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What is the emotional salary? (¿Qué es el salario emocional? -

It is a piece of exciting news regarding the emotional salary. It starts with the question, if
today you change your job, what would you miss the most without considering the regular
basis payment? in whatever you have thought is the emotional salary.
The main statement is that not only the money we receive, also the emotio nal benefits.
Marisa Elizundia is the creator of the emotional salary barometer. She explained that it is a
tendency inside companies that has been studied for the last ten years. This barometer was
created to quantify the intangible. The expert and her team have defined ten elements of the
emotional salary:
1. Autonomy: Freedom of self-managing time and workload.
2. Sense of belonging: Feeling value and appreciated.
3. Creativity: Impregnate a personal brand.
4. Direction: Career plan in the long and the short term.
5. Joyfulness: Enjoy every moment.
6. Recognition: Recognize and be recognized for a well-done job.
7. Inspiration: Encourage ideas generation.
8. Personal growth: Capacity to learn from their own mistakes.
9. Professional growth: Career plan in the short and long term.
10. A sense of purpose: Believe their work has a transcendental goal.
The emotional salary, according to Florencia González is all the non-economic retributions
that employees received for covering their family and personal needs, and it has a direct
impact on their life quality. Although it isn't a tangible element, the emotional salary can be
measured in any company regardless of its size. The tool is opened for everybody, and it's
The emotional salary compensates the employee furthermore the economic dimension. It is
designed to achieve an equilibrium among the personal, occupational, and social while
increasing company competitiveness. A professor from Navarra University, Francisco Gay
Puyal, said that the emotional salary is a key for stress reduction.

She pointed out that this salary can also increase sales, talent retention, productivity,
motivation, and absence. However, an emotional salary can never replace an insufficient
payment. If it is used with this statement, it would have the opposite ef fect. Perhaps, each
one is responsible for their emotional salary, the employee can demand it in their companies.
During the pandemic, Elizundia and her team have identified that, due to the home office,
the sense of belonging has been affected, as well as leadership and the sense of purpose.
In the end, Marisa concluded that, in average, we had invested a third of the time working.
She said it is time for redesigning jobs through the emotional salary.

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