questionable
approaches are used to secure the necessary scientific value to decision-making. This regulatory position has
advice for the decision-making process. The EU has become a real threat to the future development of GM
implemented a system of expert advisory committees, crops in the non-corporate and public sectors, espe-
while others, such as India, Canada, and the USA, rely cially for those subsistence crops involving tolerance to
primarily on scientists and professionals working abiotic stress and higher nutrient contents being spe-
within government departments and agencies. Other cifically developed for the benefit of farmers and con-
countries, e.g., Argentina, China, and South Africa, sumers in the developing world. Should regulatory
have a combination of both. Only India and the EU safety standards be set to an impossibly high threshold
mandate post-market monitoring in attempts to gauge (e.g., at zero risk), these GM crops are unlikely to be
the impacts of the introduction of GM crops over approved in those countries who stand to gain most
the long-term as well as larger spatial scales. Other from their potential benefits.
countries may address this indirectly by authorizing The requirements of setting up effective and effi-
time-limited or geographically limited introductions cient regulations and legislative systems pertaining to
(e.g., Canada), whereas the USA does neither. products of rDNA technology inevitably involve addi-
tional costs, e.g., the development and maintenance of
institutions, procedures, and management tools, costs
Conclusion and Future Directions
which many developing countries cannot afford. Even
Governments have an important role in ensuring that should developing countries decide to form their reg-
novel foods are safe for human consumption and that ulatory frameworks by adapting regulatory guidance
novel agricultural inputs do not cause major negative already implemented elsewhere, cost sharing still
impacts on the environment and long-term agricul- carries a financial burden. Once a system is in place,
tural production. The adoption of biosafety regulatory other relevant costs include the cost of compliance with
frameworks is a challenging task since decision- biosafety regulations and risk management conditions,
makers are faced with numerous difficulties, such as as well as the economic, environmental, and health
ever-evolving technology, which can quickly render costs related to delayed access to new technologies
specific regulations obsolete. Countries and policy- and products and their associated benefits. The variety
Commercialisation of GM Crops: Comparison of Regulatory Frameworks 495

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from modern biotechnology. CAC/GL 44–2003. Amended in 106. OIRSA (2000) Eighth meeting of the executive committee,
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Health Organisation (WHO), Geneva, Switzerland. http:// Agropecuaria (OIRSA), San Salvador, El Salvador. http://
044e.pdf xiii-31-mar.-2000-recomendaciones.pdf
98. CAC (2003) Guideline for the conduct of food safety assess- 107. CGRFA (2007) Code of conduct on biotechnology as it
ment of foods derived from recombinant-DNA plants. CAC/ relates to genetic resources for food and agriculture.
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99. CAC (2003) Guideline for the conduct of food safety 108. UNECE (2001) UN recommendations on the transport of
assessment of foods produced using recombinant DNA dangerous Goods – model regulations. Twelfth revised edi-
microorganisms. CAC/GL 46–2003. Amended in 2008. tion. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
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046e.pdf public participation in decision-making and access to
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101. CAC (2008) Alinorm 08/31/REP. Report of the thirty-first Environment Programme (UNEP)-Global Environment Facil-
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Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in 501

Crop Breeding for Sustainable Gene pyramiding Gene pyramiding is a process of

accumulating the favorable genes/alleles from dif-
Agriculture, Genomics ferent genotypes into an elite/commercial cultivar.
Interventions in Gene pyramiding is often performed through
PAWAN L. KULWAL1, MAHENDAR THUDI2 marker-assisted selection (MAS).
RAJEEV K. VARSHNEY2,3,4 Genome-wide selection or genomic selection (GS)
1 Genome-wide selection or genomic selection is
State Level Biotechnology Centre, Mahatma Phule
Agricultural University, Rahuri, Maharashtra, India a concept for accelerating genetic gain especially
2 for complex traits in elite genotypes by utilizing
Centre of Excellence in Genomics (CEG),
International Crops Research Institute for genomic information and estimating their breeding
the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, values in breeding strategies. GS is becoming very
Hyderabad, AP, India popular over marker-assisted selection that was
3 focused on few individual genes or few QTLs to
Genomics Towards Gene Discovery Sub programme,
Generation Challenge Programme (GCP), Generation improve genotypes, especially when recent
Challenge Programme (GCP) c/o CIMMYT, Mexico, advances in genomic technologies have drastically
DF, Mexico reduced the cost on marker genotyping.
4 Genomics-assisted breeding (GAB) Genomics-
School of Plant Biology, Faculty of Natural and
Agricultural Sciences, The University of Western assisted breeding is a holistic approach, where
Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia genomics technologies including molecular
markers, trasncriptomics, metabolomics, proteo-
mics, bioinformatics, and phenomics are integrated
with conventional breeding strategies for breeding
Article Outline
crop plants resistant/tolerant to biotic and abiotic
Glossary stresses or improved for quality and yield.
Definition of the Subject Haplotype Haplotype is a set of alleles of closely linked
Introduction and Importance of Sustainable Agriculture loci on a chromosome that tend to be inherited
Contribution of Plant Genomics Technologies to Crop together.
Breeding Linkage disequilibrium (LD) Linkage disequilibrium
Some Modern Breeding Approaches is a nonrandom association of alleles at different
Challenges in Adoption of Genomics Technologies loci, describing the condition with non-equal
Future Directions (increased or reduced) frequency of the haplotypes
Acknowledgments in a population at random combination of alleles at
Bibliography different loci. LD is not the same as linkage,
although tight linkage may generate high levels of
LD between alleles.
Marker-assisted selection (MAS) Marker-assisted
Association mapping Association mapping is a high- selection is a process of indirect selection for
resolution method for mapping quantitative trait improving the traits of interest by employing mor-
loci (QTLs) or gene(s) for traits of interest based on phological, biochemical, or DNA-based markers.
linkage disequilibrium (LD) and holds great prom- DNA-based markers/molecular markers, in the
ise for the dissection of complex genetic traits. recent past, were proven to be the markers of choice
Back cross (BC) Back cross is a cross of the F1 with for MAS.
either of the parental genotype and the resultant Narrow genetic base Narrow genetic base does fre-
progeny is called BC1. The progeny of the cross quently exists in modern crop cultivars or breeding
between BC1 and the recurrent parent is called lines due to the continuous use of small number of
as BC2. elite genotypes in breeding programs. In fact, it is

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
502 Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in

a serious obstacle to sustain and improve crop practices may not be able to achieve the sustainability
productivity due to rapid vulnerability of geneti- in today’s agriculture.
cally uniform cultivars to emerging biotic and It is under such circumstances that advances in
abiotic stresses. plant genomics research are opening up a new era in
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies plant breeding, where the linkage of genes to specific
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies traits will lead to more efficient and predictable breed-
include various novel sequencing technologies for ing programs in future. Several initiatives have been
example 454/FLX (Roche Inc.), ABI SOLiD started towards use of genomics technologies in num-
(Applied Biosystems), Solexa (Illumina Inc.), etc., ber of crop plants to ensure the sustainable production
that have surpassed traditional Sanger sequencing of healthy and safe crops and the results are encourag-
in through-put and in cost-effectiveness for gener- ing. It is therefore expected that the genomics will be
ating large-scale sequence data. the integral part of the agricultural/plant breeding
Polygenes Polygenes are a group of non-allelic genes, practices in future for improving crop productivity
each having a small quantitative effect, that together leading to achieve food security and sustainable
produce a wide range of phenotypic variation. production.
Quantitative trait loci (QTLs) Quantitative trait loci
are the loci or regions in the genome that contribute
Introduction and Importance of Sustainable
towards conferring tolerance to abiotic stresses
(e.g., drought, salinity) or resistance to biotic
stresses (e.g., fungal, bacterial, viral diseases) or The goal of agricultural science is to increase crop
improving agronomic traits (e.g., yield, quality) productivity coupled with the quality of the products,
which are generally controlled by polygenes and and maintain the environment [1]. Food security is
greatly depend on gene  environmental (G  E) a growing concern worldwide, and more than 1 billion
interactions. people are estimated to lack sufficient dietary energy
Sustainable agriculture Sustainable agriculture refers availability [2]. The issue of “food security” has become
to efficient agricultural production while so important that prominent scientific journals,
maintaining the environment, farm profitability, including Science, have also published a special issue
and prosperity of farming communities. on this subject recently (February 12, 2010 issue). With
Sustainable development Sustainable development is the current rate of growth, the global population is
defined as balancing the fulfillment of human needs likely to plateau at some 9 billion people by roughly
with the protection of the environment so that the middle of this century [3]. With this ever-
these needs can be met not only at the present increasing human population and amidst the fear of
time, but also in the future. shrinking resources in terms of cultivable area, irriga-
tion resources, newly emerging insect pests, stagnated
yields, etc., it has become difficult to maintain agricul-
Definition of the Subject
tural sustainability. In order to make today’s agricul-
There has been significant improvement in production ture sustainable, it is necessary that plant breeders
and productivity of important cereal crops globally adopt innovative technologies that can increase
as a consequence of the “Green Revolution” and the efficiency of selection with more precision [4].
other initiatives [1]. However, today the stage has Under such circumstances, molecular approaches
reached that the available traditional methods of crop including modern genomics and genetic engineering
improvement are not sufficient to provide enough and technologies have emerged as powerful tools to assure
staple food grains to the constantly growing world rapid and precise selection for the trait(s) of interest.
population [2]. This situation is projected to be worse Maintaining effective and environmentally friendly
by the year 2050, especially in context of climate change agricultural practices is a necessary prerequisite for
[3]. In other words, the conventional plant breeding maintaining sustainability.
Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in 503

Plant genomics is a rapidly developing field, which Contribution of Plant Genomics Technologies
is radically improving our understanding of plant biol- to Crop Breeding
ogy by making available novel tools for the improve-
Plant genomics technologies have contributed
ment of plant properties relevant to sustainable
immensely in today’s agriculture which has led to
agricultural production. Recent advances in high-
better understanding of how plants function, and
throughput genomics technologies, including that of
how they respond to the environment. This has also
next-generation sequencing and high-throughput
helped in achieving targeted objectives in breeding pro-
genotyping, have helped immensely in understanding
grams to improve the performance and productivity of
the functions and regulation of genes in crop plants [5].
crops. The DNA-based molecular markers have facili-
The ever-increasing availability of genome sequences in
tated smarter and knowledge-based breeding, by
crop plants have facilitated greatly the development of
enabling early-generation selection for key traits, thus
genomic resources that will allow us to address biolog-
reducing the need for extensive field selection. Besides
ical functions and a number of basic processes relevant
this, the molecular tools can effectively be used for the
to crop production leading to sustainable agriculture.
characterization, conservation, and use of genetic
One of the myths linked to sustainable agriculture
means going back to past techniques/farm practices,
Recent advances made in the area of molecular
which were followed by our ancestors. In fact, sustain-
biology and bioinformatics offer substantial opportu-
able agriculture can be achieved by combining some of
nities for enhancing the effectiveness of classical plant
the wisdom of past practices with careful use of current
breeding programs. These tools can be integrated into
technology, including the vast array of information
breeding work in order to analyze efficiently high num-
technologies now available. Sustainable agriculture is
bers of crosses at the early seedling stage. This approach
a key element of sustainable development and is essen-
is known as “genomics-assisted breeding” [6]. Through
tial to the future well-being of the human race and the
this approach, both the phenotype and the genotype of
planet. A compelling need exists for restorative and
new varieties can be analyzed and the performance of
sustainable agriculture to help address the pressing
new specific introgressed traits can be predicted. The
trends of population, climate, energy, water, soil, and
goals of the integration of these technologies in classical
food. Sustainable agriculture needs to be economically
breeding are to create genotype-to-phenotype trait
viable, environmentally sound, and socially acceptable.
knowledge for breeding objectives and to use this
In other words, it is a system of agricultural production
knowledge in product development and deployment
that, over the long term, will: (1) satisfy human food,
for the resource poor farmer.
feed, and fiber needs; (2) enhance the environmental
For successful utilization of genomics-assisted
quality and the natural resource base upon which the
breeding approach in a crop, availability of basic
agricultural economy depends; (3) make the most effi-
molecular tools, such as molecular markers, genetic
cient use of available technologies, nonrenewable
maps, etc., is a prerequisite. Among molecular markers,
resources, and on-farm resources, and integrate,
though a variety of molecular markers such as restric-
where appropriate, natural biological cycles and con-
tion fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), randomly
trols; (4) sustain the economic viability of farm opera-
amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), microsatellite
tions; and (5) enhance the quality of life for farmers
or simple sequence repeat (SSR), amplified fragment
and society as a whole.
length polymorphism (AFLP), and single nucleotide
There are various components of sustainable agri-
polymorphism (SNP) markers have been developed
culture, which include technological interventions, and
in a range of crops, SSR and SNP markers have emerged
environmental and socio-economic factors. As the fac-
as the markers of choice [7, 8]. Because of advent of
tors related to socio-economics and environments have
NGS technologies [5] and high-throughput
been discussed in a number of reviews earlier, in this
genotyping platforms, SNP marker system and array-
article, we focus on the interventions of plant genomics
based genotyping platforms are becoming more
technologies in crop breeding.
504 Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in

popular [9, 10]. An overview on availability of genomic (3) slow adoption of markers by breeders in their
resources in some selected important crop species is breeding programs. Recent advances in association
shown in Table 1. It is evident that cereal crops, espe- genetics, however, offer opportunities to overcome
cially rice, maize, wheat, barley, etc., are on top in terms the first two constraints.
of availability of genomic resources (see [11]). Genome Association mapping (AM) is considered an alter-
sequences have already become available for several native strategy to linkage mapping for identifying
crop species, including rice ( marker-trait associations and has been used extensively
IRGSP/), sorghum [12], and maize (http://gbrowse. in human and animal systems. AM has a number of Recent invest- advantages over linkage mapping, including the poten-
ments coupled with advances in genomics technologies tial for increased QTL resolution and an increased sam-
have contributed towards developing a good resource pling of molecular variation (for reviews see [19, 20]).
of genomics tools in legumes as well [13, 14]. AM involves studying a natural population rather than
the offspring of crosses, and associations in natural
Some Modern Breeding Approaches populations are typically on a much finer scale because
they reflect historical recombination events. Several
The availability of genomic resources in almost all
examples on marker-trait association using AM are
important crops combined with information on
available [21]; however, there is a need for optimization
pedigrees as well as optimized methods of precise
of more advanced analytical tools in the area of associ-
phenotyping make it possible to undertake genomics-
ation genetics [22]. It is anticipated that because of
assisted breeding approaches for crop improvement.
reduction in costs on marker genotyping [10], AM
In fact, some molecular breeding approaches like
will be extensively used for trait mapping in the future.
advanced backcross QTL (AB-QTL) analysis and
Once the markers associated with a trait of interest
marker-assisted selection (MAS) have been successfully
are identified through linkage mapping or AM, the next
employed in several crops, leading to improved culti-
step is to use these markers in the breeding programs.
vars, some other approaches such as marker-assisted
In this context, the selection of one or a few genes
recurrent selection (MARS) or genomics selection (GS)
(QTLs) through molecular markers using backcrossing
are being used in several crops [15, 16].
is a very efficient technique [23, 24]. Important advan-
tages of MAS are that it can be effectively utilized for
Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS)
traits with low heritability; for gene pyramiding, selec-
There are three major steps involved in MAS: (1) identi- tion can be made at seedling stage; and, above all, there
fication of molecular marker(s) associated with trait(s) are no issues involving GE crops [25]. Although use of
of interest to breeders, (2) validation of identified markers in breeding programs through MABC is
marker(s) in the genetic background of the targeted a common practice in the private sector [26], MAS is
genotypes to be improved, and (3) marker-assisted in routine use in wheat and barley breeding programs
backcrossing (MABC) to transfer the QTL/gene from in Australia [8, 27–29] and USA (www.maswheat.
the donor genotype into the targeted genotype. In; Never-
context of marker-trait association, linkage mapping theless, there are several success stories in many crops
has been extensively used for identifying the markers including wheat, rice, barley, maize, soybean, etc., where
associated with a trait of interest in a range of crops MAS has successfully been utilized to develop superior
including cereals, legumes, horticultural crops, lines/varieties/hybrids for improving quality, resistance to
etc. These studies have been reviewed in detail in sev- diseases or tolerance to abiotic stresses. For example,
eral reviews [14, 17] and books [18]. Although hun- Gupta et al. [17] has recently summarized success stories
dreds of studies have been undertaken, only a few of molecular breeding in wheat.
studies were taken further to marker validation and A widely discussed success story of molecular
MABC. This may be attributed to (1) identification of breeding is the introgression of the FR13A Sub1 locus
few markers associated with small-effect QTLs, conferring resistance against submergence in an Asian
(2) non-validation of markers in elite genotypes, and rice cultivar, Swarna [30, 31] that can confer tolerance
Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in 505

Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in. Table 1 Genomic resources among selected
cereals and legumes
Molecular markers Molecular maps (Genetic/QTL map/ Transcript data and sequence
Crop plant (SSRs and SNPs) comparative/physical maps) expression profiling data
Rice ++++a ++++b,c ++++d ++++e
Maize ++++f ++++b,g,h ++++d ++++i
Wheat +++j +++b,k,l +++d ++m
Sorghum +++n ++++b,o +++d ++++p
Barley +++q +++r +++d,s +++t
Soybean ++++u,v +++w,x,y +++z ++++aa
Groundnut ++bb +cc +z
Cowpea +++bb ++cc +z
Common ++bb ++cc +z
Chickpea +++bb ++cc +z
Pigeonpea +++bb
+, Very few; ++, Few; +++, Moderate; ++++, Abundant
Paterson et al. [12]
See Varshney et al. [13]
See Varshney et al. [14] marker assisted recurrent selection (MARS) or genomic selection (GS) are being used in several crops [15, 16].
506 Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in

up to 2 weeks of complete submergence. This has It was demonstrated in recent studies that the
offered great relief to the large number of Asian farmers response of MARS is larger when prior knowledge of
whose rice land is located in deltas and low-lying areas the QTLs exists and the response decreases as the knowl-
that are at risk from flooding during the monsoon edge of the number of minor QTL associated with the
season every year. Some selected examples of molecular trait decreases [66]. In sweet corn, MARS was employed
breeding in rice and wheat (adopted from [17]) are to fix six marker loci in two different F2 populations
summarized in Table 2. which showed an increase in the frequency of marker
allele from 0.50 to 0.80 [64]. Similarly, in a separate
study, enrichment of rust resistance gene (Lr34/Yr18)
Advanced Backcross QTL (AB-QTL) Analysis
with an increase in frequency from 0.25 to 0.60 was
Although MAS has been quite successful, it has always reported in wheat BC1 through MARS [28]. MARS can
been a difficult task to tackle linkage drag, especially be utilized effectively for selection of traits associated
when a QTL or a gene is to be introgressed from wild/ with multiple QTLs by increasing the frequency of
exotic species. Furthermore, in MAS, QTL/gene discov- favorable QTLs or marker alleles. Several companies
ery and variety development are two separate processes. are using MARS in their maize, soybean, etc., breeding
To deal with this problem and to harness the potential programs [66, 67]. Recently, some institutes like Interna-
of the wild/unadapted germplasm in breeding pro- tional Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
grams, a new approach referred as advanced backcross (ICRISAT), the French Centre for International Agricul-
QTL (AB-QTL) analysis was proposed by Tanksley and tural Research (CIRAD), and the University of California-
Nelson [32]. AB-QTL aims at simultaneous detection Riverside, USA, have also initiated MARS programs in
and transfer of useful QTLs from the wild/unadapted chickpea (PM Gaur, personal communication 2010), sor-
relatives to a popular cultivar for improvement of ghum (J-F Rami, personal communication 2010), cowpea
a trait. In this context, a superior cultivar/variety is (J Ehlers, personal communication 2010), etc., for
crossed with a wild species leading to the production pyramiding favorable drought-tolerant alleles.
of a backcross population (BC2, BC3), and molecular
markers are used to monitor the transfer of QTLs by
Genome-Wide or Genomic Selection (GS)
conventional backcrossing. The advanced backcross
approach has already been successfully utilized in dif- Although MAS has been practiced for the improve-
ferent crops, including tomato [59], rice [60, 61], bar- ment of quantitative traits, it has its own limitations.
ley [62], and wheat [63]. It is anticipated that the use of Therefore, in addition to MARS, Genomic Selection
AB-QTL will be accelerated in a range of crops for can be used to pyramid favorable alleles for minor
improving important traits such as disease resistance effect QTLs at the whole genome level [68, 69]. Geno-
as well as yield traits. mic selection predicts the breeding values of lines in
a population by analyzing their phenotypes and high-
density marker scores. A key to the success of GS is that,
Marker-Assisted Recurrent Selection (MARS)
unlike MABC or MARS, it calculates the marker effects
In the majority of traits of interest, quantitative varia- across the entire genome that explains the entire pheno-
tion is controlled by many QTLs, each with minor typic variation. In simple terms, genome-wide selection
effect. Moreover, minor QTLs show an inconsistent refers to marker-based selection without significance
QTL effect in different environments and over different testing and without identifying of a subset of markers
seasons. Even when the effect of these minor QTLs is associated with the trait [68]. The genome-wide marker
consistent, their introgression into the desired geno- data (marker loci or haplotypes) available or generated
type through MABC becomes extremely difficult as on the progeny lines, therefore, are used to calculate
a larger number of progenies are required to select genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV) as the sum
appropriate lines. In such cases, MARS has been pro- of the effects of all QTLs across the genome, thereby
posed for pyramiding of superior alleles at different potentially exploiting all the genetic variance for a trait
loci/QTLs in a single genotype [64, 65]. [68, 69]. The GEBVs are calculated for every individual
Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in 507

Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in. Table 2 Some examples of improved cultivars
or varieties developed through marker-assisted introgression of important genes/QTLs in rice and wheat

Genes/QTL developed/
Crop introgressed Function released Reference
Rice GBSS Unique cooking and processing Cadet and [33]
quality traits including amylose Jacinto
Xa33t Bacterial blight resistance BC3F2 [34]
Xa21 Bacterial blight resistance Zhongyou 6 [35]
and Zhongyou
Sub1 Submergence tolerance BC3F2 [30]
Sub1 Submergence tolerance Samba [36]
SUB1QTL Submergence tolerance Sub1 [37]
Piz-5+Xa21 Blast and bacterial blight BC4F2 [38]
Xa4+xa5 and Bacterial blight resistance Angke and [39]
Xa4+Xa7 Conde
xa7 and Xa21 Bacterial blight resistance Zhenshan97  [40]
Minghui 63
xa13 and Bacterial blight resistance, strong Pusa1460, [41]
xa21 aroma IET18990
xa13 and Bacterial blight resistance Improved Pusa [42]
Xa21 RH1
xa5, xa13 and Bacterial blight resistance Improved [43]
Xa21 PR106
Xa5, xa13 and Bacterial blight resistance BC3F2 [44]
Xa5, Xa13 Bacterial blight resistance IET19046
and Xa21
Xa4, xa8, Bacterial blight resistance BC1F3 [45]
xa13 and
Xa4, Xa5, Improved bacterial blight Pusa1526–04– = node/233
Xa13 and resistance 25
508 Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in

Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in. Table 2 (Continued)

Genes/QTL developed/
Crop introgressed Function released Reference
– Bacterial blight resistance Xieyou218 [46]
QTL Drought-tolerant aerobic rice MAS946–1
qSALTOL and Enhanced salt and submergence F6
qSUB1 tolerance stories/conference/site/papers/
QTL Improved performance under Birsa
drought VikasDhan111 releases/2009/may/26018.htm
(PY 84)
Wheat QPhs.ccsu- Preharvest sprouting tolerance BC3F3 [47]
3A.1 and Lr24 and leaf rust resistance
Lr47 Resistance to leaf rust BIOINTA2004 [48]
Gpc-B1 High grain protein content Lillian [49]
Qfhs.ndsu- Resistance to fusarium head blight Bena [50]
Sm1 Resistance to the insect orange Goodeve [51]
blossom wheat midge
Stb4 Resistance to Septoria Kern Cited from [17]
Wsm-1 Resistance to wheat streak mosaic Mace [52]
virus (WSMV)
Yr15 Seedling stripe rust BC3F2:3 [53]
Qss.msub-3BL Resistance to wheat stem sawfly McNeal,
Reeder, Hank dubcovsky.pdf
Bdv2 Resistance to yellow dwarf virus Above,
Avalanche, dubcovsky.pdf
Yr17 and Lr37 Stripe rust and leaf rust resistance Patwin [54]
CreX and CreY Cyst nematode resistance F3 progenies [55]
Yr36 and Gpc- Resistant to stripe rust and high Westmore [56]
B1 grain protein content
Yr17 and Yr36 Resistance to stripe rust Lassik Cited from [17]
Lr19 and Sr25 Resistant to stem rust race UG99 UC1113 [57]
Yr36 and Gpc- Resistance to stripe rust, high grain Farnum
B1 protein content (WA7975) acc/
Yr15 and Gpc- Resistance to stripe rust and high Scarlet
B1 grain protein content (WA7994) 2005_Proceedings.pdf
Lr1, Lr9, Lr24, Leaf rust resistance BC1F2 [58]
Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in 509

of the progeny based on genotyping data using a model fungicides) that are constantly being released into the
that was “trained” from the individuals of another environment and are becoming increasingly toxic to
training populations having both phenotyping and human and animal life [71]. In recent years, the use of
genotyping data. These GEBVs are then used to select promising biotechnology tools like genetic engineering
the progeny lines for advancement in the breeding cycle. (GE) has offered potential solutions to the above prob-
Thus GS provides a strategy for selection of an individ- lems. However, the adoption of any new technique,
ual without phenotypic data by using a model to predict particularly related to genetic engineering, remains
the individual’s breeding value [69]. a policy matter and as mentioned above faces stiff
Recently, Wong and Bernardo [70] simulated the opposition many a times. In a recent review, Farre
comparative responses of phenotypic selection (PS), et al. [25] addressed several of these issues and advo-
MARS, and GS with small population sizes in oil cated to overcome on the major barriers to adoption,
palm, and assessed the efficiency of each method in which are political rather than technical, for realization
terms of years and cost per unit gain (i.e., the time and of the potential of GE crops in developing countries.
cost saved by these different methods over each other for It is thus obvious that the challenges facing agricul-
making selection). They used markers significantly ture are massive, particularly with the controversies over
associated with the trait to calculate the marker scores GE crops world over. It is clear that current methods of
in MARS, whereas all markers (without significance food production, in both the developing as well as the
tests) to calculate the marker scores in GS. Responses developed countries, are neither sufficient nor sustain-
to PS and GS were consistently greater than the response able [72]. Under these circumstances, genomics inter-
to MARS. Furthermore, with population sizes of N = 50 ventions have great role to contribute to sustainable
or 70, responses to GS were 4–25% larger than the agriculture. As mentioned in this article, genomics
corresponding responses to PS, depending on the heri- approaches are very powerful to predict the phenotype,
tability and number of QTLs. In terms of economics, with higher precision and efficiency, based on the geno-
cost per unit gain was 26–57% lower with GS than with type. A variety of approaches ranging from MAS to GS
PS when markers cost US $1.50 per data point, and are available to become integral part of plant breeding.
35–65% lower when markers cost $0.15 per data point. While in the past, plant breeders were hesitant to use
Reduction in costs in sequencing and high-throughput genetic variation existing in wild relatives of crop spe-
marker genotyping may enhance uptake of GS for crop cies in commercial breeding programs due to the long
improvement in the future. time it takes to recover desired phenotypes because of
linkage drag, approaches like AB-QTL, in addition to
MAS, can be successfully utilized. Availability of NGS
Challenges in Adoption of Genomics Technologies
technologies, associated with low costs and high-
Developing sustainable approaches to agriculture is throughput, offers the opportunity to sequence either
one of the most difficult challenges facing growers entire or major proportion of the germplasm collection
and scientists today. Agricultural sustainability involves for a species present in the gene banks around the word
successful management of resources for agriculture to to understand genome variation. In case, the genome
satisfy changing human needs, while maintaining or variation can be associated with the phenotype, which
enhancing the quality of the environment and conserv- is not trivial, it will be possible to develop the ideotype,
ing natural resources [71]. However, sustainable pro- based on haplotype, of the variety to be developed.
duction is hampered by the decline in land and soil
productivity as a result of inappropriate soil and water
Future Directions
management and other agricultural practices, as well as
misguided policies and frequent opposition to techno- While success stories of genomics-assisted breeding are
logical advances that have the potential to improve the available in several crops, it must also be recognized
quality of life of billions of people worldwide. This is in that much of the genome information generated is not
addition to the postulated challenges of climate change, being routinely used by plant breeders, especially in
the number of hazardous chemicals (pesticides and public breeding programs [26]. This may be due to
510 Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in

Germplasm Traditional breeding

Technological innovations (wild, landraces, elite lines, varieties) (integrated with physiology,
entomology, pathology, etc.)
• NGS sequencing technologies
- 454/FLX • Selection
- Solexa/ Illumina Markers/ Modern breeding approaches - Mass selection
- ABSOLiD Genes - Pedigree selection
• Marker assisted selection (MAS)
• Marker assisted recurrent selection • Hybridization
• High-throughput genotyping
Genomics (MARS)
platform • Genome-wide or genomic selection • Mutation
- Capillary electrophoresis for SSRs
- Diversity array technologies
- GoldenGate assay for SNPs
- Infinium assays for SNPs
- BeadXpress assays for SNPs Precision breeding Chance breeding

• -omics approaches
- Transcriptomics
- Metabolomics
- Proteomics
Crop improvement leading to
sustainable agriculture

Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in. Figure 1

Schematic representation of genomics technologies for crop improvement and sustainable agriculture
In general, traditional crop improvement programs (shown in the box on the right hand side in Fig. 1) employ different
breeding strategies integrated with physiology, pathology, entomology, etc., and generate superior lines or improved
crop varieties. These approaches, however, take more time, and sometimes such breeding is referred as “chance breeding”
due to uncertainty in successes predicted in these approaches. On the other hand, genomics technologies (shown in the
box on the left hand side) such as a number of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, availability of high-
throughput genotyping such as capillary electrophoresis for large-scale SSR genotyping, microarray-based DArTs,
GoldenGate/Infinium/BeadXpress assays for large-scale SNP genotyping, and a range of -omics technologies provide
candidate markers, gene(s), and QTLs to be integrated into the breeding programs by using high-throughput genomics
platforms. Integrated breeding approaches (shown in the box in the middle) such as marker-assisted selection (MAS),
marker-assisted recurrent selection (MARS), and genome-wide selection (GS) offer “precision breeding” with a great
potential, versus “chance breeding” to contribute to sustainable crop improvement

shortage of trained personnel, inadequate access to breeding programs is invaluable for crop improvement
genotyping, inappropriate phenotyping infrastructure, (Fig. 1) and will lead to sustainable agriculture for food
unaffordable bioinformatics systems, and a lack of security, especially in developing countries.
experience of integrating these new technologies with A vital task facing the plant breeding community
traditional breeding [4, 26]. However, recently, several today is to enhance food security in an environmentally
international initiatives such as the Integrated Breeding friendly and sustainable manner. Though genomics
Platform (formerly Molecular Breeding Platform, interventions will not solve all the problems associated, a joint initiative of The with agricultural production leading to sustainability,
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and The Genera- they have the potential, especially when they are used
tion Challenge Program, have been started so that plant in an integrated manner as described in Fig. 1, to
breeders especially from developing countries can have improve the breeding efficiency to address specific prob-
access to many genotyping, phenotyping, as well as lems. These include increasing crop productivity, diver-
information technologies to integrate their breeding sification of crops, enhancing nutritional value of food
programs with modern genomics approaches. (biofortification), and reducing environmental impacts
We believe that integration of modern genomics in of agricultural production. However, only through judi-
combination with other cutting edge technologies in cious, rational, and science- and need-based exploitation
Crop Breeding for Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in 511

of genetic resources through genomic technologies 13. Varshney RK, Close TJ, Singh NK, Hoisington DA, Cook DR
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514 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

Crop Development Related to when the harvested part of the plant was at the opti-
mum stage. This knowledge was especially important
Temperature and Photoperiod (even vital) in medicinal plants, where the timing of
MARC MORAGUES1, GREGORY S. MCMASTER2 harvesting defines the medicinal value of the product.
Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State This interest increased as groups moved from hunting
University, Fort Collins, CO, USA and gathering to agrarian societies.
USDA-ARS, Agricultural Systems Research Unit, Fort Crop development can be defined with the number
Collins, CO, USA and rate of appearance, growth, and senescence of
phytomers. However, that definition lacks information
Article Outline about when the switch of vegetative to reproductive
phytomers occurs, which is defined by the phenology of
the crop. Crop development is of great importance in
Definition of the Subject
agriculture because it is the main mechanism for plants
to escape both biotic and abiotic stresses, and adapt to
Canopy Structure: Phytomers, Phyllochron, and
the environment. At a more practical level, it affects the
management of the crop because cultural practices are
Regulation of Crop Development
more effective at specific stages of crop development.
Modeling Approaches
Future Directions
Bibliography Introduction

Glossary Major food, feed, and industrial crops were domesti-

cated in a few centers of origin, including the “Fertile
Base temperature Lower temperature threshold Crescent,” the Americas, and China. The wild relatives
below which development ceases. of modern crops were adapted to survival in the envi-
Epigenetics Genetic information other than DNA ronment prevalent in the center of origin. Those origi-
sequence information. nal crops were locally grown in the region of origin, but
Phenology Study of the sequence of developmental some species showed a significant ability to adapt to new
stages of a plant and how it relates to climate. environments and were spread globally with human
Photoperiod sensitivity Requirement for a minimum migrations and trade. For instance, wheat
(or maximum) day length for reproductive phase was domesticated in the Middle East (the “Fertile Cres-
induction. cent”) [1, 2], around 32ºN and is currently cultivated
Phytomer Fundamental building block of plant cano- from between 30ºN and 60ºN and from 27ºS to 40ºS.
pies. A vegetative phytomer is comprised of leaf, However, it can grow beyond those limits, in lower
node, internode, and axillary bud. latitudes, in high altitudes, or even in the arctic circle.
Phyllochron Rate of appearance of leaves on a shoot. This range of environments where wheat can grow
Shoot apex The tip of the shoot where usually there is makes wheat one of the most plastic crops currently
meristematic tissue producing new organs. grown. It requires a large range of developmental mech-
Thermal time Temperature response curve used to anisms to adapt to such different environments, where
estimate development rate. photoperiods vary from 13–14 h to nearly 20 h. One of
Vernalization sensitivity Requirement for a period of the major accomplishments of the “Green Revolution”
low temperatures for reproductive induction. was the discovery of photoperiod insensitive mutants
in wheat that could be grown at lower latitudes.
Definition of the Subject
Plasticity in development is key for the adoption
Plant development, or the progression of plants of crops in a wide range of environments. Although
through their life cycle, has been of great interest in growth and development are related, they are different
human history because of the need to know and predict processes. Development is the initiation and

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod 515

differentiation of organs and the progression of stages explained. This entry starts by defining the canopy
through which cells, organs, and plants go during their structure and the sequence of events that define the
life cycle, whereas growth is the change in size or weight developmental processes of a crop, followed by the
of the initiated organs. Biotic (e.g., genetics, weeds, and current knowledge on how temperature (including
diseases) and abiotic (e.g., temperature, light, water, vernalization) and photoperiod regulate crop develop-
and nutrients) factors influence the initiation, growth, ment. This entry finalizes with two important parts:
and senescence of plant organs. modeling crop development and future directions.
Since the “The Metamorphosis of Plants” by Modeling crop development is twofold important;
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, originally published in first to understand the physiology and genetic basis of
1790 [3], there has been extensive research on how crop development, and second to predict when key
plants proceed from germination to maturity in an developmental events are likely to happen as accurately
orderly and predictable manner. This research has led as possible.
to an extensive conceptual framework of plant develop-
ment resulting in many tools to predict plant develop-
Canopy Structure: Phytomers, Phyllochron,
ment. Plant shoots develop by forming a series of nearly
and Plastochron
identical building blocks, called phytomers [4, 5]. The
vegetative phytomer is associated to a leaf, and The phytomer is considered the basic building block
phytomers are produced in an orderly manner on of plant canopies and is most commonly defined as
a shoot; for example, the phytomer of leaf 2 is formed the leaf, node, internode above the node, and the
after the phytomer of leaf 1. axillary bud [6]. Therefore, canopy architecture and
Phenology is the study of the plant (or animal) life development is determined by the dynamic appear-
cycle and how it is influenced by seasonal and inter- ance, growth, and abortion/senescence of phytomers
annual variations in climate. The phenology of a crop is (and components of the phytomer). Phytomers origi-
defined by the sequence of stages, which, in turn, define nate at the shoot apex with the initiation of a leaf, and
phases. Identification of certain stages may require the potential for a new shoot is formed with the pres-
examination of the shoot apex. For example, after ence of the axillary bud. The growth and differentiation
germination, the apical meristem produces vegetative of each component of a phytomer will lead to their
structures such as leaf primordia. When temperature visual appearance. For example, the internode can con-
and photoperiod requirements are met, the shoot apex tinue differentiating and growing, resulting in its
will start initiating reproductive structures (e.g., spike- appearance from the leaf sheath. Tillers may appear
let and floret primordia). when the axillary bud differentiates and grows.
The rate of appearance of phytomers and changes
Naming Plant Parts
at the shoot apex are regulated by the genetics of the
plant, the environment, and often an interaction of Because plant development is an orderly process, accu-
both. The main environmental drivers of plant devel- rately identifying plant parts aids in describing the
opment are temperature and photoperiod; their effects process and quantifying the developmental rate.
on phenology interact with the genetics of the plant Several naming systems of plant parts have been
responses by photoperiod sensitivity genes, vernaliza- proposed, but most are quite similar. For example,
tion genes, and earliness per se. true leaves can be numbered acropetally for each
This entry covers how plant development is regu- shoot with an L [7–9] (Fig. 1) beginning with the first
lated by temperature and photoperiod. Temperate foliar leaf, L1 [9]. Similarly, Jewiss [7] proposed
cereals are emphasized because they are adapted to a system for naming tillers that has been modified
a wide array of environments and show a diverse set and extended by many, but the modified system pro-
of adaptive mechanisms regulating their development. posed by Klepper et al. [8, 9] is increasingly being
However, defining plant parts and how canopies are adopted. This system uses the leaf axil number of
built as well as the sequence of events throughout the the parent shoot to name the tiller. The first shoot
crop cycle is required before their regulation can be to appear from the seed is the main stem (MS).
516 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

Leaf 3 MS Tiller Leaf 2 MS

(L3) (T2) Leaf 2 MS
Tiller Leaf 3 MS (L2)

Leaf 1 MS

Tiller Leaf 1 MS
(T1) Coleoptile Tiller
(TC or T0)
Tiller of the prophyII
on T1 (T10)

Main Stem

Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod. Figure 1

Naming leaves and tillers of a winter wheat plant

Tillers appearing from the axils of leaves on the main where n is the number of leaves that have appeared on
stem are primary tillers and are named with a T and a shoot, Ln1 is the blade length of the penultimate leaf,
a digit corresponding to the leaf number. For example, and Ln is the blade length of the youngest visible leaf
the tiller appearing from the first leaf (L1) on the main extending from the sheath of the penultimate leaf.
stem is called T1. This system is however limited by the Therefore, when a shoot is identified, it can be further
potential production of tillers from the axil of leaf 10 characterized using the Haun system. For example,
and above, which rarely happens. Primary tillers can the Haun stage for shoots on the plant shown in
produce tillers that are called secondary tillers. Second- Fig. 1 is: MS (5.3), T0 (1.5), T1 (2.4), T2 (1.4), and
ary tillers can arise from the axil of the prophyll of T3 (0.7). The Haun stage of a tiller with one leaf not
primary tillers and their second digit is a zero (Fig. 1). fully unfolded is arbitrarily assigned as 0.1 or 0.9 when
Haun [10] proposed a numerical leaf staging system only the tip of the leaf is visible or most of the leaf blade
to quantify the number of leaves appearing on the main has appeared, respectively.
stem (which can be extended to any shoot): Similarly, the leaf and tiller naming scheme
  has been extended to the wheat inflorescence.
Ln Ln Klepper et al. [11] defined a numerical index for the
Haunstage ¼ ðn  1Þ þ ; 0< 1 ð1Þ
Ln1 Ln1 development of the inflorescence and Wilhelm and
Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod 517

Spike Spikelet 7 (S7)

S 12

S 11
S 10 Lemma
F1 F3 F5
S8 (C1) (C3) (C5)

S4 F2 F4
(C2) (C4)
S3 Glume

S1 Rachis


Flag leaf

Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod. Figure 2

Naming scheme for reproductive organs of spike inflorescence. Spikelet positions are denoted by the letter S and
numbered acropetally along the rachis. Florets/caryopsis positions are denoted by the letters F/C and numbered
acropetally along the rachilla (From Wilhelm and McMaster [12])

McMaster [12] extended it to uniquely identify each wheat phytomers [13]. A phytomer would be denoted
plant part. Spikelets are named with an S followed by with a “P” followed by an “L,” if it is a phytomer associ-
the position from the base of the spike. Then, S1 is the ated with a leaf or an “S,” if it is a reproductive phytomer
basal spikelet and S2 is the second spikelet from the and the leaf or spikelet number. The name of the shoot
peduncle (Fig. 2). Florets are designated with an F and can be added to identify the tiller being described. For
numbered acropetally from the base of the rachilla. example, MS PL2 is the second phytomer on the main
After fertilization, the letter F designating a floret is stem and T1 PS1 is the basal spikelet phytomer in the
changed to a C for caryopsis. This system allows nam- spike of the first tiller.
ing reproductive structures in grasses with one spikelet
per rachis node such as wheat.
Dynamic Appearance of Plant Organs: The
These naming systems of leaves, tillers, spikelets,
Plastochron and Phyllochron
and florets or caryopsis allow the accurate identifica-
tion of each plant part. For example, the second cary- The naming systems of plant parts described earlier are
opsis on the third spikelet on the primary tiller from the landmarks to describe the development and struc-
the axil of the second leaf of a wheat plant would be ture of a wheat plant. However, plant development is
T2S3C2. a dynamic process that follows the formation, growth,
The systems for naming individual plant organs can and senescence of phytomers and their components
be easily extended to name vegetative and reproductive resulting in a continually changing architecture.
518 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

The creation of the vegetative phytomer is dependent growth in some developmental events such as anthesis.
on the initiation of the leaf primordium. Therefore, the The phenology of a crop is the ordered succession of
rate of leaf primordia initiation controls the timing of stages and phases that can have different lengths deter-
phytomer formation. The plastochron was first defined mined by internal factors (e.g., the genetics of a variety
as the interval between the formation of two successive or species) or biotic and abiotic external factors (e.g.,
internode cells of the green alga Nitella flexilis [14], as diseases, temperature, light, and nutrients).
cited in [15]. Milthorpe [16] and Esau [17] defined the Plant development can broadly be divided into
plastochron as the interval between the formations of vegetative and reproductive phases that often overlap.
successive leaf primordia at the shoot apex, which is The switch from vegetative to reproductive phase hap-
now commonly accepted. Similarly, the phyllochron pens at the meristem level, which stops producing
was defined as the interval between appearances of vegetative phytomers (i.e., leaves, nodes, and inter-
consecutive leaves on a shoot [18] as cited in [6]. nodes) to start producing reproductive phytomers
Wilhelm and McMaster [6] further refine the definition (rachis, spikelets, and florets).
of phyllochron by defining appearance as “visible with-
out magnification, dissection or changing leaf display.”
Phenological Scales
The inverse of the phyllochron is termed development
rate (DR), which can be generalized as the inverse of the Developmental stages occur in a consistent pattern in
time interval between two developmental events. a crop each year and numerous approaches exist that
The relationship between the plastochron and characterize crop phenology. The most widely used
the phyllochron depends on the species. In wheat, leaf phenological scales for temperate cereals are Feekes
primordia are produced more rapidly than they appear, [20], Zadoks [21], Haun [10], and BBCH [22]. The
suggesting that different mechanisms are involved in Feekes scale is shown in Fig. 3 and described, jointly
regulating each process. Leaf primordia are initiated at with the Zadoks’ decimal code, in Table 1. The BBCH
the meristem on the shoot apex, where new cells are scale for cereals is mainly based on the Zadoks scale,
produced very quickly. After a leaf primordium is and the Haun scale primarily describes the develop-
formed, it continues to grow in cell number and cell ment of shoots until the last leaf is fully expanded.
size, but this growth does not happen at the shoot apex Phenological scales consider basic developmental
meristem, rather at the intercalary meristem at the base stages like germination, emergence, tillering, stem
of the leaf. The amount a leaf grows until it appears elongation, heading, flowering, grain filling, and phys-
through the curl of leaves is much larger than the iological maturity, with differences among scales pri-
growth involved in forming a leaf primordia, therefore marily in how much detail each stage is characterized.
it is more dependent on the available resources (e.g., Some developmental stages are not well defined, lead-
water, carbohydrates, and nutrients). ing to confusion in measuring and reporting these
stages. For example, the beginning of stem elongation
is usually recorded as the jointing date or when the first
Developmental Stages and Phases: Phenology
node is visible above ground; however, the first node is
Plants develop by the repetition of elementary building formed when the apex is underground and is only
blocks (i.e., phytomers), whose morphological, dimen- visible after the stem has elongated sufficiently to ele-
sional, functional, and anatomical features change dur- vate the apex and the node above ground. Likewise,
ing ontogeny and according to several processes called physiological maturity is defined as when the maxi-
heteroblasty, phase change, life stages, maturation, mum dry weight is reached. In wheat, determining
aging, age states, or morphogenetic progression [19]. physiological maturity is somewhat difficult because
In this entry, those changes will be referred as develop- there is not a clear morphological change in the plant
mental stages (or simply stages) and the time between morphology as it happens in maize (and sunflower). In
stages will be referred as developmental phases (or maize, a black layer near the base of the kernel appears
phases). It is common in the literature referring to when the maximum dry weight is reached. The Feekes
these stages as “growth stages.” However, there is little scale defines harvest maturity as when the grain is
Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod 519

Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod. Figure 3

Feekes developmental scale with the approximate timing of some shoot apex developmental events (From [13])

difficult to divide along the crease and Zadoks [21] effect on plant development, especially controlling the
defines the 90% of ripeness of rice (Oryza sativa L.) switch to the reproductive state. For example, winter
when the kernel cannot be dented with the fingernail. wheat requires a period of low temperatures to start
These definitions likely are not precisely correlated with producing reproductive structures (vernalization). The
maximum seed biomass. Therefore, it is now com- length of the cold period varies with genotype.
monly accepted practice to assume physiological matu- Besides vernalization, day length (or photoperiod)
rity for temperate cereals occurs when all green color modifies the temperature-controlled rate of develop-
has disappeared from the spike. This definition seems ment. Photoperiod refers to the number of daylight
reasonable as leaves and internodes have long since lost hours, which changes through the seasons and with lat-
all green color so that no photosynthesis occurs, and itude. Photoperiod increases after the winter solstice
there is no report showing retranslocation from carbo- (December 21 in the northern hemisphere or June 21 in
hydrate reserves to the grain at this time. the southern hemisphere) and decreases after the summer
solstice. Crops and genotypes vary in their sensitivity to
photoperiod and the minimum amount of daylight
Regulation of Crop Development
required to switch from vegetative to reproductive phases.
Plant development is highly dependent on tempera-
Developmental Response to Temperature
ture, which controls the rate of development and
the switch from vegetative to reproductive states. The relationship between temperature and phenology
Both high and low temperatures may have a major has been long recognized. Temperature is a better
520 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod. Table 1 Description of the main developmental stages
according to Feekes [20] and Zadoks [21], and suggested measurements characteristics (Modified from [23])

Description Measurement
Stage or phase Feekes Zadoks characteristics
Germination No stage Stages: 00 – dry seed, Beginning of imbibition:
01 – beginning of Seed begins to swell
imbibition, 03 – imbibition
complete, 05 – radicle
emerged from caryopsis,
07 – coleoptile emerged
from caryopsis
Emergence Stage 1 – main shoot only Stage 09 – leaf at the tip of Beginning of emergence:
the coleoptile First true leaf emerges
through the coleoptile
and the tip is visible
above the soil surface
Tillering Stage 2 – beginning of tillering Stages 21–29 – main stem Beginning of tillering:
plus 1 to 9 tillers The first tiller is visible
Single ridge No stage No stage Shoot apex shape
changes from dome to
more elongated and leaf
primordia begin to form
a ridge around the apex
Double ridge No stage No stage Formation of double
ridges around the apex.
Bottom ridge is leaf
primordia and top ridge
is spikelet primordia
Terminal spikelet No stage No stage Apical spikelet
primordium appears and
noted by a 90o rotation
from the plane of
previous spikelets
Jointing Stage 6 – first node visible Implicit in stage 31 – first First node visible above
node detectable and the soil surface
change of plant habit from
prostrate to erect
Stem elongation Stages: 4 – change of plant Stages: 30 – pseudo-stem Beginning when the first
habit from prostrate to erect, erect, 31 to 36 first to sixth node is formed, usually
5 – pseudo-stem clearly erect, node detectable, 39 – flag below soil surface, and
6 – first node visible, 7 – second leaf ligule visible, 43 to pushed above the soil
node visible, 8 – last leaf 49 – flag leaf sheath surface
appearance, 9 – last leaf ligule swelling
visible, 10 – last leaf sheath
Flag leaf Stage 9 – last leaf ligule visible Stage 39 – Flag leaf ligule Ligule of last leaf is visible
visible and no new leaf is
Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod 521

Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod. Table 1 (Continued)

Description Measurement
Stage or phase Feekes Zadoks characteristics
Booting Stage 10 – last leaf sheath Stages 43–49 – flag leaf Begins at flag leaf and
visible sheath swelling ends at heading
Heading Stages: 10.1 – first ears just Stages: 51 – first spikelet Begins when first spikelet
visible, 10.2 – ¼ of heading just visible, 53 – ¼ of is visible and ends when
completed, 10.3 – ½ of heading the inflorescence visible, the inflorescence is fully
completed, 10.4 – 3⁄4 of heading 55 – ½ of the inflorescence emerged
completed, 10.5 – all ears out of visible, 57 – 3⁄4 of the
the sheath inflorescence visible, and
59 – inflorescence
completely emerged
Anthesis Stages: 10.5.1 – anthesis starts, Stages: 61 – beginning of Starts when the first
10.5.2 – flowering completed to anthesis, 65 – mid-anthesis, anther is visible on an
the top of the ear, 10.5.3 – 69 – anthesis completed inflorescence and ends
flowering completed to the when no more anthers
bottom of the ear, 10.5.4 – appear on the
flowering over/kernel watery inflorescence
Grain filling Stages: 10.5.4, 11.1 – milky ripe, Stages: 71 to 77 – milk Begins at fertilization,
11.2 – mealy ripe grain, 83–87 – dough grain usually considered
anthesis and ends at
physiological maturity
Physiological maturity No Stage When all spike
components, internodes,
and leaves lose green
Ripening Stages: 11.3 – kernel hard, 11.4 – Stages 91–99 Ripening and dormancy
ripe for cutting

predictor of many developmental processes than calen- integral of temperature over the time period of interest;
dar time. Reamur [24] formalized this relationship by however, in practice the average of the maximum
creating the concept of heat units, now referred to as and minimum temperatures in the time interval is
thermal time. The relationship between temperature often used:
and developmental rate is a curve with a maximum
Tmax þ Tmin
development rate at the optimum temperature (To) Ta ¼ ð2Þ
and developmental rate reaching zero at temperatures 2
below the base temperature (Tb) or above the maxi- This approximation is fairly accurate, but its error
mum temperature (Tm; Fig. 4). This nonlinear relation- increases with deviations of from 12 h photoperiods
ship is shown in several studies [25, 26]. and if sudden changes in temperature happen within
Thermal time has two components: (1) the average the time interval. The time interval mostly depends on
temperature (Ta) over some time interval (e.g., hourly, data availability, but common intervals range from
daily), and (2) a temperature response curve describing daily to hourly time intervals, with daily the most
the effectiveness of Ta on the development rate for the commonly used. There are many temperature–
process (e.g., phyllochron, phenology). Ta is the response curves, which greatly diversifies the
522 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

Development rate (DR)

Development rate (DR)

T upper

Tb Tb

a Temperature b Temperature

To Tol Tou
Development rate (DR)

Development rate (DR)

Tb Tm Tb Tm

c Temperature d Temperature

Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod. Figure 4

Development rate as a function of temperature. Temperature response curves: (a) linear response, (b) extended linear
response with an upper temperature threshold, (c) bilinear model with two zero development temperatures (base
temperature, Tb, and maximum temperature, Tm) and an optimal temperature (To), and (d) trilinear model with two zero
development temperatures (Tb and Tm) and a range of optimal temperatures defined by optimal lower temperature (Tol)
and optimal upper temperature (Tou)

calculation of thermal time (Tt). The most simple form the development rate based on certain cardinal
is a linear relationship with the temperature at which temperatures (Fig. 4c, d). These approaches assume
there is some plant development (Fig. 4a), i.e., the development rate increases with temperatures above
difference between Ta and the temperature at which Tb until an optimum temperature (To, or a range of
development is zero or base temperature (Tb): optimal temperatures, Tol to Tou) is reached, and then
decreases until development stops at a maximum
Tt ¼ Ta  Tb ; ðTt  0Þ ð3Þ temperature (Tm). This can be approximated by two-
where thermal time is expressed as growing degree- or three-segmented linear models, or curvilinear
days (GGD,  C·days). Modifying Eq. 2 to include models such as a quadratic curve [25] or beta distribu-
a maximum development rate (Fig. 4b) is useful if tion [27, 28].
plants are grown at higher temperatures. Given that
the relationship between temperature and develop-
ment rate is not linear [25–27], further refinements to The term vernalization was first used by Lysenko in
the accumulation of thermal time can include changing 1928, but research on the need of a cold period for
Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod 523

winter cereals to flower started as early as 1857 [29]. Genetic Regulation of Vernalization Although the
Vernalization can be viewed as an adaptive mechanism mechanisms by which plants sense cold and initiate the
to avoid unfavorable periods for development (e.g., cellular signaling to induce flowering are not known,
winter) and ensure flower development and subse- the genetic regulation of vernalization is fairly well
quent seed growth occurs under favorable conditions known in cereals like wheat and barley, which benefited
(e.g., spring and summer). Hence, vernalization syn- of the research done on the model plant Arabidopsis
chronizes plant development with seasonal climate thaliana. Four major genes are involved in the expres-
changes. sion of vernalization sensitivity in wheat and barley,
Commonly, genotypes requiring vernalization are VRN-1, VRN-2, VRN-3, and VRN-4. The first three
referred to as “winter” wheat (or “winter” barley) and genes have been cloned and identified [34–36]. How-
are normally planted late summer or early fall with ever, these three genes do not explain the spring habit
vernalization occurring during the late fall or early of all varieties [35], suggesting that other genetic mech-
winter. Conversely, “spring” genotypes are commonly anisms may be involved.
viewed as not requiring vernalization, and normally are The VRN-1 gene encodes the MADS box transcrip-
planted in the spring or in regions where temperatures tion factor similar to APETALA-1, which is responsible
are often above effective vernalizing temperatures. This for meristem identity in several plants [34]. This gene is
well-entrenched distinction between “winter” and up-regulated by vernalizing temperatures and the
“spring” genotypes does not reflect that “spring” geno- degree at which it is up-regulated depends on the
types (1) often have at least some vernalization require- length of the vernalization period. However, spring
ments, (2) reach flowering faster if experiencing varieties also show an up-regulation of VRN-1 during
vernalizing temperatures, and (3) mask the continuum the initiation of the reproductive phase and remain
of vernalization requirements present among all wheat high throughout the reproductive phase, suggesting
genotypes. an involvement of VRN-1 in meristem identity but
Effective vernalizing temperatures range from 0 C not limited to vernalization response.
to 10 C [30], and a few weeks of cold are usually sufficient The VRN-2 gene encodes the ZCCT1 protein,
to promote the switch from vegetative to reproductive which shows high similarity to the CCT domain of
phases and longer periods of cold temperatures the Arabidopsis CONSTANS and CONSTANS-like
can shorten the time to flowering until the vernalization genes. VRN-2 represses flowering and is down-
response is saturated [30]. Genotypes vary in the length of regulated by vernalization [35]. The spring allele
the cold period required to saturate the vernalization vrn-2 in wheat has a point mutation at the CCT
response. For instance, time to flowering in wheat was domain that replaces an arginine with a tryptophan.
reduced in response to longer cold periods [31, 32], and It has been suggested that the CCT domain may be
interestingly, genotypes thought to require vernalization involved in protein–protein interactions [37], so
to flower eventually flowered without undergoing a mutation in this domain can alter these interactions.
vernalization treatment [32]. Quantifying responses to The VRN-3 gene is a RAF kinase inhibitor like
varying periods of vernalizing temperatures in calendar protein with high homology to the Arabidopsis
time or thermal time does not reflect the biology of the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT ) gene [36], which induces
response. A better method to quantify the effects of flowering when expressed. FT is a flowering signal that
vernalization would be by counting the number of moves from leaves to stem apices.
leaves produced at flowering time [33]. Using this VRN-1, VRN-2, and VRN-3 interact with each
quantification method, vernalization reduces the time other regulating flowering under the vernalization
to flowering by reducing the number of leaves being pathway (Fig. 5). Before vernalization occurs, VRN-2
produced rather than the phyllochron [31, 33]. That is, is expressed and represses the expression of VRN-3.
the number of leaves produced at flowering increases When plants are vernalized, VRN-1 is induced and it
with shorter vernalization periods, while the represses the expression of VRN-2, allowing VRN-3 to
phyllochron is not affected by the duration of the express and promote flowering. At the same time, there
vernalization period. is a feedback mechanism by which VRN-3 up-regulates
524 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

VRN-3 VRN-2 with short seasons or latitudes where long days do not
occur. For example, in wheat, day length neutrality,
jointly with semi-dwarfism and rust resistance traits,
were used to develop the high yielding varieties of the
“green revolution” [40]. Photoperiod insensitivity pro-
motes earliness thought to be a desirable adaptive trait
VRN-1 Vernalization
for environments closer to the equator where high
temperatures and drought can be expected at the end
Crop Development Related to Temperature and of the season. Therefore, earliness allows wheat and
Photoperiod. Figure 5 barley varieties to escape this terminal stress.
Model of the vernalization pathway in temperate cereals. Although the rate of development mainly responds
Arrows mean induction (or up-regulation) of gene to temperature, when temperature is fixed, longer pho-
expression; for example, vernalization induces the toperiod alters the development rate by shortening the
expression of VRN-1. Bar-headed lines mean repression phyllochron [41, 42]. In Fig. 6, the appearance of leaves
(or down-regulation) of gene expression; for example, over time follows a linear model when plants are grown
VRN-2 represses the expression of VRN-3 at a constant temperature, and the rate of appearance
(slope of the curve) increases with the photoperiod;
however, as day length increases, fewer leaves are
formed per hour of light, hence there is a reduction in
VRN-1. It seems that VRN-1 is the primary target
photoperiod efficiency for leaf emergence.
of vernalization and is essential for flowering.
Different crops respond differently to photo-
VRN-4 has been recently fine mapped and its clon-
period; crops can be classified as long day (LD) and
ing is underway [38]. Identifying and including this
short day (SD) depending on which photoperiod
gene in the vernalization pathway may increase the
accelerates development (promotes flowering).
understanding of vernalization responses in wheat.
Temperate cereals are long-day crops because flowering
is promoted by photoperiod longer than 12–14 h, while
maize and rice are short-day crops, meaning that short
Photoperiod can be defined as the number of hours of days induce the switch to reproductive phase. In wheat
light in a 24-h period, which changes throughout the and barley, increased photoperiod shortens the time to
season depending on the latitude. It has been long flowering by modifying the length from emergence to
recognized that plants, including crops, normally terminal spikelet initiation. The effects of photoperiod
flower only when the length of the day was favorable on the duration from terminal spikelet initiation to
[39]. Crops sense the amount of light they receive daily flowering depend on what environments they are mea-
and respond to it by accelerating or slowing their sured (field versus controlled environments). This
development. There is, however, genetic variation of reduction of time to flowering is not only due to an
a quantitative nature in the response to photoperiod accelerated phyllochron, but also by the production of
within a crop, meaning that different varieties respond fewer leaves.
differently to changes in the photoperiod, and some
show no response to photoperiod (or are photoperiod Genetic Regulation of Photoperiod Sensitivity In
insensitive). Photoperiod sensitivity is thought to be temperate cereals, such as wheat and barley, sensitivity
the wild type phenotype because it is wide spread in to photoperiod is mainly regulated by Ppd genes.
wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum L.) and confers Homologous genes have been identified in wheat and
strong adaptive features in the center of origin of barley, barley and have the function of a pseudo response
where there might be late spring frosts. Photoperiod regulator (PRR), most similar to the Arabidopsis PRR7
insensitivity, however, brings wide geographical adapt- [43]. The PPR proteins are characterized by a pseudo
ability because plants do not require long days to receiver domain near the amino-terminus and a CCT
flower, and, hence, they are suitable for environments domain near the carboxy-terminus [44], which makes
Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod 525


0.26 y=
(a + bx)
Haun stage of main stem


Development rate



Daylength 16 h 0.16
Daylength 8 h
a Days after emergence
b 10 15 20
Daylength (h)

Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod. Figure 6

Development rate responses to changes in day length at constant temperature. (a) Leaf appearance of plants grown in
different day lengths and (b) development rate as a function of day length (Based on [41])

them distantly related to other CCT domains impor-

tant in regulation of flowering such as CONSTANS [45]
and VRN-2 [35].
The photoperiod insensitive allele (ppd-H1) in bar-
ley slightly delays the gene expression of CONSTANS
(HvCO1) that follows a circadian pattern [43] and is FT/VRN-3
a transcriptional regulator of the FT gene [46]. In
Crop Development Related to Temperature and
contrast, photoperiod insensitivity in wheat is regu-
Photoperiod. Figure 7
lated by a series of three homoeologous genes located
Model of the photoperiod pathway of flowering time.
in the colinear region on chromosome 2 group, which
Arrows mean induction (or up-regulation) of gene
seem to be upstream of the CONSTANS gene in the
expression; for example, CONSTANS is induced by the
photoperiod pathway (Fig. 7). The Ppd-1 Da allele
expression of Ppd genes
confers insensitivity to photoperiod in a semidominant
fashion, allowing wheat plants to flower regardless of
the photoperiod [47]. Sequence analysis of wheat
Coordinated Temperature and Photoperiod
varieties known to have this mutation shows that
Regulation of Crop Development
there is a 2,089 bp deletion upstream of the coding
region responsible for the photoperiod insensitivity The temperature and photoperiod regulation of crop
phenotype. Other sequence variations producing development has been described in previous parts of
nonfunctional proteins (null alleles) at the 2A and 2D this article, but both environmental factors act in coor-
genes in wheat have been observed; however their dination. It is clear that the phyllochron varies with
effects on photoperiod sensitivity are difficult to assess planting date in temperate cereals and it has been
because they might be masked by functional proteins suggested that the phyllochron is fixed by the rate of
from other homoeologous genes. These, and other change of the photoperiod at crop emergence [48].
mutations, however, may have a quantitative effect in However, in general, temperature and photoperiod
photoperiod sensitivity and flowering time [47]. change together in the field. Results from experiments
526 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

in controlled environments show an effect of photope- Long days Vernalization

riod on the temperature–response curve [49, 50]. The
term “thermo–photo ratio” (the degree-days divided
by day length in hours) has been used to study the
coordinated effect of temperature and photoperiod
on the phyllochron [49]. A linear relationship was HAP3
found between the phyllochron and the thermo– Leaf
photo ratio under both controlled environments and
field conditions [49]. Slafer and Rawson [51] FDL2
partitioned the photoperiod sensitivity of wheat
phenophases into different parameters, which were
affected by temperature, describing an interaction Apex
between genotype, photoperiod, and temperature.
The effect of planting date on crop development has VRN-1 Flowering
been studied extensively, yet it is difficult to draw
conclusions of the coordinated effect of photoperiod
Crop Development Related to Temperature and
and temperature on crop development. This is because
Photoperiod. Figure 8
when planting date is changed, both photoperiod and
Model of flowering related to photoperiod and
temperature are changed and their effects are difficult
vernalization. Thick blue arrows mean induction (or up-
to separate.
regulation) of gene expression or developmental
process; for instance, photoperiod induces the
Genetic Framework of Flowering Time Several
expression of VRN-2. Square headed lines indicate
pathways regulate time to flowering in crops, namely,
repression (or down-regulation) of gene expression; for
vernalization, photoperiod, autonomous, and
instance, VRN-3 up-regulates VRN-1 at the apex
gibberellic acid. The vernalization and photoperiod
pathways have been described in parts 5.2 and 5.3 and
FT/VRN-3 gene is in both pathways, thus integrating
the response to both vernalization and photoperiod signaling system that can integrate responses to envi-
factors (Figs. 5, 7, 8). ronmental cues as photoperiod, vernalization, or stress
In the ancestral form of wheat and barley, after (reviewed in [52]).
germination in the fall VRN-2 is highly expressed by In environments where temperate cereals usually
the long days and represses the expression of FT/ grow and were domesticated, vernalization requirements
VRN-3. As winter progresses, the photoperiod are met long before the photoperiod is inductive of the
decreases and low temperatures induce the expression reproduction phase. This requires plants to “remember”
of VRN-1 in the leaves, which represses the expression they had been vernalized. The mechanism by which
of VRN-2, allowing FT to be expressed by long days in temperate crops “remember” vernalization is not
the spring, a process regulated by photoperiod genes known, but it has been studied in the model plant
Ppd and CO. Then, the protein encoded by FT/VRN-3 Arabidopsis. In addition to the genetic information car-
is translocated to the shoot apex, where it up-regulates ried on the DNA sequence (genes and alleles), chromatin
VRN-1, which will induce the switch to reproductive structure is recognized as another source of genetic
phase. The HAP (HEME ACTIVATOR PROTEINS) information. The chromatin can be highly condensed
complexes may mediate the transcriptional regulation (heterochromatin) or more relaxed (euchromatin).
of the CCT domain of CO and VRN-2. In plants, HAP The DNA is combined with proteins called histones
subunits are encoded by multiple genes that, together and specific covalent histone modifications of histones
with CCT domain proteins that can interact with HAP favor the formation of chromatin structure that
complexes, generate a large number of molecular com- influences the level of gene expression. Other nongenetic
binations. These combinations provide a flexible mechanisms of gene expression are related to DNA
Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod 527

methylation. The DNA methylation at the promoter representation of the plant. At the most fundamental
region of genes is generally related to lower levels of level [56], crop simulation models generally simulate
gene expression, and even gene silencing. Of the two a trait, for example, yield (Y ), as the function of
mechanisms, it seems that histone modifications are daily growth rate (GR) that is partitioned to the
involved in regulating the memory of vernalization yield component (P) and integrated over a daily time
(reviewed in [53]) in Arabidopsis. In Arabidopsis, step from emergence (emerge) through physiological
the FT gene is repressed by FLC, which is down- maturity (maturity):
regulated by vernalization. The stable repression of Z
FLC involves de-acetylation of histone 3 (H3) upstream Y ¼ GR  P ð4Þ
of FLC, methylation of H3 Lys9 and Lys27, which
allows the binding of HP1 inducing the stable silencing Implementing Eq. 3 in a model usually begins
of FLC. assuming non-limiting conditions, thereby allowing
Less known is the genetic basis of the quantitative for potential production to be estimated. The parame-
response to temperature (thermal–response curve). ters can either be generic for a crop or adjusted to
The Earliness per se A1 (EpsmA1) gene affects time to a specific genotype. By incorporating environmental
flowering by reducing the vegetative phase and it has variables (e.g., temperature, water, light, CO2, and
been associated with responses to temperature, proba- nutrients), crop simulation models can examine crop
bly by modifying the optimum temperature [54]. Two or genotype responses across a broad environmental
candidate genes for EpsmA1 are located in the genomic range of limiting conditions, avoiding a common lim-
region where this gene has been located, Mot1 and itation of statistical (or regression) models. Depending
FtsH4 [55]. The Mot1 gene has features of the SNF2 on the purposes, including the role of biotic factors or
family of transcriptional regulators. Other members of management practices may also be important.
this family have been related to regulation of flowering How a model implements Eq. 3 depends on model
in Arabidopsis, but the gene expression data do objectives and interests of the model developers. The
not show differences between the two alternative earliest crop simulation models tended to focus on the
alleles [55]. The FstH4 is a member of the FstH scale of whole-plant growth and development, with
family of proteases and is homologous to the little detail on processes at lower scales. These models
Arabidopsis FstH4, which has been found highly use an energy- or light-driven approach to determine
expressed in seed, and mutants in this gene show the growth rate, and this approach remains popular
delayed germination that is carried over the growth today. The basic approach simulates leaf area index
cycle [55]. on a daily time step, which is used to capture energy/
sunlight and produce biomass that is then distributed
to basic plant components of leaves (providing the
Modeling Approaches
feedback to the cycle), stems, roots, and seeds.
For centuries, people have wanted to understand and Partitioning coefficients are often used to allocate the
predict aspects of crop development, particularly phe- biomass produced, and phenology sub-models are
nology. To do this, different conceptual, statistical, and essential in accurately predicting the timing when
mathematical models have been developed. Beginning sources and sinks are present, and changing
in the 1970s, a variety of digital technologies began to partitioning coefficients based on developmental stage.
emerge, one of which was crop simulation models for As crop simulation modeling progressed, certain
predicting growth, development, and yield. This sec- trends emerged. First, greater attention focused on
tion presents a broad overview of these crop simulation representing plant processes below the whole-plant
models, emphasizing wheat. level. In general, energy- or light-driven modeling
Many crop simulation models exist for simulating emphasized functional physiology, particularly for
growth, development, and yield, and they cover scales assessing energy balance and leaf functioning at the
from specific processes to the agroecosystem. Crop individual organ level (e.g., [57, 58]). Second, consid-
simulation models are a simplified mathematical erable research on crop development during the 1970s
528 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

Kernel Growth

WINTER WHEAT Floret Primordium Abortion

Floret Part Primordium Initiation

Floret Primordium Initiation

Flag Leaf
Spikelet Primordium Initiation Appears
Terminal Spikelet?
Rachis Elongation

Tiller Abortion

Internode Elongation

Tiller Bud Growth and Appearance

Peduncle Elongation
Tiller Bud Primordium Initiation

Leaf Growth and Appearance

Leaf Primordium Initiation Flag Leaf

Σ TT: 100 300 480 605 785 945 1090 1250 2200
TT: 100 180 125 180 160 145 160 750 200
200 1.7 --- ---
1.7 1.2 1.5 --- ---
# LVS: --- 1.9

Growth Stage
120 GDD

Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod. Figure 9

Developmental sequence diagram of a generic winter wheat for optimal conditions. Question marks refer to
uncertainty, important cultivar variation, or conflicting reports in the literature. Time line legend is TT is the thermal
time for the interval; #LVS is number of leaves for the interval; S, sowing date; G, germination; E, seedling emergence;
TI, tiller initiation/appearance; SR, single ridge stage; DR, double ridge stage; J, jointing; B, booting; H, heading;
A, anthesis; and M, physiological maturity (From [59])

and 1980s undoubtedly spurred interest in including the AFRCWHEAT1/2 model developed in Europe
this new knowledge in the models. This led to alterna- [60–62] contained detailed tillering and leaf dynamics
tive modeling approaches based on more developmen- sub-models (e.g., appearance, growth, and senescence/
tally driven approaches that recognized that plant abortion), and the resulting effect on canopy LAI
development is orderly and predictable based on basic was simulated and then used to estimate biomass.
units (i.e., the phytomer) that dynamically appear, Simultaneously and independently, another effort was
grow, and senesce over time as discussed earlier in underway in the USA that resulted in the developmen-
this entry and shown in Fig. 9. tally driven MODWht3 [63] and SHOOTGRO [http://
Early efforts beginning in the mid-1980s focused on, [59, 64–67]] models.
developmental concepts such as leaf appearance (the SHOOTGRO is slightly more developmentally detailed
phyllochron) and tillering that led to more accurate for canopy processes than MODWht3, but less detailed
representation of canopy architecture. For instance, in the root system and simulating biomass production.
Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod 529

SHOOTGRO provides the foundation to simulate the controlling processes such as time of flowering has
development and growth of individual phytomers (and considerably advanced the understanding and simula-
phytomer components as shown in Fig. 9) on each tion of these processes [77].
morphologically identified shoot (main stem and til- Crop simulation modeling is increasingly benefit-
lers) on the median plant of up to six age classes, or ing from the advent of object-oriented design and
cohorts, based on time of seedling emergence. programming languages such as C++, C#, and Java,
The Sirius model has one of the most developed both in terms of developing and maintaining models as
and robust leaf appearance sub-models of any wheat well as providing greater flexibility in representing
simulation model [68]. As with the MODWht3 and plant processes within models. Initial object-oriented
SHOOTGRO models, the assumption used is that the designs tended to view the plant as a collection of
developmental “clock” from emergence to anthesis is objects that equate to leaf, stem, root, and seed com-
best represented by the rate of leaf appearance and final ponents. Recent attempts have begun to incorporate
number of leaves, rather than thermal time. Based on the phytomer approach of building plant canopies into
vernalization requirement and photoperiod sensitivity the object-oriented design that can also be scaled up, or
of the variety being simulated and leaf ontogeny, the aggregated, into lower levels of resolution, such as the
final leaf number is determined [69, 70]. This allows for seed component of earlier designs [78–80].
an elegant quantitative description of both spring and
winter wheat leaf appearance and integration with
Future Directions
developmental events.
Regardless of modeling approach and goals, the Crop development is regulated by environmental factors
ability to simulate genotype phenology across a broad that interact with the genetics of the plant. Many devel-
range of environments for major crops such as wheat opmental responses related to temperature and photope-
has been quite reliable. Many alternative approaches riod are well known and it is possible to predict them
exist for predicting phenology, and approaches differ in reasonably well at the crop level. Similarly, rapidly emerg-
input requirements and number of developmental ing knowledge from genomics research is helping to
stages simulated. Essentially all models are based on provide understanding of the genetic basis of certain
the thermal time approach, reflecting the importance aspects of crop development. Unfortunately, the quanti-
of temperature discussed in Section Developmental tative integration of genetic and physiological knowledge
Response to Temperature. An alternative to a strict is largely unknown, and both genetic and physiological
thermal time approach, particularly for small-grain models would benefit from better integration of knowl-
cereals, has been to use leaf numbers to estimate the edge. For example, the genetic basis of photoperiod and
time interval between developmental stages. In phenol- vernalization pathways is fairly well known and as new
ogy sub-models, temperature effects are well consid- genomic studies are carried out, more complex models
ered, but rarely are the effects of water deficits (or are being built [81] showing the complexity of flowering
nutrient availability) considered [71]. Exceptions time. However, the genetic mechanisms described in
include the SHOOTGRO model and PhenologyMMS this entry interact with responses to other environmen-
(http://arsagsoftware/ tal factors defining a network of signaling a highly
Determining plant parameters and how to address complex response that is not fully understood.
the genotype by environment interaction are Knowledge in crop development has greatly
common concerns for all models. With the explosion benefited from research in model organisms; however
of genome mapping and molecular biology research, there are key differences, like the lack of the vernaliza-
opportunities for understanding and resolving these tion gene FLC in temperate cereals. For example, four
issues are emerging [72–74]. For example, the presence vernalization genes have been described in wheat, but
or absence of known alleles influencing a trait can be only three have been cloned and located in the vernal-
used to determine the parameters used in the algorithm ization pathway. Completing this pathway would
representing the process [75] or the response to envi- greatly increase the understanding of how temperate
ronmental factors [76]. Clarification of gene networks crops respond to nonfreezing cold temperatures.
530 Crop Development Related to Temperature and Photoperiod

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Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 533

Crop Diseases, Management damage and human suffering. Controlling plant dis-
eases is therefore vital to maintaining crop productivity
and Control of and feeding the ever expanding human population.
DALE R. WALTERS Crop diseases can be controlled using a variety of
Crop & Soil Systems Research Group, Scottish methods, notably cultural approaches, the use of resis-
Agricultural College, Edinburgh, UK tance in the plant, and the application of chemicals
(fungicides). However, the organisms that cause plant
disease (plant pathogens) are genetically adaptable and
Article Outline can overcome plant resistance, and the toxic effects
Glossary of fungicides. Ensuring that crops are adequately
Definition of the Subject protected depends therefore on continually keeping
Introduction: The Need for Disease Control in Crops one step ahead of the pathogens by improving existing
Controlling Crop Diseases control measures and developing new approaches. This
Future Directions article provides an overview of the various methods,
Bibliography traditional and novel, used to control crop diseases.

Introduction: The Need for Disease Control
Biotroph A plant pathogenic microorganism which in Crops
requires living host tissue in order to complete its
life cycle. Rust and powdery mildew fungi are Plant disease has plagued mankind ever since the
examples of biotrophs, as are viruses. beginnings of agriculture. Today, despite the many
Oomycetes Also known as water molds, the Oomycetes advances in crop protection technology, crop diseases
are a large group of terrestrial and aquatic organisms. continue to wreck havoc on crops, because of the
They superficially resemble fungi in mycelial growth genetic adaptability of the pathogens which cause
and mode of nutrition, but molecular studies plant disease. Crop losses at farm level can have serious
and distinct morphological characteristics place implications for growers, but crop disease can inflict
them in the kingdom Stramenopila (or Chromista) much more serious damage on a larger scale. A good
with brown and golden algae and diatoms. example of just how devastating crop disease can be is
Phytoalexin Antimicrobial substances synthesized de the potato blight epidemic of the 1840s in Europe.
novo by plants and which accumulate rapidly at This disease, caused by the Oomycete pathogen
areas of infection by an incompatible pathogen. Phytophthora infestans, decimated crops across Europe
Phytoalexins are broad spectrum in action and are and in Ireland, led to the death of some one million
chemically diverse with different types characteris- people and the emigration of several million more
tic of particular plant species. They can be grouped [1, 2]. Astonishingly, today, more than 170 years later,
into several classes including terpenoids, alkaloids, potato blight still poses a major problem for potato
phenolics. growers across the globe.
Saprophyte An organism, e.g., a fungus or bacterium, Crop losses as a result of disease can be expressed in
that grows on and derives its nourishment from various ways, such as potential losses and actual losses.
dead or decaying organic matter. Potential loss compares yields in a system without any
Virulence Refers to the relative ability of a pathogenic form of crop protection treatment, with yields from
organism to cause disease. a system with a similar intensity of crop production,
but receiving crop protection treatments. Actual losses
are those sustained despite the use of crop protection
Definition of the Subject
[3]. The efficacy of crop protection can be calculated as
Plant diseases cause substantial crop losses every year the percentage of potential losses prevented. Potential
and, historically, have led to considerable economic losses range from 8.5% for cotton to 21.2% for

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
534 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

Crop Diseases, Management and Control of. Table 1 integrated program of disease control. In the sections
Estimated loss potential and actual losses due to patho- below, these disease control options will be examined
gens (fungi and bacteria) in six major crops worldwide in in more detail.
2001–2003 (Adapted from [3])

Crop losses (%) due to pathogens Cultural Control

Crop Potential Actual Cultural control aims to prevent contact with the path-
Wheat 15.6 [12–20] 10.2 [5–14] ogen, to create environmental conditions unfavorable
Rice 13.5 [10–15] 10.8 [7–16] to the pathogen or at least to avoid favorable condi-
tions, or to reduce the amount of pathogen inoculum
Maize 9.4 [8–13] 8.5 [4–14]
available to infect crop plants. Methods used include
Potatoes 21.2 [20–23] 14.5 [7–24] host eradication, crop rotation, sanitation, irrigation,
Soybeans 11.0 [7–16] 8.9 [3–16] tillage, and improving crop growth conditions, for
Cotton 8.5 [7–10] 7.2 [5–13] example, through appropriate fertilizer use. Cultural
control provides the foundation for disease control in
crops, and yet its important is often overlooked.

