Dimapilis - Harold - Joshua - R. - Midterm Activity - 3 - Graphic - Data - Structure

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I learned in lesson 8 is all about Graphic data structure, so graph data structure
is a collection of nodes that have data and are connected to other nodes. I
understand it, like example of Facebook , everything is a node. That includes User,
Photo, Album, Event, Group, Page, Comment, Story, Video, Link, Note and anything
that has data is a node. Every relationship is an edge from one node to another.
Whether you post a photo, join a group, like a page, etc., a new edge is created for
that relationship. All of Facebook is then a collection of these nodes and edges. This
is because Facebook uses a graph data structure to store its data. Graphs are used to
solve many real-life problems. Graphs are used to represent networks. The networks
may include paths in a city or telephone network or circuit network. Graphs are also
used in social networks like LinkedIn, Facebook. For example, in Facebook, each
person is represented with a vertex(or node). Each node is a structure and contains
information like person id, name, gender, locale etc. graph data structures and graph
algorithms is all around us. They are powerful, versatile, widely spread and used by
everyone, without even knowing it: Google maps uses graphs for building
transportation systems, Facebooks friend suggestion uses graph theory (Facebook
users are vertices and if they are friends there is an edge running between them),
every modelling of social networks, Windows file explorer; you’re even using graph
algorithms while reading this — the internet is a collection of hosts and routers
connected by various links, for host A to find host B it must find an optimal path
through all this mess. Other than the IT world, graphs have very wide usage in
linguistics, chemistry, physics, biology and, of course, mathematics .A Graph is a non-
linear data structure consisting of nodes and edges. The nodes are sometimes also
referred to as vertices and the edges are lines or arcs that connect any two nodes in
the graph. More formally a Graph can be defined as, A Graph consists of a finite set
of vertices or nodes and set of Edges which connect a pair of nodes. Graph data
structures are said to contain graph data, often stored in graph databases. Graph
data tends towards intricate connections with high-value relationships. Graph
Databases are good examples of graph data structures. The they offer semantic
storage for graph data structures. Graph data structures can be managed with these
common operations. Graphs can also be weighted or unweighted. Social graphs draw
edges between you and the people, places and things you interact with online.
Facebook's Graph API is perhaps the best example of application of graphs to real
life problems. I learned also Vertex has a point where two lines meet to form an
angle, or the point that is opposite the base of a shape . I learned also the edge is a
particular type of line segment joining two vertices in a polygon, polyhedron, or
higher-dimensional polytope. i learned also about Adjacency has a vertex is said to
be adjacent to another vertex if there is an edge connecting them. Vertices 2 and 3
are not adjacent because there is no edge between them. a Path has a sequence of
edges that allows you to go from vertex A to vertex B is called a path. 0-1, 1-2 and 0-2
are paths from vertex 0 to vertex 2. A Directed Graph has a graph in which an edge
(u,v) doesn't necessarily mean that there is an edge (v, u) as well. The edges in such a
graph are represented by arrows to show the direction of the edge.

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