Host Eradication Host eradication refers to the

potatoes, while actual losses range from 7.2% for cot- removal and disposal of whole infected plants. This
ton to 14.5% for potatoes, highlighting the importance method is used routinely in nurseries, greenhouses,
of crop protection in reducing potential losses in all of and fields to prevent the spread of pathogens, since it
these crops (Table 1). eliminates the infected plants that act as a source of
Globally, agricultural production has grown faster inoculum. In potato cultivation, pathogens can over-
than the human population over the past few decades winter in infected tubers left in the field and give rise to
[4]. In most parts of the world, this has been the result, infected plants (known as volunteers) in the spring.
not of increased area of cropped land, but of increased These volunteers can acts as sources of inoculum, and
inputs, including pesticides [4]. In the period from their removal from the field and subsequent destruc-
1963 to 2002, cereal yields increased by 114% globally, tion will reduce levels of pathogen inoculum.
although the annual rate of growth fell from 3.14% If a pathogen requires two hosts to complete its life
in the period 1963–1976 to 0.84% in the period cycle, control is possible by eradication of the less
1989–2002 [4]. In the period from 1960 to 2004, important host. The wheat stem rust fungus, Puccinia
pesticide sales worldwide increased more than ten-fold graminis f.sp. tritici, is a case in point. It requires two
to some $30 billion [3]. However, despite this increased hosts, wheat and barberry, to complete its life cycle and
pesticide use, crop losses as a result of pests, diseases, until the 1950s was the most important pathogen of
and weeds have not fallen significantly in the past wheat in the United States [5]. Since the 1950s, how-
40 years. ever, stem rust has declined in importance in the
United States, due in part to successful eradication of
Controlling Crop Diseases its alternate host, common barberry [6].
Crop disease can be controlled using a variety of
approaches. The first line of defense is the exclusion Sanitation Sanitation refers to eliminating or reduc-
of the pathogen through plant quarantine and, for ing the amount of inoculum present by various means,
example, the use of pathogen-free propagating mate- including removal of infected plant parts and plant
rial. The next line of defense is to exclude, eliminate, or debris. Destroying crop residues is an important prac-
reduce pathogen inoculum. This can be achieved in tice, but how it is performed depends upon the type of
various ways, including cultural control, use of host crop and the type of pathogen. For example, burying
plant resistance, and chemical control. Finally, several crop debris can destroy certain pathogens, particularly
of these approaches might be used together in an if the residues are plowed in deeply enough, while
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 535

burning crop residue is common practice for cereal Tillage can bury pathogens deeper in the soil where
crops in some parts of the world and will destroy they are less likely to become a problem. It can alter soil
many pathogens. However, burning has some draw- texture, aeration, temperature, moisture, and density,
backs, particularly loss of nutrients and increased soil and can also influence nutrient release in the soil, with
erosion. benefits to the crop [8]. Tillage also leads to clear
fluctuations in microbial activity and biomass in the
Crop Rotation Crop rotation is an ancient cultural soil [14]. Reduced tillage or no-till is often associated
practice and its benefits include maintenance of soil with higher microbial biomass and activity in upper
structure and organic matter, and a reduction in soil soil layers compared to regular tillage (plowing) [15].
erosion that is often associated with continuous row This concentration of crop debris in the top layers of
crops [7]. The main purpose of rotating crops in con- the soil can promote the overwintering and survival of
ventional arable rotations is to reduce the incidence of numerous pathogens and has prompted concern that
diseases, pests, or weeds that are difficult to control increased disease and decreased yields will be the inev-
with pesticides, and for this reason, short rotations of itable result of using conservation tillage practices.
two to three crops are usually employed. In the United Although this has proved to be the case under some
States, for example, the majority of the maize crop is conditions, there have also been reports of decreases in
grown on a 2–3 year rotation, while in the UK, barley the incidence of soilborne diseases. As suggested by
and wheat usually form the main part of the rotation, Sturz et al. [13], such contradictory reports may reflect
with breaks of oilseed rape, beans, peas, or potatoes [8]. differences in root development and soil microbial
Continuous cropping with the same susceptible biomass and activity under the different regimes.
host plant will result in the establishment of a soil Thus, conservation tillage practices can lead to patho-
population of pathogenic microbes. Crop rotation gen inoculum concentrations several orders of magni-
avoids this and is often associated with a reduction in tude greater than those found under conventional
crop diseases caused by soilborne pathogens [7]. Using tillage [16, 17] and, as a result, plant roots growing in
nonhost or less susceptible crop plants in the rotation the upper soil layers might be more prone to pathogen
can lead to a decline in specific populations of plant infection [13]. In contrast, increased microbial biomass
pathogens in the soil and is best suited for biotrophs, and activity in the top soil layers can give rise to greater
since they require the presence of the specific living root density and root activity [18, 19], which may offset
host for survival, or pathogens with low saprophytic the damaging effects of disease on yield, and might also
ability [9, 10]. Crop rotation is less suitable for con- provide a highly competitive soil environment with
trolling root-inhabiting pathogens that survive sapro- resulting disease suppressive effects [20].
phytically or can exist for long periods in soil, e.g., Severity of tan spot in wheat was found to increase
pathogens with tough survival structures such as under no-till conditions, but was reduced following
Rhizoctonia solani, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and reduced tillage [21]. To control blackleg
Pythium spp. [11, 12]. (Leptosphaeria maculans) on canola (oilseed rape), it
is recommended that crop debris is buried in the
Tillage Tillage has indirect effects on pathogen autumn and a nonhost crop be direct seeded the fol-
spread and can also be used to reduce pathogen inoc- lowing spring to avoid reexposing the buried residue
ulum in the soil. Conventional tillage uses primary and [22, 23]. Recent research suggests that inoculum pro-
secondary cultivation to prepare a seed-bed for plant- duction by L. maculans decreased with increasing dura-
ing and results in considerable soil disturbance, while tion of stubble burial in the field over 10 months before
reduced tillage uses a single cultivation, or even no stopping completely [24]. This effect may be due to the
cultivation (no-tillage, zero tillage, direct drilling), mycobiota associated with the buried stubble, and
and as a result leads to minimal soil disturbance. these workers suggest that it might be possible to
Minimum tillage and no-tillage practices can be manipulate the population of saprophytic microbiota
grouped together under the generic term: conservation present on oilseed rape stubble to facilitate the decline
tillage [13]. of L. maculans [24].
536 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

Sowing Practices pathogen infection and disease development in plants.

Time of Sowing Altering the time of sowing to avoid Although mulching can reduce the spread of splash
high levels of pathogen inoculum or conditions dispersed pathogens, by altering the environment, it
conducive for development of a particular disease can could lead to increased severity of some diseases.
lead to reduced severity of several crop diseases. For Further, if crop residues are used in mulching, disease
example, in the UK, sowing winter oilseed rape in incidence could increase since the residues could be
August rather than September exposes the earlier used as a food source by a range of pathogens.
sown crop to inoculum from stubble of the previous
Fertilizers Adequate mineral nutrition is central to
crop, resulting in more severe Alternaria infection on
crop production, and can also exert considerable
pods. In contrast, the risk of infection is reduced in the
influence on disease development [28, 29]. Below, the
later sown crop because the stubble is buried by tillage
influence of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium,
[25]. Late sowing may also be recommended for
and silicon on plant disease will be dealt with briefly.
autumn-sown barley crops, in order to decrease
exposure of newly emerging seedlings to inoculum of Nitrogen Using nitrogen fertilizer above recommen-
Rhynchosporium secalis produced on previous barley ded rates can lead to increased disease incidence and
crops in the area [26]. lesion area. This has been shown for biotrophic fungal
pathogens such as powdery mildews and rusts [30, 31]
Depth of Sowing Sowing depth can influence the risk
and necrotrophic pathogens such as Magnaporthe
of infection, since the preemergence stage of the
grisea, the cause of rice blast [32]. It is commonly
seedling, which is usually more susceptible to pathogen
thought that application of nitrogen fertilizer can
infection, is longer when seeds are sown deeper. In
increase disease severity via effects on crop canopy
Brassica rapa, for example, rapid emergence of
development. Thus, large canopies with high shoot
seedlings reduces preemergence damping-off because
densities may be more conducive to spore transfer
the period of contact between the emerging seedlings
and pathogen infection than sparse canopies. For
and R. solani in the soil is reduced [27]. Thus,
example, nitrogen has been shown to increase the
significantly higher seedling emergence was reported
severity of Fusarium head blight in wheat, and it has
for several cultivars of B. rapa sown at a depth of 1.5 cm
been suggested that this might be the result of
compared to 3.0 cm [27].
a nitrogen-induced increase in canopy size, leading to
Crop Density Crop density can exert considerable an altered microclimate [33]. In contrast, work on
influence over disease incidence due to the ease with yellow rust on winter wheat suggested that the impact
which pathogen inoculum can be transferred between of nitrogen on disease was the result of effects of
closely spaced plants and alterations in crop nitrogenous substances in wheat leaves on pathogen
microclimate. In densely planted crops, temperatures growth, rather than effects on canopy growth and
are more uniform, humidity is increased, and leaves are microclimate [34].
wet for longer, all of which provides favorable But nitrogen is not always associated with increased
conditions for pathogen infection and subsequent crop disease. Indeed, various studies have reported no
development. Crop density can be manipulated in effect of nitrogen on disease severity (e.g., [35, 36]),
various ways, e.g., sowing, pruning, and fertilization. while Hoffland et al. [31] found that the effect of
nitrogen depended on the type of pathogen. Thus,
Soil Amendments: Mulching, Fertilizers, and nitrogen increased susceptibility of tomato to the pow-
Organic Amendments dery mildew pathogen Oidium lycopersicum and the
Mulches Mulches are used to conserve organic matter bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato,
and moisture and to reduce soil erosion. A variety of while it had no effect on susceptibility to the vascular
materials can be used as mulches, including straw, wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici [31].
manure, plastics, and paper. Mulching can lead to water In contrast, tomato plants were more susceptible to
retention and nutrient enrichment in the soil and can Botrytis cinerea when grown under low nitrogen con-
decrease soil temperature, all of which can influence ditions [37]. These results do not support the view that
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 537

nutrient-limited plants are better defended [38, 39]. It Foliar-applied potassium chloride has been shown to
seems that generalizing about the effects of nitrogen on control Blumeria graminis and Septoria tritici on wheat
plant disease is unwise, and practically, although in field studies [51, 52], probably due to osmotic effects
manipulation or assessment of crop nitrogen status on the fungal pathogens, disrupting pathogen develop-
might be used as part of disease control strategies, the ment and subsequent infection [52, 53].
approach adopted will depend on the crop and the Application of potassium to deficient soils usually
pathogens from which it is most at risk [29]. increases plant resistance to diseases [47]. This might
be partly related to the effect of potassium in increasing
Phosphorus In general, phosphorus fertilization
epidermal cell wall thickness or disease escape as
tended to improve plant health, with reductions in
a result of vigorous crop growth [47], although the
disease recorded in 65% of cases studied by Perrenoud
mechanisms by which potassium affects plant disease
[40]. Nevertheless, phosphorus fertilization increased
are not well understood.
disease and pest problems in 28% of the cases examined
[40]. As with nitrogen, the effects of phosphorus on Calcium There are many reports that application of
plant disease might be the result of direct effects on the calcium to soils, foliage, and fruit reduces the incidence
pathogen, host plant metabolism, leading to effects on and severity of a range of diseases of crops, including
pathogen food supply, and effects on plant defenses cereals, vegetable crops, legumes, fruit trees, as well as
[29]. Indeed, foliar application of phosphate salts has postharvest diseases of tubers and fruits [54]. For
been shown to induce resistance to pathogens in example, calcium has been shown to inhibit anthrac-
a range of crop plants, including cucumber [41], nose (caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes or
broad bean [42], grapevine [43], maize [44] and C. acutatum) in apples [55] and to decrease postharvest
rice [45]. disease development on strawberry [56], while treat-
Clearly, an adequate phosphorus supply is impor- ment of tomato with calcium carbonate reduced fusar-
tant for crop growth and in turn, may well help to ium crown rot disease [57]. In contrast, Nam et al. [58]
reduce disease. However, the regime of phosphorus could find no effect of calcium on anthracnose on
fertilizer used will depend on a range of factors, includ- strawberry. Because calcium increases resistance of
ing the crop and the pathogens likely to be important. plant cell membranes and cell walls to microbial
Reuveni and Reuveni [46] suggested that foliar-applied enzymes, increasing calcium concentrations in storage
phosphate might be used as part of an integrated dis- organs could lead to enhanced resistance to pathogens
ease control program. However, grower adoption of [59, 60]. However, the form in which the calcium is
such an approach will depend on the existence applied can influence the mechanism by which calcium
of other, effective disease control measures and the affects disease. For example, the addition of lime
economics of disease control in the particular crop. can affect disease by altering pH, while calcium salts
(e.g., propionate) can be directly inhibitory to patho-
Potassium There are many reports that potassium is
gens [54]. Making general recommendations for the
associated with disease reductions [47]. However, as
use of calcium in plant disease control would be
these authors point out, inadequate consideration has
unwise, due to the range of crops and pathogens
been given to the effects of associated anions, nutrient
affected by calcium application. Instead, the appropri-
balance, and nutrient status, to allow the definitive role
ate amount and form of calcium to apply need to be
of potassium to be determined. Thus, it has been
determined for individual crop–pathogen interactions.
suggested that in some cases, the effects of potassium,
The dwindling availability of fungicides, together with
applied as potassium chloride fertilizer, might be due to
increasing public concern for the environment means
the chloride ion rather than potassium [48]. Further,
that the use of calcium to control plant disease, espe-
chloride fertilization has been shown to suppress dis-
cially postharvest, is attracting increased attention.
ease in cereal crops [49].
There has been much interest in the application of Silicon The effects of silicon in reducing disease
fertilizers to crop foliage, including the effects of foliar severity have been known since 1940 [61]. However, it
fertilizer application for crop disease control [46, 50]. was not until the 1980s that more detailed work was
538 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

M. graminicola E. graminis
P. recondita Fusarium spp.

Change in disease (%)




20 30 40 60 70 80
Growth stage

Crop Diseases, Management and Control of. Figure 1

Changes in disease in plots with incorporated straw. Bars show the difference between straw-treated and control plots
as a percentage of the average in the control plots. For Mycosphaerella graminicola, the data are for severity on the top
three living leaves; for other diseases, they refer to incidence. For M.graminicola, errors bars were calculated on the
transformed scale and back-transformed; for other diseases, no transformation was needed (From [66])

carried out in this area. Thus, cucumbers grown in phytoalexins [72]. In fact, phytoalexin accumulation
nutrient solutions supplemented with silicon were occurs in silicon-mediated resistance in both dicots
found to have significantly less powdery mildew infec- and monocots and since phytoalexins are highly spe-
tion than plants not receiving silicon supplementation cific to plant species, it has been suggested that silicon
[62, 63]. Indeed, silicon has been shown to suppress might be acting on mechanisms shared by all plant
both foliar and soilborne pathogens in cucurbits [64] species, e.g., those resulting in activation of plant stress
and to reduce susceptibility of rice to various pathogens genes [73].
[65]. Wheat grown in soil amended with silicon
showed reduced infection by several pathogens, includ- Organic amendments Organic amendments include
ing B. graminis f.sp. tritici, S. tritici, and Oculimacula animal manure, solid wastes, and composts. Such
yallundae (Fig. 1) [66, 67]. amendments are often used to improve soil quality,
It has been suggested that the effects of silicon in usually by contributing to general suppressiveness
providing disease control are due to the creation of through enhanced microbial biomass and activity [7].
a mechanical barrier to penetration [68]. However, Organic amendments are rich in labile carbon fractions
this has been disputed by studies which could find no which are an energy source for microorganisms, and
evidence for the creation of a physical barrier following moreover, they can themselves contain antagonistic
silicon treatment in wheat inoculated with powdery microbes. A substantial body of data indicates that
mildew and bitter gourd and tomato inoculated with organic materials can reduce incidence of diseases
Pythium aphanidermatum [69, 70]. Rather, several caused by a range of plant pathogens [74, 75].
studies have suggested that silicon activates defenses
in plants. For example, in wheat inoculated with Irrigation Although an adequate water supply is vital
B. graminis f.sp. tritici, epidermal cells of silicon-treated to crop production, irrigation can play a detrimental
plants were shown to react to attempted infection with rather than a beneficial role in managing plant diseases.
specific defenses, including papilla formation and For example, irrigation water can spread pathogen
callose production [71]. In the rice–M. grisea propagules and under dry conditions, can prevent
pathosystem – silicon-mediated resistance was found desiccation of such propagules, thereby effectively
to be associated with accumulation of antimicrobial increasing the level of inoculum in soil. Watering
compounds at infection sites, including diterpenoid from overhead prolongs leaf wetness, thereby
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 539

providing favorable conditions for germination and controlled by a larger number of genes, it is known as
infection by fungal spores. Overhead watering also polygenic. Genes conferring polygenic resistance are
increases the risk of splash-dispersal of spores, thus often referred to as minor genes.
increasing pathogen spread. However, irrigation can
be used to reduce the level of pathogen inoculum. Race-specific and Race-nonspecific Resistance The
Thus, the activity of microbes that destroy fungal scle- terms race-specific and race-nonspecific sought to
rotia can be increased by alternate wetting and drying differentiate between resistance that was subject to
of the soil. Generally, drip or trickle irrigation, which loss of effectiveness with the appearance of new
delivers water directly to the root zone at a rate insuf- virulent strains of a pathogen and resistance that was
ficient to lead to pathogen spread, is least likely to thought would never be lost because the pathogen was
encourage disease development. not capable of developing virulence to it. A major
problem with these terms has been a lack of evidence
Use of Host Resistance to suggest that any particular resistance was race-
nonspecific. The assumption was generally made that
Most plants are resistant to most microbes. Thus, genes of large effect (major or seedling genes) were
wheat plants are not affected by pathogens of tomato, race-specific and genes of small effect (minor genes or
and vice versa. This is known as nonhost resistance. APR) were race-nonspecific. This has subsequently and
However, every plant is attacked by its own pathogens, comprehensively been shown not to be the case in
e.g., barley is attacked by the barley powdery mildew many host–parasite systems.
fungus, B. graminis f.sp. hordei, although it might not
be able to defend itself equally well against all patho- Vertical and Horizontal Resistance These terms were
gens that are able to attack it. This ability of plants to introduced to convey the difference between race-
resist attack by pathogens is genetically determined, but specific and race-nonspecific resistance [76]. In vertical
the diversity of types of genetic control of this resis- resistance, there tends to be a high level of resistance by
tance, and of conditions required for their expression, the host to some races of the pathogen and a low level of
has led to a bewildering number of classifications of resistance to others, while in horizontal resistance,
resistance types in plants. To complicate matters fur- resistance tends to be exhibited equally to all races of
ther, in some cases, different terms used by different the pathogen. Vertical resistance has also been denoted
authors are synonymous, while in other cases, the as specific resistance and horizontal resistance as
terms might be based on different criteria. general resistance. However, although the specific
nature of some types of resistance can usually be
Types of Resistance established fairly easily, it is much more difficult to
Seedling and Adult Plant Resistance Seedling prove that resistance is truly general, since there is
resistance operates from the onset of plant growth always the chance of a new pathogen race appearing
and is effective throughout the life of the plant. It is with the ability to overcome the resistance.
generally controlled by single genes and is effective in
Qualitative and Quantitative Resistance These terms
the absence of matching virulence in the pathogen. In
are a rough match for seedling/APR and vertical/
contrast, adult plant resistance (APR) covers a broad
horizontal resistance, with qualitative resistance
range of resistance types all of which are not effective at
referring to a high level of resistance controlled by
the plant’s seedling stage. APR tends to be controlled by
a single gene and quantitative resistance being
a number of genes, which might operate through
controlled by several genes of smaller effect. The term
a wide variety of mechanisms.
“quantitative” subsequently came to be used to
Polygenic and Oligogenic Resistance Resistance describe locations on chromosomes where genes of
controlled by one, or at most two or three genes, is small effect were identified through mapping studies,
known as oligogenic. Here, a single gene can confer hence “quantitative trait locus” or QTL. More recently
complete resistance. A gene conferring such resistance the use of the term QTL has come to be used for major
is often referred to as a major gene. Where resistance is gene loci as well.
540 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

Partial Resistance Partial resistance was originally allowing the pathogen to mutate one gene at a time,
used in studies of the resistance in barley to leaf rust this strategy is unlikely to be successful.
caused by Puccinia hordei. It describes resistance that One option for improving resistance to virus infec-
reduced the rate of epidemic development despite tion is to transform the gene that expresses the viral
having a susceptible reaction type [77]. Resistance to coat protein into the host plant. This approach was
leaf rust was found to be governed by up to 6–7 minor used to develop a line of papaya resistant to the very
genes with additive effects and was correlated with damaging papaya ringspot virus (PRSV). As a result of
increased latency period and reduced infection this work, two papaya varieties, Rainbow and SunUp,
frequency, pustule size, infectious period, and spore were commercialized. Rainbow was widely planted in
production. The term is now used more generally to Hawaii and was important in preventing the complete
describe any resistance that is only partially effective in destruction of the papaya industry by PRSV [80].
reducing disease expression and is usually synonymous
with minor gene resistance. Deployment of Resistance in Practice Many new
crop varieties have been bred where resistance to
Durable Resistance Durable resistance was suggested
a particular pathogen is based on the introduction of
for use by Johnson and Law [78] to refer to rust
one gene. All too often history has shown that the
resistance in wheat that in practice had provided
introduction of such varieties is followed, within just
stable resistance in varieties that had been grown over
a few years, by the appearance of a new race of the
a large area for many years. The term specifically
pathogen, able to overcome the “new” resistance. Such
avoided identifying the resistance with particular
rapid breakdown of host resistance is favored by mod-
phenotypes or suggesting that the resistance would
ern intensive agriculture, where crops are planted in
never be lost to a change in pathogen virulence.
monoculture covering huge areas. This favors any
Specific well-studied examples are the Sr2 and Rpg1
genetic variants of the pathogen with the ability to
genes for partial stem rust in wheat and barley,
infect these new varieties. Breaking this “boom-and-
respectively, the genes Lr34 and Yr18 which provide
bust” cycle of introducing a new resistant variety,
partial resistance to leaf and stripe rust in wheat
followed by the rapid breakdown of resistance, can be
and which may in fact be the same gene and the mlo
achieved in various ways. One approach is to find
locus which provides resistance to powdery mildew in
durable sources of resistance. Another is to breed for
combinations of race-specific genes in one crop variety.
Genetic Engineering for Disease Resistance Using the This is known as pyramiding and should be quite
techniques of genetic manipulation (GM), it is now durable. However, it is controversial, since it might
possible to sequence and clone resistance genes from select for complex races of the pathogen possessing
distantly related species. These genes could then be several matching virulences. Another approach is to
transferred into crop species, providing varieties with diversify the deployment of resistance genes. This
enhanced disease resistance. For example, the gene for could involve spatial diversity across regions or fields,
resistance to bacterial blight of rice, Xa21, was or the use of multilines or mixtures of cultivars.
sequenced, cloned, and transformed into rice, A multiline is a series of near-isogenic (genetically
providing resistance against a range of pathogens identical) plant lines each differing in a single character,
[79]. This is a good example of how transgenic e.g., disease resistance. The plant lines can be grown
technologies could be used in a major crop and together like a conventional crop, thereby retaining
indeed, transgenic rice lines expressing Xa21 are agronomic advantages such as crop uniformity, while
currently being tested in the field. The vision is to use confronting the pathogen with the problem of over-
GM technology to pyramid several different resistance coming several different genes for resistance. A number
genes in a rice variety, providing what is hoped will be of mechanisms have been proposed to account for
durable resistance. However, unless there is disease control in multilines: (1) The high proportion
coordination among plant breeders and the industry of resistant plants in the multiline grown in the field
to prevent varieties being grown together, thereby reduces the amount of pathogen inoculums per unit
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 541

7 Fungicide
y = 1.083x + 2.185
Control R2 = 0.8753
% yield increase 6

y = 0.716x + 1.61
4 R2 = 0.8383

2 3 4 5 6
Mixture component number

Crop Diseases, Management and Control of. Figure 2

Change in R. secalis infection of mixtures of winter barley cultivars compared with the mean of their components with
different numbers of component cultivars (From [82])

area of crop, thereby reducing the amount of infection and effects on yield are dependent on the number of
in the succeeding generation and the amount of inoc- components in the mixture (Fig. 2). The mechanisms
ulums produced by that generation. (2) Movement of proposed to account for reductions in disease in mix-
pathogen inoculums between susceptible plants might tures include less efficient spread between plants and
be hampered by the presence of intervening resistant the induction of plant resistance by incompatible
plants. (3) The average distance which the pathogen strains of the pathogen attempting to infect different
inoculums must travel in order to reach another sus- hosts in the mixture [82].
ceptible plant is increased. (4) There might be induc-
tion of resistance, i.e., pre-inoculation with a race of the
Use of Chemicals to Control Crop Disease
pathogen to which the line is resistant might protect it
from a race to which it is normally susceptible [81]. Chemicals continue to play an important role in crop
However, the breeding program required for the devel- disease control. These chemicals act either by inhibiting
opment of a multiline is extensive. Similar in concept, germination, growth, and multiplication of the patho-
but easier to put into practice, is the use of variety gen, or by killing the pathogen. Although chemicals can
mixtures. Here, seed of a number of genetically distinct be used to control bacterial pathogens (bactericides)
varieties of the crop are mixed and grown together as and nematodes (nematicides), this section will concen-
a single crop. Each variety possesses a different resis- trate on chemicals with activity against fungal patho-
tance gene(s), again presenting the pathogen with gens (fungicides).
a genetic puzzle. But the use of mixtures requires care- Fungicides can be divided into several groups
ful choice of varieties, since they must possess similar according to their mode of action. Protectant fungi-
characteristics, such as crop height and time to cides protect the plant against fungal propagules (e.g.,
flowering. Nevertheless, mixtures have been shown to spores) landing on the surface of leaves, stems, or fruit,
develop less disease than would be expected in compo- but tend to be ineffective against established infections,
nent varieties grown alone. Mixtures can also provide since they do not enter the plant to any extent. To be
yield increases, and the magnitude of disease control effective therefore, protectant fungicides need to be
542 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

applied before the fungal pathogen enters the plant. is the provision of manganese and zinc to plants
In contrast, systemic fungicides enter the plant, and deficient in these elements.
can become generally distributed within its tissues, Various aromatic compounds have been developed
thereby offering protection against fungal pathogens. as fungicides and include dichloran, used as a foliar or
Eradicant fungicides can enter plant tissues and can kill fruit fungicide, or as a postharvest spray for vegetables
established infections. A number of protectant and and flowers, and chlorothalonil, which is a broad-
systemic fungicides possess eradicant properties, spectrum fungicide used on vegetables, field crops,
while some systemic fungicides also have protectant ornamentals, and turf.
activity. A number of very effective protectant fungicides
belong to the rather heterogeneous group of heterocy-
Protectant Fungicides Protectant fungicides can be clic compounds and include captan, iprodione, and
applied to the crop as high-volume or low-volume vinclozolin. Captan is used for the control of leaf
sprays, or occasionally as dusts. These fungicides tend spots, blights, and fruit rots on various crops, as well
to be broad spectrum, with activity against a range of as a seed treatment. It works by inhibiting thiol-
different fungal pathogens. As a result, it is unlikely that containing enzymes in the fungal cell, and may also
pathogens would develop resistance to these chemicals. react with sulfhydryl groups.
However, because they must be applied before the
pathogen attempts to penetrate the plant, there is the Systemic Fungicides For a systemic fungicide to be
need for reliable forecasting of infection risk. Protec- effective, it must enter the plant and, to be translocated,
tant fungicides include the oldest and still widely used it must be reasonably water-soluble. It must also be
inorganic sulfur and copper compounds. Sulfur, selective, possessing toxicity against the pathogen but
applied as a dust, wettable powder, paste, or liquid, is not the host plant. Most systemic fungicides are xylem-
used to control powdery mildews, some rusts, leaf mobile and as a result, tend to move from the base to
blights, and fruit rots. Bordeaux mixture, made by the top of the plant, accumulating in leaves and shoot
mixing copper sulfate solution with calcium oxide or apices. As a result, such fungicides possess no
calcium hydroxide, consists mainly of colloidal activity against soilborne pathogens affecting roots.
hydrated cupric hydroxide stabilized by calcium Phosphonate fungicides such as fosetyl-Al are also
sulfate. It has been replaced by copper oxychloride, phloem-mobile and so can move down the plant to
which can be formulated by the manufacturer and the roots, providing protection against, for example,
simply diluted by the grower. root rots caused by Phytophthora species.
Organic sulfur compounds are an important and A wide range of systemic fungicides are now used to
versatile group of fungicides and include thiram, control plant pathogens. Unlike protectant fungicides,
ferbam, maneb, zineb, and mancozeb. These fungicides most systemic fungicides are site specific, and target
are all derivatives of dithiocarbamic acid, and because only one, or just a few, specific steps in fungal metab-
they are metabolized to isothiocyanate, they inactivate olism. Although this was seen initially as a strength of
the sulfhydryl groups (-SH) in amino acids and systemic fungicides, it soon proved to be a weakness,
enzymes. Thiram is used mostly for seed and bulb since fungal pathogens were able to develop resistance
treatment for vegetables, flowers, and grasses, while to the chemicals, in some cases with alarming rapidity.
ferbam is used to control foliage diseases, ornamentals, Acylalanine fungicides are effective against
and fruit on trees. Maneb and mancozeb belong to Oomycete pathogens such as Phytophthora and
a group of dithiocarbamic acid derivatives known Pythium and include the widely used fungicide,
as the ethylenebisdithiocarbamates. Maneb is a broad- metalaxyl. This is used as a soil or seed treatment and
spectrum fungicide for the control of foliage and also possesses some curative activity. It moves readily
fruit diseases of vegetables such as tomato, potato, from roots to shoots, although its lateral movement is
and vine crops, as well as flowers, turf, and some fruit slight. Some fungal pathogens have developed resistance
crops. Mancozeb is formed by the addition of zinc to metalaxyl, and its use tends to be recommended
ion to maneb and a secondary effect of using mancozeb in conjunction with a broad-spectrum fungicide.
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 543

Benzimidazole fungicides include some well- mercury used as a seed dressing, in the apple scab
established and important chemicals, including beno- fungus Venturia inaequalis to dodine, and in
myl, carbendazim, and thiabendazole. They are Penicillium species to diphenyl compounds are
converted to methyl benzimidazole carbamate (MBC, exceptions. In contrast, the use of systemic fungicides
carbendazim), which interferes with cell division. soon led to the appearance of fungicide resistance.
Benzimidazoles are broad spectrum in activity. Thus, Thus, the pyrimidine fungicide dimethirimol was
benomyl is effective against a wide range of leaf spots, introduced in 1968, and by 1971, strains of the
blights, rots, scabs, seedborne, and soilborne diseases. powdery mildew fungus Sphaerotheca fuligenea were
It can be applied to plants as a seed treatment, foliar detected on glasshouse cucumbers in the Netherlands.
spray, trunk injection, root dip, or fruit dip. Similarly, following the introduction of QoI fungicides
Oxanthiins, such as carboxin and oxycarboxin, pos- in the UK in 1996, resistance to powdery mildew in
sess the distinction of being the first chemicals with wheat was first recorded in 1998.
demonstrated systemic activity. They are active against It seems that where a single site systemic fungicide
some smut and rust pathogens, and also against Rhi- is used intensively, there is the risk of fungal pathogens
zoctonia. By inhibiting succinate dehydrogenase in fun- developing resistance to it. With single site fungicides,
gal mitochondria, they affect respiration. only a single mutation in the fungus might be required
Organophosphate fungicides, such as foestyl-Al for resistance to develop. Some of the mechanisms by
and phosphorous acid, are effective against Oomycete which a fungus might develop resistance following such
pathogens on a range of crops. Interestingly, fosetyl-Al a mutation include: (1) detoxification of the chemical,
has been reported to trigger plant defense mechanisms, (2) decreased permeability of fungal cell membranes to
e.g., phytoalexin biosynthesis and accumulation. the fungicide, (3) reduced affinity of the fungicide to
Other systemic fungicides include the pyrimidines, the reactive site within the fungal cell, and (4) bypassing
such as ethirimol and bupirimate, with activity a blocked reaction via an alteration in fungal
against powdery mildews, and the triazoles, metabolism.
such as triadimefon, propiconazole, cyprodinil, and Given that fungicide resistance is now an accepted
tebuconazole. The triazoles exhibit long-acting protec- fact of life in crop protection, how can it be managed
tive and curative activities against a broad spectrum of effectively? The first point to remember is that fungi-
pathogens. cides to which resistance has developed can still be
The most recently developed group of fungicides is useful in disease control if deployed sensibly. Strategies
the strobilurins. They are based on chemicals extracted to minimize the risk of fungicide resistance developing
from the wood rotting fungus Strobilurus tenacelus, and include:
a range of highly effective strobilurins have been devel-
1. Reducing fungicide use
oped over the years. They work by blocking electron
● Applying fungicides only when necessary
transfer at the site of quinol oxidation (Qo site,
● Using fungicides as part of an integrated disease
hence their description as QoI fungicides), thereby
control program, including, for example,
preventing ATP formation in respiration. These fungi-
appropriate cultural control, and if available,
cides move trans-laminarly within leaves and some also
resistant varieties
move systemically through the vascular system. Impor-
2. Diversifying fungicide treatments
tant strobilurins include azoxystrobin, pyraclostrobin,
● Avoiding the repeated use of fungicides with the
and kresoxim methyl. They have broad-spectrum activ-
same mode of action
ity, and some also possess growth-promoting activity
● Instead, use mixtures of fungicides with differ-
on treated plants, apparently by delaying senescence
ent modes of action
and altering plant–water relations.
● During the growing season, alternating fungi-
Development of Resistance to Fungicides Until the cides with different modes of action
advent of systemic fungicides, fungicide resistance was ● Including a multisite fungicide in any fungicide
rare. The development of resistance in Pyrenophora to mixture or spray program
544 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

Pesticides and Nontarget Organisms Pesticide use has is one thing, but using them in practice is quite another.
greatly increased the quantity and improved the quality For a start, as a living organism, the BCA must be
of food for the increasing world population. However, formulated in such a way as to allow it to remain viable
as pesticide use increased, so did concern about their and survive following application [87]. Great advances
adverse effects on nontarget organisms, including have been made in the production and formulation of
humans. Increasing public concern about the BCAs over the years, but despite the fact that 1,000 of
accumulation of pesticides in the environment and microorganisms have been shown to interfere with
the impact on nontarget organisms has led to the growth and survival of plant pathogens under con-
introduction of rigorous regulatory processes [83, trolled and field conditions, relatively few have been
84]. Nevertheless, there is continued concern over the registered and used in commercial practice. Currently,
impacts of pesticides on wildlife, including invertebrate there are more than 50 bacterial products and 50 fungal
populations, wild plants, and farmland birds [85]. products available commercially. The majority of both
These concerns have led to reviews of active bacterial and fungal products are sold for control of
substances used in plant protection, with the resulting seedborne or soilborne pathogens (Table 2), with fewer
withdrawal of an increasing number of crop protection for foliar pathogens and timber decay fungi and even
products from the market [86]. This has created fewer for postharvest pathogens. Most contain individ-
problems, and in some situations, effective control ual microorganisms although there are some products
measures are no longer available to meet all the that contain microorganism mixtures, and some indi-
challenges posed by pathogens, pests, and weeds [86]. vidual microorganism strains are marketed in several
different products expanding the potential market of
a single active ingredient. Bacterial products are dom-
Biological Control of Plant Diseases Using
inated by Bacillus species reflecting their ease of growth
Antagonistic Microorganisms
and production of long-lived spores mentioned earlier.
Biological control can be defined as the control of a plant Fungal products are dominated by Trichoderma
pathogen using another living organism or organisms. spp. which are also easy to produce, generally have a
This definition includes direct and indirect effects, as low toxicity, and can sporulate well.
a result of either the introduction of antagonists, or America’s first biological fungicide seed treatment,
manipulation of existing microbial populations to Kodiak (marketed by Bayer), contains spores of Bacillus
reduce disease. This section will deal with biological subtilis GB03 for control of Alternaria, Aspergillus,
control using antagonistic microorganisms. Fusarium, and Rhizoctonia spp. that attack root systems
Antagonistic microorganisms control plant disease of a number of plants, including seed and pod vegeta-
because they weaken or destroy the pathogen. They bles, cotton, peanut, soybean, wheat, barley, and maize.
achieve this by various mechanisms, including: The spore concentrate can be applied through standard
(1) directly parasitizing the pathogen, (2) producing slurry or mist seed treatment equipment, with fungi-
antibiotics or toxins that exert an effect on the patho- cides if required, and the bacterium colonizes the root
gen, (3) competing for space and nutrients with the system providing control over the whole growing
pathogen, and (4) producing hydrolytic enzymes that season.
destroy components of pathogen cells. Numerous products contain strains of Trichoderma
To be effective in disease control, a biological con- harzianum, but one isolate, KRL-AG2 (T-22), sold by
trol agent (BCA) must be able to colonize a particular BioWorks Inc., USA, has been used and developed for
habitat or occupy a niche in sufficient numbers to several markets in US horticulture and agriculture in
disrupt the growth and survival of the target pathogen. a number of different forms. When applied to soil,
For this reason, the most effective BCAs are likely to be planting mixes, or turf, this BCA colonizes plant roots
found in the environment in which they are to be used. and provides protection against root pathogens such as
Thus, if the pathogen to be controlled infects plant Cylindrocarpon, Fusarium, Pythium, Rhizoctonia, and
roots, the best place to look for a potential BCA Thielaviopsis. RootShield granules are largely targeted
would be the rhizosphere. Finding appropriate BCAs at glasshouse and nursery use, and can be incorporated,
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 545

Crop Diseases, Management and Control of. Table 2 Examples of bacteria and fungi registered or commercially
marketed as biological control agents for control of soilborne and seedborne plant pathogens (from [87])

Target pathogen(s)/
Antagonist activity Disease/host Product name and source
Agrobacterium Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ornamentals and other Norback 84-C, Galltrol-A, Nogall,
radiobacter causing root galls plants sensitive to A. Diegall, Dygall (Becker Underwood
tumefaciens root galls Pty Ltd, Australia; Bio-Care
Technology Pty Ltd. Australia; New
BiProducts, Inc. USA; AgBiChem
Inc., USA; Agbioresearch Ltd.
New Zealand)
Bacillus cereus BP01 Plant growth promotion Cotton Mepplus (MicroFlo Co. LLC, USA)
B. pumilus GB34 Fusarium spp., R. solani Soybean YieldShield concentrate; GB34
Biological Fungicide (Gustafson
Bacillus licheniformis Numerous pathogens, Ornamentals, turf EcoGuard, Green Releaf
SB3086 especially Sclerotinia (Novozymes Biologicals Inc., USA)
B. subtilis Pythium damping-off Tomato Cillus, Green-all G (Greenbiotech
Co, Korea)
R. solani, Fusarium spp., Root rots and seedling Kodiak, Epic, Concentrate, Kodiak
Alternaria spp., and diseases generally HB, Quantum 4,000, System 3
Aspergillus spp. pathogens (Gustafson LLC, USA)
Fusarium spp., Verticillium Various vegetable and PHYTOVIT WG (Prophyta
spp., R. solani, and Pythium field crops Biologischer Pflanzenschutz GmbH,
spp. pathogens Germany)
B. subtilis GB03 Fusarium spp., Ornamentals, turf, dry Companion, Kodiak (Growth
Phytophthora spp., Pythium and snap bean, cotton, Products Ltd, USA; Gustafson LLC,
spp., R. solani peanut, soybean, wheat, USA; Bayer CropScience LP, USA)
and barley
B. subtilis MBI600 Alternaria spp., Aspergillus Alfalfa, dry/snap beans, HiStick N/T, Pro-mix, Subtilex;
spp., Fusarium spp., peanut, soybean, field Subtilex HB (Becker Underwood
Pythium spp., R. solani crops, turf, cotton Inc., USA; Premier Horticulture Inc,
B. subtilis subsp. Fusarium spp., R. solani Various vegetables and Taegro, Tae-Technical (Earth
amyloliquefaciens FZB24 ornamentals Biosciences Inc. USA)
B. subtilis, Bacillus Damping-off (bacterial) All crops Hydroguard (American Agritech,
circulans, Bacillus diseases USA)
Paenibacillus polymyxa
Burkholderia cepaciaa Pythium spp., Fusarium Alfalfa, beans, clover, Deny, Blue Circle (Stine Microbial
spp., R. solani, nematodes cotton, peas, wheat, Products, USA)
vegetables, and others
Pythium spp., Fusarium Maize, vegetables, Intercept (Soil Technologies Corp.,
spp., R. solani, cotton USA)
546 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

Crop Diseases, Management and Control of. Table 2 (Continued)

Target pathogen(s)/
Antagonist activity Disease/host Product name and source
Erwinia carotovora, Bacterial soft rots Vegetables, cruciferous Biokeeper (Central Glass Co. Ltd.,
nonpathogenic plants, rice Japan)
P. polymyxa AC-1 Damping-off Cucumber NH, Topseed (Greenbiotech Co.,
Pseudomonas sp. Growth promotion, various Vegetables, potato, Proradix (Sourcon-Padena,
seedborne and soilborne cereals, etc. Germany)
Pseudomonas Various turf grass Turf grass diseases Spotless (Turf Science laboratories
aureofaciens TX-1 pathogens Inc, USA)
Pseudomonas Drechslera spp., Septoria Cereal seedborne Cedomon (BioAgri AB, Sweden)
chlororaphis MA 342 spp., Fusarium spp. diseases
P. chlororaphis 63-28 Pythium spp. R. solani, Stem and root rots, and AtEze (Eco Soil Systems Inc., USA)
F. oxysporum wilt disease in various
crop plants
Pseudomonas fluorescens Frost damage, E. amylovora Fruit, potato, tomato, BlightBan A506 (NuFarm Inc., USA)
Pseudomonas P. solanacearum P. solanacearum rots in PSSOL (Natural Plant Protection,
solanacearum, vegetables France)
P. syringae Botrytis spp., Penicillium Fruit, potato Bio-save (EcoScience Corp., USA)
spp., Mucor spp.
Streptomyces R. solani Turf Mycocide (KIBC Co., Korea)
colombiensis WYE20
Streptomyces goshikiensis R. solani Rice, turf Safegrow (KIBC Co, Korea)
Streptomyces griseoviridis Various soilborne Vegetable and Mycostop (Verdera Oy, Finland)
K61 pathogens ornamental soilborne
Streptomyces lydicus Various soilborne Root rots in many crops, Acinovate (Natural Industries
WYCD108 pathogens turf, and ornamentals Inc. USA)
Aspergillus flavus AF36 A. flavus (aflatoxin +) Cotton AF36 (Arizona Cotton Research and
Protection Council, USA)
A. flavus NRRL 21882 A. flavus (aflatoxin +) Peanut Afla-guard (Circle One Global Inc,
Coniothyrium minitans Sclerotinia minor, Protected vegetable and Contans WG (Prophyta Biologischer
CON/M/91-08 S. sclerotiorum field crops Pflanzenschutz GmbH, Germany;
Sylvan Bio Products Inc, USA) and
Intercept WG (Encore Technologies,
C. minitans KONI S. minor, S. sclerotiorum Glasshouse crops and KONI (Bioved Ltd.,
amenity areas Szigetszentmiklos, Hungary)
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 547

Crop Diseases, Management and Control of. Table 2 (Continued)

Target pathogen(s)/
Antagonist activity Disease/host Product name and source
F. oxysporum Fo47 F. oxysporum Asparagus, basil, Fusaclean (Natural Plant Protection,
carnation, cyclamen, France)
gerbera, tomato
Gliocladium catenulatum Pythium spp., R. solani, and Damping-off of Prestop Mix, Prestop WP, Primastop
J1446 numerous other pathogens vegetables, herbs, (Verdera Oy, Finland)
ornamentals, and
numerous other plants
Gliocladium (Trichoderma) Pythium ultimum, R. solani Damping-off of bedding SoilGard 12 G formerly GlioGard
virens G-21 plants, greenhouse (Certis Inc, Columbia, MD, USA)
crops, and ornamentals
Pythium oligandrum Numerous diseases Numerous crops Polyversum (Biopreparaty Ltd,
Czech Republic)
Trichoderma spp. Soilborne fungal Turf, glasshouse crops, Trich-A-Soil (Becker Underwood Pty
pathogens and field crops Ltd, Australia)
Sclerotium cepivorum, Onion Tenet (Agrimm Tecnologies,
Pyrenochaeta New Zealand)
Soilborne plant pathogens Ornamentals, fruit, turf, Trichomic (AMC Chemical, Spain)
olive, vine
Armillaria Tree seedlings Arborguard (Biodiscovery Ltd,
New Zealand)
T. harzianum T-22 Fusarium spp., Pythium Range of crops, T-22 HC, T-22 Planter Box, T-22
(KRL-AG2) spp., Cylindrocarpon spp., ornamentals, and turf Granules PlantShield HC,
Thielaviopsis spp., R. solani, RootShield drench and granules,
S. homeocarpa TurfShield, TRIANUM-P, TRIANUM-G
(Bio-Works Inc, Fairport, NY, USA;
Koppert, the Netherlands)
T. harzianum Various fungi Legumes and leaf Supresivit (Borregaard and Reitzel,
vegetables Denmark or Fytovita, Czech
Pythium spp., R. solani Numerous crops Eco-T (Plant health Products, South
seedling diseases Africa)
T. harzianum GBF-0208 Numerous pathogens Vegetables, bulbs, turf Green-all T WP (Green Biotech Co.
Ltd., Korea)
T. harzianum + Fusarium spp., Field crops, vegetables, Trichodry, Trichoflow, Trichogrow,
Trichoderma viride Phytophthora spp., Pythium ornamental and turf Trichopel R Trichopel
spp., and R. solani (Agrimm Technologies, New
T. harzianum T 35 + Fusarium spp., Pythium Seedlings diseases on Root Pro and Root-Protato
T. harzianum TH315 spp., R. solani, S. rolfsii a range of crops and (Mycontrol, Hamovil, Israel)
548 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

Crop Diseases, Management and Control of. Table 2 (Continued)

Target pathogen(s)/
Antagonist activity Disease/host Product name and source
T. harzianum + Various root-infecting fungi Glasshouse crops BINAB-T W P(Bio-Innovation Eftr AB,
T. polysporum Bredholmen, Sweden; or Svenska
Predator AB, Sweden; or Bayer,
T. viride Fusarium spp., Pythium Damping-off, foot rots Ecoderma (Margo Biocontrols
spp., R. solani and collar rots of several Private Ltd., Bangalore, India)
B. cepacia is no longer available in North America because of concerns over the potential for human pathogenicity of some strains of this

top-dressed, broadcast, or applied in-furrow or to further infection [90]. This is known as induced resis-
planting holes for use on flowers, bedding plants, orna- tance and can be split broadly into two types: systemic
mentals, vegetables, pome and stone fruit, trees, and acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resis-
tree nuts. For agriculture, T-22 Planter Box is applied as tance (ISR).
a coating on seeds and seed pieces, an in-furrow spray, In SAR plants, develop a broad-spectrum systemic
and as a transplant starter and T-22 HC as a broadcast resistance to pathogen infection following a localized
or in-furrow treatment, both for use on field and row infection by a necrotizing pathogen or treatment with
crops, hay and forage crops, bulbs and vegetables. In various agents, e.g., acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) or
Europe, T-22 (Koppert, the Netherlands) is available as Probenazole (Oryzemate®). SAR is associated with
TRIANUM-G and TRIANUM-P, wettable granule and increased levels of salicylic acid (SA) and with the
wettable powder formulations. Much of the scientific coordinate expression of a specific set of genes
background concerning the use of this isolate has been encoding PR proteins ([91]; Fig. 3). Moreover, appli-
extensively reviewed [88]. cation of SA or one of its functional analogues, such as
In terms of the future, advances that can improve ASM, induces SAR and activates the same set of PR
quantity, quality, and shelf life of inocula would be genes [92]. Indeed, expression of a set of PR genes, and
welcome, particularly for bacteria such as Pseudomonas PR-1 in particular, is used as a marker for SAR induc-
that do not form spores. In recent work, both Pseudo- tion, although it is important to note that the induction
monas and Trichoderma isolates have been simulta- of resistance is not always accompanied by PR-1 expres-
neously applied to seed via drum priming and found sion [93, 94].
to survive and proliferate on roots similarly to when In contrast to SAR, ISR develops as a result of
applied individually [89]. This procedure may be a way colonization of plant roots by certain strains of plant
to apply and maintain multiple BCAs in a commer- growth–promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) and is medi-
cially relevant process. Further approaches include ated by jasmonic acid– (JA) and ethylene (ET)-
integration with other control strategies such as cul- sensitive pathways ([91]; Fig. 3). Phenotypically, ISR
tural methods and chemical treatments [87]. A better is similar to SAR in that it acts unspecifically against
understanding of the natural ecology of any potential taxonomically different pathogens [91, 95].
BCA might facilitate a more rational approach to pro- The resistance responses described above can be
duction and use. associated with direct activation of defenses. However,
such responses can also be associated with an ability to
Induced Resistance to Control Crop Diseases
“recall” previous infection, root colonization, or chem-
Following infection by a microbial pathogen, suscepti- ical treatment. This phenomenon is known as priming
ble plants can develop an enhanced resistance to and results in plants responding more rapidly and
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 549

Rhizobacteria Pathogen

LPS flagellin signals AVR gene product

Plant receptors R gene product

SAR signal

transported ISR signal


NPR1 modulating NPR1 modulating

signal signal

NPR1 NPR1 transcription


transcriptional activation transcriptional activation

defensive compounds PRs, defensive compounds


Crop Diseases, Management and Control of. Figure 3

A model for the signal transduction network controlling induced systemic resistance (ISR) mediated by plant growth–
promoting rhizobacteria and pathogen-induced systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in Arabidopsis thaliana. LPS,
lipopolysaccharide; PRs, pathogenesis-related proteins; AVR, avirulence gene product; R, resistance gene product; HR,
hypersensitive response; SA, salicylic acid; JA, jasmonic acid; ET, ethylene; NPR1, a regulatory protein involved in signaling
in SAR and ISR in A. thaliana; SNI, transcriptional repressor of SAR genes; TGA transcription factors, family of transcription
factors interacting with SA-induced NPR1 (From [91])

effectively when exposed to subsequent pathogen might be a chemical elicitor such as ASM or a challeng-
attack ([96]; Fig. 3). Usually, no changes in gene ing pathogen. Interestingly, priming of resistance is
expression or in the levels of resistance traits are detect- usually caused by agents that fully induce resistance
able in response to the priming agent alone, which when applied at higher doses [97, 98] and suggests
550 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

that direct resistance induction and priming might pathogen insensitivity to probenzole and indeed, it still
differ from one another quantitatively rather than accounted for 53% of the chemicals used for seedling
qualitatively. box treatments on rice in 2005 [103]. It is believed this
A wide range of microbes and chemicals are known is because the compound is only weakly toxic to fungi
to induce resistance and it seems likely that other forms and activates disease defense systems in rice [104, 105].
of induced resistance exist. Thus, it is well known that A large body of data has accumulated on the effi-
the nonprotein amino acid, b-aminobutyric acid cacy of ASM against a range of diseases under field
(BABA), can induce resistance in a variety of crop conditions [106, 107]. Most studies report disease con-
plants [99]. BABA-induced resistance (BABA-IR) trol, although the level of control ranges from 4% to
has been used as a model for the study of priming and 99%. High levels of disease control were achieved on
in Arabidopsis, it is based on various mechanisms. tobacco, where infections by P. syringae pv. tabaci,
Thus, BABA-IR against P. syringae and B. cinerea func- Cercospora nicotianae, and Alternaria alternata were
tions via priming for SA-inducible defenses, while reduced by 99%, 91%, and 89%, respectively [108,
against a different set of pathogens (Hyaloperonospora 109]. In wheat, the crop that ASM was originally
parasitica, Plectosphaerella cucumerina and Alternaria aimed at, disease control was not so impressive, ranging
brassicicola), it is based on priming for resistance from 35% for Puccinia recondita and Septoria spp., to
through the formation of callose-rich papillae 77% for B. graminis f.sp. hordei [110, 111]. ASM even
[100–102]. increased disease levels in peanut, where infection by
Since the introduction of the first chemical resistance Cercosporidium personatum was greater than untreated
activator Probenazole (registered in Japan as controls by 52% [112]. Working on oilseed rape,
Oryzemate®, Meiji Seika Kaisha Ltd) in 1975, a number Liu et al. [113] found that pretreatment with ASM in
of other chemical and microbial activators have been October/November decreased the number of leaf
developed, including ASM, registered as Bion® and lesions caused by the Phoma stem canker pathogen
Actigard® (Syngenta), Milsana® (Reynoutria L. maculans in the autumn/winter, as well as the
sacalinensis extract, KHH BioScience Inc. USA), Elexa® severity of stem canker in the subsequent spring/sum-
(chitosan, SafeScience, USA), and Messenger® (harpin mer. In this work, reductions in numbers of leaves with
protein, Eden Bioscience, USA). However, although high lesions were between 25% and 55% [113]. More
levels of disease control can be achieved with plant recently, ASM was shown to reduce infection of barley
activators in controlled environments, their perfor- by the leaf scald pathogen R. secalis by 45% [114].
mance under field conditions has been less impressive. Chitosan is a common polymer in shells of crusta-
In fact, the moderate levels of disease control and high ceans, exoskeletons of insects, and cell walls of fungi
levels of variability exhibited by plant activators in the [115]. A commercial formulation, Elexa®, contains 4%
field have been instrumental in the very slow uptake of chitosan as its active ingredient and has been shown to
induced resistance in crop production systems. In the protect a range of crops against pathogens. For exam-
following paragraphs, the performance of selected plant ple, when used as a seed treatment, it reduced downy
activators under field conditions will be discussed. mildew severity on pearl millet by 58%, and when used
Probenazole (3-allyloxy-1,2-benziothiazole-1,1- as a foliar spray, it reduced infection by 75% [116].
oxide) was first introduced for the control of rice When used on grapevines, eight applications of Elexa®
blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae) and bacterial blight applied over the season reduced the incidence of downy
(Xanthomonas oryzae). It is widely used in Asia where it mildew by 50% and powdery mildew by 75% com-
is applied as a granular treatment either to paddy fields pared to untreated controls [117].
or as a seedling box treatment. Following application, A number commercially available products are
the compound is absorbed by the roots, then systemi- based on microbial proteins. One such is Messenger®,
cally transferred to the rest of the plant and can control which is based on the protein harpin obtained from
rice blast disease for between 40 and 70 days post Erwinia amylovora [118]. Used as a crop protectant,
application [103]. However, despite continuous use Messenger® has had mixed success. For example,
since its introduction, there have been no reports of although it possessed good efficacy against blue mold
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 551

in apples [119], its efficacy against gray mold in straw- growth in plant tissue, e.g., R. secalis on barley? (3) Can
berry [120] and target spot of tomato [121] was poor. resistance inducers be used as a means of reducing fun-
In some interesting recent work, Chen et al. [122] gicide applications to crops, e.g., can resistance inducers
generated specific fragments of HpaGXooc, a harpin be applied early to reduce pathogen infection and colo-
from X. oryzae pv. oryzicola, and found that one of nization, thereby allowing less fungicide to be used?
these fragments, HpaG10–42, stimulated growth of rice What is required is research related to specific crops
plants and provided enhanced resistance to X. oryzae aimed at trying to determine how best to fit induced
pv. oryzae and M. grisea. HpaG10–42 was also shown to resistance into disease control programs. Farmers and
control bacterial blight, rice blast, and sheath blight, crop protectionists have grown accustomed to high
and to increase grain yields, under field conditions levels, or even complete, disease control. Ultimately, for
[123]. Here the level of disease control depended on induced resistance to gain more widespread acceptance
the cultivar, with greater control obtained with indica in crop protection, there will need to be a lowering of
compared to japonica cultivars. expectation in terms of levels of disease control.
ISR was first shown to be effective under field con-
ditions in the mid-1990s, when application of PGPR as Other Approaches to Controlling Crop Diseases
a seed treatment followed by soil drench application led
Biofumigation Biofumigation involves the suppres-
to a reduction in severity of bacterial wilt [124], and
sion of plant pests and diseases by biocidal hydrolysis
control of bacterial angular leaf spot and anthracnose
products, most notably the isothiocyanates released by
[125]. Subsequent research by Raupach and Kloepper
glucosinolate (GSL)-containing plants in soil. It can
[126] showed that treatment of cucumber seed with
involve GSL-containing plants as rotation crops, or
PGPR led to increased plant growth and control of
intercrops by incorporating fresh plant material as
angular leaf spot and anthracnose. Field experiments
green manure, or by utilizing processed plant products
in Thailand in 2001 and 2002 studied the effects
high in GSLs, e.g., seed meals. Strategies for the field
of PGPR, used alone or as mixtures, on control of
implementation of biofumigation are described in
southern blight of tomato caused by Sclerotium rolfsii,
detail by Kirkegaard [128].
anthracnose of long cayenne pepper caused by
Colletotrichum gloeospoiroides, and mosaic disease of
Soil Solarization Soil solarization, or soil heating,
cucumber caused by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)
harnesses solar energy in order to increase soil temper-
[127]. Mixtures of PGPR (all Bacillus spp.) were found
ature. This is commonly achieved by mulching (cover-
to suppress disease more consistently than the PGPR
ing, tarping) the soil with transparent polyethylene or
strain Bacillus pumilus IN937b, used alone.
other transparent plastic sheets. The following are a few
Induced resistance offers the prospect of durable,
of the important principles of soil solarization: (1) It
broad-spectrum disease control using the plants own
should be carried out during periods of high tempera-
resistance. However, it is plagued by inconsistency and
ture and intense solar radiation, with low levels, or no
relatively poor disease control compared with fungi-
precipitation. (2) Soil needs to be moist in order to
cides. These problems relate to the fact that induced
increase the thermal sensitivity of resting structures
resistance is a host response and as such is greatly
and improve heat conduction. (3) The mulching
influenced by genotype and environment. Unfortu-
period needs to be sufficiently long (4 weeks or
nately, the understanding of the impact of these influ-
greater) in order to achieve disease control at all desired
ences on induced resistance is poor, as is the
depths. The efficacy of soil solarization in controlling
understanding of how best to use induced resistance
crop diseases and the mechanisms involved are
in crop protection practice. Understanding in these
discussed in detail by Gamliel and Katan [129].
areas needs to improve, and answers to several impor-
tant, practical questions are required, for example:
Integrated Control of Plant Diseases
(1) Should resistance inducing agents be applied early
or late in the season? (2) Is induced resistance effective As pointed out by Agrios [130], plant disease control is
against pathogens with long periods of asymptomatic most effective when all of the relevant information
552 Crop Diseases, Management and Control of

regarding the crop, potential pathogens, previous dis- with fertilizers and pesticides. In these countries, farmers
ease history, availability of host resistance, environmen- and growers are accustomed to achieving high levels of
tal conditions, etc., are taken into account in devising the disease control with fungicides, although, as discussed
disease control program. An integrated program of dis- above, the development of fungicide resistance can erode
ease control aims to (1) eliminate or reduce the initial fungicide efficacy. Levels of disease control obtained with
pathogen inoculum, (2) reduce the effectiveness of the many biologically based control methods are lower than
initial pathogen inoculum, (3) maximize host plant those achieved using fungicides, and moreover, many
resistance, (4) delay the onset of disease in the plant/ biologically based methods tend to provide inconsistent
crop, and (5) slow down the development and progres- disease control. Thus, although induced resistance can
sion of secondary cycles [130]. provide high levels of disease control on some crops, with
The precise approach adopted will depend on the many crops, disease control is less impressive. Expression
crop and its disease spectrum, but would probably of induced resistance in crop plants can also be variable,
include several of the following: (1) appropriate depending, for example, on genotype and environment.
hygiene/sanitation, e.g., using disease-free seed/plant- Problems also exist with variability and inconsistency
ing material, (2) using appropriate cultural measures, of disease control provided by some BCAs. Farmer per-
(3) using resistant plant varieties, (4) using appropriate ceptions of inadequate and inconsistent disease control
fungicides, and (5) using biologically based methods, if will not persuade them to adopt biologically based
available and appropriate, e.g., biological control, approaches. Minimizing the effects of these problems
induced resistance. clearly requires further research.
Control of late blight (P. infestans) on potato pro- In spite of the huge effort by researchers to develop
vides a good example of an integrated approach to novel biologically based solutions for disease control
disease control (see For late (such as BCAs, plant-derived substances, induced resis-
blight, the first step in an integrated strategy is reducing tance agents), few products have reached the market-
primary sources of inoculum, such as avoiding infected place. The relatively high cost of registration, together
seed tubers, using certified potato seed, preventing or with the limited market size for some products, has been
reducing oospore production by controlling volunteer identified as a major barrier. However, this problem has
potatoes, for example. The next step is variety choice, been recognized by regulatory authorities, and in the
since use of a variety expressing some resistance to late UK, for example, the Chemicals Regulation Directorate
blight offers the potential to reduce fungicide inputs as (Pesticides) has launched a scheme that encourages
part of an integrated strategy. Nevertheless, fungicides applicants to register their products. Under this scheme,
play a crucial role in integrated control of late blight. the requirements for registration can be tailored to the
Although control measures are aimed mainly at product type and importantly, the application fee can be
preventing infection, if late blight appears in a crop, reduced [86].
the control strategy switches to stopping or reducing The continued ability of pathogens to overcome host
the epidemic. Effective control of late blight depends resistance genes and to develop resistance to fungicides
on access to information such as phase of crop growth, seriously erodes the ability to provide effective, lasting
fungicide products available, dose rates, timings, disease control on important crops. These problems
weather conditions, as well as access to tools, such as combined with the withdrawal of active substances
an appropriate decision support system (DSS). The from the market and increasing public concern with the
DSS can integrate all relevant information to generate effects of pesticides on the environment create a huge
spray recommendations, thereby increasing the efficacy challenge for plant pathology in the future. Plant disease
of the control strategy without increasing risk. control has an important role to play in efforts to feed the
world’s increasing population. However, providing effec-
tive and lasting disease control, without harming the
Future Directions
environment, will require not just a sensible approach to
High crop yields are maintained in most developed the use of host resistance and fungicides, but also a range
countries through the use of improved varieties, together of innovative approaches. In some situations, innovative
Crop Diseases, Management and Control of 553

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558 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

Crop Plants Transformation Methods Concatemer A DNA molecule containing multiple

contiguous copies of the same sequence.
DAWEI YUAN1, SVETLANA DASHEVSKAYA1, RICHARD M. Conjugation DNA transfer between cells through
TWYMAN2, TERESA CAPELL1, PAUL CHRISTOU3,4 a specialized conduit known as a pilus.
Department of Vegetal Production and Forestry Counterselectable marker A selectable marker gene
Science, ETSEA, University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain whose absence is required for cells to survive.
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Destination vector The vector designated to receive
Warwick, Coventry, UK a DNA cassette during LR recombination in the
Department de Produccio Vegetal i Ciencia Forestal, Gateway system.
Universitat de Lleida/ICREA, Lleida, Spain Direct DNA transfer DNA transfer mediated by phys-
Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats ical or chemical means rather than by bacteria or
(ICREA), Barcelona, Spain viruses.
Entry clone The vector holding the DNA cassette
Article Outline that needs to be transferred to the Destination vector
during LR recombination in the Gateway system.
Glossary Episomal A genetic entity that replicates indepen-
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance dently of the host chromosome, such as a plasmid
Introduction or nonintegrating virus.
Principles and Methods of Plant Transformation Explant A piece of plant tissue transferred to culture
Vectors for Plant Transformation and propagated independently.
Consequences of Nuclear Transformation Filler DNA Extra DNA added at junctions during ille-
Plastid Transformation Methods gitimate recombination, either by synthesis across a
Future Directions template or random addition of nucleotides.
Bibliography Gateway A proprietary cloning system based on LR
recombination, a form of site-specific recombina-
tion using the attB and attP sites of Escherichia coli
Acetosyringone A phenolic compound that activates and bacteriophage l.
the Agrobacterium tumefaciens vir genes and thus Gene targeting Disruption of a preselected gene by
initiates DNA transfer. homologous recombination with a DNA cassette.
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation The intro- Helper plasmid A plasmid that is not used as a cloning
duction of DNA into plants by the bacterium vehicle, but which supplies necessary functions in
Agrobacterium tumefaciens. trans.
Bactofection Gene transfer to animal cells mediated Homing endonuclease A specialized type of restric-
by bacteria. tion enzyme encoded by introns and inteins with
BIBAC A binary vector for plant transformation based a long asymmetric recognition sequence.
on the high-capacity bacterial artificial chromo- Homologous recombination Recombination requir-
some (BAC). ing long regions of homology but no sequence
Binary vector A plant transformation vector in two specificity.
parts, one carrying the T-DNA and one carrying the Illegitimate recombination Recombination requiring
vir genes. neither long regions of homology nor specific
Cassette A modular DNA sequence designed for por- sequences; it can occur by direct nonhomologous
tability between different vectors. end-joining (all sequences conserved, sometimes with
Chimeric (transformed plants) Comprising cells with added filler DNA) or at regions of microhomology.
different genotypes, usually a first-generation In planta transformation Transformation methods
transformant (T0) where some cells are transgenic that can be used with intact plants rather than tissue
and others are not. explants, and which therefore require no regeneration.

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 559

Integration The insertion of one DNA sequence in the means; (b) in animals and plants, the transfer of
midst of another. any DNA into cultured cells by chemical or physical
Minichromosome A vector comprising the minimal means.
elements that allow it to function as a chromosome. Transformant A plant that has been transformed with
Minimal cassette The minimal sequences required to exogenous DNA.
achieve transformation and transgene expression, Transformation (a) In bacteria, the transfer of plasmid
typically a promoter, gene, and terminator. or genomic DNA into bacterial cells by chemical or
Multigene transfer The simultaneous transfer of more physical means; (b) in animal cells, the spontaneous
than one gene into a plant. or induced change from a normal to an oncogenic
Particle bombardment A physical transformation phenotype; (c) in plants, any means of DNA
method based on the acceleration of DNA-coated transfer that does not involve the use of a virus.
metal particles into intact plant cells. Transgenic Containing integrated exogenous DNA in
Promoter The DNA sequence in front of a gene which the nuclear genome.
controls its spatiotemporal expression profiles and Transplastomic Containing integrated exogenous
whether its expression is sensitive to external DNA in the plastid genome.
stimuli. Terminator The sequence following the gene that is
Reporter gene A gene whose function is to yield an required to terminate transcription.
easily detectable product that can be used to mea- vir Gene One of several genes on binary vectors that
sure or delimit the activity of a regulatory element are required in trans to mediate T-DNA transfer.
such as a promoter. Zinc finger A zinc-coordinating protein motif usually
Screenable marker Another name for a reporter gene. associated with DNA binding, often found in
Selectable marker A gene whose function is to confer sequence-specific DNA binding proteins such as
on transformed cells some property that allows transcription factors.
them to be propagated in conditions under which
nontransformed cells either die or cannot grow
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance
Southern blot (DNA blot) A method for the detection The term transformation (or more properly “genetic
of DNA sequences using specific labeled comple- transformation”) was first coined to describe the natu-
mentary probes. ral process by which bacteria take up free DNA from
Stable transformation Transformation followed by their surroundings. The term was required to distin-
integration of DNA into the host genome such guish this process from two other ubiquitous natural
that the transgene becomes a permanent new geno- gene transfer mechanisms in bacteria: conjugation
mic locus. (direct transfer of DNA from cell to cell through
Superbinary vector A binary vector in which the vir a connecting tube called a pilus) and transduction
gene functions are enhanced. (transfer of DNA between cells carried by the capsid
Supervirulent An Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain of a virus). All three of these natural processes have
with a broader host range or more efficient DNA been exploited in the laboratory as ways to introduce
transfer ability than normal strains. exogenous DNA into bacterial cells, and in this context
T-DNA The section of DNA within a binary vector the definition of transformation was later refined to
which is transferred to the host plant. take into account the different consequences of gene
Transactivation domain The part of a transcription transfer depending on the origins of the transforming
factor that activates transcription. DNA. The meaning of transformation was thus
Transient expression The expression of introduced restricted to the uptake of naked plasmids or genomic
DNA for a short time before the DNA is diluted DNA fragments, whereas an alternative term – trans-
and degraded. fection – was coined to describe the uptake of naked
Transfection (a) In bacteria, the transfer of phage phage DNA, the distinction required because only the
DNA into bacterial cells by chemical or physical latter can initiate a phage infection.
560 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

Unsurprisingly, the same terms have been adopted exogenous DNA integrates it into the genome) and
to describe analogous processes in other organisms, but selectable marker genes are usually employed to ensure
the precise definitions vary due to preexisting conven- that the small number of transformed cells can grow at
tions. Cultured animal cells are said to undergo trans- the expense of their nontransformed peers, allowing
formation when they change from the normal the recovery of transgenic tissues and whole plants.
phenotype (cessation of growth when confluence is Cells, tissues, and whole plants that are stably
achieved) to an oncogenic phenotype (continued transformed with a particular fragment of exogenous
growth, formation of foci) so “transformation” is usu- DNA are termed transgenic if the DNA integrates into
ally avoided in the context of gene transfer to prevent the nuclear genome or transplastomic if it integrates
ambiguity. Therefore, transfection is used to describe into the plastid genome. The integrated DNA is known
the introduction of any naked DNA into animal cells as the transgene (depending on context this term can
regardless of its origin. The transfer of DNA from refer to a single gene or to the integrated segment of
bacteria to animal cells (including the use of conjuga- exogenous DNA which may contain one or more
tion-like mechanisms) is unusual and has only recently genes).
been adopted as a gene transfer procedure in the labo- If the introduced DNA does have an origin of rep-
ratory, so a new term has been coined for this process – lication that functions in plants, then it may be
bactofection. The introduction of DNA into animal maintained episomally (as an extrachromosomal rep-
cells using a virus as a carrier is known as transduction, licon). This occurs when the introduced genetic mate-
just as it is in bacteria. rial is part of a replication-competent recombinant
The terminology for plants is a hybrid of plant virus, or when it includes the components of
the conventions used for bacteria and animal cells. a plant centromere, allowing it to function as
Transformation refers to any gene transfer process a minichromosome. Viral vectors are generally short-
where a virus is not used as a carrier (otherwise lived, so they are also used for transient expression.
transduction is the correct term, as in bacteria and However, the ability of viruses to spread systemically
animal cells). This means that plant transformation means that the transgene may be expressed at very high
includes both the uptake of naked DNA (direct DNA levels throughout the plant, and the infection may last
transfer) and the transfer of DNA by the conjugation- days or weeks. Minichromosome vectors are a relatively
like method adopted by Agrobacterium tumefaciens new development in plants but as with equivalent
and Agrobacterium rhizogenes (Agrobacterium- “artificial chromosome” vectors in yeast and animal
mediated transformation). However, due to opera- cells, the idea is that they should facilitate stable trans-
tional analogies with cultured animal cells, the intro- formation without the need for integration into the
duction of DNA into cultured plant protoplasts genome.
is also termed transfection, so in this specific context Plant transformation is a fundamental component
the terms transformation and transfection are of both basic and applied plant biology. For basic
synonymous. research, transformation allows scientists to study
The fate of the introduced DNA depends on many how genes function and allows the expression of both
factors. If it does not contain an origin of replication endogenous genes and transgenes to be controlled.
that is active in plant cells it is usually maintained in This has increased our understanding of how plants
the nucleus for a short period of time (hours to days), grow, develop, and defend themselves against pests,
eventually being diluted and degraded. If the intro- diseases, and harsh environments, how photosynthesis
duced DNA contains an active expression cassette, is controlled, and the basis of primary and secondary
then a product may be expressed during this time, metabolism. For applied research, transformation can
a process known as transient expression. In a very be used to improve the agronomic performance of
small number of cells, the DNA integrates into the crops, making them hardier, more nutritious, more
genome and becomes a permanent new locus. This is productive, or converting them from conventional
known as stable transformation. It is a rare event crops into green factories producing chemical precur-
(approximately one in every 10,000 cells that takes up sors, novel oils, industrial enzymes, and
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 561

pharmaceuticals. Plants provide human beings with all plant species, some form of tissue culture step is there-
types of useful products: food and animal feed, fibers fore used for the successful production of transgenic
and structural materials, and small molecules that can plants after cells or small tissue explants have been
be used as dyes, scents, and medicines. Plants have been subjected to the actual transformation procedure.
cultivated for these products since the dawn of history, However, it should be noted that whole-plant (in
and for the same length of time people have sought to planta) transformation strategies are also available in
improve plants by breeding them and selecting the some species, in which the need for tissue culture is
better-performing and most useful varieties. The limi- minimized or eliminated.
tations of this approach, i.e., the fact that breeders are The ease with which plant material is manipulated
restricted to the existing gene pool in each group of and interconverted in culture provides many opportu-
sexually compatible species, and that breeding takes nities for the development of techniques for gene trans-
a long time to achieve its goals, can be overcome by fer and the recovery of transgenic plants (Fig. 1). DNA
plant transformation, thus accelerating the develop- can be introduced into most types of plant material –
ment of plants with novel, beneficial traits. protoplasts, cell suspensions, callus, vegetative tissue
explants, gametes, seeds, zygotes, embryos, organs,
and whole plants; so, the ability to recover fertile plants
from such material is often the limiting step in plant
Plant transformation became a routine process in the genetic engineering rather than the DNA transfer pro-
1980s but several attempts to transfer DNA into plant cess itself. It is also possible to maintain transformed
tissues were reported in the previous 2 decades, plant cell lines or tissues (e.g., root cultures) rather than
although stable transformation was never confirmed. regenerating whole plants as these can often be
The first deliberate transformation of plant tissue with sustained indefinitely in culture.
laboratory-created recombinant DNA was achieved in Gene transfer to plants can be achieved through
1983 when several researchers reported the introduc- three types of mechanism – viral transduction, bacte-
tion of recombinant plasmids, including backbone rial gene delivery, and chemical/physical direct DNA
sequences from cloning vectors and selectable marker transfer. Bacterial gene delivery using the soil pathogen
genes [1–3]. This marked the first creation of trans- A. tumefaciens is the most widely used method for
genic plant cells in the currently accepted meaning of dicotyledonous plants, but increasingly also for mono-
the word. In the intervening 30 years, heterologous cots. Physical methods are the next most popular, espe-
genes have been introduced into well over 100 different cially particle bombardment for the transformation of
plant species either through the use of the soil bacte- more recalcitrant monocots such as cereals. Chemical
rium A. tumefaciens or alternative strategies involving transfection methods are little used these days, and are
direct DNA transfer to plant cells and tissues. In addi- only suitable for protoplasts. Each of the above
tion, many plant viruses have been developed as epi- methods can be used to achieve either transient expres-
somal vectors, allowing high-level transient gene sion or stable transformation of the nuclear genome,
expression, although because of their inability to while direct gene transfer can also be used to achieve
achieve stable transformation they are not considered chloroplast transformation. As stated earlier, viral
further in this article. transduction does not lead to stable transformation
and virus vectors are not discussed in this article.
Principles and Methods of Plant Transformation
Principles of Agrobacterium-Mediated
A fundamental difference between animals and plants
is that differentiated plant tissue shows a high degree of
developmental plasticity. Depending on the species, Gene transfer from bacteria to plants occurs naturally
isolated stem segments, leaf disks, and seed-derived and is responsible for crown gall disease. This is
callus tissue may be able to regenerate an entire new a plant tumor that can be induced in a wide variety of
plant under appropriate culture conditions. For most gymnosperms and dicotyledonous angiosperms by
562 Crop Plants Transformation Methods



Whole plant

Seeds Organogenesis

Gametes Explant

Somatic embryogenesis

Particle bambardment
Agrobacterium tumefaciens




Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Figure 1

Strategies for the transformation of higher plants [4]. The boxes show the various different targets for transformation
and how they are obtained from whole plants (black arrows). The methods used to transform each of these targets are
shown in black text. The red arrows show the routes used to obtain whole transgenic plants

inoculating wound sites with the Gram-negative soil in the late 1970s identified the principle as a small
bacterium A. tumefaciens. The tumor produces plant segment of DNA that is transferred to the plant genome
hormones responsible for the proliferation of undiffer- (hence T-DNA, for transferred DNA). The source of
entiated plant tissue, and specialized amino acid deriv- the T-DNA is a large plasmid, the tumor-inducing (Ti)
atives known as opines that the bacteria use as a carbon plasmid, resident in the bacterium.
source. The entire system has therefore evolved as a way Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was devel-
for the bacteria to exploit plants for accommodation oped as a platform technology following the dissection
and food. and functional analysis of two key components of nat-
Even so, the continued presence of the bacteria is ural Ti-plasmids: the T-DNA, which contains DNA
not required to maintain the tumor, indicating that sequences required in cis for DNA transfer, and the
some “tumor-inducing principle” is transferred from vir (virulence) region, which contains genes whose
the bacterium to the plant at the wound site. Research products are required in trans for DNA transfer.
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 563

The resulting transformation system is known as transphosphorylates the VirG protein, which is a tran-
a binary vector system because the T-DNA and vir scriptional activator of the other vir genes. Further
genes do not need to be present on the same vector. genes on the bacterial chromosome also encode tran-
This means that the T-DNA can be housed on a small scription factors that regulate vir gene expression
shuttle vector suitable for cloning in bacteria, while the (reviewed in [8, 9]). The induction of vir gene expres-
vir genes are provided on a second “helper” plasmid. sion results in the synthesis of proteins that form
Natural T-DNA carries genes encoding enzymes for a conjugative pilus through which the T-DNA is trans-
plant hormone synthesis and enzymes for opine synthe- ferred to the plant cell. The components of the pilus are
sis, and these are the factors that drive the formation of encoded by genes in the virB operon (reviewed in [10]).
the crown gall tumor. The hormone genes are often called DNA transfer itself is initiated by an endonuclease
oncogenes because they lead to tumor formation. How- formed by the products of the virD1 and virD2 genes.
ever, neither the oncogenes nor the opine genes are This introduces either single-strand nicks or a double-
necessary for DNA transfer. If these genes are removed, strand break at the 25-bp borders of the T-DNA,
leaving an “empty” T-DNA cassette, the “disarmed” a process enhanced by the VirC12 and VirC2 proteins,
T-DNA can still be transferred to the plant genome, but which recognize and bind to the overdrive enhancer
the transformed cells at the wound site no longer prolif- element. The VirD2 protein remains covalently
erate and form a tumor. All that is required for transfer is attached to the processed T-DNA. Recent studies have
the vir region, the T-DNA border sequences which are suggested that the type of T-DNA intermediate pro-
targets for excision from the Ti-plasmid, and a small duced (single- or double-stranded) depends on the
number of loci on the A. tumefaciens genome. The type of Ti-plasmid, with double-stranded T-DNA
T-DNA border sequences are 25-bp imperfect direct favored by nopaline plasmids (where the T-DNA is
repeats which define the boundaries of the T-DNA. a single element) and single “T-strands” favored by
An enhancer, sometimes called the overdrive sequence, octopine and succinopine plasmids, where the
is located external to the right-hand repeat and is also T-DNA is split into noncontiguous sections. T-strands
required for high-efficiency transfer [5, 6]. Disarming are coated with VirE2, a single-stranded DNA-binding
the T-DNA does not improve the efficiency of trans- protein. The whole complex, sometimes dubbed the
formation but it does improve the efficiency of regen- firecracker complex because of its proposed shape, is
eration, since the oncogenes produce phytohormones then transferred through the pilus and into the plant
that interfere with normal plant development. At the cell. The VirD2 protein may protect the T-DNA against
same time, however, this removes any visual confirma- nucleases, target the DNA to the plant cell nucleus, and
tion that transformation has taken place, and selectable help integrate it into the plant genome. The protein has
or screenable marker genes must be included in the two distinct nuclear localization signals, with the
T-DNA to allow the identification of transformants. C-terminal signal thought to play the major role in
The vir genes are organized into several operons. targeting the T-DNA [11]. Once in the nucleus, the
Two of these genes, virA and virG, are constitutively T-DNA is thought to integrate through a process of
expressed at a low level and control the plant-induced illegitimate recombination, perhaps exploiting natu-
activation of the other vir genes. The VirA protein is rally occurring chromosome breaks [12–14].
a kinase that spans the inner bacterial membrane, and Contemporary binary vectors have all the conve-
acts as the receptor for certain phenolic molecules that niences of bacterial cloning vectors such as multiple
are released by wounded plant cells. Many such com- unique restriction sites in the T-DNA region to facili-
pounds have been characterized, but acetosyringone is tate subcloning, the lacZ gene for blue-white screening
the most widely used in the laboratory to induce vir and a l cos site for preparing cosmid libraries.
gene expression [7]. These phenolic compounds do not A popular binary vector in current use is pGreen,
actually attract bacteria to wounded plant cells (the which is <5 kbp in size, has 18 unique restriction
bacteria are attracted by simple molecules such as sites in the T-DNA, a lacZ gene for blue-white screen-
sugars and amino acids) but the vir genes are induced ing of recombinants, and a selectable marker that can
after bacterial attachment. Activated VirA be used both in bacteria and in transformed plants
564 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

[15]. The progressive reduction in size has been made Horsch et al. [18] in which small disks punched from
possible by removing essential genes required for rep- leaves are surface-sterilized and inoculated in
lication in A. tumefaciens and transferring those genes a medium containing A. tumefaciens harboring the
to the bacterium’s genome, or onto a helper plasmid. recombinant binary vector. The disks are cultured for
The pGreen plasmid, for example, contains the Sa 2 days, during which T-DNA transfer takes place, and
origin of replication, which is much smaller than the are then transferred to a medium containing the selec-
more traditional Ri and RK2 regions. Furthermore, an tion agent and carbenicillin to kill the bacteria. After 2–
essential replicase gene is housed on a second plasmid 4 weeks, developing shoots are excised from the callus
called pSoup resident within the bacterium. All conju- and transplanted to root-inducing medium, and there-
gation functions have also been removed [15]. after into soil.
More recent innovations have also been incorpo- This leaf disk method is unsuitable for most mono-
rated into binary vectors, such as the inclusion of cotyledonous plants because they lie outside the
Gateway technology, a proprietary technology devel- Agrobacterium host range, and do not respond to
oped by Invitrogen (now part of Life Sciences, wounding in the same way as dicots. In order to trans-
Carlsbad, California, USA) which is based on the attB form staple crops such as cereals, modified culture
and attP site-specific recombination sites and associ- conditions were developed involving explants
ated enzymes employed by bacteriophage l to integrate containing a high proportion of actively dividing
into the Escherichia coli chromosome during lysogeny cells, such as embryos or apical meristems. In dicots,
(the process by which the bacteriophage genome inte- cell division is often induced by wounding, whereas
grates into the bacterial chromosome and becomes wound sites in monocots tend to become lignified.
dormant). Under normal circumstances, the attP site This probably explains why traditional procedures
in the phage genome and the E. coli attB site such as the leaf disk method are inefficient in mono-
undergoes site-specific recombination catalyzed by cots. Hiei et al. [19] showed that the cocultivation
a phage enzyme, resulting in integration and the for- of Agrobacterium and rice embryos in the presence of
mation of two hybrid sites flanking the prophage, attL, 100 mM acetosyringone was a critical factor for suc-
and attR. To develop this as a cloning system, sequences cessful transformation. Efficiency could be improved
are prepared with flanking attB sites (typically gener- further by using so-called “supervirulent” strains like
ated using extended PCR primers) and these undergo AGL-1, which incorporate modifications to boost gene
recombination with attP sites in a Gateway vector to transfer activity, such as overexpressed virG (switching
generate an Entry Clone in which the sequence is on the expression of the other vir genes) and/or virE1,
flanked by attL sites. The Entry Clone can then be which is a major limiting factor in T-DNA transfer
mixed with a plant-specific Destination Vector, which (reviewed in [20]). Komari et al. [21] used a different
contains attR sites flanking a marker gene, such that strategy, in which a portion of the virulence region
the cloned gene is transferred into the destination vec- from the Ti-plasmid of supervirulent strain A281 was
tor to replace the marker (LR recombination). A large transferred to the T-DNA-carrying plasmid to generate
number of Gateway-compatible binary vectors have a so-called superbinary vector. The advantage of the
been developed [16] allowing universal cloning latter technique is that the superbinary vector can be
independent of the presence of restriction endonucle- used in any Agrobacterium strain.
ase sites and the assembly of multiple genes on one
plasmid, a modification known as MultiRound
Principles of Direct DNA Transfer
Gateway [17].
Direct DNA transfer, as the name suggests, involves the
introduction of DNA directly into the cell without
Methods of Agrobacterium-Mediated
using a biological carrier. This has two important
advantages over Agrobacterium-mediated transforma-
Many dicotyledonous plants can be transformed using tion. First, there is no dependency on the biological
variations of the simple protocol developed by properties of the carrier, so any species and variety is
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 565

suitable for transformation. Second, there is no need to stable transformation which has been successful for
use specialized vectors for transformation – indeed the transformation of cereals, soybean, cotton,
transformation is possible without any vectors at all. phaseolus, and other recalcitrant crops. Initially,
The principles of direct DNA transfer are therefore a modified shotgun was used to accelerate small
much more straightforward than those for (1–4 mm) metal particles into plant cells at a velocity
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. All that is sufficient to penetrate the cell wall (250 m/s). In the
required is a mechanism for getting DNA into the initial test system, intact onion epidermis was
plant cell, and ensuring it reaches the nucleus. This bombarded with tungsten particles coated in tobacco
can be achieved using physical or chemical means. mosaic virus (TMV) RNA. Three days after bombard-
ment, approximately 40% of the onion cells that
Chemical Methods for Direct DNA Transfer Histor- contained particles also showed evidence of TMV rep-
ically, the first direct transfer methods were chemical, lication [25]. A plasmid containing the cat (chloram-
and were closely related to the (at the time) newly phenicol acetyltransferase) reporter gene driven by the
devised methods for gene transfer to animal cells. CaMV35S promoter was then tested to determine
Animal cells lack a cellulose wall and are protected by whether DNA could be delivered by the same method.
a simple plasma membrane. Therefore, the methods Analysis of the epidermal tissue 3 days after bombard-
devised for animal cells would not work directly on ment revealed high levels of transient CAT activity [26].
plant cells, but were suitable for protoplasts. Gene The stable transformation of explants from several
transfer across the protoplast membrane is promoted plant species was achieved soon after these initial
by a number of chemicals, of which polyethylene glycol experiments. Early reports included the transformation
has become the most widely used due to the availability of soybean [27], and corn [28, 29]. The ability to stably
of simple transformation protocols [22]. Alternatively, transform plant cells by this method offered the excit-
DNA uptake may be induced by electroporation [23]. ing possibility of generating transgenic plants
Putative transformants are transferred to selective representing species that were, at the time, intractable
medium, where surviving protoplasts regenerate their to other transformation procedures. Early successes
cell walls and commence cell division, producing included soybean, cotton, papaya, and tobacco
a callus. Subsequent manipulation of the culture con- (reviewed in [30]). Particle bombardment has also
ditions then makes it possible to induce shoot and root been pivotal in the development of chloroplast trans-
development, culminating in the recovery of fertile formation technology (see below).
transgenic plants. The major limitation of protoplast There is no intrinsic limitation to the potential of
transformation is not the gene transfer process itself, particle bombardment since DNA delivery is governed
but the ability of the host species to regenerate from entirely by physical parameters [31]. Many different
protoplasts. Protoplast transformation was also the types of plant material have been used as transforma-
first method developed for gene transfer to the chloro- tion targets, including callus, cell suspension cultures,
plast genome of higher plants (see below). and organized tissues such as immature embryos, mer-
istems, and leaves. The number of species in which
Physical Methods for Direct DNA Transfer There is transgenic plants can be produced using variants of
a great diversity of physical approaches for gene trans- particle bombardment has therefore increased dramat-
fer to plants, including electroporation of walled plant ically over the last 20 years including rice [32], wheat
cells, perforation of the cell with silicon carbide whis- [33], and oat [34], as well as many other crops
kers, microinjection, and poration with a finely focused (reviewed in [30]). The original gunpowder-driven
laser beam. In most of these cases, only transient device has been improved and modified resulting in
expression of the introduced DNA has been achieved, greater control over particle velocity and hence
although transgenic corn plants have been recovered greater reproducibility of transformation conditions.
following whisker-mediated transformation [24]. Par- An apparatus based on electric discharge has been
ticle bombardment (microprojectile bombardment, used for the development of variety-independent gene
biolistics) is a more robust and reliable method for transfer methods for the more recalcitrant cereals and
566 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

legumes [35], while several instruments have been simply dipping Arabidopsis flowers into a bacterial
developed where particle acceleration is controlled by suspension at the time of fertilization. In both these
pressurized gas (reviewed in [36]). Physical parameters methods, the transformed plants are chimeric, but give
such as particle size and acceleration (which affect the rise to a small number of transgenic progeny. It has
depth of penetration and the amount of tissue damage) been established that T-DNA is transferred into the
as well as the amount and conformation of the DNA used ovule during the transformation procedure [44].
to coat the particles must be optimized for each species An alternative to the direct transformation of germ
and type of explant [30, 37]. However, the nature of the line tissue is the introduction of DNA into meristems in
transformation target is probably the most important planta followed by the growth of transgenic shoots. In
single variable in the success of gene transfer. Arabidopsis, this has been achieved simply by severing
apical shoots at their bases and inoculating the cut
tissue with A. tumefaciens suspension [45]. Using this
In Planta Transformation Methods
procedure, transgenic plants were recovered from the
Most transformation methods for plants require some transformed shoots at a frequency of about 5%. In rice,
form of tissue culture step. This is because the funda- explanted meristem tissue has been transformed using
mental principle of most transformation methods is A. tumefaciens and particle bombardment, resulting in
that plants are regenerated from a small number of the proliferation of shoots that can be regenerated into
transformed cells that can survive under selection. transgenic plants. Such procedures require only
Experiments using the model dicot Arabidopsis a limited amount of tissue culture.
thaliana have led the way in the development of so-
called in planta transformation techniques, where the Vectors for Plant Transformation
need for tissue culture is minimized or eliminated
Components of Plant Transformation Vectors
altogether. Such methods involve the introduction of
DNA, either using A. tumefaciens or direct transfer, into The vectors used for plant transformation are usually
intact plants [38, 39]. designed with four purposes in mind – the ability to
The procedure is carried out at an appropriate replicate in both E. coli and A. tumefaciens (i.e., shuttle
time in the plant’s life cycle so that the DNA becomes vector capability), suitability for subcloning (multiple
incorporated into cells that will contribute to the germ restriction enzyme sites and/or Gateway compatibil-
line, directly into the germ cells themselves (often at ity), the ability to confer a selectable phenotype on
around the time of fertilization), or into the very early transformed cells (selectable marker genes), and the
plant embryo. Generally, in planta transformation ability to drive transgene expression (an expression
methods have a very low efficiency, so the small cassette, consisting minimally of a promoter, site for
size of Arabidopsis and its ability to produce over transgene insertion and a terminator/polyadenylation
10,000 seeds per plant is advantageous. This limitation site).
has so far prevented in planta techniques from being For Agrobacterium-mediated transformation, the
widely adopted for crop species, although radish, pak binary vector system comprises one transformation
choi, and Medicago truncatula are exceptions [40–42]. vector and one helper plasmid containing the vir
The first in planta transformation system involved genes (see above). The transformation vector contains
imbibing Arabidopsis seeds overnight in an A. the T-DNA, with the selectable marker gene and
tumefaciens culture, followed by germination [43]. expression cassette housed within (reviewed in [46]).
A large number of transgenic plants containing T- The replication functions are not required for DNA
DNA insertions were recovered but in general this transfer and are found on the plasmid backbone, but
technique has a low reproducibility. A more reliable they are required for maintenance in A. tumefaciens
method has been described by Bechtold et al. [38] in and cannot be dispensed with entirely, nor moved to
which the bacteria are vacuum infiltrated into the helper plasmid because the replication functions
Arabidopsis flowers. An even simpler technique called are required in cis. The E. coli replication functions
floral dip has become widely used [39]. This involves (generally the ColE1 origin) are not required in
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 567

A. tumefaciens but are needed for basic cloning opera- efficiency. In the first instance, the virB, virC, and
tions prior to transformation (reviewed in [47]) and virG genes were transferred from Ti-plasmid
these are also found on the plasmid backbone. pTiBo542 [52, 53] carried by supervirulent strains of
In contrast to Agrobacterium-mediated transforma- the bacterium, such as A281 or EHA101. Hiei et al. [19]
tion, direct transfer (e.g., particle bombardment) is an constructed a new superbinary vector called pTOK233
entirely physical process with no dependence on bio- by adding the virB, virG, and virC genes of pTiBo542 to
logical functions. Therefore, replication functions on achieve rice transformation. The T-DNA in this case
vectors used for direct DNA transfer are solely present carried the nptII selectable marker under the control of
to facilitate cloning in E. coli. They are entirely dispens- the nos promoter, the hpt selectable marker driven by
able for the transformation process and can indeed be the CaMV 35S promoter and an intron-gusA fusion
a nuisance if integrated into the plant genome since gene also driven by the CaMV 35S promoter.
they encourage recombination and may in some cases A comparison between the binary vector pIG121Hm
promote transgene silencing. Only the expression cas- in the supervirulent strain EHA101 and the
sette and selectable marker are required in planta, and superbinary vector pTOK233 in the regular strain
therefore the plasmid backbones can be removed prior LBA4404 showed that pTOK233 was slightly more
to transformation, leaving the small, linear cassettes as efficient [19]. Similar combinations have been used to
the substrate (reviewed in [31]). Although this is func- achieve the transformation of many monocot species
tionally equivalent to the linear T-DNA which is excised (reviewed in [54, 55]). In corn and sorghum, efficient
from the binary vector during Agrobacterium-mediated transformation systems were established only with
transformation, it should be noted that the T-DNA superbinary vectors in LBA4404, whereas a standard
excision process is often imprecise, resulting in varying binary vector in a supervirulent strain was inefficient
amounts of backbone sequences being cotransferred to even with improved co-culture conditions [56].
the plant genome. One disadvantage of the superbinary system is the
large size of all the vector components, reducing the
convenience of cloning by standard methods. There-
The Development of Binary Vectors
fore, the final construction step of a superbinary vector
One of the first binary vectors for Agrobacterium- involves the cointegration of an intermediate vector
mediated transformation was pBIN19 [48] although such as pSB11 and an acceptor vector such as pSB1
this has fallen out of favor because of its low copy via homologous recombination between the shared
number in E. coli, which makes it difficult to obtain DNA segments [21]. The intermediate vector is
large amounts of DNA for cloning (Table 1). Another a small plasmid containing the T-DNA and ColE1
disadvantage of pBIN19 is that the selectable marker is origin for replication in E. coli. The acceptor vector is
next to the right border. Because T-DNA transfer is an IncP plasmid, which can be replicated in E. coli and
directional, with the right border being transferred A. tumefaciens, and carries the 14.8-kb KpnI fragment.
first, it is better to have the marker next to the left If a gene of interest is to be introduced into plants in
border to ensure that resistant plants have received tandem with a marker gene, the two genes are first
a complete (or nearly complete) copy of the T-DNA. inserted into an intermediate vector, which is intro-
These two disadvantages were addressed in more recent duced into a strain of A. tumefaciens that carries an
vectors such as pPZP and pBINPLUS, which contained acceptor vector so that the cassette is integrated into the
a high-copy-number origin of replication for E. coli and acceptor to generate the final superbinary vector.
a selectable marker gene at the left T-DNA border This approach also facilitates the transfer of large seg-
[49, 50]. Two rare restriction sites were also provided ments of DNA with minimal rearrangement and favors
for cloning convenience. a low number of integrated copies [46].
As discussed above, the successful Agrobacterium- Other improvements have been made to reduce the
mediated transformation of monocots rested on the frequency of vector backbone transfer. For example,
development of superbinary vectors with extra copies Hanson et al. [57] placed the lethal barnase gene out-
of some of the vir genes to enhance transformation side the left T-DNA border so that any transgenic plants
568 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Table 1 Development of binary vectors for Agrobacterium-mediated

Vector Category Details References

pBIN19 Binary vector Low copy number in Escherichia coli, plant resistance marker is [48]
next to the right border
pPZP Binary vector ColE1 origin of replication, plant marker is adjacent to the left [49]
border of T-DNA
pCAMBIA Binary vector Modification of pPZP [49]
pBINPLUS Binary vector Selectable marker gene at the left T-DNA border, a higher copy [50]
number in E. coli, and two rare restriction sites for easier cloning
pIG121Hm Binary vector A derivative of pBIN19 [19]
pTOK233 Superbinary vector Contains virB, virC, and virG genes from pTiBo542 [19, 51]
pTiBo542 Ti-plasmid Has virB, virC, and virG [52, 53]
pSB11 Intermediate vector of ColE1 origin of replication, multiple cloning sites within T-DNA, [21]
superbinary system replicates only in E. coli, has a fragment homologous to the
acceptor vector pSB1
pSB1 Acceptor vector of pSB11 Replicates in E. coli and Agrobacterium [21]
of superbinary system

containing sequences beyond the left border were was intended to alter the plant’s phenotype in a specific
counterselected. Another way to reduce backbone manner. MGT is now being embraced as an approach
cotransfer is to insert additional left border sequences, to generate plants with more ambitious phenotypes
increasing the likelihood of recognition by the [61]. MGT allows goals that were once impossible to
corresponding Vir proteins and thus suppressing trans- be achieved, e.g., the import of complex metabolic
fer, as has been demonstrated in rice [58] and pathways, the expression of entire protein complexes,
Arabidopsis [59]. Improvements have also been made and the development of transgenic crops simulta-
to facilitate rapid and efficient subcloning. The zero neously engineered to produce a spectrum of added-
background TA cloning system [60] was developed for value compounds [61, 62].
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and uses Essentially there are two MGT methods known as
restriction enzyme XcmI to generate 30 -T overhangs in the linked and unlinked cotransformation strategies. In
the linearized vector within the counterselectable the linked strategy, all the different genes are linked on
marker gene ccdB, which ensures that self-ligated vec- the same piece of transforming DNA. This is the nor-
tors are not propagated after transformation, but that mal approach chosen with Agrobacterium-mediated
PCR products with 30 -A overhangs can be inserted transformation where several genes are carried
without further modification. within the same T-DNA borders. However, it is quite
possible to transform plants efficiency with (a) an
Agrobacterium strain carrying a binary vector that has
Multiple Gene Transfer (MGT)
two separate T-DNAs, and (b) different Agrobacterium
In the early years of plant biotechnology, most trans- strains carrying different T-DNAs, although this
genic plants contained two transgenes – one selectable becomes increasingly complex as the number of genes
marker under the control of a constitutive promoter to increases. There are several reports of a mixed strategy
facilitate the selective propagation of transformed cells, where two Agrobacterium strains carrying different
and a “primary transgene” or “gene of interest” which T-DNAs each with multiple genes has been used to
could be under the control of any sort of promoter and achieve MGT (reviewed in [63]).
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 569

MGT is more easily achieved by direct gene transfer the homing endonucleases leaving just one loxP site for
because there is no need to combine multiple genes the next step. In this manner, ten transgenes were
on the same length of DNA. When the genes are inserted in the acceptor vector and introduced into
supplied separately as a mixed preparation of plas- rice by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation.
mids, there appears to be no bias in the process of The most recent generation of vectors are modular
integration. Tandem cotransformation can be under- and multifunctional, such as the pCLEAN-
taken, although it becomes more cumbersome as larger G/pCLEAN-S dual binary vectors for Agrobacterium-
numbers of genes are required, but cotransformation mediated transformation [70] and the pORE vector
with discrete, unlinked genes is just as efficient, and the system that can be adapted for both Agrobacterium-
genes tend to cointegrate at the same locus. As many as mediated transformation and direct DNA transfer [71].
12 transgenes have been integrated using this unlinked The pORE vector series consists of “open” vectors for
cotransformation approach [64]. general plant transformation, “reporter” vectors for
The main issue with linked MGT is the inconve- promoter analysis, and “expression” vectors for trans-
nience of serial cloning. Very rare restriction sites can gene expression. The sets comprise various combina-
help to address this challenge, as shown by Goderis tions of promoters (PHPL, PENTCUP2, and
et al. [65] who developed a binary vector for MGT PTAPADH), selectable markers (nptII and pat), and
incorporating 13 hexanucleotide restriction sites, six reporter genes (gusA and smgfp), and any element can
octanucleotide restriction sites, and five sites for hom- be modified independently.
ing endonucleases, which are extremely rare in natural
sequences and allow unidirectional cloning. Six differ-
Direct DNA Transfer Using Minimal Expression
ent expression cassettes in auxiliary vectors with differ-
ent promoter and terminator sequences were cut with
the five different homing endonucleases plus an addi- As discussed above, vector backbone sequences are not
tional octanucleotide restriction endonuclease and required for direct DNA transfer and they may also
transferred into the homing endonuclease sites of promote recombination within the transgenic locus
the binary vector. Modified auxiliary vectors also facil- and/or act as triggers for de novo DNA methylation.
itate N- or C-terminal fusions to five different To determine whether minimal linear cassettes (pro-
autofluorescent tags (EGFP, EYFP, Citrine-YFP, ECFP, moter, transgene, and terminator) could be used for
and DsRed2) expressed from the tandem CaMV 35S direct DNA transfer, Fu et al. [72] separated the expres-
constitutive promoter [66]. Similar systems have been sion cassettes for the marker genes gusA and hpt from
developed by Thomson et al. [67], with the pUGA the parent vector, and used these as substrates for
vectors for direct transfer and the pUGA2 vectors for coating the microprojectiles used in particle bom-
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. A series bardment, with the intact plasmids as a control.
of unidirectional shuttle vectors containing various They found not only that the linear cassettes were
combinations of homing endonuclease sites was equally efficient for transformation, but also that the
constructed and used to create artificial gene clusters elimination of the plasmid backbone had a remarkable
in the pUGA or pUGA2 vectors, allowing the simulta- positive effect on the resulting transgenic rice plants
neous transfer of up to six genes. Versatile systems now (Fig. 2). The cassette transformants generally contained
exist that offer a large number of promoters, termina- fewer transgene copies than those transformed with
tors, and autofluorescent tags (reviewed in [68]). intact plasmids, and they showed stronger and more
A further strategy for linked MGT is to use the Cre/ stable expression. Further analysis of the minimal cas-
loxP recombination system together with homing sette population showed that the transgenes were
endonucleases. In this method, two donor vectors are expressed in most of the transgenic plants and that,
needed to introduce the expression cassettes into the for all the transgenes, overall expression levels and
acceptor vector using Cre recombinase [69]. After each coexpression frequencies were higher than previously
round of recombination, the unnecessary backbone reported for whole plasmid transformants. These
sequence from the donor vector is cleaved out using results were confirmed using the yfp (yellow
570 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

Plasmid DNA Clean fragment

of callus


Southern blot

Plasmid DNA: Clean fragment:

Complex integration patterns Simple integration patterns
Some loss of expression stability Stable transgene expression

Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Figure 2

The clean DNA transformation system compared to particle bombardment with whole plasmid DNA [4]. The
transformation strategy is shown, and two representative DNA blots are compared to demonstrate the simpler integration
patterns resulting from transformation with linear minimal cassettes

fluorescent protein) and hpt markers, with promoters were popular because they were already
concatemers forming only rarely in such plants [73]. present in the natural T-DNA sequences from which
the early binary vectors were developed, and had
Promoters Used for Plant Transformation
evolved to be active in many plant species (at least
The promoters used in plant biotechnology are tradi- those within the A. tumefaciens host range). However,
tionally divided into three categories – constitutive the CaMV 35S promoter was found to be stronger and
(active continuously in most or all tissues), spatiotem- unaffected by wounding, and its modular nature made
poral (tissue-specific or stage-specific activity), and it easy to modify [75, 76]. The activity of the CaMV 35S
inducible (regulated by the application of an external promoter can be increased by duplicating the enhancer
chemical or physical signal) [74]. Most basic transfor- up to four times [77] and the enhancer can also
mation vectors incorporate strong constitutive pro- increase the activity of heterologous promoters to
moters because it is assumed that the objective is to which it is attached [78].
express the transgene(s) at the highest possible level. Although widely used, the CaMV 35S promoter has
Initially, the A. tumefaciens nos (nopaline synthase), ocs certain limitations such as its poor performance in
(octopine synthase), and mas (mannopine synthase) monocots, its suppression by feeding nematodes, and
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 571

the intellectual property issues affecting its commercial different inducible promoters have been identified in
deployment (reviewed in [79]). For this reason, alter- plants and these generally fall into three categories –
native virus promoters with similar or improved prop- (1) those responsive to endogenous signals (plant
erties have been sought. Thus far, however, the only hormones); (2) those responsive to external physical
virus promoters that have been developed into stimuli (abiotic and biotic stresses); and (3) those
established expression vectors are those from Cestrum responsive to external chemical stimuli. Such pro-
yellow leaf curling virus (CmYLCV) [80], which can be moters provide immense scope for the precise regula-
licensed from Syngenta Biotechnology, Inc. for limited tion of transgene expression through external control,
research purposes, and from Subterranean clover stunt ranging from the precise control of transgene activa-
virus (SCSV), which has been used to construct the tion/inactivation in experimental settings to the ability
pPLEX series of expression vectors for use in both to activate transgenes on an agricultural scale by the
dicots and monocots [81, 82]. application of chemical sprays. Examples of commonly
Constitutive expression in monocots is usually used promoters include those responsive to phytohor-
achieved with housekeeping promoters, particularly mones (particularly auxin, abscisic acid, gibberellin,
those from the rice actin1 and corn ubiquitin1 genes and ethylene), heat-shock promoters responsive to
(reviewed in [83, 84]). In both cases, the presence of the raised temperatures, light-inducible promoters, pro-
first intron of the gene is required for high-level expres- moters induced by wounding or by exposure to elici-
sion [83, 84], and the addition of this intron to the tors produced by pathogens, and promoters that
CaMV 35S promoter also enhances its activity in respond to specific metabolites [74, 79]. Sugar respon-
monocots, e.g., 40-fold in corn [85]. In contrast, the sive promoters fall into the latter category and the cis-
first intron of the recently characterized rice actin2 gene acting elements that confer sensitivity to sugar are
contains a negative regulatory element whose removal particularly useful for controlling gene expression in
is required for high-level promoter activity [86]. cultured plant cells. For example, elements from
Many different plant promoters have been sporamin and amylase promoters have been studied
described that restrict expression to particular cells, in detail and the minimal a-amylase 3 promoter
tissues, organs, or developmental stages, and seed- makes the normally constitutive rice actin1 promoter
specific promoters are probably the most diverse. sensitive to the presence of sugar [88]. Inducible pro-
Seeds are a frequent target for genetic engineering in moters that respond to xenobiotic signals are also valu-
plants because they can accumulate recombinant pro- able because transgenes can be activated without
teins to levels that would be lethal in vegetative tissues affecting endogenous genes. Martinez et al. [89] devel-
but can do so without compromising plant growth and oped a hybrid system consisting of the tobacco bud-
development; they are also a harvestable product and worm ecdysone receptor ligand-binding domain fused
thus the target for nutritional improvement. Many to the mammalian glucocorticoid receptor DNA-
promoters have been identified that target gene expres- binding domain and the VP16 transactivation domain.
sion specifically to the seed, or to a particular region of The receptor responds to tebufenozide (an insecticide
the seed such as the endosperm, embryo, or aleurone better known by its trade name CONFIRM). Similarly,
[74, 79, 87]. Anther-specific promoters are also very Padidam et al. [90] have developed a system that is
useful because they can be used to control male fertility, based on the spruce budworm ecdysone receptor
an important trait in crop breeding, while fruit- and ligand-binding domain, and responds to another com-
tuber/root-specific promoters are valuable for the mon insecticide, methoxyfenozide (INTREPID).
nutritional improvement of fruit and root vegetable
crops, pest/disease resistance, and the use of staple
Selectable and Screenable Markers
crops as factories for the production of novel proteins
and metabolites. As stated above, selectable marker genes provide
Inducible promoters are also highly valued in plants a phenotype that allows transformed cells to be prop-
because they allow transgenes to be controlled by inter- agated under conditions where nontransformed cells
nal and external physical or chemical cues. Many cannot survive, such as in the presence of an otherwise
572 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Table 2 Selectable markers used for plant transformation (Data compiled
and updated from [91–93])

Gene (Product) Source Phenotype and other comments

aad (aminoglycoside Shigella flexneri Provides resistance to trimethoprim, streptomycin, spectinomycin,
adenyltransferase) and sulphonamides. Used mainly for chloroplast transformation
bar (phosphinothricin Streptomyces Resistance to phosphinothricin (PPT), which is a component of the
acetyltransferase) hygroscopicus herbicides bialophos, Basta, and glufosinate
ble (glycopeptide-binding Streptalloteichus Resistance to the glycopeptide antibiotics bleomycin and
protein) hindustantus pheomycin (and the derivative Zeocin)
dhfr (dihydrofolate reductase) Mouse Resistance to methotrexate
sul1 (dihydropteroate Escherichia coli Resistance to sulfonamides (Asulam)
epsps (enolpyruvylshikimate Petunia hybrida Resistance to the herbicide glyphosate
phosphate synthase)
hpt (hygromycin Klebsiella spp. Resistance to the aminoglycoside antibiotic hygromycin B
manA (mannose-6-phosphate E. coli Ability to grow on mannose as sole carbon source
isomerase, MIP)
neo/nptII/aphII (neomycin E. coli Resistance to the aminoglycoside antibiotics neomycin, kanamycin,
phosphotransferase) and geneticin (G148)

toxic or growth-disrupting reagent (positive selection) Marker genes that confer antibiotic resistance orig-
or in the absence of an otherwise essential nutrient inate from bacteria but have been modified to function
(negative selection). This is necessary to isolate the well in plants. The first marker to be used in plants was
small number of transformed cells from the over- neomycin phosphotransferase (nptII, aphII), which
whelming majority of their nontransformed peers confers resistance to the aminoglycoside antibiotics
which, without selection, would quickly outcompete neomycin, kanamycin, and geneticin (G148) [94].
them. Although a wide range of selectable markers This is probably still the most widely used marker in
has been tested in plants, only a few are used routinely the laboratory but some plants are naturally resistant to
(reviewed in [47, 91]). The broadest markers are suit- kanamycin, and the antibiotic can also interfere with
able in most plants and are expressed using the most normal development in some species. An alternative is
active constitutive promoters to ensure that all cell hygromycin phosphotransferase (hph, hpt, aphIV),
types are protected under selection (the CaMV35S providing resistance to the antibiotic hygromycin
promoter in dicots and the actin or ubiquitin through the ATP-dependent phosphorylation of a 7-
promoters in monocots, as discussed earlier). hydroxyl group [95]. Other antibiotic-resistance
Most selectable markers are described as conditional markers used less frequently include those conferring
because an external reagent must be applied to facilitate resistance to bleomycin [96], gentamycin [97], and
selection, whereas others are nonconditional, i.e., they methotrexate [98].
work without any external selection reagent. The typi- Marker genes that confer herbicide resistance may
cal selectable markers used in plant transformation are originate from bacteria or plants, and those conferring
positive and conditional, and work by conferring resis- resistance to the broad-spectrum herbicides
tance to a toxic substance such as an antibiotic or phosphinothricin (PPT)/glufosinate and glyphosate
herbicide that has a very specific intracellular target are used the most widely. PPT/glufosinate is a compet-
(Table 2). itive inhibitor of glutamine synthetase (GS), the only
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 573

enzyme that can catalyze the assimilation of ammonia transformed cells and manually separating them from
into glutamic acid in plants. Inhibition of GS therefore nontransformed cells, they tend to be used for more
results in the accumulation of toxic levels of ammonia. sophisticated purposes, such as reporter assays and
The enzyme phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase tracing experiments. Some screenable marker genes
(PAT) encoded by either the bar or pat genes only provide their visual signal when provided with
(these are genes from different microbial species) a particular substrate, i.e., they are conditional (e.g.,
can be used to provide PPT/glufosinate resistance in gusA, luc). Others have an intrinsic ability to yield
transformed plant cells [99]. Glyphosate, the a visible signal, i.e., they are nonconditional (e.g., gfp,
active ingredient of Roundup, inhibits the enzyme 5- DsRed), and these are the most useful since they can be
enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS), used in living organisms.
which is required for the synthesis of aromatic amino The E. coli gusA (uidA) gene encodes the enzyme
acids. Glyphosate resistance can be conferred b-glucuronidase (GUS), the most widely used condi-
by markers encoding a modified EPSPS that is not tional screenable marker in plants. As well as its
affected by the herbicide, or those encoding endogenous substrates, GUS can process a range of
a bacterial enzyme that breaks down the herbicide chromogenic and fluorescent derivatives in a range of
(glyphosate oxidoreductase, GOX) [100]. Markers pro- assays that allow the quantification or in situ localiza-
viding resistance against sulfonamindes such as tion of reporter gene activity. The most common
Asualam [101] and chlorsulfuron [102] are also used substrate for GUS histochemical staining is 5-bromo-
occasionally. 4-chloro-3-indolyl glucuronide (X-gluc), a clear sub-
Negative selectable markers are useful because they strate that yields a blue product. Other common
allow transformed cells to be selected based on the substrates include p-nitrophenyl b-D-glucuronide,
absence of something that is necessary for which is used for spectrophotometric quantitative
nontransformed cells to grow or regenerate efficiently. assays, and 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide
The E. coli manA/pmi gene confers the ability to use (MUG), which produces a quantitative fluorescent
mannose as a sole carbon source so that only signal. GUS is preferred in plants over the very similar
transformed cells survive on media containing man- reporter GAL (encoded by lacZ and widely used in
nose but lacking sucrose [103]. The gene is a negative microbes and animals) because of its stability in plants
conditional marker because mannose itself is not toxic and its lack of toxicity and background activity. The
to nontransformed plants, but rather the absence of main disadvantage of GUS is that it cannot be conve-
sucrose (nontransformed plants grow perfectly well in niently used for in vivo imaging because plant cells must
the presence of both sugars). Another example is the be fixed or destroyed to visualize the reaction. Its stabil-
A. tumefaciens ipt gene, which promotes the synthesis ity can also be problematic if the aim of an experiment is
of cytokinins [104]. This is a nonconditional marker to study fluctuations, since the longevity of the protein
because it confers the ability to produce shoots in can mask transient decreases in expression.
growth medium lacking exogenous cytokinins, i.e., Both the disadvantages of GUS are addressed by
nothing has to be added to the medium to facilitate luciferase (LUC) an enzyme from the firefly (Photinus
selection. Simply, transformed tissues are placed on pyralis) which catalyzes the ATP-dependent oxidative
medium lacking cytokinins and only those tissues decarboxylation of luciferin, producing light in the
that produce shoots are transgenic. process. LUC allows nondestructive qualitative and
The other major class of marker genes are known as quantitative assays to be carried out both in vitro and
screenable, scorable, or visible markers (or reporter in vivo, and because the reaction has a short half-life, it
genes) because rather than providing cells with a selec- can be used to monitor fluctuating activity. A series of
tive advantage they confer a phenotype that can easily vectors that incorporate the luc gene have been devel-
be detected without interfering with other cellular pro- oped for plants, including the LucTrap series that allow
cesses, allowing transformed cells to be identified and targeted and random transcriptional and translational
studied (Table 3). Although screenable markers have fusions of a transgene with a luc gene optimized for
been used for the prosaic purpose of identifying plant cells [106]. One drawback of luc is that it is still
574 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Table 3 Screenable markers (reporter genes) used in plants (Data compiled
and updated from [83, 105])

Gene (product) Comments

gusA (b-glucuronidase) Source: Escherichia coli gusA/uidA gene
Activity: catalyzes the hydrolysis of b-glucuronides
Assays: nonisotropic; in vitro assays are colorimetric or fluorometric; also histochemical
assay format using X-gluc
Advantages: simple, sensitive, quantitative, many assay formats available, inexpensive
Disadvantages: assays are destructive; enzyme is stable so unsuitable for studies of
cat (chloramphenicol Source: E. coli Tn9
Activity: catalyzes the transfer of acetyl groups from acetyl coenzyme A to
Assays: in vitro assays only, isotropic
Advantages: simple to perform
Disadvantages: low sensitivity, expensive, low resolution in vivo, reliance on isotopic
assay format
luc (luciferase) Source: The firefly Photinus pyralis
Activity: light produced in the presence of luciferase, its substrate luciferin, oxygen, Mg2+,
and ATP
Assays: nonisotopic bioluminescent assays in vitro and in vivo
Advantages: sensitive, rapid turnover, quantitative
Disadvantages: Expensive detection equipment, limited reproducibility of some assay
Anthocyanin regulators Source: corn (Zea mays)
Activity: induces pigmentation
Assays: visual screening for pigmented cells in vivo
Advantages: simple, inexpensive, nondestructive
Disadvantages: low sensitivity, not quantitative, background expression, adverse effects
on transgenic plants
GFP (green fluorescent Source: the jellyfish Aequorea victoria
Activity: intrinsic fluorescence under blue/UV light
Assays: nonisotopic, in vivo assays in live plants
Advantages: intrinsic activity (no substrate requirements), sensitivity, use in live plants;
many variants with modified absorption and emission spectra available, and different
subcellular targeting signals; several variants can be used simultaneously
Disadvantages: weak signal in some systems (this is being addressed through the use of
modified GFPs with stronger emission and reduced photobleaching); no variants that
emit in the orange-red part of the spectrum
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 575

Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Table 3 (Continued)

Gene (product) Comments

DsRed (red fluorescent Source: coral reef Discosoma spp.
Activity: intrinsic fluorescence under blue/UV light
Assays: nonisotopic, in vivo assays in live plants
Advantages: intrinsic activity (no substrate requirements), sensitivity, use in live plants;
many variants with modified absorption and emission spectra available, and different
subcellular targeting signals; several variants can be used simultaneously
Disadvantages: weak signal in some systems, no variants that emit in the violet-blue-
green part of the spectrum

a conditional reporter, requiring the substrate luciferin blasticidin S. The gfbsd marker was introduced into
and the presence of oxygen, ATP, and magnesium ions. rice callus and allowed the rapid and efficient selection
In contrast, the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from and visual confirmation of transformed cells.
the jellyfish Aequorea victoria is a nonconditional
reporter allowing the direct, noninvasive visualization Consequences of Nuclear Transformation
of fluorescence in vivo in real time merely by exposure
Integration of Nuclear Transgenes
to blue/UV light. The original gfp gene was
nonfunctional in plants because of a cryptic splice As discussed above, plant transformation is a multistep
site, but this has been corrected and the protein has process, the first step involving the transfer of DNA
been widely deployed as a vital marker [107]. One of into the plant cell, which can be achieved either by
the major advantages of GFP is that its spectral qualities direct transfer or by Agrobacterium-mediated transfor-
can be modified by mutation, giving rise to a whole mation. Once the DNA reaches the nucleus, the next
family of derivatives with enhanced brightness, less step (transgene integration) is dependent predomi-
susceptibility to quenching, and a range of excitation/ nantly on that DNA and on factors provided by the
emission wavelengths allowing different reporters to be plant cell, although in the case of Agrobacterium-
used in vivo simultaneously. In combination with var- mediated transformation it is possible that the Vir pro-
iants that allow targeting to different compartments teins complexed with the T-strand may facilitate the
within the plant cell, many sophisticated forms of anal- integration process (see below). A number of groups
ysis become straightforward to implement, e.g., have investigated the structure of genomic/T-DNA and
allowing the real-time monitoring of protein T-DNA/T-DNA junctions in plants and have con-
processing, trafficking and protein–protein interac- cluded that integration occurs by illegitimate recombi-
tions [108]. As well as GFP and its derivatives, other nation (see [111, 112]). A strand invasion mechanism
bioluminescent proteins have also been identified, has been proposed (reviewed in [12]), in which the 30
including DsRed from Discosoma spp. This is similar end of the T-strand initiates the integration process by
to GFP but covers a different spectral range (red GFP is hybridizing to a short region of homology in the plant
not available) but there is little background fluores- genome, the second strand being completed by primer
cence and it can be visible under white light [109]. extension of the plant DNA. Other models suggest
The useful properties of selectable and screenable conversion of the T-strand into a double-stranded
markers can also be combined into one protein. intermediate, which integrates at the site of naturally
For example, Ochiai-Fukuda et al. [110] developed occurring chromosome breaks via double-strand DNA
a fusion marker incorporating enhanced green fluores- break repair. This is supported by experiments that
cent protein and blasticidin deaminase, conferring show transformation efficiency increases following
resistance to the aminoacylnucleoside antibiotic UV irradiation, which generates nicks and breaks in
576 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

genomic DNA. However, since T-DNA integration still the T-DNA region adjacent to the breakpoint and/or
occurs in DNA repair mutants, it is possible both from the rice genomic DNA flanking the T-DNA inte-
mechanisms occur simultaneously albeit with different gration site, with T-DNA/T-DNA filler DNA showing
efficiencies. the greatest complexity. Interestingly, when two
DNA repair models argue that proteins encoded by T-DNAs were integrated in the inverted repeat config-
the host plant have a much more important role in uration, significant truncation was always observed in
T-DNA integration than Agrobacterium proteins, such one of the two T-DNAs whereas with the direct repeat
as VirD2, which are imported into the plant with the configuration, large truncations were rare. These data
T-DNA. However, since the VirD2 protein remains suggest that no single integration mechanism can
covalently attached to the 50 end of the T-strand during account for all observations but the presence of filler
transfer it is also likely to influence integration [113]. DNA at many of the junctions argues that a template-
In an in vitro assay, VirD2 can ligate together a cleaved driven DNA synthesis mechanism must be involved.
T-DNA border sequence but cannot ligate T-DNA to The analysis of plasmid/plasmid and plasmid/geno-
other genomic targets unless plant cell extracts are also mic junctions in transgenic plants generated by particle
present [114], a phenomenon supported by the iden- bombardment reveals features characteristic of illegiti-
tification of Arabidopsis mutants impaired for T-DNA mate recombination similar to those seen for T-DNA
integration [115]. junctions, suggesting that the same overall integration
Much can be learned about the T-DNA integration mechanisms may be involved [118]. For example,
mechanism by the inspection of borders, especially the such junctions are characterized by regions of
borders between adjacent T-DNA sequences in microhomology, filler DNA, trimming of the DNA
multicopy insertions. The formation of heterodimers ends so sequences are lost, and AT-rich elements sur-
during cotransformation argues in favor of T-DNA rounding the junction site, with similarity to topo-
concatemerization prior to integration. Although isomerase I binding/cleavage sites (Fig. 3). In the
inverted repeats around the right border are often analysis of multiple plasmid/plasmid junctions in 12
precise, those around the left border and those separat- transgenic rice lines, Kohli et al. [120] observed 10
ing direct T-DNA repeats are often characterized by the plants with microhomology at the junctions and 2
insertion of variable-sized regions of filler DNA, which plants where junctions appeared to be generated by
may be derived from the T-DNA sequence or from blunt ligation, with no overlap. A similar ratio of con-
plant genomic DNA [116]. This suggests either the served end-joining to microhomology-mediated
simultaneous integration of multiple T-DNAs at recombination was observed by Gorbunova and Levy
a single locus, or a two-phase mechanism, in which [121] and Salomon and Puchta [111]. Topoisomerase
a primary T-DNA integration event stimulates further I sites were also observed adjacent to 10 out of 12
secondary integrations in the same area, similar to junctions characterized in transgenic Arabidopsis plants
those proposed for particle bombardment (see generated by particle bombardment [122] and in four of
below). Zhu et al. [117] carried out a comprehensive the six junctions in the commercial SUNUP variety of
study of T-DNA border characteristics in a population papaya [123]. Illegitimate recombination therefore
of transgenic rice plants including 156 T-DNA/geno- appears to be responsible both for the integration of
mic DNA junctions, 69 T-DNA/T-DNA junctions, and foreign DNA into the plant genome, and the linking of
11 T-DNA/vector backbone junctions, which included multiple plasmid copies, which is similar to the mech-
171 left borders and 134 right borders. Conserved anism proposed for T-DNA integration (see above).
cleavage was observed in 6% of left and 43% of right When nuclei from the cells of transgenic cereal
borders, microhomology was observed in 58% of plants generated by particle bombardment are analyzed
T-DNA/genomic DNA, 43% of T-DNA/T-DNA, and by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using
82% of T-DNA/vector junctions, mostly at left borders, a transgene-specific probe, a curious phenomenon in
and about one third of the T-DNA/genomic DNA and often observed in which a single fluorescent spot in the
T-DNA/T-DNA junctions showed evidence of filler interphase nucleus separates into multiple signals along
DNA (up to 344 bp). This was derived mainly from a metaphase chromosome [124]. Any model for
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 577


a RC




A c
GACA Genomic DNA Transgene DNA RC DNA repair complex

c G
Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Figure 4
Explanation for the formation of transgene arrays and
ACTGT transgene clusters interspersed with genomic DNA [119].
A mixture of DNA fragments interacts with a double-
Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Figure 3 stranded DNA break where a repair complex has already
Mechanism for transgene integration at regions of assembled (a). The repair complex may stitch together
microhomology [119]. A mixture of DNA fragments with DNA fragments to form concatemers prior to integration,
ragged ends (a) interacts with a double-stranded DNA or may integrate single copies. The first integration event
break with partially complementary ragged ends stimulates further repair complex activity nearby, resulting
(b). Repair synthesis across the gap (c) generates in additional nicks and breaks in the genomic DNA that act
a recombination junction (d) which may be completely as further integration sites (b). This results in a cluster of
conserved if the homology is precise, or may involve either transgenes (single copies and concatemers) interspersed
the loss of terminal sequences or the insertion of filler DNA with short regions of genomic DNA (c)
if the homology is partial

repair enzymes, such as nucleases and ligases. The

transgene integration following particle bombardment presence of these enzymes and an excess of foreign
must take into account some form of three-tier orga- DNA would result in the linking together of several
nization, consisting of contiguous transgene arrays, copies to form concatemers, which would be the sub-
interspersed with short regions of genomic DNA to strates for integration. This might be stimulated by
generate local clusters, and the appearance of widely homology between individual copies of transforming
dispersed signals at metaphase. Two-phase transgene plasmids, and “backbone” homology might also result
integration mechanisms have been proposed to explain in the concatemerization of plasmids carrying different
the first two levels of organization, and in such models transgenes in cotransformation experiments. However,
concatemerization is proposed to occur prior to inte- as stated above, cotransformation and cointegration
gration, while interspersion occurs during the integra- also occur when two nonhomologous minimal cas-
tion process [118, 120, 125] (Fig. 4). In each model, settes are used for transformation, so homology
penetration of the cell is proposed to elicit a wound might not be as important as the presence of free
response, which would include the induction of DNA DNA ends [72]. Kohli et al. [120] suggested that
578 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

Nuclear matrix
Chromatin loops

DNA stretched out

Cluster Cluster

Crop Plants Transformation Methods. Figure 5

Higher-order transgene locus organization in cereals transformed by particle bombardment [124]. Transformation occurs
during interphase, when the chromatin is distributed into specific nuclear zones and territories. If a metal particle causes
localized damage, DNA repair complexes will form at these sites and initiate transgene integration (a). During metaphase,
when FISH analysis is generally carried out, loci that are brought together in interphase may be separated, resulting in
multiple signals from the same transformation event (b). If the DNA were stretched out, this would reveal large (megabase)
interspersed sequences, which have also been observed in fiber-FISH experiments

transgene clusters arise in a second phase where The higher-order organization of transgenic loci
a primary integration event occurring by illegitimate observed by FISH is thus far unique to particle bom-
recombination at a chromosome break generates bardment and demands a model which takes into
a “hot-spot” for further integration events in the account the three-dimensional structure of the nucleus.
same area. This might be due, for example, to the It is possible that the transformation event affects
presence of local repair complexes that can slide along a local region of the interphase nucleus, e.g., a metal
the DNA and introduce nicks which can be exploited by particle may cause damage to a particular area of chro-
more foreign DNA. Pawlowski and Somers [125] matin arranged in loops attached to the nuclear matrix,
suggested an alternative second phase where or to a localized transcription factory. If the particle
a number of discrete transgene concatemers integrate “skims” several loops or several transcription units,
simultaneously at a site containing multiple replication there will be regions of DNA damage close together in
forks. Although there is no direct evidence for either trans, but widely separated in the cis configuration were
mechanism, it is interesting to note that DNA integra- the DNA to be stretched out (Fig. 5). Each of these sites
tion is stimulated in rapidly dividing cells, and is could act as a nucleation point where foreign DNA
blocked in Arabidopsis mutants lacking essential com- diffusing from the metal particle is used to patch up
ponents of the DNA recombination machinery. double-strand breaks, generating widely separated
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 579

arrays and/or clusters [124, 126]. In support of this rice lines, in most cases reflecting loss of the mid to
induced break and repair model, Svitashev et al. [127] right border portion of the T-DNA. Similarly, Rai et al.
have shown that in 6 of 25 transgenic oat plants gener- [130] found that about 50% of rice plants transformed
ated by particle bombardment, transgene integration with a T-DNA containing the phytoene synthase (psy)
sites were associated with rearranged chromosomes. and phytoene desaturase (crtI) genes showed evidence
This suggests that DNA breaks caused by incoming of rearrangements, and in the majority of cases the
particles are repaired with foreign DNA and may also rearrangements occurred in the crtI expression cassette,
result in deletions, inversions, and translocations which was adjacent to the right T-DNA border.
involving genomic DNA. Rearrangements involving the left border are often
characterized by the insertion of variable-size regions
of filler DNA, possibly derived from the T-DNA
Transgene Structure and Integrity
sequence or from plant genomic DNA [116, 131].
Transgene rearrangements following particle bombard- Few researchers have characterized transgene
ment have been widely reported in the literature and rearrangements in detail, but work by Kohli et al.
many publications repeat the “lore” that direct [132] has shown that rearrangements may involve pal-
DNA transfer is more likely than T-DNA transfer to indromic sequences in the transforming plasmid,
generate complex rearranged loci. The number of which tend to form secondary structures such as hair-
rearrangements that can be detected depends entirely pins and cruciforms. These investigators characterized
on the resolution of the method being used. Thus, 12 transgenic rice lines created by particle bombard-
careful analysis of locus structure by Southern blot ment, which had been shown to contain rearranged
hybridization, PCR, and DNA sequencing has shown transgenes. Interestingly, they found that an imperfect
that rearrangements may be more widespread than first palindrome in the CaMV 35S promoter was involved in
envisaged in both transformation methods. one third of all rearrangements, i.e., the sequence of
In the case of direct DNA transfer, the analysis of this palindrome was adjacent to the rearrangement
transgenic oat loci by Somers et al. has shown that junction. Similar phenomena have been noted in
transgene rearrangements can be extensive and T-DNA transformants containing the same promoter.
extremely complex, with multiple small insertions, This sequence has the ability to adopt a cruciform
inversions, and deletions within any transgene, plus structure that may stimulate recombination events.
the presence of filler DNA [127]. In corn, Mehlo et al. Many other promoters contain palindromic sequences
[128] noted that every single plant among the popula- of variable length within 100 bp of the transcription
tion they analyzed showed some form of start site. The secondary structures formed at these sites
rearrangement, and they speculated that undetected enable DNA–protein interactions for transcription
“minor” rearrangements could be responsible for under normal circumstances, but may also participate
many instances of transgene silencing otherwise attrib- in aberrant recombination events. The fully sequenced
uted to epigenetic processes. In particular, certain papaya genome [123] also revealed a number of previ-
transgene rearrangements were not detectable by ously unidentified transgene rearrangements, i.e.,
Southern blot hybridization because they were too a 1,533-bp fragment comprising a truncated,
subtle, but they could be picked up by long-range nonfunctional tetA gene and flanking vector backbone
PCR and sequencing. Because Southern blot hybridi- sequence, and a 290-bp nonfunctional fragment of the
zation is normally the sole method used to determine nptII gene, in addition to the intact, primary transgene
whether a given locus is intact or rearranged, this conferring virus resistance.
suggests caution should be used in relying on such
results, since only “major” rearrangements can be
Transgene Silencing
detected in this manner.
In the case of Agrobacterium-mediated transforma- A common issue raised in association with nuclear
tion, Afolabi et al. [129] and Zhu et al. [117] found that transformation in plants is the phenomenon of trans-
nonintact T-DNAs were present in >70% of transgenic gene silencing, where the phenotype corresponding to
580 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

the introduced transgene is not expressed. In the matching the promoter sequence [136]. This has been
absence of a genetic explanation (e.g., an undetected demonstrated by deliberately expressing dsRNA
mutation or rearrangement), silencing is an epigenetic corresponding to the nos promoter in transgenic plants
phenomenon that can occur at either the transcrip- carrying a second transgene driven by the nos promoter
tional or posttranscriptional levels. Transcriptional [137] and by creating transgenic plants with
silencing involves the absence of transgene mRNA, a transgene locus that triggers both transcriptional
and often occurs due to the integration of the transgene and posttranscriptional silencing simultaneously, by
at a genomic position that is already repressed (posi- producing dsRNA corresponding to promoter and
tion-dependent silencing). However, transgenes transcribed sequences of different target genes [138].
in active regions of the genome may also be silenced In the absence of deliberately created promoter dsRNA,
if the promoter region is inactivated by the transcriptional silencing seen in some transgenic
hypermethylation, which can occur in response to plants carrying multiple copies of the same promoter
unusual DNA structures and compositions that attract appears to arise from dsRNA produced either by unfor-
de novo methylation, or DNA sequences that allow the tunate transgene positioning or rearrangements that
synthesis of short double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) mol- create hairpin structures, or by transgenes with such
ecules. In contrast, posttranscriptional silencing actu- high levels of expression that the polyadenylation
ally requires transcription to take place, but the mRNA machinery is saturated. Evidence from many transfor-
is rapidly degraded. This is confirmed by nuclear run- mation experiments indicates that there is no simple
on assays, which measure the amount of pre-mRNA in correlation between transgene copy number and
the nucleus. Like transcriptional silencing, posttran- expression level, with the exception of certain carefully
scriptional silencing appears to have evolved as controlled experiments using boundary elements. In
a defense against invasive nucleic acids and is also some cases, higher copy numbers have suppressed
triggered by dsRNA, in this case matching the tran- overall expression levels whereas in others higher copy
scribed region. There is considerable cross talk between numbers have enhanced expression. Where suppres-
the transcriptional and posttranscriptional silencing sion effects have occurred, it has been suggested that
pathways and if a transgene is homologous to an “runaway expression” resulting in the generation of
endogenous gene, the silencing effect can spread to aberrant RNAs lacking polyadenylate tails has triggered
that gene resulting in a phenomenon known as potent silencing through the posttranscriptional silenc-
cosuppression. ing pathway [139].
Transcriptional silencing may be encountered in The organization of a transgenic locus is difficult to
plants where several copies of the same transgene or control, and it is therefore a common occurrence in
part thereof are present in the transgenic locus, or both Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and
when the same promoter is used to control several direct DNA transfer that the juxtaposition of
transgenes. However, the context is very important. transgenes or fragments thereof can result in the crea-
There have been plenty of reports describing transgenic tion of hairpin promoter structures at the DNA level
plants carrying multiple transgenes under the control that are transcribed into aberrant dsRNA species. Such
of the same promoter yet showing strong and stable arrangements can be obvious and easy to detect, but
expression. For example, although Zhu et al. [133] used even where gross rearrangements are absent it is possi-
five different endosperm-specific promoters in corn to ble that undetected “micro-rearrangements” are pre-
achieve the high-level expression of carotenogenic sent in the transgenic locus, as observed by Mehlo et al.
genes, Naqvi et al. [134] achieved strong expression [128] when investigating the structure of a transgenic
of four genes in the same system using the barley locus in corn generated by direct DNA transfer. The
D-hordein promoter to control each transgene, with siRNAs that trigger RNA-dependent DNA methylation
no adverse effects. Transcriptional gene silencing are just 24 bp in length, so it is conceivable that inverted
resulting from repetitive promoter regions is correlated repeats of <50 bp could be sufficient for transgene
with increased promoter methylation [135] and silencing, and such structures would be undetectable
appears to be driven by the production of dsRNA using the coarse analysis methods typically employed
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 581

to study transgenic plants, such as Southern blot efficient chloroplast transformation has been achieved
hybridization. The likelihood of dsRNA production both through particle bombardment and PEG-
depends not only on the presence of damaged or mediated transformation (reviewed in [144]).
rearranged transgenes, but also on the relative position Stable chloroplast transformation was first achieved
of intact transgenes, which is itself a reflection of the in the alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, which has
mechanism of transgene integration. The organization a single large chloroplast occupying most of the volume
of integrated T-DNA sequences differs among of the cell [145]. Particle bombardment was used in this
Agrobacterium strains, but a common feature of experiment and the principles established using this
nopaline-type derivatives such as C58 is the preferen- simple organism were extended to tobacco, allowing
tial integration of T-DNA as dimers with an inverted the recovery of stable transplastomic tobacco plants
repeat configuration, linked either at the left or right [146]. These principles included the use of vectors
borders [140]. Where cotransformation is carried out containing chloroplast homology regions, allowing
with two T-DNAs containing different genes, the dif- targeted integration into the chloroplast genome, and
ferent T-DNAs often integrate as heterodimeric use of the selectable marker gene aadA (encoding
inverted repeats, preferentially around the right border aminoglycoside adenyltransferase) which confers resis-
[141]. If the same promoter is used for both genes, this tance to streptomycin and spectinomycin [147]. Basic
would favor the formation of hairpin structures that vectors for plastid transformation include flanking
could be transcribed from the opposite strand. The sequences and chloroplast-specific expression cassettes.
structure of loci generated by direct DNA transfer is Species-specific chloroplast flanking sequences are gen-
more variable, but inverted repeat structures involving erated by PCR using primers designed from the avail-
promoter sequences are not uncommon, allowing the able chloroplast genomes. The chloroplast expression
same silencing mechanism to operate [126]. cassette is composed of a promoter, the selectable
marker, and 50 /30 regulatory sequences to enhance the
efficiency of transcription and translation. The most
Plastid Transformation Methods
frequently used integration site is the transcriptionally
The introduction of DNA directly into the chloroplast active intergenic region between the trnI and trnA
genome is considered beneficial for a number of rea- genes, within the rrn operon. The first-generation plas-
sons including the high level of gene expression that tid transformation vectors included the pPRV series and
can be achieved, reflecting the presence of thousands of plasmids pRB94/95, in which both the marker gene and
chloroplasts in photosynthetic cells and the absence of the primary transgene have their own 50 and 30 regula-
gene silencing. Chloroplast transformation also pro- tory sequences (reviewed in [144]). More recent vectors
vides a natural containment method for transgenic include modified restriction sites, loxP sequences for
plants, since in most crops the transgene cannot be posttransformation marker excision, and homology
transmitted through pollen (reviewed in [142]). regions targeting insertions to the rbcL-accD intergenic
The first reports of chloroplast transformation were region [148]. Thus far, chloroplast transformation
serendipitous, and the integration events were found by particle bombardment has been achieved only in
to be unstable. For example, an early experiment in crops that allow direct organogenesis, and this does
which tobacco protoplasts were cocultivated with not include any monocots (reviewed in [142]).
Agrobacterium resulted in the recovery of one trans-
genic plant line in which the transgene was transmitted
Future Directions
maternally. Southern blot analysis of chloroplast DNA
showed directly that the foreign DNA had become The vast majority of the transgenic plants generated
integrated into the chloroplast genome [143]. How- thus far carry a single primary transgene plus
ever, Agrobacterium is not an optimal system for chlo- a selectable marker. The transgene integrates randomly
roplast transformation because the T-DNA complex is into the genome, which means it is subject to
targeted to the nucleus. Therefore, direct DNA transfer unpredictable position effects that may result in silenc-
has been explored as an alternative strategy and ing; the locus structure is also very difficult to control.
582 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

In the future, there will be a stronger emphasis on mapping and sequencing, allowing the position of
strategies to increase the scope of gene transfer and mutant genes to be narrowed down by complementa-
the predictability and preciseness of DNA integration, tion. Genomic libraries have been established for
and consequently the likelihood of stable and predict- several plant species in BIBAC2 and TAC vectors [151,
able transgene expression. 152] and cloning in high-capacity vectors has been
simplified by the inclusion of Cre/loxP and Gateway
site-specific recombination technology [153, 154].
Transfer of Large DNA Molecules Using Modified
Large (80–150 kbp) DNA molecules have also been
Conventional Vectors
transferred to plants by direct DNA transfer [155], and
A precise upper limit for T-DNA transfer has not been although this is not a routine procedure a novel trans-
established. It is greater than 50 kbp [2, 3], but using formation method has been developed recently, based
standard vectors it is difficult to transfer inserts larger on bombardment with DNA-coated “bioactive beads”
than 30 kbp routinely due to instability in the bacterial to deliver up to 150 kbp of DNA into rice protoplasts
host. However, the analysis of very large genes or the [156].
transfer of multiple genes linked in series can now be
Plant Minichromosomes
achieved thanks to the development of high-capacity
binary vectors based on the artificial chromosome type In bacteria, plasmid vectors are maintained as episomal
vectors used in E. coli. replicons to make cloning and isolating recombinant
The first to be described was BIBAC2 [149]. This DNA a simple procedure. When it comes to expressing
contains an F-plasmid origin of replication and is heterologous genes in eukaryotic cells, episomal vectors
modeled on the bacterial artificial chromosome. The are widely used to avoid position effects, hence the
basic vector transforms tobacco with high efficiency, development of yeast episomal vectors, yeast artificial
but the efficiency of transformation drops substantially chromosomes, mammalian plasmid vectors carrying
when large inserts are used. This vector has been used virus origins of replication (e.g., SV40-based vectors,
to introduce 150 kbp of human DNA flanked by herpes virus-based vectors), and plant expression vec-
T-DNA borders into the tobacco genome, although tors based on plant viruses (all of which replicate epi-
virulence helper plasmids supplying high levels of somally). The yeast artificial chromosome (YAC)
VirG and VirE in trans were critical for successful system is the most relevant in this context because it
DNA transfer. An alternative vector carrying a P1 ori- allows genes of any size to be introduced into the yeast
gin of replication and modeled on the P1 artificial genome as an independent replicating unit that is
chromosome was constructed by Liu et al. [150]. This treated by the cell as an additional chromosome.
transformation-competent bacterial artificial chromo- YACs comprise a yeast centromere and telomeres,
some (TAC) vector was used to introduce up to 80 kbp the origin of replication (autonomous replicating
of genomic DNA into Arabidopsis, and while there was sequence), and selectable markers.
some loss of efficiency with the larger inserts, it was still More recently, analogous systems have been devel-
possible to produce many transgenic plants. Both vec- oped to maintain genes as episomal minichromosomes
tors contain a kanamycin resistance marker for selec- in plants. These have many advantages for plant genetic
tion in bacteria and hpt for hygromycin selection in engineering including the ability to express large
transgenic plants. Both vectors also contain the Ri transgenes or groups of transgenes, and the ability to
origin for maintenance in Agrobacterium, and within rapidly introduce new linkage groups into diverse
the T-DNA region, the sacB marker for negative selec- germplasm. Carlson et al. [157] created plant
tion, interrupted by a multiple cloning site for trans- minichromosomes by combining the DsRed and nptII
gene insertion. One of the most attractive uses of marker genes with 7–190 kb of corn genomic DNA
high-capacity binary vectors is for the positional clon- fragments containing satellites, retroelements, and
ing of genes identified by mutation. The ability to other repeat sequences commonly found in centro-
introduce large segments of DNA into the plant meres. The circular constructs were introduced into
genome effectively bridges the gap between genetic embryogenic corn tissue by particle bombardment
Crop Plants Transformation Methods 583

and transformed cells were regenerated and propagated provides a tantalizing glimpse of the future of plant
for several generations without selection. The biotechnology in which precise changes can be made to
minichromosomes were maintained as extrachromo- the genome of any plant genome that is amenable to
somal replicons through mitosis and meiosis, and DNA transfer.
showed roughly Mendelian segregation ratios (93%
transmission as a disome with 100% expected, 39%
Site-Specific Recombination
transmission as a monosome crossed to wild type
with 50% expected, and 59% transmission in self Although site-specific recombination has already been
crosses with 75% expected). The DsRed reporter gene described as a cloning tool, particularly the Cre/loxP
was expressed over four generations, and DNA blot and Gateway systems for rapid vector assembly, it can
analysis indicated the genes were intact. also be used in transgenic plants to introduce DNA at
a specific, favorable locus, or remove DNA sequences in
vivo. The Cre/loxP system has been most widely used in
Gene Targeting (Homologous Recombination)
plants for the controlled excision of selectable marker
Gene targeting is the directed modification of an genes after transformation (e.g., [153]), but also for
endogenous DNA sequence by homologous recombi- controlled transgene insertion (e.g., [167]). Controlled
nation, an efficient procedure in bacteria, yeast, certain integration has been studied in transgenic plants
animal cells, and in the plastid genomes of plants, but already engineered to contain recipient loxP sites
typically not in the nuclear genome. Only one plant [168]. In this study, three different recipient wheat
species has been shown to undergo efficient nuclear lines were generated by bombarding plants with the
homologous recombination and that is the moss loxP sequence, and these were subsequently bombarded
Physcomitrella patens [158]. Among higher plants, with a gusA construct also containing flanking loxP
low-level gene targeting has been achieved in certain sequences, and a cre gene. Following transformation,
dicots with frequencies ranging from 103 to 106 about 80% of lines contained gusA at the recipient site,
[159]. However, targeting frequencies of up to 1% many with single-copy transgenes and others with
have been achieved using a T-DNA-mediated gene concatemers. Both types of locus were stably inherited.
targeting strategy involving a long homology region There was much less variation in expression among the
in combination with a strong counterselectable marker single-copy lines [168]. Chawla et al. [169] generated
in rice [160, 161]. 18 different transgenic rice lines containing a precise
There has also been interest in the use of zinc-finger single copy of gusA at a designated site. In seven of these
endonucleases to make targeted double-strand breaks lines, additional copies of the transgene integrated at
in the plant genome, so that homologous recombina- random sites by illegitimate recombination while 11
tion is favored at such sites [162]. The modular nature showed “clean” integration by site-specific recombina-
of zinc-finger transcription factors means that recom- tion only. The single-copy lines were stable over at least
binant DNA technology can be used to “mix and four generations and showed consistent levels of
match” these DNA-binding domains to create recom- expression, which doubled in homozygous plants. In
binant proteins with unique sequence specificities. contrast, the multicopy lines showed variable expres-
Zinc-fingers are motifs approximately 30 amino acids sion and some fell victim to transgene silencing. Inter-
in length which coordinate a Zn2+ ion and bind to DNA estingly, where the site-specific and illegitimate
sequences 3-bp long. Combining different zinc fingers integration loci segregated in later generations, trans-
in series allows proteins to be tailor made to bind gene expression was reactivated in the plants carrying
longer DNA sequences. When a nonspecific DNA the site-specific integration site alone, whereas close
endonuclease is incorporated into such a protein, it linkage between the site-specific and random integra-
becomes a targeted DNA cutting tool [163, 164]. The tion prevented segregation in other lines and the silenc-
recent achievement of targeted transgene integration ing persisted.
and endogenous gene disruption in corn [165] and An exciting recent development is the GENE
tobacco [166] using zinc-finger endonucleases DELETOR system, which is a hybrid of the Cre-loxP
584 Crop Plants Transformation Methods

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pp 233–288 Zupan J, Muth TR, Draper O, Zambryski P (2000) The transfer of
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Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 591

Crop Radiation Capture and Use and other biological molecules needed for essential plant
Efficiency The amount of energy intercepted or captured by the
ERIK MURCHIE1, MATTHEW REYNOLDS2 whole plant and community system (the canopy) is
Division of Plant and Crop Sciences, School of determined by the organization of leaves into an efficient
Biosciences, University of Nottingham, Sutton spatial structure with a large total surface area. The
Bonington, UK amount of radiation captured will determine the rate of
International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre photosynthesis possible and the rate of growth. However,
(CIMMYT), Mexico DF, Mexico the final growth rate is then determined by losses in the
system that originate from a number of sources, includ-
ing the type of photosynthetic mechanism, metabolic
Article Outline and hydraulic constraints, the relationship between
photosynthetic source and non-photosynthetic sink
Glossary organ, variability in environmental conditions, and
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance limitations imposed by management techniques.
Introduction and History The discovery that plant and crop growth is closely
Determination of Radiation Use Efficiency linked to the amount of intercepted radiation led to the
Radiation Capture by Crop Canopies establishment of methods for measuring radiation use
“Conversion” of Captured Radiation: Photosynthetic efficiency (RUE). RUE is measured as the amount of
Mechanisms dry matter produced per unit intercepted radiation
Metabolic and Regulatory Constraints to RUE over a given time period and it is often separated into
Source–Sink Processes and Partitioning of Assimilates key developmental stages within the life cycle of the
Theoretical Considerations Related to the Improve- crop. It was quickly established that values of RUE tend
ment of RUE to be stable for a given species, growth stage, and
Sources of Variation in Agricultural RUE environment, but there are important differences
Future Directions across crop species and plant types. In the absence of
Bibliography other factors, RUE will set the theoretical limit to
biomass production and ultimately crop yield. It is
Glossary now accepted that RUE is a fundamental measurement
C3 The C3 pathway of photosynthesis, found in most which underpins potential crop productivity and yield
plant species, for example, rice, potato, and wheat. and it has become embedded into modern methods of
C4 The C4 pathway of photosynthesis, found in some crop growth analysis.
tropical species, for example, maize, sugarcane, In many cases, plants absorb more photosyntheti-
sorghum. cally active radiation (PAR) radiation than they utilize
PAR Photosynthetically active radiation. Solar radia- for growth: given the current emphasis on global food
tion in the wavelength region 400–700 nm. security, there is currently much interest in raising the
RUE Radiation use efficiency, the ratio of biomass RUE of key crops in important agroecosystems.
produced per unit radiation intercepted.
Introduction and History
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance
All green plants use sunlight as their sole energy source
The rate of growth (the rate of the accumulation of dry for assimilation of carbon dioxide into carbohydrates.
matter) of all plants is entirely dependent on the inter- At its most fundamental level, this process is the for-
ception of energy (electromagnetic radiation) from the mation of energy-rich bonds in a form that is easily
sun in the wavelength range 400–700 nm. This energy is stored, transported, and utilized in most essential plant
utilized by photosynthesis to synthesize carbohydrates functions. This process is of course photosynthesis and

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
592 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

it is the sole supplier of energy for almost all human competition for land between biofuel crops and food
nutrition and fuel requirements, via current and pre- crops, and (5) increase the feasibility of using marginal
historic photosynthesis. land for fuel and food production.
The continuing expansion of the human popula-
tion and the steady increase in consumption per capita
A History of Radiation Use Efficiency
is placing pressure on land availability. A variety of
factors including urbanization and the erosion of Given that it underlies so much of human activity and
existing land certainly necessitate production of more endeavor it is perhaps curious that the relationship
food and fuel per hectare with fewer inputs (water, between radiation and plant growth did not become
fertilizer) and all of this within the uncertainty of explicitly defined and quantified until relatively recently.
changes in climate and increased pressure to use land It has been suggested that a tendency to retain methods of
which may be currently unsuitable for cultivation. For classical crop growth analysis during the first half of the
example, 700 million people depend on rice for calo- twentieth century delayed a mechanistic analysis of the
rific intake. Each hectare can currently feed around processes of biomass accumulation [5]. In these early
27 people; by 2050 this will have to rise to 43 people studies, growth (crop mass) was described as a function
per hectare [1]. This is compounded by the fact that of time possibly because of the ease with which mass
Asian rice yield potential appears to be stagnating [2]. could be measured through the growing season. This
Wheat is grown on over 200 million hectares of land approach was confounded by its inclusion in measure-
providing approximately one-fifth of the total calorific ments of relative growth rate where crop biomass increase
input of the world’s population, and while there have is closely related to existing biomass. The central role of
been steady increases in productivity since the green light interception in growth was recognized by Watson
revolution, global demand for wheat is predicted to [6] who suggested a measurement of net assimilation
increase at a faster rate than the annual genetic gains rate which worked in some situations but did not
that are currently being realized [3]. Since the highest adequately account for the complex relationship
yields of major crops are usually only achieved within between leaf area and variation in assimilation rate
high input systems, it is not surprising that (photosynthesis) of individual leaves.
many suggest a reappraisal of the basis of crop Another advancement in understanding came with
productivity. the consideration that efficiency of light use declined at
It seems clear that an increase in the rate of appli- high levels (light saturation) [7, 8] and that light levels
cation of fertilizer or water is neither desirable nor even were lower at the base of the canopy. In fact, as pointed
possible. Nitrogen fertilizer is heavily dependent on the out by Hirose [9], the first mathematical model of can-
continued availability (physically, financially, and opy photosynthesis was first produced by Monsi and
politically) of fossil fuels. Water is increasingly scarce Saeki in 1953 but this was not recognized for more than
not just in equatorial regions but in temperate regions. a decade. This resulted in the first real considerations of
One way to improve resource use efficiency is to growth as a function of the amount of light intercepted by
increase the rate of overall biomass production and the plant canopy. At this time, it was observed that the
this is starting to be associated with yield progress of amount of light intercepted by the canopy was closely
major crops such as rice and wheat [3, 4]. As shall be related to dry matter accumulation [5]. Despite this
described, an increase in biomass production by crops, there were many studies in the 1970s which used inci-
whilst helping to improve upon current rates of breed- dent light rather than intercepted radiation to make key
ing progress in yield potential, would also (1) underpin studies in agronomy and ecology.
future genetic improvements in adaptive processes, The sole use of incident radiation measurements
(2) improve the relative efficiency of resource use in will lead to errors in the calculation of radiation use
terms of biomass production per unit water, light, and efficiency especially before canopy closure when not all
fertilizer, and therefore (3) increase the attractiveness of radiation is absorbed and when crops possess differing
using waste products of arable crops for secondary uses rates of canopy development. Over the whole life cycle
such as fuel, and (4) if applied universally, reduce the of the crop, the proportion of incident radiation that is
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 593

intercepted and available for assimilation can be quite productivity which could be exploited to increase
small. It was not until the mid 1970s that John yield per hectare. The green revolution provided
Monteith established the relationship between accu- a step change in agricultural productivity that was
mulated intercepted radiation and accumulated bio- able to prevent the tragedy of mass starvation in some
mass within canopies [10]. This was accompanied by regions and also to support population increase. As
experimental data demonstrating a level of conserva- outlined here, a step change of similar magnitude
tion of radiation use efficiency of crop species when now would probably require an improvement in RUE.
grown under optimal growth conditions with high
resource availability and a consideration of the role of
Determination of Radiation Use Efficiency
leaf photosynthetic capacity in crop canopies. This has
since proved to be a robust approach and has remained RUE is the ratio between accumulated plant biomass
a central feature of crop growth analysis ever since. and the accumulated radiation intercepted by the crop.
Many studies attempted to provide values for RUE A note on terminology: some authors use the terms
across a wide range of species and growth conditions “radiation conversion factor” [13] and “radiation con-
across the world [11, 12]. It was quickly claimed version efficiency.” Some authors have pointed out that
(1) that it was possible to attain consistent values for use of the word “conversion” is inappropriate because
a given species when growing conditions were good, energy is not being directly converted to matter but
(2) that suboptimal (e.g., nitrogen or water deficient) rather converted from one form of energy to another
or stressful conditions caused RUE to decline, and (i.e., solar radiation to higher energy state of chloro-
(3) that there were clear differences between crop spe- phyll molecules) [5]. The term radiation use efficiency
cies: plants possessing the C4 photosynthetic mecha- (RUE) shall be used.
nism had the highest RUE followed by most C3 plant To calculate RUE, it is necessary to know the
species and finally legumes with the lowest RUE values. amount of radiation arriving at the top of the canopy,
Early data suggested that RUE was a conservative or the amount of radiation intercepted by the canopy, and
even constant value for a given species. However, data the biomass accumulated during a given period.
published since has demonstrated significant variation In many studies, the energy content of the dry
and it has been pointed out that close attention in each matter is also required. This section will summarize
case must be paid to the methods of analysis, growth how RUE is measured in a practical sense and tackle
conditions, developmental phase, and genotype. some of the diversity in approaches that have been
RUE is commonly used within the crop sciences taken.
although it is applicable to growth of any autotrophic Radiation arrives at the edge of the earth’s atmo-
organism and most ecosystems. Its calculation requires sphere at a mean rate of 1.4 kJ m2 s1, the so-called
knowledge of the amount of radiation absorbed in solar constant. By the time photons reach the earth’s
a given time period and measurement of the resulting surface a number of geometrical and atmospheric fac-
biomass and energy content. These are easier to tors have reduced this value significantly. Cloud cover
measure in a uniform system like a monoculture. notwithstanding the greatest influx occurs in tropical
The historical development of RUE was no doubt regions at low latitudes. The greatest measured flux at
dependent on the advancement in other areas of sci- the earth’s surface itself occurs in low latitude regions
ence such as photosynthetic regulation and the techni- where cloud cover is minimal (20–30 ). High latitudes
cal development of instruments to accurately measure can have extremely low solar radiation levels.
key attributes, that is, radiation, photon flux density, Light is absorbed and scattered by molecules, aero-
and the rate of photosynthetic carbon assimilation. sols, and particles in the atmosphere, reducing flux
The understanding that RUE is fundamental to even further. Gas molecules such as CO2, H2O, and
crop productivity leads naturally to the question of CH4 absorb energy at specific infrared wavelengths
whether it can be improved. The observation that C4 whilst gas molecules O2 and O3 absorb at lower wave-
plants possess a higher RUE leads to the notion that lengths. Photosynthesis is restricted to a range of wave-
such a change would give a higher biomass lengths that approximate to those visible to the human
594 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

eye: 400–700 nm. Higher wavelengths do not contain possible to use remotely from satellites and aircraft.
sufficient energy to drive photosynthesis. At ground Although it is clearly convenient and rapid, one must be
level, this range of wavelengths makes up 49% of total aware that it has the drawback of being a spot measure-
solar energy. In other words, the photosynthetic pro- ment. Measurements made from satellites suffer from
cess does not use over half of the energy available. problems of images that deviate from 90 to the earth’s
However, longer wavelengths have an important surface [15].
heating effect which raises plant tissue temperature Photography is also used to estimate f using
and accelerates metabolic and developmental processes a camera fitted with a fish-eye lens positioned below or
such as leaf and canopy construction. above the canopy. This has the advantage of
Variation from day to day means that it is necessary to encompassing a large area, producing permanent image
integrate measurements of radiation over long time and being taken rapidly in the field. This method has been
periods. This is often done by positioning devices above shown in many cases to correlate with f measured using
the canopy and below the canopy. Most commonly these solarimeters; however, errors arise due to common bias
have been fairly inexpensive tube solarimeters connected in positioning the camera. All indirect measurements
to a device that continually stores data produced. Reflec- of f should consider the potential errors that may result.
tion can be measured by inverting the device. Instanta- RUE is usually calculated by measuring the difference
neous measurements (spot measurements) of fractional in biomass between many consecutive harvests (i.e., accu-
interception (f ) are also used but these can be mislead- mulated intercepted growth) and plotting this against the
ing because they are most reliably taken at midday measured accumulated intercepted radiation. This is usu-
during the same, usually sunny, conditions and there- ally a linear relationship and RUE is calculated as the
fore do not account for cloud cover or low solar eleva- slope of this relationship (Fig. 1). The points at which
tion and give lower values of f. measurements are made are critical because RUE varies
The proportion of PAR is higher in scattered light according to developmental state.
than direct beam radiation and so it is useful to distin- Care must be taken when comparing values from
guish between the two and a few commercially available different sources [5, 13]. Some of the common sources
devices are capable of doing so. This also means that the of variation are as follows:
proportion of PAR changes according to solar eleva-
tion, although it is around 0.45 at elevations greater 1. If root mass is not included then RUE values will be
than 30 [5]. Growth in predominantly scattered radi- lower. However, it is extremely difficult to measure
ation commonly causes an increase in RUE. root mass directly and it is often ignored or assumed
Wavelengths used for growth (400–700) are prefer- to be a fixed percentage of total plant mass.
entially absorbed by chlorophyll within the canopy Nonuniform growth can therefore be a significant
resulting in transmitted light that is depleted in red source of error. Energy required to grow and maintain
and blue and enriched in far-red. The formula for roots is also a function of the biotic and abiotic
fractional interception is presented in its simplest environment of the soil.
form by Eq. 1. 2. Solar radiation flux density is measured using
solarimeters, pyranometers, or radiometers which
ðI þ r Þ
f ¼1 ð1Þ usually cover the wavelengths 300–3,000 nm. The
Io photon flux density is commonly measured using
where f = fractional interception, Io = incident radia- sensors that detect within the photosynthetically
tion, r = reflected radiation, I = intercepted radiation. active range of 400–700 nm. Therefore the conver-
An alternative method for measuring f is spectral sion between energy and quanta-based measure-
reflectance. This compares reflectance from the canopy in ments must take into account the energy of each
the red band and the near IR band to produce waveband. Data based on different regions of the
a normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI). It has electromagnetic spectrum can cause inaccuracies,
been possible to show the relationship between NDVI for example, the transmission of shortwave radia-
and f in many crops [14] and is a technique that is tion through canopies differs from that of PAR [16].
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 595

Above ground dry weight, g m−2 Fractional of intercepted light

1000 0.4

500 0.2
0 0.0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 0 20 40 60 80 100
a Accumulated intercepted PAR. MJ m−2 b Days after transplanting

Rice Maize Echinochloa glabrescens

Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency. Figure 1

An example of the relationship between accumulated intercepted radiation and accumulation of dry matter by three
species : the C3 crop rice (circle), the C4 crop maize (square), and the C4 weed Echinochloa glabrescens (triangle). Note the
higher slope for maize in (a), that maize reached full interception before rice in (b), and that the weed is the first to form
a full canopy but does not achieve the same amount of biomass as the crop species (Redrawn from Sheehy et al. [1])

However, the solar spectrum is fairly constant, example, the RUE of crops that produce particu-
and the reliable figure for this is 4.6 mmol quanta. larly oily seeds should decrease during the seed-
Inaccuracies can arise from badly positioned, filling period. However, the nutrient content of
poorly leveled or uncalibrated instruments. It is plant tissue does not greatly directly influence the
common practice to keep devices free of anything measurement of RUE.
that would attenuate radiation in a way that would 5. The stage of growth can have a large influence on
bias the results, for example, dead leaves are the RUE measured (see section Source–Sink Pro-
removed and glass is cleaned. cesses and Partitioning of Assimilates). It can be
3. It is important to distinguish absorbed from common practice to calculate the RUE over the
intercepted radiation. The latter does not take into entire growing season but this does not necessarily
account the reflection of PAR from the top surface represent the maximal RUE value. For example, in
of the canopy. This is generally assumed to be about many crops RUE appears to be steady during the
5% of total PAR but variation is likely. Not all of the vegetative period but to decline following the onset
plant tissues that absorbed energy are necessarily of the reproductive phase.
alive or of equal photosynthetic potential.
4. When comparing different species of plant with
Radiation Capture by Crop Canopies
contrasting harvest organs it is important to consider
the energy content of the organs involved. Lipid has Canopy structure and therefore the efficiency of light
a higher calorific content than protein, which in turn capture was a common feature in the domestication
has a higher calorific content than carbohydrates and the later improvement of many crop species. For
[17]. The heats of combustion of carbohydrates, example, the reduction of branching in maize and
proteins, and lipids are 17.3, 22.7, and 37.7 kJ g1, sunflower allowed dense planting [18] and there is
respectively. Since RUE is comparing the input of evidence of further adaptation to higher planting den-
energy to the output of dry matter it can vary sity [19]. The reduction in height of cereals was a key
according to the energy content per unit dry matter factor in the green revolution, permitting an increase in
and it is essential to adjust RUE accordingly. For harvest index and reduction in lodging. Crop canopies
596 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

must intercept or capture as much radiation in the a simple but useful mathematical description of the
400–700 nm bandwidth as possible. Most of the light architecture of the crop canopy in question.
interception occurs by leaves; however, stems, petioles,
leaf sheaths, and reproductive structures can also I ¼ Io expðkLÞ ð2Þ
absorb significant amounts of radiation. To achieve
I and Io as in Eq. 1, L = leaf area index, and k =
high interception, they must construct and present
extinction coefficient for a given waveband
a canopy with large leaf area and in many crops the
Crops have been found to vary for the value of k and
minimum leaf area index (L: the ratio of leaf area per
unit ground area) is around three. The L can be the major feature is the erectness of leaves. Canopies with
erect and narrow leaves such as cereals have a lower value
expressed by the product of the number of plants per
unit ground area, the number of leaves per plant, and the of K than those with flat, broad, and horizontal leaves.
This also applies to differences within species, for
mean area of leaves per plant (plus green stem area). Light
example, rice varieties vary in erectness [20].
can penetrate the canopy and strike the ground below as
If the Monsi–Saeki equation holds and the k value
direct beam radiation (so-called sunflecks), scattered
for a given canopy type is known then it becomes
radiation, or radiation that has passed through leaves
possible to calculate f simply from a knowledge of L
and other plant organs, that is, transmitted. The amount
(Eq. 3).
of penetrated radiation is dependent on the three-
dimensional arrangement of leaves in the canopy and f ¼ 1  expðkLÞ ð3Þ
for a given L will be a function of a large number of
features such as leaf size, leaf density per cubic meter, Equation 3, letters as Eqs. 1 and 2
the angle of individual leaves, heterogeneity of leaves in This analysis is useful when canopies are considered
space (clumping), leaf thickness, and albedo. There is to be a three-dimensional “box” of vegetation with
clear variation between species and even between radiation penetrating only from above. It can fail
crop varieties in these features. Additionally, it is pos- where plants are sparsely populated and do not achieve
sible to alter these features through management tech- full ground cover or are simply planted in rows with
niques such as planting density and the application of space in between, which is the case for some crops that
NPK fertilizer. Therefore there needs to be a way of are tended by hand. The calculation of intercepted
describing radiation distribution within canopies radiation in these cases can become quite complex
mathematically and linking this to agronomic charac- and impractical at high levels of heterogeneity although
teristics such as leaf area index and nitrogen content. estimations are often made on the basis of incident
The relationship between L and fractional intercep- radiation and leaf area per plant. Another source of
tion can be described by Monsi–Saeki equation (Eq. 2), error is angle of solar elevation which can significantly
a modification of Beer’s law. This assumes that the alter the proportion of reflected light and the propor-
canopy is a homogeneous medium whose leaves are tion of scattered light within the canopy. It also does
randomly distributed in space, that is, there is no effect not account for the commonly seen variation in leaf
of row structure or clumping and under these condi- angle that occurs between the top and the bottom of
tions Beer’s law will apply [9]. The Monsi–Saeki equa- the canopy. Even at a point close to full canopy cover
tion can be applied if the canopy is considered to be there can be a “bimodal” type of variation in crop
divided into horizontal layers with each layer canopies. For example, rice plants tend to form
possessing a particular L and the irradiance within “inverted cone” shapes and this causes a complex
each layer is measured. The irradiance at each layer three-dimensional variation in irradiance distribution
will depend on the three-dimensional characteristics especially during canopy development.
of the leaves both within that layer and the layers The optimal “design” of plant canopies must con-
above. It has been found that this provides an accurate sider not just maximum interception but also the rela-
estimate in many crops in which this has been mea- tionship with photosynthetic rate. In principle, a plant
sured: ln(I/Io) against L provides a linear relationship, could achieve close to 100% interception with a single,
the slope of which gives the value k which provides planar chlorophyll-rich leaf and a L of 1.0. However,
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 597

Net single photosynthesis Net whole canopy photosynthesis

per unit leaf area per unit ground area
μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 mg CO2 dm−2 h−1

15 Θ 30
10 20
Φ = Quantum yield
5 Θ = ‘convexity’
b = light compensation point

0 0

0 250 500 750 1000 1250 0 100 200 300 400

PAR (μmol m−2 s−1) Irradiance (W m−2)

Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency. Figure 2

The relationship between photosynthesis and incident radiation levels for (a) single leaves and (b) a full canopy: (a) typical
features of the leaf response, the linear phase (maximum quantum efficiency), the light compensation point, convexity,
and the light saturated rate (Amax, and (b) schematic figure: note the linear response of whole canopies in comparison to
single leaves

this does not result in optimum productivity largely due Canopy Properties and Photosynthesis
to the fact that photosynthesis saturates below
The optimum design for biomass production in terms
full sunlight and this is especially marked in C3
of carbon gain is predicted to be one that permits
plants. This is a central point: the response of
a higher proportion of radiation to penetrate to lower
leaf photosynthesis to irradiance is shown in Fig. 2.
layers, whilst also reducing light saturation at the top
This is a useful measurement and easy to make with
(Fig. 3). Indeed, this seems to be the trend in species
today’s equipment. It provides not only a measurement
such as rice and wheat although the advantage here is
of the maximum rate of photosynthesis (Amax)
thought to be greatest at lower latitudes where light is
but also the potential quantum yield of photosynthesis.
overhead for a greater proportion of the year and
A greater canopy carbon gain is achieved by reduc-
therefore penetration into the canopy is greater. This
ing the proportion of leaves in the canopy that exist in
also has the advantage that it prevents the unwanted
the light-saturated state. The leaves lower in the canopy
senescence of leaves when light levels drop below or
are retained at light limitation while those at the top
close to the light compensation point [21].
will be prone to light saturation. If the irradiance
This raises the question of whether there is room for
increases (e.g., moving from cloud-cover to full sun-
improvement in canopy architecture to improve RUE.
light) then those lower in the canopy will be able to
Early work found that canopies with a low L benefitted
respond accordingly. This has lead to the widely
from horizontal posture while those with high L
observed phenomenon that when irradiance is plotted
benefitted from upright posture [5, 22]. This work
against carbon-gain (photosynthesis) one commonly
suggested that RUE would not be sensitive to extreme
observes a linear response for canopies but a saturation
upright posture of leaves. However, it is clear that
in leaves (normally described by a non-rectangular
upright leaves are associated with the highest yielding
hyperbola) (Fig. 3) [11]. This is important: if canopies
lines in wheat [23, 24] and it has been suggested that
demonstrated light saturation then this would severely
some cereal canopies may benefit from increasing
limit their ability to improve RUE.
598 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

Canopy depth E, erect canopy e.g. rice F, flat, broadleaf canopy e.g. common bean
high L, low K Low L, high K






Canopy photosynthesis

40 K=0.3
(g m−2 d−1)

Point of canopy closure

20 K=1.0 K=0.9


0 2 4 6 8 10 c time
b Leaf Area Index, L

Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency. Figure 3

Canopy structure and function according to leaf “architecture.” (a) The schematic figure on the left shows canopy depth
where the canopy has been divided into layers, each with a leaf area index (L) of 1.0. Attenuation of light in the canopy
follows the Monsi–Saeki equation. For a broadleaf canopy, the radiation reaches extinction at a higher point and a lower L
compared to an upright canopy. The canopy extinction coefficient value “K” is derived from Eq. 2 and provides
a mathematical description of the link between F and L. (b) The calculated relationship between canopy photosynthesis
and L, measured at irradiance saturating at the top of the canopy for species with two values of k. Note the higher
maximum value of the species with higher k (Redrawn from [9]). (c) A highly schematic figure redrawn and adapted from
Ong and Monteith [32] and shows the theoretical differences in canopy biomass accumulation over time in species with
different values of k. Maximum values of carbon gain are achieved after canopy closure which occurs earlier in broadleaf
species (high k). Species with a lower value of k have higher potential rates of total canopy photosynthesis

erectness further [3, 23, 25]. There are relatively few higher potential productivity. In rice, this also permits
genes controlling erectness and this should be straight- denser planting which accelerates canopy closure and
forward to test, although work has shown that com- improves total radiation intercepted over a short trop-
pensatory effects such as leaf size may be hard to ical growing season.
account for. A further feature is that leaves have different char-
Modern high-yielding rice lines also have highly acteristics according to the light intensity to their can-
erect leaves and it is assumed that this also results in opy position. Most notably they have “sun leaf ” and
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 599

“shade leaf ” characteristics, the former having higher period. In rice, the remarkable erectness of leaves in
light compensation points, higher photosynthetic some modern cultivars has allowed for extremely dense
capacity, and higher nitrogen and enzyme content. planting and a shift toward a reduction in tillering. This
This is considered to be an efficient use of resources has the advantage that canopy closure can be achieved
with nitrogen being located only where it is required quickly and the so-called lost time is reduced.
for high photosynthetic activity. Additionally, there are There is no doubt that canopy structure is a central
a number of acclimation mechanisms to improve light feature of crops with high RUE although the precise
harvesting in shade and diffuse light such as the syn- three-dimensional characteristics are difficult to quan-
thesis of light harvesting complexes enriched in chlo- tify by direct measurement and this has meant that the
rophyll b [20, 26]. The efficiency of use of shade and techniques to describe crop canopies mathematically
diffuse light within the canopy is a relatively have remained relatively simple and continued to
unexplored area in crops. This raises the question of assume that they exist as randomly distributed photo-
whether leaf ageing or leaf acclimation gives rise to the synthetic elements in space. As shall be described in the
nitrogen content of the leaf. There is evidence that both next section, it will be essential to have a more sophis-
processes are at play: in fact the distribution of nitrogen ticated approach which links leaf arrangement and light
in plant canopies should be closely related to photo- distribution at higher resolutions and accounts for the
synthesis and irradiance level [27, 28]. There is some dynamics of both light distribution and localized pho-
indication that this has been achieved although the role tosynthetic responses. For this various photographic
of “storage” of assimilated nitrogen in leaves needs and laser-based methods are available for “digitization”
further analysis [20, 21]. of plant and crop canopies although the high density of
Canopy development occurs by the successive emer- many crop canopies makes such measurements difficult
gence of leaves from primordia which are localized points in a practical sense. Mathematical modeling of plant
of tissue formed around the apical dome of the vegetative canopy structure is progressing rapidly along with
shoot. The arrangements of these primordia will largely increased computing power and more sophisticated
determine the positions of the leaves in the final canopy. programming [33]. It would seem likely that methods
Therefore there is great interest in the genetic manipula- that can use empirical measurements to model canopy
tion of developmental processes in crops [29, 30]. The architecture at high resolution and accurately predict
thermal time interval between the initiation of succes- photosynthetic light responses are not far away.
sive primordia is critical and determines the time taken
for production of successive leaves. The genetic and
“Conversion” of Captured Radiation:
molecular processes determining leaf development
Photosynthetic Mechanisms
and expansion is an exciting area of research [31].
For annual crops with a limited growing season, it is The efficiency of radiation use by the whole canopy is the
critical that canopy development is synchronized with sum of photosynthesis occurring by each leaf and each
periods of high radiation. In temperate regions, low leaf portion within the canopy. In turn, the photosyn-
temperatures in Spring can increase the time taken for thetic rate of each leaf is determined by the sum of
canopy closure. Since maximum rates of production photosynthesis in the chlorophyll-containing organelles
are not attained until full canopy cover is achieved, this (chloroplasts). Each leaf and organelle will exist in
can be deleterious and is referred to as “lost time” [32]. a dynamic microenvironment and the photosynthetic
Faster rates of canopy closure can be achieved by dif- productivity will depend on the resources available to it
ferent strategies such as the application of nitrogen at a given moment in time (light, water, nutrients). Due
increasing planting density, irrigation, and the planting to limitations placed on the photosynthetic process such
of crops in autumn so that the time taken for establish- as light saturation and CO2 diffusion, the rate of photo-
ment is reduced. For example, in the UK, maximum synthesis at the leaf level is a strong determinant of
radiation receipts occur in June, and for Spring-sown canopy carbon gain. This section will describe the pho-
crops such as potato and sugar beet, productivity can tosynthetic process, the different types of photosynthe-
depend on the establishment of a high L before this sis, and limitations to leaf level photosynthesis.
600 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

The vast majority of chloroplasts are located in product of photosynthesis contains three carbon
leaves and they are numerous, with each mesophyll atoms. Rubisco is part of the Calvin–Benson cycle.
cell containing between 50 and 200 chloroplasts [34]. Examples of C3 crop species are rice, wheat, potato,
Chloroplasts are responsible for absorption of the soybean, cotton, and chickpea. In C3 photosynthesis,
400–700 waveband in crop canopies and are the reason three ATP molecules and two NADPH molecules are
that plants appear green. They are sac-like subcellular used to assimilate one molecule of CO2 and regenerate
organelles that contain membranous structures that the acceptor, RuBP. Zhu et al. [36] provide a calculation
possess the chlorophyll used for light harvesting. Most of the energy required to fix one carbon atom and
of the chlorophyll is contained within pigment protein compare this to the energy contained within that one-
complexes called “light harvesting complexes” and sixth of a mole of glucose. A calculation of the quantum
these are extremely efficient at absorbing visible light, requirement of each ATP and NADPH molecule reveals
and through a series of resonance transfer mechanisms, that 8 mol of photons are needed for the fixation of
they pass the excitation energy to a reaction center CO2 molecule and this represents 1,388 kJ of energy
where a special pair of chlorophyll molecules use this [36] whilst the energy content of this carbon atom
energy to generate a redox potential capable of oxidiz- within the glucose molecule is 477 kJ.
ing water via the oxygen evolving complex. The C3 plants operate the process of photorespiration.
resulting electrons are passed through an electron This is a consequence of the dual reaction of Rubisco:
transport chain and used to generate a proton gradient in addition to the fixation of CO2 into carbohydrates,
that synthesizes ATP. Ultimately, the electrons produce Rubisco also reacts with O2 to produce glycolate. This
a reductant, NADPH. The NAPDPH and ATP are uti- molecule must be metabolized through the
lized within the Calvin–Benson or photosynthetic car- photorespiratory pathway, a process that consumes
bon reduction cycle to reduce CO2 to triose phosphates ATP, reducing power and releases CO2. The product
that are used in hexose and starch synthesis or exported of this is phosphoglycerate which reenters the Calvin–
from the chloroplast for sucrose synthesis. Benson cycle. The losses caused by photorespiration are
significant and are greatly dependent on temperature:
the specificity of Rubisco for CO2 and the solubility of
How Efficient Is Crop Photosynthesis?
CO2 relative to O2 in water declines with increasing
It is useful to consider the amount of light energy temperature. In tropical C3 plants the rate of
arriving at a canopy top or leaf surface and calculate photorespiratory flux can be significant especially
energy losses at each stage based on current knowledge when stomata limit the internal leaf CO2 concentra-
of the photosynthetic process in order to estimate the tion. In tropical rice in field temperatures of 35 C
potential system productivity [35, 36]. As mentioned, under otherwise optimal conditions, saturating leaves
only 49% of solar energy is available for photosynthe- with CO2 resulted in an increase in leaf photosynthesis
sis. Within the PAR range chlorophyll does not absorb of over 40% [38].
strongly in the green band and the reasons for this A subset of plants called C4 plants have evolved
adaptation have been well explored [37]. Green pho- a fascinating mechanism which minimizes the
tons make up around 10% in the PAR range. Red and oxygenase reaction of Rubisco to often insignificant
blue photons drive photosynthesis with equal effi- levels. It does this by restricting Rubisco to a bundle
ciency despite the fact that blue light contains more sheath cell, which is oxygen free and non-leaky. Initial
energy per photon than red light. Chlorophyll is excited fixation of CO2 takes place in mesophyll cells using an
to higher energy states by blue photons but the extra alternative enzyme, phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase
absorbed energy is not used to drive photochemistry. which generates C4 acids. These acids are pumped into
This extra energy which is calculated to make up 6.6% the bundle sheath cell where they are de-carboxylated,
of incident solar energy is effectively lost [36]. and the CO2 released is concentrated around Rubisco
C3 photosynthesis is the dominant form among in the bundle sheath chloroplasts. This effectively
plant life which uses the enzyme ribulose bis phosphate reduces the extent of the oxygenase reaction and the
carboxylase (Rubisco) to fix CO2 where the initial photorespiratory pathway to insignificant levels. It is
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 601

thought to have evolved in a climate where high tem- between maintenance and growth respiration. It is
peratures, low CO2 levels, and low humidity could all often considered that there is greater scope for the
have been strong selective pressures. The C4 mecha- improvement of maintenance respiration because
nism is largely found in warm regions. Measurements this is more sensitive to prevailing conditions. Recent
show that in many plants the advantage of the C4 work suggests that the possibilities should be revisited
mechanism over C3 starts to become particularly sig- [39, 40].
nificant at growth temperatures above 25 C. C4 At any given moment in time photosynthesis can be
requires additional ATP synthesis which increases the limited by light level (e.g., under cloud cover or self-
quantum requirement of the photosynthetic process to shading), stomatal conductance (this becomes severely
12 photons per CO2 molecule, in comparison with 8 for limiting under conditions of low soil water), and
C3 photosynthesis. However, this is more than over- Rubisco (under saturating irradiance and high stoma-
come by the elimination of photorespiration and low tal conductance Rubisco limits photosynthetic rate in
activity of Rubisco resulting in a greatly enhanced C3 plants). Interactions between growth condition and
capacity for carbon assimilation at most light intensi- genotype will determine the final rate of photosynthe-
ties in C4 plants. Other advantages become apparent, sis. Growth under optimal conditions is considered: the
for example, the higher efficiency of Rubisco means imposition of resource limitation on RUE will be
that lower amounts of this protein are needed. Since discussed in the final section.
Rubisco can make up to 35% of total leaf protein in Taking into account the minimum essential losses
some C3 plants [20], this increases the photosynthetic that occur, the percentage of “biomass energy” pro-
nitrogen use efficiency of C4 plants. The CO2 concen- duced per unit solar radiation (total solar spectrum)
trating mechanism of C4 plants means that stomatal for C3 and C4 plants is generally agreed to be 4.6%
conductance does not need to be high and water loss and 6%, respectively (calculated on a kJ/kJ basis) [36].
can be reduced. The highest recorded values are 2.4% and 3.7% [36]
A substantial “loss” of biomass is mitochondrial with common measured values being much lower than
respiration which has often been divided into growth this, for example, [41]. The large difference between
respiration and maintenance respiration in accor- measured and attained photosynthetic efficiency of
dance with the associated physiological process. Res- crop canopies is the cause of some debate and some
piration is unsurprisingly difficult to measure and to mechanisms focusing on metabolic constraints
define in practice [39]. The relative rates can vary are discussed here. It is possible that canopy architec-
substantially according to growth stage. For example, ture remains a limitation (discussed above). It is how-
maintenance respiration increases substantially as ever noted that much of the observed reduction in
a proportion of total carbon flux following ear emer- RUE and photosynthetic efficiency in agricultural
gence in barley [35]. During vegetative growth, growth systems is caused by growth under suboptimal
respiration is substantially higher than maintenance conditions [36].
respiration. Respiration as a whole can vary from 30% The above has considered photosynthetic effi-
to 60% of total carbon exchange and therefore it has ciency in the context of a leaf canopy. However there
a significant impact on RUE. Studies have shown that is current interest in exploiting photosynthesis in non-
it undergoes optimization according to the environ- leaf organs such as the green ear in wheat [42, 43] and
ment and developmental state: for example, it is well the spikelets in rice. Despite the relatively small surface
known that the relationship between L and respiration area (compared to LAI) it seems clear that the high
is not linear because this would result in a negative net exposure to radiation and close proximity to the grain
carbon balance in the lower, shaded regions of the sink may mean that their photosynthetic contribution
canopy. Attempts have been made to optimize respira- has been underestimated [42]. In the case of oil seed
tory rates to improve crop productivity but this rape, the photosynthesis in seed pods is the dominant
is a difficult task because of the problems with mea- supply due to a diminished leaf area [44]. This is
surement (especially with roots) on different scales a source of photosynthate that deserves closer
from tissue to whole canopy, and of the separation investigation.
602 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

Metabolic and Regulatory Constraints to RUE the Calvin–Benson cycle have been shown to have
promise for improvement such as sedoheptulose-1,7-
Although photosynthesis underpins growth and yield it
bisphosphatase [55].
has often been considered that it is a feature of primary
Elimination or reduction in photorespiration has
metabolism which has undergone optimization
been of interest for a long time even though the seem-
through natural selection and empirical breeding.
ingly wasteful process has been assigned metabolic and
This view has partly arisen from the conservative
photoprotective roles. The increased growth rates, bio-
nature of the basic mechanism and composition of
mass, and yield of plants grown under high CO2 where
the photosynthetic apparatus. However, firstly, it is
photorespiratory flux is reduced indicates that the pro-
clear that canopy photosynthesis has undergone
cess is largely wasteful. Methods for blocking the path-
improvement via total leaf area and nitrogen per unit
way have proved ineffective [56] probably due to the
leaf area (fertilizer) and, secondly, there is considerable
accumulation of intermediates. A recent and novel
genetic variation in leaf photosynthetic capacity and in
approach has avoided this problem by using bacterial
the response of leaf photosynthesis to environmental
enzymes to “shortcut” the pathway [57]. In Arabidopsis
factors and abiotic stress. Nevertheless, the role of any
thaliana plants, this has had the effect of improving
improvement in leaf photosynthesis in crop yield pro-
biomass production and shows great promise although
gress has been hard to quantify due to the difficulty of
the precise mechanism of improved growth has not
routinely measuring net leaf and canopy carbon gain
been described yet.
and of eliminating compensating processes, although
The greatest improvements in yield of crops native to
some success has been achieved [24, 45, 46]. and pho-
warmer climates would come from the introduction of
tosynthesis has been successfully linked to yield pro-
the C4 mechanism into C3 crop species. In the case of
gress in some cases, for example, [24]. There is some
rice, for example, it has been calculated that this is the
recent evidence that leaf photosynthesis can exert an
only way to bring about an increase in biomass produc-
effect when biomass production is the dominant lim-
tion sufficient to meet a 50% improvement in yield by
iting factor [47–49]. Nevertheless leaf photosynthesis is
2050 [1, 58]. Early attempts to introduce elements of the
considered to be the dominant factor determining RUE
C4 pathway into rice by transformation with C4 genes
[5] and its improvement is increasingly viewed as an
from maize or other C4 species [59] are considered
important target [49, 50].
ambiguous or partially successful at best and introduction
Many of the suggested routes to the leaf CO2 assim-
of the full “Kranz” anatomy seems to be the most likely
ilation rate of crops have focused on Rubisco. Increasing
way to achieve the required goal. Some natural C4 mech-
the amount of Rubisco in the leaf is problematic: it is
anisms exist in a single cell [60] but it is unclear whether
already at extremely high levels and to accumulate more
this would provide sufficient rates of assimilation.
would require an increase in nitrogen fertilizer applica-
The evolution of the C4 syndrome independently
tion. There are indications that Rubisco may be accumu-
on more than 60 occasions in angiosperms would sug-
lated to excess capacity in some leaves [51]. There may
gest there is no intrinsic reason why the C4 pathway
be opportunities to improve the properties of the
could not be introduced into a major crop such as rice
Rubisco enzyme [52] and there is some natural varia-
or wheat. A combination of advanced molecular tech-
tion among plants and algae in the properties of
niques, transformation of key genes and smart screen-
Rubisco. For example, forms of Rubisco present in
ing of germplasm may achieve this [61]. Indeed there is
the genus Limonium have a higher specificity factor
now a funded international consortium of scientists
than that in all crop species [53]. However, there is
formed to address this task in rice (
a well-cited inverse relationship between specificity
Recent modeling work suggests that photosynthesis
for CO2 and maximum catalytic activity [54]. It has
may not be optimized in many plant species. For exam-
been suggested that different forms of Rubisco could
ple, Zhu et al. [62] used an evolutionary algorithm to
be assigned different roles within the plant according
partition nitrogen between enzymes associated with
to environmental condition, tailored, for example, to
different processes within a plant cell. The combination
high light or low light conditions. Other enzymes in
of enzyme amounts and activities that produced
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 603

a higher photosynthetic rate was allowed to proceed to the expense of allocation to new organs [68]. Cross
the next generation, and after 1,500 generations it was et al. [69] observed that accessions that allocated less
found that photosynthesis was substantially increased. carbon to storage at night had a higher growth rate.
It seems that an over investment in photorespiratory This concept has yet to be tested in crop species. Genes
metabolism and an underinvestment in enzymes of the that are involved in the regulation are being identified,
Calvin–Benson cycle may be critical. It is possible that for example, DELLA proteins are negative growth reg-
this represents a lack of adaptation to contemporary ulators of central importance which are thought to
higher CO2 levels. integrate the effects of various growth-promoting hor-
Photosynthesis is a dynamic process and constantly mones such as gibberellins and have been shown to
responds to changing environmental conditions. It is still have an effect on rates of tissue growth [70].
debated as to whether the responses observed in situ are
optimized. For example, when light is absorbed in excess
Source–Sink Processes and Partitioning of
of that required for photosynthesis, a series of regulatory
mechanisms are activated which dissipate the excess exci-
tation energy within the thylakoid membrane [63, 64]. This section discusses the different assimilate sinks that
This is considered a photoprotective process which have either direct or indirect effects on light intercep-
reduces the likelihood of photooxidative stress. This pro- tion (LI) and RUE in crops. As discussed, radiation
cess often has no impact on the light-saturated rate of capture is a highly dynamic process affected not only
CO2 assimilation but it does reduce the quantum yield at by sun angle and fluxes in radiation intensity, but also
low irradiance levels. Therefore, following a transfer to by gross morphological above ground structures that
low light (caused, e.g., by cloud cover or leaf and solar evolve over a plant’s life cycle and include leaf area
movement), the slow relaxation of photoprotection development, stem dynamics, and the emergence
causes a potential reduction in the rate of CO2 of floral structures. Within crop species, there is con-
assimilation. Given the large variation in irradiance in siderable interest in genetic effects on morpho-
canopies in space and time, this has long been consid- physiological traits that affect light interception and
ered a factor in canopy photosynthesis. Indeed the distribution. Genetic effects include early vigor; stem
manipulation of photoprotection has been shown to density (m2) and dynamics; leaf anatomy and geom-
influence fitness in A. thaliana [65]. Recently, etry; the composition, distribution, and duration of
photoprotection was modeled in a tall three- light harvesting and photosynthetic proteins in the
dimensional canopy using ray tracing algorithms canopy; the architecture of floral structures; and the
[66]. The reduction in canopy carbon gain was continual interaction of these with crop development.
predicted to be as large as 30% under low temperature Crop management is an additional factor which will
conditions. This would seem to indicate that there is affect radiation interception principally through row
room for improvement in terms of optimization of spacing, N fertilization, and irrigation, and by control-
photoprotection. ling biotic stresses that may reduce LI.
Acclimation of photosynthetic capacity to environ-
mental conditions such as irradiance can occur over
Direct Effects of Sinks on RI and RUE
longer timescales such as days and weeks. It has been
hypothesized that acclimation conferred an advantage It is axiomatic that all photosynthetic structures begin
in terms of carbon gain [49]. Recent experiments using as carbon sinks while at some point becoming net
A. thaliana indicate that over long growth periods under exporters (i.e., assimilate sources). The exact invest-
naturally variable light levels this is indeed the case [67]. ment strategy in these photosynthetic structures will
The question of whether plant and crop responses determine the RUE of the “photosynthetic canopy” as
are appropriate for any switch in environmental con- a whole. In this context, leaf area index (L) is a useful
ditions has been expanded to include those of growth parameter to consider. Typically L values above 3 are
and storage of carbon. For example, there is evidence considered optimal for maximizing RUE in annual
that transfer of carbon to storage organs can occur at crops. However, theoretical considerations suggest
604 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

that the relative distribution of leaf area and light photosynthetic tissue for assimilates, however, these
harvesting and photosynthetic proteins among differ- effects are not well documented [74].
ent layers of the canopy can also modulate RUE and are
currently targets for genetic improvement [25].
Indirect Effects of Sinks on RI and RUE
In the context of canopy photosynthesis, two other
important sinks with direct impact on RUE are the There are other non-photosynthetic sinks which may
stems and the reproductive structures. Stems, as well also compete directly with photosynthetic tissue for
as being covered with a green leaf sheath, provide the assimilates but whose indirect effects may be much
skeleton for leaf display and, therefore, to a large extent, more significant in terms of overall RUE of the crop.
determine the height and geometry of the leaf canopy. These are (1) the accumulation and remobilization of
Stems are highly dynamic and may appear and disap- carbohydrates (such as water-soluble carbohydrates in
pear within the main part of the crop cycle. In small wheat and starch in rice) to and from stems and (2) the
grain cereals, full light interception is typically acceler- partitioning of assimilates to the reproductive spike.
ated through tiller development, a strategy which While it seems clear that stem storage carbohydrates
results in the subsequent shedding of nonproductive accumulate to provide a buffer against post-anthesis
tillers after optimum L is achieved; the investment of stress conditions when current photo-assimilates
assimilates in tillers apparently being offset by the may be insufficient for grain filling [75–77], it is
increased L [71]. The strategy also has benefit under unclear what trade-offs may be involved in terms of
favorable years when a larger proportion of tillers assimilate partitioning. Given that genetic variation for
achieve reproductive success. Reproduction requires storage carbohydrates is large and may constitute up to
a further investment of assimilates in floral structures, 50% of the stem dry weight shortly after anthesis, it
which, though often photosynthetic themselves, may could affect not only competition for assimilates from
also intercept incident light and, therefore, shade other other sinks (e.g., roots, spike) but also RUE if, for
photosynthetic tissue. Reducing panicle height for this example, the demand for stem storage carbohydrates
reason has proved beneficial in rice [72]. Genetic mod- is great enough to solicit feedback responses of the
ification of tiller dynamics and spike photosynthesis photosynthetic apparatus. While the latter has not
are both promising areas in crop breeding; neither has been studied, feedback effects that influence RUE
been systematically addressed yet as outlined above, have been shown in response to partitioning of assim-
and both traits interact with LI and potentially with ilates to the reproductive spikes.
RUE. There is considerable genetic diversity for tiller- A large body of evidence has shown that the num-
ing capacity in small grain cereals and a tiller inhibitor ber of reproductive sinks that are set in a crop is the
gene (Tin) has also been identified in wheat [73]. Con- main factor determining yield potential [78, 79].
siderable morphological diversity is also apparent in Indeed the post anthesis sink size in wheat has been
the reproductive structures of many crop species. How- associated with RUE [80]. Sink strength associated
ever, those which are photosynthetic show a complex with grain number is the most likely explanation for
physiology, the measurement of LI and RUE is the relationships demonstrated between yield and pho-
extremely challenging, and studies to establish genetic tosynthetic rate, for example, in a historic series of
diversity are scant [43]. Nonetheless, shading studies in wheat cultivars [24]. Furthermore, in other studies in
wheat have suggested genetic diversity for the contri- spring wheat it was shown using both genetic and phys-
bution of spike photosynthesis to grain filling under iological treatments that RUE responded to increased
drought, and given that reproductive structures inter- spike fertility, resulting in increased yield and above-
cept a significant proportion of light in many crops, it ground biomass [3]. It has been suggested that one
may be expedient to incorporate them into models of way to enhance the sink capacity in wheat is to lengthen
canopy photosynthesis. the stem elongation phase. The stem elongation phase
Finally, non-photosynthetic sinks such as roots and encompasses the spike growth period and this would
structural components of the plant (stem wall, rachis, therefore result in a heavier spike during this period [3].
etc.) may impact on LI and RUE by competing with Another strategy would be to alter the sinks that
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 605

compete with spike index, such as roots, stems, leaf temperature signal leading to kernel abortion. Cytoki-
sheaths, and infertile shoots. It must be ensured that nin appears to regulate the number of spikelets in rice
any reduction in leaf lamina does not have an effect on [87]. Therefore, better targeted regulation of grain
LI and RUE. Reducing the allocation of biomass to abortion before the onset of seed filling is a potential
roots may improve RUE by permitting increased target for improvement of RUE and yield potential
partitioning to spikes (discussed in Reynolds et al. (Fig. 4).
[3]). Some caution is urged since future yields may be
dependent on increasing the ability to access soil water
Theoretical Considerations Related to the
and nutrients. However, there is a possibility that the
Improvement of RUE
efficiency of uptake of water and nutrients could be
improved with no change in root mass, for example, The concept of RUE has received some criticism as
partitioning root length density at greater soil depths being one that contains circular reasoning: one cannot
[81]. Structural stem carbohydrates (not the reserve have growth without biomass accumulation and vice
carbohydrates discussed above) could be reduced by versa. Additionally it is the product of almost every
classical methods such as reducing plant height process in plant canopy growth and development,
although wheat plant heights of below 70–90 cm are which makes a mechanistic description quite complex.
associated with lower biomass [3, 82]. Such approaches However, it is established as a unifying concept in crop
must be offset against increased lodging susceptibility. physiology, for example, [5, 10, 88]. Moreover the
Other possible targets such as infertile tillers and awns understanding of the component parts of the system
are discussed in Reynolds et al. [3]. and their integration is continually improving, and
In particular, the maintenance of fertility under increasingly these parts are not viewed as a “black
unpredictable environments is highlighted: in wheat, box,” giving more options in the future with regard to
kernel set can be very sensitive to a number of environ- RUE improvement.
mental conditions such as moisture stress and irradi- For a given crop genotype, RUE is largely sensitive
ance. This is part of a set of evidence suggesting that to leaf photosynthesis (and therefore nitrogen content)
plant signaling is involved in reducing grain number. and the proportion of radiation that is diffuse or direct
The signaling (local or long distance within the plant) [89]. The latter is a much under-studied area in plant
is a well-established phenomenon: the transport of and crop physiology. The stability of RUE has been
molecules regulates growth, partitioning, and metabo- used to question whether it is possible to improve
lism and is a fundamental feature of plant biology, upon crops with existing C3 or C4 types.
likened in some cases to neural networks that sense, Theoretical figures were outlined above for the
quantify, and memorize the environment around maximum efficiency with which photosynthesis can
them [49, 68, 83]. The most well-known example is operate and it was concluded that crops operate
that drying soils induce the synthesis of abscisic acid in below this. However, what is the realistic “spare capac-
roots, and transport of this hormone to shoots induces ity” for RUE improvement in a major crop plant?
a reduction in stomatal aperture to increase water use Reynolds et al. [23] estimate potential productivity
efficiency of remaining soil water [84]. It is possible for the entire growth cycle of irrigated wheat in
that plant responses to environmental events are pre- a specific and well-characterized location, NW Mexico.
emptive certainly but may also be simply too “conser- Radiation fluxes were measured throughout the season.
vative” predicting unfavorable conditions and setting Due to the time it takes for canopy establishment, large
seed size accordingly, while a higher yield can be losses can occur before canopy closure, and this was
attained by maintaining larger seed number under taken into account using a model that used measured
well-managed conditions. Floral abortion in maize intercepted radiation and the time before canopy clo-
in response to drought appears to be controlled by sure. A value of 1,748 MJ m2 was obtained for radia-
the up- or downregulation of a few enzymes [85]. In tion absorbed by photosynthetically active tissue.
wheat, day length can alter sugar supply to fertile florets Estimates of field quantum requirement can vary
leading to cell death [86], and ethylene is a high- between 10 and 30 mol quanta mol1 CO2, taking
606 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

Non-leaf photosynthesis:
Ear, panicle, stem, culm, leaf sheath
Time to maximum light interception
and changes in canopy architecture
Metabolic efficiency:
Development and sink strength of tissues
Time to full canopy closure Optimisation of maintenance
Development and strength of sink tissue respiration, optimal partitioning
between component leaf processes
e.g. Calvin cycle, photorespiration,
CH2O synthesis, partitioning in time:
Canopy architecture: growth vs storage
Full exploitation of erect habit
Optimization of leaf posture and N
distribution/duration Leaf photosynthesis:
Photorespiratory flux
Rubisco engineering
Partitioning: C4 engineering
Dynamic responses of
Post anthesis sink strength, strength
photosynthesis, photoprotection
of temporary vegetative sinks
Optimal partitioning between root,
shoot and other sink organs according Efficiency of light-limited tissue:
to environmental need Efficiency of light harvesting
process, allocation of resources.
Efficiency of use of the ‘sunfleck’

Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency. Figure 4

Summary of the potential target areas which would result in an improvement of crop radiation use efficiency

into account photorespiration and photochemical modest improvements in leaf photosynthetic capacity
inefficiency. For a wheat crop, best estimates would may not be worthwhile. As pointed out here it is pos-
seem to be in the range 15–24 mol quanta mol1 CO2 sible to trace improvements in biomass production that
[90] which results in a range of RUE between 1.5 and are linked to Amax. Biomass, yield, and Amax were
2.6 g carbohydrate MJ1. The calculated value of bio- associated in irrigated wheat cultivars in warm condi-
mass ranges from 2,620 to 4,545 g m2 whilst the tions [23] and in temperate conditions [24]. In the
measured value for wheat in this environment is up latter case, higher Amax may reflect a feedback
to 2,100 g m2. This suggests that improvements in response caused by greater partitioning to reproductive
field RUE are conceivable. structures – the differences in Amax were greatest dur-
Sinclair and Horie [88] claimed that the observed ing grain filling and not well associated with above-
stability of RUE arose from consistently high light- ground biomass.
saturated leaf photosynthetic capacity (Amax). They There has been a lot of attention paid to the use of
plotted the leaf photosynthetic capacity against RUE Amax in the selection of varieties with a higher photo-
for C3, C4, and leguminous crops types. The saturation synthetic potential, largely because it is convenient to
of this response indicated that further modest increase measure and shows genetic variability. However, it
in leaf photosynthetic capacity will only have a limited should be clear from this entry that Amax will mostly
impact on the RUE, hence the stability of the RUE be expressed at the top of the canopy (most leaves will
response [5]. However under conditions of restricted not be at light saturation) and may not be a good proxy
nitrogen, water, or under stress much lower values of for canopy photosynthetic rate especially when inte-
photosynthetic capacity caused a larger reduction in grated over long time periods. Care should be taken
RUE. This has been used as an argument that seeking when extrapolating from spot measurements to whole
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 607

canopy photosynthesis. It is not surprising then that values for season-long RUE across C4 species are
attempts to improve yield by simply selecting for Amax 3.4 g MJ1 and those of C3 species 2.8 g MJ1 [5, 35].
have had largely unsuccessful results. Mitchell et al. [13] reported that average values for RUE
Perhaps more importantly, many of the improve- in rice, wheat, maize, and soybean in the vegetative
ments that show great promise are not solely associated stage were 2.2, 2.7, 3.3, and 1.9 g MJ1, respectively.
with capacity at light saturation but rather to the dynamic Therefore the tendency for a distinction between C3
responses of photosynthesis over time and therefore to and C4 crops seems to be consistent. However, care
total canopy carbon gain. These processes are much must be taken. For example, sorghum, a C4 species,
harder to measure experimentally although advances in possesses a relatively low RUE and this has been attrib-
techniques such as continual chlorophyll fluorescence uted to low leaf N content. Conversely, sugarcane, also
monitoring may provide breakthroughs. As the knowl- a C4 species, seems to have an exceptionally high RUE.
edge of photosynthetic regulation improves, these should Potato, a C3 species, has shown values for RUE higher
be installed into agricultural photosynthesis. It would than all other C3 crops and even some C4 species
seem necessary to tailor photosynthetic responses to (sorghum). It must once again be emphasized that
improvements in canopy architecture. the energy content of dry matter should be taken into
account. It has been suggested that the high values for
sugarcane and potato reported are due to the excep-
Sources of Variation in Agricultural RUE
tionally low energy content of the products (sucrose
In any comparative analysis of RUE, it is necessary to and starch). It is often claimed that sugarcane has the
ensure that the methods of analysis are directly com- highest radiation use efficiency among the plant king-
parable and provide an accurate estimate that do not dom, although there are relatively few studies.
contain any of the potential errors in measurement A few studies have indicated the relatively low RUE
outlined above. Additionally, consideration must be of rice among C3 crops [13, 91], although there are
taken when comparing different environments because surprisingly few studies available for this species and
varieties may not be well adapted to their locality and recent suggestions that RUE may not be currently
therefore able to “express” their maximum RUE. Other closely linked to high yield potential [92].
reviews, for example, Sinclair and Muchow [5] provide Leguminous species such as soya bean have lower
a comprehensive survey of the literature for many key RUEs and a high percentage of PAR utilization. This is
crop species. A summary is provided here of the species due to the higher lipid and protein content (see earlier
and of the environmental factors affecting RUE in section). However, even when the vegetative stage alone
agriculture, and available information for a few key is considered, soybean has shown lower RUE values
species has been provided. than wheat, rice, and maize [13, 93]. This has also
It is in fact not common to find studies that specif- been observed in other grain legumes [5]. RUE of
ically link RUE with yield progress; however, it has been legumes may be an important future target. For
shown, for example, that yield progress in wheat asso- detailed information on RUE values for each species,
ciates with both harvest index and total biomass pro- the reader is referred to detailed reviews such as [5].
duction [74]. Some evidence also suggests that older In recent years, there has been much interest in
wheat cultivars had a lower RUE and this was associ- “energy crops.” These are crops that are grown for the
ated with a lower post-anthesis sink capacity [4, 80]. sole purpose of fuel production or combustion for
energy generation. This has been stimulated by concerns
over emissions of greenhouse gasses and the growth of
Species Variation in RUE
crops represents a CO2-neutral strategy. Drawbacks
As pointed out by many workers, there is no “constant” include the clear competition with food supply and
for RUE and there is considerable variation between the possible threat to natural vegetation. Nevertheless
species. It is important to pay attention to the develop- it has been shown that certain species have the potential
mental stage of each crop in question and maximum to be extremely productive in this regard, especially C4
attained RUE is referred to here. The highest recorded grasses such as Miscanthus [94]. Miscanthus has the
608 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

highest annual primary production of any crop species observed that the response between light-saturated
producing 50% more biomass than corn due to a high photosynthetic capacity and RUE is curvilinear rather
leaf area and longer duration, although the energy than linear. However, as discussed above it is critical to
conversion rate is about the same [95]. Other examples consider photosynthetic efficiency at all light levels. As
of energy crops under study are willow, poplar, and oil a generalization it is fair to say that any factor, biotic or
crops such as Jatropha, although radiation use effi- abiotic, that reduces the photosynthetic potential of
ciency of this category of crop species is not well stud- a canopy is also likely to reduce the RUE. This applies
ied. These crops may find an application on land to many of the common factors that reduce growing
unsuitable for food crops and low input environments. conditions below optimum such as water availability,
nutrients, and extreme temperature.
It is not surprising that nitrogen has a significant
Developmental Stage
impact upon RUE due to the close and well-established
The stage of crop development has a clear effect on the relationship with leaf photosynthesis. There is a strong
RUE attained. Firstly the photosynthetic potential may nitrogen-dependent effect on leaf area and consequently
be dependent on growth stage. Secondly the appear- light capture in plants, therefore, nitrogen content per
ance and disappearance of vegetative and reproductive unit leaf mass or per unit leaf area is considered. This has
sinks can influence photosynthesis via the presence of been the subject of a number of studies in several spe-
feedback signaling mechanisms and carbohydrate cies: Usually a curvilinear response with leaf nitrogen is
accumulation; this has been discussed in detail above. obtained, with RUE increasing up to a saturating value
In many species, a lower RUE was observed during beyond which response is limited such as sunflower
earlier crop establishment stages in comparison with (average canopy leaf nitrogen [97]), soybean (specific
later stages and this was attributed to a lowered photo- leaf nitrogen [98]), and maize and sorghum (leaf nitro-
synthetic capacity [5]. The effect of senescence during gen per unit leaf area [99]). However, this relationship
the post flowering has the effect of reducing photosyn- is not always observed (see [5]). In examining species
thesis, and therefore RUE is usually observed to be differences, the plant matter energy content and the
higher during the vegetative stages than post flowering. nitrogen–photosynthesis relationship is important.
Recent studies have indicated that post-anthesis RUE For example, C4 plants have a higher potential photo-
in wheat is strongly linked to sink size: Older cultivars synthetic nitrogen use efficiency [88]. Naturally site-
with smaller sinks had significantly reduced RUE dur- variation in soil nitrogen is common and potentially
ing this phase [4]. a large source of variation in RUE.
There is an indication in some studies that in rice Soil water and atmospheric humidity have the
this post-anthesis effect is not as pronounced [13]. In potential to reduce photosynthetic rate and therefore
a recent study, Takai et al. [96] suggested that RUE. In experiments that imposed soil water deficit,
a maintenance of high growth rate and RUE in the reductions in RUE have been observed in some cases
late reproductive phase of rice is a key to higher grain [100] but not others [100]. It has been suggested
yield potential in this species and may be linked to the that the variability in response is a result of variation
short tropical life cycle and requirement for rapid pho- in the extent of the soil water deficit: When this was
tosynthesis during grain filling. measured in a quantitative manner, it could be
established that RUE would decline when the level
of extractable soil water declined below a certain limit
Environmental Factors
(in this case 30%) [101].
There are many practical difficulties involved with An increase in vapor pressure deficit has been
linking leaf-level photosynthesis with canopy-level associated with lower RUE in some studies. It is noted
RUE, even though it is technically straightforward to that the impact in RUE was greater than that would
measure leaf photosynthesis. However, increasing the have been predicted from leaf photosynthesis alone
photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area of leaves has and it was suggested that environmental factors
direct relationship with increasing RUE. It is frequently associated with vapor pressure deficit are involved.
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 609

Other studies indicated only a small impact of vapor elevated above ambient have shown significant
pressure deficit on RUE [5, 102]. increases in growth and yield. The reasons are clear
Temperature has been associated with RUE when it and related to the suppression of photorespiration
has an influence on leaf CO2 assimilation rate and this and consequently an increase in RUE. Additional ben-
has also been shown to be related to the physiological eficial effects related to a lowered stomatal conductance
effects of nighttime temperature [5]. [25, 106]. These data have been used in models that
predict an increase in future crop production in many
northern regions. Experiments with more realistic field
Future Directions
conditions (Free Air CO2 Enrichment, FACE) have also
Due to the effects of climate change caused by anthro- demonstrated an increase crop yields but these were
pogenic emissions, an altered environment for crop lower than those predicted by chamber experiments.
growth is likely to be required [103]. Some of these This is lowered further when additional effects such as
changes can be predicted with a high probability, for ozone and disease are accounted for and the net result
example, CO2 is rising and is likely to continue at may be negative [107, 108]. This suggests that the
a similar rate to the current one with a slowing of rate predicted beneficial effects of an increased atmospheric
according to internationally agreed emission cuts. CO2 on plant growth have been overestimated. How-
Since 1750, atmospheric CO2 has risen by around ever, as pointed out by Long et al. [107] there is still
100 ppm and continues to rise at the rate of around a paucity of data for CO2 enrichment effects in many
2 ppm per year. By the end of the twenty-first century, agroecosystems so a level of uncertainty remains.
temperature is predicted to rise by between 0.5 C and There is also a need for further work into the adap-
4 C in response to levels of the greenhouse gasses CO2, tation of crops to high CO2 levels: Theoretical work by
methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Agriculture Zhu et al. [62] using evolutionary algorithms to predict
itself is a major contributor to greenhouses gasses. optimal levels of CO2 for photosynthesis have shown
Studies have already indicated that climate change that the relative levels of enzymes involved in primary
is having an effect on productivity of crop systems metabolism are not optimized for carbon assimilation.
[103–105]. It is possible that there has been insufficient adaptation
These changes must be considered according to during crop improvement since the start of the indus-
geographical region and in the context of deleterious trial revolution, raising the intriguing possibility that
effects such as a likely reduction in water availability, plants should be bred or engineered for adaptation to
a rise in pollutants such as ozone, and the increasing higher CO2 levels of the future in order to maximize
frequency of extreme damaging events such as yield and RUE. Presumably this also applies to other
flooding, drought, and storms. They must also be environmental changes.
weighed against possible beneficial effects such as Therefore it is clear that there is a demand for greater
higher photosynthetic rates induced by elevated CO2 crop yield per unit area of land with fewer resources
and a longer growing season at higher latitudes leading available. This step change in yield will arise from an
to higher biomass and higher yield. Accordingly, integrated set of targets, most of which have been
a reduction in yield in the tropics and a rise in temper- outlined in this article. Assuming that management of
ate regions may be experienced. The effect of most of the crop is optimal and improvement of partitioning and
these factors on RUE has been discussed above and sink capacity reach their limits, it will be increasingly
a detailed discussion of the wider impact of climate necessary to underpin any substantial yield improve-
change on agriculture is beyond the scope of this arti- ments with increased biomass production and this
cle. Clearly suboptimal growing conditions will poten- means that RUE will need to increase.
tially reduce RUE and yield. However, it is important to RUE represents a complex system and as pointed
ensure that the crops are adapted appropriately to out by Reynolds et al. [23], it is a less frequent outcome
future climates. of the genetic recombination events required for breed-
Experiments using completely enclosed or open ing, in comparison to manipulation of sink size. It will
topped chambers in the field in which CO2 levels are be necessary to focus on methods for improving RUE
610 Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency

of crops and to introduce this into breeding techniques. consortium whose goal is a step change in rice photo-
In addition, there have been significant advances in the synthesis through the introduction of the C4 pathway
plant molecular and genomic sciences in the past of photosynthesis (
2 decades and these should be exploited to raise RUE. c4rice). The impact this would have on yield and
The discovery of new genes and combinations of genes resource use efficiency of the poorer rice growing
requires routine screening of large amounts of leaf regions of the world should not be underestimated.
material for photosynthetic potential. It is difficult to Given the urgency of the current food crisis coupled
do this manually using traditional gas exchange tech- with the likely negative impact of climate change on
niques; however, there are a number of techniques productivity, especially in less developed countries
developing rapidly that could be exploited to act as [110], both IRRI and CIMMYT have strategic initia-
surrogates or proxies of CO2 assimilation rate. For tives to raise the yield potential of rice and wheat,
example, chlorophyll fluorescence is a rapid method respectively, by around 50%. The IRRI C4 rice initia-
that can be used to image leaf material for photosyn- tive is already underway as mentioned. CIMMYT is
thetic efficiency extremely rapidly. It is routine to image currently facilitating a Wheat Yield Consortium
chlorophyll fluorescence; however, it is technically dif- (WYC) among a group of leading scientists with the
ficult to do this on a three-dimensional structure such view to raising the genetic yield threshold of wheat.
as a canopy. Another method is canopy temperature A central issue is that the fundamental bottleneck to
depression which measures the difference between leaf raising productivity, namely, photosynthetic capacity,
and air temperature caused by evaporation. It therefore has hardly changed since wheat breeding started.
provides an indication of stomatal conductance and Nonetheless, basic research in photosynthesis suggests
has been correlated with plant performance [109]. that substantial improvements in yield are theoreti-
Considerable recent interest has been placed on the cally possible. While increasing photosynthetic poten-
imaging plant growth leading to the emergence of the tial will require considerable research focused at
field of “plant phenomics.” Advances in methods for cellular and subcellular processes (such as the genetic
rapid and high-resolution screening of plant material modification of Rubisco and its regulation), interven-
for photosynthetic performance can be anticipated. tion at this level must go hand in hand with modifica-
Additionally, the complexity of RUE means that tion of structural and reproductive aspects of growth,
a mathematical understanding of the integration and since these will determine the net agronomic benefit of
functioning of component processes will be critical. increased RUE .For example, even at current levels of
Given the difficulty of direct measurement, modeling yield potential, a significant portion of yield is lost to
of canopy photosynthesis is already used routinely and lodging damage each year so improved structural integ-
will be needed for the continued testing of new traits. rity will be prerequisite to realizing genetic gains in
RUE and biomass. The other major factor determining
yield potential is adaptation of the reproductive
The Role in Wheat and Rice Research: Current
processes which affect harvest index [3, 111] and
Research at CIMMYT and IRRI
whose physiological and genetic basis is relatively
The challenge of improving photosynthesis and there- poorly understood [112]. The aim of the WYC is to
fore RUE in crops during both optimal and suboptimal develop or identify sources and genes for the combina-
conditions has been recognized by the research organi- tion of traits necessary to realize improved expression
zations that were central to the last great agricultural of wheat yield potential and combine them through
revolution (the green revolution), the International strategic crossing using the most expedient combina-
Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines and tion of conventional, physiological, and molecular
the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Cen- breeding approaches; the consortium approach is
tre (CIMMYT) in Mexico. IRRI has a number of expected to realize impacts in farmers fields
research programs that are centered toward the sus- in a shorter time frame than if bottlenecks to yield
tainable improvement of rice yield in changing envi- potential are identified successively and investigated
ronments. Perhaps the most relevant here is the C4 rice in relative isolation.
Crop Radiation Capture and Use Efficiency 611

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Crop Responses to Available Soil Water 615

Crop Responses to Available Soil Definition of the Subject

Water Sustainable intensification of global agriculture is
a major purpose (and challenge) for twenty-first cen-
1 tury scientific, social, and political communities, in
Plant Molecular Ecophysiology Laboratory (LEM),
order to guarantee food security, while preserving nat-
Instituto de Tecnologia Quı́mica e Biológica,
ural resources. Fast growing population and climate
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Oeiras, Portugal
2 change could lead to a global crisis if efforts from
Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade
different disciplines and countries are not congregated.
Técnica de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Among limiting factors is water scarcity, which may
dramatically decrease crop production worldwide.
Mitigation measures are therefore a major goal for
Article Outline sustaining crop production and they are based either on
management practices that will enable water savings or
on breeding efforts for more adequate crops. Improved
Definition of the Subject
physiological and molecular knowledge on plant’s
response to water deficits is essential to get improve-
Revisiting Plant Strategies to Cope with Water Scarcity:
ments in crop yield under adverse environments.
The Crop Perspective
Because of the complexity of these responses, it is
Photoassimilates, Water Use, and Crop Yield
imperative to integrate disciplines as functional geno-
How Metabolic Processes Respond to Drought:
mics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics
Photosynthesis, Respiration, Photorespiration
with plant physiology to improve breeding strategies.
Yield and Quality Under Water Scarcity
According to the present knowledge, the key factors
The Breeding Achievements
responsible for high yield under drought in annual
Future Directions
plants include an appropriate phenology that will
enable escaping drought and getting the timing of
flowering right, as well as high water-use efficiency
Glossary (WUE) and harvest index. On the other hand, the
basic knowledge for fruit tree crop breeding under
Dehydration avoidance Dehydration avoidance is the
water scarcity is much more fragmented than for
strategy of the plants that are able to maintain tissue
annuals because of the highest complexity of fruit
water potential as long (and as high) as possible
trees. Therefore more efforts are needed in this area of
under drought conditions.
Dehydration tolerance Dehydration tolerance is the
strategy of the plants that are able to cope with
severe tissue dehydration.
Harvest index Harvest index is the biomass of the Scarcity of water resources is an increasingly important
harvested product expressed as a percentage of the issue since it will dictate global production of food and
total crop biomass. feed for the next generations, as dramatically described
Photoassimilates Photoassimilates is the energy- by The Economist (May 2010): “Water is the new oil:
storing carbohydrates produced by photosynthesis a resource long squandered; now growing expensive
in the green tissues of the plants. and soon to be overwhelmed by insatiable demand.
Water-use efficiency (WUE) Water-use efficiency Aquifers are falling, glaciers vanishing, reservoirs dry-
(WUE) is the carbon gain (or biomass formed) ing up and rivers no longer flowing to the sea. Climate
per unit of water transpired or the ratio between change threatens to make the problems worse. Every-
photosynthesis (A) and stomatal conductance (gs), one must use less water if famine, pestilence and mass
termed as intrinsic WUE. migration are not to sweep the globe.”

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
616 Crop Responses to Available Soil Water

The International Panel for Climate Change [1] WUE would involve the improvement in crop transpi-
predicts that water scarcity, together with incidence of ration efficiency but the increased partitioning of bio-
high temperature, will increase in the near future in mass into the harvested product will also lead by itself
many regions of the globe with dramatic effects on to higher WUE. The relative importance of each of
agriculture. Of the world’s water resources, c. 80% is these processes will depend on how water is available
currently consumed by irrigated agriculture. In this during the crop cycle [13]. Indeed, it is noticeable that
context, the investment in research for improving under most dryland situations where seasonal rainfall
water use by the crops (“more crop per drop” as in is unpredictable, maximizing soil moisture use is
the CGR program Challenge Program on Food and a crucial component of drought resistance (avoidance),
Water) [2], either through improved management which is generally expressed in lower WUE [25].
technologies [3, 4] or more efficient genotypes [5, 6], It is also important to recognize that many of
is crucial. Increased water use by the crop can be the traits that explain plant adaptation to drought
obtained by agronomic practices that decrease water (e.g., phenology, the size and depth of the root sys-
losses by soil evaporation, runoff, through-flow, deep tem, xylem properties or the storage of reserves) are
drainage, and competing weeds, thereby making more mostly constitutive [21, 26] and therefore can be
water available for the crops, and in irrigated agricul- found within the species population when it exhibits
ture by using deficit irrigation practices. a large intraspecific variability. Moreover, there is
Crop resistance to drought has been the subject of the general recognition that the efficacy of high
extensive research in the last decades, ranging from the throughput screening of plant genetic material will
physiological traits underlying resistance to water def- speed-up crop improvement via breeding programs
icits [7–12] to breeding efforts [13, 14] including clas- (see, e.g., [19]).
sical and genetic engineering approaches [15–17]. The In fruit crop production, improvement under con-
world’s most important crops for human and animal ditions of water scarcity has been achieved mostly by
consumption in terms of total production – wheat, optimized management technologies such as deficit
maize, rice, soybean, barley, and sorghum – have irrigation [3, 27], with breeding efforts being much
endured large yield increases during the twentieth cen- more modest. Indeed the basic knowledge for tree
tury [18–22] and recently became the target of investi- crop breeding under water scarcity is much more
gation aiming at improved performance under harsh fragmented than for annuals because of the highest
environments, namely water scarcity [5, 6, 15, 23]. To complexity of fruit trees. In tree crops economic return
articulate the knowledge obtained in different scientific is highly dependent on fruit quality, generally not
disciplines (agronomy, breeding, physiology, and related with total plant biomass produced and there-
molecular biology) still remains a challenge, with the fore water availability [3]. Moreover, yield-determining
ultimate goal of providing farmers with better processes in fruit trees may not be sensitive to water
performing crops under water scarcity [7, 14]. Design- deprivation at some developmental stages [28] and
ing robust field trials is also essential in order to test fruit quality may even beneficiate from a mild to mod-
improved crops under the multi-stress conditions they erate water deficits, as is well documented in grapevines
generally face under natural conditions. Indeed, there [29]. High-density fruit orchards use composite
have been several reports of apparently promising bio- plants – the scion cultivar grafted into a rootstock.
technological manipulations that have failed to deliver The rootstock can alter the behavior of the scion,
drought-tolerant crops in yield terms, when the novel including its vegetative growth, flower numbers and
material is transferred from the growth room to the flowering time, crop yield [30], and also drought
field [4]. tolerance [31]. The mechanisms underlying the regu-
The key factors responsible for high yield under lation of scion growth and development by the root-
drought in annual plants are an appropriate phenology stock are not fully understood [32].
that will enable escaping drought and getting the Research in the so-called new climate proof crops
timing of flowering right, high water-use efficiency such as Chenopodium quinoa Willd (quinoa) and
(WUE) and a high harvest index [14, 24]. To get high Amaranthus spp is also developing. Quinoa is an
Crop Responses to Available Soil Water 617

Andean seed crop, very nutritious [33], showing high growth under stress, delayed-senescence genotypes
tolerance to drought, frost, salinity, and biotic factors may be desirable in crops where yield is source-limited
[34–36]. Quinoa has been selected as one of the crops [50]. High nitrogen availability can further increase the
to secure food production in the twenty-first century reuse of stored carbohydrates in cereals under moder-
[37]. The protein quantity and the quality of quinoa ate soil drying, leading to increased grain yield; under
seed is superior to those of cereals, because of the high non-limiting water conditions, however, abundant
content of lysine, methionine, and threonine, in addi- nitrogen was shown to reduce grain yield in stay green
tion to a range of vitamins (B2) and minerals (iron, genotypes [47].
calcium). Although amaranth is less tolerant to a range Dehydration avoidance, which is common to both
of stresses as compared to quinoa, it tolerates higher annuals and perennials, implies the maintenance of
temperatures because it is a C4 plant [38]. The protein tissue water potential as long (and as high) as possible
content of amaranth grain ranges from 12% to 17%, under drought conditions. This can be achieved either
with a high level of lysine, similar to quinoa [39]. by (1) minimizing water loss or by (2) maximizing
In this review the focus is on the key factors respon- water uptake. Decreased water loss may derive from
sible for sustained plant growth and production stomata closure and/or reduction of absorbed light,
under water scarcity, referring to both annual and including leaf rolling [51], increased reflectance (with,
perennial (fruit) crops. During evolution, plants devel- e.g., trichomes), or steep leaf angles [52]. Shedding of
oped different strategies to successfully cope with water older leaves is also relevant to reduce water loss, while
stress; they comprised either acclimation to a slowly allowing the reallocation of nutrients to younger leaves,
developing water deficits or the response to a sudden when water deficit is relieved. Maximizing water uptake
drought. These issues will be discussed in the context may be accomplished by increased investment in the
of the agriculture needs and related to production roots at the expense of shoot growth (Fig. 1), which is
(fruit) quality, a major target of modern agriculture generally inhibited very early on in response to decreas-
nowadays. ing water availability [8, 45]. Deep roots have been
reported as important drought resistance traits for
both annuals and perennials in semi-arid regions
Revisiting Plant Strategies to Cope with Water
[26]. However, in arid environments, where rainfall is
Scarcity: The Crop Perspective
sporadic and of short duration, plants may take advan-
Plants respond and adapt to stress at whole plant, root, tage of shallow roots that proliferate quickly near the
reproductive structures, and leaves, by using mecha- soil surface allowing water uptake by the plant before it
nisms that are being unraveled at the cellular and evaporates [53]. For example, Zoysia japonica was
molecular levels [7, 40]. reported as having a relatively shallow root system,
Classically, plant resistance to drought has been moderate WUE, while exhibiting a high capacity for
divided into escape, avoidance, and tolerance strategies osmotic adjustment [53]. High root plasticity is a key
[7, 41, 42]. However, in practice, most plants combine factor in this strategy because it will determine how fast
a range of these different strategies [43]. roots grow in response to sporadic rain, following
Plants that escape drought are able to adjust their a period of drought stress.
phenology to the environment, being able to complete Under slowly developing water deficits some plants
their life cycle before drought occurs. Escape strategies show osmotic adjustment (OA), a cellular stress adap-
rely on successful flowering and therefore reproduction tive response that may improve tissue resistance to
before the onset of severe stress. Plant ability to store desiccation, by maintaining cell turgor, likely
reserves in stems and roots and to remobilize them for supporting crop yield under stress [25]. Because this
grain filling under water scarcity is extremely relevant mechanism allows plant water uptake at lower soil
for grain crops under water scarcity [44, 45], as it has water potentials it is considered a dehydration avoid-
been described in cereals such as wheat, maize, and ance strategy. The alterations observed under OA com-
rice [46–48], and legumes [49]. When stem reserve prise increases in soluble sugars (like fructans and
storage/utilization is insufficient to support fruit sucrose) [54], amino acids (e.g., proline, aspartic acid,
618 Crop Responses to Available Soil Water

Fruit trees Annual crops


-Reduced shoot growth
-Flower bud inititiation altered POLLEN
-Flower bud development reduced -Decrease pollen viability/pollen sterility
-Gibereline increase? -Early pollen maturity
-Gene response
FLOWER -Decrease acid invertase activity
-Ovary defects -Programmed cell death acceleration
-Aborted pistil
-Decreased germination potential
-Flower abscission SEED
-early maturity
-Reduced seed filling /small size
FRUIT -Seed abortion
-Early maturity + delay ripening -Reduced seed quality
-Increase fruit drop + reduced size
-Reduced quality OVARY
-Metabolic activity disturbed -Ovary abortion
-Decrease invertase activity
-Sucrose transport inhibition
-Starch depletion
LEAF -ABA increase?
-Root signal recognition -Gene response
-Stomatal closure -Senescence
-Reduced transpiration ABA signal
-Decrease C assimilation transport
-Gene response -Basal leaf abscission
-Reduce leaf expansion Reduced
-Metabolic activity disturbed carbohydrate
-Morphological changes reserve

-Increase absorption area

-Inhibition lateral roots -Increase root/shoot
-Increase root depth

Drought Stress
-ABA synthesis, ROS
-Root conductivity
-Osmotic adjustment

Crop Responses to Available Soil Water. Figure 1

Whole plant response to drought stress in fruit trees (left) and in annuals crops (right). Green boxes and letters correspond
to shared responses between the species
Crop Responses to Available Soil Water 619

and glutamic acid), methylated quartenary ammonium or partitioning of more biomass to grain. This can be
compounds (e.g., glycine betaine and alanine betaine), achieved through better water management, the adjust-
and some proteins, such as dehydrins [55] and cyclitols ment of crop phenology to the environment, or genetic
(e.g., D-pinitol, mannitol) ([56]; see also review [7]). In improvement. The latter implies getting varieties that
addition to the role played via the decrease in osmotic can give the so-called more crop per drop, either by
potential, these solutes may protect cell membrane and improved carbon fixation under water deficits or hav-
metabolic machinery under dehydration. According to ing deeper roots to capture more water or converting
Bohnert et al. [57] sequestration of H2O molecules, more of the biomass into grain (increasing HI).
reducing the solvent-protein interaction, may explain Increasing WUE at the expenses o higher assimilated
stabilization of protein complexes and membranes. carbon rather than decreased WU is a desirable way to
The positive role of osmotic adjustment on yield improve YP under water scarcity, but will generally
has been subject to much discussion since benefits were require biotechnological interventions [17].
often not observed (see review by [58, 59]). A possible In the last decades, increases in Yp under non-
explanation is that turgor maintenance in cells is often limiting water conditions have been achieved with
associated with slow growth. It is also likely that genotypes of cotton, wheat, and rice that exhibit high
osmoprotection mechanisms are not functional until stomatal conductance and transpiration. This trait
severe dehydration occurs, with the implication that allows a decrease in leaf temperature and a greater
OA may be critical to survival rather than to promote CO2 fixation per unit of leaf and land area [25, 64].
plant growth and crop yield under drought [7]. Under water-limited environments crop production
Mechanisms of protection against oxidative stress has relied mostly in dehydration avoidance traits as
are also fundamental to cope with drought and co- described above, which maximize soil moisture use
occurring stresses under arid semi-arid environments, (when it becomes available for example, under sudden
as it will be discussed below. rainfall), but is generally associated with lower WUE.
On the contrary, drought resistance traits that reduce
WU, and are therefore associated with high WUE, will
Photoassimilates, Water Use, and Crop Yield
unavoidably reduce YP.
As proposed by Monteith [60], yield potential (Yp) of Few successful cases of breeding for water scarcity
a crop at a given location can be defined as: Yp=HI.Pn environments have been reported, one being the dry-
with Pn=S(PAR ABSc ec) and PAR being the incident land wheat grain yield improvement, with selection for
solar radiation in the specific location, ABSc the frac- high WUE in Australia [65]. This success has been
tion of the radiation intercepted by the crop, ec the explained by the fact that wheat is grown there mainly
efficiency of the conversion of intercepted radiation on stored soil moisture. Furthermore, as suggested by
into biomass and Pn the primary productivity (total Blum [2], a major opportunity for yield improvement
biomass produced over the growing season) and HI the under water scarcity is the control of WU during the
harvest index (see also [61]). Under water scarcity earlier part of the growing season in order to avoid lack
a decrease in Yp may occur as a result of less intercepted of soil moisture later on, during the reproduction
radiation (due to lower total leaf area and smaller leaf phase. An attempt to achieve this was done by Richards
angles) and a lower ec, as a result of a decrease in and Passioura [66] by selecting for reduced root xylem
photosynthesis. diameter.
On the other hand, as judiciously proposed by
Passioura ([62]; see also [14, 22, 63]), crop yield How Metabolic Processes Respond to Drought:
under water-limited conditions can be estimated by Photosynthesis, Respiration, Photorespiration
the product of transpiration efficiency (biomass/water
transpired)  water transpired (WU)  harvest index
(HI). Therefore, optimizing yield under such conditions Under water scarcity, restrictions in leaf carbon
has to be performed by increasing either water-use uptake take place as a result of increased resistance to
(amount and pattern), transpiration efficiency/WUE CO2 diffusion induced both by decreased stomatal
620 Crop Responses to Available Soil Water

Physiological Drought

Low soil water content and high VPD

Stomatal Alterations Gene-Dependent

Closure in Metabolism Responses

pH Ci
VPD ABA Sugars
ROS Hormones


Acclimation Protection
(e.g. reduced growth) (e.g. ROS detoxification)

Recovery Processes (e.g. Membrane fluidity)

Crop Responses to Available Soil Water. Figure 2

Direct effects of drought on stomata and mesophyll (gm) conductance as well as on gene expression, resulting in
alterations of photosynthetic metabolism and ultimately on plant acclimation (Adapted from [9])

aperture (Fig. 2) [7, 9] and decreased mesophyll con- signals and may take place before any alteration in leaf
ductance [67]. At the whole plant level, total carbon tissue water status occurred. They comprise responses
uptake is further reduced due to the concomitant or of guard cells to high vapor pressure deficit, whose
even earlier inhibition of shoot growth [8]. Metabolic mechanisms area still not fully resolved [69–71] and
inhibition of photosynthesis usually occurs under more to dehydration taking place elsewhere in the plant,
severe stress conditions or when various stresses co- namely in the roots [72]. Hormones, with particular
occur, such as high light and temperature [8, 10], relevance to ABA, but also cytokinins and ethylene,
although claims for earlier alterations in photosyn- have been implicated in the root–shoot signaling,
thetic metabolism are reported by Lawlor and either acting in isolation or concomitantly. This long
coworkers ([12]; see a review by [68]). Interestingly, distance signaling by hormones may be mediated by
alterations in gene expression are also observed very reactive oxygen species [73].
early on, although these alterations are generally not Primary events of photosynthesis including elec-
turned into differential expression of proteins or tron transport capacity are very resilient to moderate
enzymes in the short term (see revision [9]). drought [74], with the decline in PSII photochemistry
Stomata are able to detect a decrease in water avail- being explained by a decrease in substrate availability.
ability either in the soil or in the atmosphere by feed- In fact, PSII activity often declines concomitantly with
back and feed-forward mechanisms. Feedback carbon uptake under water deficits, suggesting that
mechanisms include the response to dehydration in photosynthetic electron chain is finely tuned by avail-
the leaf itself that is transmitted to the guard cells, able CO2 [75]. However, under field conditions, when
either by hydraulic or by chemical signals. Feed- high light co-occur with water deficits, CO2 depriva-
forward responses are generally mediated by hormonal tion at the chloroplast (driven by stomatal closure) may
Crop Responses to Available Soil Water 621

result in the production of excess reducing power and productivity is dependent on photoassimilates pro-
therefore in the decline of the quantum yield of PSII. duced at the whole plant level, which partly explains
These stresses also appear to inhibit the repair of PSII why often there is no correlation between crop yield
through suppression of the synthesis of PSII proteins, and leaf photosynthetic rate [61]. Therefore, the impact
in particular, the production of D1 protein [76]. Pro- of drought on shoot and canopy growth may be as
tection mechanisms against reactive oxygen species important to crop yield as the effects produced at the
(ROS) that are formed under such conditions are an single leaf level. Indeed, water scarcity by inducing
essential component of plant survival [77]. Such pro- a significant decline in total plant leaf area via the
tection may be achieved by the regulated thermal dis- inhibition of new leaf growth or the earlier senescence
sipation occurring in the light-harvesting complexes, of older leaves will decrease total carbon uptake by the
involving the xanthophyll cycle [78, 79] and the lutein plant. Moreover, lower leaf angles induced by decreased
cycle [80]. Photoprotective mechanisms compete with leaf turgor will reduce total intercepted irradiance, with
photochemistry for the absorbed energy, thus leading significant impact on crop yield (Pinheiro and Chaves,
to the downregulation of photosynthesis. If the limita- unpublished results). However, it must be emphasized
tion of the rate of CO2 assimilation is accompanied by that, at least in cereals (wheat, maize and soybean),
an increase in the activity of another sink for the yield is generally more limited by the sink than by the
absorbed energy, for example, photorespiration [81] source [61, 89]. This explains why these crops have the
or Mehler-peroxidase reaction [82], the decline in potential to cope with moderate drought and still fill
non-cyclic electron transport will be proportionally their grains. Of course, this is also possible due to the
lower than the decrease observed in the rate of CO2 capacity of remobilizing photoassimilates, previously
assimilation. It was estimated that, in the absence of the stored in the shoot, as was discussed above.
repair mechanisms, photodamage would lower the
yield of photosynthesis to less than 5% of the yield
Respiration and Photorespiration
achieved now [83]. Although these responses have
mainly been documented in plants native to semi-arid The effects of water deficits on dark respiration are still
regions they may also occur in crop plants, even irri- unclear, with reports of either decreases, maintenance,
gated, when they are subjected to intense heat and or increases in the rates of this process (see the review
irradiance, during the summer period. This is likely [90]). Inhibition of respiration under drought has been
to increase its frequency in the near future. observed in mature leaves of crops and herbaceous
As for Rubisco activity it was shown to be very species as well as in roots, and is presumably related
resistant to water deficits [84, 85], being generally with a decreased availability of substrate to mitochon-
affected only after severe stress [86, 87]. The same dria under conditions of low photosynthesis and
authors also found evidence that low CO2 concentra- growth (e.g., [86, 91, 92]). This may be explained by
tion in the chloroplast (Cc) attained under severe the need of herbaceous species to quickly respond to
water deficits could induce deactivation of Rubisco water scarcity, thereby lowering their respiration rates
sites. It is further suggested that these effects are spe- in order to optimize their carbon gain over shorter
cies-dependent, with species adapted to low Cc being periods of time.
able to maintain active Rubisco longer in response to On the contrary, trees and shrubs seem to show
prolonged drought [87]. These findings are compatible slower responses to drought than short-lived species.
with earlier data suggesting that decreased sink capacity As suggested by Flexas et al. [86] and Atkin and
(limited capacity to use photoassimilates), as induced, Macherel [93], a higher demand for respiratory ATP
e.g., by shoot growth inhibition under drought, (higher respiration rates) may be required under severe
might feedback to decrease photosynthesis, namely by water stress to compensate for the lowered ATP pro-
downregulating the enzymes of the photosynthetic duction in the chloroplasts. The increased maintenance
carbon cycle [88]. respiration will support repair mechanisms needed
When studying the effects of drought on photosyn- under acclimation to drought that will ensure a better
thesis it is also important to recognize that crop performance under extended periods of water scarcity.
622 Crop Responses to Available Soil Water

In general, the changes observed in respiration in meiosis to seed set, is highly vulnerable to water deficit
response to drought are smaller than those observed in [101] and the meiosis stage appears to be the most
photosynthesis, thereby implying that respiration stress sensitive period of reproduction in all studied
increases proportionally in relation to photosynthesis, species [102]. However, anthesis, pollen fertility, polli-
with likely impact on leaf intercellular CO2 and on nation, female fertility, and early zygote development
plant carbon balance [68]. were also reported to be susceptible and finally their
The role of photorespiration during drought stress failure altered the number and the final quality of grain
has been scarcely studied [81, 94], partly due to diffi- [102]. Later in the development, water stress tends to
culties in quantifying the rate of photorespiration [95]. reduce grain size [103]. In fruit trees, severe water stress
Since photorespiration and photosynthetic metabo- during flowering was reflected in the final fruit number
lism are strictly linked and photorespiration depends per tree, whereas water stress during the fruit-growth
on the recycling of RuBP in the Benson–Calvin cycle, it and maturity phases was reflected mainly in fruit size
may be hypothesized that severe drought stress should [104]. In addition, the timing and intensity of the
result in lower photorespiration. As suggested by drought period dictate the extent of alterations occur-
Osmond et al. [96], photorespiration and the Mehler- ring in the final fruit quality [29].
peroxidase pathway could protect the photosynthetic
apparatus against photoinhibition in drought-stressed
Flower Initiation and Induction
leaves, by sustaining photon utilization in non-
assimilatory electron flow, when electron consumption Grain crops are very sensitive to drought during floral
by CO2 assimilation is reduced due to low internal CO2 initiation and floral pre-meiotic differentiation [105].
concentrations. However, other studies, such as the one Water deficit at this stage causes pollen sterility, but
by Brestic et al. [97] concluded that photorespiration when stress is severe, it usually affects also female fer-
was not important for photoprotection in drought- tility. In cereals, water stress during flower induction
stressed French bean. and inflorescence development leads to a delay in
In a recent work with glycine decarboxylase- flowering or even to its complete inhibition [105].
deficient plants, Igamberdiev et al. [98] showed that The increase of abscisic acid (ABA) in response to
photorespiration contributes to stomatal regulation. water stress has been suggested to play a role in this
The data obtained with these mutants revealed that delay [106].
the photorespiratory mutants were able to decrease In woody plants, flower bud initiation is an impor-
the rate of photorespiration, but only at the expense tant feature in fruit tree cultivation. However, the effect
of increased water loss. Indeed, the necessity to of drought on floral meristems is among the least
maintain a high CO2 concentration near the site of understood aspects of crop reproductive development
carboxylation in the chloroplasts of plants deficient under water deficit [107]. In species where flowering
in photorespiratory enzymes required an takes place prior to leaf emergence as Prunus trees,
increased opening of the stomata, with a corresponding flower development occurs in the absence of new
increase in water loss and decrease in water-use photoassimilates and at the expense of pre-stored
efficiency. reserves (starch), either in the flower itself or other
plant organs [108]. This explains why in Prunus water
stress effects are only detected in the subsequent repro-
Yield and Quality Under Water Scarcity
duction event and not in the same year. This is the case
Agriculture depends to a large extent on the success of of peach, apricot, and sweet cherry trees, where
plant reproduction [99]. Drought affects crop produc- drought stress during flower bud initiation markedly
tivity as much as all other environmental factors com- slowed the progression of floral differentiation
bined and its impact on crops differs according to the by delaying the differentiation of pistil primordia
attained developmental stage. The effects of water scar- [109, 110].
city are quite different in annuals and perennial species In opposition, water stress has been demonstrated
[100]. Reproductive development of cereals, from experimentally to induce flowering by a direct stimuli
Crop Responses to Available Soil Water 623

on stem and bud in citrus [111], apple [112], and pear a downregulation of the soluble invertase gene Ivr1
[113]. In these species, water stress showed to stimulate and Irv5 in wheat microspores, which correlates with
polyamine accumulation, which is linked to floral ini- accumulation of reducing (fructose and glucose) and
tiation, thus enhancing the production of floral non reducing (sucrose) sugars in the ear [125]. Never-
primordia and re-flowering. However, severe water theless, recent studies by Liu and Bennett [126] showed
stress induces little flower production. Indeed, under that stress induced sterility in rice is not only caused by
severe stress during flower bud induction periods, gib- disruption in sugar metabolism or by desiccation of
berellins level increased, inducing a low level of flower reproductive tissue, but also by disturbance of anther
production per shoot [114]. pollen development and cell function. In wheat, micro-
spores lost contact with the tapetum at first pollen
grain mitosis and the filament degenerated in response
Flowering and Pollen Development
to water stress, which resulted in total sterility [127].
Loss of pollen fertility, spikelet death, and abortion of The expression of various proteins related to anther
newly formed seed are associated with a decline in the wall degradation and cell wall modifications are mod-
water status of the reproductive structures and decline ified in stressed rice anther [126]. Furthermore, pollen
of carbohydrate availability [105]. By reducing photo- from stressed plants might have a shorter life span
synthesis, drought directly interferes with inflorescence and reduced vigor, which explain that pollen tube
and flower number, flowers life span, flowers opening, growth fails to reach the ovule [128]. The depletion of
and maintenance of floral organs in crops [115] as well the adenosine triphosphate pool, increased concentra-
as maintenance of nectar production in floral organs tion of hydrogen peroxide, and downregulated tran-
[116]. In addition, water stress reduces flower size and scripts in anthers of drought-stressed rice lead
sucrose content in nectar [117] leading to an extensive to a programmed cell death and may cause pollen
loss in yield [118]. sterility [129].
Drought also affects seed yield of plants through an In woody species, as observed in apricot trees, post-
effect on availability and viability of pollen grains harvest drought may induce an increase of aborted
[119]. The effect of drought on pollen fertility/avail- pistils in the subsequent year, decrease germination
ability also depends on the species and it is considered potential of pollen (see Fig. 1), and decrease the per-
a common symptom in angiosperms [120]. The centage of fruit set due to an increase of fruit drop
hypothesis that ABA is a primary controlling agent in [130]. In almond, the number of fruiting positions
water stress induction of pollen viability still remains per tree is negatively associated with water stress
unanswered [102]. Recently in chickpea [119], water [131]. However, drought stress during flower initiation
stress was shown to affect pollen growth in the pistil does not influence the percentage of spurs that flow-
rather than affecting pollen viability. In fact, pistils ered or set fruit during subsequent years. Although
from well watered plants pollinated with pollen of water stress had no apparent effect on spur mortality
stressed ones showed fewer germinated pollen grains in the first year, more than a half of spurs died within
and fewer pollen tubes that reached the ovary, which three subsequent years. In addition, water stress
suggested that drought has an effect on pollen tube reduces flower bud development in grapevine [132]
growth, which is inhibited in the pistil [119]. Pollen and peach [133] and increases flower abscission [134]
viability is highly dependent on sugar unloading and and young fruit drop [135].
pre-anthesis stem reserve accumulation is considered
a significant factor affecting flower development in
Ovary Development
water stressed plants (see Fig. 1) [121]. The decrease
of acid invertase activity under low water potential Consequences of inhibited photosynthesis under
impedes pollen to metabolize incoming sucrose in hex- drought and therefore insufficient assimilates are par-
ose in the developing pollen, which might lead to ticularly striking around the time of pollination when
pollen sterility [122, 123]. This hypothesis is confirmed reproductive events occur rapidly, namely ovary
by the study of Koonjul et al. [124] who observed growth [136, 137]. In maize the pollen does not loose
624 Crop Responses to Available Soil Water

availability even at severe water stresses (water poten- inducing an impairment of ovule function [143]. Also
tial below 12.5 MPa) and low kernel number is in grapevine, drought induces lower availability of
explained by a poor receptivity of silks and/or by an sugar due to decreased photosynthesis, which provokes
ovary abortion. Maize ovaries are normally loaded with ovary abnormalities and flower abscission [144].
glucose and starch on the day of pollination [138, 139]. Setter and coauthors [145] suggest an interaction
Under drought, sucrose, the main translocated product between ABA and sugar that might induce a signal
from the carbon fixed in photosynthesis, declines (see cascade that leads to the abortion process to initiate.
Fig. 1). The enzymes that convert incoming sucrose to The recent finding by Setter and Parra [146] supported
glucose in ovary lose activity and starch starts to be the model of the interacting influence of carbohydrates
hydrolyzed [137, 138]. Cell wall acid invertase hydro- and ABA at least at the pedicel-placenta tissues of basal
lyses sucrose in the apoplast of the upper pedicel tissues kernels. Several studies in maize reported that water
and its activity creates a steep gradient in glucose con- stress increases ABA in florets, suggesting it might
centration between the upper pedicel and the nucellus trigger the abortion process [145, 147]. Young and
of young ovary. Ovary abortion under drought was Gallie [148] observed that regulation of programmed
attributed to the decrease of glucose and invertase cell death during maize endosperm development
activity in upper pedicel, inhibiting sucrose transport involves the interaction of ABA and ethylene signaling
[138]. Sucrose delivery decreased first in ovary and pathways. However, Boyer and Westgate [99] explained
probably triggers an early downregulation of genes that hormone effects are difficult to interpret because
coding for sucrose processing enzymes (INCW2 and their expression on dry matter or water content basis
IVR2). Glucose depletion occurs few days after and can cause concentration to increase simply because the
triggers an up-regulation of putative senescence genes ovary dry mass or water content decreased, as it was
as ribosome inactivation protein 2 [139], which suggests shown in maize [149].
the beginning of failed ribosome function and later
induces an up-regulation of phospholipase D1 gene
leading to loss of plasma membrane integrity, indicat-
ing the onset of senescence [137, 140]. This probably All described abnormalities of flowering, fertilization,
causes the irreversible loss in viability found during and zygote development that may occur under drought
abortion [139]. Feeding sucrose during water stress stress induce yield losses, and the timing of the occur-
largely prevents these changes, which confirm that rence of drought stress determines the degree of dis-
senescence genes are “monitoring” the sugar status turbance. Water stress during ear formation and milk
of the ovary cells and when sugars content decreases stages in maize was shown to induce early loss of lower
these genes turn on in sequence and orchestrate cell leaves and a decrease in plant dry matter and in grain
death [137]. yield, as a result of reduced intercepted radiation [150].
A transcriptional study of placenta and endosperm Moreover, all the yield parameters were significantly
of maize under drought showed that both tissues affected. When water stress occurred at pre-anthesis
responded differentially to water shortage [141]. a reduction in seed numbers was observed due to
While most of the responding genes in placenta pollen sterility and ovary abortion. Post-anthesis
involved up-regulation, in endosperm these were water stress generally enhances whole-plant senescence
downregulated. Downregulated genes relate to cell and lead to a faster remobilization of carbon from
division and to endosperm growth, which may explain vegetative tissues to seeds, thereby inducing earlier
arrested growth and thus decreased demand of photo- maturity and small seeds [119, 151–155]. This is
synthates [141]. a typical strategy of Mediterranean annuals, which
These described events are common across crop exhibit a phenological drought-avoidance producing
species [137]. Although wheat requires water potentials seed before water supplies are exhausted [45].
to be much lower than maize to lose the same amount Remobilization of pre-stored carbon to the seed and
of photosynthetic activity [137], starch is also depleted acceleration of seed filling rate are associated to an
in floral structures after drought (see Fig. 1) [142], alteration in the hormonal balance of grains, namely
Crop Responses to Available Soil Water 625

the decrease in gibberellins and the increase in ABA number and size [171, 172]. In fact, severe water stress
[48, 156]. The reduced duration of grain filling may in phase I of fruit growth was shown to reduce meso-
partly result from reduced number and size of endo- carp cell division and number [170, 173] suggesting
sperm cells and therefore reduced capacity to accumu- a high sensitivity of olive mesocarp cell size to water
late starch following drought stress [157]. Additionally, stress. Grapevines are also well adapted to semi-arid
seed cell expansion is driven by water uptake [158] and climates, nonetheless severe water stress during the
when cell expansion in the seed stops, the end of seed summer largely limit grapevine yield and cluster weight
growth and seed maturation are predetermined. [27, 29]. This reduction is mainly observed in drought-
Indeed, Yang et al. [152] suggested the enhancing of avoiding genotypes, which optimize survival at expense
sink strength with water stress is promoted by alter- of yield and reduced sugar allocation to reproductive
ations in sucrose synthase and starch branching tissues and thereby reducing fertility [174].
enzyme activities taking place in grain during stress. The effect of drought in crop plants is enhanced by
Severe drought stress during seed filling generally high temperature and effects are usually difficult to
resulted in seeds that are shriveled and deformed and separate [118]. Differences among genotypes are
with a reduced weight [152, 159]. The shortening in the observed; for example barley is much less sensitive to
duration of seed fill limits seed size because grain fill short periods of very high temperature than wheat, and
process fails to finish in a short maturation period combined drought and high temperatures are more
[155, 160], consequently reducing seed yield [161]. likely than high temperature alone to explain the
Seed size reduction was highest in late maturing reductions in grain weight observed in the field [175].
wheat genotypes, suggesting that early maturing geno-
types partially escaped late-season water stress [162].
Fruit and Seed Quality
However if water stress occurs after cell division is
completed it does not affect yield since sink size per Drought influences end-use quality of major food
kernel is already predetermined [152]. In sesame, most crops in the world, as it is the case of wheat [176],
drought-tolerant cultivars abort a higher proportion of barley, and maize [177]. Indeed, water stress in wheat
their seeds, and in that case more efficiently shunt changes the patterns of proteins [178]; in barley, grain
available nutrient resources to the healthy growth of b-glucan content and malt fine extract decreased with
remaining seeds [163]. drought stress [179]; in soybean drought during seed
In woody plants and especially in fruit trees, it is development has a large effect on isoflavone concen-
generally accepted that post-harvest water stress may tration in the seeds [180]; in maize, water stress
negatively influence fruit set and crop load in the next increases flavonoid content in seeds but reduces carot-
season, as it is the case in peach [164–167], in almond enoids and phenol content inducing a decrease in the
[168] and in sweet cherry [169]. This reduction in fruit antioxidant capacity of kernel oil [181]. In lupin seeds,
set is due to the limitation placed by reduction in the raffinose quantity and accumulation pattern are
accumulation of carbohydrate reserves. In fact, in cul- reduced by water stress, suggesting an increase in nutri-
tivated Prunus species, floral bud-break and fruit set tive values of seeds since raffinose is considered to
significantly precede net carbon export from leaves be a major cause of flatulence in animals and
[167]. In citrus, severe water stress taking place during humans [161].
flowering led to decreased fruit number per tree, Starch granule shape, volume and structure are
whereas in water restrictions occurring during the important factors contributing to starch quality in
fruit-growth and maturity phases, the effects were wheat [182]. Post-anthesis water stress affects the
reflected mainly in fruit size [104]. Olive tree has proportions of different types of starch granules
a reputation of being a drought resistant crop. How- and increases the percentage of small granules per
ever, drought incidence during winter, leading to a low seed [183].
level of soil moisture, may reduce vegetative growth Protein content has an important implication in the
[170] and have an important impact on flowering and processing qualities of cereals since it affects the func-
fruit set, resulting in a drastic decrease on olive fruit tional properties of processed wheat products [184].
626 Crop Responses to Available Soil Water

In wheat, grain protein content decreases linearly with accumulation by inhibition of shoot growth with
the severity of drought stress during grain development a subsequent reallocation of carbohydrates to fruits
[158]. Recently Zhao et al. [184] showed that the inten- [199] and by the activation of ABA-mediated uptake
sity of drought dictates the intensity of the effect on of hexoses [198]. Under such conditions, sugar accu-
protein accumulation and reported a differential accu- mulation in berries accelerates anthocyanin accumula-
mulation of proteins (especially gliadins and glutenins) tion or/and biosynthesis [200, 201]. The enhancement
in mature grains. The decrease in the accumulation of of carotenoids content and the up-regulation of genes
oil due to water stress was reported in wheat [184], encoding enzymes involved in biosynthesis of berry
soybean [185, 186], lupin [187] and chickpea [188]. aroma were also observed after mild stress imposition
In fruit trees, drought influences fruit development, [198, 202]. Similar benefits of mild water deficit in fruit
metabolism, and final composition, and its timing and quality were also observed in apricot [203], citrus [104]
intensity dictate the extent of alterations occurring in and olive [204].
final quality [29]. With regard to the effect of water
stress on organoleptic properties, fruit quality is signif- The Breeding Achievements
icantly affected by severe water stress during the fruit-
Conventional Breeding
growth and maturity periods [104]. Under water
restriction, fruit maturity tends to be hastened, To face drought, farm-management practices and plant
supporting the hypothesis that increasing water restric- breeding are used for the improvement of crop yield
tion might encourage early fruit maturity as observed [18], being the second approach the most promising in
in peach [189, 190]. Post-harvest water deficit was the long term [64]. Drought is the most recalcitrant to
shown to increase fruit soluble solid concentration in breeders’ efforts due to the complexity of plant
the following season in peach [191, 192]. The opposite drought-tolerance mechanisms [205] and breeders
effect, reducing firmness and soluble solid concentra- have no reliable method of distinguishing sensitive
tion, was reported in sweet cherry [169]. from tolerant germoplasm other than by measuring
Water stress was shown to decrease oil content and yield [19]. Therefore, the main objective of a
yield in young olive trees and induce lower level of drought-tolerance breeding program is to select the
phenolics in oil [172]. Olive fruits import assimilates variety presenting the better yield under stress condi-
from the canopy, but also produce them in situ by tions [206]. However, yield is a trait which is charac-
photosynthesis in the mesocarp; the fruit is capable of terized by low heritability, polygenic control, and
retaining chlorophyll even when its color change [193] a high genotype  environment interaction (G  E)
and this makes a significant contribution to oil pro- [21, 207].
duction [194]. This “autonomy” of olive fruits may During the last 50 years, most of the progress has
explain the maintenance of oil quality in trees under been derived from empirical (conventional) breeding
water deficits [172]. In fact, although irrigation led to [208, 209] by selecting desired traits recognized at the
decreased contents of some undesirable sensory quali- phenotypic level. Generally, there is a minimum of
ties as phenols, some favorable intense green notes were 4 years extensive yield testing to further selection at
also reduced, which suggests complex effects of water multiple locations before a new variety is released to
stress on olive quality [195]. In grapevine, severe water farmers. Empirical selection for grain yield was effec-
stress influences final composition of the berries by tive during the last decades. However, when plants are
delaying their ripening but also through an indirect crossed some undesirable traits may be transferred
effect on berry size [196, 197] that affects sugar and along with those of interest – including some with
flavonoids metabolism in the berry (review [29]). negative effects on yield potential. In addition, breed-
However, moderate water deficit was shown to have ing can only be done between species inter-compatible,
beneficial effects on grape berries, for example by which limits the new traits that can be added to those
enhancing photoprotection mechanisms [198] and that already exist in a particular species [206]. Further-
likely having a positive effect on wine quality [29, more, the variability of rainfall from year to year
196]. Indeed, moderate water deficit promotes sugar increases G  E and reduces heritability for yield,
Crop Responses to Available Soil Water 627

thereby limiting yield progress [19]. The indirect or different species in new areas, the use of rootstock has
analytical approach based on an understanding of the become the first alternative to adapt scion cultivars to
crop physiology, may help to target the key traits that soils or climatic conditions that are otherwise not fully
are limiting yield [64]. Such an approach may therefore suited to their cultivation. Climatic areas or soils
complement conventional breeding programs and has- subjected to transient drought conditions require root-
ten yield improvement [210–212]. stock capable of inducing efficient water use by the
A number of physiological studies have identified scion cultivar. Unfortunately, there is only limited
some traits which presence/expression are associated understanding of how rootstock provides tolerance
with plant adaptability to drought prone environment to drought [218] and the majority of rootstock breed-
[205] and have been already successfully exploited in ing programs addresses fruit quality. Traditionally,
crop improvement [213]. Increasing water use by rootstocks have been produced using conventional
increasing early shoot vigor to escape dryer periods is hybridization breeding techniques, which are time
a common strategy in Mediterranean region [214], but and space consuming. Initial selection of main root-
in very dry years this strategy may result in reduced stocks is made from open pollinated fruit tree germ-
yield. Early maturity by adjusting crop development plasm, generating thereby intra- and interspecific
with seasonal rainfall pattern in environments where hybrids. The extended use of interspecific hybrids
they experiment terminal drought, or late flowering is due to the lower susceptibility of this type of root-
with short grain filling period in environments with stocks to biotic and abiotic stresses and may also
early season drought, are examples of traits that are overcome soil problems as drought [219], which
being used in breeding. Leaf cuticle waxes appear to might derive from heterosis (hybrid vigor) or from
play a key role in day and night transpiration and the elevation of ploidy levels of these rootstocks
selecting for waxy leaves may reduce water loss and [220]. However, the use of known drought-tolerant/
prevent leaf senescence during grain filling [215]. resistant rootstocks may not fulfill grower’s intents in
Enhancement of water extraction, by optimizing root terms of fruit commercial traits, mainly because they
architecture that resulted in greater water capture, has may provide excess vigor. In addition, the problem of
also the potential to significantly increase grain yield graft compatibility of hybrid rootstocks with commer-
[63]. In addition, enhancement of root osmolytes accu- cial scion complicated the use of a wide range of culti-
mulation was used in cereals, but a clear evidence of vars [221, 222].
their beneficial role in crop yield was not observed [58].
Carbon isotope discrimination (D) is an attractive
New Breeding Approaches
feature for C3 plants breeders since it may provide an
indirect sensing of transpiration efficiency (TE) [13]. Compared to conventional approaches, genomics offer
In fact, genotypes showing higher TE (lower D) may be unprecedented opportunities for dissecting quantita-
more productive under certain environmental condi- tive traits into their single genetic determinants, the
tions [216]. However, in the Mediterranean region the quantitative trait loci (QTLs), thus paving the way to
opposite was found and positive correlation between D marker-assisted selection (MAS) and, eventually, clon-
and yield are reported [217], which is probably due to ing of QTLs and their direct manipulation via genetic
the fact that genotypes with lower TE have maintained engineering. Several studies have reported QTLs for
a higher CO2 conductance due to a better water status roots architecture and investigated their effect on
or by a faster plant development or better access to yield under water stress in rice [223] and also in
water [216]. Aerial infrared (IR) methods on vege- maize, where QTL reported for leaf ABA concentration
tative material offer the possibility to detect vari- showed an effect on root size and grain yield [224, 225].
ation on TE and present the advantage to reduce the In sorghum QTLs related to ‘stay green’ trait and yield
cost of measuring carbon isotope discrimination were identified [226].
[19, 216]. Some QTLs of one character were shown to overlap
Fruit tree species propagation is possible only by with QTLs of other characters. This is the case in maize,
vegetative methods. However, with the spreading of where QTLs of leaf growth sensitivity to water deficit
628 Crop Responses to Available Soil Water

overlapped with QTLs for leaf responses to evaporative an already good rootstock for yield by modifying its
demands, thus suggesting that hydraulic mechanisms gene expression or introducing new genes to improve
are involved in that response [227]. Similarly, overlap resistance to abiotic factors. Unfortunately, the mecha-
between QTLs of leaf growth sensitivity with silk nisms by which rootstocks bring about their beneficial
growth was observed [228]. QTLs were also reported effects on the vigor and cropping of scions are still very
for anthesis-silking interval in maize [15], for seed poorly understood. Until more research is conducted in
weight and yield under different water conditions in this field and genes that control such processes are
rice [229] and durum wheat [230]. It was also possible identified, progress in this area may be slow. Recent
to identify WUE QTLs in brassica [231], rice [232], studies showed that ectopic expression of the transcrip-
and wheat [233]. However, despite all the recent tech- tion factor Osmyb4 gene in transgenic apple trees,
nological breakthroughs, the overall contribution of improved water stress tolerance and might result in
genomics-assisted breeding to the release of drought- long term ameliorated productivity. Further experi-
tolerant cultivars has so far been marginal [234], in part ments are required to assess the agronomic value of
due to the fact that a given QTL can have positive, null the plants produced and to verify to what extent the
or negative additive effects depending on the drought expression of Osmyb4 may contribute to enhanced
scenario [235]. In addition, cloning QTLs for yield drought tolerance under field conditions [247].
maintenance under drought conditions and drought Summarizing, to date increased drought resistance
physiological traits is limited because the unavailable of the major crop plants (sustained yield under water
information about the biochemistry of some of these scarcity) has been dependent upon the screening of
traits [236]. a wide range of germoplasm in order to identify genetic
In recent years, proteomic and transcriptomic variation in major traits involved in stress resistance
studies have advanced the basic understanding of pro- [19, 248, 249]. In addition, the effective use by the crop
tein/gene regulatory networks that are active during the of a limiting water supply has been achieved by
exposure of plants to water stress [237, 238] and there adjusting crop phenology to its environment [2, 14]
have been several reports of apparently promising bio- or by using agronomic practices aiming at an improved
technological manipulations emerging from these tools water use, such as deficit irrigation [4, 29]. A variety of
[239]. Remarkable dehydration tolerance has been approaches have been successful, particularly in the
obtained under laboratory conditions using bacterial irrigation of top quality fruit and vineyards [3, 27, 29,
RNA chaperones overexpression [16], NFYB2 class 250, 251] but also in annual crops [252–255]. In addi-
transcriptionals regulators [240], as well as modulating tion to minimizing changes in shoot water status, def-
the expression of dehydration response element bind- icit irrigation is able to control the balance between
ing (DBF/DREB1) transcription factor [241], using of fruit and vegetative growth, with likely positive impact
detoxification of reactive oxygen species that accumu- on fruit quality [8, 256].
late under stress [242, 243] and of hormone interven-
ing in drought signaling [244]. Introducing RNA
Future Directions
silencing in some crops to downregulate poly ADP
ribose polymerase and thus inducing tolerance to Drought has a great impact on the vegetative and
wide range of stresses [245] and overexpression of reproductive development of annual and fruit tree
cyanobacterial flavodoxin [246] were also reported. crops and thereby impacts on final yield and seed and
However, these reports and others have failed to deliver fruit quality. The key factors responsible for high yield
drought tolerance in yield terms when the novel mate- under drought in annual plants are an appropriate
rial is transferred from the growth room to the field [4]. phenology that will enable escaping drought and get-
Fruit trees also have benefited from new technolo- ting the timing of flowering right, high water-use effi-
gies and it is now possible to reduce the breeding time by ciency and a high harvest index. The impact of drought
MAS. Very recently fruit breeders have begun to exam- is highly complex and involves diverse processes as
ine the possibilities of using such techniques in the photosynthesis, respiration, reserve accumulation, fer-
production of new rootstocks. The aim is to improve tilization, gamete and embryo development, and fruit
Crop Responses to Available Soil Water 629

and seed development. Due to the complexity of crop 4. Chaves MM, Davies B (2010) Drought effects and water use
reproduction and the still incomplete knowledge of efficiency: improving crop production in dry environments.
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mechanisms underlying the response of reproductive
5. Reynolds MP, Pierre CS, Saad ASI, Vargas M, Condon AG
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drate reserve) influence the development of reproduc-
tive organs under water stress is among the least 7. Chaves MM, Pereira JS, Maroco J (2003) Understanding plant
understood aspects. On fruit trees, it is also urgent response to drought – from genes to the whole plant. Funct
to understand (1) how rootstock confers resistance Plant Biol 30:239–264
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better adjust breeding strategies; (2) the key events resilience to water deficits – Prospects for water-saving
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of fruit ripening. In addition, differences between
9. Chaves MM, Flexas J, Pinheiro C (2009) Photosynthesis under
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ated with higher yield in one environment and may and metabolic limitations to photosynthesis under drought
and salinity in C3 plants. Plant Biol 6:269–279
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11. Neumann PM (2008) Coping mechanisms for crop plants in
Conventional breeding still appears to be the drought-prone environments. Ann Bot 101(7):901–907
most effective for a significant drought-tolerance 12. Lawlor DW (2009) Musings about the effects of environment
improvement of new cultivars. The application of mod- on photosynthesis. Ann Bot 103:543–549
ern molecular tools to understand responses of crops to 13. Condon AG, Richards RA, Rebetzke GJ, Farquhar GD
water scarcity has only recently begun. In addition, to (2004) Breeding for high water use efficiency. J Exp Bot
integrate them in breeding programs it is imperative
14. Passioura J (2007) The drought environment: physical, biolog-
to incorporate an accurate measurement of the pheno- ical and agricultural perspectives. J Exp Bot 58:113–117
type under water stress. However, the speed of molecular 15. Ribaut JM, Ragot M (2007) Marker-assisted selection to
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16. Castiglioni P, Warner D, Bensen RJ, Anstrom DC, Harrison J,
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ciplines, as functional genomics, transcriptomics, Navarro S, Back S, Fernandes M, Targolli J, Dasgupta S,
proteomics and metabolomics with plant physiology Bonin C, Luethy MH, Heard JE (2008) Bacterial RNA chaperones
to improve breeding strategies. This would allow confer abiotic stress tolerance in plants and improved grain
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through an integrated approach based on the knowledge
17. Parry MAJ, Madgwick PJ, Bayon C, Tearall K, Hernandez-Lopez A,
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638 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

Crop Responses to Nitrogen Nitrogen absorption efficiency (NAE) Nitrogen

absorption efficiency (NAE) is the increase in crop
GILLES LEMAIRE nitrogen uptake per unit of supplemental N supply
INRA, Lusignan, France rate.
Nitrogen conversion efficiency (NCE) Nitrogen con-
version efficiency (NCE) is the increase in crop dry
mass (dW) or in crop yield (dY) per unit of sup-
Article Outline
plemental crop N uptake corresponding to an
Glossary increase in nitrogen supply rate.
Definition Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) Nitrogen use efficiency
Introduction (NUE) is the increase in crop dry mass (dW) or in
N in Plants crop yield (dY) per unit of supplemental N supply
Crop N Demand rate. So NUE = NAE  NCE.
Regulation of Crop N Uptake N dilution N dilution is the process corresponding
Diagnosis of Crop N Status: Nitrogen Nutrition Index to more rapid accumulation of nitrogen-free
Crop Responses to N Deficiency compounds than nitrogen compounds within
Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Crops plant as plant grows, leading to decline in plant
Conclusion nitrogen concentration with plant mass
Future Directions accumulation.
Bibliography Nitrogen nutrition index (NNI) Nitrogen nutrition
index (NNI) is an index which allows the estima-
tion of the crop nitrogen status. This index is cal-
culated at any moment as the ratio between the
Critical plant N concentration Critical plant actual plant nitrogen concentration of the crop
N concentration is defined as the minimum plant and the critical plant N concentration (see this
nitrogen concentration of a crop corresponding to definition) corresponding to the actual crop mass.
its maximum crop mass. Photosynthetic active radiation (PAR) Photosyn-
Critical crop N uptake Critical crop N uptake is thetic active radiation (PAR) is the part of solar
defined as the minimum crop nitrogen uptake for radiation spectrum corresponding to wavelengths
achieving maximum crop mass. that are active for photosynthesis.
Harvest index (HI) Harvest index (HI) is the ratio Radiation use efficiency (RUE) Radiation use effi-
between harvested biomass Y (grains, tubers) and ciency (RUE) is the ratio between the quantity of
aboveground crop mass W at crop maturity. biomass accumulated within a crop and the quan-
Intercepted photosynthetic active radiation tity of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR)
(IPAR) Intercepted Photosynthetic Active Radia- intercepted by this crop during the same period of
tion (IPAR) is the proportion of the incident PAR time.
which is intercepted by the crop at a given time. RuBPc-o Ribulose bisphophate carboxylase/
This proportion is related to the size of the canopy, oxygenase, the enzyme located within chloroplasts
the Leaf Area Index, and depends also on canopy which allows the carboxylation of CO2.
structure: leaf angle and geometry.
Leaf area index (LAI) Leaf area index (LAI) is the total
canopy leaf area of a crop per unit of soil area. LAI
allows the estimation of the proportion of the inci- A prerequisite for the analysis of crop responses to
dent light which is intercepted by the canopy, and nitrogen (N) is the determination of the plant nitrogen
then which can be used for photosynthesis of the content and repartition. How much N is incorporated
whole crop. within plants and crops? Within which plant tissue? For

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 639

which physiological function? Thus, according to the So even if this resource can be considered as quantita-
answers to these questions, it is possible to determine tively non-limited, the energy cost of the Haber–Bosch
a critical plant nitrogen status as the minimum plant process necessary to obtain mineral N fertilizers and
N concentration that allows the maximum plant (or the large greenhouse gas emission associated with
crop) growth rate. It has been demonstrated that this oblige to reconsider the sustainability of the use of
critical plant N concentration decreases as plant grows mineral N in agriculture. Moreover, the use of large
as the result of an ontogenetic plant architecture devel- amounts of N in intensive agriculture production sys-
opment leading to a dilution of N compounds within tems has led to important environmental problems
increasing proportion of free-N compounds as plant such as the eutrophication of freshwater [3] and marine
gets bigger. This N dilution process can be formulated ecosystems [4], pollution of ground water, and gaseous
through a negative power relationship between plant emissions of N oxides and ammonia in the atmosphere
N concentration and crop mass. This critical N dilution [5, 6]. In consequence, problems associated with sus-
curve allows the discrimination of situations of tainable development, global changes, environment
N deficiency (below the curve) and situations of protection, and global food security are now
N luxury consumption (above the curve). So questioning the efficiency of use of N fertilizers in
a Nitrogen Nutrition Index (NNI) can be calculated agricultural systems [7].
for quantifying the intensity of N deficiency or During the last decades, the relatively high prod-
N luxury of any crop at any stage of its life cycle. This ucts/fertilizer price ratio, incited farmers to adopt an
possibility for determination of crop N status and for insurance strategy in fertilizer management: applying
quantification of N deficiency either in terms of inten- excess of N to avoid any restriction in crop N supply
sity or timing allows the complete inversion of the and then any penalty in crop yield. These practices,
approach: instead of response of crop to N supply, the when they were generalized on large agricultural areas
problem is to study the response of crop to led to a progressive increase in soil N surplus accumu-
N deficiency. By this way, the check treatment is the lation and an elevated risk of N leaching with dramatic
non-limiting N conditions where crop growth poten- consequences on ground water quality [8]. Adoption of
tial is limited only by genetics and climate. Then the a more restricted strategy for supplying and timing of
effect of intensity and timing of N deficiency period on N fertilizers is now a prerequisite for a more sustainable
the different plant growth processes and yield compo- agriculture development. But such a strategy is difficult
nent elaboration can be studied with a more generic to be adopted in practice because of the non-
approach. This new method for analysis of the effect of predictable variations in weather which determines
plant N nutrition on crop yield allows the identifica- both soil N mineralization and crop growth potential.
tion of physiological, agronomical, and genetical ways In consequence, a reduction in N application rates to
for improving nitrogen use efficiency of crops. avoid surplus of N in soils would increase the proba-
bility of temporary crop N nutrition deficiency, and
then, as a consequence, an increased risk for a lower
crop production and then a deterioration of the eco-
Nitrogen is considered to be the most important lim- nomic outputs the farmers are expecting. Therefore,
iting factor, after water deficit, for crop production optimizing crop production with the goal of reducing
worldwide. Over the last 50 years, the worldwide use environment hazards requires an improvement in the
of mineral fertilizers is one of the key elements for understanding of the regulatory mechanisms by which
producing sufficient food to meet the demand of crops absorb nitrogen from the soil and use it effi-
increasing human population [1, 2]. During this ciently for yield component and quality elaboration.
period, the use of mineral N fertilizers in agriculture But it requires also a better understanding of soil
systems increased sevenfold in parallel with the dou- microbial processes and the interaction between
bling of agricultural food production. This huge C and N cycles in order to optimize crop N residue
amount of mineral N is provided by industrial pro- cycling, soil organic matter dynamics, and to improve
cesses of chemical reduction of atmospheric nitrogen. the capacity to predict soil N supply.
640 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

Fertilization management has to be conceived as and bulbs, or by storage organs allowing survival for
a mean to match as closely as possible crop N supply perennial species such as trunks for trees or roots and
with crop N demand in order to limit accumulation of stubbles for herbaceous species like grasses. As
mineral N within soils, and then emissions to hydro- a consequence, the same N absorbed by the plant can
sphere and atmosphere. By this way, matching timing be used successively for different functions and then
of N supply with timing of crop N demand appears analysis of crop response to N nutrition cannot be
very necessary. It is fundamental to underline here the simply reduced to an addition of different elementary
necessity for a high precision for adjustment of functions, but as a complex and integrated adaptive
N supply to N demand: for an intensive wheat crop system with strong interactions among different
producing about 8 t ha1 of grain, the total N demand processes.
is about 240 kgN ha1 and the loss of only 20 kgN ha1 In plants, N is required primarily for the synthesis
through leaching (i.e., less than 10% of the total of proteins, both structural and enzymatic, as the more
N demand) can lead to pass over the admissible limit important components of cells. There is large variation
of nitrate concentration (50 mg l1) in drainage water! in the composition of the different cell types within
Moreover, the loss of only 2–3 kgN ha1 through emis- a plant according to the different types of tissues. Cells
sion of N2O to atmosphere (that corresponds to 1% of which store carbohydrates or are part of support and
the total N demand) is considered as highly detrimental transport tissues have relatively lower protein and
for greenhouse gas effect. So the problem to face now is nucleic acid concentration than metabolically active
not to understand how the yield of the different crop cells within meristems and photosynthetic parenchyma
species can be improved by addition of N fertilizers, but [10]. The relative numbers of each type of cells deter-
(i) to determine the dynamics of crop N demands all mine the organ composition. So organs that have rela-
along the crop development cycle; (ii) to determine the tively slow metabolism but are specialized in support
timing of the soil N supply according to soil character- and transport, such as roots and stems, contain little
istics, climate, and soil agronomic management; (iii) to protein and thus have small N concentration in dry
determine the crop responses to different intensity and matter. Organs which store starch or other carbohy-
timing of N nutrition deficiency; and then (iv) to drate, such as grains, fruits, and tubers, have also low
manage timing of crop N fertilization using diagnostic N concentration. On the contrary, leaves having a high
and decision tools for optimizing trade-off between metabolic activity through photosynthesis have high
minimizing crop yield reduction and minimizing N concentrations. So, plants are very heterogeneous
environmental impacts. systems in terms of N concentration at every level of
organization: cells, tissues, and organs. Therefore plant
N demand, i.e., the quantity of N required for the plant
N in Plants
to achieve its potential growth and development,
For most of the crop species, plant life cycle can be depends on the morphologic and histologic plant
roughly divided into two main phases: (i) the vegetative composition.
growth phase, when young developing roots and leaves Leaves are essential organs by which plants capture
behave as sink organs that absorb and assimilate inor- light and assimilate carbon. Light capture, photosyn-
ganic nitrogen for amino acid and protein synthesis, thesis, and the associated respiratory processes require
and (ii) the remobilization phase when senescing tis- a large number of different enzymes, pigments, and pro-
sues start to behave as source organs translocating teins [11]. About 50% of the soluble protein of the leaf
organic molecules to ensure formation of new devel- is in RuBPc-o enzyme alone, another 25% is in the light
oping and/or storage organs [9]. The first phase is harvesting and electron transport components [11].
dominated by the dynamic of leaf area expansion as Thus the chloroplast, as the location of RuBPc-o and
a mean for light capture, and then the role of nitrogen other photosynthetic enzymes, and according to its
in both leaf growth and leaf photosynthesis is capital. high protein membrane component, contains the
The second phase is dominated by the development major part of the total leaf N. Composition of leaves
of reproductive organs such as seeds, fruits, tubers, and their N concentration varies with age, development
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 641

stage, and environment. Leaves of cereals have the excess within leaf tissues is not the only way for plant to
greatest concentration of N just after their full expan- store N. Accumulation of vegetative storage proteins
sion that corresponds to their maximum in photosyn- (VSP) within different plant tissues or organs is
thetic activity. After a period the N concentration in the a complementary way for storing N reserves, as dem-
leaves decreases in parallel with metabolic activity onstrated in alfalfa [20] and in perennial grasses [21].
as senescence progresses [12]. Remobilization of For perennial plants, the storage of N reserves within
N-components occurs during the senescence process, perennial organs such as roots, rhizomes, tubers, or
and then amino acids from proteolysis are transported trunks is a prerequisite for regrowth after defoliation
to younger developing leaves, or reproductive organs. or after winter.
A consequence of this ageing and senescing processes is Due to the importance of light capture and photo-
that older leaves situated in the lower canopy where synthesis for plant growth, much attention has been
light intensity is limiting for photosynthesis, provide paid to allocation of N to leaves within canopies. How-
N for new leaf production at the top of the canopy. This ever, allocation of N to other vegetative tissues is also
recycling process thus tends to optimize photosynthe- quantitatively important. Green leaf N content repre-
sis in relation to N supply and light at the level of the sents only 53% of total shoot N in a lucerne crop [22],
canopy [13]. and only 30% of shoot N in a wheat crop at the
To achieve large rates of photosynthesis in well- beginning of the grain filling period [23]. Lemaire
illuminated conditions, leaves require a large concen- et al. [24] showed that for a large number of crop
tration of RuBPc-o and other N-components and, species there exists trade-off between accumulation of
hence, large N concentration [14]. As N supply rises, N in leaves for optimizing crop photosynthesis and
the amount of N per unit area in leaves increases, accumulation of N within stem tissues for optimizing
enhancing the rate of CO2 assimilation [12, 15]. Thus, the plant architecture development and the elaboration
there is a good correlation between CO2 assimilation of reproductive organs.
rate and leaf N content. However, with very large N compounds as amino acid and proteins are used
N supply, leaf N content may increase without any within meristematic tissues for initiation and expan-
increase of photosynthetic rate, unless larger CO2 con- sion of new organs: leaves, stem internodes, tillers, and
centrations are used [16]. Plants with C3 photosyn- branches and roots, and also inflorescences, fruits, and
thetic pathway contain more N per unit leaf area than seeds. The use of N for leaf area expansion during
those with C4 metabolism. So C4 crops use N more vegetative growth period is of first importance because
efficiently than C3 ones [17]. Ample N increases the it determines the dynamics of LAI expansion of the
number of chloroplast compared with deficient N. Also crop and then the capacity of the crop to intercept
the density of protein in the stroma is increased by large light and to accumulate biomass. The rate at which
N supply. All these processes contribute to accumulate N is supplied to meristems greatly determines cell pro-
N within leaf tissues as plant N supply increases. duction rate while the final cell size is only little affected
Although the primary role of RuBPc-o in plants is [25–27]. As cells enlarge in size, their N concentration
to assimilate CO2, a storage function for N has been decreases through a dilution by accumulation of
mooted for this enzyme [18, 19]. Thus, N of RuBPc-o greater quantities of N-free compounds until final size
have two successive functions within plants: CO2 is reached. So any limitation of N supply to meristem
assimilation and source of N supply for reproductive tissues leads to a reduction in the cell production rate
and storage organs. Storage of N within the plants for and in the size of the final organ produced. For repro-
further reuse can be considered as an adaptive mecha- ductive meristems, shortage of N reduces more the
nism for buffering plant N nutrition in highly variable number of grains than the grain size [28–30].
soil N supply conditions. In this way, plants can store When analyzed at the level of a plant population, it
N reserves during periods of vegetative growth and has been clearly demonstrated that N is allocated to
large soil N availability, and then to reuse these individual plants according to their own contribution
N compounds at the end of their life cycle when min- to interception of light [31]. N resources are allocated
eral soil N is exhausted. Accumulation of RuBPc-o in preferentially to dominant plants and then stressed
642 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

plants cannot respond to N supply because of the lack conditions and the genotypes for a same species [35]:
of light. In consequence, competition for light among
individual plants within a dense canopy determines %Nc ¼ aðWcÞb ð2Þ
greatly competition for N resources. Coefficient a represents the critical plant
In conclusion, plants and canopies are very hetero- N concentration for Wc = 1t ha1. Coefficient b is
geneous systems in terms of N content, concentration, dimensionless, and it represents the dynamic of the
and repartition. This heterogeneity can be analyzed at dilution of N within the dry matter.
different levels of organization: organite, cell, tissue, Mixing Eqs. 1 and 2 allows the expression of the
organ, whole plant, and plant population. N com- dynamics of the critical crop N uptake, i.e., the crop
pounds, mainly as proteins are involved in all meta- N demand, in relation with the dynamics of potential
bolic processes and then they are used successively for crop biomass accumulation:
different functions such as cell division, organ growth
and development, light capture, photosynthesis and Nc ¼ a0 ðWcÞ1b ð3Þ
respiration, reserve formation and recycling. Once
absorbed by the plant, N is used several times through where coefficient a0 is the crop N demand (or the
internal recycling processes and reallocation to the critical N uptake) for a potential crop mass accumula-
different plant parts. So analysis of plant N nutrition tion of 1 t ha1. Value of a0 is equal to 10a, when a is
is very complex because it involves several inter- expressed in % and a0 is expressed in kg ha1.
dependent metabolic functions and due to constant Values of a (and a0 ) and b have been established for
feedback mechanisms, it can be studied only through the main cultivated species according to the method
a dynamic approach. developed on wheat by Justes et al. [36]. This method as
illustrated on Fig. 1 requires a family of response curves
of plant N concentration (%N) vs crop mass (W)
Crop N Demand
across increasing N supply rates. For each response
Crop N demand (N expressed in kg ha1) at any time of curve, the critical plant N concentration (%Nc) is esti-
the crop cycle can be defined as the result of critical mated as the intersection point between the oblique
crop mass (Wc) that is the maximum crop mass attain- line representing the response of both %N and W to
able in a given environment without any limitation of increased rate of N supply, and the vertical line
nutrients and its critical plant N concentration % representing the increase in %N with further
Nc [32]: N supply rates once the maximum crop mass (Wc) is
reached that correspond to luxury N accumulation. As
N ¼ %Nc Wc ð1Þ
the determination of %Nc is done at different stages of
The critical plant N concentration (%Nc) has been growth for a large range of value of W, then it is possible
defined as the minimum plant N concentration to fit the series of %Nc–Wc data points for getting the
corresponding to maximum crop mass [33]. This con- critical N dilution curve and to calculate the value of
cept can be applied in dynamic terms, such that the coefficients a and b.
daily crop N demand (or critical N uptake rate These values are presented in Table 1. For a given
expressed in kg ha1 day1) is the quantity of N the species, coefficients a (and a0 ) and b remained constant
crop has to absorb each day to maintain its potential whatever the climatic conditions (years and locations).
growth rate over a given period of time. Moreover, Lemaire et al. [37] showed that for wheat,
Many studies conducted on a large range of crop maize, canola, sorghum, and sunflower the same value
species (see [34] for a review) have shown that the of coefficients holds either in temperate or in subtrop-
critical plant N concentration (%Nc) is regularly ical conditions. Comparison among species allows
decreasing as crop mass accumulates during the crop a clear distinction between C3 and C4 groups for the
growth period. Moreover, it has been shown that this value of coefficient a (and a0 ) while coefficient b is
dynamic of decline in %Nc could be represented by unaffected by the type of the metabolic pathway.
a unique and constant relationship whatever the Within each of the metabolic groups, it is difficult to
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 643



%N (g N (100 g DM)–1)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
W (t ha–1)

Crop Responses to Nitrogen. Figure 1

Determination of the critical plant nitrogen (N) concentration of maize crops as the intersection point between the oblique
line corresponding to the response of both plant nitrogen concentration (%N) and crop mass (W) to increasing
nitrogen supply rates, and the vertical line corresponding to the increases in plant N concentration without corresponding
increase in crop mass that corresponds to luxury nitrogen accumulation [46]

establish clear differences between species because of Crop Responses to Nitrogen. Table 1 Values of coeffi-
the high correlation between the coefficient a (or a0 ) cient a0 and b of Eq. 3, N = a0 (Wc)1b, for different crop
and b. Then the fitted curves corresponding to Eq. 2 for species
the different crop species are relatively close to each
a0 (kgN b
other [38]. Crop species ha1) (dimensionless) References
The derivative of Eq. 3 allows the expression of the
Temperate 48 0.32 [39, 40]
crop N demand in dynamic terms:
grasses (C3)
  Alfalfa (C3) 48 0.33 [41]
dN dN dW dW
¼ ¼ ac ð1  bÞW b ð4Þ
dt dW dt dt Pea (C3) 51 0.32 [42]
Wheat (C3) 53 0.44 [36]
Equation 4 shows that the daily crop N demand
Canola (C3) 45 0.25 [43]
follows the daily crop growth rate, but for a similar
daily crop growth rate, the daily crop N demand Rice (C3) 52 0.52 [44]
declines as the crop mass increases. Tomato (C3) 45 0.33 [45]
A theory has been developed for explaining Maize (C4) 34 0.37 [46]
the close relationship between crop N demand and
Sorghum (C4) 39 0.39 [47]
crop biomass accumulation rate [33, 35]. The hypoth-
esis is that plant mass W is composed of two compart- Tropical 36 0.34 [48]
grasses (C4)
ments: Wm, the metabolic tissues involved directly in
644 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

plant growth processes (photosynthesis and meristem crop growth. Just after seedling, and until a crop mass
activity) with a high N concentration %Nm; of approximately 1.5 t ha1 is reached the value of b
and Ws, the structural tissues involved in plant archi- and a is high, close to 0.90–0.95 while it decreases
tecture and transport with a low N concentration %Ns. rapidly to a value of 0.6–0.7 after this stage when
Then: competition for light between individual plants within
the canopy is established.
W ¼ Wm þ Ws ð5Þ Lemaire et al. [37] tried to determine among the
and: two parameters, crop mass or LAI, who is the funda-
mental driver of crop N demand. They concluded that
1 Eq. 3 was the more robust across genotypes and envi-
%N ¼ ð%NmWm þ %NsWsÞ ð6Þ
W ronments, but in fact the two Eqs. 3 and 11 each
Supposing that Wm increases allometrically with represent an incomplete expression of the feedback
W, then: regulation by shoot growth of N absorption capacity
of the roots and of N partitioning within the canopy as
Wm ¼ kW a ð7Þ
described within the above section. A more complex
and then: analysis of N allocation between leaf and stem and of
remobilization of N from old leaves would be necessary
%N ¼ k ð%Nm  %NsÞW a1 þ %Ns ð8Þ to better capture genotypic differences in N uptake
This equation is very close to the empirical Eq. 2. capacities. Nevertheless, the robustness of the relation-
The main difference is the asymptotic value of %Nc ship between critical crop N uptake (Nc) or critical
which is equal to %Ns and not to zero. But the crop N concentration (%Nc) with crop mass accumu-
difference is very little for the range of W from 1 to lation (W) across environments and genotypes allows
15 t ha1[35]. the use of these empirical relationships as a base for the
Following Hardwick [49] assumptions, it can be determination of crop N demand and for diagnosis of
postulated that because Wm is associated mainly with crop N status.
photosynthesis it scales for plant area, and then to crop
Leaf Area Index (LAI): Regulation of Crop N Uptake
Wm ¼ pðLAIÞ ð9Þ The theory developed above indicates that plant
and then: N uptake seems to be regulated by plant growth itself.
In steady state N supply conditions, plant N uptake is
LAI ¼ W a ð10Þ feedback regulated by shoot signals, with a positive
p signal from photosynthetic C supply and a negative
So Eqs 3 and 10 indicate that both N uptake and one from reduced N recirculation to roots [50–52].
LAI are allometrically related to crop mass. For a large So the relationship between N uptake and LAI as
range of crop species, cultivated either under temperate attested by Eq. 11 can be explained by the fact that
or sub-tropical climate, the hypothesis for a common LAI expansion allowing increased light interception
value of coefficients b and a cannot be rejected, but provides larger C supply to roots, and also increases
then a direct relation of proportionality could be N storage capacities within expanding leaves as
established between crop N uptake and crop LAI [37]: RuBPc-o that avoids the depletion of N uptake by
recirculating reduced N compounds in the phloem.
a0 p
N¼ LAI ð11Þ This leads to the proportionality between crop
k N uptake and LAI for most of the species, but the
So, at crop level, the dynamic of expansion of LAI is slope of the relationships, i.e., the N uptake per unit
driving the crop N demand. LAI, is variable across species according to their mor-
Lemaire et al. [37] showed that the two coefficients phology and, more particularly, their leaf/stem ratio. So
b and a evolves in parallel during the time course of the leaf area expansion is not the only way for plant to store
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 645

reduced N. Stem growth and leaf thickness increase are 160

also a possibility for sequestrating N to avoid the 140

repression of N uptake capacity of roots. In conse- 120

N uptake kg/ha
quence, a more general and stable relationship between 100
N uptake and crop mass can be obtained as attested by 80
Eq. 3. Nevertheless, this relationship is not linear Maximum
60 Crit.
because N uptake per unit of crop mass decreases as 40 Fert.
the LAI per unit of crop mass, i.e., the leaf area ratio 20
(LAR) of the crop, decreases, that determines the
N dilution effect. 0 5 10 15 20 25
In the field, in a variable N supply condition, plant W t/ha
N uptake is co-regulated by both crop growth rate
Crop Responses to Nitrogen. Figure 2
potential and the soil N availability. Two groups of
Nitrogen (N) Uptake – Crop Mass (W) trajectories for
transport systems, with low and high affinity for
different steady states N supply: critical N uptake (Crit.),
nitrate, operate in plants [53]. Devienne-Barret et al.
maximum N uptake (Maximum), non-fertilized (Soil), and
[54] have proposed a model accounting for this co-
suboptimal N application (Fert.). The two lines represent
regulation of plant N uptake by soil nitrate concentra-
either (i) two growth stages of the same crop, (ii) two crops
tion and plant growth:
having different growth rate, or (iii) an environmental
  effect. The lines represent the response curves to increased
dN b dW
¼ ac ð1  bÞ W N supply
dt dt max
KH þ C KL þ C
growth rate itself. So, at any moment, crop growth
where V and K are coefficients of the Michaelis–Menten
rate is the consequence of crop N uptake and vice versa.
formula and subscripts describe the high (H) and the
low (L) affinity transport systems for nitrate; C is the
Diagnosis of Crop N Status: Nitrogen Nutrition
actual concentration of nitrate in soil solution, W is the
crop mass in t ha1 and b is the allometric coefficient of
Eq. 3. The main consequence of the theory developed above is
Figure 2 represents the crop N uptake vs crop mass that neither the plant N concentration nor the crop
trajectories for different steady-state N supply condi- N uptake per se can indicate unequivocally the crop
tions, i.e., C = constant. Among these curves, it is then N nutrition status. Eqs. 2 and 3 indicate that these
possible to identify the critical N uptake curve as two variables have to be interpreted in relation with
defined above. It is also possible to imagine that the crop mass.
maximum N uptake curve corresponds to the higher As shown in Fig. 2, the critical N uptake curve
quantity of N a crop is able to accumulate at a given separate situations where N supply is limiting crop
crop mass. The difference between this curve and the mass accumulation for situations where N is accumu-
critical curve correspond to the quantity of luxury lated in excess without any supplemental increase in
N the crop is able to store. crop mass. For a given situation and at any time course
So whatever the cause of the variation in crop mass of the growth period of the crop characterized by
provided that N supply remains at steady state, any an actual crop N uptake (Na) corresponding to an
increase in crop mass (DW) is accompanied by actual crop mass Wa, it is possible to determine
a corresponding increase in crop N uptake (DN). As a Nitrogen Nutrition Index (NNI) as the ratio between
soil N supply increases, plant N uptake increases as Na and the critical N uptake, Nc, corresponding to the
a consequence of both (i) the increase in soil same crop mass provided the critical N uptake of the
N concentration (C) and (ii) the increase of plant crop species has been determined. NNI can also be
646 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

Shoot N concentration

Supra-optimal N nutrition

Critical N “dilution” curve

Critical shoot N %N = a (W )–b

Actual shoot N
%Na Sub-optimal N nutrition

Wa Crop biomass (W )
Actual crop biomass

Crop Responses to Nitrogen. Figure 3

The use of the critical N dilution curve for the determination of the nitrogen nutrition index

determined directly from actual plant N concentration not been documented for many crop species. Lemaire
and dilution curves as illustrated in Fig. 3: and Gastal, [35] by using Eq. 8 derived a value of 0.77%
and 0.82% for %Ns for wheat and maize, respectively.
NNI ¼ ð13Þ So variation in %Ns across crop species could be not
very important. Therefore, the use of Eq. 2 for deter-
Values of NNI close to 1 indicate that at the date of mining crop N status can be recommended owing to its
the determination of Na or %Na the crop were in simplicity.
situation of non-limiting N supply. Values more than NNI estimates the instantaneous crop N status at
1 indicate a luxury consumption of N. Values less than the period of time when actual plant N concentration
1 indicate an N deficiency, the intensity of which can be %Na and actual crop mass Wa are estimated. But under
estimated by the value of the NNI: a value of 0.6 changing N supply in the field, it is necessary to deter-
indicating that crop N availability was only 60% of mine NNI several times during the growth cycle. An
the critical level. Such an index of crop N status has integrated value of NNI can be obtained by the
been used as a diagnostic tool for analyzing a posteriori weighted mean of NNI during the different growth
agronomical data from field experiments or farm periods, each time interval representing the duration
observations in order to explain variations in yield by in days or degree-days. Lemaire and Gastal [35] showed
differences in crop N status [55]. that it was possible to establish a linear relationship
Nevertheless, this approach does not take into between the NNIint and the relative biomass accumu-
account that the minimum plant N concentration is lation as expressed as the ratio between actual (Wa) and
not 0 but is equal to %Ns (Eq. 8), which is the mini- potential (Wm) biomass:
mum plant N concentration for the plant to stay alive
as postulated by Angus and Moncur [56]. So a more Wa=Wm ¼ K ðNNIint  NNI0 Þ ð15Þ
complex nitrogen nutrition index can be calculated:
where K is the response of the crop to increment in its
0%Na  %Ns
NNI ¼ ð14Þ average N nutrition status and NNI0 is the minimum
%Nc  %Ns crop N status to allow plant growth. This minimum
This new index, NNI0 , is therefore physiologically theoretically corresponds to %Ns.
more relevant than NNI, but it involves a greater degree Jeuffroy and Bouchard [57] characterizes the
of uncertainty related to the value of %Ns which has N deficiency period of a wheat crop by both its length
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 647

N concentration from the crop mass is the result of

two processes: (i) the decline in plant leaf area ratio
1 (LAR) as crop mass increases, and (ii) the preferential
allocation of N to the well-illuminated upper layer of
leaves as canopy develops. Therefore, Lemaire et al.
[58] suggested that while plant N concentration
declines with crop mass accumulation, the N content
ni per unit of leaf area within the upper layer of leaves
was more stable and would correlate well with the crop
N NNI. Then, it would be possible to use the
N concentration of the well-illuminated leaf layer as
Nb of days
an indicator of crop N status independently of the crop
Crop Responses to Nitrogen. Figure 4 mass. Farrugia et al. (2004), using this correlation, were
Estimation of NNIint from a sequential determination of able to develop a method of diagnostics of grassland
NNIi : NNNint = 1/N SNNIini The intensity of N deficiency (ID) N status [59] and of maize crop N status [60]. The leaf
is estimated by the lowest value of INNi, and the duration N concentration can be measured directly from leaf
of the deficiency (DD) is equal to the number of days samplings, but it can also be estimated indirectly by
with NNIi < 1 noninvasive methods. The leaf color chart (LCC) is an
easy-to-use and inexpensive diagnostic tool for moni-
toring the relative greenness of a rice leaf as an indicator
(deficit N duration, (DD) and its intensity (ID) by of the leaf and then of the plant N status [61]. The
means of the 1-NNI minimum observed value, and estimation of chlorophyll content of leaves by portable
they calculated an integrated index of crop N status systems based on leaf transmittance or leaf reflectance
by the mean of the product ID  DD = IDD that in specific wave bands is also well correlated with leaf
represents about twice the area between the curve of N content, and can be a method for crop N status
NNIi dynamic and the horizontal line NNIi = 1 diagnosis [62, 63]. But these predictions are in general
(Fig. 4). They showed that IDD explained 96% of the dependant on cultivars and years [64]. Houlès et al.
variation in grain number of wheat within a large [65] demonstrated that through remote sensing it was
experimental sites x years data set. possible to estimate both crop LAI and the quantity of
So it is clear that NNI is a good basic tool for chlorophyll per unit of soil area, and then the quantity
analyzing actual plant status in crops, and then to of N within the canopy per unit of soil area. Therefore
interpret agronomical data in field conditions in it would be possible to recalculate the NNI of the crop.
order to detect if or not plant N deficiency periods Such an estimate can be intensively repeated in space
occurred, with which intensity and timing and to ana- and time that allows very precise information on the
lyze the consequences on crop growth and the crop spatiotemporal dynamics of crop N status that is very
yield components. But despite its high informative useful for precision agriculture.
value as diagnostic tool for crop N status, NNI is
difficult to use practically in field conditions and it
Crop Responses to N Deficiency
remains more a research than an agronomical manage-
ment tool. NNI determination is time consuming The use of the concept of critical crop N concentration
because of the necessity to determine crop mass. Then and the possibility for diagnosis of the actual crop
it is necessary to use noninvasive and cost-effective N status totally reversed the approach of the response
methods for a rapid and operational determination of of crop to N fertilizers. The response of crop to N was
plant N status, and then to use NNI as a reference for studied by analyzing the response curve of yield to
calibration of these indirect methods. increasing fertilizer rates.
The theory developed above showed that the The difficulty for such an approach is that (i) the
N dilution effect and then the dependency of plant actual N supply for the crop is not known, because the
648 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

quantity of N provided directly by the soil, and then
the yield in absence of any fertilization is very variable, 700

and (ii) the potential yield, i.e., the yield achievable in 600

Biomass g m–2
a given climatic condition when N supply can be con- 500
sidered as non-limiting is unknown. So, the crop 400
N demand and the total crop N supply are unknown 300
variables and it is possible to get only the regression 200
between increment in yield and increments in 100 N240
N fertilization rates. This approach led to provide 0
huge families of crop response curves to N fertilizers 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
very variable to each other according to soils, climates, Intercepted PAR MJ m–2

years, species, and cultivars, and the only way was to Crop Responses to Nitrogen. Figure 5
analyze this variability with statistic approaches with Relationships between the quantity of photosynthetic
any possibility to identify and to quantify processes in active radiation (PAR) intercepted by a tall fescue sward
order to develop prediction models. and the accumulation of aboveground biomass for three
The possibility for diagnosis crop N status allowed contrasted N supply rate: N0: no N application; N60: 60 kgN
the identification of situations where crop growth and ha1; N240: 240 kgN ha1. The slope of the regression
development were not limited by N deficiency, and represents the radiation use efficiency [67]
then to develop crop potential growth models as
resulting from climate conditions. Then using the
critical N uptake concept, it was possible to derive
from these models the dynamics of crop N demand intercepted while for more severe deficiency, the
all along the crop cycle. So instead of having the check response of the two variables converged. This type of
treatment with no N fertilizer and to analyze response response has been confirmed on sunflower [68] and on
of crop to increments in N supply, the check treatment sorghum and maize [69]. LAI expansion seems a little
is now the crop with critical N status, and then the bit more responsive to N deficiency than RUE: for an
response of the crop to the occurrence of periods of NNI of 0.6, RUE was reduced by 30% while LAI was
N nutrition deficiency of different timing and inten- reduced by 40% (Fig. 6).
sity all along the crop growth cycle and the conse- RUE is an integrated variable accounting for pho-
quences on yield components and quality of the yield tosynthesis and respiration, but also the allocation of
can be analyzed. assimilates to root [70]. These authors showed that, in
fact, canopy gross photosynthesis was less affected by
N deficiency than the accumulation of total biomass
N Deficiency Effects on Crop Mass Accumulation
reflecting higher respiration losses in N-deficient crops,
According to Monteith [66], crop mass accumulation is and the accumulation of shoot biomass was more
linearly related to the quantity of photosynthetic radi- affected than the accumulation of total biomass
ation (PAR) intercepted by a crop during its life cycle. reflecting then an important increase of allocation of
The slope of this regression can be interpreted as the biomass to roots in N deficient situations. The lower
radiation use efficiency (RUE). shoot/root ratio in N deficient crops is widely
As illustrated in Fig. 5, and as shown by Bélanger documented [71, 72]. In fact this increased allocation
et al. [67], N deficiency affects both the quantity of PAR of assimilate to roots is the consequence of the lower
intercepted by the crop and the efficiency with which activity of shoot meristems (leaf and stem extension)
the intercepted radiation is used for biomass elabora- that allows a greater quantity of carbon to be used for
tion (RUE). These authors, using NNI, have shown that root growth. So the more sensible plant growth process
in relative terms, RUE was more affected by moderate to N deficiency appears to be the leaf area expansion
N deficiency (NNI = 0.6–0.8) than the quantity of PAR rate, with two major consequences: (i) a reduction
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 649

30% of its maximum value in non-limiting conditions.
1 That demonstrates the high responsiveness of leaf
expansion to N deficiency.
Relative responses

Lemaire et al. [24] used the relationship between
0,6 LAI and crop mass (W) of Eq. 10 for studying the
different types of response of crop species to
N deficiency. This approach allows the separation of
0,2 the reduction of LAI being directly associated with the
0 reduction in crop mass (i.e., simply a crop size effect)
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 1,2 1,4 from any specific reduction of LAI at similar crop mass
Nitrogen nutrition index
(i.e., a modification of plant architecture through
Crop Responses to Nitrogen. Figure 6 a reduction of leaf area ratio. They demonstrated that
Effects of crop N status determined by the nitrogen under a similar intensity of N deficiency as estimated
nutrition index (NNI) of tall fescue swards receiving through NNI, the reduction of LAI of maize is totally
different N application rates and (i) the relative quantity of allometrically related to its reduction in crop mass
intercepted PAR, PARact/PARmax (●), (ii) the relative (crop size effect), while for wheat N deficiency pro-
Radiation Use Efficiency, RUEact/RUEmax (■), and the vokes in supplement a reduction of LAI at same crop
relative LAI, LAIact/LAImax (▲). (Redrawn from [67]) mass, i.e., a reduction in LAR. These two types of
responses represented two extremes and tall fescue
behaves like maize while canola behaves like wheat;
in the dynamic of light interception and then in sorghum and sunflower having intermediate responses
the canopy photosynthesis and crop C supply and [24]. Hence classification of crops in either metabolic
(ii) a preferential allocation of C for root growth that (C3 vs C4) or botanical (monocots vs dicots) groups
contributes to increase root foraging activity for a fur- does not correspond to any particular response type.
ther increase in N uptake capacity. In response to N deficiency, some species such as maize
The response of leaf area of plants and canopies to or tall fescue tend to maximize light interception by
N deficiency is brought about by a decline in the minimizing the reduction in LAI, at the expanse of
expansion rate and size of individual leaves combined N concentration per unit leaf area, and then leaf pho-
with reduction of branching or tillering. The accumu- tosynthesis, while other species such as wheat and
lation of nonstructural carbohydrates in N-deficient canola tend to develop an inverse response. Do these
leaves indicates that C supply is not the cause of the two opposite strategies mean that there exists a trade-
leaf area expansion under N deficiency [38]. off between photosynthesis per unit of LAI and leaf
N deficiency decrease the rates of cell division and area expansion as already proposed by Sinclair and
cell expansion with little effect on final cell length [26], Horie [74]?
so the reduction of leaf size in N-deficient plants is
mainly due to a reduction in cell number. Gastal et al.
N Deficiency Effects on Leaf and Canopy
[73] proposed a quantitative relationship between the
leaf elongation rate (LER) of tall fescue and the NNI of
the sward: The response of leaf photosynthesis to irradiance
largely depends on the leaf N content. Leaf photosyn-
¼ 1:39  1:9e 1:49NNI ð16Þ thesis at saturating light intensity (Amax) increases
asymptotically with leaf N content [75]. This relation-
Subscript “actual” corresponds to any suboptimal ship shows a positive intercept on the leaf N content
N condition, and subscript “critical” refers to a non- axis, indicating that when leaf photosynthesis rate
limiting N nutrition. For a severe limitation in becomes zero, leaves would still contain significant
N nutrition, NNI = 0.4, LER is then reduced to about amount of N, corresponding the structural leaf
650 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

N (Ns) of Eq. 8. The variation in the Amax/SLN (leaf photosynthesis to N deficiency appears relatively
N content per unit leaf area) relationship seems rela- limited, which explains the limited influence of
tively limited among cultivated species of the same N deficiency on RUE.
metabolic group [10, 76], despite Sinclair and Horie
[74] showed a lower Amax at similar SLN for soybean.
N deficiency Effects on Harvest Index and
This variation among species could be due to (i) dif-
Components of Grain Yield
ferences in nitrogen costs of PEP-carboxylase and
RuBPc-o and the relative amounts of these two For grain crops, yield is closely related to grain number
enzymes in leaves, and/or (ii) the possible accumula- per unit area of soil. The elaboration of grains depends
tion of vegetative storage proteins within leaves of on flows of C and N compounds to reproductive
legume species such as soybean. meristems during a narrow window period around
There is a large discussion whether Amax has to be flowering, anthesis, and very initial grain development,
related to either leaf N content per unit mass or per unit and also on environmental conditions (temperature,
leaf area [75]. Lemaire and Gastal [32] indicated that radiation, and water stress) during this period. This
none of these two relationships are completely right. critical period coincides with the maximum rate of
The two components of photosynthesis, light crop N uptake [79]. So any limitation of crop growth
harvesting by chlorophyll and CO2 reduction by rate at this period by N deficiency decreases grain
RuBPc-o, are affected by leaf N status, and these two number and then grain yield on cereals such as maize
processes have to be expressed on a leaf tissue volume [28], wheat [29, 80]. Jeuffroy and Bouchard [57]
basis, and not only on an area basis. Then leaf thickness established for wheat a relationship between grain
is an important parameter to take into account. Spe- number and the severity and duration of the
cific leaf area (SLA) is the parameter allowing corre- N deficiency before anthesis as calculated by NNI
spondence between leaf N content per unit area and per method. The effect of N deficiency on grain
unit dry matter basis. But relationship between leaf number is the consequence of two simultaneous effects:
thickness and SLA is weak because of the variations of (i) a lower crop growth rate at anthesis restricting
nonstructural carbohydrate content within leaves. C supply to spikelets and then a spikelet abortion
The quantum efficiency that is the response of leaf [81]; and (ii) a decrease in the N content in the
photosynthesis to light at low irradiance is only little spike stems [29] corresponding to a direct effect of
affected by N deficiency [77, 78]. Moreover, the dark N deficiency on floret fertility.
respiration of leaves seems to increase with increasing The other grain yield component, grain weight, is
leaf N [78]. Hence, as the leaves are progressively generally less affected by N deficiency at anthesis than
shaded within the canopy the effect of N deficiency the grain number [47]. However, it is necessary to take
on leaf net photosynthesis becomes lower and lower into account the negative correlation between grain
and then negligible. weight and grain number: a reduced grain number
Gastal and Bélanger [77] showed that canopy gross resulting from pre-anthesis N deficiency can lead to
photosynthesis of a tall fescue sward at high irradiance a more favorable source:sink ration during grain filling
(CGPmax) only responds smoothly to N deficiency: period and then to an unaffected grain weight. Grain
a reduction in NNI from 1 to 0.4 reduced the relative filling in both carbohydrates and proteins depends on
CGPmax from 1 to 0.6 only. This low responsiveness of (i) the recycling of C and N compounds previously
canopy photosynthesis to N deficiency is due to the fact accumulated within vegetative organs during pre-
that as canopy develops, a greater number of leaves are anthesis growth period, and (ii) post-anthesis photo-
shaded and then their photosynthesis does not respond synthesis and N absorption. The relative importance of
to N shortage. When irradiance becomes more limited, these two components depends on plant species and
the responsiveness of canopy photosynthesis to their capacities to store C and N compounds in their
N deficiency becomes more limited. So when canopy vegetative organs. So some species such as wheat or rice
photosynthesis is integrated over day and for a long are able to develop large LAI [7–9] and then to store
period where crop LAI is high, the response of canopy large quantities of N, then they are able to feed 80–90%
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 651

of the N demand for grain development by recycling 2. The nitrogen conversion efficiency (NCE) which
N stored within vegetative biomass, while other species measures the ability of a crop to use absorbed
such as maize, because they develop less LAI [4, 5] N for dry matter and grain production
with lower N content because they have C4 metabolism,
are obliged to feed 40–60% of their grain N demand NUE ¼ðNAEÞðNCEÞ ð17Þ
through post-anthesis N absorption. As a consequence,
Nitrogen Absorption Efficiency
crop species like maize are more susceptible to terminal
soil N shortage than crop species like wheat or rice. Genotypic differences in N uptake at different levels of
Delaying leaf senescence for species like maize or N supply have been shown in rice [86], wheat [87], and
sorghum should allow these species to continue to maize [88]. Modern cultivars have a higher N uptake
maintain high N absorption rate after anthesis. The capacity because they have a higher biomass produc-
supplement of carbohydrates allocated to roots permit- tion. This effect is accounted by Eq. (x) as it shows that
ted by this delayed leaf senescence allows the mainte- the crop N uptake rate increases with crop growth rate.
nance of root absorption capacity [82]. So using So any factor enhancing the potential crop growth rate,
stay-green genotypes in low N supply conditions genotype or environment, increase de facto the
seems to be beneficial for both sorghum [83] and N uptake capacity of the crop. More interesting from
maize [84]. a plant breeding point of view would be to increase the
N uptake capacity of crop at similar crop biomass
Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Crops production. Lemaire and Gastal [32] reported data
comparing N uptake of tall fescue and cocksfoot swards
From an agronomic point of view, nitrogen use effi-
at similar biomass. These data show that cocksfoot
ciency (NUE) of a crop represents its capacity to pro-
had a higher N uptake capacity than tall fescue
duce a supplement of yield (dY) for each added unit of
under a sub-limiting N supply condition, while the
N fertilizer (dNf) that corresponds to the derivative of
two species had similar N uptake capacity under non-
the crop yield response curve to the rate of N supply:
limiting N supply. Similarly, Lemaire et al. [89] showed
Y = f(Nf). As this response curve is asymptotic, NUE
that grain sorghum had a higher N uptake capacity
generally declines with the higher rate of N supply,
than maize under limiting N supply, while the two
indicating that the first N unit applied is more effi-
species had similar N uptake under non-limiting
ciently converted into yield than later applications.
N supply.
According to the crop species types, Y can represent
The fact that N uptake capacity and then nitrogen
either the aboveground biomass, as for forage crops, or
absorption efficiency (NAE) does not vary too much
the grain part as for cereals, grain legumes, or oil seed
among crop species is due to the fact that the critical
N uptake curve, as described by Eq. 2 is not very
Such a global approach does not allow a clear mech-
different among species of the same metabolic group
anistic analysis of the physiological traits controlling
(C3 vs C4). Then differences between crop species in
NUE between different species and cultivars because
NAE under non-limiting N supply conditions would
crops respond to total N supply (Nt) that include
reflect their differences in their potential biomass
fertilizer supply (Nf) and soil N mineralization (Ns).
accumulation according to their respective metabolic
So according to variations in Ns due both to soil and
group. Under limiting N supply conditions, clear dif-
climatic conditions and to previous crop management,
ferences emerge among species. As for cocksfoot vs tall
different value of Nt can be obtained with the same Nf,
fescue, sorghum appears to have a greater root length
leading to large differences in NUE. For this reason,
density than maize. This would confer these species
Moll et al. [85] propose to define NUE as the yield
a better capacity of interception of soil mineral N.
produced per unit of N available in the soil, considering
Soil N recovery that determines NAE is the result of
two components:
the nitrogen balance between crop N uptake rate,
1. The Nitrogen Absorption Efficiency (NAE) which immobilization by soil microbial communities and
measures the ability of a crop to uptake N from soil losses through leaching, denitrification, and
652 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

volatilization [90]. Root architecture and biochemical the increase in N supply rate, can be defined as the sum
composition, and perhaps root exudates could play of two components (i) (DNupt)1, the quantity of N the
an important role in this balance, and then on NAE. limiting N supply treatment should have been absorb
So because of a permanent turnover of N in soil, in supplement for reaching the corresponding critical
plants having a dense root system are able to compete level, and (ii) (DNupt)2, the supplemental increase in
more efficiently against microbes for capturing min- N uptake associated to the accelerated growth rate
eral N when the principal source of N is the minerali- resulting to the higher N supply level. The NCE of
zation of organic matter, i.e., in limiting N supply (DNupt)1 is 0 as the increment in N uptake is made at
conditions. In non-limiting N supply conditions, a constant crop mass. The NCE of (DNupt)2 is not
there is ample mineral N in soil, the immobilization constant and can be approached only for a given crop
capacity of microbial community is saturated and mass by the derivative of Eq. 3:
then the differences among species tend to disappear.
Only the difference in N uptake capacity linked to ¼ abðW Þb1 ð18Þ
difference in crop growth capacity can then be
observed. This equation indicates that the efficiency of con-
Some coincidences between quantitative trait loci version of N absorbed into crop mass dW/dNupt
(QTL) for root architecture and NAE have been increases as crop mass increases. Such an analysis
detected on wheat [91]. A large genotypic variability allows the identification of two different sources of
has been identified across maize lines for the density variation for NCE: (i) when W is increased only by
and length of lateral roots [92], suggesting that it would other factors than N supply, climate and/or genotype,
be possible to breed this species for improving its NAE then NCE increases with crop mass, and (ii) when W is
under low N supply conditions. Similarly, genetic stud- increased by N supply, then NCE is lowered by the cost
ies showed that NAE was the most important compo- in N uptake for restoring the plant N status. This
nent of the Nitrogen use Efficiency in rice [93] and approach allows the study of NCE as a dynamic process
wheat [87]. where the time has to be explicitly taken into account
through crop growth rate: the higher crop growth rate,
the higher NCE of the crop. Then it allows the identi-
Nitrogen Conversion Efficiency
fication of the trivial effect of plant mass per se: a small
The efficiency of conversion of absorbed N by crop into crop, either because genetically small or because of
yield has to be analyzed at two levels: unfavorable environmental conditions will have
a lower NCE as compared to a bigger crop. This reason
– The efficiency for crop biomass production (W),
explains why a good correlation is observed between
i.e., the supplement of biomass (dW) associated to
genotypes growing either in high or low N supply con-
the supplement of N uptake (dN) when N supply
ditions [88]. In consequence, breeding for a high NCE
must lead to the selection of genotypes to higher
– The harvest index HI, i.e., the proportion of crop
growth potential. There is no clear indication until
mass allocated to grain
now if NCE variation among genotypes would persist
Figure 7 allows a more detailed analysis of the NCE when comparisons are made at same crop mass. Since
for crop mass production. This figure represents two coefficients a and b of Eq. 2 differ little or not at all
N uptake vs crop mass (W) trajectories for crops at two between species within C3 or C4 groups, the chances to
level of N supply: a limiting N supply rate and a non- find intraspecific differences in NCE when comparing
limiting one corresponding to critical N status. At each plants having a similar growth potential remains very
date the slope of the line joining data points limited.
corresponding to the two N supply rates is equal to When considering yield (Y) and not only crop
DNupt/DW which is the reciprocal of NCE. The sup- biomass (W), NCE can be highly variable among crop
plement of nitrogen taken up by the crop, DNupt, due to species as resulting to large genotypic variations in
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 653

Critical N uptake
N uptake Nc = a c(Wc)b

Δ (Nupt) 2

ΔNupt /ΔW = 1/NCE

Δ (Nupt) 1 Limiting N uptake

N0 = a0(W0)b

W0 Wc

Crop Responses to Nitrogen. Figure 7

Schematic representation of the components of the nitrogen conversion efficiency. The first component D(Nupt)1
corresponds to the quantity of N necessary for crop to reach its critical N status, and its NCE is 0. The second component
D(Nupt)2 corresponds to the quantity of N necessary for the synthesis the supplement of biomass DW and whose the
NCE is dW/dN = 1/ab(W)1b that increases with crop mass

harvest index (HI). For grain crops as cereals, grain to roots, the recovery of this N application is low, and
legumes, and oil seed species, HI is an important source then, large mineral N residues in soil increase the risk
of variation in grain yield per unit of N uptake. The for subsequent N leaching.
repartition of N between the harvested and non-
harvested plant parts that is the nitrogen harvested
index (NHI) is then an important aspect of the grain
nutritional quality [95]. Grain produced per unit of Since soil N availability, N uptake and distribution
N uptake and grain N concentration are in general within plant and crop and finally crop growth are per-
inversely related [96], and a variable proportion of manently interrelated during crop development and
the variation in yield per unit N uptake is accounted growth, the traditional view where crop N uptake was
for by grain protein concentration or by NHI, totally regulated by soil N supply must be reconsidered
according to crop type. and replaced by a more dynamic approach where plant
Grain protein N concentration is the result of two N uptake rate at any moment is co-regulated by both soil
concomitant processes: (i) the rate of accumulation of N supply and plant growth capacity itself. This co-
proteins during grain filling and (ii) the rate of accu- regulation lead to the concept of critical plant
mulation of free-N compounds (carbohydrates) within N concentration and N dilution that link plant and
grains that lead to a dilution of N as grains develop. So crop N status to plant and crop mass. Such an approach
a low grain N concentration can result in both a N allows the determination of the dynamics of plant
deficiency during grain filling period and a large accu- N demand and plant N status all along their life-cycle.
mulation rate of starch. Thus, late application of Critical N-curves are now available for most of the crop
N fertilizer to avoid any N shortage during grain filling species growing either in temperate or tropical condi-
can lead to an increase of the grain protein concentra- tions. This allows the determination of the nitrogen
tion. But as the capacity of roots for N absorption at nutrition index of any crop in any condition for diagnosis
this stage of the crop is largely impaired by the begin- of its actual N status and estimating the necessity for
ning of leaf senescence and the shortage of C allocated applying N fertilizers.By this way, it would be possible
654 Crop Responses to Nitrogen

now to adjust more precisely the quantity and the could be possible to increase the quantity of N a crop
timing of N fertilizer supply for matching the crop is able to uptake from soil in low N supply conditions
N demand according to target yields. As and then to reduce the quantity of N fertilizers neces-
a consequence, a reduction of the risk for N losses to sary to obtain a given target yield. Under low N supply
atmosphere and hydrosphere should be obtained while conditions, root development and architecture as well
the crop productivity would be maintained. as the interactions with rhizosphere through root exu-
One other perspective is to improve the efficiency of dates may be of major importance for the determina-
use of N within agro-systems. It appears that improv- tion of the N uptake capacity of crops. Under high
ing the ability of crops to absorb and accumulate N supply conditions, it is the down regulation of root
N efficiently from soil (nitrogen absorption efficiency) absorption capacities by shoot signals which determine
is the first objective for high nitrogen use efficiency in the crop N uptake capacity. So for breeding genotypes
cropping systems. This ability of plants and crops to with higher N uptake capacities both in low and in high
take up mineral N from soil has to be investigated both N supply conditions, it is necessary to analyze more
at high or low N supply conditions. As demonstrated deeply all the regulation processes of N absorption at
above, in both conditions, N uptake capacity of a crop physiological and molecular levels. This kind of
is directly dependent upon its growth capacity as deter- approach should be one of the major tasks in the next
mined by (i) its own genetic potential, (ii) environ- decade. The development of large-scale genomic, pro-
mental conditions such as soil and climate, (iii) teomic, and metabolomic studies is necessary for such
cropping management techniques, and (iv) interactions an objective. However, the difficulty will be to integrate
between these variables. So any improvement in crop the huge amount of data generated by these studies. All
growth capacity by both breeding cultivars and crop elementary processes studied at cellular or molecular
management (irrigation, P, K, S fertilization, planting level have to be scaled up to the level of whole plant and
density) will increase NAE of the crop and then will crop where they are agronomically relevant. The nitro-
reduce the risk of accumulation of soil N mineral sur- gen nutrition of crops and its efficiency for yield pro-
plus with environmental hazards. But more important duction is controlled by elementary physiological
would be to improve NAE of crop species at similar crop processes such as nitrate or ammonium transport
growth potential. This would allow achieving a given through cell membranes in roots, nitrate reduction,
target yield with less N fertilizer. Such an objective ammonium assimilation, and protein synthesis. Each
requires a more efficient root system to increase the of these metabolic processes is regulated at molecular
competitive ability of the plant for using soil mineral level, and then is susceptible to have more or less
N against microbial communities. This objective could genetic variability. But when all processes are scaled
be reached through a combination of plant breeding up to whole plant or crop level, a large part of this
strategy and crop management techniques such as soil elementary variability is buffered because of existing
tillage and soil structure conservation. trade-off among elementary processes and feedback
mechanisms. Quantitative genetics using both mutants
and genetic engineering appears to be one of the most
Future Directions
promising tools to allow the identification of key reg-
The improvement of the ability of plants and crops to ulatory genes that are likely to control a variety of
absorb and accumulate N efficiently from soil, that is physiological and developmental processes involved
measured by NAE, appears to be the first objective for in the determination of crop nitrogen absorption effi-
a plant breeding strategy. As demonstrated above, the ciency. But this approach must be always accompanied
N uptake capacity of a crop primarily depends on its by a modeling approach in order to analyze all the
growth potential under given climatic conditions. So feedback and trade-off at whole plant and crop level.
adaptation of genotypes for fast growth potential is the Breeding plants to increase nitrogen conversion
first way for improving its N uptake capacity. However, efficiency for aboveground dry matter production
it should be also possible to increase the plant N uptake appears to be more difficult because, apart from the
capacity at similar growth potential. By this way, it difference between C4 and C3 groups, no clear
Crop Responses to Nitrogen 655

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Books and Reviews Lemaire G, van Oosterom E, Jeuffroz MH, Gastal F, Massignan A
(2008) Crop species present different qualitative types of
Gastal F, Lemaire G (2002) N uptake and distribution in crops: an response to N deficiency during their vegetative growth.
agronomical and ecophysiological perspective. J Exp Bot Field Crop Res 105:253–265
53:789–799 Lemaire G, van Oosterom E, Sheehy J, Jeuffroy MH, Massignan A,
Grindlay DJC (1997) Towards an explanation of crop nitrogen Rossato L (2007) Is crop demand closely related to dry matter
demand based on leaf nitrogen per unit leaf area. J Sci Food accumulation of leaf area expansion during vegetative
Agric 63:116–123 growth? Field Crop Res 100:91–106
Hirel B, Lemaire G (2005) From agronomy and ecophysiology to Sinclair TR, Horie T (1989) Leaf nitrogen, photosynthesis, and crop
molecular genetics for improving nitrogen use efficiency in radiation use efficiency: a review. Crop Sci 29:90–98
crops. J Crop Imp 15:213–257 Sinclair TR (1998) Historical changes in harvest index crop N
Justes E, Mary B, Meynard JM, Machet JM, Thellier-Huché L (1994) accumulation. Crop Sci 38:638–643
Determination of a critical nitrogen dilution curve for winter Van Keulen H, Goudrian J, Seligman NG (1989) Modelling the
wheat crops. Ann Bot 74:397–407 effects of nitrogen on canopy development and crop growth.
Lemaire G, Gastal F (1997) N uptake and distribution in plant In: Rusell G, Marshall LB, Jarvis PG (eds) Plant canopies: their
canopies. In: Lemaire G (ed) Diagnosis on the nitrogen status growth, form and function. Cambridge University Press, Cam-
in crops. Springer, Heidelberg, pp 3–43 bridge, pp 83–104
Crop Science and Technology, Introduction 659

Crop Science and Technology, comprises 45 articles that can be divided into two
parts: (a) molecular approaches and (b) crop physiol-
Introduction ogy and agronomy.
Department de Produccio Vegetal i Ciencia Forestal,
Transgenic Crops and Molecular Breeding
Universitat de Lleida/ICREA, Lleida, Spain
Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, World food and feed security are increasingly depen-
(ICREA), Barcelona, Spain dent on continuous crop improvement and in partic-
Department of Crop and Forest Sciences, University ular the development of crops with increased resistance
of Lleida, Lleida, Spain to abiotic stresses (▶ Abiotic Stress Tolerant Crops:
Genes, Pathways and Bottlenecks). Plants unlike ani-
mals are not mobile, consequently they need to develop
strategies to combat natural enemies such as herbivores
Article Outline
and environmental stresses. Drought, salinity, submer-
Transgenic Crops and Molecular Breeding gence, and temperature stresses amongst others are all
Crop Physiology and Agronomy important abiotic constraints which limit crop yields.
Significant advances in our understanding of molecular
Population growth in the coming decades will put mechanisms underpinning a plant’s ability to combat
severe pressure on human food, animal feed, and abiotic stresses has resulted in the creation of transgenic
fiber production. Bioenergy applications are already plants with improved resistance to such stresses.
exerting increasing pressure on agricultural commod- Sustainable, renewable resources are those derived
ities and land use with severe economic consequences, from biological sources, primarily plant biomass which
particularly in the developing world. Any crop pro- can be regenerated with minimal inputs using energy
ductivity increases must come necessarily from from the sun (▶ Biomass Crops for Biofuels and Bio-
enhancing crop performance as further land expan- based Products). Biomass for biofuels includes many
sion for agriculture is unlikely to take place. Environ- sources of material derived from agricultural harvests
mental sustainability and social justice issues are including grains, agricultural residues such as stalks
becoming increasingly key elements in debates on and leaves, perennial crops such as hay and trees, ani-
how to assure adequate food for the ever-increasing mal manures, building waste wood, municipal solid
global population. It is likely that the efficiency waste such as paper, and various food industry wastes.
of increasing productivity would benefit by Humans currently consume at least 25% more raw
complementing the conventional empirical materials every year than are replaced through biolog-
approaches with opportunities presented by the devel- ical growth. In order to sustain quality of life and
opment of new knowledge and technologies in the maintain adequate environmental resources, those
field of Crop Science. Therefore, in this section a resources must be balanced and renewable. Pressure
number of seminal articles by world experts in the on those resources has never been greater with the
field are featured. Through this collection of articles world population currently at seven billion people,
key advances in the field are highlighted and the and estimated to plateau at 10.5 billion by 2050.
reader is pointed to future directions in terms of Once a gene is introduced into a plant its expression
opportunities and constraints for a more productive may be controlled by a number of different factors
and sustainable agriculture. This is not meant to be an (▶ Transgene Expression in Plants, Control of).
exhaustive list of topics; rather the aim is to highlight Among these, promoters are most important as they
particular technologies and topics that have a real regulate expression temporally and spatially. Transcrip-
potential to make a substantial contribution to tional fusions of genes, with the Cauliflower Mosaic
a more productive and environmentally friendlier Virus 35S promoter when integrated into the plant
agriculture in the short to medium term. This section genome (mostly dicotyledonous plants), result in

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
660 Crop Science and Technology, Introduction

transgenic plants with high and constitutive expression genetic basis of valuable crop traits will help provide
of the transgene. However, 35S-driven transgene solutions to our requirements for sustainable exis-
expression is very variable with ca: 20% of the tence, faced with a growing global population and
transformants exhibiting high expression levels, while diminishing natural resources (▶ Crop Traits: Gene
the majority (ca: 80%) display an intermediate or low Isolation). Isolated genes encoding useful traits and
and unstable transgene expression. The possible causes their use in plant transformation experiments allow
of variation in transgene expression in a population of the development of an in-depth understanding of the
transgenic plants need to be identified and addressed mechanisms that control such important crop traits.
in order to generate useful plants with stable and pre- Thus, through such investigations that utilize isolated
dictable levels of expression of introduced transgenes. genes, one is able to understand and harness traits
Plant transformation is a fundamental component involved in plant domestication such as plant architec-
of both basic and applied plant biology (▶ Crop Plants ture, to those offering solutions for high crop produc-
Transformation Methods). For basic research, transfor- tion purposes such as growth under unfavorable
mation allows scientists to study how genes function environments or disease outbreaks. Cloning or
and allows the study of both endogenous genes and identification of the genes involved in crop traits pro-
transgenes. This has increased our understanding of vide an insight into factors which determine gene–trait
how plants grow, develop, and defend themselves relationships. Understanding the molecular basis of
against pests, diseases, and harsh environments; how crop traits provides a route to their controlled modu-
photosynthesis is controlled; and the basis of primary lation ultimately leading to the development and
and secondary metabolism. For applied research, trans- implementation of novel genetic engineering solutions
formation can be used to improve the agronomic per- to create plants with superior and sustainable
formance of crops, making them hardier, more characteristics.
nutritious, more productive, or converting them from Conventional plant breeding practices alone will
conventional crops into green factories producing not be able to achieve sustainability in today’s agricul-
chemical precursors, novel oils, industrial enzymes, ture. Advances in plant genomics research are opening
and pharmaceuticals. Plants have been cultivated for up a new era in plant breeding where the linkage of
food and animal feed, fibers and structural materials, genes to specific traits will lead to more efficient and
and small molecules that can be used as dyes, scents, predictable breeding programs (▶ Crop Breeding for
and medicines since the dawn of history, and for the Sustainable Agriculture, Genomics Interventions in).
same length of time people have sought to improve Plant genomics is a rapidly developing field, which is
plants by breeding them and selecting the better- radically improving our understanding of plant biol-
performing and most useful varieties. The limitations ogy by making available novel tools for the improve-
of this approach, that is, the fact that breeders are ment of plant properties relevant to sustainable
restricted to the existing gene pool in each group of agricultural production. Recent advances in high
sexually compatible species, and that breeding takes throughput genomics technologies including next gen-
a long time to achieve its goals, can be overcome by eration sequencing and high-throughput genotyping
plant transformation, thus accelerating the develop- have helped immensely in understanding the functions
ment of plants with novel, beneficial traits. Plant trans- and regulation of genes in crop plants. The ever-
formation includes both the uptake of naked DNA increasing availability of genome sequences in crop
(direct DNA transfer) and the transfer of DNA by the plants has facilitated greatly the development of geno-
conjugation-like method adopted by Agrobacterium mic resources that will allow us to address biological
tumefaciens and A. rhizogenes (Agrobacterium- functions and a number of basic processes relevant to
mediated transformation). crop production leading to sustainable agriculture. It is
Genetics, molecular biology, genomics, and other therefore expected that genomics will be an integral
disciplines have now provided us with an insight to the part of the agricultural/plant breeding practices of the
genes that encode important crop traits on which future for improving crop productivity to achieve food
humans now depend. Knowledge of the molecular security and sustainable production.
Crop Science and Technology, Introduction 661

Plants have been used as sources of small molecular natural or engineered products that were previously
weight compounds (secondary metabolites) with limited to other hosts. Plant molecular pharming of
applications as medicines, flavors, and fragrances for industrial proteins refers to recombinant proteins used
millennia. However, many plants containing such high- in industrial processes and produced in plants (▶ Plant
value secondary metabolites are difficult to cultivate or Molecular Pharming, Industrial Enzymes). Enormous
are becoming endangered because of overharvesting. In quantities of a variety of enzymes go into making
addition, the chemical synthesis of plant-derived com- products such as paper, leather, detergents, pharma-
pounds is often uneconomical due to their highly com- ceuticals, food, beverages, chemicals, and fabric, to
plex structures. The biotechnological production of name a few, and economical production of these indus-
valuable secondary metabolites is an attractive alternative trially important enzymes is crucial to commerce. This
to the extraction of whole plant material (▶ Medicinal production must be balanced with the need for sus-
Plants, Engineering of Secondary Metabolites in Cell tainability and environmental stewardship. Sustainable
Cultures). Functional genomics may open entirely new production of industrial enzymes requires that
avenues to screen unexplored medicinal plant species resources are not overexploited and wastes are not
for their pharmacological value. polluting. The use of plants as “green” factories can
Molecular breeding (MB) allows the stacking of meet both criteria. Combined with modern farming
favorable alleles, or genomic regions, for target traits and containment methods, transgenic plants have the
in a desired genetic background, thanks to the use of potential to produce large quantities of target material
polymorphic molecular markers (MM) that monitor safely and sustainably.
differences in genomic composition among cultivars, The demand for recombinant medical proteins has
or genotypes, at specific genomic regions, or genes, increased in recent years and modern biotechnological
involved in the expression of those target traits methods have, until recently, ensured the production of
(▶ Molecular Breeding Platforms in World Agricul- safe and effective biopharmaceuticals to meet this
ture). The use of MM generally increases the genetic demand. Various production platforms are currently
gain per crop cycle compared to selection based on used in the pharmaceutical industry, most based on the
plant phenotyping only, and therefore reduces the fermentation of engineered pro- and eukaryotic micro-
number of needed selection cycles, hastening the deliv- organisms, insect cells, or mammalian cells (▶ Plant
ery of improved crop varieties to the farmer. In contrast Molecular Pharming, Pharmaceuticals for Human
to the private sector, MB adoption is still limited in the Health). The growth of the market for biopharma-
public sector, and is hardly used at all in developing ceuticals is predicted to outpace production capacity
countries. The situation is critical in developing coun- using these platforms in the next decade, so alternatives
tries due to resource-limited breeding programs. As are necessary. The production of pharmaceutical
a result, the developing world has yet to benefit from proteins in plants began with a monoclonal antibody
the MB revolution, and most countries indeed lack the expressed in transgenic tobacco plants more than
fundamental prerequisites for a move to informatics 20 years ago. Since then many different plant species
powered breeding. A sustainable web-based Molecular have been genetically engineered to produce valuable
Breeding Platform (MBP) as a one-stop-shop for infor- pharmaceutical proteins. Major progress has been
mation, analytical tools and related services to help achieved in transformation and expression technology,
design and conduct marker-assisted breeding experi- downstream processing of transgenic plant material,
ments in the most efficient way will alleviate many of and the adaptation of regulatory procedures to encom-
these bottlenecks in the developing world. Such pass the new production platforms, allowing the first
a platform will enable breeding programs in the public plant-made pharmaceuticals to begin clinical trials.
and private sectors in developing countries to acceler- Since the successful expression of complete anti-
ate variety development using marker technologies for bodies in transgenic plants and the first report of
different breeding objectives. plant-based vaccine production in 1992 a large number
With the advent of molecular techniques, plants of different vaccines, antibodies, as well as antibody
have the potential to serve as production vehicles for fragments have been produced in plants for medical
662 Crop Science and Technology, Introduction

or veterinary purposes (▶ Plant Molecular Pharming, challenge, but also a necessity to reduce food losses
Veterinary Applications). Novel processing methods while improving food quality and safeguarding the
have been developed over the past several years to environment.
facilitate the development of recombinant proteins Genetic Engineering can increase the nutritional
for veterinary applications. quality of crops by increasing the availability of
Humankind has had an ever-increasing impact on the essential nutrients, which are often limited in human
environment. With the increasing intensification of agri- diets and lead to specific deficiency diseases
culture, particularly during the twentieth century, this (▶ Biotechnology and Nutritional Improvement of
impact has become even more pronounced, often with Crops). Food insecurity is one of the most important
undesirable or unacceptable consequences, including social issues faced today, with nearly one billion peo-
water pollution, soil erosion, and loss of habitat, often ple enduring chronic hunger and an additional two
accompanied by a loss of biodiversity (▶ Transgenic billion people suffering from nutrient deficiencies,
Crops, Environmental Impact). Pests, particularly most in the developing world. Strategies to address
weedy plants, demonstrate a remarkable ability to food insecurity must ultimately address underlying
adapt to agricultural production systems. The practice problems such as poverty and poor governance/infra-
of growing monocultures, typically used in intensive structure, but the improvement of agricultural pro-
agriculture, increases the number of pests; these are ductivity in the developing world is an important
currently predominantly controlled through use of pes- goal, and biotechnology is one of a raft of measures
ticides. However, with increasing exposure to pesticides being considered to achieve it.
many pest populations are evolving resistance to these The economic impact of transgenic crops has been
compounds. An additional problem encountered with immense (▶ Global Economic Impact of Transgenic/
many pesticides, and particularly insecticides, are their Biotech Crops (1996–2008)). This has been a major
nontarget effects on beneficial insects. Transgenic crops driver in their rates of adoption amongst farmers in
expressing genes conferring resistance to insect pests the USA and other industrialized countries but perhaps
and/or herbicides are becoming increasingly more more importantly by small holders in the developing
widely grown and have the potential to eliminate many world. Analysis on farm income effects through exten-
of the problems in conventional agriculture thus reduc- sive analysis of existing farm level impact data for
ing agriculture’s negative impact on the environment. biotech crops confirms this to be a major reason for
Annual losses worldwide due to plant diseases are their broad adoption worldwide.
estimated to be 14% of total losses and about $220 Biotechnology offers efficient and cost-effective
billion. In addition, the need for measures to control means to produce a diverse array of novel, value-
diseases limits the acreage of land available for cultiva- added products and tools. The first generation of
tion; restricts the crops that can be grown in fields already commercialized biotechnology products were crops
contaminated with certain pathogens; and necessitates focusing largely on input agronomic traits whose
the use of agrochemicals for treating seeds, fumigating value was often opaque to consumers. The coming
soils, spraying plants, and applying postharvest treat- generations of crop plants can be grouped into broad
ments. Such control measures add to the cost of food areas each presenting what, on the surface, may appear
production and toxic chemicals can be harmful to as unique challenges and opportunities (▶ Transgenic
human health and the environment (▶ Transgenic Crops, Next Generation). The present and future focus
Crops Resistant to Fungal, Bacterial and Viral Patho- is on continuing improvement of agronomic traits such
gens). Resistance to pathogens can be achieved by as yield and abiotic stress resistance in addition to the
application of disease-suppressing cultural practices, biotic stress tolerance of the present generation,
use of plant defense-promoting substances, deploy- crop plants as biomass feedstocks for biofuels and
ment of biological agents antagonistic to the pathogens “bio-synthetics,” value-added output traits such as
that cause disease, agrochemicals, conventional breed- improved nutrition and food functionality, and
ing strategies, and genetic engineering. The need for plants as production factories for therapeutics and
controlling plant diseases effectively is not only a major industrial products. From a consumer perspective,
Crop Science and Technology, Introduction 663

the focus on value added traits, especially improved While transgenic herbicide resistant crops have
nutrition, is undoubtedly one of the areas of greatest been a boon to agriculture, reducing both production
interest. costs and ecological impacts of farming, weeds have
The rapid development and deployment of modern rapidly evolved resistance to the major herbicide used
biotechnology in the last decades has made biosafety in transgenic crops (glyphosate), rapidly rendering the
a major issue. Although modern biotechnology can technology less sustainable than had been thought
benefit agricultural productivity in developing coun- (▶ Sustainable Herbicide-Resistant Crops). While no
tries transgenic crops remain an issue with regard to the practice in agriculture has been sustainable forever, the
conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, as well period of sustainability can be extended. Methods to
as to human health. The perceived risks, which relate to extend both the usefulness to crops where needed as
the release of transgenic crops into the environment as well as the sustainability of transgenic herbicide tech-
well as the placement of genetically engineered crops nologies such as rotations of crops and herbicides,
onto the market, have as much to do with social values increasing the targets of herbicide action, suppressing
as scientific concerns. Regulatory frameworks for herbicide targets in rotation, are needed.
transgenic crops and the underpinning legislative
frameworks have been or are being developed world-
Crop Physiology and Agronomy
wide (▶ Commercialisation of GM Crops: Compari-
son of Regulatory Frameworks). These are viewed as Seed dormancy is a means of restricting germination to
essential components for the prudent deployment of the season when environmental conditions are suitable
transgenic crops worldwide. for plant establishment. From an agricultural perspec-
The safety measures associated with transgenic crop tive, dormancy is a problem (▶ Seed Dormancy and
deployment are embedded in process- or product- Agriculture, Physiology). Many important challenges
based regulatory approaches. The EU regulatory face agriculture in relation to dormancy and these
approach is process-based, precautionary, and includes apply to cultivated crops as well as noxious weeds.
mandatory labeling and traceability requirements for The physiological mechanisms responsible for the
transgenic crops and their derived food and feed prod- expression of the character are now better understood
ucts (▶ Transgenic Crops, Risk Assessment and Regu- and molecular information underpinning the process
latory Framework in the European Union). During its is gradually being generated and incorporated into
development, the EU regulatory system has become strategies to solve dormancy-related problems.
increasingly more stringent and unduly onerous. In One of the first decisions a farmer needs to make
the EU, the risk analysis consists of three components: is to choose the particular genotype to be grown in
risk assessment, risk management, and risk communi- the fields based on anticipated or projected economic
cation. When analyzing potential risks, it is important returns. This is a critical choice that determines the
to bear in mind that the real choice is not between sustainability of the agricultural system (▶ Genotype
transgenic crops that are inherently risky and tradition- by Environment Interaction and Adaptation). Identi-
ally bred ones that are completely safe. The cultivation fying breeding implications on specific adaptive traits
of existing crops and those with novel traits (including and the different statistical approaches for genotype by
transgenic crops) will have both positive and negative environment interaction characterization is important.
consequences. To fully acknowledge the overall out- Attaining global food security by means of increased
come of adopting specific crops, and to assess and crop productivity will require an increase in gains from
manage more effectively the environmental footprint selection achieved through conventional breeding. The
of agriculture as a whole, broader and more balanced identification of molecular markers associated with loci
legislative oversight is needed in the EU. controlling traits of agronomic interest coupled with the
A framework for a better communication about exploitation of marker-assisted breeding (MAB)
science and regulation and production of GM crops is approaches provides the opportunity to accelerate
described in ▶ GM Crop Risk Debate, Science and gain from selection (▶ Marker-Assisted Breeding in
Socioeconomics. Crops). Genomic selection is already having a positive
664 Crop Science and Technology, Introduction

impact on the improvement of crop yield, mainly in the of crop development, and to predict as accurately as
private sector where high-throughput infrastructures possible the timing of key developmental events.
allow breeders to handle the large number of molecular Reduced crop productivity from the theoretical
data points that are needed for deploying genomic potential maximum commonly occurs because of
selection effectively. Ultimately, an effective exploita- high temperatures. In addition, air temperatures are
tion of MAB to enhance crop performance will rely on predicted to increase during the twenty-first century.
a closer integration between molecular approaches and Crop physiological and developmental processes are
conventional breeding. sensitive to temperature so that high temperatures do
The next generation of highly productive crops in frequently affect negatively crop productivity
an increasingly variable and changing climate, will rely (▶ Sustainable Productivity, Heat Tolerance for). The
on genetic interventions based on process understand- effects of high temperature, elevated CO2 and their
ing, selection of target traits in managed environments, interaction on crops, are therefore important to under-
and high-throughput phenotyping and genotyping stand and subsequently to mitigate potential negative
(▶ Plant Breeding Under a Changing Climate). There- effects of genes that confer heat tolerance.
fore, it is crucial to understand the recent advances in Since plants are immobile, their distribution greatly
plant breeding for high yield potential environments influences the ability of a crop to capture and use
and also those where abiotic stress is a major limitation environmental resources (radiation, water, and nutri-
to productivity. ents), which are necessary for growth and yield. The
Agronomic systems are defined as site-specific spatial arrangement of plants and the temporal devel-
management of soils and crops on the basis of eco- opment of their structures (mainly leaves and roots)
regional and physiographic characteristics, and in the define the ▶ Spatial Crop Structure in agricultural sys-
context of socioeconomic and policy environments. tems. Density and spatial arrangement of crops may
These systems are strong determinants of agricultural affect intraspecific competition and resource use effi-
production, sustainable use of resources, and their ciency, allowing full or partial use of available
environmental impact. Agricultural soils and ecosys- resources.
tems can also be used for sequestration of atmospheric The rate of accumulation of dry plant matter is
CO2 by enhancing photosynthesis, increasing net entirely dependent on the interception of energy from
primary productivity (▶ Agronomic Interactions with the sun in the wavelength range 400–700 nm. This
CO2 Sequestration). energy is utilized by photosynthesis to synthesize car-
Crop management comprises a set of agronomic bohydrates and other biological molecules needed for
practices such as tillage systems, methods of fertiliza- essential plant processes (▶ Crop Radiation Capture
tion, and crop rotations (▶ Cropping Systems: Shaping and Use Efficiency). Given the current emphasis on
Nature). Cropping system may vary among farms global food security, there is currently much interest
depending on availability of resources and particular in raising the radiation use efficiency of key crops in
constraints. The different cropping systems may deter- important agro-ecosystems.
mine water and nutrient availabilities, carbon cycle, Scarcity of water resources is an increasingly impor-
erosion, and the pathogen inoculum in the soil. tant issue since it will dictate global production of food
Understanding plant development or the progres- and feed for the next generations (▶ Crop Responses to
sion of plants through their life cycle is important Available Soil Water). Key factors responsible for
because of the need to know and predict when harvest- sustained plant growth and production under water
able products are at their optimum (▶ Crop Develop- scarcity, for annual as well as perennial (fruit) crops
ment Related to Temperature and Photoperiod). are of paramount importance.
Current knowledge on how temperature (including Irrigated agriculture is currently responsible for
vernalization) and photoperiod regulate crop develop- over 40% of total production on 17% of all cultivated
ment is of major interest and determines how crops land area. It is therefore imperative that irrigated agri-
adapt in a wide range of environments. Thus, it is culture not only sustains its current rates of productiv-
critical to understand the physiology and genetic basis ity but also increases (▶ Irrigation Management for
Crop Science and Technology, Introduction 665

Efficient Crop Production). Irrigation expansion is vertical stance (▶ Lodging Resistance in Cereals).
currently under pressure from other sectors to reduce The reduced lodging risk of shorter varieties enabled
its share of the fresh water resources. Efficient crop them to respond to greater amounts of fertilizers and
production under irrigation in the future would be this was a significant reason for the steady improvement
essential to produce more food with less water. This is in global cereal grain yields starting in the late 1960s.
an immense challenge, not easy to achieve without However, lodging is still a major problem in many coun-
novel and innovative approaches in irrigation manage- tries and there is an urgent need to improve lodging
ment and crop productivity. resistance to further increase the yield of cereal species.
Sustainability of fertilizer use is very important Plant growth and yield are severely affected by
(▶ Fertilizer Science and Technology), as fertilizers saline soils. High concentrations of salt in the soil
are indispensable because nutrient supplies from the make it difficult for plants to take up water, whilst the
soil are normally inadequate for high-yielding crops accumulated salts in cells, particularly sodium and
and compensate for nutrient removals by previously chloride ions, are toxic to plant metabolism
cultivated crops. In addition, fertilizer may also (▶ Increasing Salinity Tolerance of Crops). These two
improve the quality of human food and animal feed. factors result in a reduction in plant growth, an
Nitrogen is the most important limiting factor, after increase in the rate of leaf senescence, and a loss in
water deficit, for crop production worldwide (▶ Crop crop yield. Crop salinity tolerance can be improved,
Responses to Nitrogen). Therefore, understanding how but a more in-depth understanding of osmotic and
the yield of different crops can be improved by addition ionic stresses is needed.
of nitrogen (N) fertilizers is critical. There are Agroecology provides the basic ecological princi-
several important issues regarding the dynamics of ples needed for studying, designing, and managing
crop N demands during the crop development cycle, agroecosystems that are productive, sustainable, and
the timing of the soil N supply according to soil char- economically viable (▶ Agroecological Basis for
acteristics, climate and soil agronomic management, Managing Biotic Constraints). Rather than focusing
the crop responses to different intensity and timing of on one particular component of the agroecosystem,
N nutrition deficiency, and the time management of agroecology emphasizes the interrelatedness of all of
crop N fertilization using diagnostic and decision- its components and the complex dynamics of ecologi-
making tools to optimize trade-offs between cal processes including all environmental and human
minimizing crop yield reduction and minimizing envi- elements. From a management perspective, the agro-
ronmental impacts. ecological objective is to provide balanced environ-
A substantial increase in the effectiveness with ments, sustained yields, biologically mediated soil
which available water and nutrients are used is required fertility, and natural pest regulation through the design
to ensure food security and environmental protection. of diversified agroecosystems and the use of low-input
An essential component of crop improvement is technologies.
breeding for deeper or denser root systems. These char- Plant diseases cause substantial crop losses every
acteristics promote soil moisture and nutrient capture year (▶ Crop Diseases, Management and Control of).
and high dry matter production in cultivars subjected Controlling plant diseases is therefore vital to
to water and/or nutrient stresses (▶ Roots and Uptake maintaining crop productivity. Crop diseases can be
of Water and Nutrients). The current understanding of controlled using a variety of methods; however, plant
the structure and functions of crop root systems and pathogens are genetically adaptable and can overcome
the avenues for the optimization of root anatomy and plant resistance, and the toxic effects of pesticides.
morphology traits that could be applied to the genetic Ensuring that crops are adequately protected from
and agronomic improvement of crop root systems for diseases depends therefore on being a step ahead of
more effective below-ground resource capture are thus the pathogens by improving existing control measures
very important. and developing new approaches.
Lodging is the process by which the shoots of small Increase of crop yields may be achieved by maxi-
grained cereals are permanently displaced from their mizing the proportion of sunlight energy that is fixed
666 Crop Science and Technology, Introduction

by the crop or by reducing the amount of energy that is in Oil and Cereal Crops). It is impossible to put
lost by insect pests, diseases, and weeds. More than 50% forward a unique grain quality definition for any
of the potential yield of agricultural crops is lost by the species because this depends on the specific product
three constraints. ▶ Integrated Pest Management end use. Therefore, understanding the physiological
(IPM) aims to diminish losses caused by insect pests bases of seed composition and structure is essential
in agriculture, in an economically, ecologically, and to produce grains with a particular quality
sociologically acceptable manner. A major challenge specification.
for ecology is the development of a scientific approach Agricultural production takes place under erratic
to better understand processes in agroecosystems in and unpredictable conditions, particularly the avail-
order to implement more rapidly sustainable IPM ability and timing of radiation and rainfall patterns
systems. which are extremely difficult to predict. Their effects
Yield increases will continue to play a dominant are compensated to some extend by the qualities of the
role in world food security (▶ Crop Yields Around land and the interventions of the farmer. Any method-
the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential). ology that would improve the predictability of the
Understanding the gaps between potential and actual availability of resources and their impact on the per-
yield is of paramount importance in order to increase formance of the production system could in principle
actual yields. These include several aspects with respect improve performance and reduce the level of uncer-
to the natural resource base of the plot (climate, soil tainty (▶ Simulation Models as Tools for Crop Man-
type, topography) and long-term management agement). Crop growth simulation models are viewed
investments. as excellent tools for the reduction of this uncertainty.
Grain quality of field crops is related to seed Advantages and limitations of such models need to be
structure and composition. Grain composition is the understood in the context of past experiences and the
major reason why only a limited number of plant current state of the art in order to ascertain their best
species are used for food and fiber (▶ Grain Quality possible uses.
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 667

Crop Traits: Gene Isolation Forward genetics A strategy to identify or clone genes
that are responsible for a phenotype of interest.
KURNIAWAN RUDI TRIJATMIKO1, ANDY PEREIRA2 Gene A gene is an ordered sequence of nucleotides that
International Rice Research Institute, Manila, encodes a specific functional product (i.e., a protein
Philippines or RNA molecule).
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, USA Marker Molecular or genetic marker is a DNA
sequence at a known location on a chromosome.
Article Outline Mutation Changes in a genomic sequence, occurring
naturally or artificially, that can either have
Glossary no effect, alter the product of a gene, or prevent
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance the gene from functioning properly or completely.
Introduction NIL Near-isogenic lines (NILs) refers to genotypes or
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation lines that are genetically almost identical except for
Future Directions a small chromosome fragment or DNA sequence by
Bibliography which they differ.
ORF Open reading frame (ORF) refers to a DNA
sequence that does not encode a stopcodon and
Backcross To cross the progeny of a hybrid to one of predicted to encode a protein.
its parents, which when repeated for many genera- PCR Polymerase chain reaction, a method in which
tions would yield advanced backcross progeny. DNA is amplified or increased in number of copies,
cDNA Complementary DNA (cDNA) refers to the using oligonucleotide primers flanking the DNA
DNA copy of RNA transcripts, which can be cloned sequence and an enzyme that carries out the reaction.
into vectors to generate a library (collection) of Polyploid Organism that has more than two paired
different cDNAs. sets of chromosomes that is present in a diploid.
Chromosomal recombination Breakage and rejoining Positional cloning A method of cloning genes based
of parental homologous chromosomes during on their position in the genome, using molecular
meiosis, resulting in the exchange of chromosomal markers in a genetic map located close to the gene
segments. and then identifying cloned DNA fragments
Cloning vector DNA molecule into which another containing the gene of interest.
DNA fragment can be integrated and replicated to Quantitative trait locus A region on the genome asso-
produce large quantities of the cloned DNA. Exam- ciated with a particular phenotype showing contin-
ples are plasmids, lambda phage, cosmids, yeast uous and measurable variation such as height or
artificial chromosomes (YACs), and bacterial arti- weight.
ficial chromosomes (BACs). Reverse genetics A strategy to identify the function of
Complementation A method of validating a gene clon- genes revealed by DNA sequencing, by analyzing
ing by using wild-type allele to rescue the function of the phenotypic effects of the gene sequences by
mutant allele through genetic transformation. mutations or changes in expression.
Crop trait Any morphological, physiological, or other RFLP Restriction fragment length polymorphism
biological feature measurable at the plant level, (RFLP) is a molecular marker revealed by differ-
present in different forms in different individuals ences in restriction fragments between homologous
that enable genetic analysis. (similar) fragments of DNA.
Domestication An artificial selection process STS marker A sequence-tagged site (STS) marker
conducted by humans to produce plants that have is a short DNA sequence at known location
more desirable traits than wild plants. in the genome, with nucleotide differences/
EST Expressed sequence tag is a short subsequence polymorphisms that make it a useful marker for
from a transcribed cDNA sequence. mapping.

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
668 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

Transposon A piece of DNA that can move within the an overall increase in edibility along with a plethora
genome of an organism, and when inserted in genes of many specialized traits. The genetic analysis
can cause a mutation. and molecular isolation of key domestication traits is
now uncovering the gene, the regulatory processes,
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance and the selective sweeps from the nearest
wild ancestors that accompanied the domestication
Crop plants have been selected from their wild ances-
process [2].
tors by humans for food, fiber, health, recreation,
Gene cloning and DNA sequencing from the simple
industry, and other special purposes. Crop breeding
bacterial organisms to that of the complex polyploids
has then added on desired traits for convenience in
such as wheat, has enabled researchers to examine gene
crop production. Genetics, molecular biology, geno-
sequences one at a time and make conclusions on
mics, and other disciplines have now provided us an
similarity between close and distantly related species,
insight to the genes that encode these very important
propose functions based on molecular and biological
crop traits on which the human race now depends.
properties. In fact the generation of gene sequences of
Knowledge of the molecular genetic basis of valuable
a multitude of organisms is the fastest growing dataset,
crop traits will help provide solutions to our require-
which promises to reveal the identity and function of
ments for sustainable existence, faced with the threats
all living forms. Genome sequencing started with
of growing population needs, climate change, and
model and standard genomes. The model plant
dwindling natural resources. This entry describes the
Arabidopsis thaliana, a common weed, was selected
historical and conceptual discoveries underlying the
for genome sequencing and molecular genetics analysis
basis of important crop traits, leading from plant
[3], with the DNA sequence of a specific ecotype
domestication such as in plant architecture to those
Columbia [4]. Now, the 1001 genomes project intends
offering solutions for high crop production purposes
to finish off high-quality resequencing of Arabidopsis
such as growth under unfavorable environments or
[5] that will provide sequences of genes from the eco-
disease outbreaks. Detailed descriptions are provided
types adapted to diverse environments, which might
on the cloning or identification of the plant genes
reveal the effect of natural selection and adaptation of
involved in crop traits that give an insight on the
this very effective weed species. This also opens up
evidence required for establishing the relationship. In
a new era of going beyond a “reference” genome
addition, the molecular basis of the crop trait provides
sequence of an organism toward sequence-based
an understanding of the biological processes involved,
maps of closely related genotypes, which can provide
the interaction to other traits, and a framework that
a more accurate landscape of differences between genes
can be built on to engineer novel solutions to the future
and genomes and the relationships to expressed traits.
needs from crop plants.
The power of this technology was demonstrated
by revealing the low level of mutations that occur
between plants following a few generations of self-
The domestication of the major crop plants from around fertilization [6].
10,000 to 4,000 years ago resulted in the selection of Gene isolation and cloning in higher plants has now
crops on which humans are now dependent [1]. The come a long way since the early days of struggling with
crop traits involved in domestication, transformed the genome size and complexity. Isolation of mRNA and
wild species to a crop species catered to the needs of this characterization of translated proteins was one of the
paradigm shift of human civilization to an agricultural primary methods to demonstrate the function of spe-
lifestyle. These early crop traits that made agriculture cific nucleic acids as shown for soybean leghemoglobin
possible were selections from wild species that allowed mRNA [7], which was then proven to be transcribed
humans to collect grain from the sown crop involving from the soybean genome [8]. One of the first
non-shattering, larger grain and fruit, determinate approaches in plants to characterize the different com-
growth with more synchronous harvest, easier accessi- ponents of a plant cell in terms of the complexity of
bility to the grain from protective hard outer coat, and nuclear and polysomal RNA, was using tobacco an
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 669

early amenable model for biological studies [9], and can be fractionated into representative fragments and
then analysis of the proportion of the genome and the cloned in a variety of sizes in appropriate cloning
genes that were transcribed [10]. One of the first plant vectors. Genome fragments, in progressively increasing
genes cloned from genomic DNA was a soybean ribo- sizes from a few kilobases (Kb) to megabases (Mb), can
somal DNA (rDNA) gene from a lambda genomic be cloned in vectors such as plasmids, lambda phage,
DNA library [11]. Soybean continued to be a species cosmids, bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs),
of interest, resulting in the generation of a complemen- yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs), and modifica-
tary DNA (cDNA) library for the analysis of auxin tions to these. While the smaller clones are useful for
response [12]. In maize, differential expression of the characterizing single genes or fragments thereof, the
gene for the chloroplast encoded large subunit of larger clones are used in positional cloning methods
ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase was shown in bun- to identify genes using molecular markers located close
dle sheath cells and absent in mesophyll cells [13], to the gene of interest.
describing the regulation of enzymes distinguishing To enable the isolation of plant genes that are asso-
C4 plant cell types. These early studies showed the ciated with plant biological functions/processes or crop
potential to address different plant traits by the analysis traits, a causal relationship has to be made between
of cloned or isolated characterized genes, and the novel DNA sequence and observed phenotype. Genetic anal-
insights they provided. ysis of mutants or other genetic variants that are local-
In the course of improvement in techniques for the ized on the chromosome can be used to clone the
isolation of plant genes, methods were developed to corresponding genes by methods such as map-based
make a correlation or causative association between cloning (Fig. 1) and transposon tagging (Fig. 2), which
specific functions and gene sequences. These functions are the two most commonly used methods for cloning
could be defined on the basis of specific proteins with genes by a forward genetics strategy centered around
a biological function or genes determining a phenotype the phenotype of interest. In positional or map-
as revealed by isolated mutants or naturally occurring based cloning, with a general strategy described in
variants. Fig. 1, the mapped position of a gene on the chromo-
One of the important technologies that helped some/genome, which specifies a specific trait or phe-
bridge the gap between genes and functions was the notype is the starting point to identify molecular/
development of transformation technologies that genetic markers close to the gene and then using inte-
allowed the expression of isolated genes in plants and grated physical and genetic maps “walk” or “land”
the monitoring of the resultant phenotype. Following closer to the gene. The proof of isolating the gene is
early demonstrations of the transfer and expression of by recombination analysis, complementation by trans-
the Agrobacterium tumefaciens Ti-plasmid into plant formation, analysis of genetic variants by sequencing,
cells [14], these Ti-plasmids were engineered to transfer or mutational analysis of the candidate genes. In trans-
DNA (T-DNA) and express genes in transformed plant poson tagging, described in a scheme in Fig. 2, an
cells, demonstrated by a number of research groups insertion sequence from a native or heterologous
around the same time in 1983 [15–19]. In addition to transposon is used to generate mutants of a specific
Agrobacterium-mediated transformation systems, phenotype or genetic locus, and analysis of the trans-
other methods were developed such as direct DNA poson/insertion-tagged mutant by co-segregation
transfer to plant protoplasts [20], electroporation analysis to a transposon probe, transposon revertant
[21], and particle bombardment [22]. analysis or complementation of the mutant by trans-
Cloning of plant genes can presently be accom- formation, and among the many ways evidence can be
plished by a variety of high-throughput ways. The obtained to prove the identity of the tagged gene. With
cloning of expressed genes in the form of cDNA librar- the availability of genome sequences of many plant
ies has been done in plasmids, lambda vectors, and species, these quite anonymous sequences need to be
other expression systems that allow the selection of assigned a function, generally through a reverse genet-
specific genes based on hybridization, DNA sequenc- ics strategy. In reverse genetics strategies many tools
ing, or functional expression assays. The plant genome are available, in most models and important crops, to
670 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation









b SNP15








Gene1 Gene2 Gene3

Recombinant Phenotype
R1 High
R2 High
R3 Low
c R4 Low

Crop Traits: Gene Isolation. Figure 1

Example of map-based cloning of a gene. (a) Locus mapped to a chromosome region between markers SSR604 and
SSR605 via rough-scale mapping, with LOD (log of odds) score indicating linkage. (b) The gene further delimited to a
100-kb genomic region between markers SSR7004 and SSR7005 via fine mapping and physical mapping. (c) Precision
mapping identified break points flanking a region containing a single gene. Black bars represent DNA from parent 1
(phenotype: high), white bars represent DNA from parent 2 (phenotype: low), and patterned bars represent DNA of
heterozygote. The vertical lines show where recombination break points are positioned along the chromosome

generate or select mutations in specific genes and thus Crop Traits: Gene Isolation
attribute functions by the analysis of the mutant
Dwarfing Genes in Cereals
This entry describes the specific methods that have The biggest increase in agricultural production in the
been used in the isolation and characterization of genes modern era, around the middle of the last century, is
that determine important crop traits that agriculture is attributed to the “Green Revolution” where grain yields
based on. The crop traits identified in many plants have of the major world cereals, wheat and rice were
homologues in the model plant Arabidopsis that can improved along with complementary crop production
provide clues to the function. The examples described practices [23, 24]. The spectacular increases in wheat
are described in some detail and others summarized in and rice yields during the Green Revolution
a table (Table 1) for the reader to refer to. were enabled by the introduction of dwarfing traits
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 671

transposon specific primer
mobile non-autonomous

arbitrary degenerate primer


LB immobile autonomous


Use flanking DNA sequence as probe to screen Sequence PCR product to get information on
genomic or cDNA library of wild type plant DNA Sequence flanking transposon tag

Sequence selected genomic or cDNA clones to get Use the wild type genomic clone for functional
information on gene disrupted by transposon tag complementation in the transposon mutant

Crop Traits: Gene Isolation. Figure 2

Example of gene tagging using heterologous transposons. An “in cis two-component transposon construct”
integrated into plant chromosome via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The construct contains
a mobile nonautonomous transposon and an immobile transposase source. The transposase mediates transposition of
the mobile nonautonomous transposon into new chromosomal positions. Segregation in the next generation creates
stable mutants containing the transposon inserted in a gene with no transposase source. These stable mutants can be
used in forward or reverse genetics. Identification of integration position is typically done by sequencing of DNA flanking
the transposon isolated using techniques, for example, TAIL-PCR, Inverse PCR, or plasmid rescue. The flanking sequence is
used as a probe to screen genomic and cDNA clones. Functional complementation is done by transforming wild-type
genomic clone containing the tagged gene into the insertional mutant line

into the crop varieties. The founder of this Green Rev- the DELLA proteins and a repressor of GA responses
olution, Norman Borlaug received the Nobel Peace [28]. The wheat Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b dwarfing
prize in 1970 in recognition for his efforts in bringing mutants had similar characteristics to the Arabidopsis
food security to major parts of the developing gai mutant, including reduced plant height, reduced
world [25]. Identification of the genes responsible for responses to gibberellin, and increased in planta gib-
these traits showed that they interfere with the berellin levels. Compared to the wild-type Rht-1 allele,
action or production of the gibberellin (GA) plant the Rht-B1b and Rht-D1b dwarfing alleles each
hormones [26]. contained a nucleotide substitution that created
The dwarfing gene of wheat, Reduced Height-1 a stop codon near the N-terminus of the protein [27].
(Rht-1), was isolated based on sequence similarity to It was proposed that translational reinitiation after these
the previously isolated Arabidopsis GIBBERELLIN introduced stop codons might result in an N-terminally
INSENSITIVE (GAI) gene [27]. GAI is a member of truncated product that confers the mutant phenotype.
672 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

Crop Traits: Gene Isolation. Table 1 Some isolated genes in crops

Cloning Validation Causative
Gene (s) Crop Molecular and phenotypic function methoda methodb changec Reference (s)
1. Dwarfing gene
Rht-1 Wheat Transcriptional regulator (SH2); plant height SS Mut, HE EStp [27]
sd1 Rice GA20 oxidase; plant height SS, MBC Var Coding [30–32]
d Tomato Cytochrome P450 enzyme; plant height TT FC [141]
2. Flowering/heading date
Hd6 Rice Protein kinase; flowering time MBC FC EStp [33]
Hd1 Rice Transcriptional regulator (zinc finger); MBC FC Coding [34]
flowering time
Hd3a Rice Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein; MBC OE, Sil - [37]
flowering time
Ehd1 Rice B-type response regulator; flowering time MBC FC AC [142]
Vgt1 Maize Transcriptional regulator (AP2); flowering time MBC, AM OE, Sil Reg [143]
E3 Soybean Phytochrome A; flowering time MBC Mut AC? [144]
Vrn1 Wheat Transcriptional regulator (MADS); MBC Var Reg [145]
Vrn2 Wheat Transcriptional regulator (ZCCT); vernalization MBC Sil AC [146]
3. Fruit ripening, shape, and weight
Rin Tomato Transcriptional regulator (MADS-box); fruit MBC FC, Sil Coding [147]
Ovate Tomato Regulatory protein (OVATE); fruit shape MBC FC EStp [148]
fw2.2 Tomato Cell signaling; fruit weight MBC FC Reg [40]
4. Grain yield
Gn1 Rice Cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase; grain MBC Sil Reg/EStp [42]
GS3 Rice VWFC module-containing protein; grain MBC Var EStp [44]
GW2 Rice RING-type protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase MBC OE, Sil EStp [47]
activity; grain width
5. Disease resistance
Hm1 Maize HC toxin reductase; resistance to the fungus TT Co Reg [49]
Cochliobolus carbonum
Cf-9 Tomato Leucine-rich repeat family of proteins; TT Co Wild [54]
resistance to leaf mold fungus Cladosporium
RB/Rpi- Potato CC–NBS–LRR-class R-gene analog; resistance MBC FC Wild [58, 59]
blb1 to oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans
Rpi-blb2 Potato NBS–LRR protein; resistance to oomycete MBC FC Wild [60]
pathogen Phytophthora infestans
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 673

Crop Traits: Gene Isolation. Table 1 (Continued)

Cloning Validation Causative

Gene (s) Crop Molecular and phenotypic function methoda methodb changec Reference (s)
mlo Barley Membrane-anchored protein; resistance MBC Mut, RA AC/EStp [62]
against the fungal pathogen Blumeria
graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh)
Mi Tomato NBS–LRR protein; resistance to root-knot MBC FC Wild [72]
nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.)
Tm-22 Tomato CC–NBS–LRR class of R proteins; resistance to TT FC Wild [76]
tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)
Pto Tomato Protein kinase; resistance to Pseudomonas MBC FC Wild [149]
syringae pv. tomato
Xa21 Rice Protein kinase; resistance to Xanthomonas MBC FC Wild [150]
oryzae pv. oryzae
Cf-2 Tomato LRR protein; resistance to leaf mold fungus MBC FC Wild [151]
Cladosporium fulvum
N Tobacco LRR protein; resistance to tobacco mosaic TT FC Wild [152]
virus (TMV)
Hs1pro-1 Sugar LRR protein; resistance to beet cyst nematode MBC FC Wild [153]
I2C Tomato NBS–LRR protein; resistance to Fusarium MBC Sil, OE Wild [154]
oxysporum f sp 1ycopersici
Ve Tomato Cell surface-like receptors; resistance to MBC FC - [155]
Verticillium dahliae
R1 Potato Leucine-zipper/NBS/LRR protein; resistance to MBC FC Wild [156]
Phytophthora infestans
Rpg1 Barley Receptor kinase; resistance to Puccinia MBC Var EStp, AC, [157]
graminis f. sp. tritici FS
Hero Tomato NBS–LRR protein; resistance to potato cyst MBC FC Wild [158]
nematodes Globodera rostochiensis
Lr10 Wheat CC–NBS–LRR protein; resistance to Puccinia MBC, HS OE CD [159]
Lr21 Wheat NBS–LRR protein; resistance to Puccinia MBC FC Wild [160]
Pm3b Wheat CC–NBS–LRR protein; resistance to Blumeria MBC STA - [161]
graminis f. sp. tritici
Pi9 Rice NBS–LRR protein; resistance to Magnaporthe MBC FC Wild [162]
Rpg5 Barley Protein kinase; resistance to Puccinia graminis MBC Sil FS [163]
f. sp. secalis
Yr36 Wheat Kinase-START protein; resistance to Puccinia MBC FC Wild [164]
(WKS1) striiformis f. sp. tritici
Rdg2a Barley CC–NB–LRR protein; resistance to MBC FC Reg [165]
Pyrenophora graminea
674 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

Crop Traits: Gene Isolation. Table 1 (Continued)

Cloning Validation Causative

Gene (s) Crop Molecular and phenotypic function methoda methodb changec Reference (s)
6. Plant and inflorescence architecture
tb1 Maize Transcriptional regulator (TCP); plant and TT Co Reg [80]
inflorescence structure
tga1 Maize Transcriptional regulator (SBP); seed casing MBC Mut AC [85]
Q Wheat Transcriptional regulator (AP2); inflorescence MBC Mut Reg/AC [92]
vrs1 Barley Transcriptional regulator (HD-ZIP); spikelet MBC Mut AC/FS [98]
nud Barley Transcriptional regulator (ERF); seed casing MBC Var, Mut CD [103]
MOC1 Rice Transcriptional regulator (GRAS); tillering MBC FC TE [107]
PROG1 Rice Transcriptional regulator (ZF); growth habit MBC FC Reg/AC [109]
7. Seed quality and color
opaque-2 Maize Transcriptional regulator (bZIP); endosperm TT Co TE [111]
Wx Maize Starch synthase; sticky grains TT Rev TE [113]
Wx Rice Starch synthase; sticky grains SS Var Splice [115, 116]
Sh2 Maize Pyrophosphorylase; supersweet sweet corn TT Rev TE [118]
su1 Maize Isoamylase; sweet corn gene TT Co AC [119]
Rc Rice Transcriptional regulator (bHLH); seed color MBC Mut Coding [121]
c1 Maize Transcriptional regulator (MYB); kernel color TT Co Reg [166]
y1 Maize Phytoene synthase; carotenoid content TT Rev Reg [167]
R Pea Starch branching enzyme; seed sugar content IS Co TE [168]
Brix9-2-5 Tomato Invertase; fruit-soluble solid content MBC IR Reg [169]
8. Seed shattering
sh4 Rice Transcriptional regulator (Myb3); abscission MBC FC Reg/AC [128]
layer formation, shattering
qSH1 Rice Transcriptional regulator (homeodomain); MBC FC Reg [129]
abscission layer formation, shattering
sh-h Rice CTD phosphatase; abscission layer MBC Mut, Sil Splice [131)
differentiation, shattering
Jointless Tomato Transcriptional regulator (MADS); abscission MBC FC, Sil Coding [170]
zone development, shedding
9. Tolerance to abiotic stresses
SKC1 Rice HKT-type transporters; salt tolerance MBC FC AC [134]
Sub1 Rice Transcriptional regulator (ERF); submergence MBC FC CD [137]
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 675

Crop Traits: Gene Isolation. Table 1 (Continued)

Cloning Validation Causative

Gene (s) Crop Molecular and phenotypic function methoda methodb changec Reference (s)
Alt1 Wheat Aluminum-activated malate transporter; SH Co, Var, HE Reg/AC [140]
tolerance to aluminum toxicity
Snorkel1, Rice Transcriptional regulator (ERF); deepwater MBC Var, OE CD [171]
Snorkel2 tolerance
MBC map-based cloning, TT transposon tagging, AM association mapping, HS haplotype study, SS sequence similarity, SH subtractive
hybridization, IS immunological screening
FC functional complementation, Rev transposon revertant analysis, Co co-segregation analysis, RA recombination analysis, Var analysis of
genetic variants by sequencing, Mut mutational analysis of the candidate genes, OE overexpression, Sil silencing, IR intragenic recombi-
nation, HE heterologous expression, STA single-cell transient assay
AC amino acid change, Coding disrupted coding sequence, FS frame shift, EStp early stop codon, Reg regulatory change, Splice intron
splicing defect, CD complete deletion, Wild introgression from wild relative,TE transposon insertion (Following Doebley et al. [1] with

The rice sd-1 dwarfing allele, with origin from cul- predictable ORF, that of GA20ox-2. The 3,477 segre-
tivar Dee-Geo-Woo-Gen and used in the Green Revo- gants were derived from selfing of a backcross inbred
lution dwarf variety IR8, was mapped to the long arm line (BIL) having close chromosomal similarity to
of chromosome 1 [29]. Characterization and isolation Sasanishiki (normal-type parent) over the whole
of this gene was reported in 2002 by three different genome length with the only heterozygous sequences
groups [30–32]. Biochemical analysis of the sd-1 located on sd-1 locus. Sequence comparison showed
mutant showed that the activity of GA20 oxidase that Habataki (semidwarf parent) has a 383-bp dele-
(GA20ox), a key enzyme in the biosynthesis of gibber- tion from the middle of exon 1 to upstream of exon 2,
ellin, did not function effectively in the mutant. A wild- including a 105-bp intron, resulting in a frame shift
type GA20ox gene (GA20ox-2) was amplified by PCR that produces a termination codon in exon 3 [32].
using primers based on the conserved domain of These evidence clearly defined the identity of the Sd-1
GA20ox genes. Linkage mapping showed that this dwarfing gene and the mutant sd-1 alleles.
gene mapped to the long arm of chromosome 1, tightly
linked to the sd1 locus. Compared to the wild-type Sd-1
Flowering or Heading Date
allele, the sd-1 dwarfing allele (in Dee-Geo-Woo-Gen
and IR8) contained a 383-base-pair deletion which Heading date or flowering time is an important trait for
produces a frame shift that creates a stop codon [30]. the adaptation of crops to different cultivation areas. In
Another study showed RFLP markers flanking the sd-1 rice, heading date is determined mainly by two factors:
locus were positioned on a physical segment of chro- duration of the basic vegetative growth and photope-
mosome 1 covered by contiguous BAC clones by using riod sensitivity (PS) [33]. Genetic analysis of heading
the physical map of the reference genome available in date in rice cultivars Kasalath and Nipponbare showed
the database. A candidate gene search identified the that a number of quantitative trait loci, termed Hd
GA20ox-2 gene in this region. This gene was amplified (heading date) determine the genetic variation for
in the wild type and mutant, and sequence comparison flowering time [34]. Day-length treatment sensitivity
revealed a 280-bp deletion in the coding region of this tests with an NIL of Hd6 [NIL(Hd6)] revealed the Hd6
gene in the mutant allele [31]. A third independent PS phenotype, with the Kasalath allele increasing days-
analysis of 3,477 segregants using several PCR-based to-heading under natural and long-day conditions but
markers localized the sd-1 locus in a 6-kb candidate not under short-day conditions. Linkage analysis of an
interval on chromosome 1, containing only one advanced backcross progeny mapped Hd6 on the long
676 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

arm of chromosome 3 as a single Mendelian factor field conditions [36]. High-resolution mapping using
[35]. High-resolution mapping using 2,807 segregating 2,207 segregants delimited Hd3a to a 20-kb genomic
plants derived from an advanced backcross progeny, in region, whose sequence revealed one putative gene with
which the region around Hd6 was heterozygous and high similarity to the FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT)
almost all other regions were homozygous for gene, which promotes flowering in Arabidopsis. In
Nipponbare, delimited Hd6 to a 26.4-kb genomic this study, the nucleotide polymorphism that caused
region. The sequence analysis of this region identified the allelic difference between Kasalath and Nipponbare
one gene with deduced amino acid sequence having Hd3a could not be clarified [37].
high homology (>90%) to the a subunit of protein
kinase CK2 (CK2a) in maize and Arabidopsis.
Fruit Weight and Grain Yield
Sequence comparison showed a single-nucleotide sub-
stitution within the coding region, which changed the The domestication and improvement of crops has been
lysine codon (AAG) in Kasalath to a premature stop accompanied by increase in size and yield of harvest-
codon (TAG) in Nipponbare. Functional complemen- able products. Cultivated tomatoes (Solanum
tation was performed by introducing the Kasalath lycopersicum) have hence undergone more than a
genomic fragment carrying the CK2a gene into 100-fold increase in mass over their wild relatives.
Nipponbare and the transgenic plants scored under A major quantitative trail locus (QTL) for fruit weight,
natural day-length condition showed late heading, fw2.2, was mapped to the same position on
indicating that the Kasalath allele of CK2a increases chromosome 2 in an introgression line F2 derived
days-to-heading [33]. from S. lycopersicum x Lycopersicon pennellii and
Another heading date locus Hd1 was characterized a backcross 1 (BC1) population derived from
by high-resolution mapping using 1,505 early heading S. lycopersicum x. Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium. The
BC3F3 segregants derived from a cross between fw2.2 locus accounts for 30% and 47% of the total
Nipponbare and Kasalath, which resolved the locus to phenotypic variance in the L. pimpinellifolium and
a genomic region of 12 kb. Sequence analysis of the L. pennellii populations, respectively, indicating that
region identified one putative gene with considerable this is a major QTL controlling fruit weight in both
similarity to the CONSTANS (CO) gene, known to be species. The small-fruit L. pennellii allele for fw2.2 is
involved in photoperiod response in Arabidopsis. semidominant to the large-fruit S. lycopersicum allele
Sequence comparison showed a 2-bp deletion in the [38]. High-resolution mapping using 3,472 F2 plants
second putative exon of the Kasalath allele resulting in derived from a cross between S. lycopersicum and a NIL
a premature stop codon and a predicted shorter protein containing a small introgression from L. pennellii
than the wild-type Nipponbare protein. Functional narrowed down fw2.2 to a less than 150-kb region
complementation was performed by transferring the [39]. A yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) containing
candidate Hd1 region from Nipponbare into a NIL of fw2.2 was used to screen a cDNA library constructed
Nipponbare carrying an introgression of Kasalath from the small-fruit L. pennellii. Four unique tran-
nonfunctional Hd1 allele. Transgenic plants showed scripts were identified and used to screen a L. pennellii
earlier heading under short-day conditions than the cosmid library, identifying four positive,
NIL control and null-segregants. These results provide nonoverlapping cosmids (cos50, cos62, cos69, and
clear evidence that the Hd1 sequence in the candidate cos84), one corresponding to each unique transcript.
genomic region retains the function of photoperiod These four cosmid clones were transformed into two
response [34]. tomato cultivars carrying the partially recessive large-
The Hd3a locus was roughly mapped on chromo- fruit allele of fw2.2. R1 progeny of primary
some 6. NIL(Hd3a), an NIL homozygous for the transformants carrying cos50, but not other cosmids,
Kasalath allele at the Hd3a locus in the genetic showed a statistically significant reduction in fruit
background of Nipponbare, headed earlier than weight compared to null-segregants, indicated that
Nipponbare under SD conditions and headed at almost fw2.2 is contained within cos50. Sequence analysis of
the same date as Nipponbare under LD and natural cos50 revealed two open reading frames (ORFs): one
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 677

corresponding to cDNA44, which was used to isolate allele. However, protein expression study in Saccharo-
cos50, and another 663-nucleotide (nt) gene, ORFX, myces cerevisiae showed both Habataki and Koshihikari
for which no corresponding transcript was detected in alleles of OsCKX2 encode functional enzymes.
the initial cDNA library screen. Analysis on a single Sequence analysis of 5150, a rice variety from China
recombination event used in the previous mapping producing higher grain number, detected 11-bp dele-
showed that ORFX is the likely cause of the fw2.2 tion in the coding region of this gene creating
QTL phenotype. Semiquantitative reverse transcrip- a premature stop codon. The coincidence of the
tase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis OsCKX2 null allele and a higher grain number
showed that the relative level of the ORFX transcript suggested that a reduction or loss of function of
in the carpels of the small-fruited NIL was significantly OsCKX2 enhanced grain production. Confirmation
higher than in the large-fruited NIL. Analysis of the was done by introducing antisense strands of OsCKX2
predicted amino acid sequence of ORFX indicated that into an easily transformable cultivar Taichung 65
it is a soluble protein with alpha/beta-type secondary (TC65), which possesses the Koshihikari allele of
structure, and has a structural similarity to the human OsCKX2. Transgenic plants with reduced levels of
oncogene c-H-ras p21. Sequence comparison of expression developed higher grain numbers. Reverse
L. pennellii and S. lycopersicum ORFX regions indicated Transcription (RT)-Southern blotting showed that
that the fw2.2 phenotype is probably not caused by the highest levels of OsCKX2 expression in inflores-
differences within the coding region of ORFX, but by cence meristems were found in Koshihikari, but were
one or more changes upstream in the promoter region less abundant in Habataki and NIL-Gn1a and
of ORFX [40]. extremely low in 5150. These results suggested that
Grain yield is a complex crop trait determined the phenotypic differences observed might have been
mainly by the three component traits, number of pan- caused by differential transcription of OsCKX2 [42].
icles, number of grains per panicle, and grain weight; all The rice GS3 grain weight gene was mapped to the
of which are typical quantitative traits. In rice, the pericentromeric region of chromosome 3 [43]. Near-
developments in genome mapping, sequencing, and isogenic lines (NILs) of GS3 were developed by succes-
functional genomic research have provided the neces- sive crossing and backcrossing Minghui 63 (large
sary tools for dissecting the genetic and molecular bases grain) with Chuan 7 (small grain), using Minghui 63
of these quantitative traits [41]. as the recurrent parent. High-resolution mapping
The rice grain number gene Gn1 was first roughly using 1,384 BC3F2 individuals with the recessive phe-
mapped on the short arm of chromosome 1 using 96 F2 notype (large grain) derived from one BC3F1 plant
individuals derived from heterozygote (Gn1/gn1) heterozygous for the GS3 region and containing the
plants of NIL-Gn1 carrying the Gn1 region from culti- least genetic background from Chuan 7 delimited the
var Habataki in the Koshihikari background. Habataki GS3 region to 7.9 kb. A full-length cDNA was identified
plants have been known to produce more grains in that matched well with the region, and sequence anal-
their main panicle than Koshihikari plants. It was ysis of the predicted GS3 protein revealed the presence
found that Gn1 consisted of two loci, QTL-Gn1a and of a combination of multiple domains. Comparative
QTL-Gn1b. High-resolution mapping using 13,000 F2 sequencing analysis using six cultivars including three
plants derived from heterozygotes (Gn1a/gn1a) of NIL- with long grains and three with short to medium grains
Gn1a narrowed down the Gn1a region into a 6.3-kb indicated that all the large-grain varieties tested share
interval containing one reading frame with high simi- the same nonsense mutation in the second exon of the
larity to cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase (CKX), GS3 gene that causes a 178-aa truncation in the
named OsCKX2. Sequence comparison between C-terminus of the predicted protein. These findings
Habataki and Koshihikari revealed several nucleotide suggest that GS3 may function as a negative regulator
changes, including a 16-bp deletion in the 50 - to prevent the growth and size of the grain [44].
untranslated region, a 6-bp deletion in the first exon, Two QTLs for grain width were mapped to the short
and three nucleotide changes resulting in amino acid arm of chromosome 2 [45, 46). Subsequently, a major
variation in the first and fourth exons of the Habataki QTL for grain width GW2, was mapped to the same
678 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

region using an F2 population derived from a cross which belonged to this class of resistance genes, was
between WY3 (1,000-grain weight, 41.9  1.3 g) and isolated by transposon tagging [49]. Two RFLP probes
Fengaizhan-1 (FAZ1) (1,000-grain weight, 17.9  were mapped to 5 centimorgan (cM) proximal and
0.7 g). High-resolution mapping using 6,013 BC3F2 distal to the Hm1 locus, respectively, using progeny
plants narrowed the GW2 locus to an 8.2-kb region. from the cross K61/Pr1  K61 [50]. These two probes
Only one predicted ORF was considered a viable can- were used to classify segregating progeny of transposon
didate for GW2 in this region [47]. Homology search in insertion hm1 mutants to determine which HM1 alleles
databases showed that GW2 encodes a previously they had inherited. A transposable element probe was
unknown RING-type protein with E3 ubiquitin ligase then used to identify a restriction fragment that
activity, which is known to function in the degradation cosegregated with hm1 mutant allele. This fragment
by the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway. Comparison of was isolated and sequenced, and the DNA flanking
the nucleotide sequences of the FAZ1 and WY3 alleles the transposon insertion was used as probe in northern
of GW2 uncovered a 1-bp deletion resulting in blot analysis. A 1.3-kb RNA band was detected in
a premature stop codon in exon 4 of the WY3 allele. polyadenylated [poly(A)+] RNA from the resistant
The premature stop codon led to truncation of 310 inbred strain Pr1 (Hm1-Pr1), while the susceptible
amino acid residues; the remaining portion of the strain, K61 (hm1-2), and the mutants either had no
protein consisted of a 115-residue polypeptide of detectable hybridizing mRNA, or an mRNA of aberrant
13 kDa. Sequence analysis of GW2 from Oochikara, size. Difference at the transcriptional level between
another rice variety that has a wider grain width, sim- resistant and susceptible genotypes makes it unlikely
ilar to WY3, showed a nucleotide sequence identical to that susceptible genotypes possess an alternative form
the WY3 allele. These data indicate that reduction or of HM1 with specificity for a substrate other than HC
loss of function of GW2 results in increased grain toxin. A 1.6-kb cDNA clone was isolated by homology
width. Rice transformation was used to produce trans- with the probe and sequenced. DNA sequence data-
genic plants expressing different levels of GW2. The bases revealed homology between the HM1 cDNA and
transgenic plants with antisense strands of GW2 and the NADPH-dependent dihydroflavonol-4-reductase
with reduced levels of endogenous expression had (DFR) genes of maize, petunia, and snapdragon. This
a significantly wider grain width than plants containing homology supports the prediction that HM1 encodes
the vector control. Transgenic plants overexpressing HC toxin reductase (HCTR) [49].
GW2 cDNA under the control of the 35S promoter, Among the race-specific R-genes, the tomato-leaf
which produced high levels of expression, showed mold interaction has been well studied and yielded the
reduced grain width [47]. first examples of cloned R-genes. The avirulence gene
Avr9 in the leaf mold fungus Cladosporium fulvum was
shown to specify a 28-amino acid secreted peptide that
Disease Resistance
elicits a necrotic response when injected into tomato
Disease resistance loci (R genes) conferring resistance to plants carrying the Cf-9 resistance gene [51]. The Cf-9
specific races of the pathogen, carrying corresponding gene was introgressed into cultivated tomato from wild
avirulence (Avr) genes, have been studied in light of the species L. pimpinellifolium accession PI126915 [52].
gene-for-gene hypothesis proposed by Flor [48]. Plants The Cf-9 locus was mapped to the short arm of chro-
that contain such race-specific R-genes with resistance mosome 1 [53], and a targeted transposon tagging
to specific pathogen races, offer an interesting system to strategy was employed to isolate the Cf-9 gene [54].
study plant pathogen interactions, although the genes A tomato line homozygous for Cf-9 was crossed to
are very rarely useful in the crop as they are quickly a transgenic tomato line carrying a Ds element located
overcome by the pathogen gaining virulence. 3 cM from the Cf-9 locus, and additionally to a trans-
In addition, there are non-race-specific disease genic tomato plant containing a stabilized Ac (sAc)
resistance loci which provide plant resistance to element. The F1 plants were crossed and the progenies
a wider range or races of the pathogens. The first selected to produce tagging parents heterozygous for
plant resistance gene cloned was Hm1 from maize, Ds and sAc and homozygous for Cf-9. To tag Cf-9 the
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 679

tagging lines were crossed as female parents to a tomato S. bulbocastanum using Long Range-PCR and cloned
line homozygous for the Avr9 transgene and lacking into a binary vector for complementation studies.
Cf-9. The progeny of this cross, which were heterozy- Katahdin, a late blight susceptible potato variety was
gous for Cf-9 and Avr9, became necrotic and died transformed with the four complete R-gene analogs.
shortly after seed germination, but the mutants for Only the transgenic plants containing RGA2-PCR con-
Cf-9 survived. Approximately 160,000 progeny were struct displayed resistance to all six isolates of
germinated and 118 survivors were recovered. A total P. infestans, including 126C18, a “super race” that over-
of at least 37 independent Ds insertions into Cf-9 were comes all 11 major R genes identified in Solanum
identified. Specific Cf-9 primers were used in conjunc- demissum, the complementation demonstrating that
tion with Ds primers to map the Ds insertions on the RGA2 represents the functional RB gene [58].
basis of PCR product size. Twenty-eight Ds insertions In a simultaneous effort to the analysis of the RB
were mapped to the same 3-kb region of the tomato locus, the Rpi-blb1 resistance locus was characterized in
genome. All stable mutants tested were susceptible to intraspecific crosses between S. bulbocastanum acces-
race 5 of Cladosporium fulvum, which indicates con- sions segregating for resistance, and mapped closely to
cordance between the loss of response to the Avr9 marker CT88 on chromosome 8 [59]. A BAC contig
transgene and loss of resistance to a race of the fungus was isolated across the Rpi-blb1 locus, and sequence
carrying Avr9. Isolation via plasmid rescue and analysis revealed 4 RGAs of the CC–NBS–LRR class.
sequencing of the flanking genomic sequence showed One of the genes termed Rpi-blb1 complemented
that Cf-9 encodes a putative membrane-anchored potato and tomato cultivars to confer resistance
extracytoplasmic glycoprotein with homology to the to complex races of the P. infestans pathogen. In
leucine-rich repeat family of proteins [54]. subsequent analysis of resistant complex inter-
Late blight caused by the oomycete pathogen specific hybrids designated ABPT derived from
Phytophthora infestans, and responsible for the Irish S. bulbocastanum, the Rpi-blb2 locus was identified and
Potato Famine of the mid-nineteenth century that mapped to a position on chromosome 6 at a similar
induced vast migration, is still one of the most devas- position as the tomato Mi locus (see below) conferring
tating of plant diseases causing more than $3 billion resistance to nematode, aphids, and white flies. The
loss annually [55]. The P. infestans pathogen easily Rpi-blb2 locus harbored 15 Mi-1 gene homologues, one
overcomes the R-genes crossed in from various wild of which conferred P. infestans resistance in tomato and
relatives of potato. Diploid Solanum bulbocastanum potato. The Rpi-blb2 protein shares 82% sequence
from Mexico, which was not easily crossable to potato identity to the tomato Mi-1 protein and exemplifies the
(Solanum tuberosum) cultivars, had been characterized evolution of a resistance gene cluster to confer diverse
to have high resistance to P. infestans and was used to resistance specificity to a wide range of organisms such as
characterize the resistance gene loci. The RB (for nematodes, insects, and oomycetes [60].
“Resistance from S. bulbocastanum”) locus was The barley recessive mlo locus conferring resistance
mapped to chromosome 8 of S. bulbocastanum [56]. against the fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp.
BAC walking by the reiterative screening of a BAC hordei (Bgh) has been mapped on chromosome 4 [61].
library using probes derived from the ends of previ- High-resolution mapping using 2,022 F2 segregants
ously identified BAC clones, was initiated using linked identified a DNA marker cosegregating with mlo and
RFLP markers and the contig subsequently used to two flanking markers at a distance of 0.24 and 0.4 cM,
develop PCR-based markers to enhance map resolution respectively. Screening of a large insert yeast artificial
in the RB region. High-resolution mapping using 542 chromosome (YAC) library identified three YAC clones
BC2, 1,060 BC3, and 206 BC4 genotypes delimited the containing the cosegregating marker and two flanking
RB region to approximately 55 kb [57]. This region markers. Subcloning experiments of one YAC clone
contained one truncated and four complete CC– into bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector and
NBS–LRR (coiled coil–nucleotide binding site– further mapping and sequencing delimited the mlo
Leu-rich repeat)-class R-gene analogs (RGAs). Each of region to 30 kb. Sequence analysis identified one
the four complete RGAs was amplified from sequence contig of 5.8 kb, including the cosegregating
680 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

marker, revealing an extensive region of high coding identifying recombinants within L. peruvianum
probability. Reverse transcriptase-PCR using a series of populations [71]. After data from S. lycopersicum and
primers deduced from this region and sequencing L. peruvianum recombinant analyses were combined,
revealed a single extensive open reading frame (ORF) Mi could be localized to a genomic region of <65 kb.
of 1,599 bp. The deduced 60 kDa protein was predicted Subcloning experiments of one YAC clone containing
to be membrane-anchored by at least six membrane- the Mi locus identified four overlapping BACs hybrid-
spanning helices. Genomic PCR-based sequencing of izing to the Mi-flanking DNA probes. Large-scale
11 mutagen-induced mlo resistance alleles and their sequencing of two BACs identified six open reading
corresponding wild-type DNAs identified nucleotide frames; three of these are homologous to each other
alterations (point mutations or deletions) in all tested and to previously identified R genes of the nucleotide
mutant alleles that at the amino acid level result either binding–LRR class. Two of them, Mi-1.1 and Mi-1.2,
in single amino acid substitutions or truncated versions appear to be intact genes; the third is a pseudogene
of the predicted wild-type protein. A comparison predicted to not encode a functional product. Comple-
among the wild-type gene sequences of seven tested mentation studies were performed by transforming
barley cultivars indicated not a single amino acid dif- a nematode-susceptible tomato line using constructs
ference. Inter-mutant crosses were performed using containing the Mi-1.1 and Mi-1.2 genes. Eighty-seven
lines containing different mutant alleles. F2 seedlings percent of transformants carrying Mi-1.2 were resistant
were screened for rare disease–susceptible individuals to the root-knot nematode, whereas all transformants
after inoculation with an isolate of powdery mildew carrying Mi-1.1 were completely susceptible,
which is virulent on each of the parental Mlo wild-type confirming Mi-1.2 as the functional Mi-1 gene [72].
cultivars. Homozygous susceptible F3 progeny were In cultivated tomato, tomato mosaic virus (ToMV)
isolated and used for molecular analysis using RFLP infections are controlled by the introgressed Tm-1, Tm-2,
markers tightly linked (<4 cM) on each side of the Mlo and Tm-22 resistance (R) genes [73, 74]. Among these
locus. Seven susceptible individuals exhibited flanking resistances the Tm-22 resistance was shown to be
molecular marker exchange, indicating reciprocal remarkably durable and, therefore, of ongoing practical
crossover (CO) events. Genomic PCR-based sequenc- importance. The Tm-22 locus has been localized to
ing demonstrated that all seven CO type recombinants tomato chromosome 9, but map-based cloning of this
restored wild-type sequences [62]. gene has been shown to be difficult, especially due to
Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are endo- the lack of recombination in the centromeric region
parasites of thousands of crop species and are impor- [75]. The two-component Ac/Ds transposon system
tant pests of tomato worldwide [63]. The root-knot was utilized to isolate the tomato Tm-22 gene.
nematode resistance gene (Mi) was introduced into A tomato line (homozygous Tm-22) was crossed with
cultivated tomato, S. lycopersicum, from its wild relative another line (homozygous for sAc). One F2 plant from
Lycopersicon peruvianum in the early 1940s [64], and this cross (homozygous for both sAc and Tm-22) was
today it provides the only form of genetic resistance subsequently used in a cross with a tomato line having
against this pathogen. The Mi locus was localized to the Ds transposon on chromosome 9 with distance 2 cM
short arm of chromosome 6 [65] and multiple markers from the resistance gene. About 100 independent
linked to Mi were identified [66–69]. In these studies, it plants with the genotype Ds/–; sAc/–; Tm-22/Tm-22
was found that the nematode-resistant tomato line were selected and used as males and females in a cross
Motelle, and related lines, retained only a small with a transgenic tomato line which is homozygous for
introgressed region (650 kb) from L. peruvianum. Efforts the ToMV MP (Movement Protein) gene for a large-
to localize the Mi gene were hampered for many years scale tagging experiment. Previous observation had
because of the severe repression of recombination near shown a lethal combination of the Tm-22 gene and
this gene in Lycopersicon esculentum lines carrying the ToMV MP transgene in the seedling stage of tomato
the introgressed L. peruvianum DNA [67, 68, 70]. plants. From about 30,000 seeds obtained from these
This handicap was circumvented by screening crosses, five putative mutants were obtained. All
large populations of tomato for recombinants and by contained the Ds element and the MP gene and only
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 681

one mutant plant still contained sAc. To test whether possessed the tb1-ref versus the new Mu alleles.
these five putative mutants were really mutants in the The progeny were also screened by Southern blot
Tm-22 gene, cuttings of these plants were inoculated analysis with Mu element probes, and a Mu3 element
with ToMV. All the five putative mutants were suscep- that cosegregated with tb1-mum1 was identified.
tible to ToMV infection. Plasmid rescue was used to Overlapping genomic restriction fragments carrying
obtain transposon-flanking plant DNA from the the cosegregating Mu3 element were cloned into l
mutant plants. Sequencing of 9.8 kb of rescued plant vectors. Subclones of these were used for Southern
DNA identified an open reading frame (ORF) of blot analyses of the 20 progeny of each of the three
2,586 bp, which corresponds to a polypeptide of 861 mutant plants, showing that each of these mutants has
amino acids. In silico analysis of the ORF did not an insertion into this region of the genome that did not
predict the presence of introns. The polypeptide exist in their sibs and the progenitor stocks. These
encoded by the 2,586-bp ORF shows the characteristics observations provided the crucial evidence that the
of the CC–NBS–LRR class of R proteins, and the 50 - tb1 has been newly tagged. Portions of the l clones
and 30 -RACE experiments confirmed the prediction of were sequenced and oligonucleotide primers were
the gene structure. Functional complementation was designed to be used in conjunction with a Mu-specific
performed by introducing either Tm-22 gene under the primer to amplify the insertion fragments for each of
control of its own promoter and polyadenylation signal the three Mu alleles. DNA sequence analysis of these
or Tm-22 gene under the control of the CaMV 35S fragments identified the Mu insertion point of each
promoter and the NOS polyadenylation signal into allele. A 0.8-kb restriction fragment flanking the Mu
a susceptible tomato line. The transgenic plants of the element was used to screen a cDNA library derived
two constructs were resistant to ToMV [76]. from immature ear. A single clone with a 1,360-bp
insert, excluding the poly(A)tail was obtained. The
cDNA sequence is fully collinear with the genomic
Plant and Inflorescence Architecture
sequence of maize inbred A619, without any evidence
Maize Domestication Traits Most crop plants differ for introns. BLAST analysis with the sequence showed
considerably from their wild ancestors in major mor- that tb1 shares two short regions of homology with the
phological phenotypes that have probably resulted snapdragon cycloidea gene. The pattern of tb1 expres-
from visual selection of desired plant type. This is sion and the morphology of tb1 mutant plants suggest
most dramatic in maize, where the major difference that tb1 acts both to repress the growth of axillary
between maize and its probable wild ancestor teosinte organs and to enable the formation of female inflores-
is that teosinte typically has long branches with tassels cence. The maize allele of tb1 is expressed at twice the
at their tips whereas maize possesses short branches level of the teosinte allele, suggesting that gene regula-
tipped by ears [77]. Most of the variation for the dra- tory changes underlie the evolutionary divergence of
matic differences in inflorescence morphology between maize from teosinte [80]. Analysis of nucleotide poly-
maize and teosinte is explained by five quantitative trait morphism in tb1 gene of maize and teosinte
loci (QTLs) [78]. Complementation tests indicated populations showed that during maize domestication
that one of these QTLs, which is on chromosome arm the effects of selection were limited to the gene’s regu-
1L, is the locus for the maize mutant teosinte branched l latory region and could not be detected in the protein-
(tbl) [79]. To isolate the tb1 gene, homozygous tb1-ref coding region [81]. Fine mapping showed that the
(a spontaneous mutant in a maize population) plants intergenic sequences approximately 58–69 kb 50 to the
were crossed to an active Mu transposon line, and tb1 cDNA confer pleiotropic effects on Zea mays mor-
26,000 F1 plants were grown. Among these, three new phology. Moreover, an allele-specific expression assay
tb1 mutants (tb1-mum1, tb1-mum2, tb1-mum3) were showed that sequences >41 kb upstream of tb1 act in
observed. Each new mutant was crossed to maize cis to alter tb1 transcription [82].
inbred A532, and 14 progeny from each of these crosses The most critical step in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays)
were used for Southern blot analysis with marker domestication was the liberation of the kernel from the
loci that closely flank tb1 to discriminate progeny that hardened, protective casing that envelops the kernel in
682 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

the maize progenitor, teosinte [83]. This evolutionary teosinte proteins may be critical to phenotype. Further
step exposed the kernel on the surface of the ear, such mapping using seven additional recombination events
that it could readily be used by humans as a food within the 6-kb region narrowed the location of the
source. A large effect QTL for glume induration causative site for the functional difference between
(husk hardening) was mapped to chromosome 4 maize and teosinte phenotypes to a 1,042-bp segment.
using two F2 populations derived from crosses between DNA sequence analysis of this 1,042-bp segment using
maize race Reventador (Nay 15) and Balsas teosinte, Z. 16 diverse maize and 12 teosinte individuals identified
mays ssp. parviglumis or between maize race Chapalote seven fixed differences between maize and teosinte. Six
and Z. mays ssp. mexicana [84]. This large-effect QTL of these seven are single base-pair polymorphisms that
segregates as a single Mendelian locus in an isogenic lie just 50 of the coding sequence and potentially affect
background, and has been designated tga1 [83]. Maize tga1 expression. The seventh difference encodes an
Mo17 bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries amino acid substitution of lysine (K) in teosinte to
were screened using a marker on maize chromosome 4, asparagine (N) in maize at position 6. Western blot
which is tightly linked to tga1 and a BAC contig near analysis showed that tga1 protein encoded by the teo-
tga1 was identified. The BAC end and other sequences sinte allele is more abundant than the one encoded by
from this contig were used to BLAST search the rice the maize allele over a range of developmental stages
genome sequence, and a region on rice chromosome that might underlie the phenotypic differences.
8 that is collinear with the region near tga1 on maize The K ! N substitution might alter protein stability,
chromosome 4 was identified. Subsequent BLAST or it might affect translation efficiency or protein
searches using the collinear rice sequence identified function [85].
a second maize Mo17 contig near tga1. Marker analysis
showed that these 2 contigs flank tga1. Maize B73
contigs that correspond to the two Mo17 contigs were Wheat Inflorescence In wheat, the Q allele confers
subsequently identified. DNA sequence analysis the square-headed phenotype and free-threshing char-
revealed that the two B73 contigs overlap, and could acter, and is possessed by most of the cultivated wheats,
be merged to a single supercontig of 1.5 megabases. but most wild wheats have the q allele and, therefore,
Fine mapping using 3,106 F2 plants delimited tga1 to speltoid spikes that are not free threshing [86]. Early
a 6-kb region. Further BLAST searches using the 6-kb experiments involving the cytogenetic analysis of aneu-
region at tga1 revealed that it has homology to SBP ploid (abnormal chromosome number) plants located
(squamosa-promoter binding protein) transcriptional the Q gene on the long arm of chromosome 5A [87, 88].
regulators. DNA sequence analysis of the SPB gene for Using chromosome deletion lines, Endo and Gill
the tga1-ems1 stock, another tga1 allele generated by (1996) physically mapped the Q gene to
ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis of maize line W22 a submicroscopic deletion interval on the long arm of
that matched the phenotype of the teosinte allele in chromosome 5A [89]. Comparative mapping of anon-
homozygous state, revealed that it differs from its ymous RFLP clones, AFLP (amplified fragment length
parental (W22) allele by a nonconservative amino polymorphism) markers, and mRNA differential dis-
acid substitution of a phenylalanine for a leucine at play analysis of lines which have deletion break points
position 5. This mutation in the tga1-ems1 allele con- that flank the Q locus identified 18 markers within the
firmed the conclusion from positional cloning that tga1 Q gene deletion interval. These markers were used to
is the SBP gene, and demonstrated that a single amino construct a genetic linkage map of the region in F2
acid substitution was sufficient to confer the difference populations derived from chromosome 5A disomic
between the maize and teosinte phenotypes. Northern (homologous chromosome pair) substitution lines.
blots, real-time PCR, and in situ hybridization did not The genetic map corresponding to the deletion
show any quantitative or qualitative differences in tga1 segment was 20-cM long, and markers as close as
expression between the isogenic lines (W22 and W22: 0.7 cM to the Q gene were identified [90]. The closest
tga1) or between the maize inbred W22 and teosinte marker to the Q gene was used to screen four high-
itself, suggesting that differences between the maize and density Triticum monococcum BAC filters resulting in
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 683

the identification of one BAC clone. Chromosome Barley Inflorescence Barley spikes have a unique
walking involved the reiterative screening of the BAC structure consisting of three one-flowered spikelets at
library using probes derived from the ends of previ- each spike node. Cultivated barley, Hordeum vulgare
ously identified BAC clones. A BAC contig was then subsp. vulgare, can be divided into two forms according
constructed that spans a physical distance of 300 kb to the morphology of the spikelets: two-rowed and six-
corresponding to a genetic distance of 0.9 cM. The rowed. The two-rowed condition is believed to be
physical map of T. monococcum had perfect colinearity primitive, because wild barley, Hordeum vulgare
with the genetic map of wheat chromosome arm 5AL. subsp. spontaneum, is two-rowed. Row type is con-
Analysis of fast neutron q mutants using markers trolled by multiple alleles at the vrs1 locus (formerly v
derived from the BAC contig at the Q locus confirmed for vulgare) on chromosome 2H [93, 94]. A recessive
that the T. monococcum BAC contig spanned the Q mutation from Vrs1 to vrs1 changes two-rowed barley
locus and narrowed the region for prospective Q gene to six-rowed barley. High-resolution mapping using
candidates to a 100-kb segment, which contains an 373 BC7F1 plants and 278 BC6F2 plants identified
APETALA2 (AP2)-like gene that cosegregates with Q four RFLP-derived STS markers closely linked to the
[91]. Sequence analysis showed that this AP2 gene vrs1 locus [95]. The orders of four marker loci and vrs1
consists of ten exons and nine introns. The M2 gener- locus were the same in six different mapping
ation of a population of Triticum aestivum cv.Chinese populations developed from nine different barley cul-
Spring (CS) EMS mutants was screened for the speltoid tivars (H. vulgare subsp. vulgare) or mutant and wild
phenotype to identify putative knockouts. Three barley (H. vulgare subsp. spontaneum) [96]. Five AFLP
speltoid mutants harboring point mutations within markers within the 0.9-cM region associated with the
the AP2 gene were identified. One mutant had vrs1 locus were subsequently developed using well-
a single base substitution in an AP2 DNA binding characterized near-isogenic lines as plant materials
domain (exon 5) that resulted in the change of [97]. Recombinants within the 0.9-cM region were
a cysteine to a tyrosine. Two other mutants had point analyzed further using STS markers generated from
mutations in the donor site of intron 2 and the acceptor ESTs (expressed sequence tags) and BAC DNA
site of intron 7, respectively, resulting in alternate splic- sequences. PCR screening of BAC clones of cv. Morex
ing in these mutants. The sequence analysis of the using an STS marker located 0.01 cM proximal to the
mutants validated that the AP2 gene is the Q locus. vrs1 locus isolated one BAC clone. Chromosome walk-
Comparison of the genomic sequences of the AP2 gene ing identified six bacterial artificial chromosome
revealed six conserved differences between Q- and (BAC) clones covering completely the candidate geno-
q-containing genotypes. Four of these differences, mic region. The contig containing vrs1 is composed of
including a variable microsatellite (DNA sequence 518,343 bp. Annotation showed three predicted genes:
repeat), were present in introns and one was in the HvHox1 and HvEP2 appeared to be intact genes,
30 UTR. One conserved nucleotide difference changed whereas HvEP1 is highly degenerated and interrupted
a predicted amino acid where, at position 329, by several insertions of transposable elements. HvHox1
all Q-containing genotypes possessed an isoleucine is the only gene that lies between two markers that
while all q-containing genotypes possessed a valine. define the break points and is thus a likely candidate
Yeast two-hybrid analysis showed that the full-length for Vrs1. The ORF of two-rowed barley encoded
Q protein has the ability to form a homodimer, a polypeptide composed of 222 amino acid residues,
whereas the point mutation of q greatly reduced including a homeodomain-leucine zipper (HD-ZIP)
homodimer formation of the full-length q protein. motif. Expression of Vrs1 was strictly localized in the
Rachis fragility, glume shape, and glume tenacity mim- lateral-spikelet primordia of immature spikes,
icked the q phenotype in transgenic plants exhibiting suggesting that the VRS1 protein suppresses develop-
posttranscriptional silencing of the transgene and the ment of the lateral rows. Loss of function of Vrs1
endogenous Q gene. Variation in spike compactness resulted in complete conversion of the rudimentary
and plant height were associated with the level of trans- lateral spikelets in two-rowed barley into fully devel-
gene transcription due to the dosage effects of Q [92]. oped fertile spikelets in the six-rowed phenotype [98].
684 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

The wild progenitor of barley, H. vulgare subsp. a Nud candidate gene [103]. Sequencing of the nud
spontaneum, has covered (hulled) caryopses in which region obtained from two naked lines [Kobinkatagi
the hull (outer lemma and inner palea) is firmly adher- (a Japanese landrace) and nud-Bowman (an isogenic
ent to the pericarp epidermis at maturity. In cultivated line carrying the nud allele in the genetic background of
barley, the hulled or naked caryopsis is one of the most the covered cultivar Bowman)] revealed a deletion of
important agronomic traits because of the direct link to 16,680 bp relative to the corresponding region of the
its use. Most cultivars have the hulled caryopsis and are Haruna Nijo BAC contig sequence. The 16,680-bp
mainly used for animal feed and brewing malts. In deletion included the entire ERF gene. Thus, the gene
contrast, naked barley has a caryopsis with easily sep- structure analysis of naked cultivars supports the can-
arable husks upon threshing and is suitable for edible didacy of the ERF gene. Sequence analysis of the can-
purposes. The naked caryopsis is considered a key didate gene in two X-ray-induced naked mutants
domestication character in barley because extensive showed that each of the two mutants carried
pearling to remove the hull is unnecessary [99]. The a different single base mutation in the putative func-
covered/naked caryopsis in barley is controlled by tional motif of the ERF gene, but their wild-type vari-
a single locus (nud, for nudum) located on chromo- eties (Haisa’s and Ackermann’s Donaria, respectively)
some arm 7HL [100]; the covered caryopsis allele had a nucleotide sequence that is identical to that of
(Nud) is dominant over the naked one (nud). Bulked Haruna Nijo. RNA in situ hybridization using the anti-
segregant analysis on an F2 population derived from sense probe revealed that, in Bowman, Nud was
a cross between Kobinkatagi (naked type) and Triumph expressed strictly in the testa where adherence occurs,
(hulled type) was performed using 1,894 primer com- while no signal above background was detected in
binations, and 12 AFLP markers were selected. Among nud-Bowman. The Nud gene has homology to the
them, five closely linked and two cosegregating AFLP Arabidopsis WIN1/SHN1 transcription factor gene,
markers were mapped around the nud locus using 151 whose deduced function is control of cuticular wax and
F2 individuals [101]. High-resolution mapping using cutin-related lipid biosynthesis pathways [104–106].
2,380 segregants derived from five cross-combinations Staining with a lipophilic dye (Sudan black B) detected
identified AFLP-derived markers flanking the nud a lipid layer on the pericarp epidermis only in covered
locus at the 0.6-cM proximal and the 0.06-cM distal barley [103].
side, respectively [102]. Further mapping using 2,828
progeny segregating for the trait from two cross- Rice Plant Architecture Tillering in rice (Oryza
combinations delimited the nud locus to a 0.64 cM sativa L.) is an important agronomic trait for grain
interval. Integration of the flanking markers into production. Screening of a collection derived from
a high-density barley expressed sequence tag (EST) spontaneous mutations identified monoculm 1 (moc1)
map selected two barley ESTs flanking the nud locus. mutant. The moc1 plants nearly completely lose their
BLASTN analysis identified their respective homolo- tillering ability, producing only one main culm, in
gous rice ESTs 370 kb apart on rice chromosome arm contrast to the multiple tillers in wild-type plants.
6L. Two rice genes within the collinear region were used Genetic analysis with reciprocal crosses between moc1
as vehicles to develop closer barley markers. A BAC and wild-type plants revealed that moc1 is a single locus
library of the covered barley cultivar Haruna Nijo was mutation. The MOC1 locus was mapped to the long
screened using the closest marker to the nud locus. arm of chromosome 6 of O. sativa using 280 F2 mutant
Seven rounds of chromosome walks selected plants generated from the crosses between moc1 and
20 BAC clones and a 500 kb-contig spanning the nud Minghui 63. Fine mapping using 2,010 F2 mutant
locus was constructed. In the physical map, the plants and newly developed molecular markers
nud locus was covered completely with four delimited the MOC1 locus to a 20-kb region. Annota-
overlapping BAC clones. An ethylene response factor tion of the 20-kb sequence identified an ORF that
(ERF) family transcription factor was the only gene encodes a protein highly homologous (44% identity)
that lies in the region delimited by the genetic and to the tomato LATERAL SUPPRESSOR (LS). The
physical mapping and, therefore, is considered as corresponding ORF from moc1 and wild-type plants
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 685

were amplified by PCR and sequenced. DNA sequence (indels) that encoded 23 amino acid changes between
comparison revealed a 1.9-kb retrotransposon inserted PROG1 and prog1. Sequencing of the prog1 coding
in this ORF in the moc1 mutant. Transformation of regions of 182 erect-growth varieties of cultivated rice,
a binary plasmid carrying a 3.2-kb wild-type genomic including 87 indica and 95 japonica cultivars from
fragment containing the entire ORF plus a 1.5-kb 17 countries showed that all the cultivars contained
upstream sequence and the 316-bp downstream identical mutations as prog1 in Teqing, including 15
sequence, but not the one carrying a 30 truncated SNPs and 6 indels [109].
MOC1 gene, was able to rescue the monoculm pheno-
type of the moc1 mutant [107].
Cereal Seed Quality and Color
Typical common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) tends
to have a prostrate growth habit during the vegetative Cereal grain is the staple food of most of the world,
phase and develop erect panicle-bearing stalks during representing the major carbohydrate energy source in
the reproductive phase. Cultivated rice has an erect- the diet. One of the most important crop traits is grain
growth habit throughout the entire growth phase, quality, which determines the price and variety of food
which may increase plant density, enhance photosyn- that can be prepared from the cereal crop. Thus the
thesis efficiency, and improve grain yield. A set of major cereal crops such as rice, wheat, maize, barley,
introgression lines was constructed using an accession and oats have undergone selection from the onset of
of Yuanjiang common wild rice (YJCWR, Oryza the crop domestication process. In comparison to
rufipogon) with prostrate growth habit as a donor, other crop traits, seed quality and color are primarily
and an elite indica cultivar Teqing (O. sativa) with biochemical traits and have been studied at the protein,
erect-growth habit as a recipient [108]. One introgres- gene, and metabolite or grain component level.
sion line (YIL18) displaying prostrate growth was
obtained, which harbored two YJCWR chromosomal Maize Lysine Content The protein nutritional qual-
segments on the long arm of chromosome 3 and the ity of maize is improved by increase in the essential
short arm of chromosome 7. The tiller angle of YIL18 amino acid lysine in the opaque-2 (o2) mutant locus,
was larger than that of Teqing. The grain number on which was localized on the short arm of chromosome 7
the main panicle (GNP) in YIL18 was only 57.6% of [110]. To isolate the gene by transposon tagging, nor-
that in the recipient Teqing, a result of the lesser num- mal maize strains (O2/O2) carrying a mutable allele of
ber of primary branches and secondary branches on the C1 containing an autonomous Spm (c1-m5) or
main panicle. Genetic linkage analysis within 246 F2 a mutable allele of Wx containing a nonautonomous,
individuals derived from the cross between YIL18 and defective derivative of Spm (dSpm) (wx-m8) were used
Teqing showed that prostrate growth was completely as pollen donors for opaque plants (o2/o2). Three
associated with a marked decrease of GNP and con- opaque-mutable o2/o2-m kernels were selected from
trolled by a single semidominant gene, PROG1 approximately 530,000 F1 seeds. These kernels were
(PROSTATE GROWTH 1), located on short arm of grown to maturity and self-pollinated. DNAs prepared
chromosome 7. High-resolution mapping using 3,600 from leaf samples of F2 individual plants were used for
recessive homozygote plants with erect growth from Southern blot analysis using a Spm-specific probe. The
the F2 population delimited prog1 within an 8.8-kb opaque-mutable plants contained a novel 8.4-kb band
region. Only one ORF was identified within this region absent in both parents and missing from at least some
that encodes a putative single Cys2-His2 zinc-finger of the individuals that had been classified as opaque.
protein. Transformation of a binary plasmid carrying Those kernels that had been classified as opaque but
the entire O. rufipogon PROG1 with 596-bp or 2,914-bp possessed the fragment were evidently not mutable
50 -flanking regions, but not the one carrying only the because of failure of the Spm to transpose, or else
2,914-bp 50 -flanking region, showed complementation transposition occurred so late in endosperm develop-
of the prostrate growth phenotype. Comparison of the ment that revertant sectors were undetectable, giving
coding sequences of PROG1 in YJCWR and prog1 in the kernels an opaque rather than an obvious opaque-
Teqing showed 15 SNPs and 6 insertion/deletions mutable phenotype. The fragment was cloned and
686 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

restriction enzyme mapping of the clone revealed the starch granules. By contrast, when Ac was present
presence of a full-length, autonomous 8.3 kb Spm and together with the wx-m6 allele, endosperm tissue
an adjacent sequence of about 150 bp. This non-Spm showed sectors that were intermediate between the
region was sequenced and used as a probe on Southern Wx and the wx phenotypes and a novel 60 kd protein
blot using a BC1 population derived from a cross was detectable on starch granules. Hence, reversion of
between opaque (o2/o2) and normal (O2/O2) plants. the wx-m6 mutation gives a protein that is structurally
All the plants derived from opaque (o2/o2) seeds abnormal and appears to have an altered enzymatic
showed a single 6.5-kb fragment, whereas plants from activity. Only the 58 kd protein is present in starch
seeds with a normal phenotype (o2/O2) had a 10-kb granules from kernels that are heterozygous for the
fragment in addition to the 6.5-kb fragment. This wx-m6 and wx-m8 alleles, but contain only the Spm
demonstrates that the 150-bp Spm-fanking sequence element. Therefore, the structurally altered protein
derived from the opaque-mutable plant represents detected upon reversion of the wx-m6 allele in the
a single-copy sequence that cosegregates with alleles presence of Ac is not detected in the presence of Spm.
of the o2 locus. This fragment was subsequently used Were the Wx locus a regulatory locus, both the 58 kd
as a probe to clone a 17-kb HindIII fragment of the and the 60 kd proteins would be present in a kernel that
wild-type O2 allele from the c1-m5 parent [111]. is heterozygous for the wx-m6 and wx-m8 mutations
A cDNA library prepared from wild-type endosperms and contains the Spm element. It was concluded that
was screened with probes derived from the O2 genomic the Wx locus is the structural locus for the 58 kd
clone. Analysis of O2 cDNA sequence showed that the protein [113].
deduced 02 protein sequence contains a “leucine-zip- Poly(A)+ RNA purified from Wx and wx endo-
per” domain characteristic of some mammalian and sperms was translated in a rabbit reticulocyte in vitro
fungal transcription activation factors. DNA binding translation system, and an antigenically related poly-
assays demonstrated that the O2 protein or only peptide was identified using antiserum raised against
a fragment specifying the leucine-zipper domain the Wx protein. No major 58 kd polypeptide was evi-
bound to two specific regions on the 50 side of the dent among the translation products, but a major 65 kd
coding sequence in a zein genomic clone [112]. polypeptide was translated from Wx, and not from wx
poly(A)+ RNA. The 65 kd in vitro translation product
Cereal Amylose Content The maize Waxy locus may be a precursor that is synthesized, but not
determines starch quality by the level of amylose and processed in the rabbit reticulocyte extract. Poly(A)+
amylopectin. Isolation of the gene was carried out by mRNA fractions substantially enriched for Wx mRNA
a combination of identification of the protein and the were used to construct cDNA clones. Screening of
gene associated with the kernel mutant phenotype. The cDNA clones was performed by selective hybridization
mutant wx-m6 and wx-m9 alleles have Ds transposon to the mRNA sequence encoding the immunopre-
inserts at the Wx locus, while the wx-m8 allele is attrib- cipitable 65 kd Wx polypeptide. Further testing showed
utable to insertion of a defective transposon of the Spm that the Wx cDNA hybridized to an abundant 2.3-kb
transposon family. Starch granules from immature poly(A) + RNA present in immature endosperm of
endosperm tissue of kernels carrying the wx-m6, wx- plants homozygous for the Wx allele, but absent from
m9, and wx-m8 alleles were isolated and the starch immature endosperm tissue of a plant homozygous for
granule-bound proteins were analyzed on SDS- a stable recessive wx allele. Finally, the Wx cDNA was
polyacrylamide gels [113]. When the kernels did not shown to hybridize to a unique sequence in maize
contain an autonomous controlling element (either Ac genomic DNA. That the unique sequence corresponds
or Spm) and showed no somatic reversion of the to the Wx locus was deduced from the results of hybrid-
wx-m6, wx-m9, or wx-m8 mutations, the 58 kd protein ization analyses of DNA isolated from maize strains
was either not detectable or present at a very low level. with and without a Ds insertion mutation at the Wx
When the Spm element was present with the wx-m8 locus. The presence of the insertion at the Wx locus was
allele, sectors of endosperm tissue showed the Wx phe- correlated with the presence of a 2.4-kb insertion in the
notype and a 58 kd protein was present in isolated sequence homologous to the cloned Wx cDNA,
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 687

unequivocally establishing the homology of the cDNA derived from pES6-66 as probe showed that sh2-m1
to the Wx locus [113]. Sequence analysis of genomic yielded a fragment that is approximately 1,600 bp
and cDNA clones of the wild-type Wx gene showed that larger than that seen in the progenitor or revertant.
the coding region comprises 3,718 bp and is composed The data are compatible with sh2-m1 containing
of 14 exons and 13 small introns. N-terminal sequenc- a 1,600-bp insertion. RNA gel blot analysis indicated
ing of the mature Wx protein led to the identification that the size of the wild-type transcript is approxi-
of a maize amyloplast-specific transit peptide of 72 mately 2.0–2.2 kb. A cDNA library constructed from
amino acid residues [114]. poly A+ RNA of shrunken-1, bronze-mutable4 (sh1 bz-
The Wx gene homologues were isolated from m4) was screened using probes derived from pES6-66.
a number of species by isolating homologous clones Eight of the 14 clones isolated had the 1.95-kb insert
or identification of DNA/protein sequences homolo- and were almost full length. The 900-bp and 1,050-bp
gous to the maize Wx gene/protein. A rice genomic EcoRI fragments from one of these clones were
library was constructed in lEMBL-3 vector and subcloned and sequenced. Examination of the 1.95-kb
screened using the maize Waxy gene DNA as probe. cDNA sequence identified only one open reading frame
Two overlapping genomic clones containing the Wx (ORF) coding for 542 amino acids and making up
gene sequence were identified. Sequencing and align- a polypeptide of 59,845 Da. Homology search
ment with Wx gene of maize and barley revealed that identified the Escherichia coli glucose-l-phosphate
the Wx gene in rice contains 13 introns and 14 exons. adenyltransferase (ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase or
The full-length of rice waxy preprotein is 609 amino ADP-glucose synthetase, EC was the only
acid residues [115]. An analysis of Wx transcripts, Wx protein having significant similarity to the amino acid
protein, and amylose content of 31 rice cultivars sequence of the Sh2 cDNA [118].
revealed that endosperm amylose and Wx protein con- The maize sugary1 (su1) mutant accumulates twice
tents are correlated with the ability of the cultivar to as much sugar as sweet corn, having reduced starch.
excise intron I from the leader sequence of the Wx Mutations at the su1 locus were generated by crossing
transcript [116]. Sticky or glutinous rice quality is active Mutator (Mu) plants with standard lines. Mutant
related to the low amount of amylose due to the mutant alleles were identified following the self-pollinations of
wx allele. the F1 plants. Normal and sugary sibling kernels from
a population segregating 1:1 for the nonmutant allele
Sweet Corn The maize sh2 mutant used in Su1 and su1-R4582::Mul were germinated, and geno-
“supersweet” corn has negligible starch. The Sh2 gene mic DNA used for Southern blot analysis using the
was predicted to be involved in carbohydrate metabo- Mu1 fragment as probe. A 4.0-kb EcoRI fragment
lism, since the mutant sh2 endosperm contains reduced containing sequences homologous to the transposon
starch. Candidate Sh2 clones were identified from Mu1 that cosegregated with su1-R4582::Mu1 was iden-
a cDNA library prepared from endosperm by differen- tified. This 4.0-kb EcoRI fragment was subsequently
tial screening with labeled cDNA of near-isogenic W64 cloned by screening a BAC library, based on hybridiza-
Sh2 and W64 sh2 mRNA. The 1.3-kb cDNA clone tion to a probe internal to Mu1, and the genomic DNA
pES6-66 hybridized to wild-type cDNA and not sh2 insert was subcloned as part of plasmid pMJ60. The
cDNA. Clone pES6-66 was subsequently shown to nucleotide sequence of both termini of the transposon
hybridize to a restriction fragment length polymor- were determined and found to match the known
phism (RFLP) associated with normal Sh2 function in sequence of Mul. A 1.0-kb BamHI-EcoRI genomic frag-
F2 segregants of Sh2  sh2 crosses in three backgrounds ment flanking Mu1 in the cloned DNA was purified and
[117]. To determine whether this clone was indeed Sh2 used as a hybridization probe (termed BE1000). This
or simply a closely linked gene, a series of maize stocks genomic probe detected a 4.0-kb EcoRI fragment that
that differed only at the Sh2 locus were used, including was present in all su1-R4582::Mu1/su1-Ref plants but
a wild-type Sh2 allele (progenitor), sh2-m1 (mutable) was missing from all Su1/su1-Ref plants. Thus, the
allele containing Ds at the sh2 locus, and Sh2 revertants cloned Mu transposon is the same element that is
[118]. Southern blot analysis using 500-bp fragment within or tightly linked to the su1 gene locus. Probe
688 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

BE1000 identified a second EcoRI fragment of 2.6 kb cultivar, IR64. The log of the odds scores associated
that was present in all plants examined, and represen- with the rg7.1 QTL peaks in these two populations were
tative of the nonmutant progenitor allele. Presumably, 99 and 33, respectively [120, 121]. The peak of both
insertion of the 1.4-kb transposon Mul within this QTLs corresponded to the previously mapped position
2.6-kb region resulted in the 4.0-kb EcoRI fragment of the mutant locus, brown pericarp, Rc [122]. Fine
that cosegregated with su1-R4582::Mu1. Mutations of mapping using 1,410 BC2F3 plants and high-
the su1 gene locus other than su1-R4582::Mu1 were resolution mapping using 4,000 BC2F6 plants
analyzed to determine whether they also cosegregated narrowed the rg7.1 QTL to an 18.5-kb region. Two
with physical alterations in the cloned region of the genes encoding CACTA type, En/Spm subclass, trans-
genome. Populations segregating for the nonmutant poson proteins, and one gene encoding bHLH protein
allele Su1 and either su1-R2412, su1-R7110, or su1- were detected within the 18.5-kb target region.
R3162 was digested with EcoRI and probed in DNA Sequence comparison of bHLH locus between cv Jef-
gel blot analysis with genomic fragment BE1000. In the ferson and H75, an Rc mutant stock belonging to the
su1-R7110 and su1-R3162 families, the 4.0-kb EcoRI japonica subspecies, carrying a functional allele, but
fragment was present in all the seedlings grown from much more closely related to cv Jefferson than to O.
sugary kernels but was not observed in any seedlings rufipogon, showed that the coding sequence of the
grown from nonmutant sibling kernels. A different bHLH allele in H75 was identical to the cv Jefferson
EcoRI fragment, 4.6 kb in length, was found to sequence except for a 14-bp indel in exon 6. This 14-bp
cosegregate with su1-R2412. The mutation su1-R2412 sequence was present in the H75 stock as well as in O.
is likely to have occurred via insertion of a 2.0-kb rufipogon, but was deleted in cv Jefferson and cv
element into this same region. Approximately 200,000 Nipponbare. The deletion induces a frame shift in the
lambda clones from a maize endosperm cDNA library sequence, resulting in two premature stop codons
were screened with genomic probe BE1000. DNA from before the end of exon 6. The stop codons truncate
eight different hybridizing clones was digested with the protein before the bHLH domain. Sequence analy-
EcoRI; the largest cDNA insert was 2.4 kb in length. sis of bHLH of Surjamkuhi, an indica line that carries
Rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) protocol a third allele, Rc-s, conditioning light red seed pigmen-
was used to obtain the 50 end of the sul cDNA. Sequenc- tation, showed that the sequence of this line differed
ing of su1 cDNA and BLAST search of the deducted from the O. rufipogon allele at only four sites (positions
amino acid sequence showed that su1 cDNA specified a 96, 660, 1353, and 1833–1844). The first two changes
polypeptide of at least 742 amino acids, which is highly proved to be synonymous substitutions. The change at
similar in amino acid sequence to bacterial enzymes that position 1353 consisted of a C-to-A change in exon 6.
hydrolyze a-(1 ! 6) glucosyl linkages of starch [119]. This single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was inde-
pendent of any change seen in previous comparisons
Rice Seed Color Red pericarp is ubiquitous among and represented a premature stop codon before the
the wild ancestors of cultivated rice (Oryza rufipogon), bHLH domain, truncating the protein and rendering
in which it is closely associated with seed shattering and the effect of the remaining indel immaterial. Conven-
dormancy. On the other hand, most rice (Oryza sativa) tional reverse transcriptase-PCR showed no expression
that is grown and consumed throughout the world has of Rc in leaf tissue; however, expression was seen in
white pericarp, showing that white pericarp is associ- panicles before fertilization, pericarp from grains in
ated with domestication and remains under strong the milk or dough stage of filling, and pericarp from
selection in most rice breeding programs today. mature seeds. Similar expression levels of Rc were
A QTL associated with red pericarp, rg7.1, was mapped detected in cv Jefferson and O. rufipogon [121].
on chromosome 7 using two independent BC2
populations derived from crosses between an accession
Seed Shattering
of O. rufipogon (IRGC-105,491) from Malaysia and, in
one case, a US tropical japonica cultivar, Jefferson, and Wild plant species shatter their seed from the mature
in the other case, a widely planted tropical indica infloresence and thus disperse seed for the next
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 689

generation to be seeded, while during domestication cultivar) and Nipponbare (a non-shattering-type

humans have selected for non-shattering plant types japonica cultivar). A near-isogenic line (NIL) was
from which the seed can be harvested or gathered from developed that contained a short chromosomal seg-
the crop. Study of shattering has been very fruitful in ment from Kasalath at the qSH1 region in
Arabidopsis, setting up the genetic models for a Nipponbare genetic background. The NIL had
shattering phenotypes [123] that have been also a stronger seed-shattering phenotype than either
revealed in other crops like the cereals. Kasalath or Nipponbare. High-resolution mapping
In rice, a major QTL for seed shattering, sh4, has using 10,388 plants from the BC4F2 and BC3F2
been mapped on chromosome 4 using segregating populations segregating at the qSH1 region succeeded
populations derived from crosses between O. sativa in mapping the functional natural variation in 612 bp
ssp. indica and the wild perennial species O. rufipogon and only one single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
[124, 125], between O. sativa ssp. japonica and was found within this region. No distinct open reading
O. rufipogon and two other closely related wild species frame (ORF) was identified in the SNP region based on
O. glumaepetula and O. meridionalis [126, 127], and gene prediction for the qSH1 region in both
between O. sativa ssp. indica and the wild annual spe- Nipponbare and Kasalath genome sequences. However,
cies Oryza nivara [128]. High-resolution mapping one ORF for a rice ortholog of the Arabidopsis
using 12,000 F2 (O. sativa ssp. indica x O. nivara) REPLUMLESS (RPL) gene was found 12 kb away
delimited sh4 to a 1.7-kb region of a gene with from the SNP. The RPL gene encodes a BEL1-type
a previously unknown function. The comparison of homeobox and is involved in the formation of
the 1.7-kb sequences between the mapping parents a dehiscence zone (or abscission layer) alongside the
revealed seven mutations located in the intron, exon, valve in the Arabidopsis fruit (silique). Transformation
or 50 upstream of the start codon. Sequencing of this of 26-kb Kasalath genomic fragments scanning the
1.7-kb region from an additional 14 rice cultivars of predicted ORF and the SNP regions into the non-
O. sativa, 21 accessions of O. nivara, 6 accessions of shattering Nipponbare cultivar showed complementa-
O. rufipogon, and 1 accession of each of the four tion of the complete seed-shattering phenotype. The
remaining wild A-genome species and their association other fragments were not able to complement the phe-
with shattering phenotypes showed that a nucleotide notype, even if they contained the entire ORF region or
substitution of G for Tor an amino acid substitution of the SNP region. These results indicated that both the
asparagine for lysine in the first exon was selected for ORF and the SNP regions were required for full
the development of non-shattering cultivars during shattering function. In situ hybridization analysis
rice domestication. Annotation of the sh4 protein revealed that in the NIL the ORF was expressed at the
identified a Myb3 DNA binding domain and a inflorescence meristem in the stage of rachis meristem
nuclear localization signal, suggesting that sh4 is establishment [inflorescence stage 1 (In1)]. It was also
a transcription factor. Transformation of a binary plas- expressed at both the anther region and the provisional
mid carrying sh4-GFP fusion under the control of Ubi abscission layer at the base of the spikelet in the stage of
promoter into rice cv. Taipei 309 determined the nuclear floral organ differentiation (In7) and in the stage of
localization of GFP-tagged sh4. Transformation into rice rapid elongation of the rachis and branches (In8). On
cv. Taipei 309 of a binary plasmid carrying O. nivara the other hand, in Nipponbare, the ORF was expressed
sequence from the 30 nontranslated region to the inclu- in the same way as in the NIL, except that it was not
sion of the G-T mutation site and O. sativa sequence for expressed at the provisional abscission layer in either
the rest sequence until the 50 regulatory region, but In7 or In8. These results, together with the comple-
not the one carrying a shorter O. nivara sequence mentation results, indicated that this RPL ortholog was
excluding the G-T mutation site, showed significantly the qSH1 gene and that the identified SNP affected only
reduced strength of grain attachment to pedicel [128]. the spatial mRNA expression pattern of qSH1 at the
A major QTL for seed shattering, qSH1, was first abscission layer [129].
mapped on chromosome 1 using 182 F2 plants of A shattering mutant line of rice, Hsh, was derived
a cross between Kasalath (a shattering-type indica from a non-shattering japonica variety, Hwacheong, by
690 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) treatment. Optical Salinity Stress Tolerance Salinity tolerance has been
microscopy revealed that Hsh had a well-developed amenable to study for phenotypic variation and the
abscission layer similar to the wild rice Oryza nivara, genetic dissection into quantitative traits. In rice,
while Hwacheong did not produce an abscission layer. a major QTL for shoot K + content under salt stress,
Genetic analysis showed that the easy shattering of Hsh SKC1, was mapped to chromosome 1 using 133 lines of
was controlled by the single recessive gene sh-h. Using an F2 and an equivalent F3 population derived from
an F2 population consisting of 240 individuals derived a cross between a salt-tolerant indica variety Nona
from the Hsh/Blue&Gundil cross the sh-h was mapped Bokra, and a susceptible elite japonica variety
on chromosome 7 [130]. Fine mapping using six newly Koshihikari [133]. Fine mapping was performed
developed SSR markers delimited the sh-h locus to using 192 BC2F2 plants, and a high-resolution map
a 150-kb region. Further mapping using three newly was subsequently generated with 2,973 BC3F2 plants
developed SNP markers on five F3 recombinant lines using markers newly developed on the basis of the PAC
derived from F2 heterozygous plants narrowed the sh-h clone sequences. Progeny testing of fixed recombinant
locus to a 34-kb region. Analysis of genomic sequences plants (BC3F4) delimited the SKC1 locus to a 7.4-kb
from Hwacheong, Hsh, and Blue&Gundil lines identi- region, and only one predicted open reading frame
fied eight genes in this region. Among these, a gene (ORF) was identified in the region. The SKC1 promoter
which encodes a protein containing a conserved region (2,554-bp upstream of the initial codon) and the
carboxy-terminal domain (CTD) phosphatase domain coding region of the cDNA clone (1,665 bp) were
was considered to be a strong candidate for the sh-h ligated and subcloned into a plant binary vector. This
locus because of the presence of a point mutation at the construct was transferred into the japonica variety
30 end splice site of its seventh intron. Sequencing of the Zhonghua 11, which contained the same SKC1 allele
RT-PCR products of Hwacheong and Hsh revealed as Koshihikari and is salt susceptible. Shoot K + con-
that, compared with Hwacheong, a 15-bp deletion centrations were substantially higher in all six T1 prog-
was induced by altered splicing in the mRNA isolated eny containing the Nona Bokra SKC1 transgene
from Hsh. Because the consensus sequence for splicing compared with plants containing the vector control
at this “AG” site was changed to “TG,” the next “AG” under salt stress but not under normal condition.
sequence, 15-bp downstream, was used as a new splice Database searches showed substantial similarity
site. The 15-bp deletion in the Hsh mRNA resulted in between SKC1 and the HKT-type transporters found
the deletion of five amino acids in the C-terminal in plants, bacteria, and fungi. Comparison of nucleo-
region of the CTD-like phosphatase domain (CPDc), tide sequences between Nona Bokra and Koshihikari
which are situated within the phosphatase active site. alleles showed six nucleotide substitutions in the cod-
Two transferred DNA (T-DNA) insertion mutants and ing region that lead to four amino acid changes, which
one point mutant exhibited the enhanced shattering may be responsible for the functional difference
phenotype, confirming that this CTD phosphatase-like between the two alleles. RT-PCR analysis in both
gene is indeed the sh-h gene. RNA interference (RNAi) Koshihikari and NIL (SKC1) showed that SKC1 tran-
transgenic lines with suppressed expression of this gene script levels were upregulated by salt stress in the root
exhibited greater shattering [131]. but not in the shoot. Under normal condition, K+ and
Na+ contents in NIL (SKC1) shoots were not substan-
Tolerance to Abiotic Stresses
tially different from those in Koshihikari. But under salt
Wild species are adapted to the environment where they stress, NIL (SKC1) shoots had a higher K+ content and
are found; survive over long periods of time by creating lower Na+ content than Koshihikari shoots. No sub-
diversity where environmental selection pressures allow stantial differences in K+ and Na+ contents were
the fit to reproduce and survive. The environmental observed in the roots under either normal or stress
stresses include abiotic stresses such as heat, cold, condition. Consistent with the results of shoot analysis,
drought, salt, light, radiation, heavy metals, soil pH, and K+ and Na+ contents in xylem sap were not different
others. Plant response to these stresses has been studied between NIL (SKC1) and Koshihikari; under salt stress,
and shows common and unique responses [132]. however, the xylem sap of NIL (SKC1) contained more
Crop Traits: Gene Isolation 691

K+ and less Na+ than that of Koshihikari. These results a single-nucleotide polymorphism at position 556 is
indicated that SKC1 is involved in regulating K+/ responsible for a Pro 186 (intolerant) to Ser 186 (tol-
Na+ homeostasis in the shoots [134]. erant) substitution in a MAPK site. Conversely, the
Sub1C-1 allele of tolerant lines lacks a MAPK phos-
Submergence Tolerance A major QTL for submer- phorylation site present in the alleles of the intolerant
gence tolerance, Sub1, was mapped to chromosome 9 accessions. A Sub1A-1 full-length cDNA under the
using 169 F2 plants and the resulting F3 families of control of the maize Ubiquitin1 promoter was
a cross between a tolerant indica rice line, IR40931-26 transformed into an intolerant japonica variety
(a descendant of FR13A), and a susceptible japonica Liaogeng. A screen of seedlings after 11 days of sub-
line, PI543851 [135]. High-resolution mapping using mergence identified four T1 families, derived from
2,950 F2 individuals and the resulting F3 families of independent T0 Ubi:Sub1A + lines, with submer-
a cross between DX18-121 (a tolerant F3 plant from the gence-tolerant transgenic individuals, and progeny
first population) and M-202 (a submergence- from two families were examined in detail. T1 families
susceptible japonica cultivar that is widely used in one and three showed a correlation between high
California) identified 2 AFLP markers localized within expression of the Sub1A-1 transgene and submergence
0.2 cM of Sub1 [136]. The Sub1 locus was delimited to tolerance. As observed in the FR13A descendant
an interval of 0.06 centimorgan using 4,022 F2 individ- IR40931-26, tolerant Sub1A-1+ plants showed a signif-
uals from the cross between DX18-121 and M-202. icant impairment of shoot elongation under submer-
Physical mapping with five overlapping bacterial arti- gence compared with the intolerant parent Liaogeng
ficial chromosome (BAC) clones derived from submer- and non-transgenic siblings [137].
gence-intolerant indica rice varieties and a nearly
complete contig of 13 binary clones from IR40931-26 Aluminum Tolerance In wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
showed that Sub1 region physically spans over 182 mechanisms that minimize the harmful effects of Al
kilobases (kb). This interval encodes three genes ions have been investigated using near-isogenic lines
containing ethylene response factor (ERF) domains [ET8 (Al-tolerant) and ES8 (Al-sensitive)] that differ in
and designated Sub1A, Sub1B, and Sub1C, ten non-ERF Al tolerance at a single dominant locus designated as
genes including four transcribed and six hypothetical Alt1. The Alt1 locus cosegregates with an Al-activated
protein-coding genes, and >50% retrotransposon- malate efflux from root apices [138, 139]. One cDNA
related sequences. The corresponding region of the clone more highly expressed in the root apices of ET8
japonica genome represented by the sequenced variety compared to that of ES8 was isolated by subtractive
Nipponbare spans 142 kb and is considerably hybridization. The full-length cDNA was obtained by
rearranged. Notably, Sub1A is absent from the rice rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)-PCR. The
reference Nipponbare genome. Accumulation of predicted protein is hydrophobic having six to eight
Sub1A and Sub1C messenger RNAs was strongly but putative transmembrane regions. Heterologous expres-
transiently promoted by submergence in seedling sion of this gene in Xenopus oocytes indicated that this
leaves of tolerant FR13A, while Sub1B transcripts gene encodes an Al-activated transporter that facilitates
increased only slightly during submergence. The ten the efflux of malate but not citrate. Based on this result,
non-ERF genes in the indica Sub1 region showed no the gene was named ALMT1 (aluminum-activated
evidence of expression in seedling leaves before or malate transporter). Sequencing the ALMT1 cDNAs
during submergence in IR40931-26 or the intolerant derived from ET8 and ES8 showed that the sequences
variety M-202. A survey of the Sub1 locus haplotypes in differed at six nucleotides that resulted in the deduced
17 indica and 4 japonica varieties identified 2 Sub1A, 9 proteins differing at two amino acid residues. Sequence
Sub1B, and 7Sub1C alleles on the basis of variation in of the ALMT1 coding region in Atlas66 (Al-tolerant
amino acid sequence. The Sub1A-1 and Sub1C-1 alleles cultivar) was identical to that of the ET8 allele, while
are limited to all six submergence-tolerant accessions. the sequence in Scout66 (Al-sensitive cultivar) was
There was no Sub1B allele identified as being specific to identical to that of ES8. As found for the ET8 and ES8
submergence tolerance. In the tolerant Sub1A-1 allele, lines, the expression of ALMT1 in the root apices was
692 Crop Traits: Gene Isolation

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Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 699

Crop Yields Around the World: Definition of Subject

Closing the Gap and Raising the The entry assumes that yield increase will continue to
Potential play a dominant role in world food security, as it has
over the last 60 years. It is restricted to annual grain
R. A. (TONY) FISCHER crops, since these dominate the world’s arable land-
CSIRO Plant Industry, Canberra City, Australia scape (>70%) and humankind’s food supply
(>70%), including grain used as livestock feed. Crop
Article Outline yield is the weight of grain, at some agreed standard
moisture content, harvested per unit of land area per
Glossary crop (note, there can be two or even three annual crops
Definition of Subject per year in some favored environments, meaning
Introduction a cropping intensity of 200% or 300%, respectively).
Estimates of Yield Gaps The starting point for yield is usually the field, district,
Closing Yield Gaps regional, or national average yield in kg or t per hectare,
Lifting Potential Yield as reported in surveys or local or national statistics.
Future Directions and Synthesis Here this is referred to as farm yield (FY, t/ha). This and
Bibliography many related cropping statistics are collated annually
for all countries by FAO (
567/default.aspx#ancor). FY is usually expressed rela-
Allocative efficiency Efficiency with which given var- tive to harvested land area (note: this can fall well below
iable input(s) is used. planted area in some situations). Although FY is
Attainable yield Yield reached by farmers with eco- quoted and used widely, it may not be as accurate as
nomically optimum management and reasonable it appears due to uncertain grain admixtures and/or
risk aversion. poor collection of the statistics. With survey data sam-
Ecotilling Seeking related alleles across germplasm pling error can also arise.
collections based on DNA homology. At the highest end of the yield scale it is useful to
Farm yield Average grain yield across farms in a region. define potential yield (PY), which is the yield to be
Harvest index Ratio of grain dry weight to total expected with the best adapted cultivar, the best man-
above-ground dry weight at maturity. agement of agronomic inputs, and in the absence of
Molecular markers Short sequences of DNA that are manageable abiotic and biotic stresses [1]. Many com-
homologous with sequences close to or within plications are hidden within this apparently simple
important genes. definition. PY is usually determined in plots, with of
Potential yield Grain yield in the absence of manage- course sampling error. In order to be relevant to the
able abiotic and biotic stresses. surrounding district, the natural resource base of the
Potential yield water limited Grain yield in the plot (climate, soil type, topography) needs to be com-
absence of manageable abiotic and biotic stresses parable, including any long-term management invest-
apart from that imposed by water supply through ments to improve this aspect of the site (e.g., liming,
inadequate rainfall. tile drainage). Water supply must be adequate for PY
Radiation use efficiency Above ground biomass pro- determination as defined, and this can come from well-
duced per unit of total solar radiation intercepted distributed rainfall close or equal to crop potential
by green crop tissue. evapotranspiration (crop water use from sowing to
Technical efficiency Practices, timing, and technical harvest without water limitation) or from full or sup-
skills adopted by farmer in using inputs. plemental irrigation; in addition, pests, weeds, and
Yield gap Difference between farm yield and potential diseases must be held at negligible levels through the
yield. use of biocides if necessary. Finally, crops experiencing

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
700 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

relatively rare weather damage such as crop lodging or Since much of the world’s grain crops are grown in
unseasonal frosting are excluded from PY measure- rainfed situations where water supply from precipita-
ment. Taken overall, it would seem PY might be impos- tion plus starting soil storage falls well below the poten-
sibly difficult to measure, but it is reported often in the tial evapotranspiration, it is also useful to define
crop science literature, although not always with a water-limited potential yield (PYw, t/ha): it is the
proper attention to the above caveats. yield obtained with no other manageable limitation
Since PY is usually measured in plots, edge effects to the crop apart from the water supply. Obviously, it
arising from extra solar radiation or soil moisture or will depend on the amount of water, so PYw is usually
nutrients reaching outside plants must be avoided by plotted relative to water supply (or use), the slope being
discarding the plot edges. Two types of PY plots are the crop water use efficiency or water productivity,
commonest. Often they are well-managed yield trials to commonly reported in kilograms per hectare per
compare new varieties or advanced lines against older millimeter. Complications can arise due to variation
ones, or even historic ones, to give measures of breed- in rainfall distribution with respect to crop develop-
ing progress by plotting variety yield against year of ment stages, but PYw, defined as a linear function of
release. The most useful such trials, for example those the water supply, is a very useful simple benchmark, as
for wheat conducted by the UK Home Grown Cereals argued in a recent in-depth review by Passioura and
Authority (HGCA Angus [2], while simulation modeling has been espe-
plate/0/0/Home/Home/Home.mspx), measure yields cially useful in dealing with expected deviations due to
with and without fungicide protection. Only the for- variation in the distribution of water supply.
mer yields are a measure of true PY, but fungicide In any given region, between FY and PY (or PYw),
protection is still not very common in such yield trials there is another useful yield notion, namely attainable
around the world, although visible disease levels are yield (AY, t/ha), which is defined here as the yield
usually reported and can be negligible. The second attained by a farmer with average natural resources
source of PY data comes from experiments conducted adopting economically optimal practices and levels of
by crop physiologists to calibrate and/or validate crop inputs. Since risk of financial loss is almost always part
simulation models: the models, driven largely by var- of a farmer’s decision to invest in increased inputs, the
ious aspects of solar radiation and temperature, can AY definition must temper “optimum level” with “pru-
then be used to predict PY in other environments (e.g., dent attention to risk”; as an example this could mean
sowing dates, years, locations). For such purposes input investments must be expected to return at least
modeling accuracy has steadily improved, but models 50% in net profit at the margin. Of course, AY will
need to be updated with the latest varieties every few reflect the economic circumstances of the crop and
years, since breeders are steadily altering varieties region, in particular grain prices relative to input
(e.g., phasic development, improving PY). Some- ones, all measured at the farm gate. Thus, it is not
times, crop contest yields or crop record yields are easy to know AY, but general experience suggests that
considered to be synonymous with PY. But they need it lies around 20–30% below PY in situations where
to be treated with caution, because they usually exceed world prices and reasonable transport costs operate. FY
PY measured as defined here, probably because they for wheat in the UK probably meets these conditions
refer to very favorable circumstances (e.g., soils, (Fig. 1). Where this does not occur, for example, in
weather, management), relative to the district average; much of sub-Saharan Africa where infrastructure and
nevertheless, we can learn from such yields if all site institutions are weak, the AY as defined above may be
and management variables are quantified. For exam- much lower; alternatively where inputs and grain prices
ple, properly verified world record yields, invariably are heavily subsidized, AY could approach closer to PY.
higher than PY values, not only extend our simulation Because of these uncertainties, it is easier to talk of the
models but also reveal that there is no anatomical yield gap in terms of the FY to PY gap, bearing in mind
limitation to very high yields, the main limitation that even in the most advanced cropping situations in
evident with such yields being the stem strength developed economies, operating at close to world
needed to support them. prices, FY will remain significantly below PY. Since it
Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 701

Potential yield
11 y = 0.061x - 111
R2 = 0.532
Grain yield (t/ha) 10

y = 0.053x - 98
8 R2 = 0.457

Farm yield

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Figure 1
Change in farm yield (FY) and potential yield (PY) with time for wheat in the UK. Source: FAOStat and HGCA. Note that
in this and other figures (except Fig. 4), PY is plotted against year of variety release, for varieties are compared side by side
in recent yield trials under modern management

is more appropriate to express this gap as a percentage amounts to an exponential increase of 1.1%; output
of FY, it can be assumed from the literature that this growth must match this or real prices will increase (see
minimal gap is reached when the PY–FY gap is about also later). There is some potential new arable land of
30% (of FY). Any larger gap that this, which is usually reasonable quality in South America and sub-Saharan
the case, is often defined as an “economically exploit- Africa (and in northern latitudes of Russia), but
able yield gap,” but bearing in mind that the expected increase in arable area demands heavy capital invest-
exploitation can be as much a task for national and ment and brings negative environmental consequences;
local government and agribusiness, as for the farmers. indeed, maintenance of arable area could be a challenge
in densely populated fast-urbanizing regions like South
and East Asia, and where there is continuing arable
land degradation. Crop area can also increase through
Crop yield has been the subject of attention since the intensification of annual cropping but that usually
days of Malthus and earlier. More recently, many have depends on expansion in irrigation, which has in fact
pointed out that the improved supply of food calories slowed markedly, especially in Asia where water avail-
per capita globally, and reduced real costs of grain, over ability for agriculture is now constrained. As
the last 60 years has been due almost entirely to global a consequence, most argue that the projected increase
crop yields growing faster than the burgeoning world in grain demand must continue to be met by yield
population (e.g., [4]), for there have been only small increase.
increases in cropped area (Fig. 2). The world popula- Many grain crops have exceeded 1% exponential
tion will grow to over nine billion by 2050, and grain yield growth in the early decades of the modernization
demand is projected to increase around 60–70% (com- of agriculture last century, including the Green Revo-
pared to 2000) [5], with others projecting even greater lution period for rice and wheat in Asia, but global
increases, and certainly more rapid increase coming yield growth trends for most crops over the last 20
early in this period. Seventy percent over 50 years years have slowed and have become linear, with current
702 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

7.00 3.5
Arable area
6.00 3
Cereal yield

5.00 2.5

Arable area (billion/ha),

Population (billion)

Cereal yield (t/ha)

4.00 2

3.00 1.5

2.00 1

1.00 0.5

0.00 0
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Figure 2
Change in world population, global arable area, and cereal yield. Adapted with permission for Evans (1998)

growth rates at or below 1%; maize at 1.6% and soy- In most situations, both processes contribute simulta-
beans at 1.1% are the only major crops exceptions to neously to FY increase, with farmers adopting new
this (Fig. 3; note growth rate is expressed here by technologies (varieties, management techniques,
calculating the linear slope as a percentage of current input levels) that have been developed years or decades
predicted yield for each crop). Increasing the propor- earlier by researchers at which time the associated rise
tion of a crop which is irrigated can increase yield in PY occurred. Recently, two trends in this process are
growth, as happened with wheat in Asia in the 1960s, becoming evident. Firstly, management or agronomic
but further increases in irrigation area are unlikely, due innovations for increasing PY, including their positive
to cost and/or lack of water, except possibly in sub- interactions with new varieties (e.g., the universal
Saharan Africa. This leaves the maintenance, or prefer- nitrogen by variety interaction in wheat and rice, or
ably boosting, of rates of yield increase in existing the plant density by hybrid variety interaction in
cropped situations as the major route for meeting maize), are becoming fewer, leaving a greater propor-
growing demand for grain, and the major challenge tion of PY progress to breeding advances. This is
facing agricultural science. And despite some media a somewhat controversial observation but is clearly
sentiment to the contrary, agricultural scientists are supported by analysis of the winter wheat yield changes
fully aware that this goal has to be met while sustaining, in the UK [6]. Secondly, in some special situations, as
or better still, improving the natural resource base of mentioned earlier, the yield gap is approaching the
cropping, and while confronting the uncertain and minimal 30% or so dictated by current economics;
predominantly negative projected impacts of climate examples include winter wheat in the UK (Fig. 1) and
change. probably all of Western Europe), rice in Egypt (Fig. 4),
From the definition of the subject, it can be seen and maize in the US corn belt (e.g., Iowa, see Fig. 6).
that there are two sources of yield increase: raising PY While it is not always easy to separate PY advance
and closing the PY to FY gap (see also Figs. 1, 4 and 5). from gap closing, since this volume has given more
Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 703

y = 0.0818x - 159
Maize R2 = 0.90

y = 0.0394x - 75
R2 = 0.96
Grain yield (t/ha)


3 y = 0.0268x - 51
Wheat R2 = 0.85
y = 0.0290x - 55
R2 = 0.83

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Year of production

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Figure 3
World average yield versus time for wheat, rice, maize, and soybeans over last 20 years. Source: FAOStat

attention to the former, in particular the possibilities 14

Potential yield y = 0.075x - 139
arising with new molecular biological techniques 12 R2 = 0.712
Grain yield (t/ha)

becoming available to plant breeders, this entry will 10 y = 0.185x - 361

give more attention to closing the yield gap than to 8 R2 = 0.959
raising PY. Both issues have been more fully discussed 6
in Fischer et al. [5]. Another reason for concentrating Farm Yield
here on closing the yield gap is that, notwithstanding 2
the evidence of small yield gaps in some situations, it is 0
likely that yield gap closing offers better prospects 1975 1985 1995 2005
globally for quickly lifting FY progress, as is needed, Year
than does boosting PY progress. The entry continues by Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and
looking at the size of the yield gap in various key Raising the Potential. Figure 4
situations around the world. Passing then to gap clo- Change in PY and in FY for rice in Egypt. Source: Badawi [3];
sure, traditionally this is considered to arise from A. E. Draz, 2009, personal communication
farmer adoption of yield-enhancing technologies, the
area of agricultural extension or technology transfer.
While there is a lively body of socioeconomic research
on this process, which will be considered briefly, the impact should be on PY as defined, actually increasing
way the yield gap is defined here, it is hard to see the the gap, followed by their gradual adoption which, if
new products of breeding and agronomic research complete, might be expected to reduce the gap to the
reducing the yield gap. This is because their initial same relative value as before, other things being equal.
704 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

Potential yield y = 0.024x - 38
9.0 R2 = 0.237


Grain yield (t/ha)

6.0 y = 0.049x - 92
R2 = 0.522

Farm yield



1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Figure 5
Wheat PY and FY changes with time, Yaqui Valley, Mexico. Source: [5]

y = 0.261x - 510
R2 = 0.490
Potential yield
y = 0.116x - 221
12 R2 = 0.732
Grain Yield (t/ha)

Farm yield y = 0.205x - 401
R2 = 0.639

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Figure 6
Change in maize FY in Iowa compared to that in PY as estimated by Pioneer (Hammer et al. ([7], red squares) and de Kalb
(Edgerton [8], green triangles) hybrid yields plotted against year of hybrid release
Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 705

Needless to say the real situation is more complex and a whole is similar to Kenya. Tittonell et al. [13] in
examples will be given of how such research, including a detailed survey of farm yields in three districts in
progress in molecular biology, can help directly reduce the favored Kenyan Highlands confirms the figure
the gap (e.g., more adoptable technologies, less costly shown in Table 1, recording a mean FY of 1.5 t/ha
ones, and better biotic stress resistance). The entry when PY was 6–7 t/ha. Lobell et al. [12] give nine
finishes by discussing briefly the current situation examples of rainfed maize in tropical and subtropical
with progress in PY and PYw themselves. What will developing countries (average gap 200%) and examples
not be discussed further is the likelihood that atmo- of irrigated and rainfed maize in Nebraska based on
spheric CO2 increase will continue to improve all grain simulation of PY and PYw which suggest gaps of 35%
yields, other things remaining equal, but the rate of and 55%, respectively, both larger than that for rainfed
increase is currently around only 0.2% in a C3 crop like maize in the adjacent wetter state of Iowa (Table 1).
wheat [9], and less for C4 crops. While there is no doubt about the huge yield gap with
maize in Africa, some uncertainty exists in these critical
estimates from the USA, where maize is probably the
Estimates of Yield Gaps
most intensively researched and promoted crop in the
Fischer et al. [5] attempted to estimate yield gaps and world. No doubt the gap is quite small in Iowa and
their rate of change for a number of key representative Nebraska, where it has been closing lately, and FY may
cereal-producing regions in the world. The most reliable be close to AY (Fig. 6), although more PY progress data
estimates are summarized in Table 1, supplemented is needed for a clearer conclusion.
with a few new crops and numbers. The soybean examples in Table 1 also show a large
The yield gap estimates for wheat are remarkably difference in the yield gap between a developed and
consistent at around 50% except for the UK, where as developing country, but do not show developing coun-
mentioned before the 25% gap probably implies that tries Argentina and Brazil, where FY across more than
FY is approaching AY, an AY largely determined by 35 M ha with favorable rainfall is as high as the USA,
ruling world prices in the UK. Figure 5 illustrates the and PY is unlikely to be any higher. Finally, millet,
Yaqui Valley data, where there was substantial yield gap grown in India under very harsh conditions, shows
closing as the modern semidwarf varieties took over in a gap no worse that of soybeans in adjacent more
the 1960s; lately, however, the yield gap has remained favorable areas of India.
fairly steady at 50%. Lobell et al. [12] recently
presented 12 published estimations of the yield gap
Closing Yield Gaps
for wheat in developing countries, the gap ranged
from 5% to 150% but the average was close to that in Yield gaps are reduced by farmers adopting new tech-
Table 1, namely 55%. nologies or practices (new at least for them) or
For rice, Table 1 shows gap values around 100% or adopting higher rates of inputs (e.g., many farmers in
more for most developing country situations except for western Kenya use added nutrients, either fertilizer or
Central Luzon in the wet season (65%), and organic ones, but the rate of nutrients applied may be
a remarkably low 15% for Egypt (see also Fig. 4). The very low relative to the need/optimum (e.g., [13])).
value of 55% for Japan reflects the heavy emphasis on Some of this is usefully illustrated in Fig. 7 derived
producing high-quality grain, acting as brake on FY from Byerlee [14].
progress, because food-quality rice varieties and agron- FY under traditional practices with low inputs is
omy deliver lower yields. From the 41 rice estimates shown by point A on curve 1. Adopting new technol-
from developing countries in [12], the average gap was ogies such as an improved new variety and practices
65%, with modeling evidence that the gap was 120% in (e.g., line sowing and fertilizer) lifts technical efficiency
northwest India (cf. 110% in the Indian Punjab in and brings curve 2 into play. The farmer may move
Table 1). from point A to point B, as in the first years of the
Table 1 has only two cases for maize: Iowa at 25% Green Revolution. Allocative efficiency could then rise
contrasts with Kenya at 200+%; sub-Saharan Africa as further as fertilizer levels increase, following curve 2 to
706 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Table 1 Estimates of current yield gaps for
key crops and regions (compiled from [5] and elsewhere as noted)

Yield (t/ha)a and gap(%), 2007 or 2008

Region Environment Crop area (M ha) FY PY Gap
Yaqui V, Mexico Irrigated, low latitude 0.16 6 9 50
Punjab, India Irrigated, low latitude 3.9 4.3 6.25 45
Western Australia Subhumid, low latitude 4.5 1.8 2.6 45
N. Dakota Subhumid, high latitude 3.4 2.5 3.7 50
UK High rain, winter wheat 1.8 8.2 10.4 25
Eastern China Irrigated, winter wheat 16 4.7 7 50
Kansas Subhumid, winter wheat 3.6 2.6 3.9 45
Central Luzon Wet season + irrigation 0.8 3.8 6 60
Punjab, India Wet season + irrigation 2.4 3.8 8 110
Japan Wet season + irrigation 3 6.5 10 55
South Asia Wet season, rainfed 28.5 1.8 3.6 100
Central Luzon Dry season, irrigated 0.4 4.5 9 100
Egypt Dry season, irrigated 0.7 10.1 11.6 15
Iowa Temperate, high rainfall 5.3 10.8 15.5c 45
Kenya All altitudes, moderate rain 1.75 1.8 6 200+
USAd Temperate, high rainfall 30 2.8 3.6 30
e b
India Subtropical, tropical, moderate 9 1 2.2 120
Indiaf Subtropical, rainfed 11 0.9 1.8b 100
Predicted from linear trends
Actually PYw
Reestimated in Fischer and Edmeades [9]
Estimate by R. A. Fischer, 2010 unpublished
Bhatia et al. [10]
Murty et al. [11]

point C, approaching some economic optimum. An might choose to further increase technical efficiency
even newer variety and the best available practices by moving to the uppermost curve, maximizing
(e.g., herbicides, conservation tillage) which together allocative efficiency at around point D, or sacrificing
define current PY (point F) could lift the technical allocative efficiency, but not yield, by reducing inputs
frontier further (the uppermost curve 3). Farmers (point E). Of course, curve 3 is not static: for any given
Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 707

3.Modern practices

Grain yield (t/ha)
3 C
2.Intermediate practices

1.Traditional practices

1 A

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Input level

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Figure 7
Illustration of pathways from low FY to close the gap with PY; modified from Byerlee [14]

environment it may be moved further upward with technology can be tested on a small scale. Farmer char-
new technologies, and it may also shift downward due acteristics influencing adoption are very diverse and
to problems of resource degradation. This figure also can also interact with the nature of the innovation:
serves to illustrate that the yield gap is not the same as education, age, health, exposure to extension and
an efficiency gap, gaps between curves are technical related media and demonstrations, group pressure,
efficiency ones, gaps along curves are allocative ones, and support can be important. But there is little
both combine to make up the FY to AY gap. doubt that farmers around the world, large and espe-
cially the small, women and men, aspire to increase
monetary return and given the means to do so, will
Adoption of New Technology
adopt more profitable practices.
There is a rich agricultural economic literature on the It is in the area of rural infrastructure and institu-
adoption of new technologies by farmers. Examples for tions that developed and developing country farmer
the adoption of two new technologies in the rainfed circumstances differ most. One obvious example is the
cropping in Australia are shown in Fig. 8a (a new crop, effect of poor roads on increasing input costs and
lupins, and a new practice, no till). The new crop was reducing prices for surplus farm output. For example,
adopted faster than the new agronomic technique. the price ratio of N fertilizer to grain is on average
Developing countries have proved equally fast in double that in other regions of the world and higher
adopting new varieties (Fig. 8b) when the conditions still in inland landlocked regions of sub-Saharan Africa
are favorable. The well-recognized patterns of lag, rate [18]. The high cost of credit, uncertainties surrounding
of adoption, and ceiling adoption level clearly differ contracts (including land tenure), the risk of poor-
between technologies and farmers (regions); in addi- quality inputs, theft or unrest, and the prevalence of
tion, the infrastructural and institutional context is unfavorable and uncertain tax and pricing policies, all
important. For the technology itself, key elements are make adoption less attractive in many developing situ-
its perceived relative advantage (return over cost, risk of ations. Sometimes, price subsidy on inputs and outputs
loss, convenience, etc.) over that which it replaces, and can compensate for these brakes on adoption, such as in
its trialability, meaning the ease with which a new the recent situation where a well-crafted fertilizer supply
708 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

100 100
90 90
Lupins Mexico Bangladesh
80 80
Percent adoption by farmers

Percent farmer adoption

70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990
a Year b Year

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Figure 8
Adoption of new technologies by (a) farmers in regions of Australia (lupins in Wongan Hills district [15] and no till in
Loddon district [16]), and (b) semidwarf wheat varieties in Mexico and in Bangladesh [17]

and subsidy policy permitted Malawi, a nation of small in the 1970s to test high inputs, learning that farmer
holders, to produce an unprecedented surplus of maize yields varied greatly between fields, as did responses to
and to do so without a maize price collapse. But in inputs especially fertilizer and insecticide, which were
general and especially in sub-Saharan Africa the lack of often uneconomic. This pointed to the importance of
public investment in infrastructure, institutions and field-to-field variability, and the need to adjust inputs
agricultural extension, and the lack of sound policy are accordingly and as the season unfolds, whether by site-
the major contributors to the yield gap. specific nutrient management, which reached maturity
Looking at farm-level technical constraints that some 20 years later [22], or via field-level pest moni-
contribute to the yield gap, in any situation there are toring as part of IPM packages. Titonell et al. [13]
usually multiple constraints, and the challenge is to recount a similar picture of substantial variability in
determine which constrains should take priority, soil fertility, resource use intensity, and yields among
while recognizing that interventions often interact pos- small farmer maize fields in western Kenya. Another
itively and are thus more effective when adopted lesson is surely that this is scientist-intensive expensive
together [19, 20]. This can only be answered by on- research, usually taken over by the farmer and his
farm survey and experimentation. Such work started advisers in the industrial world, and explaining why
many years ago with farming system research, farm large yield gaps often persist in the developing one,
management clubs, and rapid rural appraisal. It con- where circumstances demand innovative approaches
tinues in many guises in the developed world, especially in order to reach the billion small farmers (e.g., [21]).
influenced by the privatization of agricultural exten- Very recently IRRI again looked at rice yield gaps,
sion, the use of remote sensing and ICT advances, and this time using expert knowledge to assess constraints
the entry of input suppliers, in particular seed compa- and possibilities for irrigated rice in South Asia
nies, into agricultural extension. [23]. For this crop, FY is currently 5.1 t/ha over 34.3
In the developing world the more traditional M ha; it was estimated that on average yield was
approaches remain, although with growing emphasis constrained 1.9 t/ha (37%) by yield-limiting factors,
on farmer participation [21]. Lobell et al. [12] recount which included individual constraints from nutrient
how IRRI conducted on-farm rice experiments in Asia insufficiency (10%), diseases (7%), weeds (7%),
Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 709

water shortage (5%), and rats (4%). The exercise was distribution, and more scope for farmers to lift water
repeated for the 28.5 M ha of rainfed lowland and productivity via improved management (e.g., earlier
upland rice in South Asia with a current FY of 1.8 t/ha: planting, higher seeding density, higher N input).
yield-limiting factors amounted to 68% of FY, including A weakness of both these studies is that they refer to
nutrients (23%), disease (15%), and weeds (12%). The better farmers rather than to a random sample of fields,
IRRI paper predicted that with a substantial research, for which the opportunities of gap-closing interven-
development and extension effort, the adoption of tions are likely to be greater.
existing technology and ongoing breeding over the The persistence of large yield gaps in the developing
next 15 years could reduce these losses by one third world especially draws attention to situations where
(irrigated rice) or one quarter (rainfed rice) adding these gaps have been closed. Rice in Egyptian is an
about 1% to FY growth rate. obvious example where strong R, D, and E engaged
With wheat in the Yaqui Valley we have a recent a small geographically focused industry of small
concerted effort to understand the yield gap, PY–FY holders under a sound price policy (Fig. 4). A second
(currently 50%, Fig. 5, Table 1), this time using the example of dramatic technology adoption, albeit with
latest high-resolution satellite imagery to estimate lesser immediate implications for FY than for sustain-
field-level yields for all fields in the Valley [24] and ability of the whole cropping system, relates to the
supplement a long history of farm surveys. Despite uptake of conservation tillage for wheat, maize, and
the moderate size and wealth of farms relative to soybeans in southern South America (Argentina,
India or Kenya, again field-to-field variability in yield Brazil, and Paraguay), rising from nothing in 1970 to
was substantial. It was estimated from images over 24 M ha in 2000. This was very much driven by farmer
several years that wheat yields were constrained by groups and the farmers themselves faced with the threat
late planting, delays in the first post-plant irrigation, of serious soil degradation and by the opportunity
and summer fallow weeds [25]. Improved institutions provided by knock-down herbicides and knowledge
and farm management decisions could largely elimi- spillover from the North (e.g., [29]). This revolution
nate these constraints, which averaged over years has yet to reach other developing continents (but is
totaled about 10–15% of FY, and would bridge about beginning in northwest South Asia). A third success
half of the gap to estimated AY in the Valley. These story among small poor farmers has recently appeared
authors [26] used inter alia classification and regression with the introduction and expansion of winter maize in
trees to relate yield to constraints in their complex data northeastern India and Bangladesh.
sets. The same technique was used by Tittonell et al. Despite individual success stories like rice in Egypt,
[13] to explore management and soil constraints to 150 yield gaps in general appear to be quite persistent and
field-level maize yields in highland Kenya: the rate of close only slowly; this happens even when gaps are well
added nutrients was the strongest explanatory variable, above that to be expected from economics and risk
followed by date of planting and plant density, as yield aversion and even when PY progress has slowed such
ranged from 1.2 (low nutrients, late plant) to 4.2 t/ha that catch-up through eliminating excessive lags in
(high nutrients, normal plant, high density). varietal adoption is not a big issue. The problem is
Two recent studies illustrate for rainfed cropping that gap closing on the large scale needed requires
the power of simulation modeling and water produc- massive investments in rural infrastructure and insti-
tivity boundary functions in understanding yield gaps tutions as well as technology transfer, and these are not
in surveyed farmer fields and in particular removing forthcoming, as maize in sub-Saharan Africa exem-
that part of the apparent gap which is actually due to plifies. Elsewhere public sector agencies, in particular
non-manageable weather (mostly rainfall distribu- reaching the billion small farmers in Asia [21], aided by
tion). Grassini et al. [27] found these distribution the private sector, in particular in Latin America,
effects quite important for sunflower yield variation have made some inroads on the yield gap; they should
among fields in the western pampas of central Argen- continue to do so largely in proportion to the invest-
tina. Hochman et al. [28] looking at farm wheat yields ments made, but there is also scope for innovation,
across Australia, found less influence of rainfall for example, based on modern ICT technologies.
710 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

The employment of agronomists by private seed com- progress on this front, while genetic engineering has
panies is a pattern that is bound to be followed in the brought exciting new opportunities. Although
developing world as its seed industry grows in strength engineered resistance does not lift PY, it lifts FY wher-
and competitiveness. With gap closing, there are no ever farmers cannot control pests and diseases with
spill-ins as there are in the case of PY advance through traditional means. The experience with Bt cotton in
R and D, innovations need to be adapted locally, but it India shows how important this can be: small holder
can be argued that the Internet and mobile phones are yields are at least 30% better simply because before the
relevant spill-in technologies for delivering informa- advent of Bt cotton they were unable to eliminate
tion to farmers small and large, a role which could damage no matter how much insecticide was used
greatly expand. [31]. It is likely that the advent of GM corn resistant
to root worm is boosting farm yields in the USA
because root worm damage went unnoticed before-
Innovative Adoption-Friendly Crop Management
hand (and is very difficult to treat with chemicals).
and New Varieties
Fungal diseases have yet to succumb to genetically
Research can facilitate the adoption of technologies to engineered host plant resistance, but it is reasonable
lessen those constraints which contribute to the FY to to expect varietal releases in this area in the next
PY gaps. Table 2 lists common constraints, separating decade; engineered viral resistance has already been
research targeting agronomic solutions from that deployed in some crops [31]. Actual yield losses
involving breeding, while institutional and infrastruc- due to weeds are estimated globally at about 10% by
tural solutions already mentioned are shown in the last Oerke [30], to which should be added the costs of
column. Some agronomic technologies are still under current control measures. More competitive cultivars
development (e.g., improved seasonal weather fore- can help, but again genetic engineering has brought
casts), but much of the necessary agronomic research revolutionary advances in ease, cost, and effectiveness
is adaptive, generally fitting technologies from more of weed control. Of course, with any chemical-based
advanced farming systems. For example, the widespread susceptibility of biotic stress agents, there will be the
adoption of direct seeding of wheat after rice in north- risk of resistance evolving in the target organism, but
west India, which by saving on land preparation time integrated management, albeit requiring greater farmer
has meant that sowing dates are less likely to be late and skills, can prevent that. Given proper R, D, and exten-
yield expectations are hence improved, required sion, the potential impact of herbicide-tolerant culti-
research and development on appropriate small-scale vars on FY in labor-limited African cropping is likely
drills for this direct seeding operation. Sometimes, the substantial. Of course, all breeding solutions to aid gap
agronomic technology comes from a “less-advanced” closing presuppose an effective seed production and
field cropping situations or from farmers themselves: distribution system. Systems are gradually improving
for example, the use of plastic film mulches, quite com- in developing countries and most commercial farmers
mon in northern China with wheat, maize, and oilseeds. grow improved varieties although the rate of turnover
Such mulches give substantial yield benefit through of varieties is often too slow. There is little doubt that
retaining soil moisture and aiding soil warming in the wherever plant breeding is privatized, competition
spring, and challenge agronomic researchers to adapt drives quicker variety turnover; in advanced systems,
them in a sustainable fashion elsewhere, including it also drives significant agronomic extension by the
developed countries. breeding firms keen to maximize variety by manage-
It is with breeding that there are greater gap-closing ment interactions and to retain clients.
opportunities. Considering that actual losses from dis-
eases and insects globally exceed 20% of yield with
Lifting Potential Yield
wheat, rice, and maize [30], any improvement in
genetic resistance has an immediate benefit for FY Although separated by a yield gap and a time lag, many
when the improved varieties are adopted. Conventional situations show a close relationship between progress
host plant resistance breeding continues to make in PY and that in FY, as new technologies eventually
Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 711

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Table 2 Constraining factors contributing
to the farm yield–potential yield gap and their alleviation so that farm yield can approach the attainable yield
corresponding to the current potential yield with realistic economics
Constraint Agronomic Breeding Institutional/infrastructural
General farmer constraints
Lack of farmer On-farm demonstration On-farm testing and selection Education, media campaigns,
awareness or conviction extension
or skill
Risk aversion by farmer Forecasts, tactical decision Tolerance of extreme weather Insurance schemes, favorable
making (e.g., for N top events, like drought, flooding, credit terms, price stability
dress) hail, frost, wind
Inadequate labor Mechanization, reduced Select for uniform maturity to Facilitate labor migration; credit
supply tillage, herbicides favor mechanical harvesting for mechanization
Technical constraints
Lacking major long- Drainage, land leveling, Waterlogging, acidity, Long-term credit for major soil
term soil amelioration liming, deep tillage, and salt tolerance amelioration, secure tenure
Excess tillage and loss Conservation tillage Suitable varieties: disease and Credit for new machinery
of moisture, soil options and suitable herbicide tolerance
compaction machinery, controlled
Manageable topsoil soil Ameliorate (e.g., lime for Acidity, aluminum tolerance Input suppliers, credit for lime
toxicities acidity)
Suboptimal nutrient Diagnostics, application of Some scope for improved N, P, Infrastructure, input suppliers,
supply nutrients, slow release and Zn uptake and utilization credit, quality control
forms, tactics to match efficiency
supply with need
Soil variation within and Diagnostics to aid Greater tolerance of soil
between adjacent fields adjustment of application stresses
Growing old varieties, Better on-farm seed F1 hybrids, licensed traits, Strong seed industry and proper
or use of poor seed management and storage royalties to encourage strong regulation, credit
seed industry
Incorrect time of sowing Mechanize, reduced tillage Make available varieties with Policy to favor mechanization,
to speed sowing; range of maturities; herbicide contract seeding
treatments to warm soil for and cold tolerant varieties
spring sowing
Poor plant population Better drilling procedures More robust varieties (e.g., Seed testing and regulations
and machines, quality seed long coleoptile in wheat, more
storage tillering)
Diseases and pests, Biocides, sanitation, crop Host plant resistance Input suppliers, pesticide
above and below rotation, IPM quality control
712 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential. Table 2 (Continued)

Constraint Agronomic Breeding Institutional/infrastructural
Weeds Herbicides, cultivation, Enhance crop plant Herbicide quality control,
sanitation, crop rotation competitiveness, herbicide release regulation
Poor water Improve water application Greater tolerance water Efficient supply systems to farm
management in techniques and skills, land shortage and excess
irrigated systems levelling
Long-term soil Crop rotation, fertilizer, Varieties adapted to biotic and Tenure regulations ensuring
degradation green manuring, farm yard abiotic stresses of high plant land ownership by farmer
manure, conservation residue levels, and with good
tillage, amelioration residue production

find their way to farmers. Often the process is facili- disappointing, at close to zero; however, there is
tated by new varieties linked to agronomic advances, a one-off yield jump of 10–15% through the recent
for new varieties are fairly quickly adopted in most exploitation of F1 hybrids feeding into the tropical
commercial farming. Sometimes, the PY advances owe rice regions, and following upon on a similar gain in
more to innovative farmers than to researchers, as for China over the last 20 years as hybrids moved to >50%
example, when farmers moved to earlier planting per- of their acreage. For maize, there is only one estimate in
mitted by direct seeding in southern Australia. In all [5], coming from Iowa and showing 1%. Data of Luque
cases, increase in PY is an important component driv- et al. [32] in a somewhat similar environment in Argen-
ing increased FY, inevitably so where the yield gap is tina give a rather similar number for hybrids released
approaching the economic minimum (e.g., wheat in up to 1997 (1.3%), but since then PY progress may have
the UK), but less so where it is large (e.g., paddy or slowed (M. Otegui, 2009, personal communication).
rainfed rice in India), and even less when the gap is A subsequent report from Iowa with hybrids of a rival
huge (e.g., maize in sub-Saharan Africa). company showed progress at 1.7% but the breeding
Current rates of PY progress were summarized for period sampled was only 2001–2006 [8]. In an irrigated
the key cereals in [5]. These numbers come from favorable Mediterranean environment, data presented
breeders’ and researchers’ trials containing varieties of by Campos et al. [33] indicate PY progress in the Iowa
different vintage grown under modern agronomic Pioneer hybrids of 1% (but interestingly progress in
management with little or no biotic stress; thus, the PYw of 1.5% under artificial severe mid-season water
rates capture as well the positive interactions between stress). PY progress in cereals is discussed in more
new varieties and modern management. Linear regres- detail in [9]. Potential yield for soybeans in the USA
sion is used to calculate the absolute rate of progress appears to be progressing at 0.7% p.a. (R. A. Fischer,
which is then expressed as a percentage of most recent 2010, unpublished).
predicted PY in the series, hopefully a recently released From the above, it is apparent that even in advanced
variety (>2006) but such data is not always available. situations with substantial breeding investment, poten-
For wheat, progress ranged from 0.3% to 1% p.a. with tial yield progress from this source is currently at
an average of 0.6% (n = 6) and with little difference or well below 1%, with maize showing more progress
between water-unlimited and water-limited PY pro- than other major crops. Such PY progress is unlikely
gress (see also Figs. 1 and 5). For rice, the range was alone to drive FY progress at the rates needed.
0.2–0.7% (average of 0.4%, n = 4). Progress in PYat the Prospects of lifting this rate of PY progress were now
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is discussed briefly.
Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 713

New Yield-Positive Agronomic Techniques devoting many resources to maintaining disease resis-
tance (e.g., wheat) or eating quality (e.g., wheat, rice),
Improved agronomy has played a large if not dominant
and thus unable to give full attention to yield, PY
role in past yield increase (e.g., increased fertilizer use,
progress is likely to increase, although probably less
better weed control, better seeding techniques for ear-
proportionally that the proportional investment
lier seeding and more reliable crop stands, and water
increase. A related question is whether any extra
conserving reduced tillage), and most improvements
funds would be better spent on new breeding tools.
have interacted positively with variety improvement
(e.g., [20]). While many authors have consistently
failed to anticipate agronomic advances in the past New Tools to Increase Progress in Conventional
[34], currently it is hard to see any new ones raising Breeding
PY or PYw (as distinct from advances specifically
Genetic variation is the basis of yield progress. It is
targeting improved input efficiency). One example
unlikely that all or even the major part of the existing
might be improved seasonal forecasts which would
genetic variation has been utilized in any crop. Sam-
permit the farmer to better tailor management and
pling germplasm collections is a formidable task, but
variety to expected weather, something currently lim-
new tools are becoming available for seeking out new
ited by the low skill of forecasts. Another, which would
and useful variation, such as the Focused Identification
clearly lift PYw, would be the reduction of soil evapo-
of Germplasm Strategy (FIGS, [39]) and Ecotilling
ration with inexpensive plastic films (e.g., spray-
[38]. Because of the low chance of success, this work
applied nanofilms), copying a common practice seen
tends to be in the area of publically funded
in northwest China field crops, but designed so as not
prebreeding, with only medium to long-term impacts
to contaminate the environment. Also it is possible
on breeding, but it is worth noting that the steady
advances can still come from better management of
reduction in genome sequencing costs is also opening
soil–root–microbe interactions, a complex and
up new ways of allele searching [40].
neglected area of research: poorly explained observa-
Both parental and especially early generation
tions of “yield decline” and “break crop effects” point
selection can benefit from the use of low cost perfor-
in this direction, as do reports of positive effects of
mance-related markers. For the last 50 years or so,
increased soil organic matter (independent of nutri-
physiologists have attempted to identify such markers
tion), controlled traffic and reduced soil compaction.
or traits, physiological or morphological, or even whole
ideotypes, which would lead to greater yield. There
Greater Investment in Current Conventional
have been some successes, for example, the first high-
Breeding Efforts for Yield
yielding semidwarf tropical rice variety, IR8, resulted
Yield improvement through plant breeding is generally from the pursuit of a specific ideotype [41], and breed-
regarded as delivering benefits far in excess of the costs ing for resistance to some toxicities is usually based on
[35, 36]. Nevertheless, it has been suggested that early generation physiological screening (e.g., alumi-
returns from the investment in breeding personnel are num tolerance). However, indirect selection for both
diminishing, for example in maize, and that yield gains PYw and especially for PY has proved challenging, and
are getting harder to achieve [37]. This is occurring much physiology has been restricted to the retrospec-
despite greater efficiency through computerization, tive identification and understanding of traits which
advanced biometrics, mechanization, robotics, and have changed as direct selection has increased yield.
techniques for rapid generation advance, all part of A good example are the many traits that have been
any conventional breeding today. What is quite unclear found to change as maize yields increased in North
however is the marginal return on investment in con- America under direct selection for yield, lodging resis-
ventional breeding; for example, what would happen if tance, dry down, and disease resistance alone [37, 42].
the number of breeders, and of crosses, selections, and As understanding of yield determination improves,
yield trials, were increased say 50% in any currently including the recognition that seemingly useful traits
substantial program? In crops where breeders are can carry trade-offs, and as measurements of many
714 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

traits become cheaper, especially through the use of combination of markers and early generation trait
remote sensing in the field, the possibilities for physi- phenotyping using smart remote sensing will prove an
ological traits have improved. At CIMMYT, maize even more efficient strategy for PY advance. In addition
breeding for drought (PYw) has definitely benefitted physiology, just like plant pathology, will continue to
from the inclusion of physiological traits such as anthe- identify individual traits whose incorporation into lead-
sis to silking interval in managed drought environ- ing varieties may lift PY or PYw, a process which could
ments [43]. More recently, with wheat there has been benefit from the use of molecular trait markers, just as is
testing of canopy temperature as an early generation becoming the case with new hard-to-screen host plant
selection criterion, a surrogate for stomatal conduc- disease resistance genes.
tance and possibly photosynthetic rate under irriga- Multilocation multiple-year yield testing remains
tion, or possibly for rooting depth under drought; it the essential final step in all plant breeding for yield;
shows promise under both conditions [44], as does testing under different management regimes (plant
multispectral canopy reflectance under irrigation density, planting date, soil stored water) is also recog-
[45]. In CSIRO, Australia, ideotrait selection for greater nized as increasingly important. Crop simulation
PYw has been under way for several decades, with focus models are now good enough to help breeders under-
on traits such as water use efficiency via carbon isotope stand the environmental and sometimes the genetic
discrimination, coleoptiles length, low tillering, and bases of the interactions encountered, and thus deploy
high stem carbohydrate content at flowering, with the testing more efficiently, and more efficiently
moderate success [46]. Very recent research points to indentify the genotypes best suited to major environ-
genetic differences in wheat for grain set under drought ment  management combinations. An excellent
and ways for screening this trait which is likely to be example is the analyses of multiple environment
a significant bottleneck in PYw determination [47]. rainfed trials of sorghum in Queeensland [52].
While physiology may be beginning to look more
useful in early generation yield selection, it is now being
Genetic Engineering for Yield
challenged by the rapidly growing use of molecular
markers for traits, initially qualitative ones but lately There are many claims of engineered traits that may
also quantitative traits, including yield itself. The huge increase crop yield, but very few of these have been
decline in cost of detecting molecular markers, and backed up by yield measurements in the field. Crop
their increasing density across crop genomes is driving physiologists have regularly pointed out how different
this. Heffner et al. [48] review the possibilities of such is the performance of a genotype growing in a pot in the
marker-based genome selection in crops. Earthington glass house from that of one at normal plant density in
et al. [49] describe in some detail the extent to which the field environment [53, 54]. For this reason, they
molecular markers are being incorporated into the remain skeptical of the value of these claims and await
Monsanto crop breeding programs: rates of progress with much interest the results of field tests, for, to date,
in multiple trait indices (e.g., including yield, grain mois- it appears that only a handful of papers describe per-
ture, standability, and test weight for maize) can be dou- formance in proper field tests. In an excellent example,
bled; indeed, for these authors marker-aided selection is wheat transformed with a more active ADP glucose
the “new” conventional breeding. These approaches pre- pyrophosphorylase in the grain to increase grain sink
sume accurate phenotyping of genotypes for yield and its strength and grain size, was thoroughly field tested, but
interactions with target environments, a challenge in all there was no yield benefit [55]. More recently,
breeding. However, it is interesting that physiology hardly Monsanto has reported increased PYw in field plots
features in this new scenario, although other groups are with maize transformed with two separate events [56,
busily mapping putatively useful physiological traits at 57]; results in the latter case point to modest PYw
the molecular level (e.g., [50, 51]). It remains to be seen increases and no change in PY, but the nature of the
whether physiological traits, either observed directly drought and of the crop physiological responses are not
or identified by accurate markers, will have a place well described. More experimental data is needed
in marker-aided yield breeding, but it is possible some before much confidence can be placed in this event,
Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential 715

or in engineering for yield in general, for both genetic approaches may boost gains enough to maintain cur-
and physiological understanding of yield determina- rent rates of linear PY progress at between 0.5% and
tion indicates that many processes are involved, and 1%, other things such as climate remaining equal (note
that the impact of any single transformation is likely to that given the way PY is defined here, this progress is
be small even if key regulatory genes or bottleneck independent of any direct effect of atmospheric CO2
processes are targeted. Indeed, it is now being recog- increase). Observers expect the investment in the rele-
nized that if functional genomics is to have a significant vant R and D to remain large, as the private sector
impact on yield through engineering yield processes, it involvement increases to balance a declining public
must pay more attention to the relevant plant and crop sector, and many argue that it should grow further,
physiology connecting gene action to field performance although the marginal rate of return is not well known.
[58]; even the current fashion for automated
phenotyping in controlled facilities must be balanced
Future Directions and Synthesis
by substantial investment in phenotyping in field plots
in managed environments. The key issue for future food security is the real grain
price needed to balance burgeoning demand against
increasing supply. World food production demand
Some Tentative Conclusions on Future Potential
and supply to 2050 have recently been projected by
Yield Progress
Hubert et al. [61] with the IFPRI Impact model, and
As PY increases, relative rates of PY progress are by Tweetin and Thompson [62]. Thus, the baseline case
decreasing; this is probably more than the consequence of the former paper projects a 56% increase in cereal
of a linear rate of progress relative to a rising denom- production over 2000, accompanied by substantial real
inator, and may, in situations where the breeding price increases over the 2000 base, with negative effects
investment is large (e.g., maize in North America, on malnutrition. Demand growth is greater for maize
wheat in the UK and the rest of Western Europe), also and least for rice, such that the projected real price
reflect diminishing returns as biological limits are increases over 2000 are maize (97%), wheat (90%),
approached. Theoretical limits to harvest index are and rice (60%). Clearly, a 56% increase in production
already being reached, but those to radiation use effi- is not enough. For Tweetin and Thompson [62], cereal
ciency appear well above current measured values [59]. supply rises somewhat more, by around 75% in 2050,
There have been a couple of attempts to project PY into but real prices still increase (on average 44%). The
the future. For example, Sylvester-Bradley et al. [60] IFPRI projections allow for biofuel demand (peaking
propose that a longer period of light capture and in the late 2020s at 16% of total maize consumption,
a higher radiation use efficiency could lift PY of winter after which second-generation biomass biofuel takes
wheat in the UK to 17.4 t/ha by 2050, a linear rate of over), rising energy costs and likely restrictions on
progress of 167 kg/ha/year, or two and half times the irrigation water supply. They also point to a much
current rate of progress seen in Fig. 1. Taking a different greater increase in grain demand in the first 25 years
tack, Monsanto has predicted a doubling of US maize (1.4% pa) than in the second 25 years (0.4%), clearly
yield between 2000 and 2030, based on equal contribu- placing more pressure on short- to medium-term yield
tions from conventional breeding, marker-aided selec- progress. The IFPRI model contains crop area as
tion, and genetic engineering, and amounting to a variable but, given the cost of developing new lands
a linear annual rate of progress which is 3.3% of today’s and its scarcity, this only increases significantly if prices
yields. Physiological theory and commercial optimism more than double under a very low yield progress
both, however, have their limitations. Looking more scenario.
cautiously at the ways of impacting PY progress In the IFPRI baseline projection, yield grows to
outlined above, it is concluded that breeding progress meet demand at around 1% exponential projected
will dominate in the future, that conventional breed- over the whole period. In [62], it is expected to grow
ing, including the exploitation of heterosis, will con- linearly at a rate equivalent to 1.4% of current yields.
tinue to deliver small but declining gains, while new These rates compare to the current rates of world yield
716 Crop Yields Around the World: Closing the Gap and Raising the Potential

growth, which are wheat and rice (0.9%), maize (1.6%), strategies to help these farmers will have the greatest
and soybeans (1.1%), but it must be recalled that the benefits for alleviating poverty and food insecurity.
actual rates all appear to be linear, not exponential, and And note that the association between large yield gaps
that the projected rates in neither of the models are and small farmers is not an inevitable association, as
enough to hold real prices steady at 2000 levels. In can be seen among small holders in Egypt or parts of
addition, the elasticity of demand is such that a supply eastern China. This entry has emphasized that
shortfall due to below baseline yield growth would be improvements in rural infrastructure and institutions
disastrous (as we saw 2 years ago although some other are critical, but that breeding and agronomic research
factors added to the sharp doubling of prices then): the also has a role to play in gap closing, as is illustrated by
projections in [61] suggest a 40% fall in yield growth the impact of simple direct seeding machinery and
below baseline (to 0.6% exponential) would lift 2050 earlier sowing on wheat yields in the Indo-Gangetic
real cereal prices to more than 200% above 2000 real Plains or of Bt cotton with Indian small holders. It is
prices!! Alternatively, 1.4% yield growth would mean a great pity, however, that the types of on-farm adaptive
continuing declines in real grain prices. research and development needed for gap closing in
These numbers highlight the importance of yield such situations are often thwarted by policy inertia
growth that has been the subject of this entry and reveal toward agriculture in general, and poor rewards by
that current FY growth rates are inadequate to hold real science funders in particular, although the situation
prices down. Since PY growth can contribute to FY may be gradually improving. In developed countries,
growth everywhere, and is the only source of growth new paradigms seem to be emerging in which private
in advanced agricultural systems where FY is sector companies, especially breeding and seed compa-
approaching PY, it assumes great underlying impor- nies, invest not only in developing better varieties but
tance, even as current rates of growth, except possibly also in applied agronomic research linked to variety
for maize, seem to be well below 1% and gradually development and promotion, and this may account
falling as a percentage of yield. Unfortunately, the for some of the gap closing in the USA and Western
brief examination here suggests that the prospects of Europe. In addition, and especially in Australia and the
boosting PY growth, largely now relying on plant southern cone of South America, privately hired agron-
breeding, are small, or at least rather uncertain, espe- omists are assuming a critical role in yield gap closing
cially in the short to medium term when yield increases and are rewarded accordingly. Taken overall such
are most critical. Much will depend on whether the changes auger well for ongoing yield gap closing, even
molecular marker-aided yield selection can boost in the short to medium term, in the developed world,
rates, for example, double them, as claimed by some; but their impact at the farm level in developing coun-
genetic engineering seems unlikely to lift PY in the tries, and that of more traditional approaches, will
short to medium term, although the prospects to lift remain limited by infrastructure and institutional con-
PYw may be somewhat better if water stress-related straints in the near to medium-term future. The cau-
yield bottlenecks can be relieved. And none of these tious optimism expressed a decade ago by leading
projections have factored in the possible negative agricultural scientist Evans [4] regarding world food
effects of climate change. security may well be overly optimistic.
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richardsr.htm) 59. Zhu X-G, Long SP, Ort DR (2008) What is the maximum effi-
47. Ji X, Shiran B, Wan J, Lewis DC, Jenkins CLD, Condon AG, ciency with which photosynthesis can convert solar energy
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anther sink strength for maintenance of grain number during 60. Sylvester-Bradley R, Foulkes J, Reynolds M (2005) Future wheat
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33(6):926–942 Wiseman J (eds) Proc 61st Easter School in Agricultural Sci-
48. Heffner EL, Sorrells ME, Jannick J-L (2009) Genomic selection ences. Yield of farmed species. Nottingham University Press,
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(2007) Molecular markers in a commercial breeding program. future of food: scenarios for 2050. Crop Sci 50:S33–S50
Crop Sci 47(S3):S154–S163 62. Tweeten L, Thompson SR (2008) Long-term agricultural out-
50. Rebetzke GJ, van Herwaarden AF, Jenkins C, Weiss M, Lewis D, put supply-demand balance and real farm and food prices.
Ruuska S, Tabe L, Fettell NA, Richards RA (2008) Quantitative Working paper AEDE-WP 0044-08, Ohio State University
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 719

Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature Agroecosystem An agricultural system or agricultural

ecosystem is the basic unit of study for an
RAFAEL J. LÓPEZ-BELLIDO, LUIS LÓPEZ-BELLIDO agroecologist. This term is somewhat arbitrarily
Departamento de Ciencias y Recursos Agrı́colas y defined as a spatially and functionally coherent
Forestales, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain unit of agricultural activity, and includes the living
and nonliving components involved in the unit as
Article Outline well as their interactions. An agroecosystem can be
viewed as a subset of a conventional ecosystem. As
Glossary the name implies, at the core of an agroecosystem
Definition of the Subject lies the human activity of agriculture. However, an
Introduction agroecosystem is not restricted to the immediate
Components and Design site of agricultural activity (e.g., the farm), but
Anthropological View rather includes the region that is impacted by this
Agricultural Practices’ Footprint activity, usually by changes to the complexity of
Praise of Agricultural Science species assemblages and energy flows, as well as to
Eradication of Fallow, Tillage, and Monoculture the net nutrient balance.
Biological Synergism and Technical Synchronization Agronomy The science which establishes the theory
Dynamic Cropping Systems and practice of crop production and soil manage-
Future Challenges ment [1].
Bibliography Ecosystem A functioning community of nature that
includes fauna and flora together with the chemical
and physical environment with which they interact.
Agriculture Agriculture and farming are often consid- Ecosystems vary greatly in size and characteristics,
ered to be the same concept. However, both con- and can be a mud puddle, a field, or orchard, or
cepts can vary in their territorial scope of a forest. An ecosystem provides a unit of biological
application. Agriculture is the production of food study and can be a unit of management [2].
and goods through farming and forestry. Agricul- Environment The totality of the surrounding external
ture encompasses a wide variety of specialties and conditions (biological, chemical, and physical)
techniques. For this reason, its definition has devel- within which an organism, community, or object
oped to become: The science, art, and business of exists. The environment can be defined at any scale.
cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising live- The term is not exclusive in that organisms can be
stock. The major agricultural products can be and usually are part of another organism’s environ-
broadly grouped into foods, fibers, and raw mate- ment. Thus, one can speak of the environment as
rials. As of late, agriculture also uses plants to pro- that within which humankind lives (i.e., separate
duce biofuels, biopharmaceuticals, and bioplastics. and external) or, of humankind as a component of
Agricultural practices Agricultural practices are a set the environment [2].
of techniques applied to on-farm production and
postproduction processes, resulting in food and
Definition of the Subject
nonfood agricultural products.
Agronomic crops Agronomic crops typically involve Cropping system (CS) is a general term that describes
a crop that is grown for grain, feed, or for how a producer or farmer might grow a crop [2].
processing into oil, starch, protein, or flour. Major Pragmatically, CSs effectively address the what to
agronomic crops include corn (grown for feed, grow, when to grow it, and how to grow it considerations
ethanol, or processing), soybeans, wheat, hay of crop production in the context of optimizing mul-
(alfalfa and legume and grass mixtures), rice, pea- tiple goals [3]. A CS must bring together the biological,
nuts, and cotton. Hay is also considered forage [1]. technical, economic, and sociological aspects of

P. Christou et al. (eds.), Sustainable Food Production, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4614-5797-8,

# Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013

Originally published in
Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, # 2012, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3
720 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

the land area farmed [4]. Therefore, a CS is a set ecosystem into agroecosystems. Agricultural practices
of agronomic or agricultural practices used in such as genotype selection, crop rotation, natural fer-
a crop under specific conditions. The CS generates an tilizers, irrigation, etc., were developed long ago, but
agroecosystem, agri-environment, or agricultural sys- have made great strides in the past century. The history
tem. Common synonyms of CS include crop manage- of agriculture has played a major role in human history
ment system, crop production system, farming system, as agricultural progress has been a crucial factor in
crop production practices, etc. For example, a farming worldwide socioeconomic change. When human
system is defined as a population of individual farm beings began to produce food beyond their needs,
systems that have broadly similar resource bases, enter- others activities began to take place. It is this agricul-
prise patterns, household livelihoods, and constraints, tural surplus that made the development of civilization
and for which similar development strategies and inter- possible. A crucial time in the history of agricultural
ventions would be appropriate [5]. began with the discovery of America. A global exchange
The classification of CSs has been based on of previously local crops and livestock breeds occurred.
the following criteria: available natural resource base, Key crops involved in this exchange from the New
including water, land, grazing areas, and forest; climate, World to the Old included the tomato, maize, potato,
of which altitude is one important determinant; manioc, cocoa bean, and tobacco, with several varieties
landscape, including slope; farm size, tenure and orga- of wheat, spices, coffee, and sugar cane going from the
nization; dominant pattern of farm activities and Old World to the New. With the rapid rise of mecha-
household livelihoods, including field crops, livestock, nization in the early twentieth century, particularly in
trees, aquaculture, hunting and gathering, processing the form of the tractor, farming tasks could be accom-
and off-farm activities; and taking into account the plished with a speed and on a scale previously impos-
main technologies used, which determine the intensity sible. Also during this period, the Haber–Bosch
of production and integration of crops, livestock, method for synthesizing ammonium nitrate
and other activities [5]. Multiple cropping, in which represented a major breakthrough. Synthetic nitrogen,
several crops are grown sequentially in 1 year, and along with mined rock phosphate, pesticides, and
intercropping, when several crops are grown at the mechanization, allowed crop yields to overcome previ-
same time, are other kinds of annual CSs known as ous constraints. Furthermore, global yield increases
polycultures [6]. were experienced later in the twentieth century when
In general, each and every agronomic practice high yield varieties of wheat, corn, and rice were intro-
used in a CS affects different aspects of the system, duced as a part of the Green Revolution. The Green
i.e., the tillage system prepares the seedbed but affects Revolution exported technologies (including pesticides
the availability of water and nutrients, carbon cycle, and synthetic nitrogen) from the developed world to
erosion, diseases, etc. The use of the term CS is the developing world. However, concerns have been
often applied to a rotation (wheat-fallow CS), tillage raised over the sustainability of intensive agriculture.
system (no-tillage CS), method of fertilization (organic Intensive agriculture has become associated with
CS), or agroecosystem (semiarid CSs) to simplify decreased soil quality, and there has been increased
the designation of the CSs. However, it is important concern over the effects of fertilizers and pesticides on
to note that a CS involves much more than a rotation, the environment, particularly as the population
tillage system, fertilization method, or climatic increases and food demand expands.
conditions. As a result, in the past few decades, a move toward
sustainability in agriculture has also developed, inte-
grating ideas of socioeconomic justice and conserva-
tion of resources and the environment within an
Since the dawn of settled agriculture about 10 millennia agricultural system [7, 8]. Sustainable agriculture is
ago, human beings have integrated different agronomic defined as practices that meet current and future soci-
practices for application to selected plants (crops), and etal needs for food and fiber, for ecosystem services,
as a result generated CSs that transformed the natural and for healthy lives, and that do so by maximizing the
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 721

net benefit to society when all costs and benefits of the environment are reviewed (Agricultural Practices’ Foot-
practices are considered. If society is to maximize the print). At this point, the chapter goes on to analyze the
net benefits of agriculture, there must be a fuller achievements of agricultural research and their impor-
accounting of both the costs and the benefits of alter- tance to man (Praise of Agricultural Science). From
native agricultural practices, and such an accounting here, agricultural practices that were unsuccessful in
must become the basis of policy, ethics, and action. CSs and which must be urgently eliminated are studied
Additionally, the development of sustainable agricul- (Eradication of Fallow, Tillage, and Monoculture). After-
ture must accompany advances in the sustainability of ward, the basic principles on which current and future
energy use, manufacturing, transportation, and other CSs should be inspired are discussed. In fact, the appli-
economic sectors that also have significant environ- cation of these principles to a certain degree involves
mental impacts [9]. Sustainable agriculture has returning to techniques from the past, based on mon-
renewed research in alternative technologies such as itoring technologies of the future (Biological Synergism
no-tillage, integrated pest management, etc. Recent and Technical Synchronization). The application of
mainstream technological developments include these principles logically leads to what are called
genetically modified (GM) crops. Also, agriculture Dynamic Cropping Systems, which shift away from the
has needed – and still needs – subsidies from many application of a series of rigid agricultural practices to
governments to ensure an adequate food supply and its the agroecosystem at each growth stage. Finally, the
competitivity in global markets. However, at times, chapter tackles the Future Challenges for CSs in the
these subsidies, especially when instituted by developed twenty-first century.
countries, have been noted as protectionist, inefficient,
and environmentally damaging [10].
Components and Design
This chapter is not an overview of a subject as
complex and broad as worldwide CSs, where oversights All agroecosystems generated by a CS break away from
are inevitable. It must first be pointed out that about “natural” ecosystems, and the main effects are the loss
85% of the Earth’s cultivated land is planted with of biodiversity and the export of resources. This causes
annual crops [11], and thus the principle CSs are used environmental imbalance which means more or less of
in herbaceous plants. Of these, wheat, rice, and maize a struggle, depending on the intensity of the CS, to
provide more than 60% of human dietary calories, stabilize it. The more distant it is from a “natural”
either as cereals for direct human consumption or stable ecosystem, the more inputs are required by the
embodied in livestock products produced from ani- CS as the result of a greater imbalance. In fact, one of
mals fed with feed grains and their by-products the greatest concerns caused by agriculture, which has
[9, 12]. Moreover, it is likely that these same cereal been a problem from the beginning due to the selection
crops will continue to account for the bulk of future of few species, is the lack of biodiversity in many CSs.
human food supply because they produce greater yields Advocates of diversification argue that it provides
of human-edible food, are easily grown, stored, and greater income stability [2].
transported, and require less fuel and labor for Many CSs throughout the world are characterized
processing and cooking than other food crops [12]. by variable climate and soils, resulting in a high-risk
Given their importance, this chapter focuses primarily condition for agricultural producers due to extreme
on these crops, but also provides a general view that can variability in precipitation and seasonal temperatures
be applied to any CS. The chapter starts off with a brief [13]. In other words, crop production occurs in an
description of CS components and factors that must environment that is always changing. With every grow-
be taken into consideration during their design ing season, producers must attend to numerous factors
(Components and Design). To provide a new focus on that influence their management decisions. Cropping
defining CSs, and as a result agroecosystems, an systems vary among farms depending on the available
anthropological view of a CS is then provided resources and constraints; geography and climate of the
(Anthropological View). Following, the most important farm; government policy; economic, social, and polit-
effects of these “human ecosystems” on the ical pressures; and the philosophy and culture of the
722 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

farmer [5, 6]. This is a daunting challenge, especially food has been produced (food security). While price
when one considers that producers’ decisions are car- and income supports may have been biased toward
ried out in a financial environment of diminishing specialization (as these programs were targeted to spe-
economic returns, where one wrong decision could cific commodities), the reduction in risk associated
mean financial hardship and potentially the end to with the programs has enabled producers to expand
a way of life [14]. the number and diversity of their production enter-
A CS involves numerous interactive factors that prises [15].
may limit or facilitate crop production. The factors The rapid change in the agricultural industry driven
can be divided into the following groups [14]: (1) bio- by continuously arising challenges (climate change,
physical environment: weather/climate and soil; market globalization, environmental concerns)
(2) socioeconomic externalities: market conditions requires the development of new methods of produc-
and government programs; and (3) available technol- tion in order to guarantee sustainable agriculture [16].
ogy. These three factors affect or guide the agricultural The design of a CS undergoes a study of the biophysical
practices of the CS (crop election, rotation, tillage sys- environment and socioeconomic externalities, and an
tem, planting date, fertilization, crop protection, etc.), inventory of available technologies. The first step in
and are conceived on the basis of productive and eco- developing a CS is the definition of goals and con-
nomic objectives, as well as the social and environmen- straints for the new CS. Constraints may result from
tal objectives that must be imposed by sociopolitical soil and climate but also from environmental or eco-
externalities. nomic concerns [17]. Afterward, a crop portfolio must
Most developed countries’ agriculture operates in be established, usually based on climate, and
a market-driven economy, although government poli- containing a diverse array of adaptable crop species,
cies can have an influence on what farmers produce and economic potential, crop production practices, and soil
how they produce it. As with other businesses, agricul- and water management considerations. The crop port-
tural producers respond to economic incentives and folio is used to screen adaptable crops for a region and
disincentives, and make decisions to maximize their includes the best management practices for the pro-
welfare; usually measured as net income. Specifically, duction of each adaptable crop [14]. In others words, it
the farmer must consider the influence of technological is the selection of crops compatible with the set of
advancements, income supports embodied in farm leg- constraints. Next is the comparison and choice of the
islation, and changes in market structure and consumer most satisfying crop and management options [16].
demand. Many of the technological advancements have Designing new CSs is a long process and occurs in
required large-scale production units to justify the a rapidly changing environment. This is exemplified
investment. The influence of commodity support pro- by climate but also by the economy (prices and poli-
grams has been ambiguous. As farm legislation has cies) and the changing demands and functions that
evolved to decouple production decisions from pro- society assigns to agricultural systems. The design pro-
gram benefits, the incentives to specialize in program cess must therefore integrate objectives of the resilience
crops (crops that receive price and/or income benefits and flexibility of CSs in an unpredictable environment
under governmental legislation) have diminished. [18]. Obviously, the use of models for the design of CSs
However, wealth and risk effects, albeit small, may can be an important tool for the farmer, although there
have promoted or inhibited the adoption of a more are some drawbacks [16]. Geographic information sys-
sustainable system. Changes in market structure, chan- tems, qualitative decision-matrix analyses, a simple
nels, and consumer demand in the past five decades rule-based model using multi-criteria evaluations,
have been dramatic with consolidation and specializa- and a machine learning-based land-transformation
tion in both production and marketing sectors. How- model can be used harmoniously to study complex
ever, the diversity of consumer demand has also created socio-ecological systems. Models evaluate how each
opportunities for more integrated farm operations. technique performs in the study of complex socio-
There is an increasing number of consumers who ecological systems using a multi-tier framework, detail-
have become concerned about how and where their ing how each method analyzes the resource system,
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 723

resource units, governance system, users and interac- of heavy technology such as forges that nomadic
tions, and outcomes in the system. Model use enhances hunter–gatherers could not carry and because the stor-
our understanding of the land-use decision-making able food surpluses resulting from agriculture could be
process [19]. used to feed full-time craftspeople and inventors. By
also feeding full-time kings, bureaucrats, nobles, and
soldiers, those food surpluses led to social stratifica-
Anthropological View
tion, political centralization, and standing armies. All
Beginning around 8,500 BC, the transition from the of these overwhelming advantages are what enabled
hunter–gatherer lifestyle to food production enabled farmers to eventually displace hunter–gatherers [21].
people to settle down next to their permanent agricul- Like all species, humans have exercised their
tural lands, instead of migrating to follow seasonal impulse to perpetuate and propagate themselves. In
shifts in wild food supplies. Food production was doing so, humankind has “domesticated” ecosystems
accompanied by a human population explosion that in ways that enhance its food supplies, reduce exposure
has continued unabated to this day, resulting from two to predators and natural dangers, and promote com-
separate factors. First, the sedentary lifestyle permitted merce. On average, the net benefits to humankind of
shorter birth intervals. Nomadic hunter–gatherers had “domesticated” nature have been positive. We have, of
previously spaced out birth intervals at 4 years or more course, made mistakes, causing unforeseen changes in
because a mother shifting camp can carry only one ecosystem attributes, while leaving few, if any, truly
infant or slow toddler. Second, plant and animal spe- wild places on Earth [22]. Domestication of plants
cies that are edible to humans can be cultivated in and animals may be the single most important feature
much higher density in our agricultural land than in of the human domination of our planet (Fig. 1).
wild habitats [20]. Domestication involves the selection of traits that fun-
Agriculture also led to an explosion of technology damentally alter wild species to become more useful to
because sedentary living permitted the accumulation us. Conservation has often been framed as the science

Proportion of Landscape (%)

recreational lands
Natural Clearing
Ecosystems Forests
Subsistence Urban areas




Pre-settlement Hunter–gatherer Primitive Modern era Current
agriculture agriculture agriculture
Stages in land use

Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature. Figure 1

Stages in “domestication” of nature by human being in relation with the area occupied (Adapted from [23])
724 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

aimed at protecting nature, and especially protecting may be erroneous, with extensive prehistoric human
nature from people. However, there really is no such activity evident in what were once thought to be
thing as nature untainted by people [24]. Facing this untouched forests in the Amazon and Congo [25].
reality should change the scientific focus of environ- Global maps of human impact indicate that, as of
mental science. Instead of recounting doom-and- 1995, only 17% of the world’s land area had escaped
gloom statistics, it would be more fruitful to consider direct influence by humans [22]. Between 1700 and
the domestication of nature as the selection of certain 1980, the total area of cultivated land worldwide
desirable ecosystem attributes, such as increased food increased 466%, and yields increased dramatically, par-
production, with consequent alteration to other eco- ticularly because of selectively bred, high-yielding vari-
system attributes that may not be desirable. Under this eties, fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation, and machinery.
paradigm, our challenge is to understand and thought- For example, irrigation increased corn yields in eastern
fully manage the trade-offs among ecosystem services Colorado by 400–500% from 1940 to 1997 [9].
that result from the inescapable domestication of Roughly 50% of the world’s surface area has been
nature [22]. converted to grazed land or cultivated crops [26].
It is clear that cities are the main consumers of most Cropping systems (areas where at least 30% of the
ecosystem services. This is important because the desire landscape is in croplands, confined livestock produc-
and value for these services determines the traits that tion, or freshwater aquaculture) now cover a quarter of
humans select for preservation or elimination. For the Earth’s surface, partly by conversion of temperate
example, if humans want to maximize food produc- grasslands, Mediterranean climate forests, and many
tion, landscapes will be domesticated to accommodate tropical ecosystem types. More than half of the world’s
a few high productivity species, plus the human- forests have been lost in this land conversion [26].
associated species able to survive in these modified Forests have essentially disappeared from 25 countries,
landscapes. If people want more wildlife for recrea- with 9.4 million hectares lost annually from the Earth’s
tional hunting, populations of predators of game spe- surface [27]. Species and populations of species are
cies will be reduced, and the edge habitat that a few being lost at unprecedented rates, while at the same
game species prefer will be increased. The choices and time, the global biota is becoming homogenized, owing
actions of urban dwellers influence nature far removed to the introductions of alien species to new regions.
from cities, yet urban dwellers are increasingly unaware These examples represent major losses of pieces of the
of these impacts [22]. biosphere machinery, which have a serious impact on
the delivery of ecosystem-regulating services – impacts
such as greater prevalence of infectious diseases in
Agricultural Practices’ Footprint
disrupted ecosystems, adverse effects on local climates
The huge magnitude of human impacts in the environ- by ecosystem modification, and the loss of flood
ment is recent, but the presence of impacts such as protection [27].
purposeful wildfires goes back thousands of years. Environmental damages have come from agricul-
The reality of the human footprint renders discussions tural nutrients that pollute aquatic and terrestrial hab-
about what areas of the world to set aside as wild and itats and groundwater, and from pesticides, especially
protected areas as somewhat irrelevant; more germane bioaccumulating or persistent organic agricultural pol-
is a discussion of what trade-offs we are willing to lutants. Agricultural nutrients enter other ecosystems
accept as a result of the domestication of nature [22]. through leaching, volatilization, and the waste streams
The main environmental impacts attributed to of livestock and humans. Pesticides can also harm
agriculture come from the conversion of “natural” eco- human health, as can pathogens, including antibiotic-
systems to agroecosystems by CSs [9]. Clearing land for resistant pathogens associated with certain animal
agriculture, humans target wild species for harvest or production practices [9]. Many CSs have degraded
elimination. Humans have so tamed nature that few soil quality and necessitated the expense of increased
locations in the world remain without human influence fertilization, irrigation, and energy to maintain pro-
[22] (Fig. 1). The whole notion of a “virgin rainforest” ductivity [28]. Today, only 30–50% of applied nitrogen
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 725

fertilizer [29] and 45% of phosphorus fertilizer [30] question that humans have been successful in their
is taken up by crops. A significant amount of the efforts to produce food, thereby enhancing their well-
applied nitrogen and a smaller portion of the applied being [22]. Contrary to Malthus’s predictions, food
phosphorus are lost from agricultural fields. Nitrogen production has kept up with, and even outpaced,
fertilization can increase the emission of gases that human population growth [35]. Malthus did not take
have critical roles in tropospheric and stratospheric into account that “there is no gene for the human
chemistry and air pollution. Nitrogen oxides (NOx) spirit” [36]. The massive increase in food supply has
emitted from agricultural soils and through combus- been achieved by focusing efforts on planting and con-
tion increase tropospheric ozone, a component of suming a small variety of plants [22]. As of 1999, barley,
smog that impacts human health, agricultural crops, maize, rice, and wheat occupied almost 40% of global
and natural ecosystems. NOx from agroecosystems can cropland [37].
be transported atmospherically over long distances and Nowadays, few scientists think of agriculture as the
deposited in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Finally, chief, or model science. Many, indeed, do not consider
nitrogen inputs to agricultural systems contribute it a science at all. Yet it was the first science – the mother
to emissions of the greenhouse-gas nitrous oxide. of all sciences; it remains the science that makes human
Rice paddy agriculture and livestock production life possible; and it may well be that, before the century
are the most important anthropogenic sources of the is over, the success or failure of Science as a whole will
greenhouse-gas methane [31]. Much of agriculture be judged by the success or failure of agriculture [38].
in the developed world had for a time embraced For too many years, the agricultural sciences have been
potentially non-sustainable systems for economic disparaged in the science and education communities,
reasons, over-utilizing monocropping, specialization perhaps because agronomy, soil science, plant pathol-
and mechanization, which was damaging to soils and ogy, and animal science use a problem-solving
the environment [32]. Modern agroecosystems are also approach rather than simply seeking knowledge [39].
depleted in biodiversity and habitat heterogeneity, But as we move into a new era of shared accountability
often with a reduction in resilience as a result of their and responsibility, let’s keep in mind that agricultural
biological monotony [22]. sciences affect us all, and when agricultural science is
Cities are a good place to start when considering the thriving, our communities likely are thriving too [39].
broader implications of agroecosystems. The cumula- Agriculture is not seen as a source of solutions to many
tive resource demands of cities are often expressed of the world’s most pressing challenges. When science
as the total land area required to supply those research funds are handed out, agriculture often gets
resources, called the “ecological footprint” [33]. Every left off the list. It is possible to suspect this because
city imports resources and exports waste into a region policy-makers and some scientists see “agriculture” as
that is spatially much larger than the city’s area. How- synonymous with “agribusiness” rather than as
ever, there is substantial variation in per capita ecolog- a purely scientific discipline, and they assume private
ical footprints between rich and poor regions, with the funding will take care of agriculture-related research
average resident of the United States using 6 times the needs [39].
area of the average sub-Saharan African [34]. The benefits of agriculture have been immense.
Before the dawn of agriculture, the hunter–gatherer
lifestyle supported about four million people globally
Praise of Agricultural Science
[40]. Modern agriculture now feeds 6,000 million peo-
To a conservationist interested mainly in biodiversity, ple. Global cereal production has doubled in the past
we have degraded nature, but to an agronomist, we 40 years, mainly from the increased yields resulting
have shaped the nature to make it better serve humans from greater inputs of fertilizer, water and pesticides,
[22]. It is paradoxical that current urban dwellers look new crop strains, and other technologies of the
down upon and lack an appreciation of agriculture “Green Revolution” [41] (Fig. 2). This has increased
when it is the key to our existence and to obtaining the global per capita food supply, reducing hunger,
the energy needed for their daily activities. There is no improving nutrition (and thus the ability of people to
726 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

Wheat grain yield (Mg ha−1)

Broadbalk experiment
established in 1843 at Fungicides
Rothamsted, Harpenden, UK

8 [3 year wheat + 1 year fallow + 1 year potatoes]

Rotation + Nitrogen

6 Varieties


4 Periodic
Monocrop + Nitrogen

Monocrop-no Nitrogen

1850 1880 1910 1940 1970 2000

Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature. Figure 2

Changes with time in winter wheat yields from 1850 to 2000 with explanations for the trends due to new
agricultural practice technologies introduced. Treatments show how important is nitrogen fertilization and crop
rotation (Adapted from [42])

better reach their mental and physical potential), and farm tractor; Fritz Haber and Carl Bosch, whose work
sparing natural ecosystems from conversion to agricul- led to the synthesis of the first N fertilizer in 1913,
ture [43]. seeing that without the use of synthetic fertilizers,
Agriculture is the science that has had and con- world food production could not have increased at
tinues to have the greatest impact on humanity. The the rate it did and more natural ecosystems would
advancements are the result of countless researchers have been converted to agriculture [9]; Sir Ronald
unknown to the general public and who deserve proper Aylmer Fisher, who, working in the long-term experi-
tribute and acknowledgement. We should be eternally ments at Rothamsted in 1925, established the basis of
grateful to people, many of whom are consigned to the modern statistics that so greatly benefited agricul-
oblivion, such as Justus von Liebig, (1803–1873), who tural research and all other sciences; Erling Johnson,
is known as the “father of the fertilizer industry,” for his who in 1927 developed an industrial method for pro-
discovery of nitrogen as an essential plant nutrient ducing nitrophosphate; Paul Hermann Müller, who
and his formulation of the Law of the Minimum discovered that DDT was a very effective insecticide
which described the effect of individual nutrients on in 1939, in spite of the fact that it was later discovered
crops; Sir John Bennet Lawes, (1814–1900) who to be hazardous for many living beings, the good it
experimented with crops and manures at his farm at accomplished for humanity is immeasurable as it con-
Harpenden, nowadays known as Rothamsted, and trolled mosquitoes spreading malaria and lice trans-
established the first long-term field experiment in the mitting typhus; Judah Hirsch Quastel, who working
world, the Broadbalk (1843); Daniel Albone, who at Rothamsted, developed the first herbicide (2,4-D)
invented, in 1902, the world’s first successful light in 1946; Norman Ernest Borlaug, father of the “green
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 727

revolution,” led the introduction of high-yielding vari- drawbacks of wheat–fallow as well as advances in weed
eties, doubling wheat grain yield in many countries and residue management technology led to a reduction
during the 1960s (Fig. 2); John E. Franz, who discovered in the frequency of fallow [13]. Fallow time must be
Glyphosate in 1970, a broad-spectrum systemic herbi- limited to those periods in which no water is available.
cide; Marc Van Montagu and Jeff Schell discovered the Leaving a soil without residue shifts away from natural
gene transfer mechanism, developing the first transgenic processes since in naturally dry ecosystems, the dry
plant in the 1980s; in addition to a long list of anony- pasture leaves its residue protecting the soil against
mous researchers who contributed their part to provid- aggressive climatic events. All of the suggestions for
ing humanity with the food needed through techniques intensifying cropping under dry-land conditions are
which have become increasingly more respectful of the contingent on maximum water capture and minimum
environment and safer for consumption. losses to weeds, runoff, and evaporation. Ideally, crops
should be synchronized so that there is always one crop
in the field available to intercept possible rainfall [44].
Eradication of Fallow, Tillage, and Monoculture
Increased emphasis on crop diversity within annual
There are three agricultural practices that must tend to CSs has allowed producers to take advantage of positive
disappear from present and future CSs because it has agronomic benefits derived from crop rotations [14].
been proven, in general, that they are more harmful Realizing these benefits requires knowledge of soil-
than beneficial. Two of these, tillage and fallow, have water depletion and recharge characteristics for indi-
been used since the beginning of agriculture, while the vidual crops. Such knowledge is especially critical for
third, monoculture, emerged during the last century as areas where soil-water status can vary greatly between
a consequence of the incorporation of other techniques growing seasons [47].
that made it apparently viable in the context of a great Tillage, as is, is also not observed in nature. It was
demand for food. These practices must be considered man, with the purpose of domesticating nature, who
errors of the past that the present has allowed us to introduced it. No-tillage was used since ancient times
discover. by indigenous cultures. This was because tillage to any
Soil is not naturally intended to be in a state of bare depth required more energy and power than was gen-
fallow. CSs must be inspired by or consider nature in erally possible with hand labor. The ancient Egyptians
their design. Soil is meant to be covered by vegetation and the Incas in the Andes of South America used
as can be observed in most terrestrial ecosystems; there- a stick to make a hole in the ground and put seeds by
fore, when man included bare fallow in its group of hand into unprepared soil [48]. For thousands of years,
agricultural practices, he committed a big mistake. agriculture and tillage were considered synonymous.
Even in the conditions employed to allow low-fertility It was simply not thought possible to grow crops without
soils to rest, the most ideal option would be a change in first tilling the soil before planting and for weed control
crop, or if necessary, another option would be to not [49]. Intensive tillage and use of heavy machinery have
remove the crop. Although it was already known at the accelerated soil erosion, soil-C loss and nutrient deple-
end of the last century that bare fallow was not useful, tion, soil compaction, acidification, pollution, and sali-
there have been policies, as is the case of the EU, which nization [50]. The advent of modern herbicides
encouraged this practice as a result of market forces. permitted no-tillage to be developed and practiced on
Efforts to stabilize production of cereal crops led to actual working family farms. No-tillage is generally
the adoption of wheat–fallow CSs. This system, while defined as planting crops in unprepared soil with at
popular with producers because it required limited least 30% mulch cover [49]. Adoption of no-tillage
equipment and managerial skills, has proven to be after its successful demonstration in the 1950s was
agronomically inefficient and environmentally slow. Today, approximately 23% of the total cropland
unsustainable as shown through poor precipitation- in the United States is planted using no-tillage [49].
use efficiency and decreased soil quality [44, 45]. In No-tillage has revolutionized agricultural systems
fact, at least 60% of the precipitation received during because it allows individual producers to manage
fallow is lost to evaporation [46]. Recognition of the greater amounts of land with reduced energy, labor,
728 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

and machinery inputs. Maintenance of surface residue and at deploying these defenses in space and time so as
cover is essential to optimize CS performance as resi- to maintain yield stability despite low crop diversity in
due coverage minimizes erosion, enhances retention continuous cereal systems [9]. However, it is unclear if
of limited precipitation, and improves soil quality such conventional breeding approaches can work
[51]. Moreover, no-tillage substantially improves soil indefinitely. Both integrated pest management and bio-
carbon, an area that is currently of great importance technology that identifies durable resistance through
[45]. Crop residues, including the presence of crop multiple gene sources should play increasingly impor-
stubble, can alter the soil environment in a number of tant roles [55]. Nonetheless, the evolutionary interac-
ways by acting as a physical barrier, exudate of chemical tions among crops and their pathogens mean that any
suppressants (allelochemicals) from the residue, or improvement in crop resistance to a pathogen is likely
enhancer of biological activity, and by providing to be transitory [9]. Although the “Green Revolution”
a habitat for weed seed predators. These factors, as significantly increased rice yields in Asia, yield increases
well as the buffering effect of crop residues on soil have not occurred in the past 15–20 years. The genetic
moisture and soil temperature and impacts on light “yield potential” has increased for wheat, but the yield
availability, have a significant impact on weed-seed potential for rice has not increased since 1966, and the
germination and emergence [52]. Lastly, the adoption yield potential for maize has “barely increased in 35
of no-tillage has an economic benefit for farmers, years.” It takes a decade or two for herbicide-resistant
reducing crop costs [53]. weeds to emerge, and insects become resistant to insec-
Monoculture, the lack of biodiversity, was ticides within about a decade. Within about one or two
a contributing factor to several agricultural disasters decades of the introduction of each of seven major
in history. Monoculture causes a loss of biodiversity herbicides, herbicide-resistant weeds were observed.
in the “ecosystem” soil as a result of the monotony, Crop rotation helps to prevent resistances [9].
leading to a yield loss with respect to a crop in rotation
[54]. Practices that change species’ composition or Biological Synergism and Technical
reduce biodiversity in agricultural systems may also Synchronization
diminish goods and services because the ability of eco-
Agriculture should fulfill the economic, environmental,
systems to provide some services depends both on the
and social objectives of sustainable development. It is
number and type of species in an ecosystem [9]. The
thus necessary to tailor current CSs to meet these needs
supply of agricultural products and ecosystem services
as they are often too intensive and dependent on exter-
are both essential to human existence and quality of
nal inputs [56]. It is clear that the more we imitate
life. However, recent agricultural practices that have
nature or encourage natural processes, the greater the
greatly increased global food supply have had inadver-
benefits for the CSs and fewer inputs that will be
tent, detrimental impacts on the environment and on
required. Two basic concepts should illustrate the
ecosystem services, highlighting the need for more
design and management of CSs of the future: biological
sustainable agricultural methods [9]. Wheat, rice, and
synergism and technical synchronization.
maize crops have become the three most abundant
plants on Earth. A central conclusion of epidemiology
Biological Synergism
is that both the number of diseases and disease inci-
dence should increase proportionally to host abun- Biological synergic CSs should synchronize
dance, and this disconcerting possibility illustrates the edaphoclimatic resources with the natural rhythms of
potential instability of a global strategy of food pro- crops, this being a question of common sense that has
duction in which just three crops account for so high not always been applied, and clearly speaks of the
a proportion of production [9]. The relative scarcity of diversity which has been lost with intensive systems.
outbreaks of diseases on these crops is a testament to Therefore, the increase in biodiversity in CSs is a clear
plant breeding and cultivation practices. For all three consequence of the search for biological synergism in
cereals, breeders have been successful at improving addition to the promotion of natural processes. Biodi-
resistances to abiotic stresses, pathogens, and diseases, versity is essential to ecosystem processes in ways that
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 729

are not yet fully understood [57], and it is considered varieties [62]. This tactic increased profitability and
worth protecting in its own right. Crop diversification reduced the use of a potent pesticide. Specific crop-
by itself, however, is of limited use without knowledge rotation effects on plant diseases, however, are poorly
of how individual crops affect each other in a sequence. understood and contradictory results have been
Consequently, a thorough understanding of crop reported [13].
sequencing effects – both positive and negative – on Changes in the weed flora of agroecosystems can
agronomic parameters is necessary to optimize CS occur as long-term changes or temporary fluctuations
performance [13, 46]. One problem associated with in species composition [52]. Agricultural weeds are
synergic CSs is how to choose and sequence crops to a unique group of plant species because of their ability
develop the inherent internal resources of the system to infest and thrive in intensively disturbed habitats
while taking advantage of external resources such as despite extensive efforts to eliminate them. Weed floras
weather, markets, government programs, and new differ between fields, farms, regions, climatic zones,
technology [14]. Present CSs rely on extensive use of and CSs. Weeds are successful because they are gener-
fertilizer and pesticides and the low cost of fossil fuel ally plastic plants that adapt to and survive changes in
energy [46]. Future challenges for CSs will exploit the environment. In continuous CSs, changes in the
synergism through crop sequencing to improve crop environment may be as a result of differences in crop
yields without additional inputs and to reduce deteri- species, tillage, fertilizers, herbicides, and other weed-
oration of the environment [58]. control tactics. Long-term population shifts are usually
Diversification of farming systems cannot be observed after repeated use of a control measure, which
managed on a farm or field scale alone but also requires exerts a high selection pressure on a population, for
management on a regional scale. To improve biodiver- example, the increased incidence of some annual grass
sity, the interaction with other stakeholders in weed species due to the intensification of cereal pro-
the region is necessary as part of regional planning duction and selective herbicides [52]. Studies have
processes. This has consequences for agronomic shown that the more diverse the CS, the more diverse
research which thus far has had only limited attention the weed community, with less dominant and trouble-
for the regional scale. Spatial planning aimed at some species as would occur in a simple rotation.
multifunctional agriculture can be seen as a negotiation With diversified continuous cropping, there is
process on environmental, social, and economic aspects greater opportunity to utilize crops that vary in
of land use. Complexity arises due to the high number N requirements [63]. Rotations with legumes are of
of stakeholders and due to limited knowledge, which is great interest for strengthening the synergism of a CS.
often organized along disciplinary divides [59]. Legume crops are often planted to enhance nutrient
Crop rotation is defined as the growing of different cycling and availability to other crops in the rotation.
crops (spatial and temporal), in recurring succession, Crops with high N demands are usually grown after
on the same land in contrast to monoculture cropping. legume crops. Grain legumes conserve soil N by fixing
Rotation usually is done to replenish soil fertility, create atmospheric N, thereby leaving residual N in place for
a diverse soil organism, and reduce pest populations in the next crop. Wheat yields are often higher following
order to increase the potential for high levels of pro- legumes than following other cereals [54] and the N use
duction in future years [2, 46]. Each crop or a closely efficiency of a wheat crop is greater following legumes
related crop species should not be grown more than than others crops [64]. The inclusion of a legume crop
every 4 years because of increased pest problems decreases its reliance on external fertilizer, supplying
[60, 61]. One of the most effective and inexpensive a significant proportion of the N for the next crop and
methods to control plant diseases in CSs is through may moderate nitrate levels in the soil to avoid the
crop rotation. Through the use of this practice, the potential for nitrate leaching [65] (Fig. 3).
need to breed for new disease resistance and to discover Alternatives such as plurispecific CSs are of consid-
new pesticides can be reduced. Recently, an important erable interest for biological synergism because plant
and costly pathogen of rice was controlled in a large associations can provide environmental benefits in
region of China by planting alternating rows of two rice terms of better use of resources and provision of
730 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

Relative other crops yield

Benefit only for others crops Benefit for both crops

2.5 FLAX


2.0 Sunflower

Dry pea
Proso millet Barley
Buckwheat Canola
Wheat Soybean Dry bean

Detrimental for both crops Benefit only for wheat

0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2
Relative wheat yield

Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature. Figure 3

Effect of 14 previous crops on relative wheat yield and the effect of wheat, as a previous crop, on those crops in the Great
Plains (Adapted from [46, 66])

ecological services [67]. Yet they should also be able to aspect of biodiversity and synergism to disappear.
maintain a level of productivity and production stabil- Research is needed to better understand interactions
ity that fits with farmers’ objectives. Intercrops (grass between crops and livestock with the intention of
cover in the inter-rows) are now being introduced to an identifying management practices that maximize
increasing extent due to the potential positive impacts agroecosystem productivity and operational efficiency.
on perennial crop and their environment: increased This would save having to remove residues, part of
infiltration rate and decreased runoff due to modified which would be used directly by the livestock, partially
soil surface characteristics [68], mitigation of soil ero- allowing the recycling of nutrients. Inclusion of live-
sion [69], limitation of herbicide use and weed control, stock in a CS complements both crops and livestock by
better water-resource utilization by roots [70], and adding value to grain, improving nutrient-use effi-
limitation of risks of diseases by reducing vegetative ciency, and providing alternative uses for forages and
development [71]. However, intercropping also crop residues [72]. It may create synergisms between
induces competition for soil resources, and vegetative the two enterprises, resulting in far greater productivity
development and yield can consequently be limited than either enterprise could attain alone [13, 73]. The
[56]. These different functions should be promoted inclusion of livestock in CSs would also help alleviate
through simultaneous adapted management of the the problems generated by livestock: high-density ani-
two crops of the system. mal production operations can increase livestock dis-
Finally, an important link of biological synergism ease incidence, the emergence of new, often antibiotic-
is the return provided by livestock to the CSs. There resistant diseases, and air, groundwater, and surface
was always a crop–livestock pairing in ancient agricul- water pollution associated with animal wastes. Current
ture, but specialization caused this very important livestock operations are vulnerable to catastrophic loss
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 731

of animals to disease. The handling and disposal of climate and management that causes tremendous
animal wastes are significant problems of high-density year-to-year variation in on-farm yields and crop
animal confinement facilities. Manure lagoons can requirements.
release high levels of hydrogen sulfide and other toxic Nonetheless, technical synchronization poses a
gases, volatilize ammonium that greatly increases problem when applied by the farmer. There is a large
regional nitrogen deposition, and contaminate surface body of published research on technologies for increas-
and ground waters with nutrients, toxins, and patho- ing the technical synchronization of agricultural prac-
gens. These animal wastes pose health and environ- tices, but relatively few have been adopted by farmers
mental risks similar to those of human wastes and because they are not cost-effective or practical. Adop-
should be treated accordingly. For example, animal tion of improved technologies typically requires addi-
wastes could be treated by composting to create tional skills and labor or investments in new
a crop fertilizer that no longer harbors pathogens, equipment. Information on expected costs and eco-
and that is applied at appropriate rates and times nomic returns from such investments is required to
and with methods that minimize nutrient leaching. convince farmers of the benefits from adoption [12].
This closing of the nutrient cycle decreases dependence A possible solution is cooperativism for the acquisition
on synthetic fertilizer production, and is more and sharing of these new technologies.
efficient when animal and crop production are com-
bined locally [9].
Dynamic Cropping Systems
It could be said that, until now, CSs have been static,
Technical Synchronization
i.e., year after year the same group of agricultural prac-
Technical synchronization must be defined as the con- tices have been repeated, causing soil monotony in the
cept on which precision agriculture is based, i.e., the agroecosystem. A dynamic CS must be flexible and go
temporal and spatial synchronization of agricultural against repeated management practices, and the deci-
techniques. All agricultural practices must be synchro- sions must be made based on measured parameters and
nized in time with the rhythms of the agroecosystem their determining factors. A dynamic CS is only the
(time-specific management). This synchronization consequence of the application of the two previously
must take into account the growth stage of the crop, stated principles: biological synergism and technical
different soil characteristics (nutrients and water), synchronization. Cropping systems need to be inher-
weather forecasts, etc. On the other hand, there is the ently flexible to take advantage of economic opportu-
spatial synchronization that divides the land into nities and/or adapt to environmental realities [13, 18].
homogeneous units for management (site-specific The implementation of a management strategy
management) [63]. A basic principal of technical syn- requires knowing, understanding, planning, measur-
chronization is the energetic efficiency when making ing, monitoring, and record keeping at each step of
decisions in relation to the agricultural practices to be the production process. Dynamic CSs require the
carried out. development and implementation of agricultural pro-
The key to the application of technical synchroni- duction systems that are highly productive, energy
zation in a CS is the acquisition of data in order to efficient, and environmentally non-degrading [12].
make management decisions in time and space. There Dynamic CSs are a form of agricultural production
are an increasing number of data acquisition devices that relies on an annual or pluri-annual strategy to
available to assist with decision making: global posi- optimize the outcome of (1) production, (2) economic,
tioning (GPS), satellites or aerial images, information and (3) resource-conservation goals using ecologically
management tools (GIS), weather stations, soil sensors based management principles [74]. Implicit to this
(water content, temperature, etc.), optical sensors (e.g., strategy is the need for producers to possess informa-
chlorophyll meters), and remote sensors (visible and tion necessary to respond to continual change. The key
near infrared spectral), etc. These tools allow the farmer factors associated with dynamic CSs are diversity,
to have a better understanding of the interaction of adaptability, reduced input cost, multiple enterprise
732 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

systems, and awareness of environment and informa- of GM crops; harmonization of the production of
tion [14]. Greater crop diversity and sequencing flexi- biofuels and food production; and climate change,
bility within dynamic CSs may result in reduced weed, and the focus it brings to agricultural research. Obvi-
pest and disease infestations, greater nutrient- and ously, there are many other challenges which have not
precipitation-use efficiency, decreased requirements of been presented here, but which are intimately related to
exogenous inputs, and lower production risk [74]. those mentioned such as: the biodiversity of CSs – as
To remain competitive in agricultural markets, already previously mentioned – which should redound
increased diversity of systems will be required to min- to a reduction of inputs and, therefore, a reduction
imize inputs and improve economic margins. of the negative effects on the environment, strategies
To increase responsiveness to externalities, oppor- to manage anthropogenic carbon emissions from
tunity/flex CS [75] or dynamic CS [14] concepts have terrestrial systems as well as fossil fuel and industrial
been developed. These systems allow producers to sources, etc.
adjust CS intensity and/or diversity based on external- Nevertheless, together with these future challenges
ities as well as management goals, such as soil-water are a series of forces that may contribute or hinder their
status at planting, soil residual nitrogen, market fulfillment: research policies, transference, and financ-
demands, etc. This approach to crop sequencing pos- ing. In view of these challenges, governmental policies
sesses an inherent flexibility to adapt to high-risk con- play an important role that may help or hurt the
ditions, and therefore may be more economically and achieving of these objectives. For this reason,
environmentally sustainable than other approaches to policymakers have a great responsibility, and their deci-
crop sequencing [13]. However, the authors who sions should be guided by agricultural science profes-
established the principles of dynamic CSs have focused sionals. Political intervention has an economic facet
solely on rotation selection, which is erroneous, since that arises as the result of the following question:
a CS is more than its rotation selection, although the How can society accomplish the dual objectives of
crop selection is without a doubt the most important improving food production and stability and of pre-
decision made in a CS. Perhaps the concepts should be serving the quality and quantity of ecosystem services
called dynamic or flexible crop election system. How- provided by the Earth’s land and water resources?
ever, a dynamic CS makes more sense if each year all of Clearly, appropriate incentives are needed [9]. What
the crop techniques used are reconsidered, i.e., crop incentives and policies could lead to the adoption of
selection, tillage, residue management, nitrogenous fer- sustainable agricultural practices? Several policy initia-
tilization, etc. in such a way that there are dynamics in tives have tried to level the playing field between agri-
the selection of each and every one of the agricultural cultural production and the production of ecosystem
practices that depend on externalities. services.
Another problem in the attempt to fulfill these
objectives is the transference and application of new
Future Challenges
technologies in CSs. The earlier paradigm of science
Agricultural science is ripe for a renaissance [39] as being developed at the international or perhaps
a consequence of the future challenges it must con- national level and then disseminated to farmers should
front. The widespread adoption of CSs that are sustain- be replaced by an active exchange of information
able and environmentally benign is essential for the among scientists and farmers. Scientists in developing
long-term survival of civilization [32]. Furthermore, countries who understand the ecosystems, human cul-
through the use of strategic alliances, cooperation ture, and demands on local agricultural systems must
among producers on a regional basis may eventually be actively trained, promoted, and brought into the
lead to greater integration and diversification than international scientific community [9].
could be achieved for the individual farm operation The economic investment in agricultural research is
[15]. The primary challenges facing CSs in this century the third problem. Organized public and private invest-
are: covering the demands of an increasing world pop- ment in agricultural R&D was a primary driver of the
ulation; water shortage; the inclusion and management comparatively rapid growth in agricultural
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 733

productivity experienced in the latter half of the twen- have profound implications for food-price trends in
tieth century [76]. Substantially greater public and the future [81].
private investments in technology and human A key trade-off in cultivated systems is between
resources are needed internationally, especially in low- increasing the amount of cropland needed to meet
income nations, to make agricultural systems more growing food needs versus increasing the productivity
sustainable. Global research expenditures are less than of each hectare of cropland. The “land-sparing” impact
2% of agricultural gross domestic product worldwide of modern farming practices has mainly been achieved
[77], being roughly 5.5% of agricultural GDP in devel- by yield increases from the use of crop monocultures
oped countries, but less than 1% in developing coun- with improved crop varieties, fertilizer inputs, and
tries (where most of the increased food demand will irrigation. For example, if yields of the six major crop
occur during the next 50 years). At present, there are groups that are cultivated on 80% of the total cultivated
few incentives for the private sector to increase invest- land area had remained at 1961 yield levels, it would
ments in lower-income developing countries [78]. require an additional 1.4 billion hectares of land in
Moreover, funds have been redirected away from farm 2004 – more than double the amount currently used.
productivity toward other concerns, such as the envi- This represents 34% of the total land area suitable for
ronmental effects of agriculture; food safety and other crop cultivation and would have required conversion of
aspects of food quality; and the medical, energy, and large areas of uncultivated land that support rain for-
industrial uses of agricultural commodities. Without ests, grassland savannahs, and wetlands. In Asia alone,
adequate investments, yield gains and environmental it would require an additional 600 million hectares,
protection may be insufficient for a transition to sus- which represent 25% more land area than is suitable
tainable agriculture [9]. for cultivation on this continent. Asia would now be
heavily dependent on food imports if crop yields had
remained at 1961 yield levels. Although this increase in
Feeding the World: Priority Aim
productivity has saved some land from conversion,
In a recent update of earlier estimates, the Food and it has resulted in greater impact on other services
Agriculture Organization [79] of the United Nations through water withdrawals, excessive nutrient loads
reported that more than one billion people now suffer and pesticide use. The key ecological question is, there-
malnutrition [80]. By 2050, global population is fore, whether environmental services – other than food
projected to be 50% larger than at present and global production at regional and global scales – would be
grain demand is projected to double [28, 82], especially enhanced by focusing food production on less land
the economic growth of the fast-growing economies of under intensive management with high yields, versus
Asia [81]. This doubling will result from a projected expanding cultivated area in lower-yielding systems
2.4-fold increase in per capita real income and from using farming practices that preserve environmental
dietary shifts toward a higher proportion of meat services at the field and local levels. Few studies have
(much of it grain fed) associated with higher income. addressed this issue using sound, ecological, analytical
Further increases in agricultural output are essential for methods [27].
global political and social stability and equity. Dou-
bling food production again and sustaining food pro-
Water: Colorless Gold
duction at this level are major challenges [82]. Doing so
in ways that do not compromise environmental integ- Water is the principal factor limiting crop yield and is
rity and public health is a greater challenge still [9]. considered a luxury in many agroecosystems. In many
Agricultural productivity growth will be a pivotal developing countries, water is a major factor
determinant of long-term growth in the supply, avail- constraining agricultural output, and income of the
ability, and price of food over the coming decades [81]. world’s rural poor [83]. Forty percent of crop produc-
However, a slowdown in growth of agricultural tion comes from the 16% of agricultural land that is
productivity and grain yields has been documented. irrigated [84]. Irrigated lands account for a substantial
If this slowdown in productivity persists, it could portion of increased yields obtained during the Green
734 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

Revolution [9]. Unless water-use efficiency is increased, of crop residues. (2) Implementation of flexible rota-
greater agricultural production will require increased tions (i.e., opportunity cropping). The occurrence of
irrigation. However, the global rate of increase in irri- precipitation and, hence, the availability of adequate
gated area is declining, per capita irrigated area has stored soil water for a crop is highly variable, especially
declined by 5% since 1978, and new dam construction in semiarid regions. Sometimes stored soil water at
may allow only a 10% increase in water for irrigation normal planting times for a crop in a given CS is
over the next 30 years [84]. Irrigation return-flows limited; at other times, adequate water for a crop is
typically carry more salt, nutrients, minerals, and pes- available when the planting of a crop had not been
ticides into surface and ground waters than in source planned. By practicing opportunity cropping, some
water, impacting downstream agricultural, natural sys- crop generally could be planted when water becomes
tems, and drinking water. Technologies such as drip available. The goal should be to grow a crop whenever
and pivot irrigation can improve water-use efficiency conditions are or become favorable and not according
and decrease salinization while maintaining or increas- to some predetermined schedule [87]. (3) Matching of
ing yields. They have been used in industrialized crop cultivar selection to prevailing weather condi-
nations on high-value horticultural crops, but their tions. Genetic yield potential is linked positively with
expanded use currently is not economically viable for maturity, so cultivar evaluation trials conducted under
staple food crops. In developing countries, 15 million conditions of adequate soil water often favor longer-
hectares have experienced reduced yields owing to salt maturity cultivars and influence farmer choice.
accumulation and waterlogging [85]. The water- (4) Improvement of the timeliness of cultural opera-
holding capacity of soil can be increased by adding tions, including early seeding of crops and optimum
manure or reducing tillage and by other approaches timing of weed control, and time operations to coin-
that maintain or increase soil organic matter. Cultiva- cide with favorable conditions as predicted by short-
tion of crops with high water-use efficiency and the term (48–72 h) weather forecasts.
development – through the use of biotechnology or
conventional breeding – of crops with greater drought
Genetic Modified Crops: Essential
tolerance can also contribute to yield increases
in water-limited production environments. Investment Genetically modified crops are a very important part of
in such water-efficient technologies, however, is the “second Green Revolution,” which may help to
best facilitated when water is valued and priced break the tendency toward the stabilization of work
appropriately [9]. agricultural production. Genetically modified crops
However, most of the world’s agricultural area cor- may offer the best hope for producing crops that can
responds to dry-land areas and therefore the challenge withstand drought, impoverished soils, and disease.
is to increase the efficiency of water use in these areas. Future GM products are likely to carry traits that will
Efficient use of limited water supplies in dry-land CSs is improve nutrition and health, help guard against
critical to system success. In the future, increases to drought, heat and cold, and allow plants to access and
semiarid dry-land system water-use efficiency and pre- more efficiently utilize plant nutrients. All of these
cipitation-use efficiency may come from continued technologies have more benefits to offer society, and
improvement in managing residues (especially no- especially, poor farmers and consumers even more than
tillage), cropping sequences that minimize fallow rich ones [88].
periods, herbicides, and crop choice. However, contin- Therefore, GM crops are an essential tool in feeding
uous cropping under dry-land conditions remains the growing world population and reducing the nega-
risky due to the limited precipitation (erratic in distri- tive effects on the environment from the use of pesti-
bution and frequency) and high-potential evaporation. cides. Nevertheless, this technology must be used
In the future, the following are potentially fruitful areas properly by growers. Growers who adopt herbicide or
of research that may improve system water-use effi- pest tolerant crops in all cycles of the crop rotation will
ciency [86]: (1) Increasing the amount and persistence be at greater risk than those who choose to rotate crops
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 735

and/or use other management strategies [89]. than business as usual. Sustainable biofuel production
However, farmers must be proactive in protecting the systems could play a highly positive role in mitigating
longevity of the technology by reducing the likelihood climate change, enhancing environmental quality, and
of resistance occurring and providing alternative selec- strengthening the global economy. But it will take
tion pressures on weeds and pests [52]. We must not sound, science-based policy and additional research
forget that life always finds a way through barriers [90]. effort to make this so [93].
Until now, the most convincing option for the
production of biofuel has been the use of perennial
Biofuel Crops: A Controversial Birth
plants as they require fewer inputs and can be grown
Recent analyses of the energy and greenhouse-gas per- on degraded lands abandoned from agricultural use
formance of alternative biofuels have ignited [91]. Use of such lands minimizes competition with
a controversy that may be best resolved by applying food crops. This also minimizes the potential for direct
two simple principles. In a world seeking solutions to and indirect land-clearing associated with biofuel
its energy, environmental, and food challenges, society expansion, as well as the resultant creation of long-
cannot afford to miss out on the global greenhouse-gas term carbon debt and biodiversity loss. Some initial
emission reductions and the local environmental and analyses on the global potential of degraded lands sug-
societal benefits when biofuels are done right. However, gest that they could meet meaningful amounts of cur-
society also cannot accept the undesirable impacts of rent global demand for liquid transportation fuels
biofuels done wrong [91]. Biofuels done right can be [92, 94, 95]. The option of using crop residues from
produced in substantial quantities with little or no food crops, such as corn stover and straw from rice and
competition with food production. wheat is a more controversial matter. Recent research
The biofuel industry could have many positive suggests that it is to the benefit of farmers to leave
social and environmental attributes, but it could also substantial quantities of crop residues on the land
suffer from many of the sustainability issues if not [96], but that, nonetheless, even conservative removal
implemented the right way. Putting biofuel crops on rates can provide a sustainable biomass resource about
marginal lands, rather than on our most productive as large as that from dedicated perennial crops grown
croplands, could mean preventing competition with on degraded lands.
food production and concomitant effects on commod- Good public policy will ensure that biofuel produc-
ity prices, as well as minimizing or even avoiding the tion optimizes a bundle of benefits, including real
carbon debt associated with land clearing. However, energy gains, greenhouse-gas reductions, preservation
marginal lands can also be rich in biodiversity, of biodiversity, and maintenance of food security.
may require sizable inputs of nutrients and water to Performance-based policies that provide incentives
make production economically viable, and may carry proportional to the benefits delivered are needed.
the opportunity cost of forgone future carbon This is a complex question that cannot be addressed
sequestration [92]. with simplistic solutions and sound bites. It needs
Globally, the production of an important amount a new collaboration between environmentalists, econ-
of energy with biofuels will require a large amount of omists, technologists, the agricultural community,
land – perhaps as much as is in row crop agriculture engaged citizens, and governments around the
today. This will change the landscape of Earth in world [91].
a significant way. The identification of unintended
consequences early in the development of alternative
Climate Change: Technical Plasticity
fuel strategies will help to avoid costly mistakes and
regrets about the effects on the environment. Policies The scenario produced, if indeed climate change
that support long-term sustainability of both our land- becomes a greater reality, is unclear. There is
scapes and our atmosphere are essential if we are to a “climate of suspicion” as published in the journal
chart a low-carbon economy that is substantially better Nature at the beginning of January 2010. Climate
736 Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature

researchers must emphasize that – although many Agricultural Research: Return to the Field
holes remain to be filled – there is little uncertainty
In recent years, an important movement in agricultural
about the overall conclusions: greenhouse-gas emis-
research has emerged on an economic as well as human
sions are rising sharply, they are very likely to be the
resource level, toward molecular aspects of plant
cause of recent global warming and precipitation
growth and development. Progress in understanding
changes, and the world is on a trajectory that will
plant molecular biology has been impressive, and use-
shoot far past 2 C of warming unless emissions are
ful applications are evident [101]. However, agronomy
cut substantially [97]. It is evident that CSs must have
has been marginalized, with its field laboratories which
the ability to adapt to a more unpredictable amount
require much more time to produce results. This
of rainfall and high temperatures. According to the
migration could have something to do with the scien-
IPCC definition, the extent to which CSs are vulnerable
tific productivity stimulated by the present scientific
to climate change depends on the actual exposure
system since many agricultural research areas that do
to climate change, their sensitivity, and adaptive
not conduct field work require less than a year from the
capacity [98]. The adaptive capacity refers to the ability
start of experimental design until the results are
to cope with climate change, including
published. On the contrary, field research requires at
climate variability and extremes, in order to (1) mod-
least 2 years before the results can be accepted by the
erate potential damages, (2) take advantage of emerg-
scientific community. Most records used to assess eco-
ing opportunities, and/or (3) cope with its
system changes are based on short-term data or satellite
consequences [99].
imagery spanning only a few decades. In many
Nonetheless, in spite of the uncertainty regarding
instances, it is impossible to disentangle natural vari-
climate change, primarily as a consequence of the
ability from other, potentially significant trends in
increase in atmospheric CO2 levels, there are some
these records partly because of their short time scale
positive effects. When you step into a commercial
[102]. It is evident that the improvement of CSs
greenhouse, the chances are you are stepping into the
requires research in CSs, and specially long-term exper-
future. To plants, CO2 is food, and greenhouse opera-
iments. Unless a return is made to the roots of research
tors, knowing this, use it to fatten them up. While
under field conditions, many of the challenges faced
today’s atmosphere contains about 380 parts per mil-
will not be overcome. The return to field research will
lion of CO2, commercial greenhouses often contain
contribute to the global public good by restoring and
CO2 concentrations of twice that or more – the sort
sustaining productivity growth over the long run,
of concentration that we might expect in the open air at
which in turn will mitigate hunger and poverty and,
the end of the century [100]. Many crop scientists
at the same time, reduce pressure on the natural
believe that this carbon dioxide fertilization effect will
resource base [81].
go at least some way toward offsetting the losses in yield
Nevertheless, in recent years, some agronomists
to be expected as a result of the higher temperatures,
have begun to once again stress the importance of this
flooding, drought, and rising sea levels that the CO2
marginalized dimension of agricultural research, which
greenhouse effect will bring. But some are not so sure.
is time, in relation to the consequences that CSs
These researchers point to the known negative effects
have on productivity and the environment. Within
that increased CO2 concentrations have on the protein
this framework, long-term experiments acquire a
content of crops. When Bruce Kimball started out in
noteworthy relevance. The aim is to compare the bio-
the 1970s, available technology for high-CO2 research
logical and economic productivity of different CSs. The
was limited. Based on current knowledge, he says, the
high annual fluctuations in rainfall, and resulting crop
net effect of increasing CO2 is a good one: “As far as
yields, may make several crop cycles necessary in order
crops go, I think higher CO2 is a definite benefit. Yes,
to detect significant differences. Likewise, the differ-
a little less nutrition than before, but we get more food”
ences between soils, water–soil relationship, and vari-
[100]. But while Kimball thinks that, in general, the
ability of pathogens and plagues could provide
gains in yield are the most important thing, he is not
information that explains the differences in yield
blind to the drop in protein levels.
Cropping Systems: Shaping Nature 737

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